Laughing at Red Flags: Are You Guilty Too?

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one two three beautiful people let's go I don't really think she got words out she she went from started laugh hello beautiful people today I'm so sorry hello beautiful people today me and my friends gathered together and created list of funny red and green flags that we going to discuss and share with each other it's going to be a short list it's already very very funny so um we should start like straight away I just thought you yeah you full on toe stroke me like 10 minutes ago too but anyway we who are we we introduce us remember guys so this is Clayton he's my college friend we started as co-workers and I didn't actually know you for a whole semester but we became really good friends he's a good he's he's a good person this is Owen he's an international student in St Vincent for one year he's going to leave in three weeks he's from Ireland this is Anastasia this is my sister my soul sister my best friend my roommate I know her for the half of my life I love you she loved me obviously I love her too anyway we got start from red flag and then we're going to move on to green flag so the point will be everyone's going to share one red flag and you're going to explain it or like discuss it we going to start off with the fact that it's only a joke it's just a joke chill those are funny red flag and green flag and like if you don't want to listen to us don't listen to us cuz you know like some of them will you don't have to listen yeah it just it just it's just experience you know our experience experience like that's that's life left is stuff right also like an interesting thing that I think we should discuss before starting is that I don't think red flag is like a thing that like it's the end like imagine wait wait wait wait isn't that the definition of a red flag it's like it's like signs it's like Signs like what I think is that it's like you know when you cross the road there's like traffic lights and there's like green uh green yellow and red right so what does red mean stop right because you're going to get exactly but but this this sign it's like great so yeah singular red flag is like like okay one red flag okay multiple multiple red flag no stop don't cross the road actually I was thinking about something else like I think about red flags and green flags and like all the flags that exist in this world uh like the line and it's like it's like red orange yellow and green if a person is too controlling that's a red flag but if a person doesn't give a [ __ ] at all that's a red flag as well so yeah so a green flag is somewhere in the middle middle like a balance so a red flag is whether deficiency or like too much of something like you can balance it out you know I think it also depends on circumstances of and people yeah we are so different but some red flx are Red FL you know who is green flag because we are Ukrainian and Ukrainian flag is yellow and blue and blue and yellow is a green flag exactly guys okay the biggest red flag is people who just casually drink milk because uh milk's milk one it's all right but well there's other choices and you actively go after milk that's weird and kind of gross I agree I agree I milk okay I disagree um because first you drink milk no but like if I did drink milk I would never call someone out for that didn't you didn't you come to the office the other day with a cup of milk he's always in check with a milk okay I do drink milk okay I I hate I do drink milk casually but that comes from like growing up as a kid you know I used to drink milk just out of the carton you know I just drink it because it's healthier than soda it's healthier than juice it's healthier than anything else you could drink you water not healthier than water but that's it you know what I will actually I will stand with your point just I don't really drink much milk right now almost none of the days but I agree with you because it remind me about childhood and in childhood I drank a lot of milk with my dad and it was like casual like thing for me like whole the time evening cookie and milk yeah building relationships building bones all these sort B it's not just cookie and milk though you're just drinking milk I drink milk cuz I like the taste of milk and I understand people who can't but okay but like it's I've seen you drink milk I done with him just because I don't like milk because I think that I'm lactose intolerant but I don't know if I'm lactose intolerant but I don't like milk I don't like drinking it if that's milk and ccus I don't think that's the same thing in as just drinking milk cuz you know like when you're very thirst thirsty and all you do is just like water yeah and milk that's yeah I don't drink it's been like 75 degrees out and I've seen you drink just straight milk but if it's cold it's cold milk as well it's really it's ice cream but liquid if you ever have spicy what you're supposed to drink when you have spicy food don't eat spicy food okay but if you're not white and you have spicy food right you drink milk to get rid of the spice like that's how yes cuz the enzymes see you know the science but you're still ha eating all this oh yeah but there milk is proven to be good for you and that's not debatable that's true it's better than juice and soda that's true how about the juice from like straight oranges like a fresh that's true but are you going to squeeze the juice for an orange each time I'm not I would if I had the machine the juice machine I mean that's fine I think it depends on people so do we agree that it's red FL red flood I think if you look at it objectively and put your personal bias aside I don't think it is come on we're discussing fny okay sure sure but I'm still saying no I agree with I still don't agree yeah but you're giving a lot of situations you know what I mean but I'm talking about like you know you're just walking around through the day you're thirsty and you bought a glass of milk that's a red flag red flag red flag like when you choose milk over water when you are thirsty okay but just for the right I do drink water like that's not I don't only drink milk it's not like that but I would get milk with my shack and stuff like that okay you're forgiven okay let's Mo okay let's imagine we are on the beach beach right there's son there's like different girls men and some men are walking in a swimwear but this swimwear looks like not like shorts do you know what I me speed it's too tight yes like okay and is it like a triangle a speedo no no this is red FL who agrees you have money to like buy normal shorts yeah it's like do they think it's I static or like it's like I agree I I definitely agree that's weird like I would say it's yeah I didn't I never thought about it as a ref but I thought about it as like you know it's just weird yeah I would I would get an ick looking at yeah it's almost like likeed I'd say I'd say I'd almost understand it if they were like a swimmer yeah I think there's the differ that's different but like if you're just pulling up to the beach and like dang I got my banana hammock on that's wild that's fair that's v i I agree okay when a person does not know what tiu is and I'm going to explain because think about it tiu is something like everyone knows about it if you don't know about it like how not even close-minded like you're a little bit stupid if you don't know about this because you are not interested in like even other cultures or you are not interested in cooking like you are not interested in anything because tiu is actually not something that you have to be interested in to know about this but if people live in Alaska how they would know they have internet no maybe not yeah but You' have know what tiu would be to then search it right no but like maybe people just like like they're a different culture and I didn't he about yeah like yeah that's the point like tiu is Italian it's a different culture but it's so worldwide known that if you don't know about this it's kind of weird cuz like what do you know about like what can I talk with you about if you don't know what tiu is like what else you don't know it's no do you remember like this one guy we so we talked with two guys in one of them he was like oh you're ukrainians where is Ukraine located it was year and a half of the war and he didn't even know that there was a war there and it was like you know it was dumb like he looked dumb and very very very like stupid and you know compare like if we will compare war with tiu I don't think it's a same thing you that's true yeah I agree with you but still like if you don't know what tiu is I have agree with you and have not like it's like something culture but in the same time it's weird for me to to not know about this fact what is terisu because we eat it a lot we saw it in different restaurants we saw like your mom do like we from Italy so it's not really cultural yeah but like we don't know how it's in different like cultures like I don't know but here like let's be honest like he bought t a few days ago and brought it America they like brought different from cultures no I know but like America like you know it's multiculture like exactly that's why you should know about this in America America because you're a multicultural why are you so figure so you mean it's a red flag only if Americans don't know it no just overall people in general I mean depends on the country but like most countries have internet nowadays and like if you are like if you are well yeah that's true like it depends on the country but most countries they know about your mus let's be honest I would say it's not about internet at all because like there's so many things like if you ask me about Ukrainian food I maybe don't know what it is like if you say like one of your native foods I wouldn't know and if I say one of mine you might not know either that's true and it's the same as tiramisu it's a native food of it's not because tiramisu is more than just um cultural thing right now like in cooking world it's literally the basic it's a classic recipe like do you mean tiu it's like pizza yeah kind of you think you would put pizza and pizza is different I say it's it's about like the accessibility to tiu like if you're like not everyone's going to like have access to like going and getting it you know what I mean like depending on where you grow up at least like in the US I mean like cuz not everyone's going to be going to like some bakery or some restaurant uh to go get it so it's more like it's more just about like where they can get it from and how often they see it that's true if you would have like some standard I would still consider it as a reflect like I would not say that the person is bad because they don't know about youu but if the person wouldn't know about this I would like question what we can talk about with them if they don't know like such basic thing you know like I think it may be okay for other people but for you for me I would you know if a person would be good and that would be the only red FL that they would have I would teach them I would make them some T so they can try like it's not a big deal for me it's just it's more than tiu you know like That's a classic thing so it's more more than just a culture so you mean in our environment it's red flag in our envir like where I do although I will say once you get to like it's all about age too I guess cuz like now now if you don't know what it is it is kind of weird true cuz at some point you should have come across it at least or at least heard the word and have then searched it but if you don't know then yeah it is weird so I actually well agree yeah I really like how we finish this idea so your turn okay so my red flag is not as funny as theirs it's being unathletic I find being unathletic incredibly scary and when I say unathletic I don't mean they have to play like a sport at like a club level or anything like that but I mean like let's say hypothetically they're playing volleyball in a miror or something like that like hypothetical and like if they're like so bad like they can't move or they can't like lift up their hands or something then I started be like there's there's there's some is a hint on some no I'm not hinting on anyone do you know what we're on a team we were together on a vol bable inter mural team we lost every single game and he was the captain so of course he no no but this is a the coach quit this is a real thing okay tell us more about this like what do I mean by this I think being unathletic is like she said if you can't even do the very basics of being looking after your body how can you do anything else see that's different than Athletics though no I'm saying unathletic when I mean unathletic I mean like you can't run to the bus when it's going or you can't make like if something happens you can't move quick enough to get it but what unathletic what if person has disability okay that's where I draw the line but me personally I would never date a disabled person like if they have no leg I can't it's not for me and that might be a red flag can that might be you can cancel me for that but I'm saying is if I like to go on Hikes and stuff and they they're on a wheelchair that's not doable like one of us have to go and one of us can't that's what you're saying that you would not be compatible with a disabled person because my lifestyle is different yeah if I didn't like going on Hikes or if I didn't like playing football or anything no problem we can both just chill at the cinema or sit at home or wherever that you don't need or you know swimming how are they going to come they're not coming I have a question me I have a question for example if you're dating girl that's crazy yeah and something happened to this girl what you will do in this situation okay it depends how long you've been dating them I think definitely because let's say you're you just finished your first date you come out of the restaurant oh that was such a good day I re and then this Sammy truck just smashes into her and she now lives she only has a head now okay she only has a head everything else is mechanized could I bring myself to date her like just a head nothing else the body is all gone we are not talking about this okay but I'm giving you an example that's a terrible example okay they lose their like okay they get hit by a truck and they'll die any type of disability is terrible though like it's not like if you lose a whole even if you lose a finger that's pretty big a big deal when you think about it but let's say they lose their arm fine something normal lose their arm okay that's a big deal though deal I mean it is but you know like there are a lot of people that do this and like they learn to live about this the question is if you would be in a long-term relationship and you actually saw this person as your wife or you are already engaged yeah but the thing is if they if I seen them as my wife I've been dating them for a long time like so like if they would become disabled oh oh in that point yes after you married then no then I think I can if you love them enough you'll Overlook anything that's how well I mean too like it's not really wanted to hear you wanted to hear a good answer not the not I'd leave her she's done I agree about like this cuz I think looks really really matters because it says more than just like how you look if I look athletic and if people comment that oh you have nice abs or you have nice body they are saying this and they can see that behind my nice body is actually gy is better healthy choices you know like more sleep yeah like sometimes you look at the person and you can see that wow I like this person because I can see that our lifestyles matches because he like he's probably going to the gym he's probably like enjoying this food sometimes it doesn't work out but let's be honest like we judge books by its cover like this is literally the first thing that we notice when we come into the room the first thing we notice is not their Ambitions or their generosity it's how they look and if a person looks like they don't take shower like they I don't know they don't care about themselves they don't wash their hair and they don't care about their clothes I will not really like go up to them be like oh you know like hi like what's your name what's your number no but at first you learn about them you come out to them because you like how they look and then only then you learn about them and you're like okay I see that this person is not that good like their looks are not as good as their appearance because I have to admit good appearance doesn't make up for ugly personality but if I would choose a partner a significant other I would like for that person to take care about themselves and one of the ways to take care about themselves is to go to the gym and live good one of the like it was a long speech though if we are talking about relationship Al like if we are talking about relationship too about this in relationship it's also not about not only about Luke but also about sexual invention like yeah like you see the person they can be really smart they can be perfect but like if they're not attractive for you how like things can happen between you yeah exactly that's a good point like if they don't look good if they don't turn you on that's going to be hard to live with that person so that's one of even the personality is like but it's only like I'm talking only about like partner like significant other if I'm talking about like other people like I'm okay like I don't care if people look after them or they don't look after themselves like this is their life their choices but if I choose a person to be next to me for like the rest of my life I want a good person to be next to me and like I'm responsible for their choice this came a long way from being h athletic yeah I was going to say this covered my next one which is fat people I can't fat being fat I think is are you fat fobic yeah I guess then yeah that's exactly it I mean what's for you fat okay when I say fat talk about I don't mean you mean obes maybe but what I mean fat is like when I look at them and like I'd say a good thing is like if they can't like like on a yeah like on athletic like where they're like kind of like stumbling around or they're like like after like coming up two steps or something like then I'm like how about if people like they don't have a choice like that's their no okay I draw the line there if you have a condition like uh condition since birth or something like that then that's fine like I'm not going to but again it comes to preference even if they have a condition but they're still fat like that's like immediately no their personality could be great but like you said if you're not attracted to them nothing like looks get you in the door and personality keeps you there so like yeah so are youing talk about relationship yeah relation I could be I I could be friends with the fattest person in the world I don't care maybe I am but the thing is actually I don't know you search it up but I'm talking about in terms of red flags and you're talking about relationships I feel like if you're fat naturally no like ailment no illness it just says that you're not disciplined enough to look after yourself if you can't look after yourself how are you going to look after me or anyone like you know your body comes first okay I I will I will add that I don't really care if a person is fat or not but I do care when people will complain about being fat and looking bad and not doing anything but they will not do anything like all they do is when but they never never take care of themselves or take responsibility for that like that's something and it's not only about you know like the weight of people it's about everything if you're complaining but you never do anything like I'm going to be here to support you but if I'm going to hear the same thing five times in a row and the only answer I'm going to get is I I don't know I don't care you know like oh I'm too scared to do this then bye-bye actually I found it's a Mexican man he's half of the tone half of a tone tone more is there a photo yes 595 no but I would say like those kind of cases when you're half a ton like that's a medical or mental something's gone but when I say like I see like a I'm not like here being like Oh if I see a fat person on the side of the street I'm like get the [ __ ] out of here fat ass I'm not like I'm not that hate but like if my friends are one of my best friends if they're really fat I'm going to be like be hard world you also like if you're best friends you want to best for them you yeah you want to make them better so if I let them be or like just be like that's fine oh you're beautiful you're F I love that you can't like move properly that's great great like that's not that's not the best for them be real you want tough love not tough love I think people become scared of saying the truth like if someone is unhealthy just say they're unhealthy and then you can be nice about it you don't need to be like me and be like hey you fat ass get off like get on the the treadmill like no but you can be nice and you're making them better anyway fat phobic has become like a defense I feel like like cuz think about it let's say stupid phobic was a thing you can't make fun you can't no you can't make fun of stupid people cuz that's stupid phobic I've just made up a new yeah there's no like I gu are you stupid phobic are you stupid phobic it's not my fault I don't know what two plus two is it's stupid phobic like when did we start making up I totally understand like people who don't eat enough like through eating disorders and stuff like that but going the other way and being like you know what eat whatever you want like be disgusting don't look after yourself that's just as bad as eating disorders where you don't eat enough and you're like skinny as bones just fat phobic has become buzz word where people are like you're fat phobic but they don't actually think what they're trying to do cuz be for real if you were fat and you were like unhealthy and you're you're not doing well would you want people who are like okay let's go to the gym like let's I'll help you like it's not if you see a fat person in the gym not once would I be like fat I'm like okay he's trying to he's doing better yeah so I feel like when people are like I'm too scared to go to the gym oh but all the guys there they're going to look at me no one cares like when you go to the gym everyone's like I don't look at people when I go to the gym I'm I'm like can I curl this one more time please so and after in the calf we are talking oh there was too many people in the gym they were just walking so weird you this oh my go this girl was looking at me whole my exactly so that was all in said okay yeah so I had a question not a question but like we have a new term of not a new term but plus- size right and it's like not really what does it mean a lot of people take it like oh I'm fat so I have to call myself like plus size but it's not plus size it's not only about to being fat or something like this it's about like don't a lot of people like don't understand that plus sizes also take care about themselves it's also to be healthy it's trying something to take care of yourself they think it's like oh I a lot and I do nothing so I can call myself plus size and I don't agree with this ter okay is it red FL just let's go back firstly being fat right is not an we find like it's like having cancer like oh my God you're fat oh my God what are you going to do like it's not like that you're either fat or you're skinny like if you tell a skinny person hey you're looking skinny today they're not like oh [ __ ] why would you say that to me skin yeah but I would say I would argue that it's mostly the other way like if if I most the other ifay told me hey you're looking skinny today I would feel bad but if he said damn you look fat as hell today I'm going to take the fat as hell one much worse cuz you look at like yeah it depends on the person and the circumstance I'd say majority though you look at models look at models Tik Tok like they're all skinny like I will not agree with you in this point actually sorry but I have to like disagree with you because a lot of like skinny person they are struggling also about this in their head and if you B you were born in skinny like body it can be whole like all the time people will say oh you're skinny oh you're skinny you I can see your bones and all this stuff it's also like influence on their mind so I don't think they will be like Oh I'm they said I'm skinny oh it's cool like you know yeah I agree cuz so that that was me when I was a kid like I was so skinny like I was pale I was really really really really white as if like I'm dying you know like I had big like eyebag I was really really skinny and Bones all that stuff and people would constantly say me oh my God you look so tired you look like you don't eat at all you look in AA and all this stuff it never never never offended me in my life until I started looking normal and people were like oh you look as if you gained some weight and it was supposed to sound normal because finally I don't look like I'm dead anymore but because my whole life I was hearing the same thing that you're you're so skinny you're so skinny you're so skinny for for me it became an offense to look normal you know and I was like I should lose weight I should lose weight I should not look like normal human being I should look like as a skinny person so I would like in general say that commenting on people looking some way is already bad especially if you are not friends with that person just because you never know what that person is going through never so if you want to comment like oh you look skinny or you look fat instead of that you can just say oh you look nicer today you know you look full of energy or you are so inspiring because you went to the gym like I can see like how you changed because of that you know there are ways to like flip it around in a nicer way and not actually complimenting like straight away cuz you also want to be like respectful and you you never know what a person is going through but like coming at the beginning I do agree that uh for me it is important to see the person being fit and healthy just because for me it tells more than just look it also tells me about their lifestyle and from that I can see whether we are at least compatible or not should we move on to the next red flag yeah it was only the first it was only the first talk I don't think we're going to make through all of the breed and wind flag should we do like only only R only red only only you should start uh all right I'm going to go with people people who don't try new things um but this really kind of goes back cuz I knew this girl in high school who uh every time she would go to like a restaurant would order a grilled cheese and fries or just mac and cheese and I think and she wouldn't try anything new and I think that's just like a weird thing and like like why would you do that I would love to disagree with you because I'm the person who is in Barista or like anywhere in coffee shop I will take all the same thing it will be isolated with oat milk and because I know that if I will add any favor like flavors or like anything else it will be too sweet for me and I found my per like I tried a lot of stuff before that's why right now I know what is the best for me and I really love this taste so that's why I want to take it all the time yeah I yeah I agree with him because what you said is actually what like he said like he said that when someone does not like to try new things but what you said is that you tried a lot of new things and came back to what you found is the best and I think like that's good when you try a lot of different things and then you find your thing and then only you like get the same thing but when a person just like that was me as a kid I would know that I like this type of pizza every time I would go to the restroom I would never try sushi I would never try bows anything I would have the only order I miss so much in my life because of that but like it's fine I'm getting better I Love Sushi you know all that stuff but I think what he's saying is very different from what you're saying but you never know like for example if you met the person you never know if they tried before he said that the fact you can always ask yeah so it's like different like it can be like in different ways so that's why I don't agree that it's green like red FL that it's red flag that's why because like you don't know before experience and like maybe they will try but like right now he just had a fact she don't like to try because like she always um she always tried only grilled cheese with the fries right and he thinks that she like she just don't want to try something new but it doesn't mean that she didn't try before you know what I mean that's true but I mean I still agree with him though there's so much variety of things that if you consistently are only getting grilled cheese I mean like as an 18-year-old person as an adult you're getting grilled cheese out restaur maybe that's the red flag that you're always getting real cheese yeah that is a red flag if you straight girl cheese you're I have a question maybe you just like went with her just to the one place and she didn't like anything else in this place no I've been with her like multiple places okay okay it's been consist I just needed to ask you okay I and I think it goes Way Beyond only like trying like tasting you things I think this is very important when a when a person doesn't try anything new in Life or learn anything new in life cuz I do stand by the point when you learn when you try a lot of things and you find your perfect one go for it like I don't care about that but when a person doesn't try anything at all like no Adventures no SP spontaneous you know like things like no that's that's weird when a person just do listen to the same music all the time like when they when they don't listen to like different types of music only one music straight away and they never like what do you mean by one music like I don't know one J or like no like or one playlist it's me one only country no country me I forgot about this red flag country music country red flag only country if I'm going to turn this turn on this song for you and like no matter what song I'm turning on for you you don't like it you know what get lost if me and a significant other doesn't have at least one song in common to listen to there is nothing to talk about for me it's also important if the person that I I am with to have the same taste in music because I don't know how we will be together it will be for me really tough I'd be on the other side I would say that being different is one of the coolest things you can have in a relationship so like if I like classical music when she likes rock music that's a cool thing like I listen that is a cool thing what we said is at least one song in common oh yeah sure you can have one song I'm sure everyone has one song in common and we're not just talking whisper yeah we're not just talking about songs though I would agree that if you have someone who doesn't like trying out new hobbies and like you know going to see new places that's boring that makes things that makes things difficult cuz you can't you can't grow anything yeah you can't like let's say you want to become better at your thing you bring your partner with you like maybe they can help you out vice versa so and maybe they like it and it's like something you do together I mean like we're still young like all of us are on age none of us know what we really want to do so we keep trying new things until one one hits yeah so if you have a partner that's like you know what no I'm just going to stick to watching movies today or like whatever and it's like it's like you listen to the same song over and over again eventually you're going to hate it so if you do the same thing with someone over and over again eventually it's just going to be like I mean music is really like a different thing like if I know I know no music is different I was just trying to also you know how like I feel like relationships can be kind of like the water if it doesn't flow it just stagnate and so if you're not trying new things in relationship with the person like it's going to stagnate you're going to get bored of that and you will not love each other anymore you know it's I feel like some people like routine though in their lives like I feel like as you get older and you get more comfortable with a person like I'm assuming in my 40s I'm not going to be trying like new things like all the every day like maybe you know slowly but at this point in life like yeah I I'm talking overall I'm not I'm not trying to like make my partner try new things every single hour you know of course or every single date I meet him like I love stability you know like just laying in bed and doing nothing all that stuff blah blah blah so cute but overall like you're talking over I just feel like if you don't like trying new things you're boring yeah but it's the same with everything like if you stick with the same thing you can play it safe or you can find something I agree with it even same thing that you're doing you can still you can make that better too yeah yeah you can change so I agree I age AG red flag okay my red flag okay if I can't find the person even on a Facebook this is red flag like even Facebook wait so they foot social media if I like find a guy right I have to find him everywhere to see like that's it yeah I don't that's basically if want call you can call whatever if an information is open on the Internet it's not stocking cuz it's available it's not St but like you know it's like snooping then okay I want to learn about this person more so I'm I want to see where he lives wait wait what okay okay no when you're looking at the person like bio you can see what sport they playing right where they live who te yourself out guys what wor they play what quote they have on what's their number what number they have their email address and also SL like I think a lot of people do this like okay if you okay if I'm alone okay okay so and I want to learn a lot of details about them right and what I cannot find even on Facebook on the page of their mom this is red flag for me because it means that they are not sociable people they don't like like they don't have their life like what they are doing then because like if the person at least they have like uh their bio in the sport like at least like rooster it's like you at least know something about them and at least they are somewhere they are doing something you know they're like they have something in their life so does this guy not have a Facebook not only one not only one you know so what they when they don't it means they they are not doing anything their life really I would disagree I would say that like if I met someone and they have no like social media presence I would be like no no I wouldn't be like yes firsty I'd be like this person's a bit weird because these days it's hard to find someone like who has really no social media presence but I'm like I would say being weird and different is better than being the same as everyone else I I kind of I don't think that's rough like when you cannot find the person because sometimes I feel like you know there is a bad side to this when a person is on social media even on Facebook and they post everything and everywhere it's like chronically online like if if you document everything but I'm not talking about like every like all all social media just like somewhere at least somewhere something about them at least like if you will Google your name you will see at least something that connects you to something at least one thing but when you have nothing this is weird it means said they are not athlet they are not uh they are not athlet that's that's no they never been to any like event they never did something anything fun that they were posting somewhere their faces you know like at Le like at least something about you okay I couldn't see your point but the only reason I cannot agree with this is because I knew the person who was actually a pretty green flag and he did not have any online presen at all at all except for rooster he wasn't rooster though yeah you see at least it's rooster I mean it was really hard to find that and so and so like I cannot agree with it because you know I think sometimes it's just but there is another side to this if they don't have time for social media which everyone else around has maybe they have something more interesting in their life that's what because if they would have because you cannot say that they are playing video games all day long you know because if they would they would have social medias to connect with people like on Discord or twitch or whatever like there is like you could video games I would say though that if they have no social media presence they're either unbelievably good and talented or they're just the worst person ever so I'm saying is it also adds to the mystery like kind of if there's a girl I see and I'm like damn it's like a lottery yeah no exactly so you could get a really you could get a million dollars or you get scammed so hey I think it's more interesting that way it's so not a red flag for me yeah it's not a red flag for me interesting I would say Okay clay I don't know I think I think that like I kind of get it like it's odd if someone doesn't have like some sort of presence somewhere but at the same time like I kind of get it like maybe they just don't have time or they just don't want to yeah some people don't like social media I think we to remember I think the like yeah like not having it is weird but like it does allow you to like kind of skip past some things you're like okay like I like this person exactly now I know a little bit is it worth my time you know what I mean isn't that what dating has come to it's convenience now like you want to know everything before you even talk to them that's true isn't that I would say like it gives you more incentive to go talk to them you don't know what sport they play go ask them what sport do you play you don't know what their number is but it's easy to tell like a guy but like you know maybe it's different I feel like girls like looking at like Instagrams and snap more often than than guys would like I don't think I've ever seen any of my friends be like yeah let me find her Instagram let me see they'll just be like let me ask her out thing yeah I feel like there's a where you found this friend I need to know please I don't know but I would say number I would say not red FL okay for me yeah I don't think it's I think we agree okay right the next [Music] one okay when a person doesn't have their room clean and like they have clothes on the floor I agree when it's a dirty room and like the stuff is everywhere that's fine like I can live through that you know I can help you clean it's okay it's not an massive e or anything but if in your dirty room I can see the clothes on the floor just like casually like being on the floor you wearing them later like I don't know like for me it's such an ick and a red leg if it's not not a book or a tissue but literally your you know like you should respect your pamas or anything that's fair it's yeah it's for me that's a rle I I don't think I have to even explain this no I don't think so I feel that kind of comes out of like the the selfcare yeah if you can't look after your room you're not there's certain things if you can't if you can't take care of them it's like you can't take care of anything else how you can respect yourself you if you don't respect your stuff or clothes like how you can like I don't know for me it's also red flag totally red flag totally red flag yeah even like you know we are not talking about like like really dirty dirty dirty dirty like space around you it's more like even if you you know when you come in to someone's room and it's for you looks messy but actually the person knows oh I put this there I put it there I put it there that's okay I feel like you know where your stuff is but it's like not on the floor yet I agree Martha totally totally totally totally yeah and I do agree that like if you do not respect yourself like I'm gonna for example move in with you right and live with you will you just like throw my stuff like this you know yeah like will you even clean when we're going to live together like I'm not going to I'm not trying to like get into relationship to clean after this person since I wanted to say is that like I don't if I want to go uh with this person and moved to another place with this person I don't want to be like a mom and coming after them like their stuff like and also like I can not just to leave it on the floor because it's also my space you know true it's kind of not compatible so yeah pretty self-explanatory I agree but I I am messy like I'm I'm agreeing with everything but when you're like yeah sometimes there's clothes on the floor I was like oh my God cuz sometimes I come back from football like sweaty and disgusting and and I'm like I just take off my clothes and go into the shower so like put in a laundry if in for a minute that's okay but like when not for a minute like until I shower like well until obviously when you get out of the shower you no I put I put it back yeah talk momentarily it is I I can I like lived in rooms though like if I go to someone's house and I see their living room and stuff I go to some houses and they're like really clean really nice but what I like more is Like Houses where you can see like it's lived in like it's still clean everything is organized but it's like a more like homely comfortable feel like you can see kind of maybe a teddy bear sitting there or like a book open oh no this is this is still but dirty clothes yeah I get that but I've done that before I've thrown clothes on the floor I would pick them up later but I still yeah that's the point that's the point like if you pick them up later and like do the laundry with them cool but if you just like throw them and then like just go to sleep yeah no that's fair and like wake up and wear them like oh my this is terrible that's fair that's fair but also like it can make sense for other people like I don't judge if you don't if you do this like go for it I don't I don't care but that's my choice not to be with such person in a relationship you're red flag what me for for when you in the shower for like a few seconds guess you reflect for few seconds I guess I'm a potential red flag for 10 seconds I say you flag I said your red like next oh my bad my bad my bad okay let me redo okay my last one is uh I think a pretty like agreeable one it's anyone who hates dogs and when I say anyone who hates dogs I mean like people who religiously love cats but then the second it's a dog they're like I can't I can't do this as if it's not another of God's creatures like come on what if they are scared of them okay I I know some people who have been bitten by dogs and then they have a fear from that and I totally understand that okay I I'll let that pass but like usually when you get bitten as a dog like with by a dog you're like usually a kid like I've never really seen like grown adults being bitten by dogs usually not so I'm saying is if you're like 20 years old and like even a small dog I understand big Terriers and like big Doberman I totally understand being afraid but like if a Chihuahua comes I afraid of Chihuahua because they scared but I think that's a different thing being afraid of dogs doesn't mean I said not liking I mean not likeing just afraid okay fair enough if you have a phobia of dogs I guess that's that's that's that's your thing but people who hate animals in general is a pretty like weird flag because like especially for guys I feel like if you if your girlfriend or something is like they hate like living creatures and stuff do you want that like if you're thinking long term do you want your kid to be around someone that hates hat living creatures yeah you're that's your kid like he's like I don't like this baby anymore into the B like I know that's not happening but I'm saying is it's you want like the people closest to you to have like a regard for for life and stuff what about person to be just okay okay is fine I don't they don't need to love the dog or but you know some people are like they hate they hate they're like dogs like oh no I'd say it's bit not just dogs though like animals in general I agree but I'd say like I can understand like people don't like dogs cuz they're usually more messy than like so I get that like if you don't want like your house to be like your carpet to be pissed on or something it's like I get that part but like if you're yeah if you're just active like that's dog like if you meet someone for the first time and they have a dog if that's a problem for them that's a problem for me too because like you're not dating the dog you're I'm hoping you're going to date me not the dog so if the dog is such an issue I for me personally that's it I I agree I don't know like I don't think I really care cuz I didn't really have any experience living with a dog or with a cat like my grandma's had ones but I don't have a like I do agree when people hate animals like why would you hate but I don't think I really care if they like I don't really like dogs like I don't really want one I don't really like one that's that's fine if you like one I'm for example I'm a little bit scared of dogs but I'm okay with overcoming in this feere and actually getting one because you know I was always telling people I'm scared of them but I would love to have one one day like it's something that I can talk about and like compromise on but I don't think I really care until like you're like oh my God I want to pray for this cat and I'm going to like yeah the opposite is also true like if if your dog takes up your entire life like it's it's time to move on I feel like I feel like we shouldn't just say animals cuz like there's this there's a when I was on in Virginia I went over this girl's apartment and she had a snake that's weird like that's that's that's another like that's an animal I'm sort of like or spider or tarantula or something like that you're like it's like why do you have this honestly that just might be preference cuz I know some people that like that stuff I wouldn't a goldfish is boring for me so that's another thing so they can make like you can make it are you a ha wish I'm a hater for sure yet what wish a wish make a wish oh right yeah no but yeah hating animals I would say is my my red flag I agree with it all right I agree next one next one okay my next red flag is they take intermurals too serious but I changed it because like you know it's the obvious it's alln so I didn't want to off that's fair enough that's fair enough that's fair enough so I decided to take a new one and it's that when person talk so loud in the public place place and you are talking about something um private private private I hate when the person is like yes I know he's a [ __ ] or something like something like this like I hate when like I don't like this for me it's like I like more like intimity like yeah I do agree that like when you're talking about something like private this is better to the but I think that sometimes I could have caught myself talking louder so people next to me like are the people I want like I want those people to hear what I'm saying you know like I sometimes I would do this on purpose okay that's a different situation that's where you want them yeah yeah and also like for me when I imagine it it's like when I'm driving in a bus in Ukraine and like I'm talking with a person and there's like ton of people around us like ton they you know like they're standing they after Works they're so tired they're like pissed off out of everything and they're like have to listen our conversation about like stupid pasta or like like stupid person like you know I don't want to be they involved in our conversation so like for me it's like red flag yeah that's fair I don't think so it's like their lack of awareness yeah it's like what's going on exactly or you know what when you were in the theater or you were in on you're in the event and the person next to you started talking so loud or their phone is ringing and they're like oh sorry I cannot talk but like what's happening you know and you were like that's I feel embarrassed for them like I don't know this guy I don't know who that I call it like we call it like Spanish um Spanish Spanish shame Spanish shame yeah yeah that's fair for someone else yeah I get that okay so for me it's like red flag I agree agreed so because that's kind of our last round I would want to like address two red flags at the same time and one because I asked the question right at the beginning what is your favorite ice cream so I would say that strawberry ice cream is a r like it's a very fun like it doesn't have to do with with anything so like we don't really have to discuss because there is another one that is more interesting but like if you have anything to add strawberry ice cream do you agree with this I agree I feel like that's one of those red flags that it's like it's like if if your favorite deal breaker it's like it's not a deal breaker it's fun come off but it's not just like that you just like it you can like strawberry ice cre but it cannot be your fav favorite like why would you pick strawberry ice cream as your favorite ice cream when it doesn't even have a taste of a strawberry it's literally so artificial you know what I mean yeah well if that's a real like strawberry with ice cream that's really good that's really tasty but like when this strawberry is like so artificial it taste like strawberry why would you like something so artificial but like you could say that but like orange ice cream like that's a flavor that doesn't taste so most ice cream flavors aren't like natural like cookie crumble do you think they actually have no it's a flavoring in there or I mean of course that's why it's a just personal red flag yeah it's a personal have to follow experience guys experience but another that I would actually like to address I get a such a big egg when people do this when they have latest selfies on a wallpaper and like selfies of themselves only oh I was like and and it's not like a selfie with friends or family it's just them it's just you know like a picture when you pose as a model and then you put it on your own wallpaper it's for me it's weird it's like wait what about a funny picture it's like they're so s funny picture is okay you know like funny picture is okay I'm talking about like the model one where you're like oh my God I'm so cool I'm so gorgeous oh my God I feel like a funny one's weird too cuz it's like what situation were you in that you this photo by do you want to offend Ricky I was just to say I was like there's someone I wouldn't I don't have any of myself on my own I have me with my friends or my family yeah but same I would put with my family with my brother you know with my friends totally fine but when that's a picture when you it's and it's not even like the vog picture you know like a really good quality picture but like someone took of you and you're like damn I'm so cool I'm going to put myself on my wallpaper like for me it's like arrogant yeah think you're like and also your lock screen is the one thing everyone can see I get your home screen maybe a bit more cuz you can see it lock screen if anyone picks up my phone and checks and my face is there I would be embarrassed for myself like damn Mom Dad I love you um I have Dad on my L stream what do you have I would show I have a rotating one so I have different pictures I have my dad that's different one hey stop changing he's changing his oh yeah Jester I like the yeah I told you my my work my when I turn work on it changes to this okay okay sense all right nice fair enough I would showw mine but recording the sound so but you have a changeing WP like friends friends family and like I remember from your gallery right from my gallery makes sense so yeah keep it fresh yeah for me it's just like I'm like look at this and I'm like do you love yourself that much that like yeah that's don't you like I don't know like it's just weird for me another the only thing that I will like I like to put this photo as like lock screen and it's me yeah it's my child like my childhood photos it's like damn I'm going to make you so proud you know but that's why I clarified latest like latest model photo and you put it on a wallpaper no and also like if I put up my baby photo most people wouldn't be able to say oh that's alwin as a baby like they wouldn't be able to you will be able to tell but someone looking at your phone seeing baby clay wouldn't be like oh that's clay cuz we don't know like but you know how about the person took a picture and it's not enough good enough for Instagram and they want people to see it so that's why they put it on the long that's why they put it on Instagram story okay I say SN okay I agree I agree I agree that's a reflex I agree I agree cuz why do you want people to look at your phone so much that's true that's fair so yeah uh it's kind of it's weird it's not that like oh my God you're a bad person it's just weird for me yeah it's not bad person just like self absorb I also feel like your your like lock screen should almost like not mean something but like show who you are Ching one photo out of like all the photos that you have all the pins that you saved in Pinterest all the screenshots that you have out of all photos that you have you chose this one you chose yourself cuz like what what's yours like it family me my friends my girlfriend all of them just rotating so like what I prioritize rotates around yeah that's what brings you Joy like what your parents like I love my parents the only thing I love you exactly the only thing that I would like let let it slide is as if for example tomorrow like a big brand text me and and they're like okay can you model for us right and I would be like oh yeah sure and they would make like this awesome photo shoot and I dreamt about this collaboration if I would get the photo I might put this on my phone you are the red flag no listen to this but like as a not as like damn I love myself so much but more of like a milestone achievement like my God I got but no no no I'm talking about like imagine that you came to like someone's birthday right and you took the photo on their like I don't know photo Zone and you liked it and you're like damn I'm so cool and I'm going to put myself or when guys or girls or guys they take a photo of like their biceps triceps ABS in the gym and they post it to themselves like you look at yourself Post Yeah like put it on Lo stream and like that's a bit weird I wouldn't I wouldn't put a photo that I just like because I model good I would put a photo that is like that's a milestone you know like I achieved that and I'm so proud of myself but I don't think I would do this like I would make an exception for this but me personally I don't think I would do this it's just like an example I am friends with red flag I'm joking I'm joking of course you are in every joke it's a little bit of truth I'm joking just joshing I'm joshing joshing you can C this anyway okay okay last one so my last one is personal I would say a red flag is not being Musical and when I mean musical I don't mean listening to music I feel like if you don't play an instrument of any kind or at least sing to me it's a red flag I'm a red flag no yeah I guess but like my this is reference not a cuz I ran out of red flags cuz we used the fat and unathletic one together so I just changed a green flag into a red my green flag was I like people who play music oh no like no I would say that that's different when a green flag is I like you to play music then when you don't play it's not refle it's just it's a bash flag you know like doesn't make you anything that doesn't matter at all okay fine I have it has a green flag like it adds something but if it's not there it okay a quick one I would say the last thing is that when they're not close to their family I feel like that's some and when I mean not close like I've met people who like when I go to their house and stuff they like the way they act with their family is like independent people just living in the same like if you have a roommate you're not close to you don't like say hi to them you just you do your thing roommate does their thing and you guys just coexist but like in a family you're like I've grown up anyway it's like oh yeah I asked like I see my brother I see my mom I see my dad we talk we have dinner together like that's like a normal thing I would assume that I mean I had the red flag the the same kind but I was like more if the person talks about family in a bad way like you know like they can have whatever in their life but when they talking bad about their family to another person for me it's red flag I'm going to say that it really depends on circumstances because I know that there are people that are not close because for example their family and their like parents are you know or terrible to them or like they are all into alcohol and drugs but that's why I said when I go to their house so if I'm going to their house it has to be a decent enough house and in their house their mom and dad their brother sister they're all fine like they're not addicts they're like cool but they live in their own part of their house so like their room they eat in their room they don't eat with the rest of us when we or like when I ask about them they're like I don't know like what's your brother dude I don't know he's somewhere like I'm not saying you need to always know where your brother is or where your sister where your mom but like when I'm like oh how are they doing I don't know like if you don't know what your brother's sister doing like in ag is it's a red flag for me because if you can't keep the family relationships going I'm struggling to see how you'll keep like other relationship but they don't know in the moment no no no that's what I'm saying when I'm in their house like if you're in a different country and you ask me hey what's what's Joel doing what's my brother doing I don't know what he's doing but I'm saying is if I'm in the house with him like I'm I'm living there I see them every day and I still can't tell you like oh yeah he's he's going to school or he's doing whatever I would be like hm like you're not that close with your family and personally that's a red flag okay so what you're were saying is if the circumstances allow for a person to have good relationship but they choose they choose not to that's right I do agree like if you have a possibility to like be with your family but you choose not to that's red flag yeah I that's pretty I say it's a red flag like and it's only it's only if like the family is okay like if everything is okay if the circum sens allow you to do this but I would even say like even if your family sorry sorry sorry I'm so sorry one last thing even if your family isn't the best like I would say you should still make efforts like even if there are problems cuz no family is perfect no family is like the movie families we all have issues and stuff I would just say your life will probably be better if you can at least keep those people in your life that's what I would say make the effort you know not a lot of people just in the moment understand I guess I they will understand when it's too late maybe that's the thing like you don't value your brother sisters parents or and then maybe a time will come and you're like oh wait I should have liked you should you know like regret is a powerful thing so I would say R FL okay sorry goad word uh I'd say some R flag too I I perfect perfect no yeah I think like if circumstances permit then yeah you should have this relationship with your family but if you're like actively like oh I'm not here blah or like hey how are you doing and that's the end of conversation that's that is strange because I mean your family is who you're supposed to be closest with so how am I expecting you to be exactly friends come and go supposed to stay supposed to supposed to well but sometimes friends can become family she is my friend became my family for sure my sister sister maybe your future will friends yeah but yeah Is What It Is Well I think we run out of funny Netflix and I think we run out of space funny space yeah anyway I think it was actually really cool next video but green about green subscribe link down below comment and post notifications on thank you guys we love you beauti people more than five words more than five words we love you beautiful people bye where we should end
Channel: Marta Trembetska
Views: 131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red flags
Id: MffVeYNneD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 5sec (3845 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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