Bridgerton Season 3 Part 1 is weird...let's talk about it

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I talked about in season 1 Simon I genuinely felt like he was Doctor Who like he felt like he was from a different decade he felt like he had seen iPhones before Colin looks like he's seen Tik Tok he looks like he knows what OIC is I really like Bridgeton I was told by so many people in my life that I would not enjoy Bridgeton and watching the first two seasons recently I was so pleasantly surprised with how much effort and Care was put into the story and the characters I thought it was a wonderful wonderful show and I thought Queen Charlotte not even for just an entry into the romance genre but just as a show on its own was a genuine modern-day TV Masterpiece so going into season 3 part one my expectations were high I enjoyed season 1 more than most people I actually defended it more than most YouTubers season 2 I enjoyed even more so I really wanted to enjoy season 3 part 1 and I have to say as a fan of Bridgeton I'm actually quite disappointed and today I want to get into a detailed explanation as to why I'm going to give General thoughts about the show its execution it's storytelling technical elements and then I'm going to go character by character in the back end of this video so stick around if you're interested for any of that on top of that I will probably bounce around so maybe talk about certain characters will bring up certain story or technical elements so do stick around for the whole video because if you think I haven't covered something I might just end up covering it later with all that said let's get into it my biggest issue with this season is it's lost its incredible structure that was presented to us in season 1 and 2 it's lost its clinical Focus and its ability to establish main characters and Side characters in season 1 it was so fundamentally clear that Simon and dney were positioned as the main characters we got countless flashbacks to Simon's backstory dafne often got long sections all to herself in daf's world everything revolved around dapy in Simon's world everything revolved around Simon and then look at season 2 antthony got placed in the main character role dapne stepped into a side character very clearly we could tell the flashbacks were suddenly about Anthony on top of that Kate and edua were new characters and got so much screen time to really flesh them out and make them feel like well-realized characters season 3 Colin and Penelope are the main characters on paper they have a little more screen time than other characters but honestly if you didn't tell me this was their season I would actually be struggling to figure out who the main characters are I think this season so far has really lost its ability to re in and focus on a central love story I have no idea what's going on and honestly in my opinion This Love Story needs the most work because they are doing a friends to lovers and yes I know that in season one and two we got a few scenes of Colin and Penelope being friends but honestly to me it felt like they were friendly it didn't feel like this really long running friendship you know I think we genuinely need some flashbacks we need some really fleshed out stories between them so I get the feeling that they are friends so then when they start transitioning to lovers it feels really earned and unfortunately they have already transitioned to lovers you can't tell me like oh we're going to get more of that later the transition has happened this season ends with not only them getting it on but it ends with him proposing to her and being like marry me you're the love of my life and I'm sorry I I know it's Regency Era I know they're a bit irrational but when he says that it feels like he's having a [ __ ] manic episode it doesn't feel earned at all for me I it doesn't feel like this really profound moving confession of love to me it feels like really out of nowhere and strange and yes the carriage scene itself is really well executed it's properly steamy and exciting and erotic but to be honest I feel like I could show people that haven't seen season 3 and they would just go yeah that's a hot scene I don't think too much is added by the character context because in my opinion season 3 part 1 really didn't give us enough character context for these characters Colin for example everything we know about him is off screen everything we are told about him is just like telling rather than showing there's a scene where his mom literally says you've always been the most selfless person it's time that you put yourself first and I'm like are you serious like at the end of every season he goes on a holiday and leaves the whole family alone and then comes back with an entirely new personality and yes I know in season 2 Anthony had a big character shift but you know what we got that incredible Montage yeah where he was like hiring escorts and speed dating you know he was doing Regency Era Tinder and as a result we really go an inside to that's what he wants out of his love story so then when he meets Kate and really hits us like a ton of bricks that he actually starts in love in a different way it's subtle it's well communicated in this it's just a bunch of characters telling us what they're feeling but we don't feel it in my opinion I don't think we're given enough time with these people alone and I don't think we're given enough time with them actually interacting now look I could talk about this all day but we'll get into more of this when I do my character bych character analysis for now let's talk about some other technical elements I got a few comments on my last video specifically highlighting technical elements a few people talk about the camera angles are weird I agree there are so many shots that are just shot from like down here like up the character's noses is this meant to be Central what is it it's so strange these Dutch angles need to leave Bridgeton do you remember how beautiful some of the cinematography in season 1 and 2 were if you haven't watched them recently look at this look at the fireworks scene look at the production value look how beautifully well that's shot look at this look at the sex scene that's shot amongst the grass it looks absolutely Ely stunning I felt like I was genuinely watching like a cinematic experience I was like Wow TV really can compete with films this season looks like a Netflix straight to DVD movie I don't know what on Earth has happened with the shock composition the color grading is weird now yes in season 1 and 2 the color grading could also be a bit weird but then in other moments it would be fantastic this season is consistently shot looking like daytime television season 3 part one looks closer to Bold and the Beautiful than it does Queen Charlotte look how beautiful Queen Charlotte looks and look at season 3 part 1 on top of that the camera work is genuinely strange I mean look at this action scene the way this whole hot air balloon sequence is edited constructed framed is so clunky like yes I get it she gets a bit swept up look at Colin and his handsome arms popping through she doesn't get out of the way as quickly as she should however the way it's edited and constructed these wide shots make it look like she can literally just roll out of the way or like slowly Turtle Crawl out of the way it makes it look like she has so much time to get out of there there is no sense of urgency the pacing is [Music] weird this is my impression of the hot air balloon in Bridgton season 3 Peli hey girl windy today huh oh R came on TI that's okay oh I'm moving a little mov a little that's okay I'm heading right towards you but don't worry just move 5 ft that way or 5T that way don't worry it's good you look great girl by the way move out of the way you got plenty of time still plenty of time I actually might just fly right plenty of time plenty of time Queen anytime girl move out of the way move out of the way girl girl move out of the way the way the main men of Bridgeton run past the camera here to catch the hot air balloon is genuinely so embarrassing and clunky like one of the worst shots I've seen in recent memory I absolutely hate it now a positive I think the music the like Vitamin String Quartet arrangements are a lot better this season in my opinion now I always love the idea of these modern songs gain these string Arrangements in Bridgeton however previously I always thought they felt a bit paper thin and a bit bit weird and sounded like they were computer generat however this season I think they're at their best I think they're really really good but yeah camera work weird color grating weird pacing weird I just missed the level of effort and beauty that used to be on display in season 1 and 2 and especially in Queen Charlotte look at Queen Charlotte look how well shot a lot of that show is how well presented how much care and precision is in that show and now when I watch Bridgets in season 3 unfortunately it feels like it's getting the typical Netflix treatment where they put a lot of effort into season 1 and two and then just dro the ball they did this with sex education sex education used to look like a genuinely wellone a24 art housee film and then by season 4 it looks like Degrassi 13 Reasons Why say what you will about that show but it used to look absolutely phenomenal there was vision and Direction even if you didn't like the vision and Direction season 4 again looks like a weird after school special that your P teacher turns on fire fire [Music] coming on to reiterate Netflix thought that was okay that was part of the Final Cut of 13 Reasons Why that isn't an edited version that isn't a weird Tik Tok musical edit that isn't reconstituted footage that is in the show they thought that was acceptable you know Netflix did this with you they did this with house of cards they did this with the crown and now they are doing it to Bridgeton and I am so so disappointed because I think Bridgeton up until season 3 was absolutely in its prime I don't know what is going on I don't know if it's because they've changed the writers or they've changed the team or Netflix just doesn't care but really really disappointing and I think penel and Colin deserve a love story that has as much effort and care that was put into dapne and Simon Kate and Anthony or George and Charlotte like circling back to that hot air balloon scene if someone walked by me at Uni watching that on my laptop I would genuinely shut it like i' would be so embarrassed if someone saw that out of context and thought I was watching like the world's lamest straight to DVD action movie and it's so disappointing because do you remember how good the action in season 1 was do you remember that weird fight that Anthony and Simon had where the show literally turned in to a Matthew Vaughn action film for a split second absolutely insane season 2 genuinely had massive Stakes massive gravitas like all these shots were beautiful and epic and exciting you know even though the green screen in the horse section didn't look great the actual tension that was evoked the way it was framed and the music really made that and sold that moment and I think season 3 has lost the ability to do that now before I finish nerding out about the technical elements and we go character by character there is just one more thing I want to talk about now I saw a conversation going around Tik Tok about how male Centric media media made for men mostly gets a lot more effort and care it gets the best writers the best directors the best budgets and things that are usually made for a female audience don't get the same priority and I feel like if we let season 3 be as clunky as it is that trend is going to continue the thing I liked about Bridget in season 1 and two was it felt like the level of effort and Care was up here amongst every other show that I usually engage in unfortunately I feel like season 3 Netflix thinks they can just get away with something that feels a bit more straight to DVD a bit more low effort and I really hope that as an audience Bridgeton fans actually really start to push back on this and say hey we deserve better we deserve these stories to be told as well as season 1 and two were we want that we demand that in my opinion if we just eat it up Netflix is just going to get lazier and lazier as they go on with this show as we've seen happen with sex education and you you know why can't this show have the same consistent effort level that gets put into sex lives of college girls or HBO's girls you know both of those shows the writers are consistently in interviews being like we are going to work harder on this we're going to take more time until this season is perfect this isn't the vision we had we're going to go back to the drawing board and I really want to see that with Bridgeton I really want to see that laser focus that I think these stories deserve but now let's go character by character all right Penelope SL whistle down theg I hate the way the way I hate the way dress look on paper this story is fantastic I think the actress that plays penal is genuinely fantastic her performance at the end of season 2 where she got caught by aloise is genuinely great it's one of the best moments of those first two season I've never been fully sold and drawn into the whole whistle down subplot I don't think they've pulled that off particularly well in my opinion however I think her performance when she gets caught really sells it so I want to say off the Jump great performance however the character writing this season in particular is really clunky I can see what they're going for I can see they're sort of going for a Cinderella story where her family is really cruel to her and she gets swept off her feet by Colin like I do understand it but I don't think I really feel it there's this quote from NP at a certain point where she says how can I be at the whim of the most simple and cruel person I've ever met in reference to her mother now we have seen her mother be really shitty she sucks as a parent but so far by the standards of which we've seen her suck as a parent Violet also sucks all right they both suck at teaching their daughters about how the world should be viewed about sex education like they just suck they drop the ball in those regards however in terms of her cruelty and how simple she is yes we've seen it in moments but I don't think we really seen the toxic toxic Dynamic explored between Penelope and her family that I think the show really wants us to feel and look I don't know the solution for this right because I don't think Bridgeton wants to be a really tough watch where we just watch someone get relentlessly bullied and have the world's cruelty thrust into her I don't I don't think Bridgeton wants to take that tonality but I think they need to step into it at least a little have some bite have some grit so we really understand why Penelope is so broken and why she goes to whistle down and just destroys the lives of others now even though I think we could have done with more of it and I wish I felt it more I did really really like the scene where lady featherington basically says to Penelope like oh you're not going to find a husband like you know there's nothing wrong with being single like give up why why even try anymore I thought that was a really sad effective and Powerful scene and I wish we had more of it like genuinely I wish we felt this season to season so this Arc of penelopy really turning against her family and the cruelty they inflict on her is really felt on top of that another thing I thought was a great idea was Colin teaching her how to seduce men I thought that was a really fascinating plot point that really needed more time this literally felt like it got maybe 4 minutes of screen time and I think so much sexual tension could have been built if Colin was seen there teaching her how to be more sexy appeal to these men like kind of seduce them you know become really captivating in conversation and clearly he starts getting drawn to her over time if they buildt this up over like four or five episodes and he find finally snapped and went I can't see you being with these other men I need to be with you I would really buy it and I know they went for that on paper I know they're happier than ever musical moment he has where he's looking at her dancing with deblin is meant to be there but I'm saying I didn't feel it because it felt really rushed and again it felt really rush because I think this season spent so much unnecessary time on Side characters that either aren't going to be relevant in a season 2 or are going to get their own season so therefore reain in the laser focus and the Colin and Penelope relationship suffers so hard due to this lack of focus so much is said about these two characters that I just don't feel and I need to feel it and I know readers book audience happened in the book but I'm saying as a TV audience this needs to be more fleshed out and substantiated if you haven't read the book The Show needs to do a really good job of making us feel these Concepts a thing I did like about Penelope is the isolation she is clearly feeling after losing Eloise I think it's really well done we really do get a sense of her loneliness at the very least in terms of her relationship with other people I wish they were fleshed out more but her sense of isolation and loneliness in my opinion is done really well and in regards to penal I think it's the strongest thing this season has accomplished especially looking back on it and Gathering my thoughts for this review I think it is the strongest part of penal story however now I need to rant about whistle down look I've never thought the whistle down concept was explored as well as it should have been I think it's a really great idea to have a Regency Era like kind of Gossip Girl subplot right I think it's a really strong idea but I do not think the show has ever dedicated enough time to it or enough gravity or Stakes to it a lot of the reveals that whistle down often has doesn't impact our main characters substantially and often feels like a minor inconvenience rather than a oh my God whistle down just mention me my whole life is over yes the aloise one was pretty good but even now we're not really feeling the massive Fallout of that except for the fact that penal and alaways aren't friends I know they've told us that alaways has been been outcasted by Society but honestly in what we've seen so far it seems like she sort of shook that off I've always felt like whistle down was a bit of wasted potential however I do absolutely love the tension that he created by the fact that Colin has now committed his romantic life to Penelope and has also simultaneously committed to taking whistle down down that is a really cool idea to me and I really hope they actually go into the Betrayal that Colin is going to feel when he finds out that Penelope is whistle down however I think we need more character development I know on paper we get why Penelope turns to whistle down it's an outlet all right the world is cruel to her and then she goes off and writes her little gossip columns and his Cru back to the world but I think the show hasn't really interrogated the psychology and whether we are meant to look at her with pity or discomfort or a sense of like babe you got to stop this is an addiction like I don't know how we are meant to feel about whistle down when she's sitting there going home and like scribbling like Regina George at the end of Mean Girls are we meant to be sitting there going [ __ ] yeah show them who's boss or are we meant to be seen there being like Penelope you got to stop doing whistle down what if colog finds out this isn't good for society this isn't good for you what are we meant to be feeling because I don't think the show actually knows what it's trying to say with whistle down I I genuinely don't think it does sometimes it's presented as like a really light fun subplot and other times it's presented with a really massive amount of gravity and I think either angle could be really well done but I just don't think the show has decided what they want to say with whistle down there there's a section in Breaking Bad where Walt is directly told hey you don't need to do drugs anymore what do you need more money for you're a gazillionaire tap out and he just keeps making drugs because he's addicted to it and as an audience you understand that even though you're seeing there going dude get out you're going to get caught stop should we be feeling that with Penelope with whistle down should we be sitting there going Penelope you're causing trouble you're causing drama this isn't good you're hurting the people around you or should we just be sitting there going [ __ ] yeah show the world who's boss I don't know I I genuinely don't know and I don't think the show has explored whistle down as a concept as like a mental framework for Penelope particularly well I wish we got some insight into why she was so addicted and hooked to it or the complicated relationship she has with whistle down back to positives I did really enjoy her glow up story I think it was a bit rushed but I did really enjoy it I like the moment where she took the hood off and I like the cetta was still rather cruel to her and it didn't fully pay off instantly I also think the idea where she has a breakdown and begs Colin to kiss her is a really really strong idea on paper if we got more of that whole like I'm going to train you how to seduce men little like storyline if we'd seen her try and fail and be subjected to men's cruelty to a point where we as an audience couldn't handle it anymore and then she had that breakdown I would have completely bought it but unfortunately I think that part was a little rush too again I can see what they're going for on paper all right next we have Colin it's too much going on I'm like what the [ __ ] stop oh my God what the [ __ ] what is Colin Colin is such a bad characterization this season now I do just want to get this out of the way I've seen a lot of people say well actually what's going on with Colin is he's meant to be cringe and he's meant to be unsure of himself so his whole like Risk King Persona is intentionally coming off as cringe and that's the point of his character I disagree in Universe right his risking whole like stick is working girls are obsessed with him Penelope is intimidated by him everyone like it's working on and on top of that he doesn't really take this veneer off when he's around other people he carries himself like this in front of Penelope he carries himself like this with the girls with the Bridget and boys like this is his new persona and they're really going to have to backpedal a bit if they want to pull off the whole like actually I'm only my true self around penal it feels like they've literally like got rid of the old colon brought back this new weird robot colon after he's gone on travels and on top of that two episodes in they're like oh actually um no he's starting to backpedal on that and he doesn't want to be a [ __ ] boy anymore because the prostitutes aren't doing it for him and he doesn't connect with the boys anymore and the way they talk about women and it's just such a rushed character transition I'm still struggling to buy his new persona and then the show is starting to be like actually he doesn't even like that new persona and as an audience member I'm just getting total Whiplash I'm like what is going on with Colin it is so rushed his whole transition into [ __ ] boy should have been season 2 that should have been his Arc in season 2 he should have been hot [ __ ] boy in the background Penelope starts going like we used to be really good friends before you used to hang out with all these vapid people what happened and he starts going this is the new me if you don't like it blah blah blah blah blah why are you gain so touchy that should have been their Arc in season 2 and then season 3 should have been him stepping back into the original sweet Colin that we all liked but this is just so rushed Colin is a good actor so I don't know if the editors are picking bad takes or it's just the way it's shot or presented but he's coming off so [ __ ] strange what's this like vacant mouth thing he keeps doing you know he'll say something sexy like well maybe there's a thing or two I could teach you and then he just does this like [ __ ] like thing with his mouth like he just has his mouth open all the time on top of that he is constantly mewing I talked about in season 1 Simon I genuinely felt like he was Doctor Who like he felt like he was from a different decade he felt like he had seen iPhones before Colin looks like he's seen Tik Tok he looks like he knows what OIC is it is such a strange striking weird thing that they have going on with Colin it's taking me out of the show cuz it genuinely feels like he's on this whole like looksmaxing Trend and after every time he hangs out with Penelope he does like 30 reps of Mee it's so strange between his constant like or his like it's it's like I just I can't do it I have no clue what they're doing with col this season and yes I know people are going to get in the comments and be like oh it's the point he's meant to be cringe but all the characters like it so it's like I don't really agree I think the show is framing him as really hot and he's meant to be this like object of Desire that Penelope feels really intimidated by like oh my god he has all this success with women he's so sexy now how could I how could I ever be with him because he's just so out of my league and then when he like confesses his love to her she's like oh my God but it's like no this dude's cringe this dude would get bullied nowadays like I I don't buy it at all like physically yes he looks hot he's gone through the whole Bridget and glow up but his personality this whole thing they're trying to do with Colin is just strange I don't understand it now I will say Colin works in the carriage scene you know if that chemistry that Penelope and Colin had in that Carriage scene was at all present in any other scenes in this season up until that point I actually would have like this season a whole lot more and it works Colin's new persona Works in that Carriage scene that scene where she touches his head and his mouth opens and he's like at her mercy he's completely down bad for her is so well done it's such a good display of infatuation it's up there with Bridget's most steamy scenes where was this chemistry for the rest of the season that's what this season is missing what's that brother do and my issue is Anthony dapan Kate Edina they were all really well substantiated characters outside of their love interest Colin genuinely reminds me of Nicholas galin's character in IG viw where it feels like he only exists to to kind of adore Penelope and be Penelope's little like object of Desire every single scene we have with Colin aside from that is just like lazy paper thin character writing there is nothing to him this season and this really needed to be the season where we got to know him you know that moment where his mom says to him you've always been so giving you need to be selfish doesn't work we haven't seen him do anything let alone be really generous again he flies off all the time to go on holiday he comes off as selfish at least the past two seasons I don't buy it like I don't buy it on top of that he's been sleeping with women all the time he's been hiring prostitutes all the time like he is being selfish he already is selfish like what are you talking about it's so so strange we're just being told everything about his character but we're not feeling it at least with Simon even though his reasoning for not wanting kids was [ __ ] stupid we got it we felt it like for him that was serious so as a result even if you didn't agree with his reasoning you were sold on it when he sits there and he's like breaking down and being like DNE I cannot give you children I I feel so awful cuz I can't give you children yeah I was sitting there too going yeah you [ __ ] can however I did buy it I could tell that for him this was important this was life or death with Colin I just don't feel anything I don't know what happened with the writing this season moving on Franchesca think uh what a great side character this is a side character executed perfectly she does not have as much screen time but when she does have screen time it's all killer no filler I I like Franchesca I like what they're doing with Franchesca it's subtle it's in the background and you know what it's nice to see a love story that's just cute I've seen all these people talk about like oh she's coming off as like on the Spectrum she's coming off as autistic most love stories are just quiet and reserved and people being normal not every Love Story needs to be people falling off horses and scream at each other how much they hate each other or forcibly getting themselves pregnant all right not every Love Story needs to be toxic and yell this is just a sweet sweet love story so far and I really like what they're doing with it and yes someone spoiled the book ending for me for this little love story I wish they didn't I wish they didn't because so far I'm really liking it i I think the performance is great and I love that they've given her this whole piano subplot it's really really good it's just really really good what a great new character next we have Eloise I love Eloise I don't know why people don't like aloise a friendly space ninjas review where he went off at aloise being like a Pik me and not like other girls and all this [ __ ] shut up dude aloise is a great great character she's been great in every season fantastic performance probably one of the best performances still in this show she's absolutely great uh I I really like her character this season I like that she is staying true to herself and like really drawing out this beef she has with Penelope she's really upset with Penelope but I also like that it shows she clearly cares for Penelope a bit because she's not rat on her to Colin I can't wait for the conflict that comes out when Colin finds out that Alo is new and I just I like it I think it's really good on top of that her friendship with cetta you can tell that the chemistry isn't there as much you can see that the chemistry isn't as palpable between those two as it is with Penelope however you get why she's doing it I think it's really well done and I love the position it puts aloise in it is interrogating her character there is a point where she makes an assumption about cetta and blames her for something and creter actually calls her out on this I just think it's really good character writing and it's the type of subtle Nuance character writing that I miss from this show and I wish was applied to Colin and penelopi absolutely crush it with aloise aloise always crushes it she's always been good and this is probably the best she's been in my opinion minus that same where she confronted Penelope last season I I I really like the maturity and the depth they are bringing to her character and I really need more of that from other characters speak of the devil next we have cetta really like the character development they're doing with cetta the only is that scene where her dad yells at her to not hang out with LOL I just wish was more fleshed out I wish that scene went a bit longer it just felt a bit rush and again it felt a bit like TV movie that's the best way I can explain it just a bit simple in terms of its dialogue and its execution next we have Benedict Bridgeton what a great side character this is the perfect example of how to handle a side character he's sitting there he's getting his own little story it moves at its own little pace and it's cute it's nice I like that he's met someone I don't don't think this his like final girl or anything but it's cool to see Benedict actually have something to do Benedict is a fan favorite he's an absolute cutie he crushed it in a little life by the way I did not realize this was the guy that performed in the Stage production of a little life but that's him uh and he's here and he's really good in this show I really like what they're doing with him I would love for more of him but yeah it's good I like that he always has a hobby as well I've always liked that about his character he just enjoys doing art hanging out and now he's enjoying looking into sence and inventions it's really Charming next we have the MRI oh my God this show this is the prime example of the pacing look I genuinely feel like they kept will mundri around because they could not get Simon back and they just needed like some connection and not all of that to feel like completely wasted time otherwise I I don't know the reasoning he's not an interesting character he was most interesting in season 1 when he like intentionally lost the fight aside from that this is dy this is boring and I and I can kind of see the potential in where this storyline is going but it is so poorly written like every single time he buys something every single time they go out or engage in luxury the wife is sitting there going like oh my God are you sure this is really ours are you sure we can enjoy this and he's like yes definitely nothing bad will happen nothing bad will ever happen this is us forever and obviously setting us up and laying the groundwork that something bad is going to happen they are going to lose this position eventually but it's like can we be be a bit more subtle every scene with them completely hurts the pacing it's not interesting it's not adding anything like give them an interesting love story you know give us an insight into trying to raise a family in higher Society you know when you are a minority you know maybe highlight and talk about the fact that just because the queen is black doesn't mean we have a great experience in society and I know that's what they're going for but again it just feels rushed and undercooked and sluggish and just really not well done I don't know what they're doing either make it work make it really hit us in our heart and really pull off an effective story or cut it because so far it just feels like it's shoehorned in for no apparent reason other than like act of loyalty or something uh next we have lady Tilly Arnold which is just Benedict's love interest look I don't know anything about her we had like 2 minutes with her I think the actress is really good and I like the idea that she's widowed and I like the idea that Benedict is stepping into a woman's frame a woman's lifestyle and not the other way around normally in Bridgeton the women are stepping into the men's World they are becoming his object basically and I think it's a really cool idea that Benedict is almost the less experienced character the less experienced person in this Dynamic and he's stepping into her frame I think that's really fascinating to explore and actually kind of like good subtle storytelling next we have Lord debling what wasted potential if they had really drawn out the sexual tension the sexual chemistry with debling really made us feel the penelopy might actually side with debling this could have been an absolutely fantastic subplot my issue is when this relationship inevitably falls apart because he can tell that Penelope has feelings for Colin I just wish as an audience where either scene they're going no dein was the right choice or oh babe you absolutely dodged a bullet but as an audience I'm just like okay that was a bit of a waste of time again just something I really needed to feel more cuz as it stands the amount of time they devoted to him just feels a bit wasted it could have been great if Penelope was using the tricks that Colin taught her to seduce deblin and he's the only one that they really worked on and dein was absolutely enamored and deblin had a lot of chemistry and a lot to offer her that Colin couldn't but like they didn't really do it that well in my opinion uh next we have Violet Bridgeton look I love Violet Bridgeton I especially love Violet Bridgeton after Queen Charlotte every scene with Violet I really enjoy I really like her she's a great character she is a consistent character this is not a character that the writers betray at any point she is consistently always hopping on about you need to find a love match in this season she really kind of like about that it's really fascinating I love it I love her character now that we know that she's faing after human connection she wants her garden to bloom once again if you've seen Queen Charlotte and I like that they give her a love interest this season uh really fascinating stuff and I also like the idea this feels appropriately messy that she would be getting with Lady danbury's brother especially after lady Danbury [ __ ] her dad I think this is a really exciting messy subplot for Bridgeton in a really good way and I hope it's done and executed really well next we have Anthony how good to see Anthony and Kate happy again these were my favorite moments of the Season Anthony is just such a well realized character they are going to have to come back he is the vi count she is the vi Countess I really hope they don't just write them out of the show and only have them show up like one episode a year the way they did with Daphne I really hope they actually put effort into weaving him into the plot so far I'm a bit nervous because he kind of just [ __ ] off after two episodes to go on basically a second honeymoon but I really hope that they are a main part of the Bridgeton Universe I really don't like when shows just get rid of characters at the end of each season bring in new characters for a season I hate it but what we saw really good to see Anthony and Kade happy like genuinely because the whole of their love story was basically them just hurling verbal abuse at each other so this is great uh I love the scene where he's going down on her and he's like yeah we're going to make an air and as an audience member I was like uh think think you're missing a few steps there and then she makes that joke this really good well executed cute bridon moments and really good well executed Bridget and steamy moments it's great to see them again I I I love them they are such good characters and they remind me of how good the show can be look that's basically everything I have to say for Bridgeton for now otherwise this video will go for 2 hours I could sit here and really get into the weeds of it thank you so much for watching if you enjoy this video please subscribe please hit like if you want me to talk about anything in particular please leave it in the comments below if you want any more like Bridget and videos let me know any specific ideas or topics you want me to talk about let me know and I will do my best to do them thank thank you so much for watching have a lovely day
Channel: Marshall Stannus
Views: 306,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridgerton, review, spoilers, Netflix review, Bridgeton season 3 review, bridgerton season 3, Bridgeton season 3 spoilers, spoiler talk, Bridgerton season3 spoiler review
Id: gibkMR7O4uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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