Bring on the Bad Guys: Part 3 | Marvel's Spider-Man | S2 E10

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when I woke up this morning this was so not how I saw my day turning out should have been a quiet afternoon meet with Gwen to pick up the battery for my Horizon open house project maybe grab some hot coco but instead here I am I'm used to things going wrong especially lately every costume wacko in the tri-state area seems to be after me but this guy could me have at least waited until October first obliterating you is such a thrill spider clown this is so [Music] beautiful more like Boo to that word [Laughter] playa whoever this Jackal guy is he's definitely more tricked than treat [Music] hey ho who wants to gather around the old campfire for roosing marshmallows and spooky [Music] stories who is this creep and where did he get all these dangerous toys hope you like it hot little spider po Sizzle fizzle That's all folks the cemetery is about to get a new tenant I used to think Halloween was fun but you're out of your gourd if I can use the weight of the bus in my favor I might be able to pull this off gravity don't fail me now I deliver the spider I get the biggest candy bag of all everyone hang on like we got a choice dangling spider with a bag full of goodies to go Splat should have designed a crepo meter for the open house this guy would measure off the charts what stop Brooklyn Bridge transfers to pedestrian walkways are that way thank you for flying the Spidey Skies that isn't your regular costume is it because I think it's making everyone uncomfortable look I'm not happy about it either but normally I don't fight villains Who attack me with industrial strength itching powder bombs Jack is back to get the wicked web of the West that doesn't even make sense got to lead him away from these innocent bystanders come on pumpkin head let's see if you can keep up with me kills and thrills ghosties and ghouls this guy likes Halloween way too much that's a dangerous prop pumpkin man I've told told you the names Jack oh Lantern king of Halloween but you didn't tell me who put out the order to take me down I'll never reveal the skeletons in my closet on this special day today's not Halloween every day is [Music] Halloween trick or treat yeah not the time for games don't you even know the rules trick or treat uh okay treat you got it not more of those things I knew caramel apples would bad for your teeth but man this hurts bet you can't catch me being taunted by a guy with a pumpkin head could this St get any weirder yes this day could get weirder got to have a serious talk with this guy these fake webs are just embarrassing and this must be where he makes all those explosive caramel apples 10 out of 10 dentists would agree they are bad for your life what is a dentist never heard of such a thing oh when I defeat and deliver you spider they'll give me a big big prize just think of how much more spooktastic I can make this place with all that sweet money are you incapable of a clear answer who asked you to deliver me I've got another treat another treat all you give out is tricks oh no this is a treat for me candy [Music] corn Stop Candy Corn really is the worst candy ever oops now I'm helping him produce those explosive apples hey I'm in charge of Halloween here seek and hide my my enough is enough who hired you Jacko Lantern ghosts have real spirit is he even hearing me who put a bounty out for me that's witch for thinking how much are you being paid I only spook wi spoken to oh this guy's crazy even by super villain standards maybe I need to play along okay Jacko Lantern your turn trick or treat no one's ever asked me that question delightful I treat congratulations now you're a delicious treat Jackie what's that you realize it's not actually Halloween there we should only ever act like this once a year Well since it doesn't look like I'll be getting any answers from you I'll just be calling the police to shut down your little Fun Factory here and then I'm going home to find my backup costume Spider-man costume that is not Halloween costume because a Halloween costume this time of year would just be weird running late again hand I flaked on Gwen already today not that this morning was entirely my fault that pumpkin headed Maniac wasn't exactly something I had scheduled man every muscle in my body aches must have hurt myself fighting Jackal Lantern or it could have been overdrive or Mysterio or the spot or that giant hippo creatively named hippo really losing count of the bumps bruises and costume bad guys Focus Peter 10 hours to finish your project for the open house and you need that integrated battery for the project and you need de set battery from Gwen before she loses patience and never speaks to you again huh being followed whoever you are I know you're out there C yes another bad guy I've never heard of might as well get this over with just testing to see if this six sense you're supposed to have is [Music] real who are you just a guy with a job to amateur Gadget party am I supposed to be impressed a smoke screen really okay in terms of Senses You' covered sight sound and touch please don't let there be smell you know it would be bad for my superhero cred to lose to fogman and this is coming from a guy who almost got beat by a panda person the underworld knows me is Prowler oh good a villain who answers questions who sent you I haven't gotten a straight answer from anyone here's a straight answer this is nothing personal just business let need tell you this is starting to feel really personal why won't these villains just let me finish my [Music] homework no what's wrong with this thing problem with your gear that's not very super villain of you finally cute trick can you blame a guy I thought I'd be lonely in here you only made this easier for me huh don't get mad but if you're going to do this bad guy thing professionally you've got to take better care of your gear I'm just the muscle I can't fix this without my without what my brother he makes this gear I'm no scientist well here's some science water plus electricity equals bad news got to insulate ourselves hold on what are you doing trying to Keep Us Alive tell me you have a way to shut this thing now just needed a stupid battery pack why did you do that save me uh is this a trick question I attacked you why would you save an enemy H it's kind of implied in the Hero part you know after the word super I can't take in someone who just saved my life even a guy like me lives by a code so you have a moral code well most villains don't maybe you're not as bad as you think you are say and now that we're not beating each other up any chance you can tell me who put out a bounty for all these crazy villains to take me down I don't know he was hidden in Shadow disguised his voice shadowy spider hater huh let's see Osborne is gone Doak is in a coma I defeated Jackal well I hope they offered a lot of money or I'm going to take that that personally too the paycheck would have been good but now I got to find another way to solve my problems see you around wait you ever try to get a real job like a non-villain who doesn't try to cage superheroes I got problems bigger than you'd understand I once had to cure this entire city of being spider monsters I know problems try me it's my brother the one who designs all my tech I botched a job and now he's being held by someone dangerous if I don't pay up by tonight my brother's history so time for Plan B fog man sure knows how to make an exit ah Gwen Pete you're late and I can't wait around sorry heading back well it looks like I missed my deadline that doesn't mean Prowler should miss his miss me what are you doing here just hanging around also you seem like the kind of guy that doesn't like to ask for help so I thought I'd volunteer let me guess your plan B means trying to sneak in and free your brother this is my problem the guy holding him isn't someone you want to mess with Spider-Man are you trying to give me advice cuz trust me I'm terrible at taking advice so who exactly is this guy you don't think I should meet a mob boss named silver he's as powerful as he is crazy [Music] I knew I shouldn't have worked for silver but took the gay anyway came down to me either taking out a guard or leaving without the loot so you left without it and now silver man figures you owe him something like that this way Hobie what are you doing here you're going to get yourself you brought Spider-Man Hobie I prefer Prowler we got to get out of here before it's too late you punks thugs with Tommy Guns holding someone's brother for ransom old school gangster accents way to pull out the cliche bad guy moves silver man and it's just in turn of events Prowler I see you brought me the spider it's not exactly the cash you owe me but the bouny on this little insect's head is worth quite a bit I barely had to lift a finger Spider-Man followed me here just to help him be a hero wa this was a setup you might just prove useful to my organization after all Prowler finish Spider-Man and I might forget your de Hobie you can't don't do it I can tell you're better than this sorry what you had me going you're going to pay for that did you know that could happen yes [Music] so why didn't you tell me Silverman was a cyborg mob monster don't know how that part could have slipped my mind kicking a house guest now that b man please don't see me please don't see me you saw me oh fine hey get out of here call the police friends don't let friends get blasted now take a time out and think about what you've done little spider I'm going to have to squash you myself and collect that b how about a Parting Gift instead like this uh coffee table a maybe not you picked the wrong day to start being a [Music] hero I need a strategy but I'm too exhausted to even think so great lately just like to fight on the roof wait the [Music] roof Prowler do you have any more of those dockies you know from the cage not enough to make a complete cage we don't need one remember the science I taught you got it it's time I put an end to this pathetic stunt prow what pillow fight what everybody likes a good pillow fight cowler now [Music] [Music] you saved my life more than once today not how I expected this to turn out yeah neither of us have had the day we expected thanks Spider-Man No need it's all part of that whole super and hero thing I keep trying to explain to you and for what it's worth I think you make a better hero than a thief you did all right back there both of you maybe something to think about huh see you around oh in Spider-Man you said something about needing a battery I did you Mumble when you're barely conscious I mumble when I'm completely conscious too this is this is an even better battery than what I needed it's yours okay now you may have just saved my life thank you no need I hear it's all part of that whole superhero thing that it is sorry to have to run but I have a science project to finish see you guys did he just say science project [Music]
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 316,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, iron man, spider-man, tony stark, cap, captain america, kids, family, entertainment, cartoon, children, animation, avengers, villains
Id: xdY-HIDx6Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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