'Here's Some Free Advice': John Kennedy's Top 5 Moments Of The Year | 2022 Rewind

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as many viewers on this channel know Louisiana Senator John Kennedy often is calls for viral moments and highly viewed videos the often humorous Republican who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee has boasted multiple moments that have exceeded half a million views on this channel here are the top five most viewed John Kennedy moments on Forbes breaking news for 2022 and fun fact our very first video on this channel featured the junior senator of the Bayou state Senator Kennedy I went a little over and you're welcome to do the same if you wish thank you my friend uh congratulations to all of you I hope to be able to ask each of you some questions but I do want to stay within my uh my time limit let's start with Ms Clark um you've been nominated by President Biden served on the federal district court which means of course that the court of appeal is going to review all of your decisions um what is this the Appellate standard of review for um question of fact uh thank you for the question Senator um I have not uh worked on an appeal in my my 14 years of experience um I believe that um uh it is reviewed um based on abusive discretion would be this no it's a clear error clear as the federal district court judge you're going to have a lot of of discretion uh on determining facts How about if somebody appeals one of your decision and they say you made a mistake on the law what's the Appellate standard review uh thank you for the question Senator again I I mentioned um I have not uh worked on appeals if a question like that came before me um I would thoroughly research the law I understand that there's de novo review abusive discretion and clear error are the are the different um standards okay but you don't you don't know today the answer thank you for the question Senator it would be something that I would need to research further um how about a mixed question of of fact and law what's the standard of review on that thank you for the question Senator again um uh my understanding are that the different levels of review are de novo abusive discretion and clear error well but not a question of law in fact is going to is different thank you for the question Senator again in my 14 years of experience that is not an issue um uh that has confronted me okay all right well if you're you're you've been nominated for the southern district I think is that right that is correct so you'll see a lot of Securities cases yes okay tell me what uh SEC rule 10 B5 is uh that's a rule that deals with fraud um I have uh uh not litigated a Securities uh matter uh if I were um uh to confront one I would thoroughly research second circuit and Supreme Court precedent and I would apply the law to the facts Miss Clark you've been nominated to the southern district of New York it's where most of our Securities cases are litigated and Rural SEC rule 10b5 is about as basic as you can get you won't take another crack at that and tell me what Royalton B5 does I thank you again for the question Senator I I regularly confront new issues of Law and in my practice and when I do I thoroughly research the issue I know you're going to thoroughly research it but are you telling me today you don't know what rule 10 B5 is I only have that basic understanding okay all right um I think I think senator hoeven answered your question but I what I want to do is encourage you to look at this this problem longer term and from 35 000 feet name two countries who don't give a damn about reducing CO2 emissions Russia and China name other people and parts of the world that do care about reducing CO2 emissions the West Europe the United States of America John Kennedy I care the reduction of CO2 emissions is an important policy so is National Security and what Russia and and and and China have done here they had taken advantage of the the effort to reduce CO2 emissions which to the bind Administration means a frontal assault on oil and gas it's so clear what's happening and they're working together this isn't just about Ukraine it's about the East China Sea and the South China Sea in Taiwan and Africa is so clear and the president needs to hit this head on how are we going to win this how are we going to make Putin a pariah how are we going to kick him out of the International Community kick him out of the international marketplace if you don't attack his oil and gas and it's not going away folks and at some point too I need you to ask my friend secretary yevin a question we just gave Putin 18 billion dollars in special drawing rights secretary Evans said oh we've got to issue these special drawing rights make the IMF do it these gift cards she didn't bother to exp and why to help the poor countries buy vaccines she didn't bother to explain that most of these gift cards these special drawn rights are going to the wealthiest countries the small countries get the little end of nothing and she just handed Vladimir Putin 18 billion dollars and we didn't hear a word from her and we didn't hear a word from the INF you couldn't have found them on with a search party you couldn't found with Google they just turned the money over I I'd be a little curious about that I'll talk to your mom I'm sorry again uh here's what we're going to talk as long as cruise up I just learned on that thank you both thank you Senator Chester Senator Kennedy from Louisiana is recognized thank you Mr chairman uh Governor director congratulations on your nomination uh Governor I realize at the Federal Reserve that you have a a big staff that advises you on inflation and based on their track record my guess is they also advised people to buy condos in Las Vegas in 2007. but you don't have to accept their advice their advice so with respect to your predictions on inflation how did you get it so wrong well uh Senator thank you could you move closer to the mic for me yes of course thank you for your question Senator you're welcome so I think you know nobody got the pandemic right um the pandemic is unprecedented but I'm asking you about inflation yeah so um I think as as uh forecasters private forecasters um certainly uh the forecasters um the SCP uh the the whole committee um we uh thought uh that perhaps uh we would see a more rapid resolution of the pandemic and the supply demand mismatches in particular in cars excuse me for interruptions but I don't have much time do you think you are you saying that inflation was caused by the pandemic so we certainly have seen the perpetuation for instance of the Delta variant uh leading to you but are you saying that the inflation is caused by the pandemic I certainly think the supply demand imbalances that have been the biggest contributors um to the very high inflation we've seen are directly attributable to supply chain issues distortions and demand well but here's what troubles me about that um I would I'll agree that inflation is spreading but I don't see people going around coughing inflation on each other uh I I think and I understand supply chains matter but so does the demand side and so does too much money chasing too few goods and and uh I don't think and I don't think any fair-minded person thinks that inflation is solely the result of the pandemic let me let me move on do you think that uh Federal regulatory authorities should use their considerable power not just the Federal Reserve but Federal regulatory authorities do you think they should use their considerable power to discourage private Banks from lending money to oil and gas companies no ma'am no okay do you think that those Federal regulatory authorities should use their power to discourage private Banks from lending money to gun manufacturers and dealers it's not our job we don't tell Banks what sectors to lend to we just ask them to risk manage and we make sure they have good processes and I agree with you and I thank you for that will you issue a statement to that effect if you're confirmed well I certainly uh have made that statement will continue to make sure would you issue a separate statement saying I want to make it clear to for what it's worth to all my colleagues in government I don't think that you should use your power to to discourage private Banks from lending money to oil and gas companies and uh and the gun manufacturing will you do that well I won't tell other Regulators what to do but I will be happy to talk about what we do at the at the Federal Reserve what are what our statutory authorities require us to do okay um I'm gonna follow up with you on that okay Senator uh I take that as a yes and and I'm looking forward to that statement um director gosh this is this is America's debt I'm not gonna have time to ask you about it because I want to ask director Thompson a quick question I mean yes director Thompson direct Madam director are you familiar with President Biden's uh risk rating 2.0 uh pricing scheme for the national flood insurance program uh sir I'm not familiar with the details of that program well I need you to take a look at it you talk about affordability President Biden is about to make housing for at least 505 million Americans unaffordable by raising their flood insurance from a thousand dollars a year to five and six thousand dollars a year and you're going to have a problem um real quickly Madam governor do you think we've got four big Banks they have market share between 30 and 50 percent in the greatest economy in all of human history they're not really Banks they're countries do you think power economic power is too concentrated in those four Banks well I certainly think that from a financial stability point of view when you have very very large institutions that are systemic uh you need to have very very big Capital buffers and liquidity buffers and risk management because it would be very very difficult to resolve those banks in a moment of financial stress okay thank you Mr chairman you've been together Kennedy time with your time my office will work with you on that statement about oil and gas and gun manufacturers thank you Senator okay Senator Warner from Virginia is recognized thank you Mr chairman I want to first of all take a moment um I know normally in the Banking Committee we don't introduce our Witnesses but I want to let me ask Miss Franklin and Miss Williams a question your jurisdiction let me be sure I get the title correct uh privacy and civil liberties oversight board I got that right your jurisdiction is pretty broad isn't it so the jurisdiction is brought in some ways in that uh the board has oversight over counterintelligence programs across the intelligence Community uh with regard to privacy and civil liberties but it's focused on counterintelligence with or it's focused on counterterrorism not all privacy and civil liberties issues right right okay I I think this is a very important board but I'm sitting here thinking we spent three four years with some some not all I'm going to emphasize that but some not all members of our Earth FBI and our department of justice selling the steel dossier does that embarrass you so Senator I think um you know there have been three Inspector General reports with regards to some of the things that went on and um I think that the recommendations in them are are a good recommendation let me ask you this deep this way do you think the steel dossier is true oh Senator I I have no basis to believe uh it's true or either way I I you don't have an opinion I mean I I don't I don't have any factual basis to know whether or not I I do what I've from what I've read it sounds like there's some concerns with the way it was procured so you don't I don't understand do you believe it's true or not true so I I haven't read the steel dossier but from from the news reports it sounds like there may be falsehoods in it but again I don't have personal knowledge Franklin do you know if do you have an opinion on whether it's true or not true I also have not had access to read the dossier but I can say that I share your concerns but I don't know if it's true I may ask I want to understand where you're coming from do you believe it's true or not true I believe that the inspector general of the justice department found uh significant problems in three reports including 17 significant errors or omissions in the fisa applications regarding cardboard I believe that the inspector General found these errors and omissions which are highly concerned I agree with the Inspector General I I find the inspector General's report very convincing yes okay so you don't believe they're still dosage true I why is it so hard for you to tell me what you think here that's pretty basic I would turn to the errors and Emissions that the inspector General did point to which were significant and I uh know that Congress has attempted to take steps to address those well here's what I'm getting and I mean I can tell y'all don't want to answer and I really really regret that I mean I this to me is it's not political it was this these allegations that turned out not to be true it doesn't matter who they were about but the some members of our federal government put the full force and weight of the power of the office behind the starsier and it didn't matter whether who they were and I I can't believe you can't agree with me that it's not true I mean there have been three inspectors General reports where where where was your agency did anybody your agency stand up and say wait a minute before we make all these allegations on the basis of the steel dossier shouldn't we check whether they're true I mean FBI director Comey sold this thing for five years James Clapper was prepared to make a public statement that that we we're not sure if the if the dossier is accurate and and uh director Comey called him and said no don't say that where were you guys at the board you're supposed to protect seven liberties you're supposed to protect privacy doesn't matter whose privacy and simply civil liberties are being infringed either one sister Senator I wasn't at the board I haven't been at the board yet but I agree with you that that is exactly the role of the privacy and civil liberties oversight board right thank you sure to ensure that the privacy and civil liberties are of Americans are taken into account and to make sure that our intelligence agencies are being completely forthright and truthful with decisions thank you for that you were there miss Franklin right you weren't there no no Senator okay well when you when you both get there I I wish you would talk to your colleagues over there they ought to hide their heads on a bag they're in charge of protecting American civil liberties and privacy and it doesn't matter who you are and they sat there sucking on their teeth like a bump on a log and never said a word I'm done thank you for your Indulgence Mr chairman and father likes your haircut haven't had one in a while thank you Senator Kennedy and uh I'd just like to say to those who are new to this environment that the mini bar exam that Senator Kennedy gives to many of these uh Witnesses reminds me of my anxiety in law school where I sat in the last row and slumped down the point where I have curvature of the spine in the hopes that I wouldn't be called on to answer what 15b is or anything like that but nevertheless always entertaining and always well presented the second objection made by the senator relates to your lack of Candor on this side of the table we're a different branch of government than what you're aspiring to by and large and we have opinions on everything and express them willingly particularly if it's televised and very seldom hold back we know that on the judicial side the opposite is true you don't want to put yourself on the record in this situation that may disqualify you from a case and the frustration Senator Kennedy feels with some of your lack of Candor we felt on the Democratic side with any other Administration it is by nature a reflection on the branches of government being a little different in philosophical approach to say the least so before I join today I want to thank you for cooperation patience especially to Caroline and Jamie are they still back there good good job kids questions for the record will be due to the nominees by 5 PM on Wednesday January 19th and the record remains open until that time to submit letters and similar materials and with that this hearing is stands adjourned [Applause] [Music] I'm uh I'm John Kennedy [Applause] not that John Kennedy this John Kennedy permit me if you will to tell you what I believe I believe that America was founded by geniuses but it's being run by idiots [Applause] I believe that you can't fix stupid but you can vote it out I believe I believe that America unless we lose it is the greatest country in all of human history and the whole world knows it [Applause] let me ask you something when's the last time you heard of someone trying to sneak into China America is so great America is so great that people who hate it refuse to leave it now listen to me on this one I believe that Republicans are not perfect I believe that Republicans are not perfect but the other side is crazy [Applause] and and I also believe in when in what we accomplished when Republicans control the house and control the Senate and president Trump was our president I want you to think about it just for a minute in four years in four years this is what we did we cut taxes we increased wages we delivered 3.5 percent unemployment we we had the lowest unemployment rate in the history of this wonderful country for Hispanic Americans and African Americans we created eight million new jobs pre-covered we did regulated the economy we controlled inflation we protected life we secured the Border we secured our streets we beat back Isis we strengthened the military we stood up to China Russia and Iran and we confirmed 234 conservative federal judges including three new members of the United States Supreme Court [Applause] and by God we can do it again [Applause] now let me say a word about the body Administration I say this gently so far the Biden Administration sucks [Applause] President Biden has mismanaged covet he's mismanaged Congress he's mismanaged the Border he's mismanaged crime he's mismanaged foreign policy and he's mismanaged Afghanistan he's also he's also mismanaged inflation now I don't like to brag about the expensive places I've been but this morning I went to the gas station oh my God please dear Lord don't let President Biden mismanage Russia aggression what else do I believe I believe that exercise makes you look better naked so does alcohol [Applause] I don't know how that one got in here it just I believe that no parent no parent should be required to send their child to a failing school I believe that no parent no parent should be required to send their child to a failure Factory where violence is common and learning is rare I believe in the Dignity of work those who can work should work welfare for able-bodied people should be temporary welfare should be a bridge not a parking lot [Applause] let me say a word about foreign affairs that's on our minds today I believe that weakness invites the wolves now I don't know what this is if I make it to heaven I'm going to ask but there's some people in this world they're not sick they're not mixed up they're not confused it's not that their mama or daddy didn't love them enough they're evil and some of them run countries and all they understand is strength we must armed for peace I believe that we don't have a gun control problem we have an idiot control problem here's some free advice friends if the government ever tells you you can't own a gun by two [Applause] I believe I believe that if you hate cops just because they're cops the next time you get in trouble call him a crackhead [Applause] here's a free tip cops will leave you alone if you don't do illegal stuff [Applause] I believe in life [Applause] I believe in life I believe that babies don't choose to die and I believe that we need to defend those babies those little lives every single day every single day now listen to me carefully on this one hear me out I believe that America is not perfect but we are good like every other culture in the history of humanity America caught the disease of slavery but we beat it back and we passed civil rights laws in 1866 1871 1875 1960 1964 1968 1990 and 1991 and I'm probably leaving some out the truth is they're most Americans don't think that much about race they think about character and they understand that Souls have no color [Applause] I believe we need an election day not an election month [Music] I believe you should have to prove you are who you say you are when you vote duh I believe that vetting people at the border is not racist it's prudent [Applause] I believe that Arlington National Cemetery have you been if you haven't go if you've been go twice go again I believe that Arlington National Cemetery contains 400 000 reasons why you should stand your ass up for the national anthem thank you USA amen I believe that cancel culture which is the military wing of wokism is strangling a free people you are not free if you can't express yourself you are not free if you cannot say what you think I believe that the nauseously woke Washington Insider Elites the permanent Washington types you know who I'm talking about the vanilla soy extra foam latte crowd that lives in the Georgetown condos with the important art on their walls don't respect your ideas they don't care what we think and they believe they're better than us like I said folks you can't fix stupid but by God you can vote it out and finally I believe our future can be better than our present or our past I do I believe our future can be better than our present or our past I believe that we're only as good as our dreams that we're only as valuable as our children but the water won't clear up until we get the pigs out of the creek help me do that help me do that help me do that I love this country I love this country as much as you do I think America is worth fighting for look it's not a perfect world folks it's not and I can't promise you that I will win every fight but I promise you this by God I will refuse to be beaten I will never quit on America I will never quit on America and I ask you for that same commitment today one more thing [Applause] and then I'm really done there's one more thing I believe I've said it before but I'm going to say it again I don't hate anybody I look for Grace wherever I can find it there's all always something on God's green earth for us to be thankful for I believe that love is the answer I do I believe that love is the answer but you ought to own a handgun just in case thank you God bless
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 545,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sen. John Kennedy, President Biden, Republicans
Id: JAj25T4ZuVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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