The Avengers Protocol: Part 1 | Avengers Assemble | S1 E1

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[Music] it's noon got 3 hours of Beauty Rest man it's been a while since I've seen any action I wonder if any of the old gang needs their butt save today so Thor's bringing the Thunder as usual but what are his odds of doing it so I'll bet a 62% chance of scratch that Hulk no he's sitting at a 96% smash probability Hawkeye definitely needs my help have you noticed how often you lose your Bets with yourself if I were keeping track I believe you'd owe yourself $15 million don't worry Jarvis I'm good for every digital Penny you could just contact them sir no we broke up the band for a reason and like I predicted Earth is doing just fine without the Avengers it's just that that can't be right Captain America can handle a bunch of Hydra losers with one arm and a rolled up newspaper red skull he's long dead satellites confirm a match of body Telemetry it is him sir upload those coordinates into my navigation and keep my eggs warm skull busting makes me [Music] hungry new toys same old Hydra sorry you came all the way back from the dead to chalk up another lost skull Perhaps Perhaps not just a few more seconds cap I got your back [Applause] [Music] [Music] C no so the Iron Man has a heart after all drop the shield you animal I say not consider it's a symol of a new dawn end your [Music] demise jars give me a freeay simulation now free play simulation scans show their Tech is hardwired with central nervous systems hydra's never been that advanced what happened to my pre-play SS Jo already ahead of you sir as usual those guys are going to wake up with a headache armor breached system failure You're Just a Fool in a machine Stark without your technology you have nothing no Instinct for battle no fire to lead you hide behind armor so you don't have to make sacrifices for victory how is a 20% sir and you have a problem teleporting in let me show you won't this be fun modok since when does he team up modok has graciously upgraded my Army as you're well aware his technopathic abilities work wonders with machines even your machines hasar enjoy your final painful moments on Earth a we've got what we came for [Music] skull cap Jarvis activate the Avengers protocol cops are coming so uh hang around I'm already warmed up and I got the bo to prove it Don't Waste Your Arrow it's time I've activated The Avengers protocol you're right hilarious Stark all right where's the hidden cameras this is legit code Alpha hron Omega we need you hawkey we had our reasons for disbanding The Avengers I'll bet some of you would count my winning personality as one of them and the world did fine without us but something's changed you know my ego well enough to realize I wouldn't send out this call if I could just whip up a suit of armor and make the bad things go away pely Stark whatever you're doing I guarantee it's nothing compared to this get to the mansion ASAP your team is waiting agent Wilson I was told you were at the top of your class so why am I watching you just hang out here like Spider-Man after a late night Wilson what's gotten into you sorry director Fury just got a call for the big leagues big leagues ha and what do you think is bigger than Shield Jarvis I'm here and I am completely geeking out that Tony sent a probe for me Mr Stark suggested you should wear the war machine armor war machine I don't think so time to give project Redwing its first test drive arrogant and pigheaded you'll make a fine Aventure called you too huh nothing big going on in val holiday tonight hugens Borg a Norse tree hurling competition and a festival the likes of which you can't even imagine but never have I heard Stark so serious autopilot sa cross your fingers now you go hit whatever hit us that suits me fine oh you fool kill us all did you just call me [Music] stupid some things never [Music] change now this is a battle it's been too long too long like your hair enough you knuckle has played tag in Manhattan gets a 9.0 earthquake thanks for reminding me why this didn't work last time here's what's happening The Avengers are reassembling handpicked by me under my command you and you could lead a field trip to vas maybe but no jokes not now cab is gone one of our own fell today taken down by modok and the Red Skull if they're together now the world is at risk besides we have a friend to avenge now I know you all have reasons to walk out that door but I can't do this alone can we set the past aside and work together one last time we are Avengers and the world world needs us you know me point and shoot we going to hug now or can we go smash someone keeping my distance for now but it looks like the call I got wasn't a mistake The Avengers are having a reunion Black Widow out I'm sure you never imagined I would outlive you if you're done muttering to yourself perhaps we should get to work you have been useful M but do not forget your place so soon I knew Stark would be angry good I hacked every satellite there is to trace the tachon particles associated with teleportation all data points to Antarctica never gets us smashing faster they're called mens try a dozen hawyee what can't look for bad guys who have to cut through his gamma breath to see him hey see anything now Hulk actually you just did me a favor green bean 8:00 [Music] for just got hammered step on it I'm bringing us in close brace yourself system breach Mainframe over I thought you understood what a technopath does to machine St whatever I want changing plans guys looks like we're going to need someone to avenge us everybody clear good okay that's an ouch apparently modox increased his range as well as his power levels that stinks you said it forget the breath bins Hulk we're skipping straight to Advanced showering I can still drop you what is our plan to Vanquish the skull hit everything hard so the plan is there is no plan I thought he was the smart one I like the plan asgard's favorite son will lead the fry and I'll drop more minions want a bet hey I'm fighting here fight there don't even think it I'm not with them typical so this is what Stark in charge looks like oh boy want to rethink the non-plan shellhead trust me just shoot your little arrows and let me handle it we have to find the skull before one dead Adventure isn't enough there is nothing you can build that I can't manipulate STK I [Music] would tell me that was someone being fashionably late it was I just wanted to make sure you needed me before I accepted your invite and of course you do no surprise Mok the time is now or All Is Lost As You Wish Is it true about cap yes then you'd better stop playing solo and actually lead this team before you lose more friends today all right as a team nook's cloaked I can't find a hair on his big ugly head ideas scan for the skull he's a super soldier alumni his blood has Trace Isotopes that'll show up on a chemical scan I'm impressed of course you are accessing the super soldier files scanning for a chemical match and there's two Targets we had a plan for a few seconds uh-oh next time you want to complain about my breath remember I just saved your sorry how didn't get that last part automated defenses have us pinned down we need some tech help now rub your brains together and come up with a plan I'm too close no knock knock modok C you're [Music] alive I don't know what skull's doing to you let's get you out of here I am man you weren't fried you were teleported I can't believe I missed that I'm glad to see you buddy this leadership thing is way harder than I thought welcome back so you left the rest of your team behind for me it sounds bad when you say it like that but how did you know they were here as I said you have no idea what it takes to be a leader of men this body is mine scum not much of a futurist if you didn't see this coming here Stark I was dying my body ravaged by the very soon that had given me such strength all these years but why perish when there was an alternative modok was the key his power transferred my being into a body where the super soldier serum actually worked we left my hated enemy to rot in my own Walking Corpse i h the end of The Avengers this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you cap I hope that's you I'll his hand you've Avenged me Tony now lead them Jarvis has Sam left the tower yes he's on his way but perfect then it's nap time for Big Brain you said before I didn't understand sacrifice let's see if I've learned anything no don't let him electromagnetic pulse shut down all the working teeken this base meaning your technopath can't do squat in your borrowed face your armor is nothing but dead weight now you did nothing but ensure your own demise I know you're the smart one but that was pretty dumb wait for it Iron Man I'm here and the suit is awesome hit Captain America hard what nine please tell me there was a good reason for that because I have always wanted to meet cap and knocking a guy out is not a way to meet your hero brain switch and I thought I was your hero what happened to the war machine armor the Falcon armor is just cool Falcon works for me cap not cap trust me who's the bird man his name is Sam Wilson Shield trainee been Moonlighting for Tony in secret for months it's What I Do by the way you're fired Wilson Welcome to The Avengers uh thanks power restored Ah that's the stuff systems are finally back online that means Avengers Assemble [Music] you wanted a plan here it is Hulk Thor keep modok off balance he can't concentrate he can't take me out Widow Hawkeye get cap into the brain Switcheroo thing Falcon make the thing work the skull is mine that an acceptable plan Mr Hawkeye I'll let you know when it works I will have Vengeance St I was buil to D diey together then why not move [Music] I guess you'll be sitting this one out we good great patic this ends now I think you're right you've scratched up my body enough grain swappers online but not for long it took a lot of damage when you pulsed it consider it on the job training and make it happen you're AET your St I hate seeing me squirm finish it would you [Music] kid no oh much better thank you all of you no one messes with one of our own and gets away with it Avengers forever uh don't dislocate your shoulder patting yourself on the back fearless leader leader all these years all these battles and I have been going about it all thank you Stark for showing me what I must become Mok system failure imminent bom disassembly my armor what what are you [Music] doing Tony if I cannot have his body to keep me alive I will take yours Iron Man Iron Man is no more only the iron skull no [Music] teleported C remember how far I went to pull your butt out of the fire your turn [Music]
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 425,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, iron man, spider-man, tony stark, cap, captain america, kids, family, entertainment, cartoon, children, animation, avengers, villains
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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