Breath of the Wild: Monk Maz Koshia ORIGINS?

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today's episode is sponsored by audible one of the questions i get asked a lot by viewers is how i do my research for videos in terms of breath of the wild theories it's important to look at not only the main story but the information hidden within character dialogue and journal entries the narrative of breath of the wild is much bigger than most realize and that's thanks to these extra tidbits of information scattered throughout the world such as the attack of akala citadel and dorian a yiga clan defector point is there's a lot of incredible stories out there which go unnoticed and a part of that is because many people are too busy to sit down and read that's where audible comes in because right now you can go to the link in the description nintendobc and start listening with a free 30-day trial audible features an unmatched selection of audiobooks to listen to and each month you'll get one credit to spend on any audiobook regardless of its price even if you cancel your membership the audiobooks you already purchased will stay with you forever as someone who frequently listens to creepypastas when gathering footage for videos one of the titles i purchased was misery by stephen kane a story about a famous author who got in a car crash and was saved by his number one fan essentially becoming a hostage and since i'm all about mysteries when it comes to making zelda content i also picked up the sherlock holmes definitive collection which i'm currently listening to we're talking over 70 hours of content and it only costs a single credit so thanks again to audible for sponsoring this video and if you want to start your free trial just go to the link in the description and sign up that's nintendobc or you can text nintendo bc to 500 [Music] 500. [Music] so while the chica are closely tied to the history of hyrule and that of the royal family most zelda games give us a look into their past without seeing much of the tribe itself the shadow temple for example was a place used by the shika to interrogate and torture any who were considered enemies of the royal family and by the time of ocarina of time all but one of the tribe has vanished the lone survivor being impa breath of the wild was the first zelda game to give this group a major appearance with both the sheikah of kakariko village and the yiga a group who swore allegiance to ganon after their banishment and even more of this tribe's history would be revealed with the introduction of a new character in the second dlc pack the champions ballad while the overall feedback of the dlc was mixed there was one part most people loved and that was the secret boss monk maz koshiya this bit of dlc was not shown within the trailer and that made it all the more surprising especially in a game which is often criticized for a lack of good bosses yet the champion's ballad gave us what may be one of the best fights within the series as a whole after completing the one-hit obliterator trial on the great plateau and taking on the challenges of each champion link is faced with one final mission the divine beast tamers trial directly beneath the plateau lay a labyrinth littered with different puzzles each representing a different element once all terminals are activated the door to the main chamber opens there link is faced with a final challenge a battle with the keeper of the trials monk maz koshia the wide variety of attacks used makes this fight both challenging and enjoyable the fact that maz koshiya plays such a huge role in the dlc something that makes him stand out compared to your typical chica monk is more than enough of a reason to talk about him and honestly this is one of those topics i've held off on discussing for the longest time so in today's episode we'll look at the mysteries of this chica warrior and how it relates to other parts of the game as well as briefly look at the champion's ballad as a whole most of the information surrounding mazkoshia comes from his battle with the hero of the wild the fight with him consists of three different stages in the beginning he attacks the hero with a guardian sword plus plus and can shoot at link from the air whether it be fire ice or shock arrows in his second face he'll split himself into several copies which can attack link monk mascotia will only take damage if the real copy is struck and this will continue until the boss's health is reduced to half he spends the rest of the fight in an enlarged form and his moveset completely changes from summoning metallic spiky balls following up with a lightning attack even firing lasers at link very similar to the guardians in other words monk maskoshia has some abilities which come from the technology built by the shika not only that but other moves such as his teleportation charge attack and manipulation of the ground draw parallels to another group of people the yiga clan shika who refused to comply with the demands of the royal family and pledged allegiance to calamity gannon the foot soldiers can both teleport and charge at the hero in battle while the blade masters have an attack similar to that of mas koshiya as a matter of fact last november i uploaded a video where we translated all of the shika script found within breath of the wild while working on this theory i noticed a mistake in that episode where i state that the floor engravings translated to the following this translation does exist but it's not for the characters on the ground instead this combination of letters appears before some of the attacks of both mass koshia and the jiga the kujin also known as the nine hand seals a system of mudras and associated mantras that consists of nine syllables these syllables are rin pyo to sha kai jin retsu zai and zen i won't spend much time on this as i'm not an expert but if you want to know more about these then make sure to check out celtic's video on the yiga and shika's combat this video in particular will focus more on maz koshiya if the nine hand seals appear before the attacks of both the iga and shika their abilities must come from a similar source in addition the talisman which appear whenever you can teleport are also present in maskoshia's fight but this correlation between the two makes sense when you really think about it the yiga are essentially turncoat shika however the connections between koshiya and the yiga clan go much deeper than you'd think both koga and maskoshia have the ability to summon metallic spiky balls but more importantly there's an easter egg within his battle with link if he drops a mighty banana in the middle of the fight the sheikah will be distracted by it and temporarily vulnerable to attack and this should look familiar the yiga blade masters can also be distracted this way given their love for mighty bananas the same can't be said with present day chica especially since kakariko village is a good source for both swift carrots and fortified pumpkins but no mighty bananas at first one might suggest that maz koshiya is closely associated with the yiga or even a part of the group obviously that's not the case given his role in the game but we get some interesting information from an interview fujibayashi was asked why vega clan love bananas to which he responded with as mentioned in the main story the yukiclan used to be members of the shiga tribe and between you and me the shika tribe apparently liked bananas ten thousand years ago while the yiga clan is known for loving bananas this trait originated with the shika ten thousand years ago therefore it makes sense for maz koshiya to be distracted by this fruit in battle but if this is true why is there no correlation between mighty bananas and the chica in the present day the benefit from eating mighty bananas comes from their increase in attack power when cooked back then the shika were a highly advanced civilization and judging from koshiya's abilities excelled in combat while it's not stated in game i wouldn't be surprised if they participated in the fight against calamity ganon ten thousand years ago when the tribe was banished most of them agreed to abandon their technology and live peaceful lives within kakariko village with less of an emphasis on combat there was no need for mighty bananas on the other hand the yiga were composed of those who refused to abandon their ways eventually the love for mighty bananas became a trait exclusive to the yiga there's a good chance the shika parted with their fondness of the fruit to stay as far from the yiga as possible in an attempt to not look threatening something else worth mentioning is how the mighty bananas are most commonly found within pharaon a region closely associated to that of the zonai this leads into the possibility of this tribe being a form of prehistoric shika and it could explain the blocky design of the three labyrinths but that's a topic for another day this abandonment of technology makes sense when you take a close look at the combat of present day shika monk mas koshia gave us a glimpse at what this tribe was like ten thousand years ago before their exile fast forward to the present day and you never actually see modern day shika use the abilities of koshiya instead they rely on normal weapons like the eightfold blade and eightfold bomblite the former is wielded by dorian when he confronts the iga blademaster as well as one of the unnamed warriors who finds lincoln zelda in memory 17. with the passage of time the combat arts were forgotten and magic became a thing of the past as a matter of fact you could argue that the yiga as a culture are much more closely associated to the ancient chica than the ones from kakariko village they continue to use magic such as teleportation and attacks closely resembling the champion's ballad boss on the topic of the yiga i believe that koga also might be a descendant of mass koshia we already discussed the similarity where both warriors summon metallic balls a possible argument is that there is nothing which proves that other yiga can't use this attack but we do have some quotes to base our information off of koga describes the attack as a secret technique taught by my father's mother's father the compendium entry states that despite napping and loafing around his mastery of the esoteric arts has earned him a deep respect and the description of monk maskoshia describes his duel with link as a challenge of ancient techniques koga is clearly more powerful than other members of the yiga and therefore would no more moves while we don't know how koshia compares inabilities to other monks it's safe to say that his supervision over the trials of the hero of the wild and possibly the champions makes him a high-ranking chica he was from a time where the sheikah had close relations with the royal family and they may have participated in the fight 10 000 years ago it's kind of a scary thought when you think about it because it would show just how much of a fight calamity gannon had put up with all that said what about the connections to the shika technology and runes of the slate maz koshiya is seen using not only a laser attack similar to the guardians but also summons lightning similar to thunderblight ganon well it's possible that the sheikah slate's abilities originated from sheikah magic and was created so its power could be wielded by anyone in fact this is a recurring theme in zelda games the best example is the lens of truth in ocarina of time shikashi tells us of a man who had an eye that could see the truth he goes on to state that normally you'd have to train your mind's eye strenuously to do so but the man had a different way of doing things this is a reference to the lens of truth an item granting non-shika the power of the sheikah so we've gone over the mystery surrounding maskoshia and his connections to the yiga and present-day shika but what about the champion's ballad itself i've already discussed this briefly in a previous video so i'll make it quick there's two different trials in this dlc those exclusive to link and the ones done by both the hero and champions for link exclusively there was the one hit obliterator challenge illusory realms and fifth divine beast some of the game's dialogue heavily implies that all three riddles of each divine beast had to be completed by the champions but the shrines themselves appear to be exclusive to the hero it might explain the engravings of the one-hit obliterator found on the exterior of all dlc shrines a weapon which is only used by link it's possible that the one hit obliterator works in a similar fashion to the master sword link is required to have at least 13 hearts to wield the blade but in the other weapons case the hero needed parts of all the champion spirits to be considered worthy enough only one who has mastered all divine beasts has the right to wield such a powerful weapon the very design of the one hit obliterator suggests this as the top of each prawn is stylized with the heads of meadow roota nabouris and rudonia now things get interesting when it comes to the illusory realms we're told these locations were created from the depths of link's memories how the blights fought there are a product of the fear that dwells within and this is kind of strange there's not really a reason for the hero to fear these bosses so what's going on here in the cutscene where daruk's spirit is freed from fire blight he says the following line from this moment forth the power of protection from the depths of my soul now lives inside you this means that when link obtains a champion's ability he's receiving a part of their soul going back to the battles within the illusory realms out of all the people who would fear the blights the most it would be those slain by said bosses link isn't fighting his own fears he's fighting the champions fears within himself as they added parts of their spirit their abilities to his own and this explains why each battle has you equipped with the champion's weapons so that link can fight against the blights but this time they'll be the one slaying such is a feat which can only be accomplished by the hero of legend but there is one problem with this for some reason the fight against when blight doesn't equip the player with the great eagle bow which happens to be rivalli's champion weapon i do not know why this is the case since age of calamity confirms he had it in the fight against windblight but that is something i need to be transparent about as it means this theory isn't flawless why it's not included in the battle i have no idea i'll end this video with one final thought the great plateau has been a topic previously talked about on the channel it was one of my first videos where we went over the possibility of it being swapped with the lost woods part way through development it's a theory that now i strongly disagree with but in regards to why this land mass was elevated off of the ground i believe it's possible that it was done to conceal the fifth divine beast at the time of the sheikah's banishment while the others are free to move around this one remains stationary so perhaps the surrounding land was elevated to hide it it's just a random thought of course there's not much to support this idea with all that said thank you again for watching yet another breath of the wild theory it's about time i made a video talking about monk maskoshia and i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did making it i'll have the usual links to twitter and patreon down below as well as a link to celtic's video and another one made by mcintyre which also covers the topic of maz koshia i don't do this often but thank you for your support like seriously i've now been doing youtube full-time for well over a year and i still can't believe it i know it's a job that many would kill to have and that's one of the reasons i try my hardest to deliver at least decent content and thank you to all of my patrons i just want to clarify that there's no benefit from becoming one aside from occasionally being informed with what upcoming videos will be about that's because i only want people to become patrons if they want to support the channel it's one of the reasons why there's only a single tier of a dollar a month so thank you for your support i do appreciate it and i will see you all next time [Music]
Channel: NintendoBlackCrisis
Views: 314,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda theory, botw theory, zelda lore, botw sequel, champions ballad, botw dlc, dlc, master cycle zero, final trial, maz koshia, great plateau, nintendoblackcrisis, sheikah, analysis, theory, mysteries, secrets, zelda botw, trailer, e3, release date, breath of the wild, sequel, nintendo, yiga, kohga, lens of truth
Id: lSS91lwFG-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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