Breath of the Wild 2's Twilight Connection - Zelda Theory

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I meant to get to this earlier, so I go.

  1. The idea that Ganon would try and trick his enemies to free him...okay.

  2. I kinda disagree on the suggestion that the corpose dates back to Twilight Princess. It is one thing to suggest that this is Twilight Princess Ganondorf. It is another to suggest that this body was in such as state since that time. I think it is easier to assume that TP Ganondorf woke up as judging by the length of his hair and the contour of his body.

  3. So using the history logs in CaC does show that the "Era of Myth" contains the events of Ocarina. However, if you go to page 401 you will see the Gerudo section talking about their ties to Ganon. They mention that Ganondorf's plans were shattered and turned into Dark Beast Ganon. Then [again] being defeated by the Hero was sealed away by the princess and the other sages. On page 363, the first two statements for the Gerudo pertaining to the Era of Myth facts that pertain to OoT, not Tp.

  4. There have only been two occurrences of C.Ganon. On page 361, at the top of the page, it says that it is an indisputable truth that C.Ganon attacked 10k years ago. Which would mean historically that would have been his first attack.

  5. The cycle that the logs are talking about is the constant appearance of Ganon, not C.Ganon. Even before the first appearance of C.Ganon, the logs talk about Ganon being in a cycle.

  6. The third statement from the Gerudo's account of the Era of Myth is saying that it was that Ganon that becomes the C.Ganon. Not that C.Ganon originated in this time. This interpretation is reinforced by page 401 when the Gerudo are talking about C.Ganon.

  7. Your point on FSA, fair

  8. I liked your explanation of how it is his hatred that was awakened rather than his soul. Although only time will tell if he regenerates his old soul or body.

  9. Are you saying that Farosh, is a representation of the serpent we see on Midna's Helm?

  10. Here is the issue with saying that Interlopers were Shiekah exclusively. The Yiga who are faction of the Shiekah still wear the eye with the tear drop, albeit upside down. Secondly, what benefit is it to have the eye of your "heritage" worn on the back rather than the front? What symbols of heritage are seen on the front of the Helm? It is tradition to wear the symbol on ones foreheard. So my best guess as to why the eye symbol is on the helm could be symbolic rather than cultural. Symbolically suggesting that eyes are looking in all directions. We have two eyes in front (although one is gone) and one in the back.

    Snakes and a oddly shaped eye are what we see in the front. Snakes are a motiff that the Gerudo use. The oddly eye is more similar to Majora's eye. So if the Interlopers were in fact Shiekah in origin, the Helm wouldn't support a strong cultural link.

  11. Your story...sounds interesting.

  12. The citizens by the beach are confirmed to be Hylian, not Zonai.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Misisme20 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] I've said it before and I'll say it again but the first trailer for the sequel to The Legend of Zelda breath the wild is like an abstract painting it gives us more questions than it does answers in my past two videos on breath of the wild sequel we look to ideas such as a dark secret of ganondorf's imprisonment or even the idea that he could not be the villain in the sequel at all but today I went to delve into a new path a path of how breadth of the wild to could through this hand connect to the Zelda series as a whole more than we might think the identity of this corpse and what it means for breath of the wild - is rather well implied but this glowing hand that grips the body still remains one of the game's biggest mysteries so what is this hand's purpose why does it grab at link when was this hand created and who is responsible for it [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hand we see throughout the trailer for the most part resides on Ganondorf but the hands positioning itself isn't our greatest clue no that's what we see flowing out of it the red and the green yes the malice and the new energy here is where we find our most significant clues as to what the hand is doing to Ganondorf and whether it is friend or foe notice how the MAL is seen at different points throughout the trailer all seems to be emanating from Ganon not only that but the fact also remains that the malice finds its source at the exact same spot the hand holds him by in breath of the wild we wondered where all this malice came from fast forward to present day we wonder if this is Ganondorf then what is the calamity Ganon but this is it the source of the malice the calamity is a side effect of the malice escaping the hand seal malice is a living personification of ganondorf's hate the clue we gain via the green energy on the other hand well more questionable in if it's intentional is blunter seal Ganon some fans after looking at breath Wow to his trailer noticed a resemblance between the Zelda language Gerudo typography in the swirling energy in its movements and I don't know about you but the word seal Ganon seemed pretty undeniable and meaning to me as much as he looks apart Ganondorf in the sequel is not dead the trailer even goes as far as to show us this much but then why does Ginn and come back to consciousness what breaks this seal who gives him back life [Music] we ask the question why does the hand grab link because we can clearly see it seizes him but I believe the reality is that we need to flip this question on its head and ask why does link grab the hand we have already established that there is a reason for the hands current existence and that is to seal Ganondorf but why would the hand of its own accord reach out to link in abandon its long rooted purpose it wouldn't link was the one who took up a hand and in the process awakened high rules greatest enemy which I believe is precisely what we see here you might ask however why would link do this why would he free Ganon and the answer is the same reason I believe link in Zelda traveled underground to find Ganon's body in the first place halation Gammons corpse is never mentioned throughout all a breath of the wild and while it could be argued that the corpse was never disclosed on purpose because of some dark secret which is a theory already explored here on the channel plug bug it's pretty good you should go see it but what if the corpse existence truly was forgotten over a thousand years is a reasonable amount of time to lose some fragments of history so if no one knew of ganondorf's presence who could have set Lincoln Zelda on the path to finding him but the evil king himself I believe Ganon called out to our heroes to save him in a sort of telepathic cry for help remember the Triforce forever links these three souls and even the secret messages of the music in this trailer might support this train of thought when Lincoln's o to find this body there is a great possibility that they do not know who this corpse is and if Ganon truly is the one responsible for calling them here he could just have easily faked his true identity to the heroes tricking his greatest enemies into finally freeing him from his millenniums of imprisonment we have asked the present questions of this hand but now we must look to the past when was this hand created in this this is where the theory starts to get quite interesting to know when the hand that seals gammon was first created we must first know when Ganondorf was imprisoned in this cavern in considering we know that at least two great calamities have appeared throughout the last ten thousand years this imprisonment has had to have been rather extensive going off what I said in the previous theory I believe that calamity Ganon is the result of the malice escaping the hand seal as we can clearly see here holding Ganon captive for such an extended period the seal eventually began to weaken resulting in the formation of lights such as calamity Ganon manifestations of ganondorf's pure hatred but the question still remains just how many great calamities have there been over the years and just how long has Ganondorf been imprisoned underground [Music] a very long time that fateful day in the distant past that fateful day in the era of 12 you connecting breath of the wild and its sequel to Twilight Princess is a lofty claim but I'm not the first one to suggest it March 2016 a weekly issue of Famitsu magazine featured an interview with Eiji Aonuma where he said the following about the then-upcoming breath of the wild quote while making the latest title for The Legend of Zelda when I look at this remake I feel like this is the origin point for the new title we're making right now after playing this game you might have some oh I see moments when playing the upcoming new game so I'll be glad if you play Twilight Princess HD while waiting in anticipation for the latest title of The Legend of Zelda next I invite you to look at some connections between these two incarnations of Ganondorf or shall I say one notice that just as Twilight Princess Ganondorf for a large jeweled crown on his head as one of his defining features so does his corpse ganondorf's teeth structure even seems similar with noticeably protruding fangs the spot at which the hand holds the body in this trailer as well directly lines up with the wound Ganon bore from his attempted execution and Twilight Princess and the final blow of the Master Sword to his chest the wall painting we see in the trailer as well shows Ganondorf on horseback with at least two riders flanking him similar to the second phase of Twilight princess's final battle and finally the position Ganondorf ultimately dies in is parallel to the pose we see here even this small cryptic scene of Zandt the your sir / Twilight King snapping ganondorf's neck back as he dies brings an all-new meaning I'm like it ever has before only 14 years later when the life comes back to Ganon's eyes his neck snaps back into place almost as if he is picking back up his life exactly where it left off that's not all though I've always found it rather odd that breadth of the wilds finalboss dark beast Ganon shares so much in common with the beasts form of Ganondorf in Twilight Princess even going as far as to share the exact same name but this detail is no longer some odd coincidence I direct you to pages 362 365 a breath of the WoW its official source book creating a champion in the next six pages a history of Hyrule according to breath of the wild is laid out for us in this page is crucial in confirming the timing of events as they relate to breath of the wild we are given information on the timing of events in high roles present to the fall 100 years ago to the first calamity 1000 years ago and even as far back as the distant past now it's important to note that the distant past the time from before 1,000 years ago is not directly spoken of or defined in breath of the wild and that's because it's already been defined let's break it down the kingdom of Hyrule flourishes under the royal family this period in which the kingdom of Hyrule flourished under the royal family has to be in reference to the long stretch of time we see between four swords and Twilight Princess remember that in the events of the child timeline that Twilight Princess takes us down Ganondorf never took control of Hyrule in the peace of Hyrule would not be obstructed until the events leading to Twilight Princess when he attempts to take over Hyrule without the aid of the full Triforce also backing this up on the following pages 362 and 363 we are told that Princess ruto was born in this timeframe the sheikah are still referred to as operating in the shadows and the rito tribe has yet to have been established further defining just exactly what time period is considered breadth of the wilds distant past Ganondorf king of the Gerudo transforms into dark beast Ganon and threatens Hyrule the princess of Hyrule and the chosen hero combine their power to seal Gaiman the rise of Ganondorf and his transformation into dark beast kin and directly ties into the events of Twilight Princess but notice the use of the word seal Ganon when we clearly see at the end of Twilight Princess Zelda and link believed they have killed him more on this later in a seemingly endless cycle of darkness and light again and continues to be revived and then sealed away a seemingly endless cycle you might think that throws another wrench in this theory in Four Swords Adventures placement on the timeline would agree with that however the details don't I believe this seemingly endless cycle of dark and light being revived and sealed away is in reference to the appearances of calamity Ganon no concrete amount of time has been set between the events of Twilight Princess and breath of the wild all we truly know is that breath of the wild takes place at the end of the current Zelda timeline this brings into question just how many calamities have truly happened since the time of Twilight Princess well I believe the blight known as calamity Ganon has appeared enough times throughout the years to be referred to as that of a cycle think about it if calamity Ganon's appearance is not that of a cycle that has happened before then what is the explanation as to the readiness of the divine beasts in the first calamity we currently know of 10,000 years ago we are even straight-up told at the end of the history of the Gerudo in the distant past the Ganon apparently did take the form of the calamity in the time of the distant past but with this cycle of calamity where does Four Swords Adventures fit into all of this that game does contain an incarnation of Ganondorf and canonically takes place after Twilight Princess but the catch is that this is not the same Ganondorf this Ganondorf is the only other appearance of a second man that took up the mantle of the king of evil which is a fascinating story in of itself but still the point I'm trying to make here is that this is not Twilight Princess Ganondorf nor is he the successor of demises curse so we can see how breadth of the wild defines the distant past slots into the ongoing story of Twilight Princess in the child timeline very well however a significant flaw in this theory that I have dodged up until this point is the fact that at the end of Twilight Princess Ganondorf dies we see the final blow we see the Triforce of power leave him we see him stumble and struggle with his defeat and we see the white in his eyes but the connection is so clear all the evidence is there this is the same Ganondorf if we saw long ago how is it that he lives Ganondorf the man might die but the spirit of evil the power granted to Ganondorf by the demon lord demise remains and my evidence for this is in his eyes ganondorf's corpse holds no eyes nor does it retain much of any organic material anymore but at the end of the trailer we see ganondorf's neck snap back and his eyes appear and it leaves a red burst of light not too dissimilar to that of malice and as that fades away his new eyes are revealed however they are not new we have seen these eyes somewhere before the eyes of ganondorf's corpse are a perfect match to that of malice this is the same body but the man we saw in Twilight Princess is no more what is left is a husk a husk of his eternal hate with all that answered only one question still remains our friendly little hands progenitor is more apparent than you might think the evidence tells us as much but piecing together the story of how they came to see away the demon king that stands less certain so I want to show you the evidence and then I want to give you my take on this story [Music] the caverns in the teaser trailer for breath of the wild to show us establishing shots of our setting but in the process also show us some rather familiar structures and signs zone I ruins and their swirl insignia zone I ruins are found all throughout Hyrule in breath of the wild with some notable ruins being the Thunderer plateau anti flow ruins the zone I are described by creating the champion as spoken of in hushed whispers as strong magic users who vanished thousands of years ago but if they disappeared then where did they go long ago in the era of chaos shortly after the events of Skyward Sword another ancient race also disappeared the tribe is only known as the interlopers the tribes sought control over the surface lands and intended to have it through the use of sorcery they created the fused shadow an artifact imbued with dark power this artifact also gives a clue or two however as to the interlopers true identity there are a few distinct patterns to look at here but let's start with the insignia on the back of the shadow taking a look here will reveal an eye symbol and we only know one race with substantial connections to this symbol in the Zelda universe the sheikah the front of the shadow on the other hand shows us two more important patterns the one seen here in the one seen here as the story then goes the light spirits intervened sealing away the fused shadow and imprisoning the interlopers within the Twilight Realm there they transformed and became known as a Twilight in the Twilight Realm as we see it in Twilight Princess the Twilight are shown to have their very own sophisticated technology and magic these structures are all imbued with the color most associated with the Twilight a light bluish green finally we have the mirror of Twilight and the dark mirror the mirror of Twilight is the soul connection to the Twilight Realm used to seal Ganondorf during his failed execution and in times past the interloper tribe at the end of Twilight Princess Midna breaks the mirror of Twilight forever separating the two worlds to Lincoln's eldest amazement however in the game directly following Twilight Princess on the timeline for swords adventures a new mirror peers with similar properties to that of the mirror of Twilight it is described as being used to seal a dark tribe who in the past attempted to invade Hyrule and as bringing out the wickedness in people finally Hyrule historia even directly calls into question the fact that if the mirrors are related is unknown you've heard the evidence now it's time for the story the eye on the back of the fused shadow is a symbol of heritage just as the eager defected to the darkness I believe a select group of sheikah in the era of chaos did the same the lack of the eyes tear-streaked similarly could be a sign of this divide the sheikah descended from the faction of the interlopers was banished to the twilight realm for seeking the power of the triforce with the era of chaos at an end the kingdom of hyrule was founded thousands of years later however the twilight in light found themselves on a collision course guided by one man Ganondorf once defeated and peace is restored the Twilight Queen Midna returns to the Twilight Realm but in leaving make sure to destroy the mirror of Twilight severing the light worlds linked to the Twilight the princess and hero however could not accept this as goodbye a second mirror was created the dark mirror through the Royal Family's tireless efforts at the behest of Princess Zelda and link the dark mirror was designed not to seal but to welcome the Twilight back to the light through this mirror Midna and her people were reunited with the light world the Twilight emerging into the land of Hyrule then became known as a zone I still not everything was as it should be monster still roamed Hyrule despite it being years since Ganondorf defeat impending doom loomed over the kingdom once again then one day deep below the castle in the catacombs where his remains were held the body of Ganondorf started slowly twitching Ganondorf is dead but the hate and malice of his and demises spirit remain the corpse despite death was slowly coming back to life a burst of malice poured forth from the corpse in emerging from deep below the castle the first great calamity was born the royal family was immediately alerted and so was all of Hyrule to the swirling malice that hang over the castle in the shape of a boar the princess and the hero went confront the calamity and the kingdom's strongest magic wielders the zone I were called upon to seal Ganon's body before a full resurrection could occur through the help of the zone I a last resort was taken the only seal that could hold Ganondorf hatred a seal that would require a sacrifice [Music] this is the shadow of that moment and despite the sacrifice made below the calamity was not stopped the hero and the princess sealed calamity Ganon the way however while the seal could hold the return of Ganondorf physical body at bay Ganondorf smalis could not be fully contained or at least could not be for long the next return of calamity Ganon would come unexpectedly an aim to alba obliterate those with the gall to imprison the body of the demon king the zou and I were left all but extinct before the calamity could be defeated and those few who did remain fled and founded a coastal village and let's just say I don't think this swirl or the fact that you find a citizen of leland examining this mirror is just for show despite all this calamity is continued emerging from a forgotten source the threat became so annual that the construction of the divine beasts was sanctioned however even with the beasts the calamities pure malice could only be fully sealed by the power of the Triforce a power gifted through the bloodline of high rules princesses but the game grows old The Forgotten body tires of this cycle and so it puts out a call a call for help to break it so what do you guys think of this theory is the Twilight Princess Connection something that could be explored in the future and do you think my story could in any way be right I'd love to hear about your thoughts and everything in the comments below and make sure you subscribe keeps me updated and you motivated that's make sure you also subscribe keeps you updated keeps me motivated we make a lot of content around here all centered around the Nintendo realm so yes you guys are great thanks for watching and I will see you later bye bye [Music]
Channel: Xenogamer
Views: 268,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda theory, breath of the wild 2, botw 2 theory, botw 2 twilight princess connection, botw who is the hand, breath of the wild 2 theory, ganondorf twilight princess botw 2, zelda botw sequel theory, what is calamity ganon, zonai in botw 2, twili in botw 2, the twilight connection botw 2, breath of the wild sequel story theory, botw 2 revesre trailer secret, the legend of zelda, new botw 2, legend of zelda, breath of the wild, zelda
Id: loYid8pyiig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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