Breonna Taylor's boyfriend Kenneth Walker details the night of her death in an exclusive interview

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welcome back to CBS This Morning we have an exclusive interview with bana Taylor's boyfriend his name is Kenneth Walker now he was with Taylor when she was killed by Louisville police officers on March 13th he told us that they were in bed watching a movie when police raided the apartment as part of a Narcotics investigation that was targeting her ex-boyfriend we should point out that Kenneth Walker and bana Taylor do not have a criminal history and no illegal drugs were found in that home we went to Louisville over the weekend to talk with Kenneth Walker about that night to the world just a hashtag a picture and all of that but to me it was much more more than a girlfriend too I think that's what I want the world to know the most that was my best friend the most important person pretty much to me on the earth and they took her let's go back to that day what kind of day was it for you too it was a normal day it was it was a relaxed day really just chilling and just being us you know we we went on a date went out to eat went back in the house playing know watching a movie take us to that moment when your life really changed forever it was a loud bang at the door you know nobody was responding when we were saying who is it you all did ask who is it several times several times both of us you there's no response you know the the police say that they said several times it's the police if they knock on the door and say who it was we can we can hear them it's dead silent I know a million per sure that nobody identified themselves so the next thing you hear the door flies off the hinges are you feeling afraid definitely afraid but I I don't have much room to be afraid cuz I got somebody here that I got to take care of so you hear the heavy knocking and what do you do so now at that point we're getting up to put on clothes make ourselves decent to answer the the door then I grabbed my gun we should also say you were licensed to carry the gun for sure that was the one time I had to use it and if it was the police at the door and they just said where where the police me or Banna didn't have a reason at all not to open the door and see what they wanted so the doors the doors fly off the hinges I I let off one shot and you know I'm figuring if somebody's trying to break in or something they're not they're not going to want to do anything after that and after that what happens you know I ever heard so many gunshots like all the same time I never been to war but I assume that's what war Probably sounds like one officer fired six shots officer mattingley officer crove fired 16 shots officer Hinson fired 10 shots that is a lot of Firepower I still try to make sense of it to this day there's definitely there was definitely nowhere to hide there bullets coming in every direction when did you realize that bana had been shot I guess in the in the middle of all the gunfire like she screamed but like I was holding her hand you were holding her hand yeah like while this was happening I pulled her down to the ground but you know she was just scared so she just didn't get down so in the middle of all of this you realize that she's been hit was she alive at the time she she was still and when all the gun fires stopped She was like bleeding and stuff and I was holding her know then that's when I called my mom you called your mom first yeah I told her that somebody just kicked in the door and shot Banna and she's she's freaking out at this point but she told me to call 911 so I did 911 operator Harris where their emergency I don't I don't know what happened if somebody kiic in the door ins shot my girlfriend while you're on the phone you don't know it's the police I didn't know it was the police not at all and I even proceeded to tell 911 that you know somebody just kicked in the door and shot my girlfriend you know I didn't if I knew who it was I would have said the police oh I wouldn't been calling the police on the police like that doesn't even make sense where would you shot at I don't know she on the ground right now I don't know is she alert and able to talk to you no she's not Brie in the midst of me talking to 911 I'm like well Brianna's Mama should know about this I hung up on them and I called her mom the police didn't come rushing in not at all I don't think I realized that it was the police until I was on the phone with Brianna's mom I hear like people outside talking I thought they was you know coming for help cuz I called 911 so you think they're coming to help you yes so when I come outside there's guns pointed at me you know I'm being threatened with dogs and whatever else don't that put your hands on your head that's what's going on the officer asked me was I hit by any bullets I said no he said that's unfortunate so that threw me off too so I'm like what's he mean by that that's unfortunate he said to you after you've just lost your girlfriend and you don't know what is happening what did you think when he said that I didn't know what to think and I really wasn't worried about me only reason I'm even out here is because only way for her to get help in there is for me to be out here we were scared no we didn't know who it was we didn't even know who it was and I was in the back of the car I don't know I got drug all the way down the street it was cold it was wet I any socks and shoes on gravel rocks and everything and they was just dragging me like I had scabs and stuff on my feet from that when they take you to the police station still no socks and still no socks and shoes when we finally left the scene we pulled over in like a random parking lot on manlake which is the street like at the bottom of the hill down the street from rih's apartment and another officer in an unmarked car and he wasn't in uniform and stuff and he came to my window but his tone was way different than everybody else's who was just on the scene how so different how he told me that this was a that this was a misunderstanding and we're going to get to the bottom of it and asking me did I need anything did I need water and this and that hey partner get your name Denis Walker man uh there was a little bit of miscommunication I wanted to talk to you before they left then when I got to the police headquarters or whatever was they took the handcuffs off me and everything I was walking around I went to the bathroom go ahead and uh when you get in there you can take the handcuffs off so clearly y'all know something's wrong cuz you don't you're allowed to move freely yeah you don't allegedly shoot at a shoot a police officer and they take hand the handcuffs off you were you surprised to hear that you were accused of shooting a police off I definitely was surprised but I was more concerned about is he okay and is Ranna okay at this point I still didn't even know if she was alive or not so when did officers tell you you were going to be charged with attempted murder when did you hear that maybe like five or six in morning that same night what did you think I was worried about if Ranna was okay or not when were you finally told that Banna didn't make it I never really got told like directly I saw it on the news that's how you heard ban Taylor died on the news pretty much and I was in the Cale and it was like on the news and it said one you know female dead that confirmed it you know I didn't know for sure what condition you know she was in when I left so I didn't know what they did but as these body cam videos and stuff come out I see they did nothing clearly we see the SWAT team in there and she was still in there they're still like casing the apartment with her lay right there on the ground apartment 4 now a crime scene let's go ahead and move out all right she's done disrespectful do you think if you would not survive this incident that we would be hearing the story that we're hearing today if you had not survived it definitely not that wouldn't that wouldn't be a story you you probably wouldn't even know about it if I didn't live you probably wouldn't even know about ban Taylor Banna Taylor or Kenny Walker or Kenny Walker I don't want everybody to know about Kenny Walker all long as everybody knows Banna Taylor what do you want us to know about Banna Taylor just she would did anything for anybody she took care of a lot of people so a lot of people that need her bad right now including me wow a grand jury accepted the Kentucky attorney general's recommendation not to charge any officers for bana Taylor's death both the Louis Metro Police Department and attorneys for three individual officers involved declined our requests for interviews or for comment I mean I'm very struck Kenny Walker you can still see is shattered he's still in a lot of pain I think this interview was very difficult for him that night they were watching a movie called Freedom Riders and he went to watch it again and he said he still gets triggered by songs movies certain types of food and I think it's so important to discuss to to stress no criminal record y it was it was the first time that he's ever fired his gun when he wasn't on the shooting range and to this day he goes I'm not really even sure I hit the police officer they told me I did but I'm not really even sure about that I think everybody in America should watch that piece because they think they may have an idea of what happened this will change your perspective and I think it comes down to accountability and and and proportional use of force this is a legal Kentucky gun owner who fire fired one shot into what he thought was an intruder he got 20 plus bullets from multiple people on the outside who couldn't see what was happening yeah that's not proportionate and it's totally dark in the apartment that was interesting too about calling 911 he said why would I call 911 if I thought it was the police well and clearly by by what he says to 911 he doesn't understand what's happened yeah and uh I mean that's the really compelling part too is is the way he was treated there and the way he then the different way he was treated at the police station you know suggest do other police officers think that was a disciplined response to uh Kenneth Walker's single shot I I I think that's a question it's a lot of questions and we've got more of the interview with Kenneth Walker in our next next hour we'll have more of what he says including his reaction to the Nationwide protest over B Taylor's death as he said you know to a lot of people she's a hashtag not to him and how he is handling his grief
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 521,691
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Keywords: breonna taylor, breonna taylors boyfriend, kenneth walkere, details, night of her death, death, shooting, police shooting, police, cbs village
Id: TOEOKc_q4e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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