BREAKING NEWS: Trump Urges Gun Owners To Vote For Him At NRA Leadership Forum In Houston, Texas

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[Applause] wow well thank you very much and thank you Randy it's a true honor to be here today to receive the endorsement of the proud American Patriots at the NRA these are great Patriots these are great people and we're going to do things like nobody can believe we're going to win this election at levels that nobody's ever seen before but thank you very much for that endorsement means a lot to me you know when I started off as you know in 2016 I got that endorsement early uh and I got it some people thought they had it made but we got it we got it again and we've lived up to everything as you know everything I said they just uh were under seege with the guns the rifles and everything else were under siege but they didn't move us an inch and we have to stand strong you know that we have to stand very strong so thank you very much everybody I appreciate it the NRA has stood with me from the very beginning and with your vote I will stand strong for your rights and Liberties and four more years in the white house we're going to do things like nobody can believe we're going to turn our country around we're going to quite simply make America great again but one thing I'll say and I say it as friends we've got to get gun owners to vote because you know what I don't know what it is perhaps it's a form of rebellion because you're rebellious people aren't you but gun owners don't vote what is that all about I've heard that I heard it a few weeks ago if the gun owners voted we would swamp them at levels that nobody's ever seen before so I think you're a rebellious Bunch but let's be rebellious and vote this time okay if you go out and vote I understand exactly why you don't but we have to win this election it's the most important election in the history of our country you've got to get all your friends all the gun owners they have to go and they have to vote if they vote there's nobody that can beat us nobody so it's very important and I want to thank the NRA president Charles cotton your first vice president Bob bar and interim Executive Vice President Andrew arula andum who was a terrific group of people it's a terrific group of people we're also grateful to be joined by a very special man he's a hot politician very hot Governor Greg Abbott where is he he's around here someplace he's around here thank you Greg you're a hot politician Greg you know why he's hot because he's doing a good job that's a good reason right right doc running thank you very much Greg appreciate it great job also a friend of mine is the chairman of our campaign in Texas and we're 2 and 0 and we have uh lots of people running and so far I think we're 51 and0 in Texas I don't know I like Texas and they like me somehow it works together but this man is very very strong very popular Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick thank you Dan very strong guy very popular guy thank you very much great job how are we doing do Dan are we doing okay we're way up in Texas we're way up and thank you very much and members of Congress here we have a lot of them but a few of them I'm going to introduce we also have senators and we're going to just introduce a small group because we have to get on about our business don't we members of Congress the only man to hit a ball in Washington out of the stadium he hit a home run slow pitch you know they play the Democrats and uh slow pitch meaning about 55 or 60 M an hour not that slow but nobody's ever hit a home run over the fences except this one man and he was wearing a Maga hat so I didn't know him at the time but I said who's the guy that hit the home run this was a couple of years ago he hit it right over the fences in the deepest part of the park and uh that's not an easy thing to do for a civilian you know if you're a baseball player you can do it if you're a civilian you're not supposed to be able to do it but he was wearing that beautiful red Maga hat and I said who is that guy and his name is Greg stoy and he's here today and he's my friend with his incredible wife thank you Greg stoy where are you Greg where's Greg what a shot that was when they wear a hat it says maggot that means they're with us all the way with thank you Greg also uh a terrific congressman and a friend of yours very good friend of you and the state and the country Pat Fallon pat pat thank you Pat great pat great job another man he was uh the doctor for I I don't think any of you have ever heard of this gentleman Barack Hussein Obama has anyone ever heard of Barack now he was a doctor very talented doctor too you know he's got a lot of things on his resume he was a great doctor he was a great Admiral and now he's a great congressman and before I introduce him I just want to say when he was the doctor at the White House they asked him who's healthier who's a better physical specimen is it Trump or is it Obama and he said it's not even close it's Donald Trump not even close I said I love this guy Dr Ronnie Jackson your Congressman great congressman from Texas then he had it louse it up you know what he did he said and he'd lived for 200 years except he likes junk food so he might only live to 110 can you believe H I do like junk food who doesn't a real good friend of mine an incredible Republican conservative uh really a person that loves our country more than anything else happens to reside solidly reside in the state of Texas the president of the Amer America First policy Institute what she's done is incredible she has taken the policy Institute and brought it to a level that nobody thought possible and fairly quickly too I would say Brook Rollins Brook thank you thank you Brooke she could run any company in America but I don't want to say that because I don't want her stolen away from me Texas legislature candidates who have my complete and total endorsement David cvy Allan School Allan Schoolcraft where is Alan Allan Schoolcraft Helen Kerwin and Brent Haggen buo where are you stand up oh there they are and David is uh leading very substantially an absolutely terrible Speaker of the House who didn't want to go into vo of fraud he didn't want to do and David is David raise your hand David because David's leading very very substantially against your against your speaker of the house and uh I see the recent polls but still it's about a week away they all have my complete and total endorsement they're phenomenal people and they're going to do really really well and we appreciate you being with us thank you and good luck in a week from now good luck you're going to win big you're all going to win big we have to get we have to get your speaker out of there so that we can go into voter for because you know even though we were in Texas Dallas and Houston those areas a lot of bad things happening right Dan you know they have a lot of bad things happening and we got to stop it before it gets out of control and they will do that also a man you know he was operating a piece of equip been a big big uh hauler a big truck he was a truck guy a real truck guy not like Biden you know Biden says I drive trucks I drive trucks I used to drive an 18wheeler he does he know what he said he didn't no he always says that he said I used to drive an 18wheeler when the truckers come in that's what he says when the pilots come in I used to fly a plane no it's true he's misinformation I was going to say he's full of but I don't want to use bad language cuz there a lot of young no I don't want to I don't want to do [Applause] that well I played golf today with a really good golfer Tony Romo do you know Tony Romo he may be a better golfer than a football player I don't know but we played dry today we were talking about the state we were talking about a lot of things and we were at a wonderful course Very nearby and we had a tremendous amount of support from the people at that club I'll tell you it's amazing they love this state they love your Governor your Lieutenant Governor they love this country it's a beautiful thing to see really beautiful but you know Biden uh he said his biggest lie of all because I'm a nice golfer is the expression go speak we have another nice golfer here by the way Mr Steve witkoff and his son Alex he's a nice golfer and he's one of the most successful businessmen in the country he flew in just to spend some time CU he's a big believer in the NRA but Biden his biggest lie of all he said he's a 6.2 handicap golfer this guy couldn't break 200 I really made it and he actually challenged me you know last week we had we're going to have debates with him and that was good that's good I think we're going to you know he's still looking for that white stuff that was found in the white house he's saying where is it never arrived it never arrived they can't find it everyone thought it was for Hunter maybe it wasn't for Hunter I think it was just somebody else but he said 6.2 you know so usually guy's a six or seven or an eer I I played golf for a long time I won a lot of golf 31 club champion I ships can you believe it and he challenged me to a golf match he said I'll give him three aside the guy can't break 200 here's his swing I I'm very good at imitating swings not will you ask Tony Romo about that he'll tell you about Trump but uh no but that's his big Li 6.2 he's got to be 6.2 you know why 6.2 is like totally accurate you know down point2 I never even heard of that before who's a 6.2 but this gentleman that is from North Carolina got up and made a speech and the place said why aren't you running for office and he gave it a shot he ran for lieutenant governor so he went from a truck tractor he was a very good operator right here it was a forcl left and a good one a big one and he had a great job but he made a speech I think he was protesting taxes or something in North Carolina and he took the place by storm one of the most beautiful resonant voices you've ever heard he stood up I I said I I hope I said I think I'm going to really insult him by saying this it's possible that I will and I didn't want to do that and you know we're doing well with the black voter they can't even believe it they love Trump and I love them [Music] but I said to this man and when he endorsed me he gave a speech and I said you are Dr Martin Luther King on steroids that's how good you are you are unbelievable as a speaker and he got up and he's doing fantastically well in North Carolina and I think he's going to be the next governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson and a very popular guy how's it going good the POS are looking good I hear yes you got to hear this guy speak anyway he's going to be speaking at the convention very loudly and beautifully and we look forward to that we're going to have a great convention in Milwaukee and we're not doing one you know they're going to do a zoom convention I hear because he I you know they're blaming the pickets the riots whatever they might want to blame the real problem is he doesn't want to get up and speak he doesn't want he doesn't want to walk he can't walk from that stair to this Podium he can't put two sentences together even his Challenge on the debate it took him seven shots they have seven different clips for more than 150 years the NRA has been defined by men and women like all of you loyal hardworking citizens who believe in defending your families and your communities and our country RFK Jr I call him Junior by the way he's radical left don't think about it don't waste your vote we need a conservative person with common sense this guy is radical left who destroyed New York they're taking down all of the energy components we have the highest and all of New England actually he's a disaster he's radical left RFK Jr is radical left it reminds me of this fly that's driving me crazy up here this fly is brutal I don't like flies but RFK Junior calls you a terrorist group you know he calls you a terrorist group can't vote for him you can't you know somebody said well they like his policy on vaccine the other day he said no no he'll go for the vaccine he's not he's got no policy on anything he's radical left he always has been his family is angry at him because he's doing this they won't talk to him because they said where the hell did this come from and for some reason for some reason he's getting probably a little bit more Biden hurting brighten a little bit more but we can't waste any votes we have to make sure we win and I'm meeting I don't know if you read but I'm meeting next week very soon with the Libertarians because largely they have so much of what we have you know they're also people of Common Sense generally speaking have a couple of things that are a little different but we have to join with them because they get their 3% every year no matter who's running and we have to get that 3% because we can't take a chance on Joe Biden winning he's the worst president in the history of our country by far we can't have it but RFK JR says bad bad things he calls you a terrorist group and I call you the backbone of America that's a big difference wouldn't you say but under crooked Joe Biden everything you stand for is under threat like never before our Second Amendment which is largely why you're here I mean that's the biggest statement for you you know when I go and make speeches at different places It's always important but today this is the big statement it's under siege Second Amendment is under siege our constitution is being run through the shredder our borders have been obliterated inflation continued to rage and it's raging right now again and they shouldn't lower the interest rates because they're going to have to stop it but he's going to lower it just for purpos of trying to win an election just like he went into the Strategic reserves to try and win an election and let this stuff that's supposed to be used for war and National emergencies to try and keep the gas prices down and now we have the lowest strategic reserves we've ever had our country is going to hell rapacious gangs and ruthless criminals are terrorizing our streets and crooked Joe Biden's weakness has us teetering on the edge of World War II you know I've I've gotten to know I've gotten to know the leaders of the world very well the ones in South America that are sending all of their criminals and their prisoners and their gangs into our country intelligently I'd do the same thing if I was there I would do this same I'd do it faster than them but they're sending everybody into our country I mean think of it we have these people coming into our country uh we don't want them in our country they're from prison they're gang members they're drug dealers they're rapists we have people coming into our country we can't no country can sustain what's happening to us and they don't check them they have no idea what who they are it's not just South America it's all over the world it's time for a president who will replace weakness with strength turn poverty to prosperity and Vanquish Joe Biden's corrupt tyranny with a great restoration of American Freedom we have to do that from the very first day that we take back the White House I believe we are going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country and it's hard to believe when you look at what's happening right now with the inflation and the bad economy and one of the greatest I just say Scott I call him Scott he's one of the great prognosticators on Wall Street one of the smartest people on Wall Street he said the only reason the stock market's doing well is because Trump is leading in all of the polls if Trump wasn't leading in all of the polls and if Trump doesn't win you're going to have a collapse like in 1929 so just remember he said it but I said it too I really believe it I believe it that's the only thing that's doing well is the stock market it's doing well because we're doing well we had a great stock market but if it didn't happen it's going to be a very bad time I think for our country but to achieve the future you have to March into the voting booth and you have to tell crooked Joe Biden Joe you're doing a horrible job you're a horrible president like The Apprentice Joe you're fired get out of here Joe you're fired and let there be no doubt the survival of our Second Amendment is very much on the ballot you know what they want to do they're going to oh if they get in our country is going to be destroyed in so many ways but the Second Amendment will be it's under siege but with me they never get anywhere and we need that second amendment for safety forgetting about even uh going hunting and all of the things that you do we need it for safety because you know the bad guys are not giving up their guns you know that the bad ones are not giving up their guns oh they will be so happy if the Biden regime gets four more years they are coming for your guns 100% certain crooked Joe has a 40-year record of trying to rip Firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens he's always wanted to do that and you can't do it you know we're the party of common sense now it's like I call it the party of Common Sense we're conservative and all of that but we want borders we want good elections we have to have a second amendment that's meaningful if we don't we're going to have levels of death and destruction like this country has never seen before we're the party of common sense as we speak the the Biden Administration is trying to crush independent firearms dealers by revoking their licenses if they make a single error even in very unimportant paperwork you know that are there any people in here that have that happened because five hands go up and said no they want to take away your rights well I know that better than anybody they want to take away my rights better than anybody more worse than alons Capone Al Capone was indicted twice I got indicted four times I never heard the word what's an indictment what's an indictment please I think of it I go years and years I go through all sorts of stuff in New York I built buildings with the unions with all the people that are involved it's a rough business I never had a question about me all of a sudden within a period of like this little tiny period I got indicted four times and on a civil basis four or five times with it all being r from the White House and the doj and I say alons Capone the meanest roughest most horrendous I'm looking at some of the people here like this gentleman rough guy rough guy he's a rough stand up but you know what you don't want to have dinner with Al Capone I can tell you that right he'll be he he wouldn't like you you look too good he wouldn't like you and say let's get rid of that guy Al Capone so I remember Scarface right Scarface he is a scar that went from here to here and uh he was rough but he got indicted less than I did think of this my father is up in heaven and my mother and my father was tough but he was a good man he was a good person so I know he's in heaven my mother I guarantee it my father I think okay I think I'm pretty sure but he was great he was a great guy and and they're looking down on me right now they say can you believe it darling my son he got indicted so much and I heard they were going to try and do it a couple of more times and the White House said don't do it don't do it you're inditing this guy into the White House there's a little truth of that there's a little TR but we have the highest poll numbers we've ever had we have the highest poll numbers we've ever had and uh you know there were those I don't want to ever say this you know bing bing I don't know if this is wood or plastic you can't tell nowadays let I think it's plastic is there any wood around oh there's a piece but uh we have the best poll numbers we've ever had and I think a lot of it is the weaponization of Justice uh or as I call it the weaponization of Injustice because that's what it is and they'll use that on these great congressmen that I just introduced because I have a platform that's a very big platform and I can tell and talk to the voters whether it's on television or I could do whatever I can get it out and I have done it and probably a pretty good job you see this case that's in New York this fake case with a highly conflicted judge so conflicted there's probably no judge maybe in history that's been as conflicted as this guy and refuses to recuse himself but I'm able to talk about things although I do have a gag order I can't talk about the things I want to talk about because what I talk about is just on the surface because if I go in they want to put me in jail if I can you believe they want to put me in jail if I say the truth so I can't talk about certain things it says you can't talk about this you can't talk about that you can't talk but those are the best things but we talk about the things I can't talk about it has to be unconstitutional nobody's can you imagine you've won the Republican nomination for president of the United States and you have a local judge appointed by Democrat politicians he was appointed he didn't win the election he's appointed and he says I'm going to put a gag order on the Republican party's presidential candidate think of that I'm going to put a gang order so when people when people ask me questions I'll have to say I'm sorry I can't answer that qu and they're easy questions they're like softballs they're so easy to answer but I'm able to speak to the people the people understand and we're well into the 80s and even more than that and they see how fake it is and so many of the politicians like the ones I just uh mentioned and others many of them that aren't here from all over the country they go to the trial and they watch what's going on but we had a big day on Friday didn't we didn't we have a big day but they want to rig that just like they rigged the presidential election of 2020 they want to rig it this is their form of rigging and it only happens in third world countries never happened here here it's a disgrace what's going on but with me in the White House the radical gun grabbers will run straight into a very very powerful brick wall their dreams of taking away your god-given rights will die when the polls close on November 5th 20124 those dreams that they have will be dead they will be dead dreams every promise I made every single promise I made to you as a candidate I kept as your president look at all the things we did taxes think of it biggest tax cut in history biggest regulation Cuts in history greatest economy in the history of our country Larry Larry cuddler was on last night it was on I think Sean Hannity another great guy lot a lot of good people out there we have a lot of great people that get the word out but Larry cuddler was out and he was comparing our economy to Biden's economy he say not even close I mean we had the greatest economy ever and he's got an economy that is so bad with inflation no matter what happened you can never override inflation is a country Buster it has been for hundreds of years you go back to Germany of old it's a country Buster and it's busting our country and it's destroying our people just as I pledged back in 2016 I appointed nearly 300 Pro constit ution judges to interpret the law as written it's a record by the way and I face down vile attacks from the radical left who confirm three great Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Cony Barrett they're great oh they were thrilled when I got three you know a lot of presidents get none because they stay in office they usually appointed at a young age it's interesting I have a friend in New York he wanted to be a judge so bad when I when he great lawyer actually when I won uh he called me he said wow do you believe it big real estate lawyer phenomenal talent and 69 years old he said uh unbelievable how you did this can I be honest I'd love to give up my practice he makes a lot of money I'd like to give up my practice and I'd like to run I'd like to be a judge judge I'd be a great judge and he would be a great judge and I called my people and I so I told him don't worry about it you're going to be a judge congratulations then I called up my people and I said I have a guy from New York who's an incredible lawyer he's got the right temperament he'd be a really great judge oh good sir how old is he I said he's 69 sir so he's going to be there for two three four years we like people in their 30s so they're there for 50 years or 40 years we don't want and as soon as they said that I realized yeah they're exactly right so I called up my friend I said you're phenomenal we love you love you love you but will you guarantee that you're going to be there for 25 years well I can't do that good then I can't appoint you it's sort of a shame actually he would have been great but you know after three four years I say I think I want to go to I want to move to Texas and I want to retire in Texas a lot of people have moving into Texas standing before you at the NRA leadership Forum in 2019 I revoked America's signature from the globalist United Nations armed trade treaty which was one of the worst things to happen but we revoked it I stood up for our Hunters Fishers and Sportsmen like never before no president has ever stood up for you the people in this room like I did opening up millions of Acres of federal land and rolling back Barack Hussein Obama's assault on Hunting Fishing and trapping it was an assault he didn't want you to hunt why I don't know they usually blame the environment it's the environment and I stopped Cole their efforts to take away your ammunition you know those efforts are big the ammunition have has anyone noticed it's been they going after the ammunition when the radical left Democrats tried to use Co to shut down gun sales during the China virus I proudly designated gun and ammunition retailers as critical infrastructure so they couldn't touch it they tried many of the gun dealers were in this room they came up to me backstage a couple of them I met I said I was so honored to be called critical I was critical he was critical I've never been called critical in my life you gave me this powerful this powerful designation but we did that and it really worked a word critical was very important because that's what it is we have to save our country my Administration also petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn New York City's unconstitutional ban on transporting handguns outside the home they say you can't do it and we overturned it and in a landmark case two years ago the court affirmed that the right to self-defense does not end when you step outside the front door of your house we want it in my second term we will roll back every Biden attack on the Second Amendment the attacks are fast and furious starting the minute that crooked Joe shuffles his way out of the White House at noon on inauguration day we will sack the anti-gun fanatic Steve debach have you ever heard of him he's a disaster and replace him with an ATF director who respects the sacred rights to keep and bear arms and remember every single thing I told you I did that's one of the big things is that when I first ran we ran and when I first ran uh nobody you know I did great in business and did a lot of success even in show business with the apprentice and all but you know I never did this before and I said I was going to do certain things every single thing virtually every single thing that I said I said we're going to give you the biggest tax cuts I said we're going to give you the biggest regulation Cuts I said we're going to give you space force we're going to rebuild our military which we did I said we were going to build hundreds of miles of wall which we did we had 200 miles of wall ready to go and they decided then we had the rigged election and they decided not to put them up and they sold that very expensive wall it's exactly what the border patrol wanted exactly I wanted nice beautiful 4050 foot concrete plank they didn't like that and I did everything they wanted even the repellent panel on the top it stops you it's called an anti-climb panel you can't climb over it we had people that climbed Mount Everest we had all different walls built so that we got the best one they couldn't climb this one and the anti I didn't like the panel on top I don't know if you know what I'm talking about but there's an anti-climb panel on top but it makes it very hard for people to get over the walls they could scoot up those walls it was incredible and we built everything and now you know what they did we had 200 miles that would have been put up we built 571 miles of wall and we had the safest Border in history I got Mexico to give us soldiers all of the things I did but these people they took the 200 miles of wall that could have been flipped up and thrown up and they was sitting there ready to be installed and they sold it for 5 cents on the dollar I don't even know what the hell does anybody want that wall for right maybe other countries are buying it to use for their wall probably that's it for 5 cents of the Dollar on day one we will seal the Border we will stop The Invasion and we will send Joe Biden's illegal aliens back home with right where they belong right where they belong they going back home where they belong and we start with the criminals and there are many many criminals less than four years ago we had the most secure Border in US history we ended catch and release built tremendous numbers of miles of border wall like nobody thought possible I took it out of the military because I considered it an invasion of our country and I got Mexico to send 28,000 soldiers to our border free of Judge do you think that was easy to do I told the president of Mexico I need 28,000 soldiers free of charge to guard our border Donald president he was laughing he thought I was kidding I said no they have to be free of charge you'll do it I know you'll do it there's no question that you're going to do it they come through Mexico along with the drugs which by the way are now 10 times greater coming through fent andol and all coming through our border than it was just four years ago 10 times greater it's even more than that I believe but they're estimating at least 10 times but I said I need your soldiers and you'll give them to us free of charge he said no no no I will not do that Donald he thought it was so funny I said do me a favor and he's a friend of mine he's a good guy he's a he's a radical socialist and that's fine I don't care I don't care but he was a good guy I said do me a favor look I don't like negotiating with you it's sort of unpleasant I want to negotiate with your people and I said so do you have somebody that can negotiate a little bit on this subject and others and he said uh yes I will send Jose whoever to see you and a few days later a man comes into Washington he had the most beautiful clothing I've ever seen I'm telling you he was wearing suits in fact other than it probably would sound bad for the negotiation I wanted to ask him who is your tailor but I didn't think that was a good way to start off the negotiation and I said to him uh I want to do this I went to the border patrol and Ice who are phenomenal people and I went to everybody has anything to do with the border and our country and safety and immigration I said give me a top 10 list I want everything I want everything I'll get it all sir you won't get any of this stuff we've been trying to get it for 30 years from Mexico I said that's okay 100% I'll get it anyway they gave us stay in Mexico policy in other words people have to stay in Mexico they don't come into our country they stay in Mexico and they gave us uh Catch and Release into Mexico not catch and release into our country they gave us many things various uh illness situations where people that are with contagious diseases right Dr Ronnie they pour into our country like it's like let's just accept everybody and let's spread illness all over our country so we had that taken care of we had everything we had 10 so the guy comes in from Mexico and I say here's what I want I want 28,000 soldiers free of charge I want remain in Mexico I want catch and release into Mexico they never heard of this and he's like he's going PR we won't do that why would we do this are we stupid why would we do this I said you're going to do it 100% well you don't think you're going to do it of course you're going to do it no I'm not going to do it I said yes you are going to do it 100% he goes no way I said way I said way you're going to do it and now he's not laughing anym because he's trying to figure what the hell's going on with this guy he's saying no and I'm saying yes I said no 100% you're going to do it he said no I'm not and I said here's what's happening it's Friday evening on Monday morning I 7:00 every single car that you send into our country you know they've stolen 32% of our car industry over the years not doing my Administration by the way but over the years they've taken a huge junk out of Michigan and and by the way that's why I'm leading in Michigan because people see what they've done to the jobs and the cars and the uh the building the manufacturing of cars is just horrible and Mexico has taken a tremendous amount of uh of that business away I mean they've just building massive car plants again in Mexico I had it stopped some of the biggest plants in the world you know who's building a lot of them China is building car plants in Mexico to sell cars into the United States and I told them the other day don't do it because you're going to be charged 100% tariff which makes it impossible to sell the cars in tour and you're building these big monster plants and you're wasting a lot of money doing it because we're not going to accept any of those cars we're not going to lose our jobs to monster plants that are being built along the border to sell into the United States because they have a guy like crooked Joe Biden is President who's accepted money he's a Manchurian Candidate he's accepted money from China from Russia from Ukraine from everywhere if that were a republican he would have been given the electric chair they would have brought back the death penalty what he's gotten away most he's the most crooked he's also the most crooked president we've ever had and to put it to spin it a little bit he is a threat to democracy you know they like to say I'm a threat to democracy what the hell have I done all I've done is we had no Wars except we defeated Isis and we defeated them brutally and quickly quickly and I said that this handsome beautiful well-dressed man now you're going to do that because on Monday morning we're putting a tariff of 25% on everything that comes in and then a month later it's going to 50 and then a month later it goes to 75 and then a month later it goes to 100 and that's where I'm going to stop I think that's enough and that's more money than the money we're asking for the 28,000 so I'll just end the other things by a factor of about five and it's going to take place on Monday morning and I had an order on my desk and I said I'm signing the order right now so you can see it oh but Mr President may I please take five minutes to make a call back to my my country and I said let me guess you're going to call the president my friend who is my friend he's a great guy but he likes Mexico and I like us I mean what can I tell you right that's that's the deal just like President shei he likes China and I like the USA that's why they paid billions of dollars that no other president got 10 cents so may I take a moment to make a call yes you may please hurry up because I have other appointments he comes back about 3 minutes later we have decided to provide you sir with 28,000 soldiers free of charge of course and it is a great honor to do so and in addition to that we will have a stay in Mexico policy where all of these criminals that are coming into our country will stay in Tiana you had to see Tiana this was the breathtaking to see this they weren't allowed into our country got everything and the woman from the state department a very nice woman very very good very loyal to the country but lousy negotiator she said I've been working on this for 25 years I said I was I've been working on it for about 2 hours and I got everything I got everything and then when this guy and then when this guy this guy this guy with no IQ low he's a low IQ individual our president think of this we have a low IQ individual as our president and he's dealing with steel he's dealing with President she we will start negotiation now there's no games he's dealing with Putin he's dealing with Kim Jong-un he's dealing with mcon of France that's another one he charged our company's 25% tax I said to minuchin and the other people go and tell them we're not going to have our country companies pay 25% tax to France why would they do that why would they do that I said you have a week you get them to withdraw that tax immediately and they came back and they said it doesn't work I said you have another day and then I'll make a call and they came back and they said we can't do it they've already passed it I said that's okay let me go get me Emanuel macron of France please get me you don't mind if I go off the cuff for these stupid teleprompter do you isn't it nice to have a president that doesn't need a freaking teleprompter isn't that nice isn't that a nice thing so I said let me handle it so they're going to charge American companies this massive amount of tax to do business in France who the hell wants to do business in France why should they do that so they couldn't do it they came and said sir I'm sorry sir it's too late I said it's not too late it's never too late they're ripping off our country and it's an embarrassment to our country it's not too late I said get me get me macron of France right away I want right away and Emmanuel macron he's the leader of France and he's a nice man but he loves France they all love their countries and or feel an obligation to their country but they love their country but I love this country more than I love just about anything right I mean I love my family too you know I always have to preface that because the fake news back there would say he doesn't love his family so I always have to preface I love my family so much and I love my country so much I love things but I love our country and I feel an obligation so I say I'll do it get me MCR so mrrone leader of France gets on the phone Emmanuel how are you his name is Emmanuel beautiful beautiful name especially when it's spoken in French Emmanuel Emanuel how are you oh Donald Donald I am so good oh thank you so much thank you for asking how's your wife my wife his wife is Lovely by the way and I say how's your wife my wife is so good thank you so much for asking I said Emanuel I understand that you are going to charge American companies 25% for the privilege of doing business in France oh yes oh yes this was passed by our legislature oh yes we are doing that well not going to happen a Manu no no no no don't all that is happening no it's not going to happen Emanuel you're going to withdraw it immediately I don't care if it's signed or not it's irrelevant no no we cannot do that we cannot do that uh this is taken place we have talked about this for a long time within France I said that's good I talked about this for a long time in my country too about 3 hours and I said I said Emanuel here's a story if you don't withdraw that tax immediately on Wednesday morning this was a Monday I work all different days I don't discriminate this was a Monday I said Emanuel if you don't withdraw that tax I'm going to charge you a 100% tariff on all wine and champagne that comes into the United States and it will start effective immediately and he said no no no Donald you cannot do that that would be very unfair I said no charging a tax to our company is very unfair I said you have five minutes to tell me you're going to do it or you're not going to do it I will call you back Donald I must check calls me DD I have been able to stop this legislation and I'm pleased to inform you that we will not be charging you that tax but now I understand they're charging or they're doing something very similar and a lot of it's already been passed again because they have a president that's incompetent and you know what I have great respect for the Office of the President I would never talk this I didn't talk like this until I got indicted once they indicted me I said the gloves are off this guy did something that you can't do even Hillary Clinton we we didn't want to do that you don't want to hurt our country like that and divide our country this guy this horrible guy indicted a man that's running for office on the two-party system always going to be a two-party system by the way they can have all the games they want but we have a two-party system it was devised that way that's good that's fine but they took the leading candidate who has the Republican essentially has the Republican nomination and very importantly is leading their candidate by a lot we're leading in every poll every single poll leading in the swing States everything and they've indicted him so they did this in order to hurt his political opponent this is a political thing the indictments are not sense and you see that when you watch the television and the news reports even though fake news CNN and fake T do you know fake Tapper is going to be one of the people but I was so they said they said to me the other day sir CNN with fake tap and and he is a fake but let's see how he does I think he's under a lot of pressure to be fair but fake t pepper is going to be heading up the team that interrogates you I said that's okay I accept the debate I accept it you know why cuz nobody thought he was going to debate they didn't think I'd accept it I accept and another one called they put out another one I said I accept they didn't even tell me where it was who it was I didn't care what the hell difference does it make I mean you know so we did something that they were shocked at they had no idea that you know they figured well we're not going to do CNN and we're not going to have Tapper be the guy and we're not going to have other people involved in that show that you know we they thought there was no negotiation I said I accept anything you want let's debate and now they're shocked they don't know what the hell to do because they have a debate but just remember this we'll go back and finish you know there is a genius to what I'm doing you do know that I go from here to and it all comes back into a beautiful picture you know it really do you notice it all comes back into a beautiful picture great memory it's a beautiful thing but remember what they're going to do if this horrible uh low IQ individual who's representing us if this horrible person who's done such a bad job worst president in history by far if this horrible individual finishes the debate which I think he will if he's standing if he's standing they'll say it was a brilliant performance it was a brilliant performance they've never seen anything like it very much reminiscent of the days of FDR you know FDR was a beautiful had a beautiful Patrician voice magnificent voice great debate a very smart man you know FDR 16 years almost 16 years he was four term I don't know are we going to be considered three- term or two term you tell me Ronnie what do you think are we three term or two term if we were but think of it they're going to say wonderful now he did that State of the Union the other day he was high as a kite so I think we should call for drug tests on the debate we're going to call for drug test we're a going to call for drug test so anyway so mrrone calls see what me look I start even I say to myself you're a freaking genius hey look I had an uncle my father's brother who's the longest serving pres not he's the longest serving professor in the history of MIT he graduated was a phenomenal student a Real Genius really brilliant guy and you know I believe in the racehorse Theory fast horses produce fast horses he went to MIT graduated they said we'd love to have you be a professor he was there for I think 41 years he's the longest serving professor in the history of MIT it's nice to know do you think Biden has that in his family I don't think so I don't think so I may be wrong let's check let's check so mcon calls me back see this is the final of the stories mcon mcon calls me back calls me back and he said Donald Donald we have agreed to do what you want we will not charge the tax how sad is that there are so many different things like buying Air Force One saying I'm not going to pay for it and not signing the contract that was NE I said who negotiated the contract Barack Hussein Obama then I'm not signing it well why would you do that because I know it's too expensive I didn't know anything about the plane it's too expensive and I was able to cut $1.6 billion off the price over a period of two months with Bing we have a lot of stories we could tell But the saddest thing of all is that crooked Joe Biden has turned your state and the entire country into a Dumping Ground for the world in Venezuela violent crime is down at levels that they've never seen before the new it was 67% 3 weeks ago it's now down to 72% it's down violent crime is down would you ever hear that you know if it goes down 1% we say oh it's so great down 7 72% because all of their inmates their mental patients and the drek from deep in the basements of their most vile prisons and they're depositing them all into our country all their gang members in karacus Venezuela karacus wonderful City if you'd like to actually it's going to turn out to be a lot safer than our cities because all the criminals are being sent to us in fact I'll invite you in fact I have an idea for the NRA let's have the next year's meeting in Venezuela where it's going to be a lot safer than our country Venezuela will have no crime because all of their criminals will be deposited so Ronnie we'll go together okay Congressman Fallon we're going to go together we'll all take a trip together and we're going to go and we're going to get Dan and the whole group and we're going to go to Venezuela because we want a crime-free environment okay that's what's happening that's what's happening think of it they're down 72% now from last year in in violent crime Biden wants to disarm American citizens while he floods our country with Biden migrant crime now while we're here does has anyone ever heard of the snake the snake should I do it now or not should I I mean look let's face it it's a Saturday afternoon we have nothing to do it's like a time it's sort of like a Death Valley time you know on television terms they call it Death Valley when you're on on Saturday afternoon they say you got Death Valley so let's stick let's do this it's better right is this better than going home and turning on television and falling asleep being bored do it yes yes yes so this sort of a metaphor and it has to do with immigration and it has to do with the people coming into our country that are wrong you can't let criminals into our country and expect things to happen it's the snake it was an old rock and roll song not having anything to do with what we're talking about and we made certain changes and it's pretty good and I think it's describes it and people like it and they like it a lot although they're very sad when they hear it because it's what's happening on her way to work one morning down the path along the lake at tenderhearted woman saw a poor half Frozen snake his pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the Dew poor things she cried I'll take you in and I'll take care of you take me in oh tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman sigh The Vicious snake she wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by her Fireside with some honey and some milk she hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived she found the pretty snake she' taken in had been revived take me in oh tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman beside that vicious snake she clutched him to her bosom you're so beautiful she cried but if I hadn't brought you in by now you truly would have died she stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight but instead of saying thank you ma'am this snake gave her a vicious bite take me a no tender woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh tender woman Inside The Vicious snake I saved you cried the woman and you've bitten me but why you know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die shut up silly woman said the reptile with a grin you knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in right that's what we're doing that's what we're doing that's what we're doing we're allowing terrorists into our country we're allowing prisoners and people from mental institutions and insane asylums into our country and uh nothing good is going to happen it's actually a very accurate portrayal of what we're waiting for we're 100% going to be in big big trouble and they're building in numbers that you've never seen for even large numbers of Chinese warriors that are flowing into our country they're all aged from 19 to 25 and almost every one of them is a man what's that all about 29,000 over the last month and a half 29,000 people from China oh men strong as hell I looked at them the other day on television I looked at them I said wow they're pretty strong what are they doing building a little Army in our in our backyard how stupid are these people how stupid you know know we're the party of common sense and I say and so important because common sense is the key not even conservative we're very conservative all that stuff but we're really Common Sense who wants to have an open border where people can come and totally unchecked unvetted who wants to have high interest rates high taxes who wants to have men being able to play in women's sports who wants to have that who wants to have who really wants to have that think of it who wants it we're joined today by a very proud Texan Debbie Douglas you've read about Debbie she's become as famous as me I think I'm not happy about this Debbie we got to put an end to this no Debbie is great and her family ranch in Edwards county is under Invasion from the cartels and the illegal aliens because of Joe Biden's open border Debbie has been forced to install steel shutters steel screens and reinforced door frames all over her home including on her 8-year-old granddaughter's bedroom window she's petrified for the life of her granddaughter after multiple attempted break-ins and attacks including an attack when illegal border crossers tried to kick in the door and break through that window Debbie's granddaughter is too afraid to do anything she wants to go home I want to go home Grandma I don't want to stay here I don't want to stay here this place is so dangerous Grandma it's so scary this whole area is a playground Debbie says they basically own it and four years ago it was safe and nobody came around because that was Trump and we had the safest border we had the best Border in the history of our country but today that beautiful little granddaughter wants to go anywhere but that bedroom in that house but she said I'm not going to fear it I'm not going to let them run me out of here Debbie is 45 minutes away from the nearest law enforcement without her second amendment she's defenseless she has no chance that's why Debbie says we are never out of that house without a gun we have to have a gun if we don't have a gun we're we're dead people you can't even go out on the porch to have a cup of coffee without being assaulted with people that have weapons Debbie I promise you I will get the trespasses off your land out of our country and your granddaughter will look forward to going home with you and sleeping with you in that beautiful little bedroom so I'd like to ask Debbie to come up and tell us quickly and beautifully about how she's doing and I can only say you're coming up you're going to be happy Debbie because we're going to solve your problem immediately once we get into office Debbie please come up thank you [Applause] hi my son Scott Douglas and I have owned a ranch in Edwards County for 12 years and it's sorry to say that over the last four since we've had open borders it's not safe used to we could go out on the property and enjoy the sights now when we drive around one O's driving the other one's looking under cedar bushes for legs and movement we can't even go out on the property around the house without being armed we can't go out and sit on the porch and drink a cup of coffee without having a gun on us my granddaughter can't go out and play without having adult supervision which he used to could you know it's something's got to be done if we're out on the property you're always looking over your shoulder to make sure an illegal isn't coming up on you when you're approaching the gate one person is sitting in the car with a gun while the other one is unlocking the gate in my opinion there's only one man that can change this there's only one man that can protect our rights as gun owners there's only one man that can save this country and there's only one man that can close our borders and that is President Trump thank you [Applause] oh wow great woman thank you Debbie you know that's sometimes very dangerous to do please come up and they say and there's only one man and I'm and they say somebody else I say that was not good that was not but she's a an incredible woman and a warrior and a fighter just like you guys and uh she's really great and I appreciate that I met her son all and he fantastic real Patriots Joe Biden has heartlessly betrayed his solemn duty to Americans like Debbie and he sided with the cartels he's actually sided with these very tough very smart very vicious cartels crooked Joe does not care one bit about these stories like hers but I do I care a lot instead of trying to send Texas a restraining order to prevent you from securing your border like Biden has done I will send you reinforcements you'll get reinforcements you're going to get reinforcements on day one we will begin the largest deportation effort in the history of our country it'll be a big one it'll be a big one and it'll be something not that we want to do it we don't want to do it we have a big heart a beautiful heart but you have to come into a country legally we're going to change it we're going to have to come into our country isn't it unfair when people are applying to come into our country for 12 years 14 years and all of a sudden millions of people I believe the real number is 16 17 18 million people but the time we get this guy out of office who I really believe I really believe the vote is you know we're leading in polls but I really believe the vote could be a landslide because who the hell we don't want this guy there anymore he's destroying our country we don't want him there anymore as we secure our border we will also confront the deadly plague of radical Democrat crime that is devouring our country every day radical left Democrat Das us attorneys and judges are setting loose dangerous and bloodthirsty criminals by the hundreds and hundreds and thousands Joe Biden supports these radical policies for example crooked Joe continues to support abolishing cash bail Nationwide cash no cash bail as president I will stand up to the Marxist e and Soros prosecutors as I have been by the way very much over the last couple of years they have been after me you may have noticed and we will give our police back their power and their respect I am going to indemnify all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left [Music] lunatics who are angry that they are taking strong action on crime we're going to protect them and we will ensure that any Criminal Who murders a police officer receives the death penalty and a quick trial and it's no wonder Joe Biden and his thugs are so desperate to stop us they know that we are the only ones who can stop them all of the persecution you're witnessing is only happening because I am running for president and leading in the polls if I wasn't running or if I was like so many others that we've now vanquished uh there'd be nothing there'd be nothing and the latest New York Times poll they were not happy about this the New York Times we're leading in every swing state by Massive margins and we're on track to win a record share of the Hispanic American votes this [Music] November and likewise we're doing record numbers with the africanamerican voters they are tired of what's happening to them and honestly there's been no president since Abraham Lincoln and perhaps in a certain way including Abraham Lincoln but there's been no president since Abraham Lincoln that has done more for the black individual in this country than president Donald J Trump there's been nobody not even close colleges in universities Criminal Justice Reform opportunity zones Tim Scott did a great job with the opportunity zones Tim Scott of South Carolina and we've done more for uh African-Americans than any other president since Lincoln let's give Lincoln his due okay but uh that's the way it is the Democrats are all talk no action I was little talk and total action the radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024 every time the radical left Democrats Marxist communist and fascist indict me I consider it a great badge of honor I'm being indicted for you and never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom they want to silence me because I will never let them silence you and in the again they're not after me they're after you I just happen to be standing in their [Applause] way before I even arrive at the Oval Office shortly after we win the presidency I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled and we will restore as we had just four years ago peace through strength they respected our country and they respected your president I will support Israel's right to win its war on terror on day one I will cancel Joe Biden's absolutely in Ane electric vehicle mandate and we are going to tell Texas energy workers like never before to drill baby drill and as a group and this is a big group and a beautiful group and you go right into the deep corners of this big group room but I appreciate it I really appreciate it but we're in this together we got to save our country and I think while we're here we have to talk about the question of abortion it's a very big issue as you know in our country because we have to do the right thing and we also have to get elected we have a combination we have to do the right thing but we have to get elected we've gotten abortion out of the federal government you know for years and years that's what they wanted everybody said we have to take it away legal Scholars and we got to back to the States the way that all of these Scholars and experts in law always wanted it and always said it should be this was the big question we have to take it out that's why they hated Ro v Wade because it was a federal issue it wasn't a state issue they wanted to bring it back to the States and to the people and it's now up to the will of the people in each state it's something that nobody can believe we're able to get done and it's happening and it's happening rapidly it's moving along very rapidly you saw that Nevada just changed their law and it's going to go to a vote you saw that Ohio and in all fairness they came out on the much more liberal side if we can use that term uh Kansas likewise great States both great States came out uh much more liberal in terms of this issue than some people would have thought but the vote is the vote and it's the will of the people some states will be more conservative and others will be more liberal but the people will decide and that's the way it should be and that's the way people have wanted it to be for many many decades if the radical Democrat extremists get their way they will have a federal law for abortion in the seventh 8th 9th month and even executing a baby after birth if you look if you look at if you look at and you know exactly what I'm talking about if you look at the former governor of Virginia he said yes we'll have the patient the woman brought in the 9th month and if the baby is born we will sit down and we will talk to the woman and we'll decide whether or not she wants to dispose of the baby this is a Democrat radical Democrat they want abortion and they fully allow and in some cases they have a mandate they have they allow abortions in the seventh e8th nth month and even after birth and you can't have that so the fact is they're the radical ones on this issue not you they're the radical ones but every voter has to go with your heart and do what's right but we also have to remember that politicians to do many other things have to get elected and I want to thank the six Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas Samuel Alo John Roberts Brett Kavanaugh Neil gor and Amy con Barrett for the wisdom and courage they showed on this long-term very contentious issue they did what's been wanted for many many years getting it back to the States puts the question where it belongs with the vote of the people and over time it will all work out it is already working out at a rapid rate and our country can finally come together on this very contentious topic and and uh I think it's something we have to talk about because you just have to talk about it in my opinion Republicans have not been talking about it intelligently they haven't been talking about it with knowledge or they were just wed it to something but remember speak from your heart but you also have to get elected again that's common sense because we have many things to do very big issues like this issue is a big issue very big issues so we uh we did something that nobody thought could be done and you know if you go back 10 years 12 years the only issue with roie Wade was getting it back to the states where it belongs and then with time it gets to be very complex now the people are deciding and they're deciding at a rapid pace and some will be happy some won't be happy but that's true of almost everything that's contentious but it's been an amazing thing and uh uh people are working very hard to try and get their points across and they're dealing with their state and a lot of things are working out very very well so it's a very important thing and I just hope that the Republicans learn how to speak about it properly and with intelligence and with heart we're going to rebuild our cities into beacons of Hope safety and Beauty better than they have ever been before we will take over the horribly run capital of our nation Washington DC it's like a murder capital of the world and clean up renovate and rebuild our wonderful Capital so so that it no longer is a nightmare of murder and crime but rather it will become the most beautiful Capital anywhere in the world we're going to renovate and rebuild and we're going to take the graffiti out I was there recently on a court case of course court case I get so many court cases I'm going to end up being Clarence darl I'm going to end up being one of the greatest of all time I'm becoming a great expert at the law and I'm driving into a federal courthouse and the graffiti all over the place is unbelievable it's staggering the roads are full of potholes the medians in the middle you know the guard rails are all broken and laying some of them laying literally laying in the street the garbage is piled up and disgusting cans are laying there for many months you know you look at a can I know how long I know how long it's been there some of them have been there for I would say more than a year it's filthy dirty we're going to make our Capital strong again we're going to run our Capital we're going to take our Capital over by the federal government it's going to run properly not the way it's run right right now it's a murder capital people are being murdered every single week murdered they leave the great state of Texas to go see our Capital they want to see our monuments which somewh ripped down remember when I passed the law when they were starting to get a little bit crazy in Washington and I passed the law that anybody that touches a monument goes to jail for 10 years not six years or nine years or 9 and a half 10 years mandatory and everybody left it was amazing it was a beautiful I think to watch everybody just left we have to be strong on things like that on day one I will sign a new executive order to cut Federal funding for any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other inappropriate racial sexual or political content onto the lives of our children and I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate and also on day one I will keep men out of women sports we will protect innocent life and we will restore free speech in America and I will secure our [Applause] elections and by the way our goal on Election will be one day voting with paper ballots proof of citizenship and voter ID it's very simple very simple but until then Republicans must win and gun owners must vote you must go and vote we want a landslide that is here's the expression too big to rig does that make sense because you know you get at a certain point you get big enough with the Victory and they can't do anything that's the ultimate form of winning anyway if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the United States and added them up they would not have done near the destruction to our country as Joe Biden and the Biden Administration has done and now I think I could add more you know if you were with me six months ago and I think everybody was I used to say the five worst now I say the 10 worst I think I could probably say the 15 or 20 worst he's the worst president we've ever had the good news is Jimmy Carter is happy because because Jimmy Carter's presidency is brilliant by comparison Jimmy had a brilliant presidency by comparison to this guy this horrible horrible president that we have right now Jimmy Carter had a brilliant presidency so if you want to save America in your second amendment register get an absentee or mail in ballot vote early or vote on Election Day I don't care but whatever you do you have to vote and keep your eyes open open when you see thievery and theft you report it we're not going to have Co where they can cheat and use Co to cheat this election season in Texas begins on October 19th think of that we're so close and yet it seems so far away we're so close but four months and five months is actually in this world it's an eternity you could have a World War during this period of time but it begins on October 19th and goes all the way to November 5th today we are also announcing the launch of gun owners for Trump gun owners for Trump and this is to get out the vote sign up at gun owners. get out there and do we have to get the votes and remember what I told you is so true the gun owners don't vote it's so crazy they should be you I would think that they would vote more than any other group of people and it's just the opposite they don't vote and they have to get out and vote so tell all your friends leave here I hope you're having a good time are you having a good time considering the subject matter is so [Applause] terrible so this is going to be again the most important election in the history of our country I used to say it on 2016 but that was penised by comparison I ran On the Border in 2016 but that border was like fantastic compared to the Border we have now I solved the Border problem so much so that I couldn't use it in the 2020 speeches I kept saying to my people can I talk about the Border please they said sir you've solved the problem nobody wants to hear about it I said that's not appropriate but they were right and yet we won by millions of votes more than we did in 2016 without talking about the Border but now the border is a a level that nobody's ever seen there's never been a border in the world in the history of the world that's like this this is a horror show in conclusion together we are taking on some of the most menacing forces and vicious opponents our people have ever seen But no matter how hateful and corrupt the Communists and criminals we are fighting against may be you must never forget this nation does not belong to them this nation belongs to you [Applause] this is your home this is your heritage and our American Liberty is your God given right from bont to El Paso from Fort Worth to Corpus Christie and from Midland to Dallas this state was won by God-fearing hardworking Patriots like the men and women in this room today incredible people it's an incredible State you have a a great Governor you have a great lieutenant governor you have incredible Congress people you have just fantastic people the Texas Spirit of proud Independence was forged by Cowboys and cattle hands ranchers and Rangers Oil Workers soldiers and brave brave brave Pioneers many came here with nothing but the boots on their feet the clothes on their back and the gun in their saddle but they turned this state into a home of freedom justice and Liberty and they raised the flag high and dared any foe to come and take it do you know what that is come and take it come and take it together they help make America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world [Music] [Music] but now we are a nation in Decline we are a failing Nation we are a nation that has the highest inflation in 58 years where banks are collapsing and interest rates are skyrocketing likewise we are a nation where energy costs have reached the highest levels in our history we are no longer longer energy independent or energy dominant as we were just a few short years ago we are a nation that is begging Venezuela and others for oil please please please help us Joe Biden says yet we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country anywhere in the world we are a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will be reducing their oil production while at the same time substantially increasing the price and we met that threat by announcing that we will no longer be drilling for oil in large areas of Alaska or elsewhere our land we gave up anoir the greatest Reserve perhaps anywhere in the world we are a nation that is consumed by the radical left's Green New Deal yet everybody knows that the green news scam is fake and will lead to our destruction we are a nation whose leaders are demanding all electric cars despite the fact that they don't go far they cost too much and whose batteries are produced in China with materials only available in China when an unlimited amount of gasoline is available inexpensively in the United States but it is is not available in China and now we are a nation that wants to make our revered and very powerful army tanks the best anywhere in the world all electric so that despite the fact that they also are not able to go far fewer pollutants will be released into the air as we blast our way through enemy territory in an environmentally friendly way and they also want to make our fighter jets with a green stamp of Energy savings though losing 15% efficiency but allowing us to keep our enemy atmosphere clean of emissions as we viciously and unceremoniously attack them at levels never seen before where and who are these people that would do this to our country who are these people who would ruin us and make us look like fools we are a nation that ended oil exploration and production in the US just as the price of oil reached an all-time high what other country would do such a stupid thing and so self-destructive yet can we be energy independent and even energy dominant again yes oh yes and quickly says president Trump yes oh yes and quickly we are a nation that surrendered in Afghanistan leaving dead soldiers American citizens and $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment in the World Behind and also abandoning bam one of the biggest military bases anywhere in the world and only one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weap weapons and we are a nation that allowed Russia and Ukraine to fight killing hundreds of thousands of people and it will only get worse it would never have happened with me as your president and for four straight years it didn't happen likewise the horrifying attack on Israel would never have happened they wouldn't have even had a thought of doing such a thing if president Trump was in the over office Iran was broke under the Trump Administration they didn't have the money to fund Hamas or hez bua and all of the other instruments of Terror that they used to finance but those sanctions were lifted by a corrupt Biden Administration and now Iran is a rich country with $200 billion do and another $6 billion for hostages and $1 billion for electricity to Iraq all compliments of the incompetent Biden Administration and China with Taiwan is next we are a nation that allows radical left terrorists to violently attack our cities leaving behind massive destruction and death and nothing happens to the criminals that do these terrible things there is no punishment but when people who love our country protest on January 6th in Washington they become hostages unfairly imprisoned for long periods of time we are a third world nation that has weaponized its law enforcement against the opposing political party like never before we've got a Federal Bureau of Investigation that won't allow bad election changing facts to be presented to the public and which offers $ million to a writer of fiction about Donald Trump to lie and say it was fact where Hunter Biden's laptop from hell was Russian disinformation and the FBI knew it wasn't but 51 intelligence agent said it was and the Department of Justice that refuses to investigate egregious acts of voting irregularities and fraud and we have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country who is cognitively impaired in no condition to lead and is now in in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war which would be World War II and far more devastating than any of the previous world wars because of the Weaponry that no one even wants to think about we are a nation that no longer has a free and fair press fake news is all you get and they are indeed the enemy of the people they refus to discuss the Biden crime family but enjoy covering the false indictments of Donald J Trump who has done nothing wrong except win an election against Hillary Clinton which some people thought he was unexpected to win we are a nation that with free speech no longer allowed and it is no longer allowed and if we don't win the next election it never will be allowed again and where crime is rampant and out of control like never ever before before we are a nation that is allowing Iran to build a massive nuclear weapon and China to use the trillions and trillions of dollars it has taken from us to build a military to rival our own and less than four years ago we had Iran China Russia and North Korea in check they respected us they were afraid of us they weren't going to do a thing against us and everyone knows it now Russia and China are holding Summits to carve up the world and to become partners and perhaps most importantly We're a nation that is no longer admired respected or listened to on the world stage we are a nation that in many ways has become a joke we are a nation that is hostile to Liberty Freedom faith and even God we are a nation whose economy is collapsing into a cesspool of Ruin whose supply chain is broken whose stores are not stopped whose deliveries are not coming and whose educational system is ranked at the bottom of every single list we are a nation that just sold a once great company United State Steel to Japan we are a nation whose stock markets continued success is contingent on Maga winning the next election we are a nation where large pack of sadistic criminals and thieves are allowed to go into stores and openly Rob them beat up and kill their workers and customers and leave with armloads of goods but with no retribution with the authority of our great police has been taken where their families and pensions have been threatened and their lives would be destroyed for the mere mention of the words law enforcement we are a nation we're fent in and all other forms of illegal drugs are easier to get than groceries to feed our beautiful families we have become a drug infested crimer ridden nation which is incapable of solving even the simplest of problems we will institute the powerful death penalty for drug dealers where each dealer is responsible for the death during their lives of at least 500 people or more mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hopelessly dying in their arms screaming what can I do what can I do we are a nation whose once revered airports are dirty crowded mess you sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won't leave and they have no idea when they will where the ticket prices have tripled they don't have the pilots to fly the planes they don't seek the qualified air traffic controllers and they just don't know what the hell they're doing we are a nation that screens its citizens viciously at all ports but if you're an illegal alien you're allowed to flow through the Border by the millions and millions and millions we are a nation that has lost its confidence willpower and strength we are a nation that has quite simply lost just its way but we are not going to allow this horror to continue less than four years ago we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again it was the hardworking Patriots like you who built this country and it is the hardworking Patriots like you who are going to save our country we will fight for America like no one has ever fought before 2024 is our final battle with you at my side we will demolish the Deep State we will expel the warmongers from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the Communist marxists and fases we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media we will drain the swamp and we will liberate our country from these tyrants and villains once and for all like those Patriots before us we will not Bend we will not break we will not yield we will never give in we will never give up we will never ever ever ever back down with your support we will go on to Victory the likes of which no one has ever seen and we will evict crooked Joe Biden from the White House on November 5th 2024 [Applause] the great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership the Forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer we are one movement one people one family and one glorious nation under God and together we will make America powerful again we will make America America wealthy again we will make America strong again we will make America proud again we will make America safe again we will make America free again and we will make America great again thank you very much to the NRA and thank you Texas thank you very much God bless you all God bless you all thank you thank you [Applause]
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 9,426
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Id: dQvhYJa08NM
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Length: 97min 31sec (5851 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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