Is It Wrong For Christians To Be Rich? — Ted Shuttlesworth Jr. // Truth For Life #64

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hey guys have you ever heard that money is the root of all evil or maybe you've heard that it's wrong for Christians to be wealthy or want to be wealthy well today we're going to ask the question is it wrong for Christians to be rich stick around we're gonna get right into it and what's up everybody I'm Ted Shuttlesworth jr. and I'm giving you truth for life I want to thank you for watching again today and listen I want you to subscribe we have new videos coming out every single Wednesday and for those of you that do subscribe I have a free ebook that we want to give to you called 40 days to overwhelming joy you can click right here and download it absolutely free so today we want to ask the question is it wrong for Christians to be rich you know many times we'll hear phrases like money is the root of all evil and it's hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven what does the Bible really teach about riches and wealth and is it wrong for people who follow God to have wealth and have resources the first thing we need to understand is that the Bible needs to be read accurately and what the scripture really says is that the love of money is the root of all evil in fact God said I will have no other gods before me or in front of me and many times people fall into the trap of loving money or serving money and the problem with that is the Bible declares that you cannot serve God and money at the same time you will love one and hate the other and so the key is making sure that we as believers do not have a love for money or that money does not become our God so what does it look like when somebody is serving money or money is there God well the first thing is that you put money in front of God and spend your entire life plotting and planning how you can attain more money you work on the Lord's Day you don't put God first and make time for him instead you're always trying to obtain more wealth number 2 you do immoral or corrupt things to get money evil things cheating people the Bible speak specifically about the curses that will come on people who will go against the poor or cheap the poor in order to get more money so anyone who's doing immoral or cruel things in order to obtain more wealth is serving money number three another way that we can tell if you're serving money and it's your God is if you have a hard time giving money back to God or being generous to the poor as the Bible instructs us to do as believers one thing that's very important to understand is that money itself is not evil money does not make a person evil it just amplifies whatever is in that person's heart already in fact throughout the entire Bible we can see that it was God Himself who was the source of his people's wealth and riches in fact he spoke to his people in Deuteronomy chapter 8 and he said you will remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you power to get wealth God spoke to his covenant man Abraham and he said I will bless you and make you a blessing the fact was that Abraham throughout his life became not only rich and wealthy but the Bible says he became extremely rich which was the case with his son Isaac and with his son Jacob and throughout the Bible as you see God's covenant men following his instructions and seeking after him God always made away for his covenant people to be wealthy the case was true with Jove and with David and throughout the Old Testament and into the new the Bible promises that if you'll obey the instructions of the Lord that the benefit that will come upon God's people is that wealth and riches will be in their house we have to ask ourself a question if God viewed riches and wealth as an evil thing why would he bless his covenant men with those very things in fact why would he promised in the book of psalms that when you're a righteous person or a righteous man that wealth and riches would be in your house why would he tell Joshua in Joshua chapter one if you'll keep my instructions in your mouth meditate upon them day and night and observe to do all that I tell you and all that's written therein you will make your way prosperous and have a successful life we can see very clearly through many passages in the scripture that it is God's desire to bless his children and to prosper them so that they have the resources to do what he's called them to do God has a plan for his people on the earth and it is to reap an end time harvest of souls it takes finances and it takes wealth in order to do what God has called us to do at a large scale if we're going to impact the world then we have to have the resources to do so finally I want to leave you with two more scriptures one from the Old Testament and one from the new in the Old Testament the Bible says that the blessing of the Lord makes a man rich and adds no sorrow unto it and then in the New Testament the Bible says regarding Jesus that he became poor that through his poverty he could make you rich it does not mean spiritually rich in that context in fact if you study the Greek word for rich it's actually the word Pluto sore Pluto and it means to have natural wealth and possessions we know that our God is a loving Heavenly Father Matthew 7 and verse 11 tells us that if earthly fathers know how to bless their children how much more does your heavenly Father know how to bless those that belong to him I want you to understand today that God loves you immensely he wants to bless you and he wants to prosper you and give you all that you need and much more to do what you're called to do the key is not loving the blessings but loving the Lord hey guys thanks for watching again today listen if you have any questions any comments I want you to leave them below and I'll answer as many as I can and until next week don't forget a goodness and mercy are following you for the rest of your life I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Ted Shuttlesworth Jr.
Views: 2,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ted shuttlesworth jr, rich christians, vow of poverty, is money evil
Id: DPbCNr83Sng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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