How I Thwipped My Summer Vacation | Marvel's Spider-Man | S2 E1

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we're finally here the beach the beach is cool Pete but maybe you're a little too excited are you kidding miles between school at Horizon and superhero stuff we never get to just being normal kids but even summer classes are done so I'm finally going to have the perfect vacation I made a perfect summer vacation checklist see and right at the top Beach day you made a checklist of how to have fun that's the opposite of fun look at this some puny Eggheads W up on our Beach Boys let's give them a welcome Hey you think that's funny weirdo classic bullies kicking sand exactly what would happen to normal kids I love summer let's get away from this freak I can now cross bully encounter off my Beach sub list Lots left to do swimming sand castles jellyfish thingss if we're going to do all that I need a fuel up hot dogs also on the list I'll go get them come on come all to our annual summer challenge beat our Boardwalk hot dog eating champion and you'll win the cash prize we have a challenger step up black cat that sneaky cat burglar stealing from a hot dog contest Peter Parker might need a vacation but Spider-Man can never rest just got to get this over with quickly so that I can get back to miles with those hot dogs you look cat I've got a whole list of things to do and you probably got I don't know yarn to bat around why don't you give the money back and we'll call it a day oh sweetheart I thought you'd know me better than that by now why did I make eye contact her bad luck Powers it's probably okay I've already decided this is going to be the best summer she definitely win an annoying superpowers contest but I'm sure I'll be fine I mean how long can black cat's bad luck even last I just hope miles isn't too bored while I'm gone [Music] great yeah I finally got [Music] you okay black cat it's been fun lie but I've got someone who's probably tired of sitting around waiting for me so hand over the money you'll never learn will you wait what [Applause] see that's how it feels annoying isn't it then prepare to be Anno no more bad luck now to call the cops return this money to the talking hot dog man I can't believe I just said that and Salvage what's left of my perfect day thop they never make a thwap sound great dirt in the mechanism going to be a long crawl back to the beach we have a winner the new Champion is Miles Morales and people said my big mouth was a problem miles won haters zero Pete we never came back with the hot dogs and I was starving so I want a lot of money you were right this was the perfect Beach day except you sort of totally completely missed it I know more bad luck but don't worry there's a lot left on the list and I'll make the perfect summer vacation happen [Music] yet all right today I'll finally get to check something off my perfect summer vacation checklist my first baseball game I may not know third base from a seventh inning stretch but a May is a fan she'll catch me up Peter there you are may you look great oh my game face it's my duty as a super fan to lend the team my support the New York Spirit rules uh I feel a little under rest don't worry you probably won't Jinx the team probably where is everybody I thought the place would be packed we're playing the short sock so we haven't lost to in a decade last year we won 47 to nothing so people aren't that interested no suspense what was that a good thing the short socks got a home run that hasn't happened in years yeah unless that's bad oh another Homer impossible definitely bad right I'm a nervous eater can you get us some snacks peanuts nah nachos nah peanut nachos let me think what how could the ball have changed angular momentum like that the basic physics don't add up H I'm no expert on sportology but that's not right I'm no expert but that seems like bad sportsmanship remote controlling the ball yeah I'm going to call that a foul foul that's baseball right I'm not mixing up Sports am I I wasn't doing anything oh so you're running away because you're innocent yeah what hey I thought I was here for baseball not dodgeball A line drive home run we're back the spirit rules too bad Pete's missing this what's taking him so [Music] long how's that thing work magnetic waves mag magnetic waves sound waves air currents the forces of nature are controllable by me the tinkerer the who now the tinkerer I invent things sometimes evil things I'm a master criminal nope still not ringing a bell if you really are some super villain why was your big plan to mess up a baseball game I'm sick of my team always getting beaten you're some big hero so you have no idea what it's like to lose time and time again uh yeah no idea I just wanted to see my boys win for once is that so wrong is cheating wrong I'm going to go with yes but hey at least I know who you are now Tinker Tron tinkerer and you're out again that is baseball I'm thinking of right sorry long line at concessions you missed the comeback of the Century the spirit are crushing the short socks sorry I missed all the action I'll have to come again next game honey I'm not superstitious but maybe you shouldn't come to any more games you might be a jinx I'm running behind Gwen I know did he pick up he lost his ticket didn't he how can you be late Peter Ross caliban is your favorite singer and these seats are amazing you didn't lose your ticket did you he lost his ticket didn't he no I didn't lose the tickets I'll be there sooner than soon you better it's going to start any minute remember this concert's on your perfect summer checklist get [Music] here who is that him Ross calaban who guys I've got a show to do can I sign autographs after let me go something tells me those thugs aren't members of his fan club dad I want my birthday present now if you know what's good for you my son knows what he wants huh that'll serve you well in business kid I'll give you the business okay take off the blindfold huh you see that it's that the it's the singer all the kids like Daddy did good am I right Ross caliban sing you punk now okay okay sure yeah you do you have music or I usually sing the music dad this guy might sing like an angel but he don't hear too good take him my back and pop some scents into the pop star boys wait no no no no no I could sing without music sure uh no problem hey hands off the mega star Spider-Man wow Ross caliban Knows My Name wow Spider-Man knows my name I'm a big fan dad the pajama moo is ruining my birthday oh no he ain't you're in my house now see and what was that you're going to turn yourself in peacefully great you ruined my birthday you're going to sleep with the fishes a come on kiddo that's not a nice thing to say and this ain't a nice thing to do [Music] a crazy monkey ninja boy crazy monkey ninja boy stand and fight you loser I can't hit a seven-year-old I just turned eight kid wait yeah what do you want you kuner to make a deal leave Spidey alone and I'll take a selfie with you so everyone will think it's fake I'll post it myself your popularity will go through the roof all the other kids want you to be their third grade mod boss or whatever I like the sound of that deal wow Saved By The Power of celebrity Spidey move you're going to ruin my pick fagio you sure you don't want to come backstage thanks but I got friends already inside with waiting thank you Spider-Man I owe you break leg tick it I got it right to I had it where'd it go nice try buddy Gwen yeah I'm finally here but uh you were right I lost my ticket sorry we'll catch up later hello New York sorry I'm late I'd like to dedicate tonight's show to a friend of mine Spider-Man Friend the Ross caliban said I'm his friend yes that makes me almost [Music] cool oh [Music] yeah they thought they were always prepared but nothing prepared cares you for the mummy of the hills so spooky miles no offense but you're absolutely terrible at telling campfire stories seriously and fact check mommies are from dry places like Egyptian deserts not Lush forests I know right so unexpected that's why it's so spooky right Peter oh right spooky or not spooky what were we talking about see I scared him senseless you okay Pete you're a million miles away I'm sorry it's just you know I made that perfect summer vacation checklist but nothing's really worked out now the Summer's almost over and I've checked off next to nothing camping was on the list right and we're here even if we had to listen to miles's Awful ghost story stories don't quit on us Parker there's still time to have a great summer yeah maybe or maybe not if ghosts get us ghosts don't exist miles oh yeah I've never heard a ghost say that seriously this area is supposed to be haunted my cousin heard it from his friend's Aunt so it's the real deal it all started with the shadowy form flying through the Treetops then I'm headed to to bed before miles gets going again good night everyone good night guys I'll clean up I wouldn't want you out in the open in case any ghosts or mummies come by I know you're kidding but good point Ana Gwen is that you hey our [Music] stuff come out come out whatever you are if you're the mummy of the hills you should know that you're supposed to be in a drier climate huh okay what are you the ghost of a tree my name is nocturnal for I hunt by night you got some nasty toenails there did you just PE at me I don't give a hoot who you are that's just rude super creepy oh man oh man oh man are you going to drink my blood what why would I do that weird that's what spiders do right to things caught in their webs I don't carry the theme that far why are you stealing that stuff I'm starving man I need food food don't owls just eat rodents I don't carry the theme that far touche so have you been out here for long no but I've had to hide in these Hills for weeks ever since a lab accident made me into this owl dude my parents my friends they all ran me out they think I'm a monster lab accidents are one of my pet peeves too it's how I got my Powers really a lab accident turned you into a six spider freak I prefer the term awesome spider cool guy but yeah then why are you not out here like me hated living in the trees and stealing food to survive I I've always had people around me who accepted me for who I am I guess whether I'm a science geek or a superhero you're one lucky dude yeah I guess I am I'm sorry you feel you have to hide but I know there are good people out there who would help in fact there's some people in that camp you should meet nocturnal wait my own parents kicked me out and you want me to trust strangers I'm not ready man maybe someday someday soon I hope here I stole this from them no they'd want you to keep it they're pretty great like that what's all this breakfast yep hope that's okay I don't know will it somehow ruin the camping trip sorry I was such a downer last night I was so obsessed about not living up to my perfect summer I didn't realize I was already having it spending time with you guys that's what really matters right of course Pete you're really important to us too besides any apology said with food is an apology I can accept oh you know the story about the guy with the hook oh no wait that's the ending let me start [Laughter] over one week of Summer left let's see how I'm doing on the whole perfect summer vacation checklist trip to the beach which I had to abandon CU of black cats baseball game ruined by the tinkerer concerts I miss that whole show thanks to Hammerhead but I did get to meet Ross caliban so I'm calling that even and camping total win despite the mysterious alboy so that's one win two losses and a tie good thing school's starting soon cuz winning at summer vacation is a lot harder than I realized whoa guess I missed some messages when I was out of- range camping Peter Max Modell here was hoping to schedule a time for you to come in and train your replacement as my lab assistant replacement yeah the board only authorizes that position for firste students I assumed you knew that Peter of course I totally knew that of course I totally didn't know that how am I going to afford Horizon this year I can't ask ant May or Harry for money they've already done enough for me this is on you Peter you're a smart kid you'll find a part-time job with no problem hi my name is Peter Parker and if you look at my resume you'll see that you you you you'll see that I'm experienced in uh free scorpion I'm so sorry I uh my aunt's calling I got to take [Music] this sorry about that there was a past problem I had to take care of I'm sorry but we just filled the position oh this oh just a little sand based accident on the way here there no bigy really goo what goo oh man I've had a long [Music] warning what's this oh I have to give this back to the police I mean not police why would I even say that I mean for charity parking meters parking meter charity [Music] wow being Spider-Man really puts a cramp in a person's job hunt hey Pete long time no see Randy Robertson how have you been I've been having the perfect summer vacation what have you been up to interviewing for part-time jobs Randy and having zero luck well my dad works at that Media Company The Daily Bugle they're expanding doing a lot of hiring want me to see if I can get you an interview a job listen Peter Palmer Peter Parker The Daily Bugle is a top tier multiplatform news organization call me back when you can grow facial hair Brock this is the footage I've been waiting on I thought you were a pro I can't use this my grandma could take better video of Spider-Man and she's not even alive anymore I'd pay through the roof if anyone could get me some good clean footage of this Spider-Man paying for shots of Spider-Man H maybe I'm going to be able to afford School this year after all [Music] [Music]
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 234,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, iron man, spider-man, tony stark, cap, captain america, kids, family, entertainment, cartoon, children, animation, avengers, villains
Id: izQCr0y5ORw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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