COMPETITIVE EATING ft. Matt Stonie - OfflineTV Podcast #18

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your dumps okay um we need to know about it i guess i fell asleep on the airplane and i was like asking for a milk i don't recall any of it i woke up on the airplane i was i was lying on a couple of seats and there was like milk cartons all over me oh no recollection whatsoever would you trade your life for anyone else's um yeah oh obama alright hello everyone welcome to the 18th ever offline tv podcast and boy do i have a guest for you today we got disguised toast michael reeves and joining us competitive youtube eater matt stoney welcome matt hello thank you yeah this is awesome to be here great to meet you guys finally and uh yeah pleasure to be here yeah would you say you're a big fan of offline tv matt oh yeah i mean i've i'm i definitely wouldn't go around saying like i'm like some like crazy like fanboy like i follow you guys in all your birthdays or something but no i mean i i've i've tried to follow the ethos of you know just live streaming twitch you know as i do with youtube and just the social platforms and you guys have been killing it man it's been awesome to just you know observe that's good it makes me less awkward to know someone has seen my content because i have trouble like meeting new people and it's like oh you know of my stuff so you know i'm cool and i know you're cool and we can be friends that's how i approach making friends as a youtuber a bunch of cool people i like it i'm down i'm down yeah how long i've been uh eating stuff on youtube eating things yeah sure yeah yeah no it's um you know i mean i uh i started in 2010 pretty much when i started uploading youtube videos and doing food challenges i did a food challenge a few years prior to that it was just like a local big burrito and i just did it for fun it was just like a local taqueria joint so um but no i mean um it really just it kind of just snowballed the whole youtube competitive this was like back when man versus food was just popping off and it was really popular yeah yeah yeah still kind of got the inspiration of just and i love that [ __ ] yeah i mean just just traveling around going to these epic food challenges how can i this burger get a t-shirt i got a whole bin of t-shirts at home and getting on the wall of fame when i got on the wall with him today hopefully you know um yeah but it was 2010 when i when this whole crazy ride started and um just been grinding at it for 12 years now almost so wow people love watching other people eat stuff yeah they do i think it started with my first recollection is uh epic meal time yup i was a huge fan of you chewed fan right now oh my god here is that like two thousand they were they were pioneers in the days like they were sure i forget if they were like top five but they definitely they perceived like they were top five with like ray williams yeah yeah dude i had a muscle glasses t-shirt yeah i was a furry you know harley's in the boxing thing oh he is the main yeah i think this guy is in the boxing thing who's he boxing uh i forget but that's gonna be epic and fun it's so weird seeing like these old school youtubers like pop up like later in the career like on twitch and stuff um i i read i saw a video and it was covering like the fall of epic meal time because it was a lot of drama sure yeah in it because like it would be like muscle glasses feels like he should have more of the company more of the steak yeah harley's attitude was like bro you sit there with the sunglasses and the muscle shirt that's like a loser scenario because i could see it from both sides muscle glasses was iconic yeah he was a presence even though he didn't do anything yeah but um yeah it's a bummer look i got a lot of conversations like in that room it's like bro man you're selling my merch i'm in every video people know who i am and how it was like you said there was a sunglass but yeah like early on there's no rules especially with the groups you don't set okay you're gonna own twenty percent of my own thirty percent like we're gonna put a whole bunch of fast food together we're gonna eat it yeah it's video first not like youtube channel first yeah as all good stuff starts i guess yeah um do you [ __ ] hate food do you like you must [ __ ] hate talking about it at this point at least no i mean i i always quote uh you know kobe actually you know yeah you're a very legendary competitor yeah he put it really good i've always used this quote it's something to the nature of like all i do is eat food fast all the time when i get to sit down and eat some food normally i appreciate it that much more you know oh that's the way i look at it for the most part because like i'm not like a crazy food guy like i obviously can't like like when i go to new york i'm just sitting on hot dogs i don't get to try all these nice places and stuff and everything but um no when i get the opportunity to dive into some cuisine try some new places and stuff um i love it it's great oh okay that's really nice it must be weird to have like because i'm sure that's like the only [ __ ] thing people ask you it's up there like it must suck to have that become like not suck but how does it feel like having that become like a main part of what people ask you and it like almost is like a personality trait that you eat food fast is it annoying i don't think so because it makes my life easy i gotta answer the same questions i don't have to come up with a bunch of things on the fly um i mean i mean it's cool and i mean realistically you know like that that's what propelled me to you know be here on your guys's podcast and you know better have the opportunities i've had over the years so i the complaint would be a little you know much for me personally but i mean you know it's it's always fun to you know kind of venture out and you know just explore new opportunities and stuff do whatever yeah are you asking this because of the questions you get with taser turtles and when are you going to upload again well this just like up turn up to a billion sure you know it's like i kind of [ __ ] oh man yeah i mean my [ __ ] is like kind of annoying but it's like i [ __ ] i'm sure whenever people see you they're like eat this try to eat this [ __ ] hot dog fast it's like it's like okay that's where i'll draw the line it's never happened before but if somebody walks up to him in the streams like hot dog i got a timer i'll just be like yo man back off like you stream on twitch do you still stream these days i try to um it's i mean i've been streaming like on and off i think since 2000 and i want to say four years i gotta come before yourselves it's awesome um no i mean i've i've i love the interaction because that's one thing i've been woefully pretty terrible about it's like social media and interacting with my audience and just you know that type of sort of thing so i have a fun time doing something i love to do just playing games or got into pokemon recently and all that stuff but just doing something that's not the eating and yeah just my own free time stuff but then sharing that with an audience and interacting and when you're streaming on twitch and you're like playing pubg and you're like in a battle royale do you get viewers coming in it's like hey you know you're the competitive eater guy here's like all my competitive eating questions oh i mean i'd say like one of the if there was a if there was like a question that i'm tired of hearing oh your computer oh how fast you can get your keyboard i'm a little it's it's just drawn it's dried off i can see that no i mean it it's it's cool and you know like um it's to me when people come and ask me like how can you eat this and stuff it's it's like reading youtube comments for like inspiration and ideas you get a visceral feel of what people want to see you know and like what might be a good idea for upcoming content so you know it's i'm sure there's nuances that are annoying and stuff but for the most part i don't mind it got it and also i don't stream all the time like you guys so i'm sure if i was a full-time maybe you'd get a little bit but i mean it's fun for me so far all right that's good because we want to ask you some of these annoying questions because we are curious too um your dumps okay um we need to know about it so you're eating how how okay you kept these challenges i've seen you eat like like was it six chipotle burritos i i think i did four or that video popped up and i was like oh what's better than doing five next time what happens in the bathroom after that um i like to use chipotle as an example of perception because like people might be like oh how many chipotle like oh chipotle burrito where's like how many taco bell tacos i could eat 50 of those things one's more than the other but precedence so yeah the chipotle burritos that wasn't too bad i think they run like 8900 calories a piece that's under 3 000. like like 3 500 calories roughly it's not horrible you know it's not it's nothing that i'm gonna like you know like eating 60 hot dogs is a different story yeah it's a whole different beast um i mean the bloating i blow it up i kind of swell up you know just like my body's gotten used to it like when i started i used to just get dehydrated and i'd be chugging water and nowadays i just kind of swell up like a balloon and then yeah the the bathroom chips are um more frequent than large i'll say that much frequency is uh at least the way my body works so i think that's probably the better of the two yeah i agree i would agree too damn [ __ ] because there's conservation of mass like no and trust me i i've been on i've been down the rabbit hole of like thinking psychologically about stuff like even like holding your bladder versus not and just like i'm in the game of extending my stomach not my other organs i need space in there so i don't i don't benefit at all from a large intestine or a big gi tract so hey just keep things moving along fine it'll be better that way so have you ever seen like a doctor to because my feeling is you're you are built different like biologically like in your organs i want to like if you've ever seen a doctor that says oh yeah your stomach is 20 larger or like 30 larger uh never like that far um i mean the farthest i've gone was just like i was in training sometimes you push yourself a little much so i did the thing where they put a camera down your throat or something just to check out this what's going on yeah and everything look it look normal looks like you know it's just a normal stomach um no i mean like i go to the doctor mainly just to get like blood work done you know comprehensive blood work done getting ekg every once in a while just make sure that you know my body's ticking fine and everything but um you haven't done any extensive studies for the most part i mean a few other competitors eaters have done like the barium where they they like they drink a liquid so they can scan your stomach but then they ate a bunch of hot dogs beforehand and the like the conclusion was it blows up like a balloon like there wasn't really anything that came out of it you know it was just like a look at these crazy photos of this giant stomach so um no i mean yeah i really haven't gone too crazy down the rabbit hole i mean um you know nobody's written books on competitive eating it's still the wild west as far as like strategies and well-being everybody's different some people like to fast the day like the day before and work out like crazy i like to chill out and like drink protein shakes and so um it's i'm still learning i definitely don't have like all the answers either but um i think i'm pretty healthy i hope so for the most part is there drama in the competitive easy because like in mukbangs there's a so much drama somehow but you're different from that because you're not just like eating a whole bunch of food more challenges and i don't think there's anyone on youtube that does what you do specifically because it's also very physically taxing whereas with mukbang you get quite a few like different people doing the same thing sure yeah i mean no there's definitely i mean especially from when i started there's definitely at least perceptually um no short like there's a lot of competitive eaters that are doing similar things like you know just big food challenges going to restaurants and stuff um but um yeah there's not really too much drama in the competitive eating space i mean in the competitiveness circuit the contest that we do a lot of guys just like a weekend hobby for you know they're just like they would just show up and try to qualify for this event maybe pay for it like get 500 bucks 800 you know like get a little cash and stuff so a lot of the a lot of the crowd that i've been associated with over the years on the circuit and stuff have been like really cool people for the most part and made some really good friends and stuff on the circuit so uh kobayashi is not like a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh man okay oh he is all right i've never i've never met the guy he was before my time i think he he retired from major league which is the organization i've competed with in 2000 and his last year was 2009 and i started in 11. yeah so i've never met him personally i can't speak to him and stuff but um he seemed a little uh i mean he wasn't he was on top of the world competitive eating-wise for a while and i think that's something to someone's head yeah and i think when joey chestnut came along beat him three years in a row i think it kind of got to him a bit and stuff but um i mean again i can't speak on him personally but um he liked to blame a lot of people so that didn't feel good to me like there's like a lot of blame going around that's so weird no but i mean um yeah i mean drama wise though for the most part i've i've been fortunate enough to stay out of drama i think that's also why i'm been able to stick around for so long is because drama's drama's tough it stressed me out like crazy to be part of all that stuff but no i mean and to touch on the mukbang community have you guys ever done like do you do food shows at all uh we've you did a mcdonald's thing where you ate everything yeah like i do the very generic youtube stuff where it's like we order everything off okay sure a menu but like actual food um no like we've done spicy challenges but i don't think streamers really have like the the interest in doing like a whole mukbang because such a it's a very specific kind of content sure where it's one niche audience and you're not really going to get much crossover with like your gaming audience got it yeah because i mean like i was i did a collab with the try guys not too long ago and like um keith he does like this series on the youtube channel yeah yeah i've seen like i didn't even really like i didn't like i was like oh you do like these i don't think he considers it mukbang but no i mean it's it's been it's a bit interesting to see how uh what i would cons like not competitive eating but just like large food stuff and stuff is kind of like transformed into the youtube space and has branched out to mutt long asmr even at this point and totally different audiences like there's no overlap with competitive even as far as i'm concerned it's just that's true it's interesting i i i throw no shade like they figured out enter like what i do probably seems weird to other people you know just stuff in my face for french fries and ice cream and stuff and you know it's just you're entertaining an audience and they found out a way to do it uh what would you say you're you're training do you would you consider do you do training for like getting ready for a competition competition yeah for sure like um like the youtube stuff um generally since i try to you know produce content in some sort of regularity it's it's hard to train for those and i also kind of like the impromptu unexpected vibe like running into a problem mid challenge or something being more difficult or something being way easier you know i think that's part of the charm sometimes the content but yeah like competitions for some of the major events like the nathan's hot dog contest the daily food gyoza contest here in la i could train for like a month or something just literally just cycling my body through like eating gyozas three days rest eating more this three days rest and uh it's like you're just training your body physically and mentally right that's pretty much all it is do you think all that nutrients is a hundred percent absorbed or do they no i bet you're not really trying to get rich yeah some that's one of the things i kind of have to grotesquely describe to some people okay like how do you deal so many calories like in large part sometimes i don't have to deal with all the calories because your body can't physically absorb that many calories for the most part like i'm sure if you're like an elite athlete you just have to yeah but i think i saw numbers floating around at like 8 000 calories just like the max from human like after that it's just comes out yeah yeah yep again just like you know it's kind of one of those awkward just like it just yeah but um i mean it's still not fun you know it's it's it's a process it's like being sore after going to the gym like training stuff so i imagine it's more profitable to just be like a youtuber right because we're talking about this like we're talking about uh that doctor mike guy on youtube and yeah yeah it's like he he should quit being a doctor because his youtube channel will just pay you more money like and doctors doctors get good paid too yeah yeah yeah i mean no no 100 i mean youtube is you know very fortunate for me has been a significant part of like you know the financial and business side of what i do i mean it's one of those hard like it's one of those hard relationships where it's like i know that like one that's where i started the competitive eating like i fell in love with it and i loved adrenaline and going on stage and competing and actually doing something i'm proud of yeah yeah making the best time and then of course you know when your obligations and stuff it kind of like pushes you away from certain things and i have been more selective over the last couple years with or past few years with which contest i go to i don't just randomly just do contests just because much anymore um but at the end of the day like if i just gave up competitive eating then like my videos would suck you know that's true i wouldn't be good anymore i need like i need to keep in shape for the videos and generally to keep in shape i got to keep them competitive yeah so it feeds off you can't stray too far from like where you begin yeah sure yeah so do you ever just like in gaming pub stomps do you ever just go to like a casual eating event somewhere like yeah let's go oh that'll be such a good idea i i haven't yet i mean okay one i mean i can't because i'm under contract with major leading so like i got to do events that they do some stuff which i i absolutely don't mind because um i guess we're all trying to roll with this conversation there are some competitive users that do that which is it feels weird to me actually one of the reasons why i got excited about my prospect and doing all this stuff was because the first contest i did it was lobster rolls 10 minutes for if you hit the most a thousand bucks and i was just like hey free lobster rolls and i might upside you know pretty good and um one of these retired competitors like these ringer guys they came into the contest and i knew it i knew it was like oh [ __ ] this guy's like he's he's been the nathan both of times he could do all this stuff and i beat him by half a lobster roll oh wow so it felt extra good to win yeah i don't need a thousand dollars not only the the trophy and everything but i was like yeah i'd be the next pro at this on my first my first run so um there are some people so long stories right yeah there are some people how do those people attend those events like an eagle thing or they just won a free thousand bucks i don't know i think um i mean you know it it's not too much like there's not like crazy money competitive eating it's not the type of thing that if you're not winning first second third and something a lot of times you're lucky to cover travel expenses if they're not already comped and stuff so i could see like and there's a lot of amateur events that have pretty decent purses just like a big company just like hey which one haven't you contest and not deal with all the professional stuff and yeah and then so you can make some decent money on the amateur circuit and stuff but i mean that's that's not why you saw i don't know it's a competitive like it doesn't feel good like like right right yeah i can't believe they do it for like a thousand bucks like you run a competitive eating event on twitch like the minimum was like 5k just for participating because these people are traveling across the country to eat it from 1k yes when you come first yeah it's it's uh it's weird i mean you know i i i always i i tr emily they've done a great job in stuff i mean there's a lot of room to grow for sure on this side and stuff i was like i was talking i was working with um i joined a management company night media that work with mr beast and stuff and he's like i'm talking about the logistics dude mr beast would just like he just puts on this giant event and get all the so yeah yeah it's it's um but yeah at the same time you know it's it's competitive eating you know we're grown you know for the most part but youtube a lot of new competitive readers go to youtube directly yeah it's a natural kind of a fact right now yeah unfortunately but yeah it makes my life easier because they don't go on stage no no budding new talents and stuff or there's some there's some for sure but not like the influx so when did when did you find out like did was there a moment when you were like 10 years old and you were like what i can [ __ ] eat a lot of food uh okay no i i didn't grow up like dreaming to become a competitive eater like like i wasn't like always watching the nathan's con contest every year like oh yeah i want to be on that stage it wasn't that way for me i do though remember i don't know why i remember but um i just remember when i was like like yeah back like 10 years old being at like somebody's birthday parties like raging waters there was two pizzas and like 10 people and like so 16 slices 10 people i'm like not everybody's getting two slices so i gotta get my first one done so i can pick up so i was kind of a food guy like i i definitely as a kid i enjoyed food so it sounds like uh like a competitive cs video game yeah should we talk about training and stuff yeah it's like purse for like competitions it sounds like how my boxing instructor talks about boxing is like yeah i gotta train like leading up to the thing and it's like it's like a real you sound like the shroud of eating yeah that is one of the more flattering compliments the whole aspect of like having an easier path with youtube because like it's the same thing where pro players like the easier path is to transition into being a streamer yeah because you then be in an environment where you're just miles ahead of everyone because most streamers are just for fun and you're a pro going to like a for fun environment i think like when you were talking about your competition youtube was like it sounds similar where it's like because you start off as a professional competitive eater going to youtube is like for you competing against like for fun mukbang news who just read in front of a camera who has like fancy audio and fancy everything but at the end of the day you're gonna be able to out eat the majority of the content creators on the platform sure i i mean i pity people who are jumping into youtube right now it's a crazy different space than it used to be back in the days because like when i started it was just like literally my favorite song on top of yeah i just sped it up to make it more palpable like that was literally it copyright i don't care like yeah it's blocked in german like uh um but yeah i mean it's such a different space now it's like it's like it's so optimized it's so there's so much strategy involved and it's seo and and and even even for good and for worse there's so much influence out there there's lots of ideas but it's also hard to like find your own identity and do like that right right set yourself apart like did you see somebody do like a goldfish style like like like ideas like that are like i'd imagine so hard to like come by and stuff and that's what i think separates you know the people that you know make the the content that does extremely well versus you know not saying right in the back like i ran right the bandwagon mcdonald's launches is some sort of meal i eat it fast exactly so it's a mixture of it but um yeah i know i mean it's it's it's been you know i talk a lot about like inspiration and stuff and like just like like what's watching you guys like a lot of twitch streamers like the shrouds of the world like the tea foods the ninjas back when fortnite was popping up like seeing all that strategy and stuff going into all this passion and work and it's that stuff's inspiring to me like i don't just watch people eat food for inspiration like i watch the magnus carlson's and all that stuff um and you just see that sort of like the passion that talent for something and then the results come as they do yeah you can really make a living out of anything these days it's pretty good and you're it's crazy yeah yeah put it on youtube yeah that's a varied entry now yeah it's so much more ludicrous to be good at something and then search to youtube as opposed to just do it being good at that thing yeah like like imagine being like the advent of that hot knife trend like the one guy who just had the channel where he was just cutting and it's like hundreds of millions of views and stuff and it's just like i wish dude i must be so good at this you know i am the best yeah the hydraulic presses hydraulics who the [ __ ] would okay that guy deserves everything because no one in the [ __ ] world he's also funny but no one in the world would think to be like this is prime youtube content sure what the f i have a hydraulic press and i'm going to smash things with it that one's funny as [ __ ] and then you squish this little play-doh thing yeah this is what's going to be the play-doh you know it's little stuff like that so you get like so much more copycats coming out like yeah i've seen like four different hydraulics how many people own hydraulic pressure we gotta buy this it's gonna like pop up yeah but there's also there's a guy in hawaii who he's only done like seven or eight videos and i'm bummed he stopped but his whole channel is just putting stuff next to lava and letting lava eat it yeah damn he needs to upload more dude the volcano's not erupting as much that's true yeah you are at bay of the buffalo you gotta wait your whole youtube lifeline is a dormant volcano just the alerts gets in his car and goes towards it get all the stuff batteries get the stuff i want to burn do you have a schedule you follow um i'd love to get into a regular schedule i mean i've always tried for once a week um it's it's tough because like right now especially like i'm trying to focus on more like the quality of the content and just like really getting like the average view duration up and stuff like um like like little things like a lot of people skip over the middle of my eating challenges because i guess yeah it's hard right so they skip over certain parts and just trying to figure out all that stuff um so i've been woefully under that one a week you know for the most part but um i would like to get to schedule we're trying to expand the team and you know not have everything like you know be so much on my shoulders and stuff and we're getting there and stuff i'd like to get more well-oiled machine yeah everything going but yeah schedule hopefully same thing with twitch can't wait to get a schedule that i can here do and that's interesting you say that about the middle part of the videos because i assume that's like a really hard part for to get people to watch sure because it's like i you know they know you're eating in that middle part and there's nothing that is different about it have you thought about like ways to make that like a different thing it sounds really difficult i mean i mean there's always a million different ways to potentially do something but like how to actually like integrate it like like in a way that's not um i forget i was just watching some random video and then the guy just like just like ah he just like [ __ ] he's like doing that for the abd just to keep you guys and i was like okay um and the really hard part i guess for me is just like i can't just stop eating for like all right break time or you know so yeah i don't know that's a that's a something i haven't figured out yet like um i did a couple of tier lists and those had significantly higher ebd because you know but that's tough um i don't know the answer yet hopefully one of these days i'll get it but um yeah so schedule wise that's really like i'm just trying to just turn out the content whenever i possibly can how about you guys i mean do you guys have no idea hey i'm done i got mine for the year i was gonna i didn't want to say anything but like how long was it since your previous finish i was actually eight days away from being one year i read in the comments one year ago or one commenter yeah eight days away from being one year so that sucks a little motivate yeah i i've had that like damn it's been a month yeah yeah so i'm trying to get back on it as much as possible but i just i really don't i'm not a fan of just rigid scheduling like it's really good for maybe like a month or so when i'm like holy [ __ ] i'm a productive member of society for this month but then i just like get tired of it and like lose and i just like have to change something so i it doesn't work too too well for me just do whatever's do you have a schedule no i'm very like up and down like i i would go like four months uploading four times a week and then four months not uploading anything at all because i'm primarily a streamer and most of my videos are like stream highlights and it was easy when among us was popping up like looking back now back dance like holy [ __ ] this was the easiest [ __ ] among us and like each video will get like a million and two million views but it's not it's not that easy to be good at to come over those epic plays and stuff yeah that is true you started playing for content at some point right yeah is it like was it like halfway through oh it was about it was when it felt like everyone was playing for content um at the beginning the challenge was actually just for you to get good at the game yeah yeah it's like the strategies but at some point i noticed like my like i got pigeonholed into a roll of like oh i'm the big brain iq detective no pressure yeah and then like i would get into lobbies with strangers and they're like you think you're so smart don't you damn and like they would just try and beat me yeah and like even my peers kind of got pigeonholed into roles like race like the loud ones like who was like the troll one and like we would almost feel pressured to fill that to do that right of course it became like a performative thing and i remember i was in the lobby in the morning and halfway through i realized i don't give a [ __ ] about this game i'm not having any fun i know what in the middle of the game like i got killed because when i got killed earlier who doesn't think that yeah but my initial reaction was like oh this sucks i got kills like oh this sucks i can't make a video out of this and that's like that's the only reason i was playing at that point it's like i need to make videos and i just messaged um the lobby host like i'm done for the day and i never played again um so yeah it definitely gets old it's kind of that whole like passion versus obligation thing um but man mr how easy it was yeah that was a machine yeah i was like i could just do this and get thousands of views but now it's like it's harder because you have to be more creative you have to think about your title and think about like what's gonna get on trending um but it's a little more fulfilling i would say yeah for sure but you mean when you're like planning the stuff out and doing it for the content yeah like it's mostly in the sense like feel more responsible yeah and the content i now make has a better chance of getting seen by a wider audience like among us just had a lot of people who are into among us but not much else yeah sure yeah i feel like that's probably a majority of like like new games and stuff that comes out that's trending it's like there's that initial just people just want to see the game play and just see what their you know their favorite stream or whoever like reacts to it or that part of the story line and then it becomes like this coming up with the new content like like yeah you can see minecraft stuff it's never like the vanilla game for the most part yeah that's been milk yeah yeah so um yeah no i mean that's yeah and that's you know like speaking on my own like that's like part of the fatigue of it i guess and you know it's yeah it's how you're talking about us keep doing the uh competitive eating yeah well in conjunction with the youtube right yeah if anything like the competitive even that never got old for me for the most part because it was always more you can all you could always get better you can always there's always going to be joey chestnut pushing me and trying to beat him and always another record that you're chasing or something whereas like the youtube it's just like you know there's sometimes where it's like all right people just want to see me the spiciest thing in the world and see me sweat again or something and um yeah it's funny that you mentioned that because i remember it didn't do it by um by choice but i remember when i was doing a spicy challenge one time i rubbed my iron accident it's like the biggest no-no and it just started killing in the middle of that pain though my brain was like [ __ ] this is so good because they weren't that spicy either the wings weren't that like crazy spicy so i was like oh this is this is golden you know [ __ ] and then the next time you see spice on your hand you're like maybe yeah i can't see i didn't have that thought ever but it was never enough to compel me do you it's tough do you ever draw a line for like what you'll allow into your body like for example would you ever do like okay just straight sugar or okay yeah okay stuff like that yeah um short answer is yes of course like like there's no way i would have gotten good at competitive eating or stayed healthy or even be alive right now if i didn't draw the line at some point you know i'd always be hurt like if you go to the gym and blow out a knee every single time you're not gonna get strong you're not gonna get good um yeah no i was always precarious with you know taking care of myself and like i used to not do spicy challenges because i was like oh like i can't afford my stuff but like as far as i know spicy it doesn't like actually damage your tissue it just hurts a lot so i and the views are crazy so um yeah so i started doing spicy challenges i said i wouldn't do oysters opportunity came up for a really cool contest um so i did some oysters it was fun you know it was with experience and everything so you know but yeah i wouldn't do anything that's like like i'm not going to be chugging energy drinks i'm not going to be shoveling sugar i'm not going to be um like i've seen some people do some crazy things that i was like why would you do this yeah like i don't even say like people are gonna go look it up but um yeah no i try to stay healthy with what i do for the most part i mean i know i can't be like 100 healthy with what i do but right within the scopes is there a reason you wouldn't do oysters it's just i'm not a fan of oysters oh okay i thought yeah food poisoning yeah no i'm with that too for the like yeah i mean hey i'm you know i try not to take myself too seriously i'm just competitive eater and you know a lot of the stuff like even just being able to come out here meet you guys see the house and you know just be part of all this be part of whatever we're doing tomorrow it's uh this stuff's awesome just to be able to eat food and you know do this stuff are you can you eat fish because isn't that mercury poisoning in that is it there yeah there is definitely like you do studies on that is that oh i can't eat this kind okay and it's i i would imagine over the years of overstepped boundaries i probably shouldn't have unknowingly like i actually um yeah i want to say last i was definitely last i don't know but like last year i made this giant tuna fish sandwich i was just like just i got just giant hawaiian sweet rolls and coleslaw this giant tuna fish sandwich and like i had it made uh-huh and i was just like one second i need to start something else i looked it up and it was like like yeah this would be like five times the amount of like mercury or something it will never leave your body yeah yeah it doesn't yeah and i was like okay yeah you made the sandwich and i looked it up after yeah i got lucky yeah something clicked when i was like you know just some somebody's watching out for me i got the voice but um yeah no i mean like you know we always try to stay healthy for the most part you know it's just balance and yeah certain things like vitamins and like people like to focus on the calories like oh my god it's a lot of fat it's a lot of protein carbs or something right it's the vitamins the minerals and the salts that are what you'd worry most about okay it's like salt like it doesn't matter what like your cells are going to shrivel you know your blood pressure is going to go up and stuff if you're not you know supplementing and drinking water and stuff so yeah it's it's been a learning process but i'm still here can't get insurance on your stomach jlo got her butt insured right oh i think you're right yeah so like you can definitely ensure body parts but what would that mean for your stomach what would that mean for the premiums yeah i want to think about that uh yeah probably i mean i don't have insurance [Music] does that stress you out like if something goes wrong with your stomach it's like very damaging to your career yeah i mean i mean i definitely not like if i was significantly worried about i would never be doing what i do you know right like um you know you if you have that little thing in your head when you're pushing your limits and stuff i mean but i was always cautious to be wary of it always like not like like there was a couple times where i overextended myself had to take a break and like i didn't perform well for a little while but um yeah for the most part never pushed it to the point where i was like you know it's like running like never had to be to go to the hospital never any major sort of inter like intervention where something had to be you know fixed yeah for the most part so very fortunate that's good have you ever gotten food poisoning at a competition i not not at a competition no um yeah i don't know i i i've been lucky for the most part and now that i i think about it yeah because i support just preparing like mass quantities yeah like the day before no and like a lot of people ask me do you think you were born for this like i don't think i was born for this but i was i was born with you know like little allergies and stuff and so i think i'm resilient like dietary wise for the most part but yeah i've been i've been fortunate um i think the worst that was happened was just um edible tamales and spicy jalapeno oil and just something about that combination it just was like a rock it didn't wanna it didn't move as it normally should and stuff it was just sitting there burning the crap out of me and it just felt like i was dying that was did it like naturally go away or did you have to do something about it i mean it naturally because i was in lewisville texas and this was like i think it was 2013 long a long time ago um i was in i was worried i was in the airport i was flying back the same day and i was just like oh my god this is i got like a i got a five hour flight home can i make it and and and then then the the the climax of the story was i literally i guess i fell asleep on the airplane and i was like asking for milk i don't recall anything i woke up on the airplane i was lying on a couple of seats and there was like milk cartons all over me oh my god no recollection whatsoever so that was probably the closest i've ever come to doing something like damaging and something that was the the tamale contest happens every year that was my last year that's concerning i'm also curious there's like there's no timeouts in these contests right so like let's say you're all eating and someone gets done by a bee or like it's like you eat something you're like wait what was that does it just keep going did you just muscle through it yeah i mean yeah i mean i guess there's i i can't think of i mean like there's been some times where the mc's counting down and i'm still like organizing my crap and i'm just like like um yeah now i mean like like there's nothing you really can do because everybody else isn't going to stop for the most part and um yeah you can't yeah yeah everybody stop me put your food down keep your mouth no chewing everybody's just their own bloated mouth and stuff um yeah and i don't think there's any been any been any um like like people biting on like something like that's like a sharp or whatever like i've heard i've heard tall tales of like oh like i swallowed some chicken bones during the chicken wing i don't know if that actually happened like being macho or something but um no i mean it's been pretty i mean you know the league i mean that's part of the reason why i'm part of the league is like they do professional events and they they monitor the quality and all that consistency and stuff so that makes sense yeah people just love food content on youtube like everything yeah because everyone eats and like the ones i'm most jealous about are the ones who go to like japan or a fancy person oh yeah with the camera you know uh eden films is the is i could be getting that wrong but he he goes to like like like the um like the uh like the places that like cook it in front of you like yeah and stuff and it's just quiet it's just the ambiance i know exactly what you're talking about and he just doesn't say [ __ ] anything nope he just shows them it's like almost uncut what is that called when they flip the food and [ __ ] and make an onion volcano and crack the egg on the spatula and make the volcano out of the oil yeah he's on yelp every day like where's my next place better than the last one because once you do all the big stuff it's like [ __ ] yeah you have pigeons start searching for it yeah or move somewhere different because you've exhausted everything in japan at that point he needs to [ __ ] go into china he's like singapore korea you guys do guys i mean i know recently with stuff like travel has been restricted but do you guys like regularly try to like like go international to certain destinations and stuff i know like like i love japan and stuff and like like japan and a lot of like that region of the world like singaporean stuff streamers going to do like ireland stuff yeah i would love to go back we went right or not right before quarantine but we it was really nice i would absolutely i've been thinking about it a lot i i really do want to go back um ah i don't know yeah whenever travel restrictions leave on japan i i will be absolutely going yeah 100 but with everyone else in the world as well yeah right how do you do it in a way so you don't have to compete with like the two million people going to japan for tourism yeah maybe you go to the other places it's gotta be better content than them you gotta make better content be out there have twenty guys i had this idea during quarantine too because all the streamers are like ichiro oh yeah they're all going to do irl streams like 10 rls yeah the service is going to go out for all of them and none of the streams are going to work um i had a friend who just moved to japan apparently you can move there if you get a work visa so she just moved there and she's going to be there for a year it's very interesting on youtube she does animations and stuff so yeah you can get a worksheet and [ __ ] live yeah and just live there it doesn't apply to the travel restrictions we need to get work visas yeah we just live there for two weeks my my uncle lives there so i've been texting him being like so what's the policy now what's the policy right and uh currently there's a way that you could go there and only have to quarantine for three days oh that we're exploring so maybe maybe we can go yeah you should explore that more yeah yeah that's pretty good it's definitely like through business though you have to be some sort of yeah you definitely don't want to go when it's open to the public no yeah it's gonna be terrible that's gonna be crazy i think that's probably like tokyo though like it's just so crazy i mean yeah maybe if it's a bunch of people or cameras and stuff a different vibe but like i i guess there's a bummer that like i kind of wanted to go around the olympics like before yeah they were building so many new train stations like i just to see that city on fire would be kind of really sick yeah my friends and i were gonna go for their graduation sure and then that was like two years ago three years ago sure yeah have you done any international eating things like for youtube like i'm eating like 20 hello kitty from tokyo hounds um so when i um when i went to japan and singapore in 2017 i did a couple challenges um i uh i was just i tried to vlog it and i was an idiot vlogger i had way too much footage the camera was shaky and all that stuff i couldn't really make the footage happen but um no yeah i did a couple burgers there was a giant burger in singapore that was pretty one of the popular food challenges there and then japan japan has a competitive eating scene which is extremely interesting um so i did a giant dumpling that's like literally this big and it looked like a dumpling too like it wasn't like some like like frankenstein thing yeah really cool gyoza um that was fun i know they got like um the soba noodle challenge that a lot of people are done in japan and um yeah no i mean i'd i would love to start branching out that's one thing that i've been always having out on the horizon like even if it's just continental in the states like travel yeah i'm just like in my kitchen just being lazy doing my own like i'm just gonna get mcdonald's today type of stuff that was one of the close parts of man versus food that it would go to different places and highlighting yeah yeah it was really simple yeah so once i figure out how to vlog properly and not just just be a nightmare footage um yeah that's definitely on the horizon so it's cool is the um competitive eating scene like in japan any different from the us yeah it's more like um how does that change i mean it's not mukbang because like it's competitive yeah but they're generally like two to three hour events oh which i have all the respect in the world for them because that would be painful like that i like to be ten minutes when i'm done like yeah i'll just do a sprint for ten minutes and then i'll i'll be i'll i'll be all cool but you know i think um they they refer themselves to food fighters over there i think the league's called oogie or something but um yeah i know it's a pretty big scene actually i mean japan is honestly oddly one of my smallest audiences it's like i could like i'm have japanese like i'd like to branch into that audience but um it's i haven't yet and i think a lot to do with um they've got their own food challenge and stuff and the other like like um kind of mak suzuki he jumped into ml he was killing it for a couple years last few years before all this quarantined stuff and then yeah i know it's it's interesting because they literally just sit there with they got bowls of ramen up to here all right you got 15 minutes left you've been there for two hours um no it's it's pretty cool yeah it's cool to see like these same um like types of of things i don't know competitions done in different places because i know like um i follow competitive smash a lot sure and competitive smash in the us like their play style in japan is like notably different really like or like it'll develop over time and they'll be used to certain things more than they are here so it's always one more dominant the other oh the us is still more dominant really there's just more people who play it here yeah which is weird because it's from japan but sure i know it's always interesting when um japanese players meet like like us players or even european players meet us players yeah yeah um the game that got me like into playing games again and streaming and stuff with smite and moba and um it was always eu was always ahead of the states north america was trash compared to you all the time i was from the engine like how why can't that bridge be capped or something oh smite don't meet too much smite players yeah are you still playing smite like to this day um i would like it's it's it's that moba curve that i've been out of the touch and it's just like the whole thing's different they got rid of the boots that were like the metal and it's it's uh i would like to get back in it i was actually part um i did like a crater cup thing this and i got i was i'm the reason why my team failed i'm so sorry to everybody but um no yeah i mean like i strategy games like that and stuff are i i find a lot of fun with being able to think and like plan things and like strategically and see your plan either execute or get demolished or whatever it's it's fun yeah what do you play now mostly um i've been like mostly like uh i've been kind of bouncing onto my old games like i've been doing i've been playing roller coaster tycoon oh no it's been so fun oh man have you seen the a roller coaster tycoon video where it's uh it's all going uphill and then it's um like firework playing by katy perry and then i don't know at the end it goes up for like two minutes and then at the end it just crashes into a crowd and kills all these people i'll link it to you afterwards it's a really good video not yeah i mean i've been playing games like that um opening some pokemon cards it's been fun um i i got into rush for a long time that game was a lot of fun you can't compete with the people that have a day to do it it's like every hour of the day it's so hard it's just like i can squeeze an hour out of each of my days but that dude he's been up for since i was playing last time um yeah no i mean i've i've been kind of bouncing around a bit for the most part and it's just it's it's fun i mean like i like people like what got you in the video games it's like the easiest thing to do when you're about belly full of food and you're just trying to [ __ ] out just like well i'm just gonna like play guitar hill or something or just you know just look at some smite videos or you know stuff so yeah oh you like rust huh that's perfect perfect yeah you have any interest in the rust twitch rivals because i'm uh i'm actually uh doing this thing with uh twitch where i'm gonna pit 40 n a rust streamers against 40 spanish rust streamers and my goal they've been big in it they've yeah they're like they love it south americans like they've been and they're very passionate so i'm hoping for some like horrible [ __ ] horrible things to be said between like the americans and the spaniards i'm excited it's been it's been about 200 years since the last year i think yeah because like there was just uh that stuff with the our place on reddit countries fighting countries that was world like reddit posted like the final thing yeah i was just showing you like the comments on it just like it's like that's people are pissed off yeah upset because it's like actually your yeah the french streamer got 400k viewers while two spanish streamers each had 300k and then you had xqc with 200k so like one million viewers like fan bases like just insulting each other yeah based on which country they're representing oh you're talking about the first thing that's for our place they treated it like a like a war like like it was like you have your place on the thing and they were like we have to defend they were talking to other streamers like we were gonna make an alliance with this streamer so they don't take out our thing and we don't take out their thing it's [ __ ] weird yeah they're really cool can't have fun at all anymore it's cool to ship though why so serious [Laughter] so i'm hoping that happens yeah um are you quantifying victory um so throughout the whole thing you get points for every american you kill a spanish person oh my god i put it by like you you get like um currency for killing members of the opposite team right right at the very end use that currency and just go get a whole bunch of explosives and whoever destroys the enemy team's base oh okay first ones so it's 40 it's not it's two bases yeah it's too basic that's gonna be that's pretty crazy like i feel like that's like what the devs and stuff at fortnight were thinking when they made four yeah yeah yeah like yeah at the end they must build [ __ ] like that's kind of like like like yeah if you have 40 people on a team and you're not going to backstab each other and get all this stuff yeah yeah yeah i've been farming more than you and allah you know it's like a trustworthy thing that'd be pretty like giant castles yeah the problem with the previous rust servers was that the goal of the game is to kill each other and take this [ __ ] but like when you know each other and this like etiquette between streamers is like if you go against a big streamer his audience is gonna come get you sure no matter what yeah but with this one like you know you're divided by countries yeah you're focused so you're you're you're expected to kill the enemy team yeah because they're not from the same part of the world you are and you can't read their insults yeah i know oh yeah but the best thing is voice chat's going to be activated so you're just you're going to that's something wait so you have no option you can't like push to talk or anything like you you can push the top oh okay but it's going to be funny because they're yelling things and neither side's gonna understand what the other is saying yeah that would be interesting if you couldn't if you couldn't push to talk yeah and like when you're not like distance like a foreign language [ __ ] oh dude i wonder if they're do you have any like spanish speaking n a streamers in there who can this would be the carries yeah because you won't know everyone on each team do you think they'll like you'll have rats [ __ ] we're gonna get that would be sick yeah they're gonna be able to speak english but americans generally don't yeah and then you're gonna get real racist about accents too yeah you're gonna get some i think everyone it's one of those things like you want people who are respectful but you wouldn't mind a couple of people who are a little like weird weird and willing to say things and you're like hey i don't con that wasn't left yeah that's kind of messed up said that but man i'm glad yeah right yeah it's gonna be a balance between like drama and like respect dude there's no there's no way that it's gonna be a 40-40 rush ordeal and not have drama yeah i mean that game is meant it's made the music you have to turn it off otherwise you just blood boiling yeah it's it's yeah i mean that's cool that's the game i felt most caveman in where it's like oh you took my thing i'm gonna take your things he won't even know until i leave the note and then he's going to yeah yeah do you interact with a lot of twitch streamers like when you stream no not really no i mean um yeah i mean for the most part like um like collaborations podcasts and stuff like this like a pretty fresh into doing all this stuff i've kind of like i said just been lazy in my kitchen for many years uh no but i mean like you know like i kind of said you know the whole push to stream and stuff has really just been like an interest and like you know just branching out a little bit and yeah you know broadening my view of things learning from other people and everything so yeah unless uh but i'm always nerd like i remember like like you know people are like oh you should play with this person like dude if i played without i look like such an idiot you know because they're good at the game and stuff but no i mean 100 i mean the streaming community has been awesome i like just following the community of people and just the differences and how you interact with your audience it's been it's been fun observing fun to be part of yeah as minorly as i have been but yeah do you guys think it's hard to be a streamer youtuber i think it's harder to be a streamer i mean i think it is i think it's more it's probably more mentally taxing to be a streamer at least because i've tried both and i don't stream anymore but i still do youtube so um yeah i'm team you know yeah i mean it's totally different like because youtube you're forced to be calculated in some ways because you have to edit the video and post it and stuff where streaming you have to be calculated i mean i talk as if i know but just looking at it it seems like you could just go on play a game if you know within your realm of a formula i can kind of just have fun which is part of the form that i'd imagined just so yeah i don't know i mean yeah that's actually interesting you say that because i i feel like in streaming i'm like oh god i hope i don't say something horrible today sure but on youtube it's like i can say anything and then i'm in premiere and you're like [ __ ] get that out of there that's right right yeah so yeah you could take a couple takes takes off yeah yeah do as much as you want yeah but on streaming it's like you do it you say a thing it's there forever you're done um i don't know it's it's such such a constant thing too you wake up you stream you go to sleep you wake up you stream again yeah which you do both as well a little bit more streaming these days and see i feel like i have more respect for youtubers but that also might be because like i'm so integrated with the streaming uh community like i'm kind of you know how the sausage is made but with youtubers because i'm far moved i think it's easier for youtubers to exist independently of other streamers like they can just do their own thing kind of like how you see what you're saying yeah where streaming like you are very incentivized to collaborate and it kind of creates very weird dynamics right and you're also incompetent because like a viewer can only watch live stream one live stream at the same time like for the most part whereas with youtube it's like i can watch this video then i can watch that video on my own time so there's that extra layer of like competition and but you must also play together yeah you must play together but like if i invite this guy and he has more viewers than me i'm kind of screwing myself the benefit outweigh being negative yeah like it's it's a lot of that whereas with youtube it's like you can be successful like on your own and that is more respectable to me than like who you know or like who you collab with and like the drama you farm um but maybe because like i just watch youtubers i like and i'm sure there's a lot like middle tier youtubers or like drama channel youtubers that just don't watch that you would hate like same with dreamweaver like you can watch a shroud who's like i'm gonna play games i'm gonna shoot people in my fps games right then like he doesn't get involved in anything else or you can watch like a miz kid or hassan which is like hey what's what's the drama of the week what's the meta of the week i'm going to get on that right so do do do do like the whole collaborative nature of because i feel like youtube i remember i'm i feel like back in the day there was a period of time where collaborations were like they're really like they still are for the most part but like i remember thinking i mean maybe it was just me being introverted and [ __ ] and just staying inside and stuff but like i was like i've seen people do collabs their subscriber numbers blow up and stuff but the interviews stay the same and yeah and then like then you have this like weird complex of like all these people yeah i got this many subscribers and this many views and this many people don't like you know and like yeah um like is that the same on twitch or is it like kind of like when those audiences transfer it's like they follow you like it's it's hard to quantify because like we have the hosting and rating system where like you can literally dump your viewers onto someone else yeah but a lot of times it's like you dump 10k on someone and that 10k is just gonna like leave within the next 30 minutes like oh yeah why aren't they sticking around it's like is it because people just won't watch something they're not interested in let's collab foo i don't know because also i think i think a difference between the channels is it doesn't seem like twitch prioritizes focuses on like follower account like which would be the code of a subscriber on youtube yeah yeah they focus more like the live viewership on yeah whereas youtube you know you do but it's kind of like the subscriber count it's like the main thing yeah so yeah like i've seen youtube channels like super high subscriber count but like average views it's like yeah ten percent of what it is and it's like what happened here i just feel like collab metas just introduce so much drama and like consideration of other people's feelings it's like oh if we do a collab on my channel for a youtube video oh i mean we should do one on yours and like we do this video who gets which video yeah it's like oh your video did better than mine did and it's like it seems so much easier to not collab at times but you don't know what you're missing out on like am i shooting myself in the foot not collabing because when you mention the collab matter it's like oh yeah there was a period of time it's like featuring this youtuber featuring that youtubers like are you guys collabing because you know each other and you're like you like each other or are you collabing because it's the meta yeah yeah if you're just i'm just curious twitch matter right now what would you say twitch with the current meta our slash place for a while yeah like our place got pop like right now there's a game drawing or screaming yeah definitely a game job where like nobody has anything it's like you switch between valerie and fortnite and league of legends and you just kind of go in circle yeah um during the among us era it's like clap clap collab and built a lot of relationship but also a lot of resentment like i would see tweets like every day like people making fun of it and i also see tweets every day like people like going way too hard it's like i have this lined up and tomorrow i have this lineup and tomorrow i just lined up but it's constantly changing and the thing with streamers is they're very meta follower like sure with our place it just takes one streamer and then everyone's on it um when i was watching anime on twitch it's like i watch it and like 10 streamers are watching the next day so it can be a little annoying sometimes where you won't ever really get to keep anything original you do like sure right i mean you'll be first and you'll you'll you'll profit from being first and all that stuff but then you've got the people biting your heels and stuff but i'm sure you know same with youtube i i saw a [ __ ] video i see a lot of these videos michael of like skinny 17 year old programmers doing your style of videos almost exactly i saw among the other day and it's like the same thing it's an empty chair the skinny kid runs in sits on his head and like does like michael [ __ ] and it cuts to like a black screen with a white text yeah like doing this programming challenge and that's like the fifth one i've seen so far and i'm like damn michael's inspiring a generation of these programmer kids who thinks they can be youtubers by being like like doing what you do i love seeing those little [ __ ] do this i love seeing that there you go i actually saw just one like i usually don't but i saw one just yesterday it was like [ __ ] what was that one oh yeah he made like a a little robot that um it was like a will smith robot that slapped you it was like that i would have [ __ ] done that for sure it's really funny i think he just made it listen to if he said um uh [ __ ] what is his wife's name jada jada jada pinky smith and then it was slapping my yellow little [ __ ] good thing we got that on the on the card that's always epic to see that's [ __ ] sick yeah i'd put money that somebody's gonna like teach their durable to pick stocks i think they do i think that's already been done um i think there is one there's like a a hamster that trades crypto and it's like twenty percent up on the crypto market no wonder so volatile yeah yeah no wonder its name is gox like mount gox or not something like that yeah it's like whichever tube he crawls into he either shorts or buys cryptocurrency that idea has been around for a while um i did like i did like presenting it to like people and stuff that was fun that was epic dude that interview was so correct i did like an interview where i presented my [ __ ] goldfish to these investors broden was there at the filming broden knows that that's the most when i when i saw that scene all this stuff was like it's fake that's what a lot of people were like is it real yeah it was a real place it was a real ball with me it's not like beverly hills are you so awkward dude my manager uh told me that it i was like hey could we find a um like a startup convention because i've been like startup events before well you're like you'll sit down with a team you'll come with a startup idea and you'll present it to a panel of like boomer judges and they'll like make fun of you for it because you suck and i've done those before and i was like that would be really funny to do that would be awesome to pitch the goldfish idea at that and then he was like [ __ ] coven boomers die when they get that so there's none of those competitions out there there is there was just this thing and i had no idea what it was until we walked into it and it was like this is just a house representing in their living room yeah and it was the i think the most awkward like the most embarrassed and awkward i have ever felt in my mind bro i edited it as well as i could to make it seem good and but it took me like two days to get through the footage not because it was hard but because my sympathy for cringe is so powerful i remember getting through like i was like that was really bad i got done with like an editing session it took me like an hour and i looked back and it was like one minute in and i was like [ __ ] that is so it's it was so i took so many pauses you were there rodin was there he only film it thank god i was like stuttering i was like um there was a point where i said i'm sorry i'm just having a really hard time and they all started like you can do it and i was like [ __ ] that is it was the worst it was the worst thing ever it was really bad what were they expecting they no they we went in and they were expecting a real company that was like all real the fact that they were expecting a real company and it was fun because in the footage you can see like when each of them figures it out kind of some of them go to the end all the way to the end um one guy you can see like in is that he like starts smiling a little bit more and that was that was cool to see um but yeah that was a real place and also at the end wasn't there one guy who was like so i know this is like a meme but like can i invest yeah a couple people were like that's a funny joke but and they were asking like real questions they were like what is the team around this like what is like and it was like when they already knew it was a fish that's interesting that you would ask that looks at the camera's point yeah that was that was rough um it's fun though it's quirky i don't know how you could do something like that too yeah say it's like oh god the cringe in the moment infinite trench dude you can cringe all you want afterwards but to get through yeah yeah yeah i think um uh when i was filming or when i was like living with this guy named william osman he does science stuff and like similar stuff and probably like the most epic thing he ever said was like him just being as cringe as possible in real life and editing it to the limit that's why i like editing it on youtube because like you can be as cringe as you want but then you edit it to the edge of where it's like this is fine and this is okay so i tried to do that and it was still [ __ ] horrible that must have been hard to watch well for me i didn't know if it was a bit or not yeah it was so funny i was like stuttering and [ __ ] mumbling over my words because i had to finish i got like two days heads up i made a whole presentation did everything came up with a speech and [ __ ] and like afterwards one of the girls came up to me and she was like after she found out it was a meme and she was like you did such a good job of pretending like you didn't know what you were doing acting cringe yeah i was like yeah i am a [ __ ] genius methodist i have a [ __ ] method actor yeah just play the part kidding i am cringing you didn't know it was a bit no no i mean halfway through i was like huh this is like because your your presentation was so well built out that yeah i didn't i didn't know what to think i was like hey michael's just doing michael like no it's just horrible did it though like because when we got there there's like 20 minutes where like that host was kind of like showing us around and like telling us more and more and like we were seeing all these little cubbies and things and people on business calls did that like elevate things for you did that make it no it elevated like my anxiety yeah it was i i went in hoping for like uh boomers that would not know what was happening until the very end but it was like these like 20 something year old guys who have started tech companies and girls who started tech companies and it's like they're gonna know what's going on immediately but i guess it managed to go all the way to the end so i was i was super [ __ ] nervous the entire time it was it was brutal did they know who you were no really no thank god because that would have made it way worse yeah i don't think so yeah there's a weird pocket of like like people that i didn't know existed yeah going there was like a oh wow this is like you're real a small community of real people yeah they have no idea like what's going on youtube or twitch or anything except for there's some who are doing social media companies but like they completely removed our same age but they're like just startup grinders and it's it was a pretty interesting i think part of what made it kind of seem a little fake was like it's like a house it was like they're just just uncrowded on the couch walking in we're like this is not real this isn't a real [ __ ] yeah this is fake yeah it was on a couch yeah in their living room but yeah because it's literally like it's like the hype house except 30 people who all just run startups it was it was a surreal ass place that i did not know existed before before we walked in the front door you mentioned william osman who recently he quit youtube right he said that he did not fully he did not quit he got it he's got more videos coming up i think he's just um the [ __ ] tired of it feeling like a like like a job probably which is yeah something i do not like he was talking about like all the negative comments he was getting oh yeah yeah yeah is there negative comments on your videos matt whereas like do you get accused of things like my audience has been really good to me over the years actually um yeah yeah i don't know i guess it's kind of hard to accuse you of thinking they see it you know i mean a lot of work goes into making the cuts make like like try to speed through it faster right right right and making sure that it looks continuous right yeah to leave just yeah which frame the speed up ends on so like my hand doesn't disappear from here or something you know yeah or cup doesn't move the frame so yeah um yeah i know my audiences has been great over the years for the most part so you edited all your own videos um i'm trying to get some editors right now yeah because right now for the most part ninety percent hop on premiere it's yeah it's yeah the hard part is like to grind now that we're trying to grow and post more and stuff but that's what i love to do that's why yeah i love the process of like making the product and being like damn that worked out perfectly beginning to end you uploaded yeah did satisfying so lovely relationship there it's time to do the question segment on the offline tv podcast we usually answer two questions from audience because we care about you guys not really but leave your questions in the comments and we might answer it and boost our engagement today's weekly question we have the applesauce this is a very common one if you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be and why hmm great question the applesauce i'm assuming like categories count in some ways like because like my my answer that i've kind of gone to over the years has been sushi because i feel like it's it's balanced it's healthy like you could maybe maybe and you can also do like the non raw fish you can california roll you can put a chicken in there call it you know chicken roll it sounds like an answer where you can modify it to eat anything you want yeah yeah it's like a cop out like a nice offered people like sandwiches and stuff it's kind of a pop out and stuff yeah yeah so yeah you mix up carbs protein fats pizza is also good good pizza i could eat a lot of maybe [ __ ] bibimbap seems like it has a lot of [ __ ] in there so maybe that i want to say spammers of these but that would kill me in one yeah that's just carbs and meat well that's all i eat pretty much now any no there's a there's nory on it there's veggies in there you've got some stuff yeah what about you one food for the rest of your life you're gonna hate it forever yeah you will hate it eventually yeah so maybe just go with something healthy that makes sense yeah cause yeah yeah you can go with like like you're gonna be like they're delicious but man it'd wear on you yeah what would be the what's the food you can eat that and stay healthy the longest it's not salad because salad doesn't have any carbs a lot of proteins or maybe you want to make some carrots in it like a caesar salad i don't know what is the most balanced meal [ __ ] maybe it is baby bob i'm saying yeah the enjoyment would drop after like two years and then you'd be at the same place anyway so it may as well be a healthy meal silence i'm gonna hate it anyway that's that's kind of a good answer this one sounds balanced right is it balanced i don't even know what it is i just saw a video like the meal supplement drink it's a full meal supplement apparently they legally cannot call themselves meal replacements oh that doesn't exist apparently i don't want something that could legally call themselves [Laughter] maybe one of those meal pills are those out yet like pills yeah it's like you see in sci-fi movies like just take one and take a pill and say i'm full for the day i don't think those are out yet there's some uh a huel is the next big one my brother didn't heal for a while yeah like what i what i do before contest is like insure and stuff oh yeah i mean it's pretty high in carbs and stuff but um it balances vitamins minerals and stuff so yeah i know like that's what they get like old people so that's what they after meals all right uh next question from mike if you were kidnapped and given the option to either hunt another human or be hunted yourself what would you pick what kind of dumb ass question who the hell wants to be hunted would you guys kill another human being if it means you get to live i think i'd size him up i think i have to be like you look like a good or bad person um i guess it would have to be visually it's obama man could you hunt could i kill obama like is there is it i'm not a lawyer but we're talking about foreign we're gonna get one of those cool little rectangles at the bottom of the video yeah would you kill a former president still not to live i'm just in general to live maybe someone you care about that that's a harder one i think maybe it depends on the situation but i feel like my survival instinct i i would be like i would rather hunt the person and then instead of yeah because i don't want to get killed right yeah well what if like i'm assuming in this question there's a world where the hunted can escape okay yeah okay like maybe there's a time thing so maybe you're just like a really bad hunter on purpose oh and you let them go well i'm assuming but then using that same logic you could be the hunter and give up your chase oh yeah right yeah you probably lose and you die yeah i think if the hunted escapes the hunter would get killed all right very question is would you trade your life for anyone else's um yeah oh obama um god jesus christian jesus um yeah i think i would i think someone probably is that better than me um [Music] i don't know yeah the hunting is a harder aspect because then you have to kill them yourself yeah for sure oh who the [ __ ] for that question would you would you all i feel like this question has gone multiple directions yeah it could play out i mean yeah like if it's like that like uh the one who fails you die and stuff then yeah maybe like if it's just a button you press that's easy it's like i feel like if you were the hunted then you had like a goal to work towards and then like you know if you you know you achieved your goal to survive and everything i don't know i'm curious do you like kind of related to this question if someone told you like hey you have one week to find this person maybe just fine let's not even say the kill like you you're given a name and they say you have one week to find them or there's some consequence do you think you could find them like in the world they could be anywhere in the world anywhere in the world yeah that's really hard if he's in some village in the jungle you're never going to find that person yeah you're giving a photo and a name oh god i hope he's not in china you're never going to find that guy i don't think my investigatory skills would be able to do that yeah maybe you could hire someone i thought of it because like we're talking about just like yeah i'd hunt them or whatever but like could you do you have the skills to hunt someone oh i was imagining like a like a hunger game situation where you were i was dropped in the woods with a gun and they were also dropped in the woods with not a gun i mean even then like they could go hide in the tree how are you gonna find that that's [ __ ] true i'm not a [ __ ] dude though or they just i think they know yeah okay so they know they're being hunted in my scenario or the scenario yeah the one where they got a photo on i'm gonna say they don't know so really oh so they're just camping out and you shoot them in their tent no okay sorry to clarify not in this scenario i'm saying well essentially your scenario is now this one this is too vague your scenario is not that one yeah but like you can expect them to be in their bed at you know midnight or something or yeah they have a commute regular commute i guess what i'm saying is like if it's hunger game style they're on an island i think they know but if it's the whole world they think that's big enough that like they wouldn't know yeah um what about their city do you think you can find someone if you know their city and their name i think i could because that's realistically more viable like than the world yeah i guess it depends how modern the city is i mean my intuition is like if you asked me years ago if i give you a single photo can you find out where in the world this is i don't know what they're talking about geo guests their thing they could do it so i feel like it'd be i mean doable i felt like it'd be doable i mean i'm not going to say i could but it's definitely the uh it's viable yeah you could dmgo guesser and they could aid in a bet in that killing without knowing it yeah you get them to help i've always wanted like i was wondering the other day about geoguessr like do you think that he has ever been or like do you think there's someone in like like the cia or the fbi like an er interpol an international organization that like has the geoguesser guy it's not like him but like they have their geogester guy who can guess a place off like a photo or they must right i like to think because that's an incredible skill to geoguess your guy like yeah we can't figure this out we need your help yeah i saw that clip where like he doesn't just know it he does it so fast because there was two geo guessing guys going at it yeah and it was like a race to be the first one to click it and they were both clicking within like two miles just looking around judging by the clouds and the the leaves to sum it up we would prefer to kill others i would do a hunter yeah yeah most people would i think anyone would i think it'd be ignorant to assume that you wouldn't have that instinct you wouldn't get to that point yeah yeah yeah yeah it'd be it'd be arrogant to be like oh my world no no no no i'm gonna be the guy like you know you could try you could fight it into yeah the other guy still [ __ ] dies anyway too so you're kind of killing them that way i want to meet someone who's like yeah i'm gonna juke the hunters i'm a dodger i'm the runner yeah so definitely prefer to live yeah good way to put it hot takes yeah i thought about questions like this was like who would i trade my life for mom dad siblings and that's about it but risking your life for someone like that circle kind of expands a little bit like i'll risk my life for you but i would never give my life for you yeah but if it means killing someone to live yes we would all do it that's all the questions we had this week now before we go to the outro matt's here to talk about stony we weren't able to get balls the bowls that we had here um but uh so where is it gonna be sold in store at restaurants so i actually learned and i don't know if this is for certain but apparently that we're looking at actually having a brick and mortar in las vegas oh wow where i currently post it up which is going to be pretty cool i don't know if that's 100 finalized but for the most part it's going to be like a ghost kitchen model yeah yeah mr beast burger style that type of thing i've always wondered what the process of ghost kisses are so fascinating yeah no i mean obviously i'm kind of invested in it so it's you know seems i'm positive about the whole experience and stuff but um no i mean you know the partners that we're working with over at c3 and sbe you know they they do a lot of rice and fish based products so they were able to make awesome pokeballs and stuff and uh so it's gonna be available on like delivery it will be uh you can go and um also on your favorite delivery app just whatever you use doordarshan or postmates and stuff so yeah rolling out i think probably in the next couple months or something that's sick i had no idea you were doing this that's yeah i'll be coast to coast and um are you gonna be doing a stoney bow challenge i ate one of those things i um so yeah so yeah we got six signature bowls these are a handful of them um we got the vegetarian tuna salmon got oyakodon chicken teriyaki a bunch of different things um but we we got the green light by uh by uh whoever does them yeah the stuff the delivery that we can actually do a stony size bowl so you can order like a three pound bowl oh my god it's pretty epic it's pretty epic we um it's it looks beautiful and it's just a giant portion so i think we're going to try to do some sort of challenge with the hashtag and all that you know promo marketing stuff well that's super cool do you know when it's happening i don't know the exact date i know we're gonna do like a slow rollout open a few locations make sure the logistics are there's no like kinks in the whole process and stuff and then i know there's gonna be a lot of places in the la area a couple in vegas um on the east coast like new york and stuff and a lot of the major cities like we're not doing it mr b scale we couldn't hopefully that someday goes there but um yeah no i'm excited is that's one of the opportunities been kind of trying to focus on constantly and expanding and stuff and uh not a lot of youtubers do like actual products either yeah no which is why when i was you know when this whole concept was even brought to me and stuff i was like this is pretty awesome so yeah i i got my story [ __ ] i just came from shooting some photos and stuff earlier and uh yeah i didn't want to use the platform to just shamelessly plug so many more stuff but no i mean please do yeah no we're excited about it i think we nailed a lot of recipes there's a handful of bowls here that i wish i could have brought but we didn't have um some panko shrimp with wasabi aioli is my favorite one and that's really good so no i mean it's um and your delivery apps order it across the country we'll probably be doing that on stream yeah well we'll definitely give it a shot we'll hook you guys up send you guys awesome well thank you so much matt and oh yeah no thank you guys it's just a privilege to be here great to meet you guys finally can't wait to see what goes on tomorrow yeah a lot of fun look out for that video all right see you guys bye
Channel: OfflineTV Podcast
Views: 472,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OfflineTV, OTV, Offline TV, OfflineTV Podcast, OTV Podcast, Podcast, Pokimane, Poki, Lilypichu, Lily, DisguisedToast, Toast, Scarra, twitch, streaming, streamers, games, michael, michael reeves, SquarterJade, Sydeon, Masayoshi, matt stonie, food, food challenge
Id: __rc9ZDRimo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 47sec (5147 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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