Brisket Birria Tacos

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hello and welcome to wilson's barbecue in this video i'm going to show you how i make brisket berea tacos so i made these a couple of weeks ago a lot of people asked for the recipe so i'm going to show you how to make them so it's probably worth noting that this is probably not authentic berea i think it's normally made with goat but i've got brisket and this works really well so here we've got some dried wahio some ancho and chipotle peppers or chilis sorry and you can get them online i'll drop a link below as to where you can pick these exact ones up so all we're going to do is just split them open and remove all the seeds you don't have to be too detailed with this so if there are some seeds left in there that's fine so once they're opened um and you've got the seeds removed we're just going to put them into this pot of water we're going to do the same to these chilies get them into that water and i'm going to get them on the hob to start boiling away so we've got our big pile of seeds there you can just discard them i don't know what else you can do with them and then we've got our pot of water we've got our dried chili skins in here so we're just going to put these onto the hob and let it boil away so we're just going to put these on to a medium to high heat and all we're doing is trying to extract the flavor from the chilies uh probably go on there for about half an hour 45 minutes while that's doing that let's cut up the brisket so here we've got a leftover piece of brisket this is the flat this is um from tom hickson of smithfield um i backpacked this and stuck it in the freezer if you haven't seen my backpack video then i'll be putting a link about here um and then we've just got a pot of water nothing in there at the moment what we're going to do is open this up and we're just going to break this brisket down into just probably one inch by one inch chunks it doesn't need to be pretty just breaking it down it's going to cook down in a in the broth of the stock later on so just trying to make it small enough to cook through at the moment [Music] risk it in and to that we're gonna add a whole medium onion so there we go nothing special just a bit of brisket chopped up some onion let's get some hob so just like the chilies put the brisket and the onion on to a medium to high heat and just let that go for about half an hour or until it starts to break down a little bit these are going to go until the water's been boiling for about 15 to 20 minutes so while the brisket is cooking and the chilies are simmering in that pan of water get some garlic cloves take the skins off them set this aside for now now we've done that we are going to make our spice blend so two bay leaves stick of cinnamon tablespoon ish of ground cumin a tablespoonish of coriander teaspoon of mexican oregano teaspoon of ginger half teaspoon of white pepper teaspoon of paprika ancho chili flakes probably just under a teaspoon and for now about a teaspoon and a half of salt and pepper so we've got our spice blend for now we could just set that aside and we're going to deal with the chilies so our chilies have been boiling in water for about 20 minutes now what we're going to do is make a paste so um starting off with our dried chilies they've softened down get some of that liquid in there too those garlic cloves and obviously you can use a blender i'm just using this panned stick blender thing and all you want to do is make a paste look at that nice and thin make sure there's no chunks in there and that's ready to go the next thing to do is get your spice mixture that we just made and pour it over the brisket which has been cooking for about half an hour make sure you get it all out and now we're going to top this up with even more water and rinse out this little thing so you could definitely use beef stock and make sure there's plenty of water to cover all the brisket and just give that a good stir and we'll turn the heat up a little bit now comes our spice mixture so we've got a piece of cinnamon we've got our spice mixture with some bay leaves in i'm just going to stick that in there and make sure that's all incorporated and it'll look quite thick at the moment which is good but we're gonna loosen this out with some more liquid as we cook so there we go we've got our brisket in our broth uh whatever you call it uh consummate so what's gonna happen is all of the fat and oils from the brisket are gonna come to the surface and you don't want to get rid of that don't skim it off because that oil is going to be really really important later and it is key for making these berria tacos so we've got a couple of choices now you can cook this for an hour two hours three hours or you can cook this like i'm gonna do for about eight hours and what i'm gonna do is regularly top it up with water when it gets below probably about an inch and a half below the rim because what we want to end up with in the end is a lot of stock or consummate for us to dip the tacos in so i would say cook this for a minimum of four hours make sure the spices cook out you'll get a much better result but you can cook it you know as long as long as you want to i'm gonna go for eight hours so i'm just gonna let this cook now for about eight hours top it with water when i need to and when that oil does come to the surface i'm gonna start skimming it off and putting it into a container so i've just topped this up with some more water as it started to reduce it's been on for about an hour it's cooled down with the water that i've just added in and you can see that oil starting to come to the top which is good so this has been going for about an hour and a half and i've turned the uh temperature down flame down a little bit just so the bubbles are less aggressive and what we're going to start doing is skimming off just the oil off the top and start putting it in here so this is probably going to take a good few hours to get it all off it'll be worth it so just keep doing this throughout the cook until there's no more oil left on top and set aside and save it for later so we've got our oil skimmed off the top there's still a little bit more there but we'll get that as it kind of builds up on the surface again as i say just keep doing this until uh there's no more fat left in there so we're about four hours in um this is reducing nicely um i'm not going to top it up so what i'm going to do is separate the brisket from the stock i've got my oil there which we'll use later so let's get this soft separated using a sieve so we're just going to pull this out [Music] get as much water or liquid out of this as you can so i've separated my stock which is in here the consummate and i've got my brisket so what i'm gonna do now i'm gonna fill this up with more water so our consummate is back on the stove and that's just going to simmer through and i've added about a pint of cold water to this and and we're going to do some extra things that just to liven up a bit just before we serve or about an hour before we serve and here we go here's all that incredible brisket [Music] all those spices still kept in there from the sieve so for now our beef's hanging out consumers on let that go for about another hour maybe top it up a little bit with water and we'll chuck some more things in we should be ready to go so we are about an hour away from serving these up and i'm just going to freshen up this consummate so i've got some chipotles and adobo and some ancho chili paste and i'm going to put it into this stock a teaspoon of each right so about eight hours into this cook we've got our brisket just warming up here we've got our consomme let's just keep him warm and then what we've got is a flat top grill just ready to go i've also got some monterey jack cheese just shredded cheese we've got our important oil that we skimmed off the top and we've got our corn tortillas here right so we'll start building these oil and just make sure that they're all nice and covered and in this doesn't have to be pretty at all and then we're going to get some oil onto the flat top this is on a medium medium-high heat next thing to go on is our brisket we've got a little bit of that consummate and then [Music] that monterey jack cheese [Music] now flip it over into half moon and you just want to cook these until they get a nice crust on one side the cheese is melted and then just flip them over so these have got a nice crispiness on the edge so i'm calling these done we just repeat the process again so just like before we're gonna put our brisket on you can also do is put some onion and coriander on there some of that cheese and then all right so there we go there are berea tacos let's get our consomme and there we have it there's my brisket berea tacos with consomme ready to tuck into so it's really hot let's have a dip in this wow every single time i make that i'm so surprised at how good it is look at the smokiness from the brisket the oak smoked brisket even though it's leftovers you get incredible flavor from all the dried chilies and the long cook time uh that consummate is just out of this world it's incredible such good flavor the cheese the oil that we use to to fry these in has given the tortillas a real nice color this has got to be one of my favorite meals i can eat this consummate every day so there's the recipe uh it's really really really easy to do it might have looked a little bit complicated in the video but it's a lot easier to make when you're actually doing it i'll put all the details in the description below links to where you can buy some of this stuff full instructions on how to make it and the um amounts of what i used if you like this video give it a like drop me a comment below go over to my instagram uh give me a follow talk to me always happy to talk barbecue and eating and subscribe to my channel and i'll see you in a couple of weeks for another video
Channel: Wilsons BBQ
Views: 21,657
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: tacos, birria tacos, brisket birria tacos
Id: RPr_ztev258
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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