Broke-off bolts techniques

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hey guys welcome back from classic work I've got another good one for y'all today now some of y'all may know so I mean I may not know I'm not a fan of Kubota tractors but whatever you get so what you got to work on so what do we got going on today where do I even start this is a pretty bad botch somebody tried to fix I don't know exactly what happened but you can tell they cut the rim out here and then reweld it back in there but they loaded it crooked if you can tell there there's gap there that shouldn't be there and mismatched bolts and spacers and a whole bunch of mess so our job is they've actually we got another rim and tire forward and we're going to put on but we got to fix all these bolt holes that they've done screwed up so we got to get the tire off of here and take a look at it and see how bad it really is so think further ado let's get after and let's get started don't get me wrong I'm not harping on the guy whoever fixed this to say that he did a bad job or anything yeah we've all done stuff on her in a hurry and jobs got to get done and whatnot but just by looking at the welds here the wells don't look bad so they could believe it whoever did this knew what they were doing [Music] oh the joys being me okay we're looking at the rim here I see what they tried to do when I fixed it our so-called fixed it the first time this piece right here they put in you can tell this broke out up here in this top corner and they put this piece in here that they made from something else you can tell if this hole right here is not the right size so they made it from something and they were just trying to get by and I understand that I got no beef I mean by the does that but this is the bad news and these holes here why does every one of the threads buggered up and the worst part of it is these two are stripped out so if you can see there there's absolutely no thread there the first half inch of the hole so that's going to be a chore some of these I think can be cleaned up this one can be chased that one can be chased this one I think can be chased and that one can too but these two holes are or cattle pretty much so and then we got two holes here that still got bolts in them this one right here I don't think will be too bad to get out this one's got a dead gummies out in it so that's going to be a lot of fun to get out I I'm gonna take on something these outs work at work about 1% of the time if it is not that stuck and these out will get it but more than likely you will break them off in there every single time so please whatever y'all do stop using these outs they don't work most of the time so I'm going to show you all the technique how to get these out that works pretty much 95 to 98% of the time it is a surefire way to get a bolt out as a couple of techniques I'll show you and maybe in one day it'll help y'all out in long and Beryl scared me alright anyways may have come up with something new to fix these two holes and may have to get the mag drill out and do a bunch of hooting and hollering and whatnot the good thing is this is steel so that's good and bad and the same breath Steel's good it's excellent that we can we can make a sleeve to put in these but the bad news is you can also willed something to it by accident I'm saying so he got to be careful when fooling with steel so let's get everything set up and get after it okay to give yourself the best possible chance of success this way heat the bolts that are stuck now that may not be always being option a lot of times it's in something that's very very thin and you don't want to burn the paint off of you don't want to melt something else right next to it but we have an option here so we're gonna we're gonna take it a lot of times and I made a previous video on this before I'll preheat with the welding rod so you'll strike up on your surface let it you know build up a little bit stop strike build up stop keep doing that a couple of times it'll put heat into into here and make it expand so I'm just gonna take a torch real quick and heat this up and it doesn't take much but a little bit helps a lot let them cool down for a little bit while you're letting it cool go ahead and get you some stuff prepped up now a lot of guys out there like to use nuts and washers to welcome personally I like using bolts the biggest reason is bolts are much more high-quality they're easier to weld to and biggest benefit is you can reuse them this bolt right here is probably pulled out probably 15-plus broke off bolts and I still use it just cut them off reuse it it's pretty awesome this one here has done the same probably the same amount now the type of bolt that you get has a lot to do with how well that they'll pull out this right here is a rod bolt of a 1066 international tractor it's a great eight bolt very very high-quality steel very easy to will - and it's got a low chance of breaking so they're awesome for this type of deal here so I've got the welder and everything set up we'll get ready to tack get ready to tack on so my preferred rod used for this it's actually 1611 this is a great rod there's a good time to use your stubs to 6011 they don't stick very well the cast which is not going to help us because this is on steel so just be real careful where you aim right now I think I'm running around 85 amps this is a 3/32 rod so good hot burn in that's what you're moving so 60 Levin's real good at attacking that's that's what they're great at sit this one up real quick give a few quick tacks first tag try to get it as straight as you can and then if you can if you can only get to it in certain place so you can see we get around this pretty easy if you can only get to it in just a few places be sure you get three tacks on it you know roughly 120 degrees apart from each other so but we can weld this one all the way around pretty good I have to get down Welding get you a hammer and tap the end of that bolt that has been known to help a lot or not let it cool a little bit and we'll see if we can extract it now it's really really tough to try to break one by hand so get you some kind of pneumatic device either an impact or something that that that jarring is what's going to kind of bring it out so I've learned let your game tanks don't work as good as air airs the way to go but we're gonna give it a tap to see if it'll work you can see it already immediately turn it means we got it so work it back and forth forward and reverse save a broker well I got a little too ambitious with it all right no big deal weld it back on we may have to switch to a 70 18 now if it ain't one the old give another goodwill smack now I'm gonna chase this one one City 1860 eleven is real good but they're brittle enough to have a little ductility in there and that's where suddenly eighteen comes in once again 332nd same amps ever another good smack we're going to go to air just let you get back in getting it [Music] [Music] okay guys we tried my surefire method backfired on me now I got the other one out second attempt which that's about average if it takes you more than about five or six attempts then you may want to try and throw in the towel because you might get it you might not at that point I think what happened on this one was y'all saw me I had it working back and forth but it had one little hard spot and I just couldn't get past it and I think the biggest reason is that these holes they go all the way through and whoever worked on it last time tried a bunch of junk on the back I don't know why they did that I cut a big old blob but nothing off on the back I think that had something to do why this one wouldn't come out so I tried just kind of grazing it and everything from the back but something that bears folded up so I can't get it out with my method so I'll show you most you'll probably seen and and probably have done which is drill it out so I'll give you a couple of pro tips about this one thing is I don't like doing this it takes a lot of time and if you mess up you mess up big time whereas welding very little which you can mess up you know unless you weld it to the to the wrong plate so get you the center punch and setter punch your hole in the middle as close as you can so you got less work pretty good right there good more nice beefy more okay alright it dulled my my center point so that mean welding onto it get you a good sharp center drill like this one here we're gonna test waters alone if it doesn't drill pull hard do it neatly oh yeah we're getting somewhere that's good push stuff a little all center drill help lubricate it a little bit jokerz hard I will give it [Music] if you notice has walked on me now so we're gonna have to be really careful probably pushing out a kind of an up to saengil stop right there grab you a good sharp bit doesn't matter what size at this point just go down use one of your odd sized drill bits when you don't use very often that way you know it's good and sharp Big Sam just gonna clamp a pair of vise grips on this Ram up here that way that goes not so bad put on some hearing protection all right we've hit a hard spot so what I've got to do is take torch and heat up the backside and let it cool really slowly to anneal it okay that's cooled off a little bit good bit can't quite touch everyone we're gonna see if we can drill through it now know if y'all heard that I signed this that it's harder than it was before I thought we did it hmm y'all seen as well as I did it through chips there for a second [Applause] okay guys don't get tired of this apparently that bowl does not won't do the meal so I gotta go to plan B which is a masonry bit this is a carbide brazen or soldered on to the end and that will go through that by these just about anywhere this is what you get broke taps out with [Music] be sure you don't get them too hot because that song [Music] though we're making headway I'm gonna have to get sharpen that real quick that still be cooling off a little bit all right sharpness bit now the trick with carbide is you can't sharpen it with a regular grinding rock you got to have a silicon carbide wheel in order to sharpen them so give me an idea what it looks like I'll be back in just a minute and show you what it looks like then okay that's what it looks like now see don't break a chip here for a minute [Music] that's like I hate cutting any more of it's still going [Music] okay go the next size see what I got in my set here looks like we got a 3/8 all right drop it break it I'm gonna go sharpen it once again is it I don't think that's gonna cut it and then we'll we'll try for that piece all right yeah oh good good and sharp now see if we can drill through there I'll put it low range [Music] giving her all she's got captain [Music] [ __ ] all we chipped it oh okay it's made it through we broke our bit chipped it on both corners I'll let you look and see it chipped it right there yeah carbide doesn't like an interrupted cut I imagine and didn't hit hard at all and it broke we're through all the way to the other side I just had to knock it out or something all right now guys we got some options we need to talk about okay there's a couple things you can do now you can try to get you a center punch in there and see if you can't break this thin web right here okay and we really can't go to another size because we're gonna hit our threads if we keep drilling because my bit walked if it would have went to Center we could have went to another size but I don't think that's an option now I'm gonna see if this wave will break right here it may not yeah so that's not gonna work okay we can try our method of welding the bolt back on here we got all this extra room in here now you know you got more likely a chance for expansion and contraction but well I think we run into the same problem as we had before so what do you do well I'm going to show you a technique you've got to be really good in order to get it right you gotta you gotta watch your colors and really pay attention I'm gonna torch this out of here without harming threads it's tricky to do it but uh I'll walk you through the steps and I'll either succeed or fail so let's try it all right now you may be asking yourself why didn't you just torques it out to begin with or are you still working on that same bolt or this guy's channel is still going anyways no matter what you're asking is the reason that I couldn't torch it out before if I tried to torch it as thick as this piece is it that oxygen everything burning out was it just blown back on me and more than likely wouldn't run two threads now that since we've got a hole all the way through here and I know you know we can make it go through the other side and have a pretty good chance of it working so we're gonna get the torch lit up right here and for we go any further I'm gonna tell you a couple things to look for if you're gonna do this yourself heat up only the material that you're gonna cut so you'll heat it up till you get you know your nice orange temperature pull the torch away let it cool for a split second that way that this outside material here has time to cool as well that way that you when you light up you won't hit this material it'll be it'll be colder than the material that you're cutting metal has a funny way of if it's got a gap in her air in between it it won't cut it that's a great thing about a settling torch and if I do everything right I won't hit the threads I might bugger them up a little bit but that it won't be to the extreme that you would with a drill bit so let's try we they're gonna succeed or fail like I said before let's give this a shot so only heat you don't want to huge flames ain't trying to cut big thick piece of plate [Music] well not as pretty as I hope but I think we can make that do threats are still showing all I gotta do is get in there and pick some of that crap out of there that old Ross ain't easy to cut through hope my head wasn't in there too much all right there you go sorry if you can't see you real closely up in there excuse me they're still looking good bit a little dross there and the kind of threads take you a hammer and give it a good little snap on the side a lot of it'll fall out [Music] a lot of times that stuff will just jump out of there listen being fine threads and it's not wanting to cooperate too well anyways you may have to run up in there with a drill bit and kind of clean some of the debris out that's still there and then you'll be able to run a tap through there and Bob's your uncle that was one of ours bolts I've ever seen it still ain't giving up you I know years ago my dad told me back when he was in diesel school back in the 70s and his old diesel instructor told him a good mechanic might give in but they never give up press for parents helps a lot sometimes it's ain't been a bad job is just a tough one today what I have to give it to me Olsen's nuts and stuff that's pretty good yeah I know somebody's asking me probably I sing the Sun go down on pretty much taking me all day to fix this one job now vinyl acts and put it in there well a couple of reasons one and the great scheme of things well one's a lot cheaper to do it this way for the customer maybe maybe not amend them well yeah it was economical because we didn't have to tore it down that would have taken me just as long to tear it all the way down and then we'd have to get a new axle which would take a couple of days bib least and this is the boat we had such trouble we'll see how easy it goes in and a son better than that anyways you would have taken a couple of days to get to part I may have got the port Rome so I don't had to wait an extra couple of days man we can have to have new seals and jackets and all that jazz to put it back together so in the long run using a few overnighted stuff and cost out the wazoo to get all that stuff shipped you know this is much better than spending the day trying to get one bolt out not always in the cards to do it makes sense [Music] done got dark illness we got her done I'm moment too soon either what it looks real good it looks real sharp now everything's nice and tight on it all the studs went good I wound up having to tack once does I didn't trust it and it went in a little too easy if you know what I mean but yeah proud of it that was a good job you
Channel: Classic Work
Views: 1,464,032
Rating: 4.3919559 out of 5
Keywords: weld, drill, hard, bolt, broke, off, heavy, try, tractor, classic, work
Id: SV_1jqMSgbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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