Officer involved in Breonna Taylor shooting speaks out l GMA

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right now we're going to go to our abc news career journal exclusive interview michael you sat down with one of the louisville police officers involved in that briana taylor shirt i did george sergeant jonathan mattely he was one of the officers who burst through the door of briana taylor's apartment on that fateful night in march when she was with her boyfriend kenneth walker mattingly was shot and badly wounded and this is the first time he is speaking publicly her death sparked nationwide outrage and anguish 26 year old medical worker brianna taylor shot and killed by louisville police officers shortly after midnight on march 13 while executing a search warrant officers investigating a suspected drug operation allegedly linked to her ex-boyfriend this morning for the first time sergeant john mattingly sharing publicly what he says happened that night so we get up i remember banging on the door it's open hand hard smacks bam bam bam bam first time didn't announce just hoping she would come to the door so everything was quiet neighbors wouldn't come out can you hear anything in from inside the apartment so after the first bang nothing happened i banged again i yelled please search warrant please search warrant you're yelling this how many times do you yell that probably three times each with each bang there was a total of six uh bangs six different knocks at the door while we're doing this there were seven officers on the scene that night one said he thought he heard movement inside the apartment he said stop i can hear somebody coming up to the door so we stop we listen nobody says anything we yell again please search warrant open the door if you're there please search warrant and uh finally i look back at my lieutenant who's in the stack back here and he goes go ahead and hit it even as you're hitting the door with you you're yelling yes everybody at this point everybody because that's what all seven of them all seven that i know of it sounded like it that's the typical that's the typical how it goes every time and that doesn't change kenneth walker said that he and brianna were screaming who is it so they never heard right any announcement that it was the police and what do you say to that maybe he didn't but there are also 11 neighbors who said the same thing that he said those 11 neighbors also said we did not kenneth walker says we knocked the other witness says we knocked so if you didn't hear us knocked you're not going to hear some outs mattingly says once the team enters the dark apartment he sees two figures in the hallway how far away from you about 20 25 feet probably yeah 20-25 feet and as soon as i turned the corner my eyes went straight to the barrel of this gun i could see the tip of it and my eyes just focused in on it brianna's boyfriend 27 year old kenneth walker a legal gun owner fired a shot later telling investigators he fired because he didn't know who was bursting through the door an fbi ballistics report saying it was walker's bullet that struck mattingly as soon as i felt the the smack on my leg in the heat boom boom boom return four fire return shots four shots from start to finish from the time i got shot till the time i'm on the ground and heard that last volley of shots 12 seconds total because i don't what's happening somebody kicked in the door inside my girlfriend where was she shot at i don't know she's on the grill right now i don't know [Music] hello mr walker said i just fired a warning shot i thought someone was breaking into my apartment i was aiming down because i don't i don't want to kill anyone that that that was with his statement he wasn't shooting at the ground a warning shot he's pushed out with two hands looking straight at me we i saw his gun our postures were the same looking at each other when he fired that shot only one officer was wearing a body camera during the execution of the warrant that night but it wasn't turned on because mattingly said it wasn't police procedure in these types of situations do you believe if you had body cameras this wouldn't have happened no the incident would still happen but it would have been shown on camera what happened this wouldn't be an issue this wouldn't be a case you'd never hear about it michael strahan would never know about this case if we had cameras on that night how would you have done it differently if you could have we would have either served the no knock warrant or we would have done the normal thing we do which is five to ten seconds to not give people time to formulate a plan not give time people time to get their senses so they they have an idea of what they're doing because if that had happened i'm telling you michael if that had happened ryan taylor be alive you believe she'd be a 100 percent happily if you had just stormed in yes and not given them time i do say her name in the month following protests erupting across the country celebrities like oprah and beyonce calling for the officers involved to be arrested and be criminally charged with brianna's death what was your feelings watching all that unfold after this mostly frustration and the frustration came from our command and from the mayor's office because there was so much disinformation out because this is not relatable to a george floyd this is nothing like it it's not a mod arbor it's nothing like it these are two totally different type incidences it's not a race thing like people want to try to make it to be this is a point where we were doing our job we gave too much time when we go in i get shot we return fire this is not us going hunting somebody down this is not kneeling on the neck this is nothing like that and i know i'm i'm not going to sit here and act like playing the big victim card but i mean i was a victim in this as well my family has been a victim in this they have had to go in hiding they have had death threats when somebody sits back from their mansion and accuses somebody they don't know of being a racist and and being a dirty cop and being a murderer when that's not the case that that does affect you you were called racist are you racist no not at all do you think there is a racist divide between the community and lmpd i think there are there are people who stir things up and and make it more that because when you're dealing with criminal element you know you talk about racial profiling good police anyway police i've worked with don't racial profile your criminal profile let's address the fact that just because you're black you're a threat it's not the case i'm not scared of you that's how black men feel that's how black women feel but does that make it real because you feel then it's real no not necessarily what is the difference between criminal profiling racial profiling criminal profiling is when you get to know an area okay i work if when you work in area long enough you can tell by people's demeanors if you pull up beside somebody and they don't make eye contact they swerve off there's just different elements of people's psychological game that they that they put out that you can tell when you've done something long enough so basically it's a feeling not just a feeling i mean it's a feeling that goes along with with what you've experienced with what is in the area what should or shouldn't be you look at a george floyd what happened to him is tragic it was horrible everybody looked at that and said wrong bad disgusting and what happens they end up getting locked up which in my opinion and i don't know the ins announced the case and i'm very careful not to judge other people from monday morning quarterbacking but in my opinion that was the right call whether he died of an overdose or whatever but what happened after that in my opinion george floyd was not a model citizen it's very hard for me to see here here george floyd died of open overdose he died because someone was kneeling on his neck for a minute and i agree with that in regards of him being a model citizen or not he didn't deserve that no one deserved that nobody said he did so i just i just demonized it i said it's horrible no one has been charged in connection with taylor's death an autopsy confirmed she died of multiple gunshot wounds one officer in the case brett hankinson has been charged with three counts of wanton endangerment for endangering neighbors when he opened fire he's plead not guilty and if brianna's mother tamika palmer is watching this is there anything that you would like to say to her miss palmer nobody should ever have to go through what you're feeling nobody can sympathize or feel what you're feeling unless they've lost a child there's no way i could ever tell you enough how much i wish this hadn't taken place no amount of money in the world is going to change that police reform is not going to bring her back but i just hope that you can find it in your heart at some point to find some peace find some some love in the future and and i pray that everybody learns something from this and that this tragic never happens again to any other family and we know mandalay wasn't indicted for the death of brianna taylor and there is a pending fbi investigation to determine if her civil rights were violated and i asked him about the leaked email that he sent out to his fellow officers where he used the term to describe protesters use the term peaceful protesters when he and he also called them thugs and he goes they aren't worth your career or freedom he says he's referring to the protesters who were causing property damage and taunting officers kind of it it didn't you know frustrating that time to hear some of the things that were said we have there's a lot more there's so many discrepancies there's so many discrepancies you have a sense of why he wanted to speak out i think he said seven months of not being able to say anything has just built up and he released this email that that was publicly was scrutinized the night before the grand jury came back with the city again he called protesters thugs and he said he's erica peaceful and that was the question how are they peaceful but yet thugs and his his explanation you be the judge and if it works out and if you understand it or not and then what he said about george floyd as well was was yeah way in my opinion left field had nothing to do with this trying to bring the character of someone into the situation where they were basically killed made no sense and at the end of the day an innocent black woman is dead yes unnecessarily michael's really great thank you well hey there gma fans robin roberts here thanks for checking out our youtube channel lots of great stuff here so go on click the subscribe button right over right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from gma every day anytime we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on gma
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 340,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breonna, Taylor, Say, Her, Name, police, officer, Sgt., Jonathan, Mattingly, Louisville, Police, BLM, GMA, ABC, News, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-73732587, Jonathan Mattingly, Louisville Courier Journal, Kenneth Walker, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Louisville Metro Police, Brett Hankison, Breonna Taylor grand jury, jonathan mattingly lmpd
Id: VwyFio-Zcmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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