Breeding Dogs in the Sims 4 for 5 Generations

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hi welcome to another video my name is christy if you are new here we have a couple pups here we have biscuit who is a mastiff i believe and our dalmatian heidi and the sim right here molly and i was always kind of wondering what do pets look like after generations of breeding i haven't really done much breeding in this game oh he wants a tv on that is kind of cute but i didn't notice in my one of my legacy saves that the dogs just end up looking pretty weird after a while now with the neighborhood stories and them adopting pets i don't think it's gonna stay like that but let me just show you so this is what all of my dogs end up looking like they look all kind of bug-eyed and just like they might be a little bit insane and i think it's just been like this one breed that just keeps going and going and all the dogs are from the same original dog and they just um yeah looks a little bug-eyed so i want to see what you know maybe like five generations of pet lineage will um will look like oh yeah then we got this guy he looks crazy so we are going to have to encourage these dogs to meet where you guys are running around outside there's one where oh he's he is sleeping but let's encourage tomato there's a little um looks like a little pug around rosie but let's get you and heidi together yeah you you want to do it no oh wait here she is go do your thing oh that's kind of cute okay are you guys gonna go off or was that it i don't i don't know are you pregnant oh she is pregnant with three babies okay so we're gonna do a bit of fast-forwarding we had the welcome wagon we got the heckings over so you know what you can go ahead and invite the neighbors in oh i should get a thermostat too i got all of the dog toys so they will be occupied all right we're gonna let molly socialize with the neighbors and i'm gonna kind of like fast forward until heidi gives birth because that's all i want to see is um the generation so i don't know if this will be a one video or two videos okay here is brandt coming on up so we'll see you when heidi goes into labor all right heidi is in labor it's early monday morning molly had some visitors we had mateo from um the my wedding stories pack and then we also had tomax from uh glimmer brook so we just have to wait for her to have the puppies right i mean oh you don't you're an active dog i thought you would like this but um so i know she's having two well two female and one male so we'll keep one of the females and then i think biscuit will move with the two others to a new household we won't be giving them up for adoption we'll just um yeah let them all live together so yeah we're just gonna wait for her to have the pups oh she's waking up a biscuit being like hey you need to like be involved in this like you're the father quit being lazy no he he is not waking up okay she's like i'm having contractions if i have to be miserable you need to be miserable too okay and we have a puppy so this one is the boy so let's go with dakota and i don't even know oh it was eastman dakota eastman that's molly's last name and now a girl so how about mika and the last one is another girl and lola okay so where are these pups they're right here oh they all look so different oh so there's lola and mika and then dakota heidi that is unnecessary you know heidi we don't need to keep hiding here i'm going to keep all the female dogs around because um yeah so you can see how they change all right so what are their personalities like because okay yeah you can light fitness everyone likes fitness so dakota is a vocal glutton and friendly lola is independent and friendly and mika is active independent and friendly so because both heidi and biscuit are friendly so let's get a look at this guy so they are well he's let's see biscuit is a bull math mastiff and heidi's a dalmatian and then mika here looks like got a little bit of the bug eyes and then there's alola oh i think lola might be our winner but we're going to age them up to adults okay yeah definitely looks like dad but with mom's spots and for mika oh she is kind of cute okay lola you know what oh lola is like very muscular oh do we do keep mika or lola i think lola i think she is my favorite okay i know it's like you guys were just puppies a second ago what's going on oh all right so it's kind of funny the one that looks the most like biscuit has heidi's like a body shape but um like it's biscuit's face so we're going to move biscuit and the two others into a new home i'll try to keep all of the female or at the very least heidi so we can see what the original versus the end but we're gonna go to manage worlds now we just met the heckins and we know they have rosie i thought no i thought they had another dog too but no just rosie so we're gonna send i think these three to go live next door you know they were in what maybe brent and brant were inquiring about puppies like they weren't expecting full grown dogs but that's okay so lola it is your turn for the puppies why don't you give her a brush and i'm going to see if i can find a male stray anywhere around and then we can just cheat and add it to the family okay it doesn't look like there's any at least male dogs around because there's no one she can mate with i didn't see anyone all right we're gonna head to the lighthouse so we can see what other dogs are around okay hopefully there's at least a one here and it's not like cats only no i found a cat oh and a a nice vest we are doing dogs i have only found two stray cats and that is it is that usually only cats here i thought there were dogs as well all right i did one last look and um yup no dogs so let's maybe try like the park or something yeah there's too many people here for you and you want to talk to cassandra nope we're going to the park all right this place is dog friendly so there should be some showing up yeah i know there's like people around and that's not cool you like animals now we got oh i was like we got a couple dogs here nope it's a blue and dakota ah but we can't take blue and he belongs to the delgados although we could oh we bring uh lola here and uh no we can't like mate with blue he might be fixed i feel like normally whenever i come to these areas there's like loads of like strays and there's never there's never one when you're looking for it oh look at mika has come oh the cat from the lighthouse is here i didn't know they could jump all over though so it's kind of cool you got a pretty dress um okay i think we might have to make a dog in cass because there are no strays and nope this who is this oh kenji do the friendliest introduction i don't know you're not astray but we can encourage to meet with kenji he looks like he might give some like crazy looking pups but um yeah they might start getting the bug eyes hello let's see if you and kenji get along oh i don't think they liked each other oh no okay i don't think that worked oh she just made it that i don't think that was like successful though um nope she's not pregnant so we have to wait like a day now oh we got we got another one dermok drunk okay let's do the friendliest introduction oh and then i think oh that's rosie okay so these aren't strays but people are bringing their dogs around so that's fine okay so um maybe let's get to know this one hopefully he's not aggressive he's a couch potato okay that's good okay maybe you and lola can head home yeah she's oh i think kenji might be like kind of a bully oh and there's another one here she wants to do a rude introduction you love animals who is this tsutomo okay friendly introduction we're meeting although it's so little and oh you are aggressive of course you're a small dog okay well we have met a few dogs so let's take lola home all right we have to wait until tomorrow to breed her again um yeah so tomorrow we'll invite over maybe the that couch potato dog so we can give it a go again oh it looks like she can mate again already and kenji is nearby so we'll give it a shot i think he might be aggressive but i guess we'll risk it oh he oh we found kenji he is all dirty rolling in fish it's a very like intimidating bark okay um i'm gonna have to teleport molly here here we go so maybe kenji is just having too much fun with the dead fish no i think kenji it looks like genji one has to go home no i'm sorry i tried um well now that you can uh me we'll invite one of the other dogs over and let's invite over yet was drunk i don't know how maybe you met the met his owner dogs have phones in this game okay he's you overshot him he's right there she's like come on let's go all right how's this this gonna go better oh you guys don't like each other do you oh um yeah i don't think that went well no now we have to wait again uh yeah i might just have to like add one to the household but like oh mika's there i mean i would like to find a straight and just cheat them to the household but there's only stray cats so that's a little bit difficult oh but look at these two this is so cute i usually never have more than like one pet so this is all a little bit new to me okay let's try it again because you have to wait that long to encourage to mate yeah they just don't like each other i will keep my eye out for any strays and um if we might try one of these dogs one more time otherwise i'm adding one to the house all right didn't see any strays so we will go ahead and invite maybe the aggressive dog over and um try this one last time okay all the dogs are still sleeping so we i guess we have to wait you can go make your egg salad sandwich lola's sleeping too she's um i think kind of tired of all this tsutomo tsutomu is coming over or the aggressive dog um and uh let's try this again oh bomber oh there's another dog around oh there tsutomu is okay can you like each other it's a very big size difference so yeah that didn't work oh no we got rejected she didn't want to mate so i think we need to like build up our friendship again yeah she's like well how dare you make me try to mate with this little aggressive ball of fire okay they are friends again so i hope bomber's gone so we'll try this ball a fluff here one last time otherwise yep this doesn't work i'm making a dog okay let's go and add a dog to our household or we don't have a computer to adopt okay so we have a male dog and i'm just going to randomize the breed like three times unless it comes up with like a small dog then um it won't let me randomize again so it'll go too far off the screen and then we'll just pick that dog so one okay not this one this is what they all end up looking like two all right a pointer okay and you are we're gonna make you friendly just just because i can and what's your name bobby okay we have bobby over here um you will be breeding with oh can i make you oh no we have to wait for lola she's coming out to greet him he's confused like where am i but we have father winter here in the summer oh okay to get along good this would be easier we can encourage now okay encourage with bobby okay she keeps saying no um okay let's try bobby here mate with lola i think she might be stubborn oh she's watching tv i feel like she might say no my gosh why won't they meet no you are meeting with the wrong one i said lola he made it with heidi oh are you pregnant yep okay um yeah the wrong dog dude i i did slide to lola he originally went to her and she's like i want to watch tv i'm trying this one more time with lola i think if she has a puppy she can only have one oh no okay there we go all right good job and now she's like get out are you pregnant okay you are also pregnant with two babies i think we're going to have to change the count for um heidi she's pregnant with two and there's only room for that's the wrong one there's only room for um three dogs so heidi you're only going to have one so you don't want to end the pregnancy because i just hmm okay yeah she throws up when she's pregnant i didn't know like dogs do that she did that the first time too but um i guess we'll come back when they are in labor it's mom and daughter are pregnant together by the same dog it's kind of weird all right heidi has gone into labor she we trained out um one misbehavior of hers that was waking up so um i think she's gonna try to become companions with heidi because she's the first dog we can't can't do that yet but we'll just wait for her to have the pups and i think lola should probably be going into labor fairly soon as well all right heidi had a hair pup and it's a girl so this one is tepe so we are just waiting on lola oh look at this little thing oh that's so cute i love the way the puppies walk here why don't you like pet tepe and uh yeah we're just waiting on lola and then bobby will move out with all his pups all right here we go so we have lola's puppies and she has the first one girl is cleo then we have burger okay where are they oh so cleo looks a lot like tepe and then there's burger um what kind of dogs are you burger burger got engaged okay she looks kind of crazy but friendly and adventurous and cleo is friendly and adventurous you know burger i think looks the most like wonky but let's go ahead and pop into cast to age them up all right first art tepe she was probably gonna be like the most normal looking one all right oh yeah you look eggs like almost exactly like your dad you look like bobby and what about cleo okay so you definitely got lola's body and bobby's markings so you're a little bit thicker a hand burger okay it's those eyes all right so um you know you can kind of see uh oh my gosh i already forgot his biscuit a little bit of biscuit and um burger and you got a big chest i think we should pick a burger because it's you can see more of the generations in her oh god like those teeth hanging out in those eyes all right we're gonna keep burger and the other three will move into a loving home you know i think cecilia kang could use some company so bobby and tepe and cleo you're gonna go move to henford um bagley all right berger we shouldn't waste any time is there anyone nearby i don't think so so maybe i feel like she probably needs to get to know the other dogs oh that's so cute i like i feel like they need to the dogs need to know each other like pretty well okay you still learn to go potty go potty um for them to successfully breed although i think i remember breeding cats and i mean it took a couple tries but they would breed with other cats they didn't know so let's try drum again i'll invite him over and i'll ask like right away for them to be friendly together and see if that helps so i know i could do all of this in cass but um i think it's more fun this way okay be friendly to drunk she keeps telling like alola to go outside and lola doesn't get it all right now can we encourage to meet with drunk and he's like i'm back at this house again yeah come on oh no you don't like each other okay wow you have such a small head for your body i'm gonna say that was not successful nope maybe that's all i have to do is like adopt dogs instead oh we got rejected yeah let's get a computer and i think we're gonna just adopt them okay all the dogs are fixed so we're gonna have to go with a puppy and go he's a passenger and his name is snugs and we'll just go ahead and age them up all right we're snug so it's so cute um do a the friendliest introduction okay now let's adopt him and then we'll age him up okay are you gonna clean thank you i meant to do that here is snugs as a puppy oh cute and as an adult all right and he is a troublemaker jumpy but a sleuth okay well we could get a weird looking dog with him and burger all right i think we're gonna have to wait oh no we don't have to wait so come let's encourage to meet with snugs oh i can't get over how small your head is compared to your body oh look at them okay good and she is pregnant all right three more puppies yeah good job why don't you pet her yeah good job all right so let's wait until lola or not lola wait until a burger goes into labor my burger is now in labor i also got a notification where is it a pet pregnancy start for mika and a bomber so i like that i still get those uh little notifications i really wish we could see like cat and dog family trees there we go so we have a boy and his name is a chester and a girl and we have dog the final one is also a girl and this one is belle all right so we got a full household right now oh so it's gonna be either dog or belle so there's dog belle and there's chester okay let's get their personalities so belle's a sleuth engaged and adventurous chester is engaged as well a couch potato and adventurous and dog is jumpy friendly and adventurous oh look at that nose ah all right so know the drill we gotta hop into cast and i wonder what size they're going to be maybe little or big first up we have the male chester he got the um oh what do you call it eyes i can't think of the name but yeah two different color eyes and him as an adult oh very muscular look like you're small like your dad your eyes are so okay you are cross-eyed okay next we have dog oh i think she she might be it and yet super muscular small as well and you are not cross-eyed so that's good and belle oh you got the same nose too so you guys will probably look a lot alike oh yeah belle and um dog are like identical they are identical uh i think we go with dog just because dog is not engaged so all right you know yuki looks a little bit lonely so why don't you have belle and snugs in chester they'll keep you company all right so dog you are so little but very muscular um it's uh your turn all right you like video games um this will be the last one okay you're gonna run downstairs so i think we'll need to adopt another hopefully they uh oh here why don't you give a pet i hear a jumpy dog so let's adopt another dog and um hopefully it's we have ones that aren't fixed okay we had two male dogs that are not fixed we have a black and tan hound or a border collie i'm kind of partial to border collies so we're going to go with garris and this will be the final puppy daddy all right let's adopt garrus and what is your person all right there we go your personality hopefully it's not terrible okay you don't have any traits no we're just going to set his age with nc command center oh he gets real skinny for a second all right look at you so dog you're right here why don't you meet with gareth you're just meeting now oh look how cute they are this is perfect guys don't go anywhere we need you oh you want to play oh yeah it works much better when they are in the same household versus strays what other okay smart playful and active all right are you pregnant dog yes and it's a two-female so we have our fifth and generation coming up and um yeah i love all these dogs i never play with um like more households of more than one but i think it almost is better having like two they like play with each other and it's so cute all right and here they are so eastman [Music] you know nova kimber kaya and the last one we have cupcake okay let's see these two oh my gosh they are cute very different [Music] all right so we're gonna have to see what these two look like okay hi burger and wonder if one's a fluffy like garrus and the other is a little bit more like dog so we're gonna go into casper these two all right the first one we have here kaya who's friendly and a sleuth as an adult she okay she's small but fluffy oh she's cute and we have a cupcake who is adventurous and jumpy and active we got big old eyes and okay it's very like muscular still in the eyes so the eyes get bugged out a little bit that's like the one thing that can get kind of creepy but all right so we can i feel like a lot of this is still from biscuit the first male okay so to go through at least the females we started with heidi i mean dominations are pretty like a muscular too um they can be and then we have lola yeah she is super like a brawny and then there is a burger who might be the goofiest looking one and then dog who looks like would definitely beat you up like she could she could take on just about anything and then the final two so kaya super fluffy and cupcake all right so i feel like they didn't look get as weird as i was expecting but we were breeding with a bunch of mixed breeds they were with um like we had border cali and uh i don't remember what the other ones were but they weren't a bunch of mixed breeds i wonder if that would get a little bit weirder so yeah this is what the fifth generation looks like so let me know what you think in the comments don't forget to hit that like button and please subscribe i'll catch you on another one bye
Channel: Kristi Mae
Views: 11,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cats and dogs, sims 4, dogs, sims 4 cats and dogs, breeding dogs, kristi mae
Id: a7K-quzRxT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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