Breaking The Demonic Social Media Mentality...

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's going on everybody so good to have you back on the broadcast again today reformatted it made a little better for you guys today i saw regina crabtree first comment of the day on facebook what's up good to see bonnie benedict uh doreen butler jessica burton jackie blake what's up rohan they're still scraping rohan up off the floor up in uh crossroads community church good to see you buddy uh tina dave's in the house ed and colleen pam poyles love you guys julie harden mike frost in virginia beach love you buddy david orr mama's in new york theresa chris cugini love you buddy lisa's on too lisa jewelson and lisa lamb kevin dalton love you buddy glad you're on today good to see you woman of faith good morning to you desiree uh eva aaron what's up buddy so good to see you um lynn anne's on from california the fires have not taken her out jessica sell what's going on love you leah lews it's annie see christy craig good to see you at rachel hudson glad you're on today uh we're still here by the way if you didn't know uh in huntington texas and uh we're in revival all week right here new beginnings church uh pastor john wallace and his wife um and so i'm telling you i'm so happy god's moving it's good to be here i'm glad i've never been to huntington texas before it's my first time but it's not actually that far away hey norman it's not that far away from tyler texas where brother schambach's ministry offices were and i've been to tyler a bunch of times so i just never had made it down to huntington but it's good to be here benita what's up tracy beckham good to have you on today take a minute to share it this is a message that i don't know if i've ever shared it before on the broadcast but we're going to cover it today and you probably saw this in the in the title but we're going to be dealing with it might be a little bit uh controversial we're going to be dealing with the demonic you could even insert right there anti-christ mindset if you will of social media there is a mindset that is really propagated through social media which is so massive nowadays and we'll talk about some of this but it literally goes against the mindset of the believer i'm not i'm not doing a broadcast telling you not to use social media we're using social media right now as we do the broadcast so i'm not telling you not to use social media but i'm going to show you how what the word of god says number one about how you should think as a believer how you should think and how you should live your life and how you should choose to make decisions in life and how social media has almost taught us to go against that and so it's a very important message because it does affect how you live for the lord it does it definitely affects what you'll be able to accomplish for the lord so it's very important message take a minute to share it what's up anita josh brisbane good to have you on today nicole pelso good to have you too rosedale valley good to have you on um and also pop in where you're watching from let me know you're watching it always blows my mind to see people watching from nations i've never even been to before we're seeing more and more of that uh but i'm guaranteeing you this we're going to see even more of it as we start on television around the world because we're going to be inviting people to join the victory tribe from all over the world getting ready to go into 180 nations of the world with television every single week so very very happy about that megan myers what's up glad to have you on the broadcast today glad to see you tyler what's up that's wild there's a tyler texas and a copeland texas and that's tyler copeland brett patton love you buddy glad you're on chelsea smith good to see you chad and danette butchery glad you're on we're going to go here by the way i could give some announcements i'm not going to i'm just going to deprive you of the announcements maybe i'll give them at the end we'll see uh by the way if you're anywhere close i'd love to see you even if you got to jump on a plane and come join us come join us and get in revival this by the way i think is either i have to count now it's either week seven or week eight of revival in a row which is amazing joe there's joburg somebody watching from johannesburg south africa glad you're on today corning new york chowchilla california amazing good morning to you too york pennsylvania glad to have you on um good morning raina so let's jump into this today i'm going to i'm going to kind of walk you through this and talk to you about what jesus said about it how we look at the lives of the apostles and then how we should make decisions as believers and how social media is literally a detrimental force to the thinking of many people the mindset of many people and it actually is it's an element that tries to weaken the church now i'll show you that you'll see it zambia in the house by the way zach and i found a coffee house here in huntington texas that just blew my mind this morning absolutely blew my mind we got some kind of a roast from kenya or something ground it up and it tastes like fruit it tastes like fruit and coffee together it's blowing my mind tastes like tangerine black or blueberry and something else but it tastes amazing never had coffee like this it's blowing my mind it's definitely better than those instant starbucks packets from walmart [Laughter] oh man from africa it's already afternoon central africa time what would it be over there where's central time six hours ahead so it's seven hours ahead that means it's 4 40 p.m central africa time is that right or or 3 40. we're working on it pam victory tribe t-shirts that stuff's coming up soon we've got more stuff coming up for the fall and winter that's going to be dropping soon what's up megan hoy good to have you on today let's jump in so um jesus is addressing people uh in luke chapter six and that's where we're gonna start today by the way luke chapter six and uh i'm gonna read to you what jesus said and he's uh he's in the midst of of teaching here and he's um he's dropping some woes you've got to be careful when jesus starts dropping some woes in fact i was reading a commentary on the bible and they were talking about why that even though there's more modern translations of the bible like the one i'm reading out of today the english standard version or even the new living translation they said you know the reason that even though it's a more modern translation that they left the woes in because that sounds kind of like old school like woe unto you they said the reason they left the woes in is because it was the heaviest um i don't want to say accusation but it was like if you're pronouncing condemnation on someone it was like the heaviest verbiage that could be used by christ and so the con those that were writing the commentaries were saying the reason we didn't change that is because there's not really an equivalent in the english language that we could have put in there that would have carried the same kind of weight as what the original manuscript had and so to when he said woe unto you it was like a heavy judgment verbally or a heavy condemnation and so they said we didn't change it for that reason and he's pronouncing woes on people here and it's interesting because as we go to luke 6 i want to show you one verse the 26th verse the 26th verse listen to what he said woe to you when all people speak well of you woe to you when all people speak well of you for so their fathers did to the false prophets jesus is making this point there's a problem you've got a major problem when everybody everybody i want to emphasize that not some people not your friends when everybody speaks well of you that's a problem and i'm going to talk about why today darrell simon said brother i need your help on fasting my church leaders are not helping we've got a new book coming out on fasting before the beginning of the year it's going to help everybody it's going to be everything you need to know about biblical fasting that's what i'm working on right now so it'll be out soon what's up danielle so jesus said beware woe unto you when all people speak well of you see there is a real problem when you live your life in such a way that everybody can speak well of you that has they have nothing negative to say about the choices you're making that's a problem and i'm explaining to you why you would think as a christian you would think as a christian that you would want people to always have good things to say about you you do not want that because there are so many people that do not agree with the christian way of living morning ashley love you luke 6 26 bonnie that's where we're starting today bonnie acosta is wondering the reference that's it luke 6 26 lena said i'm in trouble you don't want to live your life in such a way that everybody speaks well of you jesus said that's a major problem that's why he said woe unto you when all people speak well of you for so their fathers did of the false prophets and obviously that means yeah that's part of it lynneann you become a people pleaser but understand this you can let me and i want this is the first thing i want you to write in the comments today because it's vitally important you cannot please the lord and please all people put that in the comments i'm just telling you it's so vital to understand this you cannot please the lord and please all people at the same time now you can please the lord and please some people but you cannot no question about this you cannot please the lord and please all people at the same time it's impossible it is impossible so right off the bat today let's get it out of our minds there's no way to live our lives and make everybody happy with our actions it is impossible and so i see i want you to see this because social media is actually programming our minds to live in a certain way to act in a certain way and i'm going to talk about that today but write it in the comments you cannot please the lord and please all people at the same time impossible totally impossible so jesus says woe unto you when all people speak well of you for so their fathers did to the false prophets well there's a problem when you're a false prophet and people are giving you praise you're literally contradicting the word of god you're saying things by demonic inspiration and people's like wonderful we love it we love you great job there's a problem there when they're praising the false prophets so he's making the analogy that um if you're a person who everybody's happy with your choices and the way you live then you must not be standing for anything and i'm going to show you this because here is a real principle of christianity that you have to become comfortable with you've got to um i'll put it up for you so you can see it go to matthew chapter 24. now here's why matthew chapter 24. and we're going to deal with this in depth today here is why jesus gave them what he gave them in luke 6 recorded in luke 6. there's a problem when all people speak well of you because catch this now from matthew 24 and verse number nine listen to what he says then and these are signs of the ends of the age by the way then matthew 24 9 they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death and you will be hated all over the world or by all nations this translation said for my name's sake you'll be hated by all nations well who's he talking to his followers he's talking to his followers you'll be hated by all nations for my name's sake i've been seeing people write in the comments line up the haters that's exactly right line up the haters because that's what jesus prophesied um would take place another one go with me to john 15 gospel of john chapter 15. and i want to i want you to see what he says about the hate of the world john 15 18 listen to this very very important he's jesus starts teaching his disciples about the hatred of the world the hatred of the world this is a powerful thought the bible says verse 18 of john 15 if the world hates you know that it's hated me before it hated you if you were of the world now here's the key here is the key jesus gives it to us in the 19th verse if you were of the world the world would love you as its own but because you're not of the world but i chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you huh verse 20 remember the word that i said to you a servant is not greater than his master and if they persecuted me they will also persecute you you see that so jesus is making the point if you're my follower if you're living your life to please me and to please my father in heaven it's going to generate hate this is you've got to catch this because i see people in the body of christ that are discouraged by this they live they live their life they get discouraged because people start talking about them people start giving them you know harassment on social media for their choices for their posts for how they live for the church they go to whatever it might be they catch all this hate ridicule mockery whatever it might be and it really it discourages certain christians i'm doing this broadcast to tell you be encouraged that's what jesus said would happen that should actually show you that you are living in such a way that you are pleasing the lord if you've got people who have an anti-christ spirit living with an antichrist spirit and they're mocking you and they're reviling you and they're persecuting you and all this because of the fact you follow jesus you should be happy about that because it means that you are identifiable enough as a christian that the spirit of this world would hate you that's not something to be depressed over that's something to be excited about and that's right brandon in fact uh put that in the comments everybody that's watching i love being hated by the right people i love being hated by the right people put that in the comments and i'm going to explain break that phrase down i love being hated by the right people i would have a real problem with my own life if i had all these people with an antichrist agenda applauding what i was doing in the decisions i was making in life i love being hated by the right people that encourages me can i tell you something i see that as an encouragement love being hated by the right people i love it because listen jesus made the point he said if they hated me first they're going to hate you you're not greater than your master so the point he's making here when he said the servant is not greater than the master what he's saying is if you can live a life for god and not be hated by people with an antichrist spirit you'd be greater than me because i'm perfect and i'm hated and we're not greater than jesus we are the servants of christ he said if they hate me they'll hate you so you should be very happy if people hate you for you now listen let me let me throw a caveat in here if people hate you because you're a jerk that's not the same thing [Laughter] if people can't stand you because you're a that's a whole other story if you just treat people unkindly if you're just always an a jerk to people if you're always you're not gentle like the bible says to be it's a fruit of the spirit if you're not kind if you don't have joy if you don't walk in love if people don't like you for those reasons they shouldn't like you and i probably wouldn't like you and god's not happy with you but if you're walking according to the word and doing what the bible says and you're catching flack for it from people uh that have an antichrist spirit man you should dance you should shout you should get excited about that and let me break this down now that's a great point in fact i'm going to copy that and put it in the comments myself thank you aj bible for putting that in i'ma put this in you guys copy and paste it if you can if not just write it listen to that there's a difference between being hated because of the anointing and being hated because you're annoying that's exactly right it's exactly right there's a difference between being hated because of the anointing and being hated because you're annoying it's exactly right jesus was perfect and people hated him let me break that down for a minute because it is true uh what do we mean when we say jesus was perfect well let me say this jesus treated people the way god would treat people because he was god in the flesh so i want you to hear this now jesus lived by the fruit of the holy spirit jesus always walked in love always walked in joy peace patience gentleness goodness meekness faith self-control always there was never a time jesus broke the fruit of the spirit that would have been displeasing to god because paul taught that if you'll walk in the spirit you'll not fulfill the lusts of the flesh then he tells what the fruit of the flesh are and then he tells what the fruit of the spirit are so if jesus wasn't walking in the fruit of the spirit he was walking in the fruit of the flesh which he never did so he was perfect always walked in love always had joy peace patience gentleness goodness always so when he rebuked the pharisees and spoke to them harshly that was pleasing unto god you know why because the pharisees were displeasing unto god man that's good coffee zach my god we've hit a breakthrough in huntington texas um jesus was perfect when he spoke to them with a rebuke that was a rebuke from god to them that's a holy and a righteous thing it's not a bad thing it's not a jerky thing it was a rebuke from god for their religious tradition and causing the people to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and they're full of pride they were full of pride they prayed out in the streets loudly so everybody could hear them and think they were so holy when they were fasting they put all this they looked disheveled and looked tired and came out looking rough oh i'm fasting you know so everybody would know it when they gave to the poor they'd ring bells in the streets and let everybody know we're giving to the poor now notice how awesome we are so jesus rebuked the fire out of them because they were proud and pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall huh and so anita said i had a co-worker tell me once not to talk jesus because this is mcdonald's not mick jesus sounds like a very unintelligent person never heard of mick jesus stupid you know what you can tell him anita it's against my religion not to talk about my religion that's the answer it's against my religion not to talk about my religion i'm commanded see people get angry about this stuff they don't want you talking about jesus they don't want you spreading the gospel they don't want you to try to get people to come to church they don't want you to tell people the good news about the resurrection of christ but it's against my religion to talk about my religion can you imagine i want you to think about this for a minute can you imagine somebody harassing a muslim for wearing a burqa into mcdonald's can you imagine that i mean especially in the cities we have now philadelphia filled with muslims um detroit filled with muslims there's places of sanctuary cities around our nation filled with muslim communities can you imagine a group of muslims going into mcdonald's or somewhere and the workers or people in it start harassing them about wearing their burqa can you imagine that telling them take that off you can't be a muslim in mcdonald's can you they would never ever do that even atheists don't have the guts to pick it outside of a mosque even even atheists even anti-god people don't have the guts to harass the nation of islam and mock allah they don't have the guts they take advantage of christians because they know this is a religion of love they don't have the guts to do it to hindus and to do it to muslims but can you imagine harassing a muslim for wearing a burqa people would never do it but they don't have any problem harassing you for talking about jesus can you imagine a group of jewish businessmen orthodox jews coming into a restaurant and the restaurant owner or a co-worker or waiter telling them to take their yarmulkes off harassing them for wearing their yarmulkes i'll never ha i would make front page news that would make front page news ridiculous but they take advantage of us because they know that we are a religion of love and see the world hates you because you're a follower of christ the bible prophet jesus prophesied that it would happen you'll be hated by all nations do you real i know it is it's happening in new york cuomo and de blasio rounding up jewish orthodox men in the streets it's crazy let me tell you something the bible says you'll be hated by all nations for my name's sake there's no nation you can go to today and not feel pushback for living as a christian not one not even america as you can see not even america they're harassing us here now they're harassing us in this free nation because of our christian beliefs we're not we're somehow now dangerous because of our christian belief systems they're we're hated we're persecuted by all nations and this is the best of the nations you go to canada which is also quote unquote free nation they're harassed even more than we are in the united states of america there was a time a few years ago that they were harassing pastors on the subject of homosexuality a far harsher persecution than what we've ever had in the united states far more harsh far more harsh and so you understand something we're hated all over the world for his name's sake now let's break this down why did i say that there's a demonic social media mentality that needs to be broken because i want you to understand how social media has programmed our minds to think there are now young people i've been reading these reports i've been reading handwritten reports uh by by uh by young people and people that are 30 40 years old that for example instagram there's young girls there's teenage girls there's college age girls they'll post a selfie on social like instagram whatever it might be and if they look back and refresh and in the first 10 minutes it doesn't get a certain number of likes and people aren't uh approving of their picture i've read what they said i'll take it down and then i'll start to sit there and analyze and introspect what's wrong with me why don't people like my picture am i ugly what's going on with me literally it'll affect their whole life they take the picture down after 10 minutes because it doesn't have sufficient number of likes so what is it training us to do see they've even proven did you know that there are people that used to work on these social media teams at the companies who have left and then said later on uh we one of the reasons we left is because we recognized that we were creating a system that is as addictive as drugs it's as addictive as drugs they've shown they've actually shown how when you start to see your notifications pop up in social media networks you see likes you see shares you sh you see hearts you see retweets it actually releases dopamine in your brain in the same way it would if you did cocaine or you know anything else like that ate sugar it's the same thing and so what are they doing programming our minds to react in an addictive way when people approve of us you see this now i want you to see how dangerous this is they're programming our minds to react in such a way when people approve of what we do what we say how we act so what what is it it is a reward concept bethany and think about this what do you do if you were to post something and you get a lot of harsh feedback about it maybe there's a post you shared maybe there's something you retweeted maybe there's something you posted on facebook or instagram and people were upset that you did upset that you did do you feel now i want you to just be honest put it in the comment section if that's ever happened to you and you get all this harsh feedback do you feel the pressure to take that post down i want you to answer that have you ever posted something that many people were unhappy with maybe it was a political message a religious mess whatever it might be and people were unhappy with it and you felt because of their feedback the pressure to pull that post down off of the internet yes you see that people are already yes i feel like the pressure to take it down people are writing in the comments already i felt pressure i felt pressured to take it down yeah you know why you feel pressure because there's all that negative feedback and you feel the stress of what though what are you feeling the stress of because let's break this down listen let's break this jessica said i delete the nasty comments but i leave my post i want you to hear this and that's good lena that means that's a strong position i've never taken a post down because of the haters that's good it's a strong position but i want you to think about this why do we feel stress in those situations number one we're not going to be it's not criminal it's not criminal to put up a post people don't agree with you can post what you believe politically you can post what you believe religiously it's not a crime to do that you're not going to go to jail so there's no imminent danger you're not going to be fined you're not going to go to jail you're not going to be fined there you know all these different things so there's nothing in the in in the re you know there's not going to be an actual effect on you but what do you see you're getting pushback from people you're not liked you're not liked you're not praised you're not shared you're not hearted you're not retweeted they don't like it so you feel a pressure what's the pressure you're feeling a pressure to please people some of them you don't even know never met them in person in my life that's why i troll the trolls merle said the teenagers should not be showing off their body that i'm just saying i agree teenagers shouldn't be showing off their bodies but understand what happens you feel the pressure because the flesh nature wants to be liked put it in the comments my flesh nature wants to be liked that's pride really at its root put it in the comments my flesh nature wants to be liked no question about that we obviously want to be liked see bonita said i took one down because arguments started and again people can have arguments people can have disagreements and actually there's nothing wrong with an argument there's nothing wrong with a disagreement nothing wrong with getting your beliefs out there hearing people's thoughts i mean obviously harassment's another thing but you understand the reason we're feeling the pressure to take them down is because our flesh wants to be liked my flesh wants to be liked but here's what you've got to come into the realization of is that if i'm doing things that are pleasing unto god and it's those things that are causing me to be hated or to be persecuted or to be mocked that's good i should have those things happening in my life i should have those things happening in my life so catch this now it's like for example one time if you ever heard me tell the story i was preaching at a camp a youth camp and i was preaching one night on depression anxiety and suicidal thoughts and i was preaching that you can be free from a spirit of heaviness next level um i wish i could send every person a cup of this coffee during this broadcast i was preaching on how you can be free from uh depression anxiety spirit of heaviness suicidal thoughts and i made a comment in this camp i said if you think now this is a very plain comment and i want to i want you to think about it i said if you think that god needs the help or the assistance of man-made substances to supplement his supernatural power then you don't know god let me break that down again because that's exactly what i said i said if you think god needs man-made substances and i was speaking about medication to supplement his supernatural power then you don't know god and i stand by that same phrase today i've said it many times since then i'm not against medication i don't want you to think that i am i don't condemn people that take medication that wasn't the point the point was is that people sometimes think that god uses medication to bring about divine healing or deliverance that is not the case god does not use substances like medication whatever to bring about divine healing now you might be healed or get better from using medications and that's just natural wisdom at work these are discoveries that men have made through the years nothing wrong with medical help or medical attention just don't confuse it with the power of god because here's the thing my the bible says that our god is a jealous god he wants all the praise all the glory all the honor he won't share his glory with any man so here's the question if you take medication medication medication and then you're praying for divine healing and you say well thank god i took this medication got healed who gets the glory for that the pharmaceutical company the doctor that prescribed it the pharmacist that filled the prescription the actual pill or god's healing power who gets the glory not god i can tell you that not god and so what's the story the story is this when god heals you he does it in such a way that he gets the glory he gets the glory and so i was making that point if you think god needs the help of super of man-made substances like medication to supplement his supernatural power like he can't do it without the medication you don't know god or his power well when i said that i got heavy pushback and i've had heavy pushback since then and i'm preaching the word if you look in the bible you see pictures of people who spent money after money after money to get medical help like the woman in mark chapter 5 with the issue of blood she spent the bible says all she had on doctors and medical help didn't get any better but worse and now she's broke and comes to jesus touches the hem of his garment and is made whole didn't need the medication in that moment she needed the power of god medication couldn't help her doctors couldn't help her well brother we've advanced a lot since bible days yes we have but there's still medication not helping people there's still surgeries that are not helping people there's still things doctors can't do so what are you gonna do then and so i said it i preached it and people freaked out at me i mean people started hammering it even the nurse one of the nurses who was uh one of the nurses that was on staff at the camp freaked out and she went back to the office and she ripped her lanyard off turned it in she said i'm going home i'm not staying here with a preacher that preaches that kind of stuff matt i'm getting pushback now all i'm doing is preaching the word of god he doesn't share his glory with any man he's a jealous god wants all the praise glory and the honor he doesn't need man-made substances to supplement his supernatural power all of it biblical all of it true i still preach it to this day there's nothing wrong with that she got angry turned her lanyard in went home and when she got home she sat down at her computer and she wrote me a seven paragraph and i'm talking about paragraphs seven paragraph rebuke on facebook and literally let me tell you a couple of things that she said she said well i know that prayer is good and faith is good but these kids need their medication now that's that's she's a christian she's especially a spirit-filled christian and so that's where she was at i just wrote back lol because you know what are you going to write to after seven paragraphs somebody being angry at you and so people push back you start telling people jesus is the only way to heaven think about it you tell people jesus is the only way to heaven you're going to get pushback on that i mean there's already been national broadcasts of talk shows oprah did one back when she had her her normal show oprah did one where she couldn't possibly believe that christianity and christ was the only way to eternal heaven or eternal whatever you want to call it if you're from another religion eternal bliss and she said well i think i mean you can go back and watch it she denies that christ is the only way you know and says well you know obviously maybe we all call it different things you know this is the analogy maybe we're all climbing up uh different sides of the same mountain maybe muslims just call him allah and maybe hindus call him krishna or shiva and maybe you know for new age it's a philosophy maybe for you know but for christians it's christ but when we get to the peak of the mountain we'll discover that we were all going after the same thing no that's not true that's not the case and if you start preaching and saying and speaking that jesus christ is the only way to heaven there's pushback on that anytime you stand for the things of god hardcore you will have persecution i want you to think of it this way think of it as standing on a platform right when you get saved yeah lena said she remembers that show and that oprah had a catholic priest that was on there with her that was agreeing with those sentiments it's ridiculous it's ridiculous that's right you know it could be a law it could be it's like you're you're stupid somebody should strip you of your defrock you gonna get defrocked but i'm just telling you and you're getting pushed back from it but here's the thing i want you to think of it this way think of it as a platform you once you get saved you step up onto that platform now that platform has been there since before you were born since before your grandparents were born that platform has existed and people that have an antichrist spirit have hated anybody that has stood on that platform before you and they didn't even hate you until you stepped up on the platform so it's not literally truly you that they hate it's what's in you it's who you stand for they hate christ that's why it's called an anti-christ spirit they're not truly against you except for the fact that you are in christ and you're a part of christ so that's why they hate you that's why they're against you because you are in christ the moment you come in in christ everything that's antichrist is against you hallelujah everything that is anti-christ is against you and that's a good thing it's not a bad thing it's something jesus prophesied and it should be something that makes you happy because it's an identifier that my life is pleasing unto god i mean that should excite you my life is pleasing unto god and because it is people are mad they should be mad because if you think i'm going to water this down it's going to get more bold than it's ever been at the end of 2020 it's gonna get more bold than it's ever been it's gonna get more wild i'm gonna do more for god not less if you think that because of an antichrist pushback then i'm gonna do less for god i've never done more in a row than i'm doing right now i told you this is like week eight of revival in a row and when i'm done here i'm going to another place i'm not going to pull back i'm going harder i'm going harder if you think they're mad now get ready let me let me speak to every antichrist person that may sneak on the broadcast or listen to the podcast if you were mad before get your pouty face ready because i'm going to make the muscles in your face work hard very very hard because you're going to be ticked off you're going to grind your teeth you're going to be so upset when you see what god's getting ready to do with me our family and miracle word ministries you're going to be ticked off because if you think i'm backing down or going softer we're going to develop some kind of a more politically acceptable uh politically correct message you you've lost your mind because i have no desire to be politically correct i have a desire to be scripturally correct amen so i'm just telling you you should get that way you know you know what i think i feel like people they feel like and i'm speaking to you know i see lena i want lena to hear this people like lena because i i you know i used to think maybe maybe that when you got saved god wanted you to change your personality he doesn't want you to change your personality you're still the same person you're a new creation but god's the one who created you obviously we obey the word but let me tell you something you don't have to stop being bold because you became a christian you don't have to stop being uh i'm trying to think of the best way to say it if you were like an in-your-face person before you got saved get ready for what you are after you get saved god's not trying to take that boldness out of you he's not trying to take that if you were a loudmouth for what you believed in before you got saved get ready for how you're going to be when you get saved it's like i had a a man that i knew from our church in virginia and he was like a hardcore muslim in new york city hardcore as a young man he was being pegged for promotion by the local imams and he was out in the streets calling young men out in the streets and evangelizing them for islam preaching from the quran calling them into islam and he would convert young men into the nation of islam he went hard until his daughter got sick with a disease and one of his co-workers told him i know you're a muslim but there's a christian revival going on out on long island this preacher's been praying for the sick and people are saying they're getting healed you've got nothing to lose you should take your daughter out there so he thought you know i don't have anything to lose because the imams told him if your daughter has this disease it's because allah wants her to have it there was nothing the doctors could do took his daughter out there preacher prayed for and she got healed he said if there's a god that can do this for my daughter that my god could not do i'm going to serve this god my my rest of my life as hard as i can let me tell you something just as hard as he went for the nation of islam he went harder for christianity he was the guy that you would talk to in the lobby he'd keep you there he'd give you testimonies he'd talk the word of god with you he would go hard love the word love people he'd go hard and let me tell you something that's how god designed him he's not supposed to change that about himself because he got saved well that's how i was when i was in the nation of islam i'm not like that now i'm a christian no get more like that than you were when you were a muslim get more like that maybe you were uh somebody that you know you were real outspoken you were real bold about stuff uh and people knew that about you you know like oh she'll she speaks her mind he speaks his mind whatever it might don't change that you know obviously you you treat people with love and kindness and respect and gentleness fruit of the spirit you don't go telling people off as a christian start calling names and harassing people but that same boldness should remain in you shouldn't be gone it should remain in you you know why because god's the one who gave it to you you should get even more bold you should get even more like that more outspoken with the power of the holy ghost and do what god's called you to do in the kingdom amen that's exactly how it should be you know that's why the bible says that see one of the things and let me let me uh kind of go this direction as we're talking about breaking this demonic social media mentality one of the things that keeps that's the right billion bold like a lion the righteous are as bold as a lion um proverbs 28 1. so one of the things that keeps us from being that kind of a bold person there's a few things that hold us back from being who god's created to be and push us into that social media mentality one of them is this not being sure of what we're talking about you have to be rooted and grounded in what you know to be true so that nobody can talk you out of it nobody can tell you that's not true you got to know it for yourself you got to know it for yourself that's why the bible says in first peter chapter 3 and verse 15 that any time we are asked about the hope that lies within us let me read it to you first peter 3 15 in your hearts honor christ as holy the lord is holy always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you hallelujah always being ready always being ready to give an answer to give a defense so i've got to be ready only way to do that is to know what i believe if i'm rooted in it if i'm grounded in it let me tell you something there's nobody that can talk me out of it once i know what i know so one of the things one of the things i want you to get off the bat one of the things that will preserve your boldness is knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt what you believe so i want you to put it in the comments number one i must know what i believe i must give you these ways to break out of this social media mentality this timidity or this way of feeling harassed and persecuted to the point where you're pressured to back off number one know what you believe be rooted in it be grounded in it that's number one put it in the comments know what you believe see once you're rooted in it once you're grounded in it i mean i can't imagine come somebody coming up to me and talking me out of the deity of christ well you know he wasn't really god in the flesh oh really because i can take you through the bible right now and prove to you prove to you that he was god in the flesh you can't talk me out of the deity of christ that's insane you can't talk me out of divine healing i'm rooted and grounded i know why god is my divine healer christ is my healer great physician i know why can't talk me out of that see if you can be talked out of it it's because you don't truly know it or understand it so you've got to know see once you know you can stand by what you say and release because you understand it back in front i understand it thoroughly i know it like the back of my hand that's number one number two you cannot allow a feeling or feelings of unworthiness make you feel like you shouldn't be saying certain things one of the things that will happen to people is that the devil will try to make them feel unworthy well who do you think you are telling trying to tell people to live for jesus look at what your life has been in the past yeah that's the point that's what my life was like in the past then jesus saved me forgave me of all those things and now i'm a new creature in christ jesus old things are passed away and behold all things have become new you see that don't allow feelings of unworthiness make you timid people talking to you about who you used to be or making comments oh she thinks she's somebody now goes to church and thinks she's somebody people will do that to you they'll attack your character oh somebody became a holier than now go go to church for a few months got got got you some religion now you're now you're pushing it on everybody else that's what they'll do to you and try to make you feel unworthy to confess what you're confessing to say what you're saying to do what you're doing it's a lie from the devil because do you understand how we're supposed to approach the throne according to scripture the bible says in the book of hebrews chapter 4 i believe it's verse 16 that we are supposed to boldly approach the throne of grace boldly approach the throne of grace you catch it i can't be bold if i feel unworthy i'll always think well who do you think you are ted for saying those things for preaching those things for doing those things you must really think you're somebody look at look at you it's a demonic lie it's a demonic or who do you think you are i know who i am i don't allow things like that to stop me because i know who i am number one i know what i believe number two i know who i am and then number three the third thing that will help you to stay on that bold side and not be taken down by a social media mentality that truly is demonic not just know what you believe not just know who you are but number three know the consequences it's the third thing i want you to catch today know the consequences and i'm talking about the consequences for people who don't accept christ and listen to the message that you preach this keeps you bold this keeps you bold if people don't get saved they'll end up in hell if they don't if christ does not get a hold of their life if they don't submit themselves to the gospel they will end up in hell i know what the consequences are that's why my boldness stays where it is i don't back off the truth i don't back off the truth i know what will happen if i do if i don't preach this gospel people will go to hell there are people god sent me to that if i don't faithfully preach the gospel they'll end up in hell people that you see on a daily basis you go to work with you go to school with whatever it might be you hang with they're not ready for heaven so what should you do become timid about the message of the gospel become more quiet become more politically correct well i don't want to push my beliefs i do i want people to believe what i believe i want them to well i'd never push my beliefs on somebody else i would i want them to hear the message i want you know um i was watching a youtube video yesterday and i was going through a piece of technology and the guy said hey my name is so-and-so i am the lead tech evangelist of this company i'm the lead tech evangelist what's a tech evangelist this is a guy that will go to expos he'll go to conferences they'll put a booth up you know whatever it might be and he'll sit there and explain to you why their technology why their device is so awesome well why are they doing it well we would never want to push our device on you oh yes they would they would want to push their device whatever it might be their computer their camera their you know whatever it doesn't matter what it is any piece of tech well where i'm pushing it on you why because they believe in it number one of course they want to make money on it and so what do they have tech evangelist it's somebody that can evangelize people and bring them into that tribe let me tell you i became one the first time i ever tried a nespresso machine that brand nespresso with the n on the front i tried one of those at a williams sonoma i was like there's no way that instant coffee can be good she was like well let me make you one they were doing free samples i was like well i'll try it but there's no way that instant nespresso or an instant espresso can be any good she said well i'll make you a cappuccino right here in the store i said go ahead and so she made me when i was like this is amazing i couldn't believe how good it was i i ended up buying we got three of them now i think one one one we had one for so long it broke we had one for the road one for home now we got one at the office it was like man it was next level well what happened the tech evangelist talked me into it she evangelized me into the nespresso tribe why they believed it she wasn't literally look at that zach wilson said making my americano nespresso right this moment see i can't tell you how many people that i've made nespresso for told about espresso that have gone and bought machines they're like man that is good then they go buy one or we buy them one or whatever what happened you got evangelized into it well i would never want to push the kind of coffee machine i like onto people it's nespresso someone's like what's the brand they already want to buy one we just be talking about it and so seriously i'm telling you people don't think that way about anything else except religion well i would never want to push my thoughts yes i do because i know the consequences if you don't come into this hell is the end for you not heaven hell is the end you see what i mean and so i know what i believe but i know who i am but finally i know the consequences and if i know those three things i'm not going to be timid i will never be controlled by a demonic social media mentality of trying to please everybody with my thoughts and actions i don't want to please everybody i am actually trying to make certain people angry i'm trying to trigger certain people i don't i don't know if you know this or not it's actually my goal to trigger certain people i want people with an antichrist spirit to be mad listen when i was young i used to get really bothered because there was nobody opposing me nobody was talking bad about me as a preacher i would get really upset like man i'm not even making any kind of an impact nobody's getting angry and then one day i got so happy so happy i was scrolling through the internet and found a false prophets list thank you jesus and i found that somebody had put my name on the false prophets list and i got so happy so happy that i finally was getting some pushback of course now we get it all the time but i was so happy finally that what i was living what i was preaching what i was doing was getting persecution from people with an anti-christ anti-god spirit and it made me happy it made me very very happy i'm trying to trigger certain people i want certain people to be upset with my lifestyle with my message with what i do with what i choose in my life i want them to be mad thank you lynann i got a i got a congratulations thank you very much i am now officially hated properly thank you that's right i must be preaching the truth michael says is being a watchman an outdated belief or are we all called to be watchmen in a sense and i'm what i'm guessing you mean by that michael is uh calling out those that are preaching false doctrine that kind of stuff we still do that you want to make known the truth you know there's things i preach against but that's why you got to preach sound doctrine there is sound doctrine and it can be taught there is a true doctrine of the church there is a true doctrine of the church you just have to know that's why i started with know what you believe because if you can prove it from scripture if it is a doctrine of the church stand by it i don't listen divine healing is a doctrine of the pentecostal church i stand by it i can prove it from the scripture and so if you've got people calling you there's my friend roger walder house good to see you buddy he said i came on here to hear about jesus and all this guy does is try to sell me a coffee maker false prophet love you guys they're out there in south bend indiana feed the hungry we love them we're partnered with them and you guys should be too and if you're a partner with this ministry you already are but let me tell you something it's exciting to me to know that we can live in such a way that makes the devil mad we can live our lives in such a way that the devil is angry about what we're doing and people with an antichrist spirit get angry about how we're living our lives that's how it should be they were mad at jesus they were mad at the apostles they were mad at the early church they were murdering christians until the third century and still doing it today in many parts of the world it's an anti-christ anti-god agenda and let me tell you i will never attempt to please the masses with my life with my actions with my thought process and neither should you don't fall prey to the demonic social media mentality don't try to please everybody i like what jessica said she said uh i i leave my post up and i delete the nasty comments sometimes i like to just let them go loose let the dogs out in the comments section just see people go ahead stir the pot every once in a while to get bad people mad again i'm just telling you the devil should be mad and if you're living that i came to encourage you today if if you're experiencing that in your life get happy about it don't feel pressure to change it unless you're just being a jerk to people not following the fruit of the spirit but if you're living for the lord if you're speaking what god wants you to speak and people are giving you pushback i get messages all the time they hate me on my job because i'm a pentecostal christian you know whatever it might be people don't like me because i get excited don't get upset be happy we do not live to please men we live to please the lord if everybody else was unhappy with my lifestyle but god was happy with it i'm fine we do you know how much easier life gets when you realize you only have to live to please one person so much easier and so let me tell you this prayer i'm praying at the end of the broadcast is a prayer that god would give you a new a renewed and a heavy boldness i say this all the time but look at ephesians chapter 6 when paul goes and writes this letter to the church at ephesus you know what he says to them do me a favor pray for me also this is what he said in verse 19 ephesians 6 19 and also pray for me that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly are you serious paul is praying for boldness probably the boldest man in the new testament other than christ he's praying for boldness well let me just say it this way if paul needed more boldness we need it too we need it too and so i'm going to pray for you today and ask god to impart to you renewed boldness in the holy ghost so that from this day forward spirit of the lord comes upon you mightily you will not be timid there's no spirit of fear there's no spirit of timidity sound mind boldness in your spirit father in jesus name i pray for those that are watching today on the broadcast lord i take authority over a spirit of fear i take authority over a spirit of timidity and i loose that spirit of boldness that paul asked for lord give them a boldness in their spirit thank you that your word says that the wicked run when nobody's chasing them but the righteous are as bold as a lion let us have that kind of lion's boldness come upon us today and from this day forward as we move in obedience to your word we thank you lord that we will never back down we will never shut up we will never try to please the masses but we will live for you with our whole hearts in jesus name put a fire in our belly today to speak the word of god in love but that truth would change our generation change our family change our friends change our co-workers change our neighbors by the power of the holy ghost let these last two months be the greatest soul-winning months we've ever had in the mighty name of jesus christ we thank you we give you praise and we give you glory in jesus name if you believe it throw that fire up in the comment section let me know you're standing with me today and believe in god for that new boldness in the mighty name of jesus i saw a question back here by laura let me answer that what do you say to those that claim to live for the lord but think are over the top with your faith that think you are over the top with your faith but they live for the lord not everybody's at the same level of boldness and not everybody that says they're living for the lord is truly pleasing him with their life jesus said the only way to prove you love me is to obey my word obey my commands john 14 21 so there are people that go to church doesn't mean that they're pleasing to the lord does not mean they're pleasing god with their life so you've got to be very careful to not take their uh approval over god's approval one of the things that we've got to thank you roger love you buddy one of the things we've got to do is never put the approval of even a christian person over the approval of the lord because there will be some christian people they don't agree like she's saying with how hard you're living for god or how you believe it or how you speak it but let me tell you something be open to correction be open to input especially from your spiritual leaders your pastor things like that be open to correction don't be proud be humble but if it's just some person that's in the body of christ that's trying to ridicule you because you're too bold about the things of god you might want to take a step back and say hold on a second what's wrong with them that they don't want me being bold about the word don't want me being bold about my faith they don't want me speaking like something wrong there it's a problem when you're when you live for the lord supposedly but you've lost your fire you've lost your boldness you're not zealous like you once were problem there and so don't judge how well you're doing by how people respond to your life but by what the word of god says that we're to do and if you're doing it then you should thank god that he's pleased with your life amen let me just ask you today to pray and consider standing with miracle word ministries in partnership you know you know what carol and i have prayed that god would connect with us a thousand people in stage one as we're getting ready to go around the world with this that would stand with us at 85 or more a month would you be one of those people ask the lord today ask him to speak to you would you be one that would stand with us monthly maybe you're like at this moment in time i can't do 85 a month but i could do 50 a month maybe you could do much more than that we have people standing at 500 750 more a month whatever you can do do it by faith see here's the key when we join ourselves together to touch the world the blessing comes to all of us it's not just coming to one ministry the the blessing of god for doing the work comes to those who stand with the work and even if you can't go you can sow that's the key thank you megan for sowing a seed you can follow her lead on facebook or periscope twitter and use hashtag donate to sow a seed or as the information is on the screen you can use cash app if you'd like to use that to sow a seed paypal is available venmo is also available with the same username as cash app at mwgiv but the easiest way is to go to and we know that julian we thank you for partnering with us we love you very much you can go to click on the give page and it's very easy very easy to sow a seed and you can do it all those different ways right from the website maybe god's speaking to you today to sow largely and uh zach can you get this please thank you you're gonna take it out and answer that it's very important um maybe the lord's speaking to you so largely today uh a thousand dollars five thousand dollars ten thousand dollars do that do what the lord's asking you to do and watch god bless you i'm telling you i am looking forward to what the lord has planned for this new year i can't even wait to see what's going to happen as we get ready to touch the world with the gospel of jesus christ here's what we're doing for everybody that is sowing 85 or more this month we're set just the last few days left in october really we got four days left but we're sending you dr lester sumrall's book entitled adventuring with christ and i'm telling you it is one of the best books ever it's a faith builder and here's the thing he had such an amazing life that when you read it it's like reading a novel that you've got literally him going around the world to meet howard carter smith wigglesworth all these different modes of transportation all these different things that he did it was the story is unbelievable it's our gift to you for the month of october and then of course for everybody that's sowing a thousand dollars or more along with that we are adding the hardcover limited edition of further faster and a genuine leather edition of the life application study bible which is one of the best study tools that we're using right now love it really i have it on my ipad i have it on my phone i've got it and i've got the leather version i'm always looking into that when i'm doing studies as well it's really great um and so that's our gift to you if you'd like to receive those gifts go to miracleword forward slash offer and you can sign up to receive that uh today as well man i love you guys so much thanks for hanging with me we'll be live again tonight at eight o'clock eastern time uh because it's seven o'clock here in texas eight o'clock we're live here from the church and then of course i'll be back again in the morning on the broadcast have a wonderful day i love you so much i'll talk to you again very soon have a good one hi this is stefan from feed the hungry and i want to say thank you to brother teddy and sister carolyn shuttlesworth and all the faithful partners of miracle word you're preaching the word around the world and you're feeding the hungry all around the world through your partnership with miracle word and we started this year with about 251 000 children orphaned and vulnerable kids in 24 nations around the globe getting food in the future a good hot meal each and every day because of friends like you right now we're just over 278 000 kids and we're praying and believing the lord for 300 000 children to have a life impacting change through this ministry it doesn't happen by ourselves this is what partnership is all about each joint supplying as paul wrote in ephesians chapter 4 16 when everyone does their share and when everyone focuses on their part the whole body is edified and grows exponentially and grows in love well the message of the word of god is traveling around the world through miracle word and through your partnership with this ministry because we're not only feeding the body we're feeding the soul and the spirit as well we've distributed over 127 000 copies of the gospels of jesus in these nations and over 140 000 versions of bible adventures specifically designed to teach kids the word of god thank you for your partnership thank you for joining together with feed the hungry and as we touch and change the lives of the least of these the blessings of god come upon you you know the scripture says he who gives to the poor isn't just giving to the poor you're lending to the lord and he will repay so we believe the lord for a mighty harvest in your life on the seeds you have sown in spirit soul and body in jesus name thank you again you
Channel: Ted Shuttlesworth Jr.
Views: 480
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ywIyXvl9Pwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 46sec (4786 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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