Ancient Book Leads US to This AMAZING Forest Structure.

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all right my heart's freaking pounding oh yeah there's no doubt that's a silver coin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to detecting pa uh so this week we're out looking for a couple seller holes got my first one here behind me now I'm going to take out a book and read you a passage but we're looking for a very early settlement here along this River where a creek comes in to the main river it mentions a couple of people and it also mentions some very interesting stories about an old Indian cave we're g to try to look for that as well but let me go ahead and read you this story the earliest white settlers were William R Hamilton and John who established themselves at this run near the Mahoney in about 1878 they called The Run Camp run from an Indian Camp which was used for some time after they came to this section it seemed to be an old Resort for the Savages as there was a large cavity near there where there was coal had been burned away probably by some ancient campfire so we're actually setting out to find Mr and Mr Hamilton's home site now this is on the 1861 map as the Airs of um we're going to spend a little bit of time here now as we move closer to the run there doesn't appear to be any early home sites there on the 1860s map but that doesn't mean that Mr Hamilton and Mr didn't settle that uh area and then move on and then later on there is a DOT on a 1900 map there also on the 1876 map so there was possibly nothing there from early 1800s until 1870s but we do know that Mr and Hamilton were there in 1780s maybe they built a couple cabins along that run we're going to get down in there and try to find it but first we're going to hit the Airs of Mr I've been at a couple of very early home sites and you can see these stones are very thin and uh this is kind of normal to a very early homite so even though it says airs toon it's very possible that uh this could have belonged to Mr back in the early 1800s as well so um might get some early stuff here we may not we're going to spend a little time in here detect around and then we're going to move on to the run to see if we can f find Mr Hamilton and Mr Coon's original Log Cabin down by the creek and maybe we'll pull some really old relics stay tuned okay so I have my first signal not too far from the cell seller hole it was a 7074 I really don't know what it is um so I thought had a a flat button but as you can see there's a hole in it and I'll show it to you closer here it still could be very easily be a button then I thought it was a washer cuz when I seen the hole I thought it was round but check this out so that is a square hole now the other thing that it possibly could be which I'm not sure if they made any Chinese coins this small but uh a Chinese coin often times had a square in it um but I don't think that it is that I do believe that this is a button of some kind uh if you look at the back you can see it's got like a little design on it like a Buttonwood um I don't see a maker Mark I'll clean it up a little bit more but and and actually the edge looks like it's uh oh you know what that is that's the I just figured it out that's the wheel to a a lantern I bet you any money because I can see The Edge there's notches in it for grip and often times yeah I bet you that's what that is that's a wheel for a l to turn an Old Lantern turn the wick up and down it just that piece fell off now a lot of times these would actually have a maker Mark and a patent date on them this one does not uh so that's very possibly that's what that is either um a lantern knob or an old button very cool all right let's keep going all right so I'm just kind of roaming around just to get a feel of the site and I got a good find here and I got a really good find up there so that's what we kind of do uh me and Sean we'll get to these old sites we'll just kind of start to Tech around we dig everything because we want to know exactly what kind of a time frame that we're in uh some of these sites will have some early tones um early artifacts and Relics and coins some will be mixed in with some later stuff so with our experience a lot of the really early stuff is concentrated in one area so that's kind of what I'm doing I'm just trying to you know locate different things anyways um first find right here was right on the surface of the ground and that is a drawer pool you can see where the iron would have been in where it was screwed in it is brass it was giving me a nice high tone like a uh 90 or so um but would have had some kind of a design on the front it's long been weathered away but uh I got a good signal up here let's go take a look at it real quick and it's a coin in the hole turn around and show you what it is so right here I got a nice high tone it was like a an 84 or 85 so I plucked it out and I thought it was going to be a memorial but I don't think it is uh I haven't ideed it yet let me show it to you so do you guys think that's an Indian you got some green coming through which is almost a Telltale sign so let's clean this up here and I'll come right back and show you what it cleans up to be okay so there it is we do have an Indian Head Penny we have a 1879 1879 it is pretty wor I didn't clean the back up really much yet but uh it is pretty War so this was probably dropped uh maybe in the 1890s or so you know they were carrying this coin around with them for quite a a long time before they dropped it maybe there was an old cabin here Mr had an old cabin here and his children moved up to it who knows could be some really early stuff here I mean that's pretty early there so wonderful so let's keep going and and see if we can find anything else I got a nice tone right here uh it's an 8586 but it sounds small so let's see if we can live D all right what is it going to be everybody 85 86 [Music] all right it's out of the hole oh boy well it is small it is a piece of small lead that's what that was darn it I was hoping it was going to be something good like another coin so all right let's keep going all right a uh right below the cell hole here you can see it in the top right hand corner of the screen I got another good signal here um this may tell us what profession of the errors uh was I have a miner tag now this makes sense uh this area was heavily mined back in the day there was furnaces down along this River cleaned down into the alagan which uh smelted for pig iron um as early as the mid 1800s now now what they would do is after smelting the the pig iron they'd put them on boats and uh ship them down into Pittsburgh and uh they would make out of them but got a nice brass miners tag and it is a number 21 here we go that's actually a nicer one that I've found so pretty cool could be 1800s for sure again we got the solar hole right here so we're going to spend some time in here the main road is right behind the camera I can show it to you here in a little bit so maybe there were some wagons that stopped right here on this road people got out Dro some coins drop drop some relics and then come up and knocked on the door or something like that so we'll uh we'll spend some time on this road and there's a little level area just below the road as well so uh I'm not going to spend all day here because I want to get down it's about a mile uh down river I want to get down to that really early sight to see if we can dig anything so all right let's go all right I uh got a surface find it looks like be a coin it was an 80 85 86 something like that got a weird color to it turn you around and show you what it looks like okay so there it is zoom in a little bit H it's a weird color nice another Indian Head Penny it was almost a it was just underneath the leaves H let me clean this up and come right back all right there she is it is an Indian Head Penny uh it's was able to clean it up a little bit uh to get a date off it we have a 1905 nice not sure why they're ringing up so high uh some the later Indians I do think that um maybe they had more copper in them they do tend to ring up a little higher but nice all right I got a signal over here that road is right down here you can see it runs this way and there's a drop off that goes down there's another flat right there we're going to hit that as well hit this road for sure but um had a little midtone here a little 30 on the machine and little two-piece button um nothing on it that I can see but I'll take it you know maybe they're out here working it popped off their shirt so let's keep going all right I was digging here and it had like a mid to low tone it was like a 30 on the machine thought it was going to be like a piece of a Canon jar lid but I got this round piece of round copper here very thin but check that out um that has some type of design on it looks like mountains with maybe uh I don't know a circle there very decorative I'm not sure what that would have been maybe a top to a canteen or something but very decorative maybe top to a I don't know piece of powder flask it's really hard to tell all right we'll keep moving along here all right uh Celler hole is up there and come down over here I'm on standing on the road right now and then I seen this little I don't know if that's a stack ball or if that's natural but I was picking through the uh little Hill here and I got something good in the hole here picked it out and it's got an interesting design on it um I don't know if that would have been some kind of a button maybe can see where there would have been some type of a Shanker or something there in the back right in the middle so I don't think it would have been like a uh brooch or anything but maybe a cufflink it's an odd shape but it's got a nice little design on it looks like flower or something I haven't really spent much time on this road yet uh again I don't want to spend a whole lot of time here cuz I do have a mile to go but uh just going to spend a little bit more time here me and Sean are definitely going to come back to this uh site so don't worry about that we'll definitely be back it's going to take two of us probably most of the day to cover this one and then uh where we're going might be really really good as well so all right stay tuned so I like that just stuck that piece here I got another signal right here uh it was a 46 on the deis I already got out of the hole right there it is I got something round all right so it's a shank there's a shank on the back it's not a drilled shank so not super early 1800s it's got something covering the front let's see if 's any kind of design on it okay so there's the back um it's it concave it does it's a flat button see if this comes off oh I don't know if that's got something on if that's just corrosion I think it's corrosion this might that might be a tomb back button oh no it's copper it's a little copper button so no design that I can see uh it's got a lot of corrosion right there there so cool all right I got another good tone here on this little Hillside it's uh pretty interesting I don't know maybe they were sitting here and stuff fell their pockets but I got a coin in the Hole uh also some pottery there right there it is I don't know if you vet zoomed in or not on there but okay it's an Indian I see her I can't believe this see if we can get a date we do have an 18 guesses everybody 901 1890 on the on the nose nice this is unbelievable there's got to be a silver coin in here somewhere uh maybe a barber or a Seated dime that's awesome this one's actually pretty toasty I'm going to keep working this little burm out across here so all right let's keep going got an 81 right here go ahead and dig it live sounds small and deep a it's a little nail o that's not a nail I know what that is I think so that is I think a saw Medallion it's got a little star on it uh no writing or anything that I can see H I think that's what that is though awesome that's cool it little that little star surprised me awesome all right well you remember my theory about the road right we got the cellar hole up here down in front maybe they dropped a few coins May maybe a silver coin potentially cuz I have a really good signal in the hole and if it's silver I may only spend another 10 minutes here because I want to bring Sean sea back here with me I barely even covered this area lots of coins so far and right there I got a really good signal I'm going to dig this one live it's like a 9192 could be brass uh but it's a nice repeater uh so let's see what it is 90 92 91 it's small whatever it is all right this Ro pretty hard to dig on oh all right let's flip her over I don't even hear it now maybe it was iron all right let me bring you over and look at it together all right right there what is it I don't even hear it oh there's something in a plug too oh that could be it right there piece of iron I I think that was nonfer whatever it was see what this is put right there okay that's a big piece of iron surely that's not what it was I mean that was a no brainer what the heck hearing something in the plug still pie of iron come on that couldn't have been that had to have been something on F I don't believe that gu not all we got a nice uh Target over here on this road right here um nice strong 70 it has a little shiny on it kind of scared me when I first pulled it out of the hole but that is I believe a woman's sash fuckle or actually I thought I I seen a uh a pen area right there the pen would have went so it's probably a brooch of some kind I don't know if that would have had a stone or any kind of a design in the middle there but uh that's pretty it's got a lot of really nice ornate design on it very cool there's one other spot down here I wanted to take a look at uh there's a big divot in the ground I want to go see if it's a privy um and then we're going to move on to this other site all right we're at the uh the second site which is the earliest of the SES uh we got a cell hole right here behind me we have a creek right here that runs down into the river now the river is flooded right now gives me a really good idea of uh where they would have built their home out of the flood zone which obviously right here is one maybe back up behind me a little bit so I'm going to mle a detector around in here already got some flowers right there and I got my first find in the hole now I'm going to need your help on this one it looks like a very early button I do see something on it I don't know if it's military it very well could be if you look at it it's concave it's got you can see a design on there I'll show it to you in a minute but it's kind of like concave it's copper button or brass maybe but uh yeah let me turn you around and show you what it is see if you guys can an idea it cuz I cannot make out what's on it so looks like there might be some letters or something okay so there it is can any of you make that out it looks like there's a c or a g there maybe two letters over each other there's a weird like little bug looking thing in the middle I don't know um could be civilian button but just in case it's military I'll just let you guys let me know what it is um I can't really seem to figure out that so uh there was no maker mark on the back all right let's keep going here see if we can find anything else all right uh got another desirable Target over here um you can see this cell Hol is right here the only thing that bothers me about this place is I don't know if you can see there's old ceramic cow right there and right there which um probably 1940s or something so this sell hole even though was settled really early from that book that we read there was somebody in here sometime after that settled the same area so there should be some old stuff mixed in here but uh we're going to uh keep searching and hopefully we find some old stuff but let me turn you around and show you what it is all right so out of the hole right here popped it out it's right there I have a broch it's not precious at all but it's got a pretty cool design would it had two stones in the middle one there and one above it is long gone there's probably some kind of a pin so a little piece of jewelry there that's pretty neat not too far from The Cellar hole but uh we're going to keep going and hopefully we get a couple old things in here uh shortly we're going to run up and take a look to see if we can find that old Indian cave that they had mentioned uh they did build a Trestle here behind us so they may have um you know pushed dirt in on top of it or something but I seen a Monster Rock up there so we'll go up there and take a look at that to see if there's anything a cave or anything like there uh like that up there so all right let's see all right so heading over to what I thought was a a really big boulder I don't know if you can see it through the trees there but that's actually an old uh cement piling for this Trestle Bridge it really stinks because I was hoping that was going to be the old cave if you look out across there a lot of that has been strip mined so if if there were any caves out this direction they're long gone by now there's one more spot I do want to check if I can get across this little creck right here uh down around the turn but other than that that would be the only spot that we could check for this old Indian cave so let's see if we can find it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so that old site was a bust because there was a uh a newer house that was built there probably early 1900s there's a lot of trash in there and I didn't want to pick through it so uh me and Johan are going to come back but I wanted to hit this other site on the way back out cuz it's on the way it's on the same old Road uh and I got a coin in a hole another coin uh it's a little larger than the last one that I dug here I think it might be a nickel size so let me turn you around and show you what it is okay so popped it out of this there's a lot of iron in here uh that is the size of a nickel haven't ideed it yet um if I had to guess likely a V nickel but let's see um yes it is I actually already see the date right there 190 [Music] six or 08 1906 or 08 he would have been on this side back's pretty toasty but definitely can make out the year there nice 190 8 1908 it's a nice little spot I'm going to dig a couple more tons here and um head out all right one more coin another midtone up against this seller Hole uh I'll turn you around and show you what it is and we'll talk about it all right so here it is we got another coin in the hole it was in the bottom of this hole I flipped it out here it was a midtone so this is going to be another um nickel sized coin and I do have an ID there looks like it's going to be a 1903 V nickel so um this is my last tone at this site I just talked to Shawn he's heading back over to the spot where we found that flying eagle so we're going to him right [Music] now what's up everybody we are back at a site that we have already been to this is the flying eagle site tones are a little bit uh thin but I have a find in the hole over here so I've been just working real slow in this area right here that I think right there is where Jerry found the flying [Music] eagle and and right next to it I think I have a horseshoe it's definitely a little smaller I don't know if it is a if might be a mu shoe I'm not real sure don't know my horseshoes real well but uh that is definitely what it is right next to where Jerry found that flying eagle so I'm just going to keep working through this little area right here nice and slow try to pick through the iron you're not going to believe it I was teasing Jerry I'm like I'm going to go down there and find a Seated dime there's something silver in the hole I'm almost certain it's silver and it's a coin size and it's a quarter size heart's pumping it's G me a 91 on the on the day 2 we absolutely hammered this in here we're going to turn you around and we're going to look at it together unfreaking believable if this is what this is all right so I don't if you can see it down in there that one was 100% certain that's a silver coin I'm going to get my water out right now I don't want to jinx myself but all right my heart's freaking pounding oh yeah there's no doubt that's a silver coin I just saw the silver Edge look right there no doubt and I see at let's do a spray job on it all right there's that is that a barber or seated I can't remember it's definitely a quarter dollar all right here we go it's a barber what year is it going to be 1893 wow I cannot believe that Jerry and I were in here hammering this and I called or I was texting him on the way in and I'm like there's no way I'm going to find anything down here we hammered it he's like well he's like I found a large scent in a an Indian head at that site that we absolutely hammered which is absolutely true 1893 noit Mark beautiful can you believe this 1893 Barber quarter it's been so long since I found silver crazy I got to call Jerry back there's got to be more in here I can feel it let's keep going so I got something round in the hole here pretty sure it's a button cuz I saw I see the shank on the back I was ringing me ringing up an 80 on the DS2 piece of croc in the same hole piece of white Croc one of these days I'm going to find a full one this um looks like just a one piece button I don't think there's going to be anything on it I'll turn you around we'll look at it together so here it is can kind of see the shank on the back I think it's a shank I don't think there's going to be anything on it and there might be let me give it a brush here and uh we'll come back and look at it again all right so I don't see anything on it looks like just a plain button but it's kind of con cave I don't know I don't know if it was like a a button that would have been on the uh a couch or something like that could have been doesn't look like a traditional coat button or shirt button but glad to find it I'm really picking through the iron here so slow and steady we're digging out some more stuff let's keep rolling here I can't believe that unbelievable by far the best find of the day and I have found silver in a long time if you want to check out a video where Jerry and I first come to this site check out that one right there otherwise we'll see you out there for the next adventure [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Detecting PA
Views: 10,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Detecting PA, DPA Adventures, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting for treasure, Metal Detecting the Forest, Forest Treasure, XP Deus
Id: JOh_sxVJXdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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