[Breaking] Search for Items #2 - 2000000% Save File

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let's do uh let's do a yacht a normal green what came my boy musics too loud now oh no I know I turn it up oh I know getting that hump down getting the hump down you know I mean girl Wow yes yes yes oh jeez I need some money we've got some spare what would I take out of all that mess which one's better than the other without many more champions which is not necessarily good that's one third spun so probably better than Stephen Wow Jen and and internet and internet and Internet you got pay to play so that's one cent to get into the item rooms instead of five cents for a key like if you could guarantee that there was a sale pedestal for one cent Keys pretty special holy crap resilient bastard rocked a thousand years to money if only I could turn that into Isaac go help house house - would that be though this game was like you know in-app purchases would you like to buy more gold for $7.99 what the hell this is regular greed mode this is supposed to be easy what the [ __ ] this is the most difficult thing I've ever done in my entire life Wow [Music] holy Wow okay nice man don't lie hots we all know you would though I would what I mean yeah man totally oh I would totally buy in-app purchases [Music] must be victorious must win subjective [Music] spawn the while JP [Music] you are PJ's JP then it would be J P's PJ's oh yeah imagine having like little guitars on them little monkeys with guitars that look like bananas it'll be Supes cute as JP PJs [Music] would one of you just die oh my goodness thank you he's like oh geez man okay Wow goodness I'll just die then is my voice really loud today sings of the loves a day doesn't it unchanged anything that better that's it whoop maybe oh you know what my my thing wasn't on my pod farm crashed testing now testing testing test ease is that better um I'm allowed testing testing testing what's going on here man it's like camping out it's really loud today yeah what I don't understand it should be better maybe testing now possibly me my audio program crashed hmm okay maybe better it might be better I'm not sure not really sure that can happen that could be a thing that happens sorry I'm sorry Shh Sorry Sorry I have no idea why it's super loud today you guys I haven't a clue members like let's play easy mode ha ha ha funny stuff Craig its body for sure that was this those of what the first floor for the hardest first floor I think I've ever seen in my entire life ain't never done seen a harder first floor than that ever holy schnikes ed why do you hate me I got a rig copy the game give this one to Hut especially how it's unbelievable not to be believed yeah look at it look at it is even close to being a difficult is the last time we're going on a man like this is all eyes dad for now i'ma go places siren I'll be back later this carbine whoa that's like to do with game ever getting garm school Thank You rock Dana I appreciate the thousand [ __ ] thank you much love it were he done we're already done are you kidding me is this some sort of joke some sort of sick twisted sadistic nasty joke what is this crazy Dave ten months keep up with the great content love you man thank you we shade that great to do welcome back that's double digits mom's wig is good gears upgrade is good bouncing an enemy into my own dick with my own tears less good but I think we'll survive gold and white Hawk 17 months hey Hut's been around a long time now and long have been dead rip welcome back friend um yeah I mean the health would be good but you guys think all that health is it worth it it's going to be gone pretty quickly I feel like wow okay City is seven months hello husk thought I'd pop in and say hi keep up the great work thank you so much white guys always just popping in man you can stay for a while I'm not kicking you out health is worth yeah let's see what's in the deal to devil first then I'll decide if I need to come back to that health but out my arrange right now its mega rip look at it's pathetic range it's just I'm dribbling in from my face I mean I need a bib he's like literal actual tears that they're just literally falling from my eyes not shooting them anymore I'm just literally crying come on deal Amanda good Oh the nail could be fine I suppose we get free spectral along with the nail which means we'd be able to shoot through the the big stone fatties so I guess I'll go for it and then maybe by the hell I suppose instead of buying the hell if I could have just bought a couple batteries for the nail I don't know you guys it's a damage up - I'm a bi jeez I'm actually kind of hoping for some range upgrade England it may be your city but Europe is my planet when you play greedier and unlock items from greedier and normal greed I bet I can bet for 1,000 bits I've tested that at a Seco what's up I've also heard though people saying that if you play greedy air and not greed it does not unlock the other item but I don't know 19 months from V I got nothing 19 one type anything special for 19 [Music] welcome back I think I'll take that syringe yeah the card has potential but how much hand man half off for the one room burp burp a burp I'll just hold on to this more speeds not necessary what's a good item that could give me more range right now I think growth hormones is damaging speed right [Music] cheesers always spawning right on top of my face did you not my continuum heals magic moms lipsticks [Music] [Music] doot-doot doot-doot doot-doot the students to do I should probably uh stop spawning on top of me you douche why though just like why did these things happen to me why why did it happen to me why why why why why why why is my cat scarred in the wall stop don't I'm not in the mood I'm not in the flippin mood who the hell are flipping you who the hell flip to your mood oh stop stop that stop that stop that stop that stop just you're being a huge [ __ ] right now game I didn't want have to be the one to say it but you are I'm sorry that I'm sure that's hard to hear but you're being a ginormous douche and nobody likes it nobody don't make me bring everybody else exists okay I don't want to make a scene here just you need to stop you need to stop maybe you need to go home and take a nap or something because you are being a giant enormous pain in my ass alright I'm telling I'm telling you this cuz you're my friends I'm telling you because you're my friend nobody likes who you are right now mom's g-string magic mush like maybe I should just yellow the mushrooms because if we get a good pill I can burp it and my blow up on me and hurt me but knowing my luck it probably will I can get these guys to try to bomb them - hey I'm over here hit me up I'm open hey right I'm open yep shoot I'm ready I'm ready for it yeah yeah yeah was that perfectly in the middle did you just kill yourself first of all and then did you also send a bomb perfectly in the middle of two of these mushrooms and not hit a single one of them did you just do that did you game okay look I just I don't want to be the one to say it but you're being a huge [ __ ] right now what the I just my luck right now is absolute zero an absolute zero whipworm I would like whipworm lazy worm lazy one not lazy where I'm a tapeworm that's the one the long one anytime that you want to hit me up dude thanks bro I can see forever that's actually really good I can burp that on the next floor and get access to the secret room good job good job me smart plays are smart and a rotten baby I shall take you had this baby actually sounds pretty good too smearing a bunch of creep on the floor and having a bunch of enemies drop over it probably pretty okay gonna take this I probably should grab the card first what the two hearts doesn't matter da-da-da-da-dah all right I should use my red health amenities the guy first now I didn't have any memory read health R in three months a house manager resolved just before going on vacation thanks for making every day a better day with your content it's everyday bro just going to send it thank you so much - three months welcome back where is the secret room by the way there it is sorry blows three keys that's really good actually I like it rap music cuts louder music pls can't believe you guys unplaceable why did you buy the paperclip or why'd you buy the key of paperclip paperclip doesn't open up doors though it's just check alright for fire rate which is amazing right it's even better because mom's wig will fit out more spiders this is a range and damage on only one set of tears look at look at this the difference though look at the difference of the range okay [Music] what do I get on depths for the box [Music] anybody know dealer I should use this down bottom bottom bottom bottom inaudible [ __ ] [ __ ] although when you spawn on top of me it's the best feeling that I'm not out ow what was doing what sad fat dragon $5 high hug first I'm catching on twitch since I can't make it at the State Fair this year I thought I could fund your visit I recommend the Apple Dumpling thing in front of the eco-center Apple Dumpling thing sounds good thank you so much that fat dragon I appreciate the $5 I'll try and save it for fair and I sort of state fair for those of you don't know it's like a huge huge thing but it's mostly about food diversity is real diversity tale as real here one sub thank you so much welcome to friend sorry if I butchered that I tried the best I could mollusk ear Pandora's box equals a box item boss item I mean okay they do anything special by favor for the deal to devil probably not let's I'd like a per throw or something [Music] because ever try to kool-aid pickle that was one of the big things one of the top hitters like I don't know five years ago a pickle that's been soaked in kool-aid apparently it's delicious it has a pass on that though to be if I'm if I'm honest [Music] you I'm going to say my damage boosts for when I get in the deals a devil in case I need it it's the Krampus plight or something [Applause] now the Krampus flies but is that douche these are both a bunch of ball a Fame not so bad if there's a lot of like a lot of enemies you can run into somebody and then like have that thing destroy everybody and probably drop a bunch of red or black hearts I mean but mom's pearl necklace you guys you think I should take it I need a tonsil you guys I need dull razor metronome and King baby get mom's profane job I wish I had that too though give me stuff back okay I got my money back home first extra money back but I didn't get it I'll buy the Sun Range place no just lock in a couple keys and I think we're all set on the key situation here I'm gonna Yolo again no that didn't work out that well shoots shootings men ha saying okay so I got my health back that was cool that's about it though now like now I get a gold no no no no now I get a golden Bob sure sure sure sure sure sure oh yeah good good funny stuff game so funny more bomb thank goodness I thought that was a huge shortage all right I'm sure he blowing this up until it explodes and maybe gives me money metronome so second song it had been a couple cents away from getting my good um No oh why game you such an ass you're such a donkey you are such a piece of donkey I can't even I can't even fathom my anger towards your donkey face right now foosh fades now that's nope it doesn't help me doesn't help me any no no stop no fell fell fell fell fell fell fell fell fall the pain the pain the pain to pain the pain to pain the pain it hurts it hurts it hurts Tom Cruise check for secret rooms with the golden bombs I'm already I've already got in a secret room though [Music] just the pain hurts my soul today here [Music] now we did get a penny quad shot blank card all my [ __ ] tease this is us I'm in so much pain you guys have a soul half off so hard you didn't get it lone lone wolf I got I got bigger fish to fry got bigger fish to fry there it is again there it is again or she blows she's blowing me should have said that for the damage was outside flips all right we also need the card though that made that really worked out for our official benefit to a diamond enemy to have one of those laying around hey range up is good though our range is pretty okay now not a big old pile of puppies huh sure yeah does never stop shooting because we spawn fighters i'ma shoot that mom's wig though okay now what I feel like we should wait for the secret room because there might be a two diamonds or a Yara and if we need the air the money I shouldn't grab the money right I don't know we just need to break you you guys literally and figuratively the stupidly broken scolex yay the one that doesn't make sense you hit him in the face that does nothing you hit him in the butt it sort of does stuff he puts his butt up in the air still doesn't hurt him what do you want from me stupids go like that doesn't make any sense you're broken your mega super broken nobody cares about you look now I can hit his head that doesn't make any sense is it his head or his butt make up your mind they're like losing health and stuff a lot of help in fact there's so much here is on screen though that's the sounds aren't even playing [Applause] the first time you've gotten anything ever dwell on flight I kind of want saw this guy I don't think that guy instead seeker him first right don't know where it is I got a bomb for it [ __ ] is it there again no oh do we go for blank card you guys it's almost too late for blank card we're kind of being held up by our fire nail guess I'll go for it the biggest mistake I've ever made in my entire life though all right give me some cards good noodle ooh cards though a seven cent void hahahaha did I get the void and then void the card it just it makes it so the cards not as good before charge item of the card it's a six charge item of the void card theorem was left in the of the store probably well we'll never know yes don't oh I get the nail too though you're right you're right that does seem like a pretty good play ah potato peeler all right I'll do it suck it up we just kind of we're kind of striking out a little bit here my last chance hope and pray for some cards or a year a rune or something how we gonna get them I don't know [Music] haha okay all right okay oh yeah huh okay yeah sure sure okay mcnabbs ten months in a row welcome back with nubs all right what are we doing what do we want to do I'd like to destroy that machine okay um I could have played that machine for trinkets I guess but I probably wouldn't have done that anyways we're going for cards right now yeah four cards so let's go four cards then sack of sacks the Sacre stacks could give me a card it's possible but one of the odds that the sack of sacks is going to pay out with a yera or a two diamonds probably pretty slim now you can find a secret room yeah that's true good give me sacks Sackett card and batteries Gameboy bus thinking much why don't you go cuddle your cat ugly ugly Wow no you're you're beautiful am i a pretty girl I don't know the cat is cat snuffed me today he yelled at me and then didn't cuddle with me sack me Dad you guys really want the sack of sacks just like I got to play some waves to even get it I'm not sure it's the right move but I'm gonna do it we're doing try to preserve charges here see nee nee nee nee nee nee doo doo doo doo doo doo who called me dad please please dad father card me no oh well yeah take off that card not only the right card but the best we got [Music] if a cat crickets body is like even if I miss still has a pretty good chance to come back to get them it's my first stack my second stack already hmm Becca licious Thor fax eight months enrolled how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could [ __ ] wood forty seven and a half that's a battery yeah it could be fun Oh what if I strength card multiple times in a room does it take away every red heart that I got or does it only take away one when I leave probably all of them probably all of them yeah maybe I should just take this - Ari blank art - art is basically a d20 so if I use it as a be 2000 battery is a battery in the shop and that would do it for me that could be our break instead of going for cards gone I mean blank art - art break shy also be for up up up up up up give me battery you multi-dimensional - go away there's no batteries for sale captain what now captain ah we only go for spun but instead of that I'm going to go ahead and suck I'm going to super suck and try to get some batteries that way try to get some batteries that way since there are a couple batteries out here that are just going to be wasted we go for broke just go for vibrant bulb maybe maybe last one last one now what should I keep going so that keeps doing it should I do it again oh you know it doesn't matter if we get a battery here anyway there's a five-cent uh-oh you know that's actually a good shrink it that's actually a good one I might want that instead because what are the odds that we're going to fully charge the item on the final flight probably very slim we use this thing all the time for health so let's go with the safety scissors go with the safety scissors yeah for sure we'll do in the next floor really we could have probably made it work with ouch with the money that we have but let's just let's just save it what's next for it but if we get to the next floor though and then found a real machine that's going to be pretty sad for me that might be it this is like really no guarantee here for good penny or no balls you know I could suck those crooked penny it's gone now if I would have sucked the crooked penny that would have been really interesting if you can get a really crazy break with that but eventually everything comes crashing down and it sucks the other way the bad way is that a second ice shard holy crap um maybe I'll go for it again then maybe I'll still go for it Gameboy hunter bits when I called you ugly it was a meme I don't know if you know was it the Spongebob meme that's what I thought it was you sucked it up will you stream dead cells sometimes I actually recorded another dead cells episode for my youtube channel die shards the dice shard nah man I think I go ahead and die shard again in here try to get that battery for sale boogers are good though not necessarily with ipecac oh my god crooked penny is back I don't want to do what you guys have you totally blow the nice break that we might have on the next floor it's a mite both ways but I don't know you have frickin penny you dumb no I don't since when have I ever had crooked penny whatever I'm do it again don't do it yeah I'm not going to do this that's technically a battery but not necessarily the one that I was looking for Bob abba-baba-baba I know you know haha I'm not sure about that with the ipecac is a good that's right Yolo you ruined it and there go your balls of steel hut you guys are an angry crowd today [Music] we're losing our grip on our hypetrain let's get it back you guys die sharp break it works like a d20 yeah no no that's what we've been saying the entire time yep yeah yeah yeah yeah it is you uh-huh battery 4c 20s right there anyways oh whoa man Wow I think we got it I think we're good I think we're all set bah boo boo boo boo boo be boo be boo boo boo ba da da da boo - norway's my city [Music] TT 20 man they don't need it I don't need that [ __ ] I'll need it [Music] dobles the 2006 let's make it rain try not to pick up anything going stop stop blowing up everything is just going to make it more likely that I pick something up on accident hello hi whoa oh the sacks are good though the sacks are good your mom get it in this joke Hudson's using sacks like seconds the joke here is that he had sex with your mother and stop picking things up stop stop don't no no no no nope nope [Music] tons of batteries where is that double charge Louisville take a nickel maybe nickels are good dude I want to double charge but that's fine well just we'll continue on with this and be happy about it I think we're going to do it I don't get it Antarctica is my leg all right we buy the battery and then we go point she dunk should look - bonk nice shard yes our trinket is awesome we're probably gonna lose it by the end of it oh that's good - golden key uh-huh oh you know what we better bake the middle we better make sure that we don't pass by any good items as we are diced sharding them out here we don't have a choice but to dice shard them which is a d6 Andy 20 so let's not pass up Dell Rhea's your metronome or king baby also keep an eye out for tonsil if you guys see it I want y'all screaming I want y'all screaming and a chat and I want to see some cuffs emos popping up behind me so I can see them alright they're ready to be some height it'll suck them oh yeah you know it will you're right the void will suck them up so the dice yard will dice shard them and then I will also suck them into my face the d20 is actually a smarter method I think I think it is smarter by the p20 yeah is there for us I think you're right hey load the Suns I think you're right I think bagel face maybe you might be right I didn't think about that and then put two and two together so the d20 here is just going to be like a nice and clean safe bet so you're not the let's just not mess with it if you don't got it right product gotta bag with a lot of stuff in it Will Smith is my city D xx queen you're right [ __ ] everything else nobody cares anymore hahaha nobody cares it's done it's already done yeah it's done it's done you guys let's take our - art out of the room and hide it seedy little EPT - alright I need to go into this room void with the two diamonds I think am I doing this right Jesus it feels wrong man it worked the key to sex and now if I go up here like this am I going to hear and go like this I get real close to death though every time I do that but it's working in like this can be infinite oh you know what the trinkets are good because I can use this trinket pedestal as well to get that console we can go the fat first maybe but if I run into the tick we're kind of hands tied you know what I mean back off trinkets the crowd in my space yeah ok ok tonsils tonsils good but we have to activate the tonsil that's the most important thing here we have to activate the tonsil by hurting ourselves so maybe I'll just walk in and out of the curse room for a while to make sure that happens because every time we use our space bar item which we will be using a lot we will be getting so hearts back for it so I think we're good I think it's airtight man I think it's not to be worried about I think sock the d20 and then start doing more break so it's a double break that's not out work I love you but that's not how it works does that matter yeah you know that actually is a good thing because it will give me twice the money it'll be a bad thing if we run across the d6 but look it mr. meeseeks hey we actually didn't even serve me takes Pinet really so I'm going to cross him off my looks if he was actually on my list so that feels pretty good okay we can go down to twenty-five cents now in order to get everything back that's 24 it's close enough [ __ ] I've got out to buy a battery okay - diamonds - of holy [ __ ] okay we're on the road to happiness Metron ah haha oh thanks for the hot type you guys the match removes the tick well yeah we don't have a match though and I won't be able to buy any more of them you know to get to the match whoo three left - all razor king baby and activating the console that's it OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP OOP good our letter letter feels good man let me know if you ever see a tonsil pop-up deity uh-huh that I tie that up use the metronome metronome gives you like a random thing for realm I think every time you use it console no should I I thought I thought one no dinky dink baby Mamta rads can do Bhagya pills would blow our run right now that's not what I would like to do [Music] do do do do do do do do do did you Lou might feel that is xbox wolf nice okay the apples is my city what is this I'm so confused ah this is glory this is like months of hard work hang off today chaos uh well yeah well don't look we need chaos not yet anyways it's this kind of it's going to bring breakfast into the situation and that's not really what we want yet I do believe a king baby and well ho whoa whoa whoa whoa King baby and dull razor both shops so we do actually need possibly okay uh [ __ ] I don't know I don't know cuz we can get shop items in here right or just only I don't know that's secret room right here and on the answer of that to this question I'm not prepared today not prepared myself a little bit more hurt myself today so that I could get console why's my chaos in the wall Godhead you can get shot pool to tale all the songs yeah I think that is correct you got the blue map out there yeah no we can so let's not chaos is it's gonna mess things up it's gonna muddy the water in this you know it's just I just I don't want to you know maybe if we could just you know Butchie just got breakfast there shut up and nuns have it Oh [Music] we have a console out yet no oh uh huh girl mom's - that's a shop item right there we just proved just proved our point just gulp the tonsils the top of that I see it the Tuttle Oh checking it off my list you guys dull razor King baby here we come gross what else should I go up down this one let's go up our safety scissors that's sounds like a excellent idea never have to lose it never going to give you up never gonna let you down never gonna tell around don't hurt you I don't need to hurt myself anymore we already picked on pool we're good tousle appears in the item counter that was our goal yes all right baggie of pills is the one thing that's going to cock-block me you're here on this item pedestal I got another gulp gulp something down yeah let's call this black tooth you must tread lightly don't want to blow this [Music] we pay our range is through the flippin roof where the flip is this roof will the flip do you think your a roof source is less than ideal but it's fine Steve Zellaby good oh that's got to blow some stuff that's got a bet going to be a big blow that's going to blow Mick blow blow ursins oh super blow I don't wanna oh I just don't want to do that I don't feel like oh no oh no oh no oh no live it in or do I take it out do I leave it in or do I take it out Oh use the dice Chardon reroll that gets rid of my battery not of a battery in my battery my battery guys I can't get rid of my battery I say we just suck it up dice Shari rolls the batteries guys I can't what's the point I need the battery more than I need the less than I don't need the other thing that make any sense stop me just kick me in the face don't suck no definitely not definitely not I think I just take it I just I just I just I know I just - I can't I can't do infinity d6 it though because I have a double charge and I might skip over it try to get the butter trinket to drop this uh how does that help how does the butter trinket help me out in this case if I drop the void it doesn't matter I can get rid of the void anytime I want to I'm not addicted not at this it man it's the d6 yes but I have double charge you guys have a car battery I've got car battery and that might skip over the item that we need that'd be foolish to be foolish use mr. mee mr. meeseeks blows I don't think mr. mee takes even works [Music] thanks mr. meeseeks I really appreciate that you've been really nice to me a FGM spend Rick's three months in a row I'm going to chaos you guys I'm doing it it's got to be done it's got to be done there's so much [ __ ] around here though could be just like not have all this [ __ ] around me could you guys please leave thank you had to be done put mr. mee on the item mr. mee has never ever been able to get an item for me ever you guys mr. mee does not work that way I'm telling you mr. mee is a sham [Music] mr. mee is a lie he's lied to us all he's never worked in such a manner and that would just remove the item pool anyway our that would remove the item generator and that's not good [Music] this is the last floor to the D infinity is d6 you guys stop I can't defects it I've have car battery you guys are smoking I can't do six I can't be 20 and I can't suck the mark and then d4 I could my could Mars and then d4 do I have anything right now that I need then I'm going to d4 through does this look I think it still counts as because I picked up the other stuff this is a risk this is a risk it moment here's Plan C [Music] Andres cat thank you so much for the sub I really appreciate that welcome [Music] drop the card then buy the baggie of pills yes I know Hut but if I drop the card and buy Bhagya pills and then drop the card at any other point in time it will then turn into a pill move oh we've lost it and one of the odds of that happening probably 98 percent it's not simple you guys don't just boil it down to be some simple problem that's to be fixed it's not crash the game and restart the floor you won't [ __ ] 600 bits and peg gold two months in a row welcome back tonsil is going to get reroll I think it still counts I think it still counts just picking up the tonsil it's already unlocked I know buddy Lenny's like I'm here for you I'm here to soak up your pain [Music] have Leonard make the choice you have to have it I can lose the habit [Music] don't listen to chat this is I sell our car battery only works in active not pill slots as stored flash I don't know what that has to do with anything v6 is inactive that's like that but the car batteries blocking me he's hacking protects but he also attacked [Music] all right what happens if I get the Bhagya pills when I D for so much hair in my mouth okay oh my god if I could show you guys all the hair on me right now [Music] you can't even see it look at her hair look at all of his hair look at my crotch look at my crotch dammit find the butter and drop out of room then use the shard halo the stones I can't use a shard it rear owes my battery pedestal you got you're crazy Parker J vivo thanks the two months in a row welcome back you guys we've thought of everything what I do here is I D for with the mark the only way out of it the only way out of this ID for with the mark and I thank cobalt shirt [Music] ham girl but [Music] I just before it right I don't have anything that's important what's wrong with it no nun's habit of a battery silly grab the bat I can grab the baggie but it's going to make my thing go away we roll the baggie fool you 24 foot throw no don't see four nun's habit and gold bombs means you don't need it I'm just waiting for you guys to tell me something that's that's going to stop me but you haven't been able to tell me anything the cool blueberry thank you so much here what's up welcome getting Elsa's hair off me now car battery oh that's good I want to get rid of car battery I'm going to car battery the detail of the d4 though but it might get me really bad sad oh hey the thing is right here I don't even see the starter deck their own geezers that would help me out big-time wait a second where's my card where's my card where's my card left in the corner I left my card in the corner now it's gone I left my card in the corner but my card was in the corner and now my card is not in the corner and my card is gone now I have Godhead chocolate milk and that's a really good thing but my card is gone that's a 2 of clubs you guys my card is no longer here with us currently ah I guess we're going back to see 20 ha ha ha my card is video but I don't have the baggie a pill where is the baggie of pills show it to me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nope nope nope nope No there it is all my baggie of dick it's there bottom left oh my Jesus what are the odds that I would be 4 into the baggie of pills and have destroyed my - a diamond hamburger thank you so much for two months in a row appreciate that welcome back Oh lalalalalala at all I'm a vegan - what's this - Claude puts it it's paid oh yes don't care [Music] where are those carbs coming from it's odd all right I strip halo the Sun hunter bit this is what we're gonna do one what I'm going to bomb guys what you guys want me to do I'm gonna go buy the bag of pills now since it doesn't matter get rid of it get it out of here get get a move on now I go ahead and I be 20 in the other room again burka no ace of heart cocked even big ol cotton tees arena all right back at it Tom Daniel damn Daniel [ __ ] you Daniel and brawn say temporal machine Oh pepper but tier 1 sub welcome back I recognize you I think right it's a perthro uh we would do we have the taro cloth anymore but I know at the tower cloth even look new we do it is at the Dare cloth right there you guys are top left one down is that the taro cloth or is that something else it looks terrible coffee to me it's tear costing me a bum friend - that sucks [Music] yes terrycloth looks like it yes it is yes that's taro because if I taro cloth my fur throw it it does this it doesn't yeah it just [ __ ] ruins everything like everything is ruined the night is ruined [Music] that's it Stan just want to dance son of a nutcracker you guys v4 bro can't get any worse [Music] nananana na na da da da da da da da da new house dance emo confirmed you have Godhead yeah that's really cool and stuff we're all very happy about that [Music] good ah Akira I'm here until my heart explodes that's not your guys that's as a takeoff we can yera until one of the golden chests spits out an item and get tons of items that way how about that you guys what you think about that yeah I feel like that do you like that chat to you like that you pensa good ideas check blank card perthro no double charge done on my blank card anymore I do have my void but my void will suck everything and I will once again d 4 d 20 D 6 D 1 D 100 everything just boom boom explosions everywhere there's no safe place to hide I can't crab master tier 1 sub welcome hell yeah oh yeah you guys this is fun I'm going to keep doing this and so uh-oh you know what I do sell my d20 never mind we're good we're good I'm fine don't drop your yarrow it's just like is a cock-block at every turn some mega super epic cock-block at every turn - Stuart - diamonds dissolving it [Music] hmm golf diamonds please captain there's no reason we can't find another way to boss what's up you guys bloody crown it sexy item dude diamond Oh sucka drop the air keep it to a diamond we're back on track just like that nothing happened hahaha stuff happens no nothing happens well no ace of clubs please go away please leave we played what do you all my god bum friend has been dropping tons of [ __ ] in my way nobody likes you - eight of clubs that would be no that's a big no big no no no no no no no no stop stop you're an idiot I hate you this is a good thing though so I keep crack crown maybe crash crown is Damian alright two diamonds I think we're good to go might be a purse or one here that I'm just going to miss but whatever you guys we're back on track this is fine this is fine just find ace of clubs I might literally destroy you I just I'm I'm in so much pain right now dealing with your [ __ ] ace of clubs is that I'm just going to do this I'm going to do that I'm just going to get rid of out of sight out of mind you're done you've been fired [Music] that was really painful but here we are back on top the arrow the / throw and / so the shop I got taro cloth you guys how many times we need to go through this adder it blew it up thank you so much if you want sub I'm just done explaining myself I'm just gonna do as I do and we shall prevail you know what I just I don't even care anymore it combing lasers and I'm just going to take it it's in my way get in my way I will crush you well we got rid of chaos by the way but we never wanted it to begin with never it was never something that we were excited about so that's fine Jan the man wants it soon on find moving box it really helps with all the clutter and you're back in your break space moving box okay think about it I don't think I've ever like actually used moving box legitimately maybe today's the day and you know what that song is amazing but it's also triggered a copyright strike for me like one of my favorites but it's why I added it but I can't I can't do it flusche no I have a few things on my list you guys to two more things dull razor and king baby that's it that's all I need and then call it a day we can call it a day that's over it's over then it's over all the pain is gone fast boobs bucket of lard bucket of lard gives you some fast boobs road to fast boobs sister Magoo sirs linger bean crying makes me toot came to the ride we can easily blow this whole operation the bite is voided in this realm on accident we're done very particular procedure didn't mean to do that slice save the game nah man I like to live dangerously text 5 is good especially with tech no music there's music turn it up Starcraft music original doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo the jam the jam doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo turner hit her and she stopped see y'all yeah if you can't hear it I'll just sing it for you guys that's nice right so you guys really like that right parasitical parasitize SOSUS no that's not a word RPG lover to oneself thank you so much for the support my friends I appreciate that 992 subs you guys 1200 videos in the goal for more emotes Lulu did it it is do been in a wham POW fruit the kick guild thins rune bag guillotine just makes it hard to see where my body is first stream for RPG welcome grillo times get the bins big mater's that X is good with all the text making sweet tech love still no steam sale local scatter bombs yeah magic mush is pretty good tiny planet is actually pretty okay with the text use the void inside a shop pass yeah go ahead and take sticky boobs [Music] mysterious liquid you do the Lulu with Moodle news for smoothly you know what we could totally use that be infinity v6 because we don't have to double charge anymore in or at the car battery we don't have the car battery so using the d60 infinity is a go but probably only once probably only once because then it'll turn into like d 100 or something and then we can no longer use it dull razor King babies all they need you guys v6 the void d4y are the peripheral perthro inside the shop I can't / so the shop you guys I have Tarot Club Hunter bits butter time 1500 bit spider on sir yes food and I come back to this and I don't know if you know this but a hollow night update plan live today oh yes at least 50 people have told me thank you spider 'enter for the 59 herb it can ask me your food by the way I'm starving I'm a did you guys be if I wasn't actually starving I was just saying that as like you know the further the conversation would you be mad should we just go for the butter Oh My Jesus hallo are you not going to get off my dick until I butter it's going to cramp this room up though if I try to butter we just d20 until there's an active item out there it's simple it's simple each one see and tell active item not like this money era to do the lid diddily diddily do you know what I should probably drop off a few things like d20 should probably be included on that list drop off the d20 will have to go until there's two active items out here but do it like we really have to not really we could just save our void and call it a day so we just do that I don't know how airtight do we need this thing spades what are you doing here what are you doing here fool sassy yet so sassy but uh you can have my butter use D for to get rid of terror plot nay Starks tier 1 sub welcome you got booked what oh bomb I've got to say no stop bombs and as the era oh I should have known about that just use it get out of my face out of my damn face all right am I really going to dv6 this room what are we going to miss when it's gone probably I'm going to miss the d20 that's probably going to be a shame that we get rid of that but the the void is really what I needed to keep this train going just void it mate I can only do this once wait c20 yeah I know we'll have to miss the d20 unless I want to keep going and then try to say the d20 you guys Jesus geezers capris er it's just this is so difficult I'm getting fed up I'm fed up but we should probably try to not blow it void the d20 dock guys I can't avoid the b20 I mean I guess I could for the t20 I don't know if it really matters the appointee doesn't matter anymore because of the void yeah but we still might need to D 20 something I don't [ __ ] know leave me alone leave me alone smelly little douche miss little douche melee let's just get to active items out here in same boat this is the reduce is ridiculous this is not even okay anymore the amount of like [ __ ] meta [ __ ] that we're going through right now is just pain this is painful to me it hurts me that's like the 17th a freaking thing that I've pricked you don't I mean how many more Fricks can I Frick how many first get a Frick Frick Frick if a Frick Frick Frick Frick hey man why are you what are you just how are you showing up button up Bob rent oh my dick all my sweet dick bone friend is such an [ __ ] he's just bloating up the roomba tons of [ __ ] hey you want this look at this thing look at a thing do you want that enough oh can we be done high priestess I didn't want this why are you stepping on me spend two hours I've only been recording for an hour and 20 so I think we can be six comfortably you guys is this correct can I just flip in d6 who the flipper flipping you did touch the skull is dix-huit yeah it's from a movie watch the second movie all my sweet Jack c100 to get rid of bump friend just go away let's go away everybody king baby doll raise aha Oh Lulu oh ho yo ho for the odds they're right next to my face that should be it that should be all she wrote yeah that should be the whole thing you wanna see all this I like that feel take this too and I think these 20/20 please all my sweet dick [Music] boop boop boop it's over there little bit better a little bit better bit oh yeah man that was good we're by D six let's just keep these six thing then let's just keep up the d6 and yeah go until we get lots of good stuff and then just as quick duct tape bill the duct tape brake doesn't work anymore the duct tape bus doesn't really even do a thing what's this what's this I also want this we already have tack right let's save the game first of all can I see it on here can I see it checked off yep tonsil king baby mr. mee metronome and dull razor do you see anything else that I need if I don't I don't see a single thing that we've missed I think we're good does it work of tech axe tech - yes all the texts are really good together even with the damage down it's okay - seven damaged it's kind of hard to swallow though did it did it it did it it did it it that it is that it uh I don't want super maintenance super maintenance is super shitty not good for me son of Grimm near thank you so much to the tier one sub Wilco I don't think the googly eyes does anything to tech I didn't mean to take eons unintentional mulligan um I'll try to get it I did get it I'll take rage as well she's acceptable um what do we which would would do it what do we want with the text not really much not much that goes with the text you know I mean not much is going to change Serpent's kiss is like yeah kind of don't care I could take yzma skaara that'd be a real not evil I don't know if I want use mascara I'll say no to it at this point on Bombo they don't need bumble you guys we really don't he's okay let's let them think I'm let him take a break he can sit out dr. fetoosh syringes they need to take bought baby foot balm SME superfan no don't want to care about it rubber cement didn't mean to grab boogers either rips add bombs yeah I don't care now it's what the lasers is not so good all right that should be all that she wrote we spent all the stuff that we have [ __ ] ha ha ha I didn't even change my fire rate oh yeah buddy I'm ready to go I'm ready to win this is all we need this is all we need is our better space for item I could take with me ah the void I guess the d20 maybe doesn't really matter does it notes rivey oh I still to fight the wave what a joke yeah that was good real fun guys good work everybody I'll Burke and the de gAHS Boyd everything nah man let's just keep what we got and make it to the end we did it today we did good work was it cigars again two of diamonds again straight card sense is good count it it sounds like pop is actually working Oh what are these pop skiers down here who's doing that Bates reward that's who's who's doing that oh my god you see the pop you see the pop earn is nuts oh my god it looks like crab didn't touch it but that was awesome this should they should tell me I got two million right this should be it yeah GG easy ah you had why you have to meet boys potato peeler do you even peel your potatoes that should be it right [Music] huh - Jenn airs Brooks why is it her telling me of two million percent i'ma tell me that what is that that one missing I did the daily challenge as I do believe why are there just a better screen where I can look at all these secrets this is dumb this is dumb just grit it out man make sure I have every single secret man let me know if I pass one that doesn't look like it's done yet disregard all on our beds did you see all the monsters that's not part of it yeah locks lock locks locks lock locked locked okay three three nine I think that's probably just means that I finished okay remember these three to six let's do those 3 to 6 3 to 7 3 2 H let's go look at what those are [Music] three two six three two seven three two eight three two six Ace of Diamonds appear in the basement Ace of Diamonds that sounds like something to do with keeper doesn't it three two seven a sub spades this sounds like maybe void for a couple of people maybe it lied to me half so hard how do I get rid of that or how do I get that [ __ ] man challenges it says everything is done it lied to me yeah and then that last one is just 1 million okay defeat the land without taking hearts coins and bombs it's the special challenges huh Ace of Spades pick up only keys we look we have to do the key challenge again oh Jesus didn't think about those you guys oh my geez reset a lot hold our
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 30,428
Rating: 4.9045348 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: iEYgFilUfzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 53sec (5393 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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