Brits try Taco Bell for the first time!! ft. Ryan and Shane

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Recently we had a chance to go to LA. and we reached out to a few friends who agreed to give us an introduction to some JOLLY American food. - We have rolled out the red carpet for you. - That's right. Popeyes, I think, is easily the best fast food chain in America. Wow. Cheers, mate. That's my British accent. Was it good? Cheers. Wow, I didn't expect to get fried chicken. That's why I love this place. I had literally no idea food like this existed in the world. I like you a lot. I'm a fan Thanks, man. - Today, it's JOLLY Watcher. - That's right. And we're trying some Taco Bell. Yeah, you guys wanted to have a little taster of the best that America has to offer. This is it. Ryan and Shane from Watcher are content creating machines. From Buzzfeed Unsolved to Puppet History, they're legends on the platform. And they've also publicly professed their unironic love of Taco Bell. Josh and I are Taco Bell noobs. And we've made the questionable decision of trying it for our first meal in LA. With Ryan and Shane as our guides. My big two caveats, here. I think there's a common joke about Taco Bell giving people diarrhoea. Like that is not a thing. I have never had diarrhoea after Taco Bell. And I get diarrhoea a lot. Okay. Let's get back to the centre here. When you have a McDonald's burger, you're not thinking, “that's an incredible burger," You're thinking, “That's an incredible McDonald's burger.” “That's an incredible Big Mac.” You're not going to McDonald's for burgers, - you’re going there for McDonald's. - Right. Taco Bell, same thing. Ryan, do you have anything you'd like to say before we start on our wonderful adventure? I just wanna say up top. That was a beautiful presentation. I thought that was great. I wanna put in a screenshot of the chat that we had where you guys were proposing what to have. You were so encouraging of each other. You were so encouraging of each other. I started with my list and then you said your list. You said, "Good list, bro. Love that list." And I said, "Solid list, mang. Stoked to mangle some bell together." Yeah, don't know what that means. I think we landed on starting with a classic Taco Supreme. You want to open it up? Get a little look in there. - That looks like a diaper. - That looks pretty gross. - I mean, it's interesting. - It looks a lot like a diaper. Now, the Taco Supreme has tomatoes and sour cream in addition to the cheese, beef and lettuce. Here we go. First bites, gentlemen. - That's not bad. - Yeah, not bad at all. Visually, not doing it for me. I really came in with low expectations but it's actually not bad. I really enjoy the flavour of the beef. The flavour of the beef? Yes, the flavour of the beef. - The payload. - That comes later. Yeah, I don't know if I'm tasting the beef much but the tomatoes taste relatively fresh. - I think so. - They really are. Freshest tomatoes you can get in the world. That? Mm… Yeah, okay. Is that an official statement? It feels that way. Don't look it up. It's just something the Bell-heads say. - That and “Live Más”. - Live Más. - What’s that mean? - Live Más? It’s the slogan. Live more. You live more when you eat Taco Bell. Don't look that up, either. This is a palate cleanser, it's called Baja Blast. They use this at my dentist. Yeah, it does look like that or at the barber shop, a little barber salt. That's pretty gross. Wow. That is definitely illegal in the UK. Let's move on to this beautiful, beautiful masterpiece. When it comes to fast food items Cheesy Gordita Crunch is right at the top. These names are quite long. Cheesy. Gordita. Crunch. You say all three names like you're angry at your child. It's a name that wasn't designed for English people to say. - Cheesy Gordita Crunch. - Gordita Crunch. I think it sounds quite lovely when you say it. - Thank you. - I agree. We have the soft outer Gordita and then we have the hard crispy shell in the middle. I like this because it's almost like an ensured delivery system. - If the first part fails - To make sure nothing, yeah. There's a second layer. Like two-factor authentication. Exactly. Exactly. But that is a weakness of Mexican food. I would say, in general, the delivery sometimes. It’s a little unwieldy. Steel trap, baby. This ain’t going nowhere. The greatest fast food item - In existence. - in the known universe. Boys, I’ll see you on the other side. Wow. There's a lot of beef in there. - That Gordita thing. It's nice. - It's good, it's good. The texture is doing it for me. The only problem with the Cheesy Gordita Crunch is that you don't have enough of it, usually. Like, after I have one, I want about ten more. That, honestly, is unlike any fast food item I've ever had - It's very different. - in my life. And when you get to the Crunch, it is good. The crunch is lovely. I feel like I had a Taco Bell influence on you. You did. I was ignorant of the Bell and its ways. Because I am half-Mexican. I was like, Taco Bell's not Mexican food. And Shane was like, “No, no, no. It isn't. But you do have to try this thing called a Cheesy Gordita.” And have you seen Ratatouille? Yeah. You know that scene when he bites into the ratatouille and he almost awakens inside? This was kind of like an awakening for me. It rung a bell inside you. It's kind of like that feeling, you know when they say, when you die, it feels like your whole life flashes before your eyes. It felt kind of like that except I'm still alive. I think that’s quite accurate. It tastes like you're gonna die - but maybe in a good way. - But in a good way. Like, if you could bottle that feeling. Hey, man. Die happy, die happy. Moving on to the Chalupa Supreme? This was on your list - and I actually put it on my list, as well. - What is a chalupa? Because I have not had it. Ryan, do you enjoy this item? It's good, it's just not as good as the Cheesy Gordita Crunch. But it's good, it's good. I still don't know what it is. So, let's try it. It's a deep-fried gordita? It's almost like that, yeah. The contents, you'll notice, are pretty similar to the Taco Supreme. And by similar, identical. This is basically, Taco Bell, as far as I can tell, it's just a bunch of different delivery systems for consuming the same. It's logistics, really. Yeah. I'm not sure about this but the hand feel is really nice, this shell. - Yeah, it is. - This is very sturdy. - Chunky. - Look at this. It’s not floppy. If I did this with other Taco Bell items, we'd have lettuce all over the place. - That’s actually quite good. - I like that. I’ve forgotten that these are good. I might have to work this into the rotation more often. I do not love that. - It’s so oily. - Very, very. I'm looking at my hands, right now. I look like I've been giving someone a massage. That sounds good. Now, feel free to refresh yourselves, if need be. This drink kind of tastes like the equivalent of a defibrillator for your tongue. Like, it makes you kind of awake in a way you don't like. - Very accurate. - It's not pleasant. Okay, the Crunchwrap Supreme. Wow, there's a lot of Supreme things. They need a thesaurus or something. I’m realising that, the Supreme terminology refers to the contents inside. Because Taco Supreme, Crunchwrap Supreme and Chalupa Supreme. - It's like a Supreme pizza variety. - Beef, tomato, lettuce, sour cream, cheese. What? What is this? This is like origami. What the heck is this thing? So this is for a Bell-head on the go. Wait a second. This is easily the most advanced delivery system we've seen. You could take this bad boy with you on the Tube. The Tube, the Underground. Look at this, check this out. Fits in your pocket! No. Going to work. Got to work. Oh, you guys are going out to lunch? I don’t need to. Got it. It’s right here. Did you get it out again? I didn’t think you’d be able to get that out. Function, may be the best thing on the entire menu. Functional wise. I'm gonna hold off on telling you my big issue with it until we eat it. I want to see if you guys arrive at the same complaint that I have. Let's take a bite. You know, I don't find the tortilla to be that pleasant, to be honest. This is my problem with it, I think it's a little too doughy, but not enough substance for me. I wanted to hear them. Is there anything other than dough in there? Well, that's my big issue. The way this is folded up. You've got tortilla on tortilla on tortilla. It's like so much tortilla. - I don't know whether it's because we're on round four. - You’ve eaten a lot. I'm trying to get any flavour. Yeah, it doesn't taste of anything so I’m taking another bite. You start at the edges, you're like, “there's gotta be more here.” So disappointing. Because it looked amazing. Just offended a lot of people. - I mean, it’s terrible. - That’s fine, man. It is terrible. Come fight me. This is terrible. Okay, final thing. I'll tell you what, as a child, this was one of the great joys of life, getting our little cinnamon crisps. I believe both of you guys said this is in your top five, top ten fast food items. No, dessert items, dessert items. What I like about this is, you don't feel gross afterwards. If I eat a McDonald's apple pie or like a McDonald's sundae or something, it's a treat but you feel a little naughty afterwards. Well, if you put down a couple Cheesy Gordita Crunches, that's pretty heavy. - You want something light and airy. - These are very light. Very light. I’m just relieved there’s no cheese and meat. Exactly, I think that's why they designed this thing. I recommend looking for a flavour blasted one. Look at this. Oh, my gosh. - Cheers. - A little crunchy cheers. Cinnamon Twists. Oh, my gosh. That’s so good. Delicious. Okay. Holy crap. That’s incredible. That is incredible. Kind of like a cinnamon prawn cracker. Yeah. I mean, that doesn't make me like it more. It really is a cartoonish crunch. Yeah. Can we all four of us crunch at the same time? Let's do that. - For maximum crunch. - Bromance crunch. - Alright. - Here we go. All for one, one for all. That was good. - Somewhere - Satisfying. an angel got its wings. In that very moment. Alright, guys. Well, thank you very much. Thanks for making the flight all the way here just to have Taco Bell. That's crazy. To be honest, it was better than I expected. Alright, well, go check these guys out at Watcher. We'll leave a link in the description. And in the meantime. - See you JOLLY soon - See you later. We're all Bell-heads now. Bye! Great, great. Stephen, how are you doing, man? Oh, wow. Look at that. Oh, wow. Cheers, mate. That is next level. Oh my golly, JOLLY. Yeah, that is worth a round of applause. Holy moly.
Channel: JOLLY
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Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, mukbang, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, priest, guest, memes, Billie, Eillish, Gentleman, Brits, Korean, lesson, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, fire, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, kpop, bts, blackpink, army, rations, MRE, review, taste, test, 영국, 졸리, 한국어, 음식, 반응, 신기한, 이상한, 맛있는, 리뷰
Id: LqIjEhI6tWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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