Crimes That Shook Britain Full Episode | The Moors Murders (True Crime TV Series)

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five innocent children lured to their deaths by vile predators posing as responsible adults the depraved crimes of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley still horrified generations more than half a century on it's haunted the psyche of the nation in a way that means we won't ever let it go brutal murders and the devastation they caused is overshadowed by the infamous killer couple whose notoriety shows little sign of waning I don't think the memories of the Moors Murders will ever fade away it's never ever forgotten it doesn't leave you crimes so deeply ingrained in British history that they changed the very fabric of our society Myra Hindley is described as the most evil woman in Britain decades on loved ones are still grieving this is what only people don't know it all right that's where I was sleep you still thinking about it now families reveal their pain to us with one still searching for a body after all this time no matter what they do they will not give up on searching for Keefe the murders of Pauline John Keith Lesley Ann and Edward make this a crime that shook Britain [Music] you the sprawling housing estate of Hattersley near Manchester 17-year old David Smith makes a call to the police claiming to have witnessed a murder police picked him up at the phone box and took him to the police station in Hyde where of course police officers listen to this astonishing story that he had to tell Smith recalls being at a house the previous evening with two friends Ian Brady and Myra Hindley there's also a third man in the house that man is 17 year old Edward Evans who appears to be a friend of Brady's but nothing could be further from the truth and it isn't long before Smith sees a change in Brady as he sits outside smoking his attention is drawn to a fight inside the house Brady attacked him with an axe David Smith recounts rushing back into the room to see the visitor fighting for his life but Brady delivers blow after blow allegedly fearing for his safety too Smith helps Brady to hide Edwards body in a room upstairs he saw what had happened and he went back to his seat his wife afterwards and between them they realized that he was the only person who'd seen what had happened they contacted the police in the morning and the police went to water book Avenue the house on Wardle Brook Avenue belongs to the grandmother of 23 year old Myra Hindley who claims she was in the kitchen at the time of the attack two officers rushed to the address with one disguising his uniform so was not to alert the occupants Hindley answered he said he'd come because there had been reports of a serious crime at the house the night before Hindley put pulled the whole idea but nevertheless he got into the house and he was very reluctant to let him into one particular room a room which was locked Brady said to only give him the key true to David Smith's unbelievable account the police are faced with a horrific sight they found the body of Edward Evans in Marilyn's bedroom trust and tied and covered you know shocking shocking pictures of what happened the grim discovery of the murdered teenager would take detectives on a trail leading back more than two years Pauline Reade lived in Gorton and she was on her way to a dance at the local co-op she loved dancing apparently and went regularly with her friends that evening 16 year old Pauline agrees to meet friends at the British Railways social club after getting ready for the dance she leaves her house and makes the short journey alone but she never arrives her family searched the streets of her hometown but find nothing other than one of Pauline's gloves despite local residents pulling together and media interest to try and find the young girl she vanishes without a trace [Music] for months on and just five miles away in Ashton underline twelve-year-old John killbride is at the outdoor market he'd been to the pictures on a Saturday afternoon with his pal as they did most Saturday afternoons and at the end of the picture show they went to Ashton Market which was again something that they did fairly regularly because young boys locally knew that they could pick up a few coppers at Ashton market by helping the market traders clear away rubbish at the end of the day after wandering around the stalls trying to help the traders John becomes separated from his friends and is never seen again I used to do a better work you know packing up on the market so it got burned a couple of Bob for pocket money and get so much to me more than when he came on I remember my mother who got looked at the clock and time we're getting on a bit Johnny come home that night and the obviously full of place the next day you know and then this search tear it off then later on that week where they were searching all the I was on the street her dr takes and buy gardens and sheds and everything you know only all he just escalated lawyer to children are now missing from the Greater Manchester area in a matter of months and despite wide scale searches and appeals no information leads to their discovery and then just seven months later the community would be rocked once more with the disappearance of 12 year old Keith Bennett keith was always cheeky that's not surprising having a mother like he had and he was Chien loved to play loved playing football he loved his his brother his sisters and he just loved to be the normal little boy he was he was a monkey keith was a monkey keith lived in long sight in the Loctite area we with his mum and and family and he went off to visit his gran one evening Keith Bennett had celebrated his 12th birthday just four days before with his mother winnie going out for the evening they walk along Stockport Road together then Keith makes his way to his grandmother's house alone this is the last time his mother would ever see him when he never gave up hope she was strongest courageous woman I ever met in my life Keith broke his glasses the the day before at the swimming baths and so she got the glasses to go and get them repaired and of course when he went missing he didn't have his glasses with him so that was the only thing she got left six months on from Keith's disappearance a family just a few miles away would experience a similar heartache he was very quiet she'd do anything for you and we'd know no trouble whatsoever you'd never know they were evaded she loved his school just so long the wonderful child we could have or wished her head-turn year-old Leslie Ann Downey lives with her three brothers mother Ann and her partner Alan in an coats Manchester they used to grab supply but you say well don't go far so we could see where they were no the very obedient children you doctor shouted well if anti Leslie came in and she said is it all right if I go to the fair gram the two friends and a friend's mother so said yeah as long as you're back from five o'clock because you love you Taylor I think that's all you said though the tail did little more able you know so it went five o'clock I'm sorry it's worried him because she wasn't until that well disappear you know should have been there and where they'd say already out for laid out for her like for BG tumba Allen and his family rushed to search the fairground just yards from their home so and I know I do our coats on went down she's nowhere to be seen just disappeared over a 17 month period during 1963 and 1964 for children in the Greater Manchester area have disappeared 16 year-old Pauline Reade 12 year olds John Kilbride and Keith Bennett and now 10 year-old Leslie Ann Downey hasn't returned home after visiting a local fair we're done so - sergeant and sobbing what happened so this is a come back at 11 o'clock so we went back just before we let him saw him again and that's when he took particulars but I think if there the Vantage straightaway as possible that they could have done something as frustration mounts Allen has to also deal with unfounded accusations from the police they're saying to me complain what we doubled up we were she a be hers her and it was asking the same questions I was in their hole I was possibly six seven hours officers realize Leslie's family are not responsible for her disappearance and launched a hunt to find her for ten agonizing months they cling to numerous reported sightings but these lead nowhere [Music] the following October and a chance meeting between two strangers at a railway station would help police to unravel the mystery of the disappearing children 17 year old Edward Evans is outside the buffet bar at Manchester central railway station he was on his way to a football match and for some reason was on was at Central Station the apprentice engineer is approached by a young man and never makes it to the match not entirely clear what what the circumstances of that meeting were but he was taken back to water Brook Avenue his decision to leave with the stranger ultimately costs Edward his life despite being lured back to Hindley's grandmother's house under the pretense of a party with alcohol the mood quickly changes as the teenager is viciously attacked Brady have started beating without the head with an axe as just an arithmetic crime astonishingly grandmother is upstairs in bed and oblivious to all this this this lad understandably started screaming trying to obviously trying to defend himself and save his life and Brady then went got a piece of electric cable and strangled this horrific act of violence on a defenseless young man is witnessed by at least one other person who will eventually lead the police to further chilling discoveries he didn't only tell him of course of what he had personally witnessed he'd also told them that Brady had said to him that there had been other bodies there'd been other murders and in reference to the actual murder of Edward Evans had used the words it was the messiest yet nobody can anticipate where these words are to lead it was the days immediately after Edward Evans's death where the whole case really of the whole campaign of Brady and Hindley totally unraveled two names but up until now nobody knew all at the point of Edwards murder the couple are just 27 and 23 years old when questioned both are quick to offer their version of events initially the evidence of course was simply there had got a man who admitted that he'd had a fight with Evans and had killed him Hindley is quick to position herself in another room away from the attack as both are interrogated the house is painstakingly searched and gives up further clues various items were removed from the house one item that was removed was an exercise book and the exercise book contained various drawings and doodles and names Brady when asked about the book said some no consequences just a book I used to drawing him to doodles in what they said but there are names in it and one of the names was John killbride this can be no coincidence there have been no sightings of John since his disappearance at a local market and police now have grave concerns that he has met a similar fate to Edward Evans the investigation quickly gathers pace as photographs of Hindley and Brady are found at the house posing on nearby Saddleworth more worryingly David Smith also mentions other victims in his statement claiming Brady spoke about bodies buried at this location this coupled with the photographs lead police to one conclusion fearing Saddleworth Moor to be a burial ground for the killer couple they take the decision to search for John killbride dozens of officers are drafted onto the vast barren land in Yorkshire to search for any clues as this gets underway other officers questioned a young neighbor of Hindley's grandmother which compounds their growing suspicions only days after the Edward Evans killing they did house a house inquiries and they spoke to a 12 year old girl and the 12 year old girl told them of evenings that she spent with Henley and Brady but the girl also told police of trips that they made up to the moors where they drank wine and chatted at this point Hindley's young neighbor has managed to pinpoint a specific spot on the moors of particular interest to them both this sparks another mass search and as the evidence mounts officers make another startling discovery at the grandmother's house when they find a prayer book in the spine of the per book they found these two left luggage tickets for Manchester Central Station and what they discovered was in fact a veritable Aladdin's cave almost of of evidence kasia's masks wigs but even more significantly they found dozens and dozens of photographs some of these photographs showed Brady and Hindley on Saddleworth Moor whilst others would confirm officers worst fears horrific images of missing local girl Lesley Ann Downey they also discovered the two pretty horrifying tapes one of Lesley and Downey pleading effectively to be freed to be allowed to go back to her mother with the voices of Brady and Hindley also on the tapes barb Spears is a young officer new to the job and has been given the unenviable task of searching for victims it was a result of photographs found in a suitcase that we'd all gone by to this location on the moon on the 15th which was afraid October everybody went on this massive search all the surrounding police areas sent men it was decided to give him about four o'clock we got nothing by then we're going home but the time I was working May attention was drawn up the hillside so climbed up and looking over and you looked over the roadway the reservoirs the views is fantastic but it's so quiet there's no birds twittering silence and what I saw was a depression in the peat with water and something was sticking out of it the young officer gathers his colleagues and urges them to look closer our main reason for being that day was to find John Kilbride we didn't find him what we found was Lian four different police forces have joined together to search Saddleworth Moor for the body of John killbride a 12 year old boy who vanished from a local market two years previously but in a dramatic twist it isn't the body of John that an officer discovers but that of another missing child ten-year-old Lesley Ann Downey this discovery would confirm everyone's worst fears and in order to link the little girl's death with Brady and Hindley police have to ask her family to look at some of the horrendous evidence they have found the heart bike did no BOTS at those that's what my nightmares are each and every day they're less what a say in what we heard after the tykes I played with left Leslie asked in tickets if she could go out maybe anything you could ear in decide be quiet so sucky okay that will never leave brick never get mad at me mind as the devastating reality sinks in Alan and Ann must face another nightmare we study the corridor that figures these couple will pass the beer desk glory so this office said you know them so sit now you said it's in them reading and just five days later the horror continues as the search teams also discovered John kill Brides body almost two years on from his disappearance and close to where Lesley Anne has been found he brought John shoe and we just heard a scream downstairs which were my dad my mom she was just so in tears to be very quiet personally mullet the brutal murders of Edward John and Leslie are now rapidly becoming one of the largest investigations in the country officers interrogate the suspects but they remain defiant an uncooperative yet the evidence is undisputable as the nation begins to learn at the horrific circumstances surrounding the children's deaths the case into Brady and Hindley is prepared for Crown Court they were both sentenced to life in prison and I don't think many people thought they were ever going to come out it wasn't the care between the two of them smiling at one another they stood side by side it's just smiling so we share there I'm the bastard which it's a box white something died stare so that was it with the death penalty recently abolished Brady is given three life sentences for the murders of Edward John and Lesley Ann and Hindley receives two life sentences for her part in the killing of Leslie and Edward this punishment though provides little comfort to the families of the children well it's just such a carry on life you have to just carry on you got three boys everything just went the optimist one from from the ocean didn't do nothing nor as Alan Terry and the other families tried to cope with their grief the world is left wondering who iam Brady and Myra Hindley are and why they are driven to such acts of evil in Brady had quite a checkered background as a as a youngster he went to borstal and and prison on several occasions primarily for dishonesty not not for any violent crimes he was born in Scotland born in Glasgow and following one conviction he appeared at court in Glasgow and the presiding judge said that he should be moved to England to Manchester because his mother had had moved down to Manchester and and he believed that this may sort Brady out a highly intelligent man taught himself bookkeeping and then got a job at mill wards where he met Maura Henley Henley is a local Manchester woman mainly raised by her grandmother with no previous convictions prior to this as people try to comprehend the indiscriminate way the pair hunted their victims to other children remain missing the whereabouts of Pauline Reade and Keith Bennett are still a mystery but the killers are to reveal nothing more decades on Ian Brady is diagnosed as a psychopath after years in a mainstream prison and is moved to a high-security hospital where a journalist looking to help the families of Pauline and Keith pays Brady a visit I knew that families were grieving I resented the way they were exploited by the tabloid media just for the sensational projection of Mira's face on their front page now and again just to get people worked up and when I had a chance to do something to put the record straight and I took the opportunity fred harrison has no idea where his conversations with the killer will lead but he presses on I needed him to confirm facts that he would rather suppress so that was a difficult psychological exercise for him to perform to somehow keep his mind close to what he'd done but at the same time she share enough evidence for me to be able to go away one day and somehow screw Myra which was his agenda Hindley is still denying any involvement in the murders and placing the blame firmly on Brady he knew that he had to stay in prison till he died and he wanted Myra to suffer the same fate because they would the two of them were had shared the deeds and that had led to children being murdered and buried on the moors and he didn't feel that it was right that they should actually be exonerated in some way least of all by her proclaiming her innocence I went back repeatedly and spent Hardin about 18 hours in the end sitting in private with Ian Brady much of the time struggling to understand what he wanted to get out despite being heavily sedated on drugs Brady makes an admission that will throw the case wide open once more he ended up admitting that there were other victims that they were on the moors he was never going to put a cross on a map so that I could take ten paces in from the road and dig up a body more than 20 years after Pauline and Keith vanished this is the most information anyone has got from Brady Fred finally takes his findings to his newspaper that generated a number of interesting little tidbits of information coming in to the police and eventually the head of CID at that time PD topic decided to form a group to review and reinvestigate the whole thing this leads detectives to question Myra Hindley once more with a little expectation of getting a straight answer we just literally walked in one day and and confronted her and said you know would you talk about it do you ring this time Keith's distraught mother Winnie sends a letter to Hindley begging to know what has happened to her son whether this letter influences the killer's next move we will never know first thing she said - as well how can I help what do you want to know and very quickly she said that she would be prepared to point out areas that were of interest to Ian Brady and those were her words not not mine areas of interest to Ian Brady unsettle with more which was probably code for work whether missing children were officers spend months trying to coerce the no Turia's couple into revealing what they know eventually they agree to take Hindley back to the Moors in an attempt to jog her memory obviously this is all top secret dun dun covertly despite this a government minister decides to announce the plan and the world's media descend onto the Moors to catch a glimpse of the operation police deploy decoys to try and manage the attention Hindley made two visits there it was a case of unprepared to point out errors that are of interest it is after her first visit back to the Moors that Hindley finally reveals what so many people have been waiting decades for the world's most reviled child murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley have been locked up for almost 20 years but in a shock move both not only decide to admit to further killings but to provide details of what happened to the children information their families have been begging for it is 23 years since Pauline Reade disappeared off the streets of Gorton and only now to her family learn of her fate they'd worked out a code Henley was driving a minivan Brady was riding a motorcycle and when they encountered on the street a likely victim Brady would flash the lights of his motorbike Henley would stop opposite the potential victim they both saw polyandry walking down the road and he flashed the headlight of the motorcycle and she pulled in Zoe when she pulled in she realized that she knew Pauline read they were neighbors and Myra Hindley persuaded her to get into the car with her to go and find a glove that she'd lost when she got to the Moors they were joined by her Brady pulled up on his motorbike Brady was introduced as in Lee's boyfriend he took Pauline Reade onto the Moors Pauline was attacked and murdered then left in a shallow grave the details of Keith Bennett's last moments now also come to light who was on his way to his grandmother's home in Gorton when he was picked up in the street in his case he was asked if he would help load some boxes onto them into a Hindley's vehicle he's taken up to some with more yet again and the three of them put the car at her grain and walk out onto subtle with more brady had had hidden a spade on the moor and that is collected on route and of course the little boys taken down into shiny brook murdered in a gully there with this renewed line of questioning Hindley also gives an insight into the fate of 12 year old John Kilbride Hendley was was wearing a wig to conceal her identity and she asked John killbride to come and help them somehow or other persuaded him to get in a car with them and of course that was what happened he was taken up to saddle with more she dropped and Brady and John off on the moor itself and drove away and stayed away for half an hour or so and then went back and picked up Brady who obviously had was alone by that time he'd murdered John Kilbride I think she was worse than anything for a woman to do what she did would worsen Brady and despite Leslie's family receiving some justice 20 years before it is only now they find out further details from her killers about that fateful night she was stood near a ride when Henley of course moved in again and she looked a likely victim Brady arrived on the scene on this occasion they managed to drop some shopping and Leslie agreed to help them pick it up and that too in fact signed her death warrant because she was persuaded to go back into it to get into the vehicle and in her case they took her to this house in water Brook Avenue in hata Slough shortly after these shocking confessions comes another discovery on the moors we asked was it daylight or dark when Brady murdered Pauline Reade and she said well it was just going dusk I remember this because I could see the outline of the hills on the opposite side of the valley there was only one specific point where you could actually see the hills on the opposite side of the valley so we were we knew instantly that that was what she was talking about so it narrowed our search area enormously and it was a chance question and a chance answer that really put it on the right track in the case Pauline read it did in fact look out her remains which was really quite an astonishing development 24 years after she'd been buried on the moors they found her remains the irony if you can call it irony was that they found her grave only a hundred yards from what had been Lesley undone is grave as Pauline is finally laid to rest the search continues for Keith with his family tirelessly campaigning to find him when he never ever lost hope never lost hope she never stopped searching she wanted to bring him home she just wanted to bury her son and that's all a mother can hope to do with notice to have her children near to you no matter how they're brought to you is sad Myra Hindley told the police at the time she said under caution and absolutely categorically quite clearly this in this you know Keith Keith Bennett was buried in this immediate area so we're talking about a very restricted area why would she lie she had no need to lie she told the truth about Pauline red and interestingly when we took in Brady back to subtle with more he walked us to exactly the same area so you know there is corroboration there despite Brady and Hindley visiting the Moors and giving the police some information his body is not recovered the search for Keith becomes his family's lifelong fight especially for his mother Winnie oh there's many people of not Winnie's doors and may claims to know where keith is etc my grandma had false hope that many times and it's horri part and no one else that's it and how would you pick someone up and put them back together when they've been given that whole time and time and time again when he was used to people letting her down and making claims and that's why she was very thick-skinned but she was willing still to go up the mall with whatever claims people made could be that chance that day that second that something could be found was someone was telling them the truth as the years turn into decades rather than fading the desire to find Keith intensifies everyone from police forces to total strangers have conducted numerous searches on the Moors and beyond meanwhile Hindley and Brady fall silent once more on the 15th of November 2002 one half of the most notorious killer couple dies at the age of 60 and despite trying to garner public sympathy over the years Hindley is despised until the end she always denied the the physical acts of if you wish but conceded that because of her involvement he was able to do what he he didn't and therefore was was as an equal you know as an accomplice as he was Winnie Johnson along with her family and friends continue to keep Keith's name alive and tirelessly search for his body she searched for him for years and years and years but the police told us that if we were to even take a shovel we'd be in major trouble so not to not to dig but we did take Wendy to the spot and she felt as she cried when she was there she felt that there was there was something there yet despite the unwavering support and offers of help for Winnie she is never to receive the one answer she longs for in August 2012 she passes away without finding her son she always used to say to me knowledge assets promise me never give up you're never good about looking for Keith [Music] I promised her that I would in 2013 Ian Brady has the audacity to appeal his sentence to try and be moved from a high-security hospital to a prison I was hoping that he was moved to a prison because he wouldn't be alive today wouldn't be alive today now in his 70s Brady still shows how dangerous his mind is by attempting to minimize the horror of what he has done neither Brady nor Henley have shown any remorse for their crimes despite the opportunities that have been open to them to some degree Brady it's suggested even celebrated his infamy sadly nothing can bring back Pauline John Keith Leslie and Edward and their relatives must endure the endless heartache and pride for him to die Breeden well no it won't bring out Leslie back but perhaps them helped me as we go to sleep in pattern and whatever thinking about it there again you can never never forget whoever to forget it's affecting us all under you it's not like wandering and it's forgotten my children about to grow quick very very strict rules you always wear we can see you now over half a century since Keith's murder what are the chances of still finding his remains there's a tributary running in close proximity to that string of gullies where Henley said he was murdered and buried and I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't take long for the remains to be damaged and destroyed sadly very sadly yet for Keith Bennett's family and Winnie's friends they will not find peace unless the little boy is found I think most people would say it's time to draw a line but there is a possibility and we have to have hope you can still be found well she walked him at rest she pushed a search for Keef and she tried to keep the story alive she also wanted everyone to know that no matter what happens you can't give up nothing's impossible only improbable as the searches for keith continued and his family remain hopeful the legacy left by his mother winnie is a tribute to her son and to all the victims affected by this horrendous crime as difficult as it is to live with it you can still live you can still do everything everyone else can do is just you've got some it in the closet and the only thing matters is that your children anyone's children are protected no other crimes have left such an indelible scar on society as those committed by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley the mark of respect that we can pay to each victim is to remember their precious lives that were taken too soon [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Crimes That Shook Britain
Views: 682,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crimes That Shook Britain, Britain, Crime, Murder, Killer, UK, Crimes, Officers, True Crime, Cineflix, Foxtel, C&I, Documentary, TV, Series, Full Episodes, Episode, Police
Id: 3i76kmLIOTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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