Britannia Airways BHX 1990's

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] seat number at the mile high club I don't know a lot about it haven't joined myself going across the [Music] PO tarts with carts trolley dolls yeah that's what be pleas it's just a thrill of still a thrill of traveling to the Canary Islands and back you know it's it's good [Music] fun hello welcome on board where are you sitting uh one seat one seat different [Music] within 24 hours this plane will carry almost 1,000 passengers more than 5,000 mil in the charter Airline business they pack them in and they fly them high it's now 500 a.m. and Captain Chris Nichols has to plan his first flight of the day to Austria good morning basically what it's doing is um giving us our weather for the route we can operate in uh conditions that you wouldn't even drive a car in yes it takes up to an hour to brief the crew when we get on board the aircraft could I have your Emergency Equipment checks as soon as possible please and the security checks all the four given [Music] points the crew will soon be taking charge of a Boeing 757 worth more than 50 million there are three based at Birmingham well this morning we've prepared this aircraft for departure to Saltsburg had a physical look around the aircraft checked the engine oils uh and the tire pressures and it's ready for departure while the final checks are carried out the passengers are checking in we're not actually planning on meeting any Lads but anything that happens is going to happen basically there you go no no I'm not expecting to meet any gorgeous women as all cuz I'm going to be blind drunk someone meets somebody then good honor so we're going to go out on a girls night out in Friday and get drunk and dance and come home in the early hours in the morning [Music] oh windsh here WI here sink rate too low gear too low terrain windsh windsh windsh H 757 flies nearly 2 million miles every year the equivalent of four trips to the Moon and [Music] back I don't know what they think that happens to the um items in the hold I'm sure they think they get thrown from one end of of the aircraft to the other because they just won't trust you with their luggage basically roughly you have a turn around of about an hour to get a plane unloaded and loaded so it's very important don't miss it slot on cuz the pilot misses his Los his money B Hill 11745 y do 10551 hi hi Italian Steward Franco biano has 9 years flying [Music] experience passengers the first think in the morning I think it's SL everybody um you got to get up so early in the morning to get get to the airport get checked in and everything so a little bit um stressed shall say fuel quantity 11 tons air speed bugs eer set CDU set briefing it's completed trim 3/4 units zero flight controls checked four star checklist to start complete left [Music] teleph my St switched and never standby a fully loaded Boeing 757 weighs 100 tons it accelerates to 160 m hour in less than 20 seconds and will Cruise 7 miles above the [Music] Earth first thing we do in the morning in the galy um we have five ovens as you can see is check that the meals are loaded correctly and we have the right amount of meals for the right amount of passengers we have they're all Frozen so they need cooking for approximately 30 minutes timer on the oven have aot the way I like it yes it likes working in [Music] a for me it feels good if people do see and say oh he's a lucky chap you know working with all those women and that for me feels good I had a few passengers saying from the corner of their eye they s saying oh well is he straight or anything like that I almost come across to women because it's my um natural thing to do can you SK um not very well of beginner really so we don't want you coming back with a problem like that I don't know even know your name Li Liz Bey Becky Haley Haley hi [Music] please it's been fairly routine so far obviously it was fairly murky during the initial part of the departure and we've had excuse me going direct to the V Jo yes yeah and then what cerix yeah we've had a lot of direct routings this morning which has cut the flight time down quite a bit and that's just another one we just as you see in the turn at the moment going straight towards salsburg it's another couple of minutes off our flight time old Spees full up thank you we try to operate the aircraft as efficiently as we can the way we fly the aircraft also has an impact on passengers perception of that flight um we like it to be smooth we like to give them smooth Landings check GE done you know that's [Music] 20 Dy let's do 500 50 30 [Music] 10 okay I have control you have once the plane has landed the crew has less than 1 hour to prepare for the return they'll have to unload refuel and clean the aircraft then board 230 passengers returning from their ski holiday okay I I will need more I've just set it up for 10 tons so I come back later and set it correctly [Music] okay you'll get a few more breaks on the way back video you'll be able to talk necessary I'll just it has to be time to do the engineering checks that are required and all the other safety checks that are required by law to be done just doing a general walk around to have a good Lo to make sure there's no damage no leaks no problems we tailor our turn rounds to maximize the utilization of the aircraft when the aircraft C Airborne it's generating Revenue that is the be all and end all of our business I'm just setting up here it shows them the destinations so obviously we're going back to Birmingham now so the moment it's say U so people expect you still to look um smart even when you're running around doing the job where we get 20 minutes to get ready and then the rest of the time boarding the passengers so it's very quick ski holiday passengers stay slightly different from going Seaside holiday behave bit more better watch what he's saying more reserv [Music] probably 80 kns V1 rotate positive ra going up the plane is on the move and so is Linda M she'll join it for a flight to [Music] lanzerotti it it doesn't stop the plane it it keeps on working when you finished a long flight like today's quite a long flight you get in your car and you start and the petrol gate is on E and it's the worst thing to have to stop late at night to get petrol so I've been very good today and got it on the way to work so cuz I'm early as well so uh pit stop for a bit of fuel Tech Stop as they say back on board and the passengers are sharing stories of Adventures on the past one ski group even saved a girl's life the um person was unconscious and obviously broken her arm and her legs and we couldn't really do very much at the time apart from just stay with her and monitor her um heartbeat and her breathing um several minutes later she actually stopped breathing and Fiona actually a k of life and got the breathing going again by the time I got down to the bottom and back up again I could hear the helicopter and then it landed we got her on a um a breathing thing got a mouse mask on her oxygen oxygen I think she got left behind and clearly um went out of control it was so very sobering so we had to go down the bottom and have another glue wine the more you sell the more commission you get the better off uh the companies and at the end of the month it can win prices so everybody try and compete my job to do here is to uh just put some uh numbers here they corresponding with each card and before we land into bming Camp they need to be sealed for customers sometimes you under pressure if the flight is shorter and you come to land all the paperworks needs to be um placed in order plus 2 six the plane and Linda both arrive on schedule the passengers are going home but the cabin crew have to check their dutyfree targets before they can leave they're going to ring me back for about it so 1675 3524 so we only did2 8 we have to have a Target figure for each passenger which is calculated for each flight and today day it was £4 and I do have to tell you what we a 2228 so um we W that means that we didn't actually sell very many Duty frees on board and that's it really steel wine why there are six new cabin crew members and the fresh pilot Jeff Bradley they'll take the plane 3,600 mil to lanzerotti in down towards the re again I'd rather be there boarding the passengers because um you know you see them all because they all come on the same door you see them all and you can you can have a good report with them right from the start by the time you've seen 235 passengers and you said hi hi hi to all of them you know but um no I think that's the best place to be when you know when they all come on where's the glamour there is n uh the take off's always interesting so always one of the best parts of the flight accelerating is the best thing accelerating up to about 160 mph in probably 20 seconds that's the best bit of [Music] it we're flying at the moment at 37,000 ft which is generally the optimum altitude for the airplane and at the moment our speed over the ground is about 570 mph I've always wanted to be a pilot ever since about 12 so yes I fulfill my ambition I don't think any of us would deny that there is a buzz when you come out of the top of a thick layer of cloud into bright Sunshine over the top of the clouds traveling at 500 mph there is a buzz from that feeling there's no doubt about [Music] it this is for Mo couple on board actually they don't know it yet but they've got two full bottles of champagne somebody else has put one on for them as well so I don't know whether they want carry it off at the end or might be no action tonight in the [Music] bedroom never ready surprise [Music] surprise people are the nicest eest passengers because um you know they're at the happiest time of their life they've just got married and uh they're looking forward to their honeymoon and um and a glass of champagne so you know you can't do any wrong with them do you want you in the botle or should they want to take a off with you yes I think the fathers use the sons as an excuse to get up here he not to Swit look you can get children ask very very deep questions about how the aircraft works and so on but basically it's very simple questions did you drive to the airport drive airp safer than driving to the airport just like the view cuz we got the best view in the house tired and emotional passengers can be a handful they often take it out on the crew who've heard it all before tarts with carts I've heard um trolley dollies yeah that's when they're being Pleasant they small supb just in Cas allbody call me cholly Dolly yes they have but it's my friends at home who who say that more and um on the plane now I don't think they would dare say they would dare call us tly Dolly I don't think how that not raining when you're getting down with those trollies I think keep fit keeping my legs in trim here for cigarettes cigar after 5 weeks training only 4 days are spent on service the rest is on passenger safety anyone we're here at the safety that's paramounts of anything else service is an extra thing I passers say that I know they don't realize when they say how many times a day are you backwards and forwards and it's like hour [Music] FL through here through the Gap now can't see it apparently alcohol's meant to take a effect a bit easier at high altitude yeah probably get off the plane and fall over [Music] the lights on other side of the tell us where we're on the right [Music] apprach this airline flies over a million passengers to the canaries every year they'll stay at least a week the plane's crew won't even leave the airport it's nicer if you go way to Canary Island and you stay for a day and a night I always love traveling I mean I love it as much I think as when I first joined you know and it's still a thrill of traveling to the Canary Islands in [Music] fact well here we are in lanzerotti at Ari airport the local time is now4 7 on the evening quite cloudy little bit chilly we well got our jackets on temperatures about 20° at the [Music] moment when we land some of this have to do the seat Pockets some of us have to check the catering make sure the aircraft's in order to do the return flight passengers and if we have time we do a keep fit session in the front Galley and the back gley do their rows one on Tuesday I do app arobic so my favorite is going across the pool like this [Music] arobic and then I normally have bad cars the next day and mine is what my let's [Music] go just look down the cabin it looks like a b once we've got all the aircraft ready we'll often stand on the steps and just top up our Tan on our arms things like that won't we we top of our if it's Mega delayed then we get the pillows and blankets out get our tights off and get the legs going on here actually there a there's a Wing there we'll take about eight people if lie along the wing you get half an hour though you do pop to the [Laughter] beach the plane gets another check over the fourth today whenever we stop anywhere whether it's back at base or away we always have a look at the airplane to make sure baggage trucks don't scratch the side of the airplane because although it might just appear like a scratch they could pump the skin or uh the catering trunk refuelers anything I mean they happen every [Music] year despite being tight for space you'd be amazed what some passengers still manag to get up to uh the mile high club I don't know a lot about it I haven't joined myself not a thing not a thing I've been here 10 years and I can't tell you a thing about the M high club one will disappear into the toilet and then you'll see the other half disappear up close behind and then you think it's going on and so you just give it a gentle knock of the door a remind well I have heard of it actually but I don't know anything else and that's it they set off a alarm in the uh toilet and when the cabin crew went to investigate the smoke alarm they found out that the uh smoke was caused by the uh energies and that was it they just close the door and let get on with it I don't know nothing I know nothing no way no nothing do I remember in my younger days when I first joined brania yeah um passengers would often put their um telephone number on the back of checks it's about 7 years since that happened come on get them on the [Music] back the plane touches down at midnight but in less than 6 hours it'll take to the air once again good thing about it is when you fly I mean this has been we I think we started off at work about halfast 1 today I mean I don't even know time it is now you never look at your watch and before you know you're back home so you know it's it just goes really quickly it's always different you can never guarantee the same flights ever it's always different which I think part of the job being it's the variety that makes it [Music] exciting
Channel: Bernard Newton
Views: 81,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Britannia Airways (Organization), bhx, Birmingham Airport (Airport)
Id: 1VDgl835Mxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2013
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