"'I'd F--- You Right Here...'": John Kennedy Grills Jerome Powell Shocking Reports About Employees

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uh thank you Senator Smith Senator Kennedy of Louisiana is recognized um Mr chairman thank you for being here thank you for your services I think I've said before um I believe you and your team probably saved the world economy during the pandemic economic meltdown when the whole world wanted dollars by establishing uh the currency swap line so I thank you for that you gave an interview Mr chairman on February 4th of this year to CBS 60 minutes I think is that right yep I ordered a transcript of that hearing which I read I learned a lot reading it um you were you were asked a question about inflation and you asking you asked a question a question about prices declining and here was your response I'd like to quote you if it's okay um quote so the prices of some things will decline others will go up but we don't expect to see a decline in the overall price level that doesn't tend to happen in economies except in very negative circumstances end quote did I quote you accurately I believe he did okay um later in the interview you were asked about the national debt do you recall that I don't actually but I I'm sure that's right okay well at least according to the transcript your answer was and again I'm quoting you in the long run the United States is on an unsustainable fiscal path the US Federal government's on an unsustainable fiscal path and that just means that the debt is growing faster than the economy so it is unsustainable end quote do do you remember saying that I've I've said that many times I think that's uh uncontroversial okay um later in the interview you said I want to quote you know I would just say this Integrity is priceless and at the end that's all you have and we in we plan on keeping ours end quote is that an accurate statement yes it is okay that's why I want to ask you about the fbic have you uh read read the article um in the Wall Street Journal entitled quote strip clubs L lwd photos and a boozy Hotel the toxic atmosphere at bank regulator FDIC end quote I think I did read that a couple months ago uh did you read the article entitled I quote again FDIC lawyer stayed on paid leave for weeks after child porn arrest end quote I don't remember that one okay did you read the article entitled also in the Wall Street Journal quote FDIC chair known for temper ignored bad behavior in workplace end quote I honestly I don't I read so much you know I I can't I remember the whole the broad story but not particular stories did you read the article in which a uh a former female employee of the FDIC allegedly recalled her male colleagues saying women needed to use sex to get ahead at the FDIC I do not recall that okay did you read the article um in in which a female risk management examiner during a lunch with a male examiner said she had become friendly uh with that examiner and he complained to her about his marriage allegedly telling her he wasn't getting enough sex and she allegedly said quote obviously if I walk or he allegedly said obviously if I walked into this office and you were nak I'd you right here in quote I do not remember that and I think I would okay do you remember the article about uh Mr Randall ditch a supervisory examiner in Denver uh who allegedly was demoted in 2014 to a nonsupervisory examiner pos position in in Tulsa after having sex twice with a subordinate female employee and a number of other rule ad violations in this article it says allegedly Mr ditch had urged the woman to not quote be a close quote and drink a shot of whiskey during work hours the record show do you do you recall that I do not I do not recollect that here's my question I could go on for a while could go on but you're not going to go on so you've passed your five minutes do your question once sir Senator Kennedy your time's already expired you can do one you did five minutes consume the whole five minutes with your monologue of well you did six minutes I timed it I I asked my you did six minutes Senator Kennedy for months I have let you go way over the five minutes you get your question your wait but she did six minutes I chair this committee I understand you still did six minutes check the record I'm going to order you're going to be at six minutes and 15 seconds if you continue this argument or you're going to ask your question I'll ask my question I just want to record to be clear Mr chairman M Mr chairman um in light of these allegations if they're proven how can the FDC lead this charge for Basil in game three which is going to turn the banking Community upside down I I don't I don't know how I would make the connection to Basel 3 I'll say it's this deeply troubling things obviously but again you know as you your point was if proven and uh I mean I I think we have to decide bosel 3 on its merits and we're we're not looking to the FDIC to lead this by the way we're looking at the FED to do what the FED thinks is right that that's what we're going to do we we don't look to and they don't look to us to lead them thank you chair pul Senator Butler is recog thank you Mr chairman thank you
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 661,158
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Id: RpQSv7cvqRY
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Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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