Bride & Groom Won't Last A Year - Shortest Marriage Stories - Askreddit Women Wedding

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ass credit have you ever been at a wedding where it was obvious to you the couple won't last a year what happened the bride ugly cried the entire reception until her the groom and her mom got into a yelling fight about it they both made it clear the only reason they got married was because she was pregnant with their second child the best man of a different race it's relevant seemed very jumpy the entire time fast forward to six months later and the baby is clearly biracial less than a year after the wedding bride and groom are divorced and she's with the best man edit to add I feel like I should add that the groom was not unhappy to get a divorce general consensus was he was probably as guilty as she was she just had the misfortune that her infidelity was a lot more obvious my wife and I had thought this one couple wouldn't last the groom gave off a creepy vibe we gave them two years max two years came and they were expecting a baby so we gave them another few years few more years came and another child was on the way then about a year later the crap hit the fan our initial thoughts were correct dude was creepy and hiding some sketchy crap from his past lied about a lot of things like his education this explains why he always worked the lowest position in their line of work they both work in the medical field he claimed he had a degree which would put him at a much better paying position but he kept working the bottom tier practically volunteered job money was a huge issue for them and she made the bulk of their combined income the couple came to see me by appointment to choose wedding music for their ceremony there in the church choir loft they got into a heated argument over each piece of music under consideration from the wedding processional to the recessional there was zero agreement or willingness to compromise with each other to try and bring some harmony I suggested that the bride choose the organ processional and the groom select the recessional even though they strongly disagreed with each other same with other music for the occasion that worked for the moment in less than six months the pastor informed me that the couple was back to see him for counseling with divorce under consideration my sister and her husband they met each other our junior year of high school and she moved in with him halfway through our senior year I never liked him and did not hide that fact I especially didn't like him after he hit on me while they were dating didn't hide that fact either but my sister brushed me off before he popped the question she found out he'd been texting other girls he promised he'd change the wedding was a train wreck honestly it was a small affair in our backyard with her aunt officiating the aunt started crying midway through the ceremony my stepmother read a poem about them she wrote halfway through the ceremony she always wants to be the center of attention the groom's drunken father who had been barred from the wedding came stumbling in at some point during the vows to search for alcohol and I saw the groom grabbed one of the bridesmaids but I didn't point that out to my deliriously happy stepsister I should have a year later it turned out the groom had been flirting my stepmom my sister somehow forgave both of them she has low self-esteem they got caught again a year after that at that point my dad had divorced my stepmother so I have been distant from this whole shebang but my sister who I do still talk to finally divorced that liar divorced for everyone let's pull an Oprah I've told this story before on reddit but had a friend Oh what Jesus 30 years ago got married to his longtime girlfriend I was never sure why they were together she was urbane sophisticated read a lot well-educated etc he was essentially a farmhand totally a nice guy I'm not putting either one of them down just I didn't get what they sign each other or why'd they'd marry anyway she kept telling him several times in my presence that if he shoved the cake in her face at the reception it would not go over well for him he said he wouldn't promise several times he wouldn't etc his friends however the friends from back home caught wind of this and just started berating him with the goddess show her who was boss and making whip cracking sounds around him I was at the reception sure enough cake time comes and he shoves it in her face she calls him a name storms out of the reception and had a Denault my sister-in-law's first wedding never really liked the groom from the first time I met him after a year or so he proposed they started planning their wedding that was to take place in a year but then on whim they get married in a civil monie with plans to still have the big ceremony later in the year a few months after the civil ceremony the groom goes in for heart surgery bad valve he's had since he was born the big ceremony finally comes except every major aspect of it has been stripped away less than a year into the marriage my sister-in-law brings me a credit card bill and asks me if she knows what this $600 charged her husband has on it a little internet research and I find that he's tipping cam girls they're officially divorced about a year after that in retrospect it became obvious what had happened my sister-in-law was grifted for a new heart valve he didn't have the insurance at his job to cover the surgery so he convinced her to marry him earlier than expected to get on her insurance get the heart surgery and then split ex wedding photographer typically I saw red flags when the bride or groom is super quiet I mean silent and just watching one instance was a groom who barely said ten words to anyone during the ceremony or reception afterwards the bride and her mother were extremely loud and excited the entire time the bride needed everything to be perfect I dropped off the photo bundle with them two weeks later and he was still quiet she however complained about all of the pictures because the groom wasn't smiling enough she wanted a discount because I couldn't make him look happy enough they got divorced about a year later I know because I did his engagement photos with his new fiance about four years after his first wedding his engagement photos showed him much happier cake artists here I had a couple come in for a tasting appointment was for 7:00 p.m. but he was late first half hour was just her she told me they met at a stable where they both kept their horses those horses were going to be featured at the wedding as the bride and groom would ride them to the site a beautiful farm venue she described in detail her self designed medieval gown flower wreath in her hair embroidered shoes like some from a museum sounded lovely she wanted to cake like a castle which was a specialty of mine the whole wedding would be over-the-top but not in a cringy way then he arrives barely says hi to her sits down and starts telling me about his wedding he'll ride dressed in as a riverboat gambler with a frock-coat brookhaven string tie big hat gold pocket watch and sterling silver spurs he's fine with the castle cake but wants to incorporate the watch and a pair of mother-of-pearl handed pistols picture given I had already decided that I was not going to work with them no way could I come up with a cake that would work for them but they were there so I brought out the samples for the next hour they carried on two entirely separate monologues they didn't address each other or me and they didn't listen to each other or me I made no attempt to book them that night and when they called later in the week I told them their date had been taken they were living in two incompatible and entirely self-contained fantasies I doubt they even made it to the wedding day and I have to tell this one too I didn't need a sixth sense when I heard that on their honeymoon the bride cheated on the groom so the groom's parents didn't want the photos or the video I had shot instead they wanted me to sue her for the remainder of the money they owed me I told them I was sorry but they signed the contract so they had to pay the bride was a total witch to him all day at the wedding it was no surprise she did this he was absolutely heartbroken and yes they sent me a check for the remainder and I still have all the photos developed and collecting dust in a pile still in the lab bag I brought them home in this was in 2003 and I can't bring myself to throw them away the best part the groom called me two years later to do his wedding photos and video because he was getting married again I was all set to do it and then the new fiance pulled the plug turns out she didn't want any memories of the first wedding being involved so I was fired as soon as I was hired wedding videographer here had a couple fly us out to Iceland for their engagement shoot now the first couple of days were fine and everything looked okay but in Iceland some lodging options aren't very luxurious the groom chose to book what was essentially a tiny bunkhouse the ones meant for those summer camps and the bride lost it and complained the whole night next morning things are pretty tense and our team continues the shoot as planned even though it is incredibly awkward most of our plans fall through because they start arguing in front of a beautiful solitary glacier for two hours our team can hear them yelling at each other half a mile away because there is literally no one else around for miles we finish up whatever we could of the last day of the shoot and awkwardly say our goodbyes later on I learned that they broke up a month before the wedding my friend was getting married to his neighbor I hardly knew her didn't know he was into her the wedding was rather sudden they were both from very religious families she had gotten pregnant after they had done it in once a moment of weakness and drunkenness their families pressured them into the marriage at the wedding they barely looked at each other they argued though with enough taste to do it quietly and away from most guests over several details and the Brad got very drunk had I mentioned yet that she was pregnant the baby was born with the dark hair though both my friend and his wife were blonde DNA tests confirmed the baby wasn't his and they divorced less than six months after the marriage my best friend since middle school was getting married he is really good at piano and singing so he wrote a song and sang it to his wife at the reception he was super nervous but he killed it every woman was in tears it was such a lovely song except for the bride stood right next to the piano with what I interpreted as a forced smile the attention wasn't on her for five minutes divorced two years later was a disaster from the start although the most extravagant wedding I've ever attended well over a hundred K cocktails before the reception and the groom is smashed one of the bride's best friends from out of town complimented him on how great his eyebrows looked and he replies back with WTF are you trying to say about me then he tries to kick her out even though she was just being polite after that Fiasco he keeps drinking and it was time for cutting the cake so normally you just cut the cake and maybe rub a little into each other's faces nope he baseball pitched the cake straight into her face I'm not exaggerating everyone went completely silent the Brad runs out of the reception bawling her eyes out and her father follows her brothers start to get in his face but it was quickly calmed down once she returns the groom decides it's time to make an apology over the mic you can guess how much of a disaster this turned out to be incoherent nonsense as the night is ending the groom is outside with her brothers and dad trying to fight all of them yep the marriage was annulled the very next day everything was stilted the decor was beautiful wedding party was dressed to a tee bride and groom both happy cried during the vows there was a limo service reception had awesome dinner and short speeches but it all felt like it was scripted that way almost like watching a movie wedding rather than a real one don't really know how to place exactly what was off but I think there was just something about the bride and groom like they were acting well sure enough after a few kids and eight years of constant fights therapy and even a couple of rests they're getting a divorce turns out he had cheated on her since before the wedding she didn't know about it at the time but I think she felt something was off heavy involvement with the church strong handed an old pair of friends into getting married they were fresh out of college and had been together since middle school the bride was very sad and mellow on the day of the wedding she was physically there but mentally checked out exasperated sighs forced smiling and feigned excitement I understood being a blushing bride doesn't complement everyone's personality she even paused walking down the aisle with a look of sheer panic but was guided by her soon-to-be father-in-law the groom on the other hand was very calm he was ushering people and calling them coach and Judd it was strange his vows were almost like a comedy sketch alluding to their colorful differences at the reception someone discretely mentioned to him that the bride was crying and he scoffed insisting it was probably because her special day is almost over it was also rumored he picked up a cater waitress they never signed a marriage license split up a year later and left the church bride is now in a relationship with a wonderful woman and as as happy as can be last I heard the groom is auditioning for The Bachelorette not me but my friend's sister her sister got engaged eight months into a relationship and got married four months later everything went well the first five months but the husband started acting different he wasn't chatty his good morning good night kisses became dull etc her sister would ask if everything was okay and he would say I'm fine every time her sister didn't want to push him so she waited for him to talk about what was bothering him one evening after dinner the husband said he wanted to talk about their relationship before we could talk about it he started crying he cried for a few minutes and then told her he's gay the sister filed for divorce and after the divorce was settled she wasn't really mad at him anymore so she went to see him and forgave him they became good friends and the sister helped him become comfortable with his sexuality she even helped him come out to his close friends and then to his family five years later the sister is now engaged to another man and expecting their first child the ex-husband is now very happily married to a man for almost a year now not me but my dad he got remarried after being divorced for about five years I would have been all for it but he met this woman in another state on a business trip and would travel up to see her every weekend after they hit it off they knew each other for about six months before getting engaged the engagement was only three months my brother and I tried telling him about all of the red flags telling him to take his time my dad is very well-off financially and we kept trying to warn him things were moving too quickly that she was only in it for the money she moved her whole family from their hometown to the city my dad lived in including their elderly grandmother who needed constant medical supervision before they were even married the pantry was full of whole foods brand food instead of the local grocery store as was tradition all new furniture and had the house repainted all at his bride-to-be's request the marriage lasted all of two weeks apparently my dad's new bride had the gall to ask my dad to leave everything to her in the will and right me and my brother out only then did he realize she was in it for the money the next day he had the marriage annulled someday I would like to know what it's like to fall so completely for someone that I don't recognize they are taking advantage of me must feel good for that instant before it all comes crashing down not me but my brother we grew up on a ranch gross girlfriend comes from the city but during visits to the ranch she dives right in helping our mom around the house and participating in all the stuff we do horseback riding ATVs etc and claiming and appearing to love it brother so happy his City gal is compatible with the ranch lifestyle he grew up in even though he is now working in the city and their life will be in the city he just loved that she was able to connect with him that way and more importantly with his family they date for approximately 18 months make many visits to the ranch and all as well she insists that she wants to have her wedding at my parents home my folks go all out have both families there everyone has a great time the next morning we have a send-off breakfast for the couple they head to the airport for their honeymoon my mom and bride's mom are visiting afterward and bride's mom mentions she's glad my mom had no hard feelings that her daughter and my brother will no longer be coming out to the ranch my mom is like what do you mean Brad's mom says oh I thought Laura told you that having the wedding here was her gift to you to have your son home one last time with all his family here my mom goes as white as a sheet we are all stunned we are confused as to whether my brother knows this and more importantly has agreed to this my older brother who has his own history of family drama texts our big bro saying is it true that this is your last time visiting mom and dad and big bro texts back what are you talking about middle brother says ask your new wife needless to say the honeymoon never happens it turns out that his wife had been hiding her belief that the man leaves his family behind and becomes part of the woman's family it was fully her intent to never visit my parents again to spend all holidays at her parents home to have any future children only have relationships with her family and on and on my brother literally had no idea these were her beliefs and desires to this day I don't know if she was evil or just clueless they remained married for about a month until the divorce was final but my bro never saw her again after the day after wedding day I worked as a wedding planner and coordinator and one bride stands out to me because she was so inconsistent with all the vendors she was a complete sweetheart to me during the planning phase and I never saw any of the crazy until the day of the wedding it was honestly like a Jekyll Hyde moment she wanted a big wedding around 300 people and spent a lot of money on the venue and food and wanted the best for everything no complaints about paying for it either never asked for discounts or anything like that and since she wanted the best and seemed to have a really large budget I referred her to a popular Baker for the cake I let her handle the logistics for the cake since I've worked with this Baker before and never had any problems I figured they would do the standard cake tasting pick a design with the Baker I would see a gorgeous masterpiece on the day of the wedding well that didn't really work out for some reason she didn't want to tell the Baker that it was for a wedding I'm guessing she read that you can save money by ordering a regular cake because some vendors will automatically add an extra charge if it's for a wedding by the way this is true to some extent but the extra charge truly is there for a reason whenever something is for a wedding the vendor puts in much more care stresses about the timing execution etc way more than usual and often times we'll go all out and use premium materials or add upgrades not all of us are just adding extra charges for no reason anyways she decided she didn't want to pay for a wedding cake so she told the Baker it was for a birthday party the Baker asked how many people the cake would need to serve and she said around 50 she also didn't want to pay the delivery fee so she had her sister pick up the cake on the morning of the wedding and bring it to the event at this point it's important to mention that we live in Texas and this is a summer wedding by the time the cake got to the venue about six hours after it was picked up from the bakery it didn't look all that great anymore some of the decorations had melted the cake got a little banged up in the car ride and there was icing on the inside of the box the entire cake was sagging on one side it was also way too small for a wedding of her size I saw it and it looked like a complete disaster but at this point we're about an hour away from the start of the wedding and there's no possible way to fix this the bride comes into the reception room with all her makeup all done and sees the cake and completely flips out screaming crying throwing things collapsing on the floor complete meltdown threatens to cancel the whole wedding if we can't fix it we try to calm her down as much as we can and grab the makeup artist before she leaves and ask if she can help fix the bride's makeup which is a mess now the bride sees herself in the mirror and has another meltdown because she ruined her hair and makeup and now wants to have the whole thing redone after she gets everything done to perfection again we're about an hour behind schedule I let the guests come inside the reception room to wait because it seemed cruel to force everyone to sit outside in a hundred degree heat but when she saw that everyone was inside she had another meltdown she spent the entire wedding sulking with a scowl on her face and refused to take any pictures with people her new husband kept coming over to hug her and try to cheer her up and she would either yell at him or give him the silent treatment most of the guests left very early because the atmosphere felt so uncomfortable so pretty much a waste of the $200,000 budget for a lavish wedding all because she wanted to save a couple hundred bucks on the cake [Music]
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 44,933
Rating: 4.824019 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, askreddit wedding, askreddit marriage, askreddit bride, askreddit groom, askreddit human voice, reddit real voice, shortest marriages, divorce stories, askreddit divorce
Id: kdtP0Fm95yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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