BOLTR: Snap-On Mac Husky HF SHOWDOWN | Torque 'em till they BLOW!

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[Music] gentlemen welcome back to the shop today the thirteen-year-old boy routine we are gonna torque our tools till the head plumb pops right off we got snap-on we got husky we got fap off we got the offshore Pittsburgh same thing made in the same spot we got the Mac Tools and the proto all fine-tooth these ones these two together are you know with a flex head these are solid head we'll test these and we'll test these these are all fine teeth mind we'll pull out the torque struct o matic model 69 I asked you what is the point I having a big brass nameplate if you can't whip it out and polish it on occasion important kids are Asian for ratchets of course it's a head size as we see here the offshore one very small head versus the snap-on these are all fine toothed but more importantly than that well I mean there's going to be a limiting factor sometimes you need to jam a little tiny one in sometimes you got a bit more room but also the swing not just the gear to think how how fine it is but also the slop because you need to you need to pull that well let me show you you need to pull this to get it to engage another tooth but then it's lops back in order to get that tooth to actually engage see that so we're gonna measure that with a digital angle meter with hand pressure starting out at eleven and a half degrees and we'll get it to click over you get to go slow to let it update hello Lee okay clicks at 20.2 so I'll write all that down and then yttrium gauges 18.6 20.2 and 18.6 now well write down I'll spare you the gory details but well write all that down we'll do a comparison after the fact starting off as nature intended the floppiest of the bunch these guys are extra floppy sloppy because of the flex head joint here there is some slop in both of these joints so this guy though this proto ridiculously sloppy took thirteen and a half degrees to get it to engage a new tooth and then three point eight degrees to get it - that's the slob from the clique you know so you pull it over thirteen and a half degrees to get it to click and then three and a half degree three point eight degrees back down to get it to actually firm up and engage that tooth so we're gonna try this guy out I have a feeling needs to be the strongest ones of a bunch why because the the mechanism is inherently stronger more meat there it's just bigger it's bigger than the smaller a bull gear seat I see the size of that bull gear versus like the ones with the lemur so I have a feeling these ones will be the strongest sloppiest however but a lot of that slop as I said comes from the Flex head no square this up we'll move the gauge so we can sort of half I see it now we know this is a hydraulic implement this hydraulic torque wrench as the pressure comes up that directly coincides with how much torque is getting put on this hex piece which is shooting out in the previous material into a nice broke square and she's also quite tight this being a brand-spanking-new ratchet we are gonna get her up to two hundred foot-pounds that's a thousand pounds on the hydraulic engage in order we'll do that about 10-12 we'll do that exactly ten times in order to stimulate the xual real-world use you think about that how many teeth are on there 70 78 or 104 how many times are you gonna on that particular pattern how many times over the course of a year you're gonna load that pattern up to 200 foot pounds on that small ratchet that's probably pulling on that ratchet with 300 350 foot-pounds it takes a hell of a 200 pound gorilla to do that so we'll bring it up anyway long story short we'll bring it up try and fatigue it a little bit and then we'll test it that'll give us an even playing field here I'm trying to do it a little slower this time you're easy to it you'll be able to see that flex he'll have a lot of flex in those considering it's only 11 inches long that's what the white tells me anyway holy I'm getting the out of here you can see it's yielding a lot of energy do you even put into that which is gonna let it go any second me Jesus Christ we're going to bottom out here on the tool I think too much flex enter oh yeah that's all she got there or dropping off pressure Oh rot I have to have review the tale of the tape look to be about 1750 and I yield it pretty good there we're at 325 foot-pounds 325 foot-pounds incredible full pull let her murder horrors all she does like curves on the left oh well not bored with that utterly and totally you late this thing wow that's incredible Brooke the square right over I never would have guessed engage your dark gasm safety squints we're going full nerdgasm check it out typical textbook ductile failure in the torsional failure sorry tent angulated here perfect torsional failure in a ductile material however this is not ductile this is quite brittle because it's been it's a tool steel that's been hardened and tempered so we would expect to see this instead of being sheared clean off we'd expect to see it actually sort of on a 45 or a 30 degree some variants there up that it's on a perfect 90 tells us that this is not imperfect torsion it's also wrenching it's pulling out this way and that of course is because this is this is proud and you're not getting pure torque here it's actually trying to break it out this way as well more circle and all that sort of stuff aside the long short curly of it is it should be on a 45 it's not because there's more to this than meets the eye we got to pop off it is a beauty wrench but I don't think it's gonna be as robust as that industrial proto time will tell this one quite a lot nicer motion though eight and a half to engage the next rochet tooth and then 1° to get it to actually bite go over here release the pressure 1,000 feet that's one Jesus and now we'll give her a while let me move the away [Music] yikes around 1,500 1,600 so I'm like that oh [Music] she just gave and what gave the teeth the teeth gave and we're onto another set of teeth there 1750 something like that and we're bought oh Wow hello we were bottomed out on the tool worse that was given the whole time same thing broke at the squad now we're getting into the non-flex head fine-tooth ratchets and I can't really see the gauge from where I'm at but underneath the covers so that's good though it makes it double blind right I can't that I can't mess with the results even even if I wanted to and even subconsciously but I have a feeling I have a feeling because of course I'm human I have my biases anybody who tells you they ain't biased or full of they're the most full of the bias so the people saying Honest Abe I have no biases yeah bull inch yet okay so a great having a look at these here's the Mac I think the Mac's gonna be the between these two guys the offshore and the Mac are gonna be the weakest because they have tiny little fasteners in the front and that fastener you don't think that that's doing anything but because these aren't in pure shear they're actually tweaking over this way that wants to pull this fastener up and it takes the gear teeth out of alignment so you want a nice big fastener in there or a snap ring I got a feeling man I got a feeling the snap ring the hoots get it's gonna be the best of the bunch that's my guess here we have the Taiwanese while offshore branded but made in Taiwan PT you'll recognize this from such hits as Pittsburgh the hazard fraud same gotta be this looks to me for all the world to be the same manufacturer st. Paul same everything same everything and to give it to click over to the next to that took five point one degrees and then it was it was pretty tight at 2.2 in order to get it to actually engage on the fastener you know that slot back so it's one thing to be really fine-tooth as I say but then if you've got to push it all the way back here in order to actually get it to engage to take up all the slop it's kind of no point in having the fine teeth right you're gonna do the ten times up to a thousand [Music] reasonably rigid what is up that's the thousand right online sounded like it that's one good seems like sorry give walk is that 1700 there on 300 foot pounds something like duh now the Mack I like the Mack I haven't used it too much it's got a nice channel for your nice finish on a high quality ratchet very tight mechanism 5.3 degrees in the swing to get it to click over and 1.4 that's the tightness of it that's the tightest of the batch Oh leaking a little hydraulic there pay this do the best we can I take highly said the batch for the ratchets at one point four degrees to get it to engage the fastener so if you're into some tight rear ends or some yeah you know what I'm saying at ten seems like you started to give we're nearly 300 foot policy that's given its given that was super interesting on the material science side because we saw the stress-strain curve there it went up it went up it went up and then it started dropping and yielding so we took up all the ductility and the material until there was nothing left and then it failed in brittle failure very very quickly and again never would have guessed it would fail that way on the square wasn't the teeth what gave way the square next up the boots get the husky from the homeless death spot this has the ball detent so might be a little bit weaker because of out of the interesting to see it is the worst sloppiest ratchet of the bunch up seven point nine degrees to give it to engage in new tooth and four point six degrees of swing to actually get it to bite on that new fastener so sloppy sloppy sloppy so we'll see if it makes it up and strength let it relax and precision just well give you a summer to that one yeah busted clean off on the Squa same as all the rest now we got one near and dear to my heart a snap-on fine toothed ratchet I like snap-on that's a nice tool it'll last you so they my father has given me snap-on tools they're their treasure I mean you do pay for it though but they are sure are viewable sitting in the top of your school Fox collecting dust haha I don't make any excuses for it so the thing is a hundred and seventy-five to old hairs pricey I mean just ridiculously pricey but she is a beauty rig a Bonnie and enjoy forever we're gonna give her and see how well she do now this one not as fine as a Mac seven and a half a 7.3 to get it to a new tooth and 2.7 of slop so nearly twice the slop once it what's it engages nearly twice the slop is the Mac you know you're buying these fine tubes ratchets for a reason to get into real tight spots surprisingly though as a opposed to the big gear teeth scratches the old school ones it's always the square that what brace it's not the gear teeth or the pole or anything so that's quite surprising to me let's give this a go here will do it will cycle it 10 times and then see how much you'll suffer 10 here we go I've got some flex doer and it's given it's given throw mm here oh okay so we can see we bought um dealt the tool we've bottomed off the torque wrench [Music] shockingly all my best guesses went awry none of these failed I would have thought from looking at the big fat gears that failed and testing them that all of these tiny baby little gear teeth would have failed they didn't do that what failed invariably was the square drive and so I was wrong on that case but that's that's interesting to me because I especially especially on the ones these guys I would have thought because they have small gear teeth it would have canned over a little bit and come out of mesh and sheared off the gear teeth didn't happen sheared the square off every time however I'm going out on a limb here I'm gonna say that the snap-on is the strongest and I'll tell you why I think that because of the failure mode you look at all of these very ductile looking failure these ones very brittle looking failure you see it's come across on the 45 and chewed at this just gnarly it's actually even chewed into the casement here gone down into the root of this gear right here let's have a look at that and take it taking a chunk out of that plate so I'm gonna go out on the limb and say the snap-on is the strongest we reviewed the tape and the tail of same is this guy well it is strong the proto not worth the money these are big box mines because their industrial tool it failed on the square but if you have a look see she's garbage now I'm just completely bent right out of her guards 345 foot-pounds of torque amazing amount of torque this thing took on that little square drive now you look at this if you're at nine inches and you're you know you're a typical guy here at nine inches that's three-quarters of a foot you've got a pull on this you got a reef on this with 275 pounds straight pull that's not every day you're going to be doing that so these all these ratchets can take an incredible amount of pull the only way really in every you're gonna break these is if one you your gird your loins you get your wife to hold your hernia and your reefing on it or your bouncing on it or you got a pipe on it or you got a hammer on it you're not gonna break these in everyday use it's just it's not gonna happen so super interesting in the test now this guy snap on the round to 325 foot-pounds of torque prior to shearing and it's rebuildable completely usable not bent at all so this guy as far as the flex head the only thing is the gland and two big honor I think a little bit too big honor there's the other style of course that's this head with the you know with the with the thing don't have it so we'll have to test that but on to the regular non flex head well that's good that I lost all that so onto the non flex head stop so this guy the hoots get garbage garbage in that it's they're all so strong but for the money no good because to sloppy you're buying a fine-toothed ratchet you want it to be fine so this guy where are we husky fine 7.9 degrees to get it to click to the next tooth 4.6 degrees a slop after you clicked it over how far you got to bring it back before it starts to engage the fastener yeah just pretty garbagey and also avoid these quick-release thinks they weaken it they actually do weaken it you wouldn't think so in torsion it wouldn't be that bad but it makes a huge difference the Huskie weakest of the bunch 288 foot-pounds the Mac this thing Skookum Chooch er you pay for it oh she's a beauty a Bonnie and a joy forever toit tall height five point three degrees to get it to click over to the next tooth and one point four degrees of slop so in there this is great for for tight nasty greasy spots now I got a hot spot for the snap-on fine my personal fave 336 foot-pounds of torque that means at 9 inches you got to be pulling like 300 pounds man the thing is tough incredibly tough but not as tight as the Mach 7 point three degrees to get it to click to the next tooth and 2.7 degrees of slop almost twice the amount of slop that this guy has now for the PT this is the longest one of the bunch we've got an ugly and on or two that just turn to crap you know you are you gonna keep this around for 30 years no because once you break it you'll have to return it they won't have this same model they won't have the guts you know all that hold of BS if they're even in business if they were even in business in 20 years we've seen Sears go the way of the dodo and they used to have nice made in America ratchets now you can't you yeah you get a replacement it's it's a crop one even if you can find a Sears that's open so this guy 307 foot-pounds of torque so a little bit on the weaker side still oh that's still plenty of torque but a little bit sloppy no actually nice and tight sorry 5.1 degrees and 2.2 degrees is slop so 5.1 degrees to get to click over two point two degrees for the price of them that's the sword dick deal partner you can't beat it you cannot beat it surprisingly all of these tools fine-toothed watches very very high-quality and it ends up being what you know what do you want in your toolbox essentially either way these are a really good tool you know I got a soft spot for the snap-on so so sue me you know yeah you give this to your son in 40 years he won't give a you give this to your son in 40 years yeah it might mean something to him I don't saying okay that's the tale of the tape I appreciate you sticking around super interesting I'm gonna keep testing stuff till it breaks thanks for watching keep your dick in a vise
Channel: AvE
Views: 1,626,722
Rating: 4.7834387 out of 5
Keywords: Tool, review, snap-on, snap, on, husky, harbor freight, pittsburg, mac tools, proto, ratchet, car, repair, mod, engine, engineering, test, experiment, torque, best, strongest
Id: KesUkDx-7LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
Reddit Comments

of the 6 ratchets ive had that have busted 3 were just spinny but didnt lock at all so probably the pual. the three others were the drive. exact same as the video. i really need to buy some 1/2" stuff. maybe ill buy a cheap 1/2" and get my self a nice 3/8".

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bhyndman 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2017 🗫︎ replies

Not sure when he filmed this, but he refers to SEARS Craftsman as not being what they used to and on their way out.

Prophetic, last night Sears Canada (different branch of US-based Sears) declared bankrupcy and will be closing all stores.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MattsAwesomeStuff 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

I couldn't find a model exactly like the PT on Harbor Freight's website. They make a long reach flex head that looks like that, but with no quick release. The 72-tooth quick release ratchet they do sell has no rubber grip and it's shorter than the PT.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AKADriver 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

As a fellow Canadian, I kind of disappointed no "Canadian" ratchets were tested(mastercraft/propoint).

I know we're the smaller audience but throw us square heads a bone, brother !

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kingbain 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
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