Breathtaking Pictogram Performance at Tokyo 2020 Opening Ceremony | #Tokyo2020 Highlights
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Channel: Olympics
Views: 1,990,333
Rating: 4.927093 out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Games, Olympic Channel, Olympic Medal, Olympics, IOC, Olympic Sports, Champion, Sport, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Tokyo2020, Tokyo 2020, Olympic Games 2020, Olympic Summer Games 2020, Olympics 2020, Olympics 2021, Tokyo 2021, Olympic Games 2021, Opening Ceremony, tokyo opening ceremony 2021, tokyo opening ceremony, tokyo opening olympics, Pictogram, tokyo opening pictogram
Id: I9uVg-feZoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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The cameraman deserves some credit too to get the timing, angle, positioning for everything.
I just noticed the small little detail at 5:37 when the performer swings his leg over the imaginary bike as part of the triathlon pictogram!