Breaking The Silence After 2 Weeks

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[Music] thank you foreign [Music] ERS welcome back to the channel I am alive and not kicking but I am alive and um for those of you who don't know who I am or this is the first time that you've watched me hello my name is Holly Fowler this is Mischief maker TV and I am currently set in a turtle shell because just over two weeks ago I was in a little bit of an incident not accident an incident where I went to the UTV Takeover in Coos Bay in Oregon I was in a UTV we did a jump and my back absolutely hated the landing to the point where it's partly blown out fully fractured t11 which is right in the middle of the back and um here I am so I'm just doing a quick update video because a lot of you have been reaching out to me personally just making sure that we're okay because I have not been on any social media platform for the past two weeks I have literally been lying in bed I've been listening to my body for once which is very hard for me to do and I have just been either laying on back or on my sides and just yeah just taking it nice and easy it's very painful and very uncomfortable but we're taking it day by day now before I carry on I want to thank all of you guys for supporting me during this whether it has been watching the channel which is a huge huge thing um buying merchandise which by the way if you have purchased something online I am the one who fulfills it all so I will actually have some help with that next week so your orders will be going next week you'll get an email so don't worry and thank you guys for donating to the GoFundMe this is my full-time job is creating content and the fact that I haven't been able to do anything for the past couple of weeks um has been pretty hard so believe me when I say thank you so so much for all of your support um yeah your messages uh your phone calls just just everything it's it's definitely meant a lot now what happens from here is that again X-ray on the 17th in Saint George um that should hopefully clear me of having any surgery which would be fantastic I don't think I'm going to need surgery it seems to be doing pretty okay so fingers crossed for that and then it's just five more weeks in this and then getting used to moving again I've not done a lot of movement just because it really does um hurt although I did go for a walk with that Walker around the block the other day it absolutely shattered me to the point where I passed out for three hours afterwards it's the silliest thing but um yeah just starting to move slowly but surely now you guys know me I have so much on the calendar so much on the schedule always and I've had some I've had to pull out of a couple of really great opportunities but hoping that those doors are still kind of open one I'm not going to talk about just yet because there's a good possibility that I still may be able to do that later on in the year but one of the main things is the Onyx off-road build challenge with Rudy I'm gonna say this probably a million times in the next couple of minutes go vote for team rad Mischief he is doing a phenomenal job the vehicle looks incredible it's turned from such a cool not puny but cool retroy kind of vehicle that we first picks up in Vegas last at the end of last year to this oh just this big mean red Mischief machine it's cool it's very very cool Rudy has been working day in and day out to get this done by himself because I can't do anything for him um I can't even lift anything past five pipes at the moment as I'm about as useful as a chocolate teapot um but he has been working his absolute behind off and it is an incredible he's made it into such an incredible vehicle very capable I'm so excited for him and I really really love to see him win so that he can go on the Ultimate Adventure now I'm not too sure if he has said who his partner is I'm not gonna say it from my side but he deserves that a thousand percent a thousand percent so make sure that you click on the link below and go vote every single day you can vote once a day so make sure Onyx off-road builds rad mischief click vote for him let's get him on that challenge there is a challenge in a couple of weeks it's the last challenge I obviously have to completely stand out of all of it now um even although I think I would be okay in September if if he ended up winning to go on to the Ultimate Adventure um I it just it's not right I've done some of the work but he has done the majority so let's get him on that Adventure so what is next for myself I'm gonna be at the Smoky Mountain Jeep invasion 99.9 sure I'm gonna be there Mischief maker still completely broken in the front I'm gonna have to call in a good friend to get all of that sorted in the front end um and there is a couple of things that I want to get done to Nessie but that's fine I'll have the time afterwards but Smoky Mountain will be it at the moment I'm working on some really cool new merchandise designs so we're going to be coming in there hot with all of that I'm very very excited about it and I'm very excited to announce kind of what that is and then hopefully hopefully after that everything will be back to normal fingers crossed so that's really about it I just wanted to um do a really really quick update um since a lot of you have been reaching out again and just once again thank you so much uh for all of the support in any which waveform that you have been and I don't know when the next video is gonna be out so make sure that you hop on back and you start just watching those older videos um because I am not quite sure when the next one will be out and what it will be but I'm here I'm gonna start you're gonna start seeing me slowly again and um yeah it's pretty much better anyway guys thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you later I can't walk away quickly
Channel: MischiefMakerTV
Views: 193,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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