Breonna Taylor: Who She Was, How She Died, Why Justice Is Overdue | The Daily Social Distancing Show

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How is it that cops can break into your home without a warning, without a uniform, shoot you while sleeping, lie about the incident, arrest your boyfriend who was legally defending his property, and still not think this is absolute Tyranny? It baffles how people don't think we have a problem in our police system.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Psyops76 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

4 months and not one arrest. If that's not anger inducing, I don't know what is.

Spoiler alert: They're never going to prosecute those cops.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/J_I_S_B 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies

If they think there is going to be a gun fight, shouldn't they clear out the neighbors before taking action? Or at least use hollow point bullets so it won't go through the wall and hurt the neighbors? Is this normal police tactics?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Bedouin69 📅︎︎ Jul 31 2020 đź—«︎ replies
you know as the world came together over the past few months to protest against racial injustice the name george floyd has been chanted all over the globe but there's another name which initially didn't get a lot of attention but has slowly become the rallying call for people crying out for justice and change and that name is brianna taylor public pressure is now mounting with protests and celebrities speaking out brianna taylor's life mattered do you know what happened to brianna taylor celebrities from ali wong keri washington and cardi b saying her name do you know brianna tell a story her whole story i want her family to know and i want the state of kentucky to know that we feel for it and we want justice the wnba dedicating this season to social justice we are dedicating this season to brianna taylor an outstanding emt who was murdered over 130 days ago for the first time in 20 years oprah winfrey is giving up the cover of her own magazine putting the late brianna taylor on it instead yes from lebron james to oprah winfrey meghan markle to the wnba the title wave of support for brianna taylor has been swelling day by day and this support has even spread to social media platforms like instagram and tick tock which is fantastic but it's unfortunately also come with downsides because if you're online a lot you've probably seen brianna taylor being turned into just another meme you know whether it's putting her name on a picture of rihanna's ass or mentioning her death in some caption of a random selfie and the truth is this is like this is a weird amalgam of a few things you have this relatively new phenomenon of using social media to push for justice and reform which is good but the downside of that the downside is social media is a medium that doesn't always do sincerity well it doesn't do selflessness well that struggles to give tragedies the gravity that they deserve and so you have maybe well-intentioned people who want to keep the name trending and they want to see brianna taylor get justice but now essentially using her name as a punchline because memes are not the best way to honor someone who has passed it means the reason obama didn't dab at john lewis's funeral today and so today on the show as painful as it is i wanted to take the time to either remind people or inform people about the story of brianna taylor not as a slogan or a post on your social media feed but as a human being brianna taylor she is more than just a movement a hashtag or a moment the 26 year old was an emt working in emergency rooms at two hospitals and helping respond to the coronavirus outbreak she loved to help people loved family she just was she was a very sweet person and she went out of her way for anybody 26 and full of life this is brianna taylor etched in her family's memories dancing with friends singing her favorite song buying her dream car she loved life she loved to be around friends and family she just she had it figured out that's right brianna taylor was a friend a daughter an emt worker working to help save people's lives and apparently one hell of a tick tock dancer and by the way it's actually nice to see the news covering a black person's death at the hands of police by using their good pictures and not that one picture that makes us all look like we've robbed 50 banks i mean you know brianna taylor was a great person because if she had jaywalked once the news would have been like frequent jaywalker and occasional emt brianna taylor was sadly killed by the police so for 26 years brianna taylor lived her life to the fullest but then on a random night out of nowhere the louisville police department turned her into a statistic on march 13th as briana and her boyfriend kenny walker lay asleep in their bed plainclothes police officers broke down their door using a battering ram on a no knock drug warrant kenny thinking intruders were violently breaking in grabbed his licensed gun walker says they didn't say they were the police before he fired off a shot from a gun the officers responded with a hail of gunfire when the door comes off the hinges it's just it's happening fast like it was like an explosion walker said he purposely aimed his gun towards the ground sergeant john mattingly was struck in the leg and was one of three officers who returned fire detective brett hankerson was standing outside and fired ten rounds through a closed and curtained patio door according to louisville's police chief his blind shooting displayed an extreme indifference to the value of human life the gunshots whiz through walls windows bullet holes were found everywhere in the kitchen bedrooms in a neighbor's apartment with small children nearby multiple neighbors called 911 asking for police only finding out later it was the police you know almost every time we hear a story involving a police shooting i'm always shocked at how badly trained and not in control the police seem brianna taylor's boyfriend was lying in bed heard his door get smashed in grabbed his legal firearm and had the presence of mind to try and injure the intruder by aiming down but the cops who were supposed to be trained professionals they burst in like they get paid by the bullets and for anyone who has the audacity to blame brianna's boyfriend for shooting up the cops please answer me this question if america tells people to get a gun to defend themselves from intruders but the cops are the intruders breaking down the door without knocking what are you supposed to do to an innocent person there is zero difference between a no knock raid and a home invasion if someone busts down your during the middle of the night you're gonna think that they're intruders not all the cops might be here or damn uber eats is coming in hot tonight in fact it would be weird if you didn't use your gun in that situation i mean if not then what are you saving it for to be honest we shouldn't even be calling these things no knock raids that gives them too much credit we should just drop the euphemism and call it what it is a home invasion where police get to act like they're in a video game the police break down the door without warning they shoot brianna taylor eight times in her own house and what makes the story even more tragic is that the cops should never have even been in that house in the first place police got five warrants approved four were for suspected drug dealers and suspected drug houses lumped into that with similar language was the warrant for brianna taylor's apartment under the suspicion she was involved with handling money and drugs for an alleged louisville drug dealer her ex-boyfriend jamarcus glover she hadn't dated glover in months a package police say they saw a glover picking up at taylor's apartment was likely a pair of shoes according to the family attorney and despite what officers were told before the raid briana taylor certainly did not live alone when it was all over police found no drugs no money in her apartment before going into briana taylor's home police were actually warned that she would be very little threat if no threat at all yes they used bogus intel and they came in guns blazing even though they knew she wasn't a threat every step of the way this investigation ran the police screwed up they made a million mistakes which is a million more than any black person is ever allowed to make and honestly with the amount of mistakes that the police made throughout the entire process i don't even know if it's fair to call them mistakes at this point because a mistake is something you do by accident but these cops blatantly ignored so many protocols and so much information at some point it moves from a mistake to just actively not giving a fuck and it's bad enough when you learn what these people did in the heat of the moment but in a way what's even worse is what they did when they had the time to think brianna taylor was alive for several minutes after police shot her five times and for more than 20 minutes after taylor was fatally shot taylor 26 lay where she fell in her hallway receiving no medical attention according to dispatch logs you see her boyfriend after the shooting being arrested here in the parking lot police tried to charge him with attempting to kill police officers but those charges were later dropped a recently released police incident report from that night is mostly blank it claims there was no forced entry it does list taylor as a victim of a crime and under injuries it says none even though taylor was shot eight times you see it's one thing to quote unquote shoot someone accidentally eight times but leaving her on the floor without any medical attention that isn't an accident that's just a blatant disregard for black life and on top of all of that the cops submitted a mostly blank incident report really you really couldn't think of anything that you could write on that report not even oh we fucked up these officers are so bad they couldn't even solve the murder that they committed and right now the attorney general of kentucky says that they're investigating brianna taylor's killing but it's been four months and in that four months they've seemed to find a way to arrest somebody it's been more than four months since 26 year old emt briana taylor was shot and killed in her own home so far there have been no charges filed against the three white officers involved by comparison though this week it took just one day to file felony charges against more than 80 protesters who went to the home of kentucky attorney general calling for justice and brianna's killing every single day in america we're reminded that there are different criminal justice systems depending on who you are there's one for the rich and there's one for the poor there's one for white people and there's a different one for black people and apparently there's also one for those who oppose police brutality and for those who commit it now i won't lie the one bit of hope that i have seen from this is that the protests are actually getting results because a few months ago almost nobody had heard of this case but now thanks to people taking to the streets and relentlessly pushing for justice some changes are being made including brianna's law which bans no knock warrants in louisville but the truth is we have so much more work to do because what happened to brianna taylor it's not just a few bad cops it's not even really just about the cops it's also the legislature that gave them the power to break into houses the judge that signed the warrant the police department that didn't act against these officers and the county that charged the protesters for challenging these rules in other words what happened to brianna taylor wasn't a failure of the system it was the system working as it's intended and that is why people are fighting for the system to be changed well that's our show for tonight but before we go i just wanted to remind you that america is facing a nationwide poll worker shortage now because most poll workers are over 60 and coronavirus is still in the air many of them are understandably not showing up but fewer poll workers means fewer polling stations are open and it also means longer lines that not everybody can afford to stay and wait in but the good news is most poll working is paid and in some states poll workers can be as young as 16 to join in now i just wanted to say thank you because over the past few weeks we've partnered with power to the polls to ask all of you to join in if you can and over 60 000 of you have signed up so thank you to all of you who are giving your time to save your granny and protect democracy and if you haven't signed up yet but you want to join all you've got to do is go to the link below
Channel: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Views: 1,039,289
Rating: 4.9462461 out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, daily show trump, trevor noah trump, trump, coronavirus, corona, virus, COVID, COVID-19, Breonna Taylor, Breonna Taylor death, black lives matter, EMT, blm, protests, justice, racism, systemic racism, racist, police violence, police brutality
Id: ZWBppiSkr1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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