Bring on the CHEESE puns! Check out Ryan Derrickson's cool custom 389!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so here we were walking around and we got to find the owner of this beautiful piece of equipment uh introduce yourself and tell us about this thing i'm ryan derrickson with barry trucking and uh we just got it done here just to come down here and put it in the sunshine and wildlife but it's a 21 peat 389 ordered as a complete truck factory completed truck uh 565 cummins 18 speed 3 and a quarter rear ends 302 wheelbase low low air leaf rear suspension and uh we've got the front air bag y'all done quite a bit of uh quite a bit of work for this thing we did we did we uh so we ordered the truck it came out of the dealership they did a few things to it uh before we took it and basically they moved some stuff around they got the def tank out of the way so most people have a hard time even finding it on the truck we wanted that buried changed a few little things out on the rear end and a cross member and to kind of seal the tail the dovetail off a little bit and then they did uh just some other little things up front grill bars were changed so they had to change the grille out just kind of basics and then we brought it home uh chad berry is uh the the proprietor of our enterprise barry trekking we're a small little outfit up in wisconsin a lot of people know chad very well and he's the master builder and fabricator so he said you know what bring that thing home let's just let's say we did it in-house so we could just do it kind of together and when it comes to the build and paint especially i'm i'm there for support i'm a i'm a dispatcher i do a lot of the the planning and of all the loads for all of our trucks and i get to wheel this around but i you know we got to do it together but chad was the one who really made this thing come to life so yeah you said you just now got it done we got we got it done on the tuesday before coming to been about the 13th whatever somewhere around there in in april here i had to run and get the trailer from somewhere uh that that had it for months getting it built i had about a three day voyage to go get that drug at home had enough time to change clothes throw a load in it and bring it down here so yeah we got it done about a week and a half ago so his first load was to the show right down here i mean we loaded it up all of us that are right here barry trucking there's three of us and then we had a fourth guy we slammed them all uh up in wisconsin and of course if you see the name plaque on the on the glove box in there it's custom built for putting cheese in the breeze so we put about 160 tons of cheese on on board all four of us and off we went and here we are down here uh enjoying the the rest of the week so is that so is that primarily what you guys hauls we do a lot of a lot of uh dairy of course being in wisconsin we do a lot of cheese coming out so we do some meat all refrigerated we got some customers that it's it's a grab bag a lot of ltl stuff so they can collect orders from a lot of places and uh conglomerates kind of combine everything and most of it's dairy though a lot of cheese also a lot of cheese can we walk around and show us some of the little details on it yeah we picked out stuff that we like but um we always like to hear it from uh from the guy that that drives it and you probably you probably picked things out maybe we have there's a scene there's favorites i have yeah yeah but um you know we we basically got a flip kit on it from four states it's hard to find the flip anymore on uh they're the only ones that i know that make them flip and i'm not a big lift fan for a lip bumper but we got the flip kit on it uh valley chrome bumper we put on it we got nine kenworth drill bars and and kind of did the nine things so nine bars got nine lights on the roof all glass lenses on every light on the truck all amber those all came from uh house of air out in pennsylvania and jason and the guys there have done a fantastic job getting us hooked up with all that nine lights nine lights on the trailer so nine nine and nine uh took the headlights off just painted the buckets basically we got a hub the air ride front end kit on the thing to slam it down put it on the ground basically it sits on 24 5 low pro rover the one of the best things on the front end of the truck that was a changer and there's certain things when you're putting the thing together you're just like wow now it's a different truck and we put the front end on and slam it on the ground it's a different truck the next thing for me was these three emblems and steve out at roadskins in minnesota some of the absolutely nicest people i've ever met and do an amazing job at what they can do and you've actually sent us some uh some stuff the other day to sample yeah and uh and putting some logos on trucks and they are definitely really awesome it's so cool yeah and some of the stuff i didn't even know they did i'd send them a picture of the truck i said here's what i'm doing here's what i'm wanting i wanted some steps i want some pedals we we wrapped the tanks and i can get to that when we get back there but this just happened he just does this and i said all right well here's a picture when he print the picture the color changed and he'd send me a proof and i'm like that looks a lot like light blue and we actually had to take a piece off the truck and we actually took the dog like cowl panel off that was a factory and sent it to him then they were like oh it's not blue it's or it's it's turquoise so there's what they came up with and those three emblems on this hood i said oh my god that's my one of my favorite parts of the front end of the truck so yeah that really helped us out very very very uh accurately match looks like yeah it's dead on it's yeah as close as you can ever get and man when i'd hold it up there when i got him home i said oh that's the thing right there it's neat and then these are the step plates he's talking about right here he did all the steps for me there uh we got the pedals that they do they give you uh emblems so when you get the hood emblems you get emblems for every oval on the trailer i know you from so this guy here beautiful and all the speakers yeah i've got little ones on the speaker grills you've got a different valve than uh what you see most people run yeah for your horns that's the train handle yeah that's the oh my god what did you just do to my ears but uh yeah i got a five trumpet train horn underneath there and and that's the handle that makes it go boom so that's a cool that's a cool handle i like that a lot yeah the whole interior is gorgeous it turned out great 100 basically rockwood uh that's all i've ever done and they do such amazing stuff for interiors yeah it's very classy the wood grain added in the doors and everything this color screamed that wood to me you know because you know you can load the interior up with all that color yeah but there's so much color on the outside of the truck you didn't need it i wanted to open the door and have a nice just accent and and that deep dark teak wood color with rockwood's uh floor it just and the tan interior it works very well yeah so it's it's just very classy as you said we got some splashes of color obviously here and there but uh man it turned out it turned out so nice i definitely love it it's a it's a it's kind of like the perfect amount of add-ons to it and uh looks very enjoyable to sit behind the wheel up for sure put all the glass light retro kits on for for the interior lighting and those are all from spare time fab and also amber so at night if you when you're showing it and lighting it up it's got that warm glow of amber everything is amber on this thing and it bounces off that turquoise on the outside so nice and lights up the the tan and wood interior like one thing i noticed too uh you've got switches up here yep try to zoom in on this guys there we go and so i'm gonna guess and tell me if i'm wrong but is this a lot of these switches are probably for maybe lights and trailer lights and trailers okay you got it we basically when when we got the uh trailer figured out and what we're gonna do to it we needed roughly seven to eight extra switches to run all the plumbing that drives all the air system on that trailer so we need eight switches just for the trailer we needed eight uh well seven for the seven trailers yeah we needed seven for the trailer and on the dash of the truck from peterbilt though usually the most you're gonna end up with is four to five spares that aren't being used for factory stuff so right we had to come up with a bunch of switches and to bury those on this on the dash sometimes could be a chore we wanted to figure out a place to kind of put some more and be out of the way so we i love that idea it's awesome uh i i'll say i definitely love the hog built fenders we do a lot of those on our trucks they're uh they're awesome it's a no-brainer you know it's such a just a nice clean easy fender you know and a lot of people are in a blind mouse this that and the other thing i'm i like the classic it's just a nice arm on there hogie built half fenders they just work and with this truck with this color everything we wanted to put with it had to be shiny i don't like doing things over done we did the shock box back here you know a lot of guys are are big opponents of apus i'm a comfort guy i'm a practical guy this isn't a truck we drive to shows and park i'm gonna load this thing in three or four days and and it's gonna go to work i drive it you know week after week after week so you kind of for me i wanted to walk up to that line of crazy cool and then functional but not step over that line functional functionally cool as it was a term we used all the time yep so i'm an apu guy i it's such a nice comfort thing but it's economics i mean it's gonna it's gonna make you money and we try to figure out where to bury the condenser you really can't do it anywhere and it's not it's not working so yeah there's not a good way to do it horizontally but it all being it all being painted to match it doesn't it's not one of those things where it sticks out like a sore thumb like you see on a lot of trucks and uh painted everything around that we could we couldn't really paint the fan shroud but then the lines come up underneath here we basically took this shot box which was this piece right here a normal shock box a lot of people know chad actually fab this piece on and attached it to it and then it's notched out behind so behind this thing the lines come up right about here and then turn a corner and come right up here and into the into the little uh freon tank yep so we want to kind of bury it but not you know you have to be able to have them out there and you just can't get away from you got to be able to work on it so we did this we put the five glass ambers in there and lights it up back here just enough i didn't want holes in my cab anymore for cab lights so we said these are crazy bright we'll do this we'll paint this and it just completes it but yet i've got the functionality of the apu which you'll see on the other side but you dress that up the way it is it almost looks better than not having one right i think it does it does look awesome and we'll walk around real quick guys we'll check out the uh the apu here real quick and uh go over a little bit more on this thing yeah yeah all right we're back over here to the other side of the truck and uh well here's the apu and uh it it's got it's got the right amount of stainless on there this is right you know again steve from roadskins knocked it out of the park with the with the lid skins you know and just that little bit you know keeps it nice and shiny and clean and we painted it obviously and it it just makes it awesome i don't care if you even like apus or not but it looks nice with the painted end on the fuel tanks it just goes it's very it's very hard to stick an apu on a truck and and have it fit yeah or even fit well like i mean and this one this one definitely does i mean you step back here and there's a it's not an eyesore at all no it's it's functionally great for me as as the operator and cost savings when i'm parked and i don't have to idle the big motor it just works great and it looks good and that exhaust pipe right there i noticed this i have to say uh that is what we like to call lisa's exhaust pipe and lisa berry one night we were doing all this other stuff and and it comes with just a regular uh exhaust pipe on it was all black we actually had it chopped and welded from a guy locally in town who welded a stainless the stainless section you see on there and she never polished anything before in her life and stainless as anybody knows is rough to do anyhow it's not easy yeah she sat there for several hours and got it to turn out like that and it looks great it does it does i know it was one of the things i noticed earlier a couple days when i walked by the truck i was like oh sweet look it's got a yeah it's got polished out it's a little detail but again it makes a big difference yeah it definitely does and then real quick let's just talk just uh on the trailer a little i know you uh they obviously did all the paint and everything matches on your trailer for the truck and the lights and and those go you know you've got them matching on the nine deal on the front and everything yeah you said that there's quite a lot going on in the back yes uh so i bought this uh well almost a year ago it's a 2021 great dane just same here as a truck and when i bought it i got the unit hung on the front of it in wisconsin and we hooked it up and i actually took it out to jay farrell customs in pennsylvania and they've had it ever since but jimmy farrell is is the magician behind all the the happenings on this trailer and basically they redo the suspension it's got six airbags on it now three bags an axle uh the plumbing on it is a work of of modern science and art but everything there's a lot when you start running a bunch of switches to things there's a lot to keep up with when you do it i mean the stainless box you see in front of the front axle there if you open that door is it looks like the control room of uh oh i don't even know it's like a nasa station like a lab at nasa or something but they do the the they're the best at what they do and the best i've ever seen with with the plumbing and everything on this but it's a 53 foot 12 foot fixed spread um yeah and it's it's amazingly well done and uh jimmy and and the boys out of feral uh colin and cj and all of them out there didn't just crazy good job of putting this thing together for me they did everything's mounted very clean i uh i really like it once again i mean it kind of goes with everything uh on your entire build this uh yeah it's all very functional uh looks nice looks great and you know you can get to things people thought about how do you get to the airlines uh how do you get to all your control panel up there and it's got a door on it you can get right to it and keeps it covered away from uh all the stuff from the road and the winners a lot of places just build stuff with without a thought of how it would come apart should you need to get to something and those guys out there everything is done with a purpose it looks great but behind the looks there's a purpose to everything and that's what blew me away on this thing you know from filling the channel on the top rail up there so they could put the big you know the big old-school lights up there they they redid and and buried the holes on the bottom rail that had the little lights in it and filled everything we actually moved the lights a little bit so they're in a better spot symmetrically and everything underneath is accessible with uh desserts and you don't have to worry about things freezing up or or rust and shut it's it's just a like i said there's a purpose to everything and they've gone just over the top on it and i couldn't be happier it's great it's an awesome build and something to look at it's kind of my favorite part but man they sure know how to make it look good to say the least but yeah and the color just begs for shine and all that polish and and color just crazy crazy crazy nice it is uh it is definitely awesome uh this truck's got to be so a blast to just drive and be super proud to own something that's nice i told chad on the way down here i said i've been driving trucks for you know i mean quite a few years long time and and had a lot of nice ones and i had more fun driving this one down here than i've ever had so it's a it's a winner it's a good one all right guys so that was a ton of fun and thank you so much for giving us such good insight on this entire truck that was a really enjoyable and there's so many awesome features that you guys have done with this truck it's a it's it's a it's a really awesome rig thank you we're happy like it i'm thrilled to be able to talk to you guys about it so i appreciate you uh giving me the opportunity for sure uh hope everybody else likes it you know that's my big thing is i love coming to shows but my show is rolling down the highway uh you hear that a lot and that's true that's what we do so the car that pulls up with thumbs up or whatever that's that's that's me i'm i'm not a big fan fare guy i love building nice stuff or having nice stuff and helping with it and and putting it together with chad was an honor but uh to be able to roll it down the road is is what i love to do so thank you for the opportunity yeah no problem anybody wants to know where we're at what we're up to yeah uh i'm on facebook just just ryan erickson i i really got to get into the instagram thing and at least he keeps harping on that so and there she is and you can find you can find uh even the the company barry trucking eric on instagram and and instagram yep so uh you can follow us that way too and we're a pretty tight family so you find one you find yourself awesome awesome well thank you for the time thanks guys appreciate it yeah the truck is awesome appreciate it guys see ya you guys know what to do you gotta like subscribe and then follow us on instagram at semi casual show and then we'll see you guys on the next video later you
Channel: SEMI Casual
Views: 17,474
Rating: 4.976387 out of 5
Keywords: Berry Trucking, teal, Peterbilt, 389, 379, 359, neddlenose, custom, slammed, streched, built, chrome, paint, candy, cummins, spread axle, stacks, big rig, semi, trucker, highway, largecar, show, build, Kenworth, w900, t660, Mack, Freightliner, cabover, 18 speed, lifted, tractor, chad berry, chicken lights, Dodge, Chevy, Ford, x15, horsepower, roll, lorry, hauling, freight, trucking, system, stereo, huge, hotrod, lowrider, stainless, 75 chrome, heavy duty, 18 wheeler, 10-4, big rig videos, showoff, paccar, CAT, Detroit, Turbo, burnout
Id: K5PcCM298oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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