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i really believe with all my heart that tonight will be an extraordinary night i believe this from the depth of my heart i'm only going to be teaching for a few minutes just to set the atmosphere and then we trust the lord to do marvelous things why do we come to the lord we come to him because we love him we come to him because we believe him but we come to him because we know the bible says in hebrews 11 and verse 6 that there is a name he is called the rewarder of they that diligently seek him that means when you seek him the bible says for everyone that seek it it's a law provided you seek you will find hallelujah so i trust that god will do us good tonight and bless our hearts in the name of jesus please be seated i'd like you to pay attention just a few minutes with the word psalm 27 david said one thing have i desired and that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord david was communicating his desire we challenged ourselves yesterday to love and to seek him above things that the state of your heart is the principal determinant of the dimension and the extent of the presence that you carry more than spiritual activities it is the state of your heart no wonder david was called a man after god's heart hallelujah praise the lord then this morning were able to look at a number of things the way the reality of the divine life the implication of the indwelling spirit within a man that there are implications when the holy spirit comes to tabernacle representing the life of god in an individual there is an implication we spoke about the reality of our oneness with christ as an overflow the basis for the manifestation of divinity in and through us we did speak about our positional advantage according to ephesians chapter 2 it says we have been raised up with christ and we have been made to sit far above principalities powers thrones dominions every name that is named not only in this world but even that which is to come hallelujah and i did share especially with the ministers three areas where the church must excel and the areas that represent the jurisdictions of attack especially in this end time number one we spoke about church growth that it is important that souls be one it is important that people come to the house of the lord the idea that the house of the lord should not be filled is false it is important that we continue to draw in harvests from everywhere so that many will know the lord and many will come to acknowledge him and then to grow we did speak about discipleship and doctrine the principles that helped macho believe us to become sound and to be people of stature then we spoke about a number of other things we rounded up by talking about the place of finance and the fact that if you do not sustain that ability um to be empowered as a minister it's an attack on people's finances and that is so that people will be distracted we look at genesis 42 how that there was farming and jacob told his sons i have heard that there is corn in egypt i told us that there is nothing wrong with the corn part but where corn is located is where the problem is egypt is a place that does not honor the valley of the kingdom but if that is the only place where corn is found even the sons of the prophets will find their way to egypt so that they will not die hallelujah praise the lord we took out time to pray tonight i want to share with you very briefly very deep spiritual mystery that has blessed me and i trust that god will grant us grace in the name of jesus we are going to look at the mystery of the ark the mystery of the ark very briefly trying to understand the the spiritual significance of the arc of the covenant and how it brought mighty victory in the life of the nations past israel particularly and how we can apply that to our lives today even as we prepare for the miracle service god has put in place all of the mechanisms that make for the excelling of the believer in christ the church is a supernatural church believers as supernatural beings because we are recipients of this divine life but then like ephesians chapter 4 and verse 18 would say it will take knowledge spiritual knowledge to bring us into the experience of these things that the divine life has brought ephesians chapter 4 verse 18 says having their understanding darkened says being alienated from the life of god through the ignorance that is in them so in as much as it is a fact that we are recipients of the life of god our inability to have the requisite level of spiritual illumination may cause us to not manifest the reality of this god life that is within us are we together psalms 82 from verse 5 says they know not neither will they understand says they walk on in darkness and all the foundations are out of course it says i have said ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high it says but ye shall die like man verse 7 and fall like one of the princes so it is not enough to just be recipients of eternal life the life of god it takes knowledge it takes light spiritual illumination to walk in the reality of this jesus christ wept twice as recorded in the gospels the first reason why he wept was when he was told that lazarus had died and he came to the tomb of lazarus he wept and they say oh how he loved him the second time jesus would whip was when he stood and looked over jerusalem and said oh jerusalem jerusalem it says if you had known even in this time the things that make for your peace it says but they are hidden from you [Music] so we need light we need knowledge we need illumination paul prayed over the church in ephesus and he cried unto the lord he said that their eyes be enlightened flooded with light that they may know knowledge is very important you see this is the difference between the supernatural and magic magic does not depend on knowledge it does not depend on relationship the power of god is a derivative of his word when you want to experience the power of god it comes at the instance of his word habakkuk chapter 3 when you read from verse 3 and 4 a scripture that has blessed me very much particularly verse 4. the amplified rendition says that there was light that emanated the brightness of the light that came from the horns from his hand and he says in that light was the hiding place of his power so when the light of god comes his power comes to honor that light the assignment of the anointing is to insist that the word does not look like a lie so without the word the anointing has no assignment the assignment of the word of god is to validate that which has come from the word when the word of god comes then his power can now find its place in the midst of his people are we learning [Music] the bible records that moses had a very interesting encounter and in exodus chapter 25 please turn there hurry up for the sake of time let's begin our reading from verse 10. moses was was instructed by god himself and he was told to build an ark [Music] thou shall make an arc of shitty wood he says two cubits and all of that and he gave all of the dimensions the extended reading is down to verse 22 and you see that he was instructed to construct an act made of very precious wood and the remaining part of it is history we see that eventually that act would be a representation of his presence to the nation of israel and in the presence of that act they wrought victory to a point where the hidden nations took note of the fact that every time they came to battle especially carrying the act victory was guaranteed they soviet the act they would tell themselves who could stand against this god of the hebrews because the act was a representation of the presence of god god in the midst of his people god in the midst of his people now i'm not i'm not here to deal with the entire exegesis of the whole story around the construction of the ark and so on and so forth i just want to show you the principle of victory by carrying the ack because this is the miracle service so i want to help us even as we prepare for what god is going to be doing tonight to understand how you can perpetually walk in victory by understanding the implication of carrying the ark hallelujah [Music] the ark was a mysterious object that hosted the presence of god and brought great victory they were not even allowed to open it and see it because of how sacred it was but then the act also was a mysterious weapon of destruction and a mysterious weapon of victory it seemed to be able to destroy without mercy and to bring victory completely what sort of a mysterious object was this carried on the shoulder of priests it would wrought victory for them even in a time of war when you read first samwell chapter 4 for the sake of time we may not go there but let me just give you the story chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 and chapter 7 of first samuel it gives us a very serious detail now this was at the time theologically or historically speaking this was at the time when eli there were many compromises that were happening in the temple are we bible students he had two sons hophni and finis and these gentlemen were carrying out all kinds of atrocities in the temple and the bible notes that their father who was a priest was aware many times he was cautioned but then he didn't seem to pay attention at all and then god sent a prophet to come to eli and to warn him to say because of this that has happened destruction is imminent the nation of israel is going to suffer because of this that you have done by the time we get to first samuel chapter 4 we see that the philistines came to battle and then the nation of israel went there and they were so defeated they were defeated in a way that was a broadcast there was casualty and they returned back and requested they said look let's go to shiloh and they carry the ark and come with it and even though they brought the act they were still defeated in fact the bible says it when you read chapter four the bible says as soon as the people saw the act they began to rejoice thinking it would bring them victory and even with the act there because of the state of their heart remember what we dealt with yesterday so the act is not just a magical weapon that works anyhow it depends on many factors that must be put in place because they carried the same act to battle and the philistines defeated them and then the act was captured were bible students isn't it yes then came a report to eli who was about 97 years old he was an old man who was sitting and they brought him reports they said the act of the lord has been captured and in that process your sons hophni and finney has have died but that was not even his concern as soon as he heard that the act of the lord was captured the bible says he fell and because he was an old man he broke his neck and died there and as soon as that report got to the wife of phinehas the bible records that she was already pregnant and almost due with child as soon as she had that label kitten immediately and she pushed and gave birth and in her pain she named the child e cardboard and he said because the glory of the lord has departed if the act has been taken then it means there is no possibility of victory for this nation and she named her child as a memorial that israel had lost everything that the departure of the act was also the departure of the glory the departure of the relevance of israel are we together let's read chapter 5 chapter 5 of first somewhere now arise o lord would you come to your resting place you and the ark of your might [Music] and then we will rejoice as we clothe in your righteousness we celebrate hallelujah will it be projected okay let me just use my bible so the philistines captured the ark and they were happy watch this now i will just rush and then we'll read some parts i like us to read verse 5 because at chapter 5 because it's very important now they captured the act in chapter 4 and they were rejoicing they took the ark and they went and kept it in their midst and the bible says trouble started for them immediately that they carried that act just thinking it was an object and they started to die all kinds of destruction started happening in their camp no one was saying anything but there was such destruction that was happening but one of it that was very very important the bible says five verse one let me read it says and the philistines took the act of god is very brief it's just 12 to 12 verses the philistines took the act of god and brought it from ebenezer onto ashdod and when the philistines took the act of god and they brought it to the house of their god called dragon and they set it by dagon the bible says verse 3 and when day of ashdod rose early on the moral behold that gun was fallen to his face before the act of the lord they took the gun and set him in his place again a god that cannot raise himself up how can he raise other people up [Music] you see how wise i don't worship is he fell just from the top to the ground and you want to leave people out of the pit and when they rose up early in the morning behold that gun was falling upon his face to the ground before the act of the lord and the head of dagon and both the palm of his hands were cut off from the threshold only the storms of dagon was left unto him therefore neither the priest of dragon of dagon nor any of them that came to dagon's house tread upon on the threshold of dagon in ashdod unto this day he says but the hand of the lord was heavy upon them they took the act to the wrong place desecrated it kept it carelessly and god said my presence does two things it can bless and it can destroy depending on how the state of your heart the hand of the lord came in honor to that act and the bible says it destroyed them and smote them when you read verse 7 when the men of ashdod saw that it was so they said the act of the god of israel shall not abide with us for his hand is so upon us and upon dagon my goodness my god that means something can happen to you that the devil can say go go away look at these people are negotiating they took something that they did not understand the implication of and now they started having a meeting among themselves what is this trouble we have brought to ourselves let's find a way of taking it out of this place the bible says they gathered all the lords of the philistines verse 8 unto them and said what shall we do with the act of the god of israel and they answered let the act of the god of israel be carried about unto god when you read on they took it to god and after they carried it the hand of the lord came upon that city descended upon the city and started causing havoc within that city it was a great destruction verse 9 says and he smote the men of the city both small and great and then the act of the lord was taken to ekron and when they got to ekron the acronym started crying saying they have brought about the act of the god of israel to us to slay us and our people so they gather together the lords of the philistines and says send away the act of the god of israel [Music] let it go again to his own place that it slay us not and our people for there was a deadly destruction throughout all the city and the hand of god was heavy there and the men that died and the men that died not were smitten with the emeralds and the cry of the city went up to heaven now when you read all of this you find out that everywhere the act of god was mismanaged with this honor and lack of discernment the act was not neutral it was either blessing or cursing they carried the act and thought it would be an artifact that they would keep and god said no this is a representation of my presence i instructed moses himself and he carried that act and took it in a wrong place and it caused havoc now for time sake when you read chapter 6 and then you go to chapter 7 particularly the people began to cry and somewhere the prophet came and told them he said look the reason why the beauty and the potential the power the protection of this act is not working is because of the state of your heart if you will repent and acknowledge and and give up this your gods all of these gods of the philistines that you've gotten now if you will take them away then you will have your relationship restored paraphrasing somewhere verse seven and three somewhere speak unto all the house of israel saying if you do return unto the lord with all your hearts and put away the strange gods of asteroth among you and prepare your hearts unto the lord and serve him only he will deliver you out of the hands of the philistines and the people responded and they said baleem and ashtaroth we will not serve you again will serve the lord only and he gathered them together and the bible lets us know that when they got to mispay the news got among the philistines that these people had come again but they did not know that the state of their hearts were now correct and so the philistines came as before don't mind the act that they had didn't they have it before it did not work this time around there was utter defeat they defeated the philistines and chased them down because their hearts were right you see why we took out time to deal with the desire of david the presence of god desiring the presence of god has implications [Music] the bible records that there was great defeat for the philistines and the cities which the philistines had taken from israel were restored verse 14 says from acron even to garth it delivered everything and there was peace between the israel and the amorites because the ark was restored and their hearts were also restored can i tell you this from scripture we see that the act brought great victory when the state of the heart the careers of that act their relationship with god was put in place the ark was able to produce wonders in their lives now my concern tonight is not really the act my concern tonight is the construction and the content the bible lets us know very quickly that according to hebrews chapter 9 paul was speaking when you read from verse 1 and 4 1-4 paul gives us um a picture he gives us a very graphic representation of all that was represented in the act and i want us to look at it very briefly ready hebrews chapter 9. that's all right i'll turn back and read then verily he said the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service and a worldly sanctuary we're reading two verse four for there was a tabernacle made the first wearing was the candlestick the table and the shoe bread which is called the sanctuary after and after the second veil the tabernacle which is called the holiest of all read with me verse 4 please if you can see it ready one to read which had the golding sensor and the arc of the covenant overlaid round about with gold wearing was the golden pot that had mana and the aeron's rod that boarded and the tables so we know that there were three things from exodus and from hebrews that the ark it was so designed to be a a um it was like a chest a triangle a a rectangular chest are we together that was overlaid when you read from chapter 25 from verse 10 to 22 of exodus it gives you all the details of the construction of the act but then it says it was designed in a way and a manner that it was overlaid with what we call the messy seat and the lord made a very interesting statement he says above the messy seat below the shadow beams there i will meet with you and i will relate with you intimately there was a location if you can prepare that act he says i will meet with you very important [Music] so we know that the construction of the ark and the content of the act all together where number one listen pay attention the content of the act now we're dealing with it one it had the wood the construction of the wood and do you know when you read exodus chapter 25 [Music] beginning from verse 10 god kept telling man even though my presence will come you do it you do this one you do this one so the very construction of the arc of covenant required the participation of man this is the first thing we have to understand about the construction and the content it was not god god gave the commands but man was instructed he was given the dimensions he was told what to do but he had to do it that means if you want to experience the glory of god there is a role that you have to play it is not all up to god and it is not all up to you there is a participatory role that man will always play as far as hosting the grace the power the wisdom the presence of god is concerned the wood was constructed by man it took the meticulousness the discipline the diligence of going to look for the exact wood and the specification god came to rest upon it but it was man who designed it this is the first information i want you to understand so the construction the wooden construction represents the participation of man then number two the bible talks about the covenants or the commandments the table remember the the ten commandments that moses received from the lord and then in anger he threw it and then he was made to construct the stones again and god again wrote on those tablets and he says take those two tablets the commandments number three we see the pot or the omer that was full of manna that fell from heaven in exodus chapter 16 exodus chapter 16 when you read from verse 31 to 35 exodus chapter 16 31 to 35 they murmured against god and against moses how that they were hungry and god sent manna manna from heaven that the bible tells us was the bread of angels and every day they were asked to pick and then on the sabbath they were asked to pick and by the next day it did not decay and he was given an instruction he says take some of this and put in the pot let it be as a testament as a memorial of that supply and that provision and that power of god are we learning number three we see the road of aaron that boarded when you read number 17 the whole text is in number 17 from verse 1 to 10 but particularly verse 9 and 10. numbers chapter 17. [Music] this was a leadership problem by the way man of god if you are having a very serious leadership problem in your church or in your organization read number 17 because god himself brought an end to every kind of controversy around leadership he said take the rights of everybody from every tribe the 12 tribes he said place it before the tabernacle the act it says whichever will board also take the one of aaron so that they will know that my ordination to his priesthood was not human and the bible says by the next day so they will not blame moses again there are times you make decisions as a leader and people think his favoritism people think you are just being sentimental there are times you need to trust god to do something that everybody will know this one is the hand of god and an end came to all the quarreling and the arguments the bible says so god instructed immediately instead the rod of air on that body put it also at the act let it be a memorial so we see that the act of covenant basically contained three things inside the table of testaments or commandments number two the road of aaron that boarded are we together and then number three the pot that was full of manner and then overlaying the ark was what we call the messy seat why am i taking out time to break this element of the ark because if it is the glory of god you want to see rest if you want to become a mobile act every one of these things that was in the act must be in you too if you want to replicate the act in your life then you have to follow the pattern of the construction also if anything is found wanting as far as the elements are concerned you may not be able to replicate the act that hosts the presence of god are we blessed so let's look at the significance of this element and then we pray number one the first lesson we have to learn from the act is that it was constructed by man the vessel that carried the act was a representation of man here's what the bible says nevertheless the foundation of the lord standing sure having this seal it says the lord knoweth them that are his and let every man that name the name of christ depart from iniquity and then the next verse has bought in a great house it lists four kinds of vessels and their implication he says there are vessels of wood there are vessels of clay there are vessels of silver there are vessels of gold it says some vessels are onto this honor and there are vessels that are unto this honor if you want to become that vessel here is the condition if a man will pudge himself says that man will be a vessel unto honor meet or fit for the master's use so the first thing we have to deal with is man's participation [Music] the discipline and the diligence of allowing your life to become that worthy habitation that can host the fullness of the presence and the power of god if you're with me say amen the act was made of choice wood expensive valuable material it was not just made of careless wood it was it was meticulously built by the intelligence and the artistry of man number two for the sake of time what is the significance of the covenants the commandments they represent laws and they represent instructions can i tell you this if you want to host the presence of god within your life must be an accommodation for the principles of the kingdom and instructions the commandments represent instructions and these instructions notice that principally these instructions come from and through men they come from god but they come through man when god delivered the ten commandments he was the one who wrote it but the person who interpreted and explained it was moses the man any man who is not given to the reception of divine instructions can never truly host the glory of god are we learning something now we are constructing the act in our own lives now that the first element that is needed is you the vessel must be sufficient not in yourself necessarily but that poaching by the blood by the world to become a vessel of honor and then instructions we thrive and we excel and we command victory in this kingdom on the strength of the laws and the instructions that we receive this is why jeremiah 3 and verse 15 says and i will give you shepherds pastors after my heart it says that they will feed you with knowledge and with understanding proverbs continue to ch to challenge us and said that the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom it says but fools despise [Music] instruction we together you want to hold superior dimensions of the glory of god especially in this end time if you want the act to be experientially constructed in and through your life then you must be prepared to walk with in keeping with the laws i'm not just talking of all the new testament i'm talking of lost the ordinances of the kingdom and then the instructions of the lord and thou shalt hear a voice from behind saying this is the way walk give it and if you do obey that instruction it says you will find rest for your soul are we learning the next element that must be captured in our life is the mystery of the road of iran the road of aaron validated the priesthood ministry of aeron so the road there is a representation of priesthood you want your life to be an expression of the act you must embrace the mystery of priesthood and the primary assignment of priesthood is to bond that instance the ministry of prayer your life will never truly be able to be a representation of the glory and the grace of god if priesthood is absent in your life jesus came into the temple when he found people selling and buying and selling in the temple the seal of the lord at him up and the bible says he took weep when he beat them up this is what he said my house if it is truly my house it shall be called a house of prayer for all nations but you have turned it into a den of robbers many of you have heard me teach your house is either one of two things at any given time a house of prayer or a den of robbers a den of robbers means a place where thieves dwell and satan is the principal thief that can come so if your life is not a house of prayer as that temple the next thing it becomes is a den of robbers where the thief can come to steal to kill and to destroy [Music] there's no being neutral at any given time this temple your house is either a house of prayer or a den of robbers the robbers will come as mysterious demonic afflictions the robbers will come as all kinds of oppressions but when it becomes a house of prayer [Music] the fire that is upon that altar will not allow any spirit that is not of the christ to dwell there because the bible says jesus himself teaching said when a spirit is casted out of a man jesus is teaching us now he says when that spirit comes out of a man it goes around through desert regions looking for a place not finding any place it will say i will return back there is something about the desert that makes the spirit not comfortable nobody is casting the spirit from the desert it will cast itself back and profess pain in you do you know why because the desert is extremely hot so when your life stimulates the condition of the desert that spirit will also not be able to stay within you [Music] was it not the fire from the fire that made the viper come out when there is no fire the viper can remain there priesthood hear me believe us we must get to a point where genuine prayer becomes a lifestyle not something we do just to obtain things the primary assignment of prayer is for your transformation more than receiving requests the bible says and as he prayed speaking about jesus he says his garment his face became as white and his garment became as white and his countenance changed so prayer is principally a tool for transformation you evolve into superior fashions of yourself when you pray you do not find your former self again after prayer the self that you now see is the powerful one is the great one is the anointed one bring a weak believer with no bearing in his life bring someone who does not know his left hand is right submit him to the ministry of priesthood and watch an evolution happen a timid person will become a champion in the spirit if you want to host the glory of god especially in these end times let me tell you sincerely do not ignore the road of aeron it's not just a road it's a road of priesthood you're not just going to stand and tell demons go away you will not just stand over citizens say i opened the two lift gates no sir it will be at the instance of genuine priesthood he spoke a parable to the end that men ought always to pray you have an assignment to register your name in the realm of the spirit so that demons will not just say jesus i know paul i know add your name joshua salman i know because they are witnesses to your priesthood [Music] who are discussing the act remember the word of akaya the casio wound remember the commandments laws and instruction remember the road of aeron priesthood now the next is the port or the omaha [Music] talks about the ministry of the world jesus himself was speaking about this in matthew 4 he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word every word the manner that does not decay the manner that could not go through corruption and the only seed we know that is incorruptible is that which is by the word of god listen to me the word of god defines the jurisdiction of his commitment to the believer god cannot be committed to the believer outside of the scope that the word of god allows him he has chosen to exalt his word even above his name this is the difference between the faith life and superstition god is bound only by his word that means if you want to get god committed to your life it must be the the legal basis upon which you will place your demands must be scripture when satan came to him he didn't say i think he didn't say i wish he said it is written what gives us victory in this kingdom is what is written not what we want whatever you want you must find out whether it is written or not if what you want is not written it cannot happen what you want only happens when it is written please listen to me if you want to host the glory of god upon your life your church your business it must be a ministry that has respect and value for scripture it was written so that it cannot be changed it is written [Music] matthew chapter 13 and verse 11 jesus himself was teaching and he said it has been given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven we reign in this kingdom on the strength of the mysteries that we sustain a mystery is a hidden body of truth that is privy to a group of people we rise in this kingdom on the strength of the mysteries that we know [Music] there are mysteries that control speed there are mysteries that control restoration there are mysteries that control lifting there are mysteries that control being anointed there are mysteries that control exemption there are mysteries that control prosperity there are mysteries that control influence your assignment is to work in partnership with the spirit of grace and find for everyone that seek it find it the seed for finding is to seek if you do not seek you cannot have the harvest of finding proverbs 18 and verse 1 says true desire a man haven't separated himself that he's secret and he intermittent with all wisdom please let us obtain grace from god to go back to scripture and settle down otherwise our life will look superstitious yet we'll keep failing [Music] i believe the word of god why do i know the sick will be healed because it is written why do i know god will commit himself to your lifting tonight because it is written not because i am a man of god being a man of god is a secondary reason the primary reason why all things happen is because it is written john chapter 1 and verse 3 all things were made by him and without him without him means outside of his influence was not anything made that was made that means when you neglect the word of god the possibility of creation and manifestation has left you it has to be at the instance of the word hebrews chapter 1 from verse 1 and three says god who in sundry times and diverse manners speak to us in time past through the prophet had in this last days spoken to us through his son which is the word whom he had appointed to be heir over all things and then when you read verse 3 he says hoping the brightness of his glory and the expressed image of his person and upholding how many things upholding my tomorrow upholding my tomorrow upholding my tomorrow through the word of his power of upholding my future my confidence is beyond the advantage or the disadvantage in a territory your confidence must be based on it is written it is written why will you succeed i have a great father you are joking one to him that puts his strength in a man even the word himself used it is written to defend himself the word of god didn't say my opinion the word submitted to it is written [Applause] can i tell you this you must know how to defend your victory it is written why should i leave this family it is not we are members of a particular church that is wonderful there is a place for prophetic covering but i tell you the real reason why we excel in this kingdom is because it is written remember the manner it was kept here as a memorial that there is no victory for you if it is not written anything that is not written cannot happen the anointing of the spirit does not work at random the anointing of the spirit follows what is written so if you are making claims in prayer there is a verification system in the realm of the spirit before the anointing begins to move on that wise the anointing does not just come because you want it to come the anointing verifies whether that desire is consistent with what is written preach us let's stop preaching what we want and preach what is because what we want will not come to pass until it is preaching [Music] listen the lord is turning you into an act now you know what makes the ark more than the object the participatory role that you have to play sitting down and waiting for god to do everything is a joke it took man to build the ark it will take you to make that place conducive for him [Music] you want to become an accumulate submit yourself to laws and instructions and then you must submit yourself to the ministry of priesthood you must learn to pray until you evolve into a vessel of honor you can pray yourself from wood and become clay pray yourself from clay and become silver pray yourself from silver until you become gold [Music] hear me when we pray we truly evolve yes sir the version of you your future is looking for has not yet become so your future is looking for a version of you that you have not become [Music] the dream you saw about your greatness that dream was designed to happen to another version of you not this person and your destiny keeps waiting so it looks like you are not moving forward and god said no i want to bless you but there is a version of you that must carry that anointing the anointing you are looking for for nations cannot come on this fashion police satay bracato [Music] i'm seeing the spirit of prayer just coming on 11 people this is what i'm saying please just help them 11 people now you understand that prayer is for your growth for your evolution out of your life into a new season you can use prayer to close seasons and open new ones [Music] can i be honest with you if we truly want to become this act we must obtain grace from god to move past just the realm of meeting needs to the realm where you stand with god and you can grow to a point of stature where god can trust you with the grace for nations not just things we're not talking about having one or two things that god can carry the destiny of the territories they take if they are saved is your fault if they are not saved is your fault look at the rewards of those who are faithful with the talents that were given to them authority over nations believers let's return to the genuine ministry of priesthood more than just give me things i'm not saying those things are wrong you can listen to my message teach us to pray i talked there about the mysteries the dimensions of prayer there is a dimension of prayer that is for supplication and petitions but primarily prayer is a tool for fellowship and in that fellowship there is evolution you know you have met him because you changed the protocol of encounter is that when you meet him you are changed and we all with unveiled face it says beholding the glory it's not the glory that changes is you that changes hear me when the animals looked at what jacob put they were the ones who were changed into what they were seeing [Music] then the manner which is the word of god ignorance is dangerous in this end time you must know what is written please sit down the bible basically contains three things am i wasting your time every time you open up scripture the bible contains three things that you must never forget number one the bible contains promises the promises of god represent the scope of his commitment to you there are promises that he has made excellent things you have spoken about his zion you must know the promises of god as revealed from scripture what has god said he would do [Music] because when you can find what god said he will do i assure you he will do it genesis 21 and verse one please give it to us verse one and two genesis 21 read with me please one to read [Music] as he has aha and the lord did unto sarah when he speaks he does except he has not said it so you must find his promises sarah conceived and bear abraham a son in her old age at the set time which the lord had spoken promises that's the first thing we search for in scripture every time you open your bible your eyes must look for promises lord what have you said concerning my life what have you said concerning my destiny it is only what he has said that comes to pass [Music] integrity is the ability to say and do if god has not said why should he do so when you find what he has said then because he's a god of integrity the bible says god is not a man that he should lie that means men lie men don't lie because they are bad they lie because they are men hallelujah [Music] god is not a man that he should lie not the son of man that he should repent you can't trust what he said now listen carefully the second thing that is contained in scripture are principles principles represent the modus operandi of the kingdom how the kingdom operates when you study scripture you find principles jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 16. it says to stand and to ask look at that path that old path stand in the way and ask for the old path it says wearing is the good way and when you have found it walk in it jesus the word also called himself the way there is a revelation of jesus called jesus the way how things are done in the kingdom [Music] there is a way god lifts people there is a way god restores there is a way god anoints there is a way god increases there is a way god defends people you have to understand the ways of god before she showed moses his glory the first thing he showed moses were his ways [Music] so promises principles the third thing we find in scripture are prophecies revelations about the future to be able to give you hope and to give you comfort we find in scripture prophecies so that we know that we are overcomers because of the prophecies that we have seen every time you open your bible you are searching for these three things promises principles prophecies if your life is built upon the integrity of it is written the dust will come and go every other thing will come and go but because this house is built on a rock it will stand and it will remain the same thing that happened to the house on the sun happened to the house on the rock it was not the superstructure it was the foundation jesus said this is how i will build my church i will build my church with a formula and if this formula is is honored the gates of hell will not prevail against her build your life on scripture build your life when it is written and you have nothing to fear the uncertainties that plague our world the uncertainties that plague ministries plague regions are enough to make us fear but the word of god can give us confidence because we know that it is written prophecy already told us the end of it we know who has won [Music] there are times that you are watching a movie and someone who has watched it before is sitting with you he cannot have your anxiety they killed the actor and you is frost you are frustrated i've wasted one hour i thought this man would win and the person said you just keep watching and you're wondering what where is your confidence coming from the confidence is coming from the fact that he's watched it before he watched it right to the point that he saw the end and i can tell you this right here already told me the end of my life [Music] he will not suffer my food to be i carry your presence i have found the end of my destiny here that i know the thoughts that i think to what you say at the lord that they are thoughts of peace and not of evil to bring you a future and there is a difference between having a future and having an end you can have a future but maybe not have an end your today was a future to last week [Music] future is relative end is fixed i am secured in both i have a future and i have an end the final element and then we begin to pray is the messy seat that overlays it khalid [Music] there is something called the messy seat exodus chapter 25 when you read 17-22 just write it for reference the mercy seat truly means the mercy of god it's as simple as clear as honest as that what is the mercy of god the mercy of god is a factor that is is an invention from his intelligence to be able to deal with man in spite of the vacillations of man the mercy of god was an invention that was custom made for man god built the idea of mercy so that in spite of the frailties of man there is still a guarantee that he can end this is the reason why mercy is not an attribute of god that angels and other beings experience that's why satan cannot be forgiven because mercy is not within his jurisdiction [Music] and to tell you how determined god is for us to be partakers of his mercy he ties his mercy with time so that every 24 hours as time resets his mercy also resets it's in your bible he says his messages are new every morning hallelujah the mercy of god is not a license for licentiousness but it's an advantage the mercy of god gives me guarantee that in spite of my frailties i will still be able to bet the purposes of god [Music] the mercy of god is a covenant that we had with david as a result of the desire of david to build him a house he came and he entered the covenant of mercy with david he says no matter what you do david i have covenanted with you saul did not have his mercy that's why he lost his troll saul was more well behaved than david [Music] oh yes read your bible saul was by far more well-behaved than they did [Music] but the mercies of david all healings all deliverances all restorations stem from that department of his mercy it is on the strength of god's mercy that we can guarantee that someone was being oppressed that a family that legally gave themselves to the devil as lawful captives when it has to do with victory over captivity is not power you need is the mercy of god [Music] there are spirits you don't just bind and cast there are rules of engagement there is a kind of captivity called lawful captivity it is this kind that we overcome by the blood of the lamb for instance the legal access that satan had over us by reason of the fall of adam could not be cast anyway no god did not use power to save man it was the blood and his death his power was demonstrated in that mercy [Music] are we together now so tonight i have two assignments in this place i've just completed one to challenge you that you can become a mobile act [Music] the elements that they gathered obey what they obeyed that glory will rest upon you the same way it rested upon them an individual can be a career of that presence you can take that presence everywhere anybody who drugs you who is a philistine will soon know what he carried you don't have to tell people i am dangerous let the devil try you and what happened to the philistines when they took the act they stole it the act that was not talking was bringing half in the camp of the enemy but when the same act was taken to the house of obed adam in 90 days 90 that means if you are employed in three months of your being in that office there are things that should begin to happen as a testament that the act has arrived [Music] [Applause] like i was teaching you yesterday please this is not some pentecostal motivation believe me it is true you can be a living breathing career of this act that way when people are tired of trouble they invite you to their house [Music] who do we invite to just sit down for five minutes and you just sit down in their house and they said just to say god bless you and you stand up and they start rejoicing because right there the five minutes visitation it was not just a man that came the man is the wood the ethan vessel but there is the excellency of what has come upon it when you stretch your hands to heal the sick it is not the mortal hands of a man no no no just help those under the anointing when you stretch your hands to deliver the demons are not seeing hands you are the one who is still a hand the demons are seeing the same act that's bam [Music] let the weight of your glory [Music] let the truth of your kingdom let it rain let it rain us let the weight of your glory listen one day i was in the place of prayer and i was caught up in the realm of the spirit and i began to hear the song of angels and this was the song that i heard let the weight of your glory fall let it cover all the let the weight of your glory fall let it cover all the earth let it cover all the you're here in this place tonight before i begin to pray for the sick i know that our time is gone in the construction of the ark there are elements the first of them that i taught you is the wound the wood had to avail itself to be used to create that habitation there are people here scattered across the overflow all of the overflows following online flowing from whatever nation before we even begin to minister to people i just sense in my heart to make the altar call very quickly you are here and you are saying apostle i desire to be this living act of god's presence perhaps you were not here yesterday or you were here yesterday but you had not made up your mind to make this decision our time is first spent here's how we're going to do it every overflow when i make the call you just go to the front of your screen and you stand there for time's sake i'm going to count one to five there are people here who are saying apostle i want to avail myself for the sake of your glory the glory of the only begotten even full of grace and truth you want me to pray for you before we start i'd like you to run like this fire on the mountain i'm going to count five run and come and stand one run to jesus make sure you understand what you're doing you're coming out to give your life to jesus christ too [Music] all the overflows please come out [Music] calling keep coming let it end tonight hallelujah my god i already sent such such power in this place i'm going to pray for you all of you who are in front many of you are rededicating your lives to jesus the bible says let it be known to you the message of peter that this same jesus has been exalted today as both lord and christ this is the one we preach christ crucified christ resurrected many of you are coming here tonight god is giving you a new beginning do not be ashamed we are a family those following online you who is following from your home you're following everywhere across the globe god is giving you an opportunity to make jesus lord hallelujah please lift your right hand stay after me as loud as you can all of you in front all the overflow same and those following in your home say lord jesus tonight i believe in you that you are the son of god you obtain your mercy and i obtain your grace i ask that you forgive me and in the name of jesus i declare that i am a recipient of eternal life jesus christ is my savior my lord and my king from today i go forward ever and backward never amen thank you father for these ones that you have brought to yourself i pray in the name of jesus by the authority of scripture i declare your sins forgiven and i declare that he gives you a new experience from today i commend you to the ministry of the word and the ministry of the spirit i pray that you'll be established and grounded in righteousness and that you become mighty vessels for the master's use in jesus name i pray now very quickly just make sure you obtain a card there will be counselors giving you a card once you obtain it you can return back to your seat and just be patient and follow the remaining part of the meeting hallelujah please everybody rise we have a few minutes i want to pray for you tonight is a miracle service and it's going to be a very quick one because our time is gone please let them return back to their state just be patient with them [Music] the lord by what he is going to be doing within the few minutes that we have miracles and signs and wanders a message from god to his people two messages basically number one every time you see a miracle it's a revelation of the love of god to his people he's telling you that i have loved you with an everlasting love and i have drawn you with my loving kindness number two miracles are an attestation as to the fact that he is still lord i shared with you that there are four things that a man must have dominion over to be called lord number one is the earth number two the fullness the resources number three the mind control systems are number four the inhabitants and the bible says the earth is the lord's the fullness thereof the walls and they that dwell therein [Music] we're going to be praying for the sick i'll be ministering to you we'll do that very fast within the time that we have please let your heart be open you didn't come to waste your time and those in the overflows i like you to open up your heart knowing that the power of god will touch you where you are and the lord himself will bring you victory are you ready for tonight lord give me a visitation please pray in one minute give me a visitation that will change my life [Music] allah [Music] give me a visitation that will change my life hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah now let me start by praying for people who have been oppressed there are people here who have been oppressed of the devil when peter was preaching in the house of cornelius you don't have to come out don't worry i'll just give you the instructions on what to do the bible says peter was preaching and he said how god anointed jesus of nazareth acts chapter 10 and verse 38 with the holy ghost he said and with power and the bible says he went about healing not all the who were sick you call it sickness he called it oppression and it tells you the oppressor the devil for god was with him there is nowhere i find the devil that i will leave him to go free [Music] for oppressing lives and oppressing destinies i want to pray for you now and please as much as possible or just now please listen whether you are an osha or not i want you to do well to just cooperate some of you are members the ushers may be limited but i want you to please help them anyone who is under the anointing close to you please do well and be your brother's keeper so that we minimize people enjoying themselves are we together the lord jesus appeared to me many years ago and he gave me an instruction and he told me that every city he would send me to and every nation and every territory the lights that came from him to me that there must be someone in that meeting that that same light will come upon and i believe tonight please help them i believe that this light it brings healing it brings miracles i want to pray for you now there are people who have been oppressed of the devil please i want you to bring them out now these people i'm about to pray for at the count of three i want you to shout the name jesus every oppression that is not of god every demonic orchestration of darkness that has sat on the destinies of people in the name of jesus christ who is the son of the living god as you shout it is the healer the shout that brings down jericho i decree and declare a dimension of that name the one exalted as lord and christ let there be deliverance for you right now are you ready please bring them out one two three shout jesus i command every devil now let your destinies go bring them out every devil i command liberty freedom by the power that is in the name of jesus wherefore god has so highly exhausted him and giving him a name that is a form of every other name i decree and declare be delivered now orchestrations of ancestry activities of witchcraft connected to bloodline tonight we come by the road of the higher crystal be delivered in the name of jesus bring them out i've got every devil we're still praying hey now [Music] is the lord is opening my eyes and i'm seeing families there are whole families that have been under bondage i want to pray now there's fire coming from kapaka to qatar bring them out in the name of jesus every family here under the sound of my voice that has been under any demonic speech at the count of three let there be liberty one two three be delivered now be delivered now bring them out help them please in the name of jesus how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power he went about doing good hallelujah [Music] while praying who is ebenezer our time is up i have to pray for the sick but i'm hearing a name ebenezer who is ebenezer ebenezer you are wearing like a blue like a czech shirt is that a benisza is that someone like that [Music] watch please verify don't match the people where are you coming from i'm coming from this side i want to pray for you where are you coming from i mean your state equity state equity state i want to pray for you that everything that is connected to witchcraft i stretch my hands be delivered now in the name of jesus the christ i bring you life that lady this one you on red lift in your hands shout jesus as loud as you can [Music] oppression goes forever over your life sir is this your wife i'm seeing the lord take something out of her body this is what i'm saying i'm seeing something leaving her body that the devil has planted to destroy her oh in the name of jesus who is the christ of god i command that devil i call you by name in the name of jesus the bible says whosoever the son sets free is free indeed therefore we cross every devil madam i'm here to pray for the sick but i stretch my hands right now let there be a miracle for you in the presence of your husband don't worry she doesn't have to come to the front in the name of jesus be healed now be healed now be healed now be healed now is it a marachi is there something like that amarachi who is that amarachi i'm hearing a name amarachi the woman i'm seeing is not very tall you bobbed your hair you bob your hair amarachi is there someone like that what is your name [Music] your lifting has come look at me my dear where are you coming from [Music] where is that what state is that okay here i want to pray for you and your family ah you are the father but back home the lord is visiting this family you see why it's good to invite people to church because god can just save a whole nation this is not about a man of god being powerful i'm seeing one more person you are three who is that i'm seeing one more person connected to this family in the name of jesus i read christopher where i read the christopher i invited him i don't know where he is because i'm seeing three people not two where is the third person if it's not yet because of time we just have to pray so that will redeem the time sir can i pray for you you love jesus very much this is you see the beauty of coming to church i was glad when they said unto me god the house of god is not a nuisance to civilization we are a blessing i pray for you right now you and your daughter and all who are connected to you sir i pray for you four years you are yet to have a child this is what i'm saying four years who is that person please make sure you are married four years hey lance husband and wife you are bought in the choir husband and wife place your hand god is going to give you a baby boy help her out now i release you in the name of jesus christ celebrate your miracle the hand of god marvelous hand of god you two how many years four years is your husband here no he's not here sir four years you're trusting god you believe in miracles hold on hold on what's your name in edu who is the head of this choir are you the head of the choir like the like the coordinator this because this is what i'm seeing on her because the lord is speaking to me and saying he's taking away the shame of the coordinator and i'm saying because she's not dressed like i'm not seeing her dress in the same uniform like them my dear in the name of jesus we come by the god of heaven and we declare let your womb be open now let it be open now in the name of jesus christ this woman is out for the same reason i will pray for you please don't come out at random if you make this less just don't worry god is going to visit you are we together now god is going to visit you [Music] the power of god is coming on someone at the ministers just one person i just saw light [Applause] [Music] the lord is shifting you into a new season that's what the lord is telling me shifting you into a new season i pray for you all of you who are here for the sake of time we have to rush in the name of jesus christ there is a businessman here that god wants to restore you have lost a lot of money this year i have to pray for you i don't mean somebody who is starting don't worry i know most this is a business place we are talking about the east here so i'm sure everybody will come out if i've said don't just settle down there is a specific person that the lord is revealing to me i don't know what you do is it is it something that has to do with construction i'm seeing that you've lost a lot of money if there is someone like that i want to pray for you while i quickly pray for them father everyone who is whom in the name of jesus like eli madam this woman lifting her hands i'm seeing oil coming on your head this is what i'm seeing the lord is revealing this to me right now i stretch my hands and i declare in the name of jesus let everything that represents oppression in your life and your family let it come to an end right now in the name of jesus christ let it come to an end right now there is someone holding photos you came here with photos pictures of your family members please if there's someone like that please verify so that it doesn't look like well if it's not i'm not saying if you have photos in your bag you are holding photos let me pray for you it's just the instruction that the lord is giving to me for everyone here trusting god for the fruit of the womb i declare a miracle for you right now in jesus name i pray inside i pray for you and your daughter and this hold on you see your son or your brother my brother same father same mother younger brother younger brother who is christopher what's your name christopher [Music] from where i'm going to pray for you because please don't feel i'm not a prophet of doom god will save you but i'm looking at this man and i'm seeing him inside the coffin i'm not that's why don't be afraid this is where ministers of life i'm just revealing to you you see the power of scripture because it is written is greater than i saw no matter what it is that you see dominion is the ability to submit what you saw to it is written this is how ministers of the gospel the administration of the prophetic must be done with respect to the authority of scripture that means regardless what you see if it's inconsistent with what is written that becomes your assignment to make what you saw or what you heard turn and become what is written that's what it means to bring every thought to the obedience of christ this is how prophecy edifies the body when prophecy submits to it is written it now begins to edify otherwise it will plan fear if i leave this man right now i have not blessed him i will not only plant fear i will plant fear to his family members who are watching but dominion is the ability to bring any other thing including what you saw to the obedience of christ i'm saying this because the lord is also helping to train people in administering the gifts of the spirit so that we don't end up planting fear and a conference like this is done and people are worse than they were before it started no the character of the operation of scripture is that it must take away fear because god is love and perfect love cast out here in the name of jesus sir no i'm don't worry i lay my hands upon you as a point of contact who is this one your wife who is this lady okay don't worry sir wherever they are as you are standing here by faith we agree for this family let there be transformation right now inside the name of jesus i declare that anything that is inconsistent with the character of the christ in your life we declare that it comes to an end now for all of you who have photos i lay my hands on those photos prophetically and in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god let there be miracles for you let there be miracles for you in jesus name please return to your seat i want to pray for the sick now very quickly please return to your seat so that will have space just believe that it is done i believe in miracles i'm a miracle myself [Music] we make miracle walk from misty light in the darkness is wow i want to pray for the sick but the lord is giving me an instruction i'll pray for the sick please i want to be your brother's keeper over this prayer i want to pray and i will tell you why every meeting i go to god gives me this instruction please whether you are an usher or not i want you to just help the people there is a graceful speech that can come upon an individual that can count upon ministries the bible says and the hand of the lord came upon elijah and he ran on their foot he overtook the chariots of ahab even down to israel truly god can compress time dominion over time his real dominion speed is a system of advantage given by god to man to help us actualize destiny i want to pray the reason why i'm saying you should help people is because people will start running i want you to just hold them bring them out here quickly we're going to do this very fast i apologize for the time sir sincerely hallelujah are you ready father in the name of my goodness my god look i'm just seeing fire rest on people right now i declare at the count of three may this grace was me help them please help them please help them please help them please i decree and declare every delay over anyone's life i come by the road of a higher prison at the count of three receive speed one two three take that grace thank that grace thank god grace take that grace inside outside the overflows take that grace speed in ministry speeding business speeding your accomplishments i take 10 years and i put it in one year i take one year and i put it up 10 years in one year one year in one month in the name of jesus christ i declare other families here receive speed in jesus name speed in jesus name speed in jesus name speed in jesus name speed in jesus name speed in jesus name i have seen fire fall on the choir this is what i'm just saying take that fire right now help them please take that fire take that fire in the name of jesus christ speed is coming upon your life speed is coming upon your destiny in the name of jesus christ everyone held by any chain of delay in the name that is above all names i'm praying again for individuals and for families and be broken now be broken now be broken now hear me when the glory of god came upon aaron's road in one night without a root it boarded one night without a root everything that has refused to walk in your life we stand under the corporate anointing here and in the name of jesus is the master we have told all night nevertheless i speak to you go back and expel go back and expel go back and expel go back and expel [Music] please lay your hands where you are trusting god for healing right now i want you to believe in the healing power of jesus for all of you who have come out here i declare that this grace you have contracted let it begin to speak immediately immediately immediately who is jennifer jennifer jennifer i'm hearing a name jennifer [Music] in the name of jesus christ the lord is rolling reproach from your family he's rolling away reproach right now rolling away reproach right now in the name of jesus is that i wept for no man was worthy to open the book and unlock the scroll and the elder tapped me and said whip not for the lion of the tribe of judah even the root of david is worthy hallelujah let this be the beginning of seasons of speedy achievements please lay your hands [Music] wherever you are trusting god for a miracle i want to pray for the sick now [Music] sir this is our father i presume you look like an indian family am i right on that i want to pray for you the lord wants to take away sickness i'm looking at a thermometer go up and down this has to do with high blood pressure i want to pray for you you believe in miracles can i pray for you you can't just stay there no problem you don't have to come out i will pray for you i just just to let you know that god is bringing visitation god is bringing a visitation please lay your hands where you are trusting god for healing you can stand in for someone to those of you who are in front here please go back to your seat rejoicing anyone please go back to your seat rejoicing anyone here who if it's a part of your body you cannot touch just make contact with your chest please do that all the overflows just lay your hands where you are trusting god for a miracle right now i believe in miracles i truly do [Music] i believe in the manifestation of god's power help her please some of you are already healed right from when you were coming overflows lay your hands everywhere i want to pray for you now listen for the sake of time i do not want and i do not intend to stretch us beyond time but very quickly for the sake of time this is what i want us to do as soon as i pray for you some of you checking yourself from the time you came out here there are all kinds of miracles that have happened but very quickly as soon as i pray for you the power of god is going to touch you you will be healed i want the moment you confirm your miracle i want you to quickly run and stand here please if we can have one or two pastors here to just help us on that we'll do it very fast take a few of the testimonies we'll do the final importation and we're done for the night hallelujah praise the lord after a loud shout the healing power of jesus will begin to move not your shout there is someone under the power of the holy spirit right now who will shout loud to the hearing of everybody honestly sometimes i don't know why god does that now i'm ready to pray for you in the name of jesus lay your hands agree with me in prayer in the name of jesus christ in that apache toscata in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ i take authority over every devil of darkness the spirit behind this is sickness and infirmity i declare let god's people go free now everywhere following wherever you are i declare unto you be healed right now be healed right now every bone condition be healed right now if you're here and you're on a wheelchair or you're using crutches on a stretcher lift it up and stand up now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ every blind eyes i command be open now every blind eyes be open now every death gear be opened now every blood infection every blood in apocatal scatter i'm seeing god healing people of hepatitis b be healed right now be healed right now in the name of jesus christ i'm seeing someone with a condition um let it not embarrass you you go to toilets but you cannot use the toilet this is not just pile this is a situation i don't know what medical condition that is but it's difficult for you you can't even use the toilet right now the power of god is coming upon you in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus i'm seeing someone with severe pain around your back in fact many people not just one person the power of god is touching you right now someone's left eye you didn't used to see well with your left eye but i pray for you right now clarity of vision right now there's someone even though i pray for people with bone condition but you can't even lift your hands freely like this i don't know what the problem is i rebuke that devil peptic ulcer be healed now just help those under the anointing migraines be healed now every stomach ulcers and all kinds of ulcers be healed right now help her help her help her be healed right now out of her now out of her in the name of jesus christ hear me anyone with any growth in any part of your body whether growth around your breast area your abdominal area every growth in your body i command that growth to disappear now there's someone here i don't know what was diagnosed in your head like inside not not on your head inside i don't know if he said whatever medical condition but in the name of jesus right now i declare unto you be healed now be healed now lower abdominal pain severe pain help them lower abdominal pain the lord is healing you right now my god there are all kinds of miracles i'm looking at someone your uncle just here there is a severe pain there as soon as i i'm done praying check yourself now you will find out that pain is gone the lord is showing me someone you have a problem with your truth you know how when you swallow something and it doesn't go you keep feeling like there's something on your truth help her please this is how someone has been feeling but right now after this prayer at the instance of this prayer that devil let you go forever now for the sake of time whether or not i mention your case be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name be healed in jesus name all the overflows be healed in jesus name across the nations of the earth be healed in jesus name there are already people coming out now please we have five minutes for this i want you to check yourself while we are rejoicing hallelujah you are going to give us one hot ebo praise let the devil know that jesus is moving in the east while that is happening i like you to come out please check yourself the moment you find out there's a miracle come out miracles are happening here are you celebrating miracles please check yourself and make your way to the front choir can you help us in one minute two or three minutes just give us a song of praise as we celebrate the magnificent hand of god go ahead please very quickly keep coming check yourself and make your way to the front those in the overflows if you are coming for testimony please allow them all should protocol allow them to come very very quickly please check them let there be a group of people who will check them and confirm keep coming god bless you keep coming keep coming miracles are happening in this place foreign keep coming are you celebrating jesus here praise the lord please be seated for a few minutes yes please very quickly are you ready very quickly your name and what god has done very quickly yes please go ahead praise the lord okay excuse okay so straight to the point what happened to you eventually you said that we should lay our hands on the place that's building us we need you i need my hands on my head because i've been having this i don't know is it migraine headache in the name of jesus it will never return to you again celebrate jesus very quickly praise the lord i'm reverend prince alice for more than 10 years now i've been having this pain on my left shoulder that i can't even do anything you're a man of god yes sir but now lift it up let the devil see you later feel it in the name of jesus christ i pray that the lord will bless you to never return and may your ministry step into a new season in jesus name god bless you very quickly yes please praise the lord for christiana and i had lower back pain for some months now but now i feel so good completely bent down check yourself any pain any pain completely in the name of jesus it never returns to you again yes please go ahead sir praise the lord apostle of goodness i am the businessman you mentioned who has been who has had serious losses secondly i have my left eye i have received serious healing on my left eye and serious abdominal pain just left what happened to you now fully gone completely in the name of jesus i declare restoration for your business whatever the issue is we come as the parliament of heaven and in the name of jesus christ we declare an end comes now in jesus name yes please very quickly when you mention the uncle problem this is that's right this man knows how to do this thing god bless you yes go ahead pastor hallelujah so you made mention of the outfit i had an uncle this location i couldn't even train uncle dislocation right for how long no more for some weeks right now check yourself jump any pain [Applause] in the name of jesus christ i declare you are free right now yes sir no no no yes my name is pastor john to moby i have this terrible back pain he has been there for many years for a long time now every time i wake up to pray in the morning i can't i can't every time even when i go for progress yes i'll be stressed but this night is gone and i'm here in the name of jesus look what god oh you are the man who was standing here okay i thought you were the one who was standing here in the name of jesus pastor i declare over you and over your ministry look at me sir you have a church can i pray for you there you that's your wife don't worry you don't have to come if god touches him you will show that you both of you are one i pray for you in the name of jesus christ may the power of the lord come upon you and your ministry i release grace for the next season in the name of jesus receive that anointing the same way god healed you here i pray for you i'm seeing fire come on your hand sir in the name of jesus let it be a new season for you madam as he's touching you is touching your husband and both of you will begin to operate in this grace god bless you sir congratulations yes sir oh this is our dad this man had been feeling headache all day because of high blood pressure i have high blood pressure yes as soon as you mentioned the high blood case he laid his hands on his head and the yes i did not take medicine because of because i was bringing my daughter here so while i was here my headache was my head was telling me that you did not take medicine today and so it is going to continue yes all right it is the word of god that will heal it that's right so when you said we should replace our hands that immediately i place my hand there i am free in the name of jesus it will never return never return to you again in jesus name i pray yes please very quickly young man with the truth problem you mentioned truth condition yes how long what's your name um chopin once i had most of yesterday in the hospital my throat i couldn't swallow like i couldn't even eat but when you were when you were you mentioned immediately i'm talking i was whispering in the morning i can talk praise the lord what will you eat this night now what is what kind of food will let the devil know that you are well may god bless you in the name of jesus christ yes please the next person very quickly no don't give you the mic if you give them mike they will not just just hold it for themselves yes sir i play football frequencies right footballer play football frequency for i play football okay so i have this pain on my left a knee pain yes sir for how long she is you play for who you professionally or you just play football oh i taught this professionally i would have prayed for you in the name of jesus christ no may the lord bless you whatever you are doing professionally may god bless you in the name of jesus christ yes please yes sir this woman has had what doctor called clavicle spondylosis she couldn't raise her arm for two years you couldn't raise your hand raise it now look at this let us be watching i can hardly sleep on this side each time i sleep i wake up with pain and right now i can't feel the pain thank you jesus in the name of jesus the christ of god he will never return to you again in jesus name yes please very quickly very quickly very quickly he had he's had pain for uh around his uh private return for over two years my god immediately he came in and he started praying he disappeared in the name of jesus christ this healing remains permanent my dear brother in jesus name i pray now for the sake of time there's there's a long queue here what we will just take two or three three and then we'll just pray tomorrow during prevent george sessions you can share it the most important thing is that god visited the people it doesn't matter how or through who it happened we gave him all the glory yes please this young lady said his heart stood up pain for three days now because when you are praying the woman being disappointed i love children what's your name kester where is it where's the caster how old are you 8 8 may god make you such a smart child you will never do anything twice to succeed in the name of jesus christ the lord bless you you are healed you remain healed forever in jesus name yes please he said his heart and his eyes has been painted in for over for a long time now how long i don't know as if it has been low but i had headache this as i was coming but it disappeared as you were praying completely completely it's god may the lord bless you this tall gentleman are you a footballer yes he looks like because i was leaving my head today but as soon as she mentioned it he disappeared oh come check yourself in the name of jesus christ may the lord bless you may the lord bless you yes let's just he has told me a mirror of things you are burning to share testimony um at times yes go ahead he has told me a myriad of things okay stomach ulcers to everything but the one that is striking is that his vision one of the eyes could not see properly one was seen better now yeah but right now completely he says he has 20 20 vision you can see everything here this one's so better than the other but i i could notice it for as long as i can remember when i was just all alone i could just close this and i noticed that this one's so better than this but it wasn't really a problem for me but now i can see twenty-two in the name of jesus perfection for you in jesus name yes please um i'm coursing and i've had this pain on my ankle for as long as i can remember pain on your ankle again this one yes i don't know when it started i don't know i can't and right now what happened to you when you said um when at the end of the prayer that everything is going to be fine but during the prayer i was still feeling the pain and i felt ah right now right now what happened to you like check yourself it's gone completely he will never return to you again this this gentleman okay my name is humble the last time you come to opera square i was my with my medical report i laid down here since 2008 i was having chest pain i'll go to different labs or they will tell me that my room what happened now what happened now i can't storm it in the name of jesus christ it never returns to you now for all of you whether you have come out to testify or not we give jesus the glory for all that has happened and we declare that these miracles remain permanent in your life in jesus name and for those of you who receive miracles online you can do well to let the church know that you have been touched by the power of god please rise up let's do the final impartation so we can wrap up the meeting for tonight hallelujah have you been blessed tonight please do not forget the teaching that you heard tonight in addition to the powerful sessions that you'll be having tomorrow and then on sunday make sure that your heart is open the conference is not over there's tomorrow's session in the morning and then on sunday powerful sessions with the spirit of god i want to pray and declare over your life an impartation is a transference of spiritual possibilities it is possible for you to receive a grace you did not come to this meeting with that is the essence of conferences like this that you hear the word but then you are empowered by the spirit ezekiel chapter 2 from verse 1 and 2 verse 2 says and the spirit entered into me when he speak unto me and set me upon my feet the holy spirit comes to confirm the word i stretch my hands and i decree and declare over everyone under the sound of my voice the grace that you will need to demonstrate the reality of the fact that god lives in you i release that grace upon you now i release that grace upon you now hear me everywhere you have been inefficient i declare and declare the grace that makes for excellence there is such a grace may that grace rest upon you now every closed door that has refused to open over your life and your destiny i joined my faith with all the servants of god here and we declare may that door be open now may that door be open now please hear me where you have failed again and again and again we release grace upon you because today you have become the act of god inexperience may your results show that you carry divine presence let me pray for your family members who are not here you see in this kingdom the law is as for me and my house if you are blessed alone you are not blessed it has to extend to you it says for this promise is unto you and to your children to your children's children as many as are afar off even those that the lord will call i pray for you if there is anyone connected to you who is going through any season that requires the administration of god's power in the name of jesus we bring those negative seasons to an end now some of you have lost time some of you have lost things i decree and declare let there be supernatural restoration if there is anyone here that is trusting god for a job or trusting god for some sort of establishment structural establishment in the name that is above all names i decree and declare by the power that raised christ from the dead be established now i want to declare advancement over your life the bible says it was the lord that caused moses and aaron to advance it is god that causes men to advance men do not just move i pray for you where you have you haven't come past this mountain long enough therefore i prophesy go higher i prophesy go forward go forward go forward go forward go forward please hear me i speak to you in the name of jesus like it happened to the philistines anybody who troubles you goes down instantly please believe it we're wrapping up [Music] can i pray for you if there is anyone holding what is yours tonight in this place we overturn we overturn we overturn we overturn until it enters your hand in the name of jesus christ anyone here and any family here marked for death that you will not see the end of december in the name of jesus we cross the spirit of death over your life i prophesy over your life whether you are flying in the air whether you are going on road whether it's by the sea be definitely protected in the name of jesus can i pray for your prayer life as i round up whatever has destroyed your passion for god your passion for the ministry of prayer in the name of jesus this night we set your prayer life on fire again we set your prayer life on fire again the grace to pray the grace to be consistent the discipline to travail in the name of jesus christ i pray for your word study life whatever has destroyed your passion for the word in the name of jesus let there be restoration this night hear me i want to destroy wrong associations from your life as we round up just help those under the anointing jonah entered a boat and made people to lose so many things he didn't talk associations have prophetic implications jesus entered the same boat and yet he saved many people from destruction hallelujah apostle paul was in a boat and he told the people do not hear an angel has appeared to me he has told me there shall be no loss and they went safely and arrived at an island called melitta i pray for you anyone who is connected to your destiny who is carrying a negative prophetic atmosphere i separate you from them right now hallelujah finally anyone here and any family here suffering from oppressions connected to ancestry connected to bloodline patterns you are seeing what happened to others coming the bible declares that we have been called out of every tribe and every tongue and every nation therefore in the name of jesus be delivered from everything connected to ancestry and for those who are members of house on the rock church enugu the bible declares that a worker is deserving of his wages your pastor has so honorably honored you i lend my voice and my faith with your pastor the angel over this house and i decree and declare unto you be blessed in the name of jesus be blessed in the name of jesus be blessed in the name of jesus be blessed in the name of jesus over the territory of any good we decree that everything that is not of god we use this meeting as a point of contact to speak to the east of the niger hear the word of the lord we declare and declare by the power that raised christ from the dead there must be peace in your region everything that represents violence everything that represents bloodshed everything that represents the activities of terrorism we command the edge to fight wickedness in the name of jesus christ and i decree and declare finally over the church in enugu you will never lose the fire of revival the lord bless you the lord increase you [Music] you
Channel: KelFusion TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: k0eN1a0-Cps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 53sec (7913 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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