The Ezekiel 38 Prophecy?

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so friends listen up this is quite amazing about what's going on in the world right now this whole issue about Israel now listen I know it's touchy even to bring up the name Israel but here's here's my point all around the world right now people are on edge about the nation of Israel the war the rumors of wars the issue with Russia now amassing just North of Israel in the Syrian border and the issue of Lebanon and how the attacks are coming Things Are heating up friends listen unless the Lord removes you and I in what's called The Rapture it is becoming very evident that we could very well see the Book of Ezekiel chapter 38 opening up and starting very very soon all the players are in place it's quite amazing and so what you want to do is become very very familiar with the Book of Ezekiel chapter 38 keeping this in mind that Israel being the issue right now in the United Nations by the way little side note did you guys know this that while the UN was literally discussing what they should do about Israel did you know that the UN you can watch it on YouTube there was an earthquake there was an earthquake and they had to stop talking and they're looking around because the ground shook I'm not saying God shook the ground I'm just saying that God knew the ground was going to shake the hour that they're going to be discussing what should we do with Israel listen God says that Israel is the apple of his eye that's the cornea of your eye this most sensitive part of your eye God says that's Israel to me so friends listen let's forget about the controversy of Israel let's Embrace this reality Israel's in the news if you like it or not the Jews are back in their land if you like it or not uh the nations of that local region are gathered against Israel right now for war if you like it or not my point is this all of these things are written down in the Bible because they're true and they're happening right now in front of us friends we've never been alive at a time like this before this is an absolutely fascinating time why because God is almost done with the church on Earth and he's about ready to pull the veil off the eyes of the Jewish people why here's why and here's how the why is they are going to start believing in him the how is by a very specific war that God will win for Israel so much so that Israel will know that it's God who did it and when God does it he says in Ezekiel 38 he's going to destroy the invading armies of Persia Iran and Libya and listen other nations but being led by the leader Gog GG the prince of rash mishak and tubal that's the area of Russia Today when it happens it's not going to be a kind of maybe you know Fox News says uh Israel defeated Russia and the and the Coalition and CNN says no it was Iran uh who flubbed it up they oh no the Bible's very clear the Bible says God will intervene they will be totally destroyed in the mountains of Israel and Israel will begin to believe is in the Hebrew uh Prophet they begin to believe something happens where they begin to believe a switch is going to be thrown and Israel is going to know and I'm obviously I'm NE making this next part up we ran out of ammo and we still won or our planes our Technologies failed our you know our our intelligence it didn't come through and yet we won something's going to happen where it looks as though Israel cannot win it's impossible and they're going to know it they'll be filled I'm guessing with momentary hopelessness and then God says I will cause the invading armies I'm going to cause their own Warfare to go fall back on their own heads and Destroy them in the mountains of Israel and then Israel will know then they will begin to believe friends we are so close right now Russia has sent more troops to the border right now since I don't know when I could mention maybe 73 they did somewhat maybe in the 80s a little bit this is a big deal the leader gugg political military leader could be Putin maybe it's the next Russian President we don't know but it could be Putin but this we know the the armies of rash mesach and tubal they're in position turkey's ready Persia is ready regions Syria so man we're we're just watching stuff closely friends Bible open news be scanning it but this is a pretty thrilling time could everything all of a sudden calm down it could happened before but we've never been this close down the calendar down the hallways of time than we are right now my question to you is I yester if you wake up tomorrow and you see that what I just said is coming to pass then you have to become a Believer that's the deal I'm going out on the limb so to speak to tell you the future it's not hard because it's written in the Bible and you are flirting around if this is true or not no you can afford to do that it's still today but if you wake up tomorrow and you find out that what I'm telling you is coming to pass you have to accept Christ no more excuses that's why God gave us Bible prophecy by the way prophecy the god of the Bible the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob exclusively Yahweh yahovah yah of the Bible is the one who says I'll tell you who I am I'm the one and only because I'm the one that tells the future in advance through my prophets I hope you know this and I hope you trust Christ and him alone not anybody else no Pastor no Priest No Pope Jesus alone for your salvation think about that
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 443,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jack hibbs, real life with jack hibbs
Id: Ni648AJsekw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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