BREAKING NEWS: John Kennedy Shows No Mercy To Top Treasury Official In Brutal Questioning

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Senator uh Kennedy from Louisiana is recognized thank you Mr chairman Mr secretary um the Biden Administration has operated as Iran's best friend hasn't it no I disagree completely cender well um Iran sold irq 10 B billion 9 million 10 billion doll worth of electricity but Iraq couldn't pay them because of our sanctions against against Iran but Administration waved those sanctions didn't it sen that so that so that Iran could get 10 billion isn't that a fact no Senator those those waivers started under the Trump Administration that money is still in Iraq that money has never been to Teran it will never go to Tran the first waiver was on July 2023 wasn't it Senator I believe that was wer started in 2018 the the the first waiver that the Biden Administration did was July of 2023 wasn't it so Senator again I believe the waiver program started in you didn't you didn't do a you didn't issue a waiver on July of 2023 Senator the waivers were continued into 2023 and you issued another waiver to uh get the money to Iran in November of 2023 didn't you Senator as I said that money has never been will never go to Iran the money is still in Iraq the money may be used for humanitarian purposes but not a dollar of that money and you and you issued another waiver on March of 2024 not too long ago that was six weeks after Iran killed three American soldiers you gave Iraq permission to give Iran 10 billion do didn't you no senator as I mentioned this was something that started in 2018 under the Trump Administration it allowed Iraq to purchase electricity and to store that money in IR in Iraq none of that money to date will ever go to Iran the money is being held for humanitarian purpose you're not telling the truth Mr secretary no disrespect but that's just not true Senator mandez and Senator Scott made the point we all know unless you peak in high school you know that money is fungible um you also the bid Administration also um paid Iran six billion dollars to release five of our our prisoners didn't it Senator again that money is in Qatar none of that money has been used it hasn't been moved and as I said earlier while money is fungible in the United States because we care about our people it's not fungible for the Iranian so the money's in Qatar in a bank in Qatar yes now what what do you think who controls that bank in in in Cutter those banks are connect are controlled by those individuals who run that Financial I see so so if if the uh President Biden says cutter Bank don't give this money to Iran and the cutter government says give the money to Iran who you think the cutter bank's going to listen to Mr secretary so Senator those banks in Cutter value greatly their ability to have a relationship with the United States because that's how make money you believe in the tooth fairy ultimately if we cut off those Banks they will no longer be able to make money so you believe in the Easter Bunny so Senator while I understand your point fundamentally none of that money has gone to Iran and that money is not going to go directly to Iran now you did the same thing with Maduro you meaning the bid Administration you guys did the same thing with Maduro in Venezuela you removed all the sanctions on oil and Mining including gold with Maduro the dictator of Venezuela didn't you so GL 44 and 43 were put in place in Venezuela 43 has is that a yes jail 43 has been removed so you so you said okay Maduro we're going to remove remove Maduro best friends with Iran and Cuba and China and Russia you the Biden Administration removed the sanction on oil and and Mining in Venezuela and and the uh Maduro said I promise you that I'll hold a free and fair election and then he put all his opponents in jail and the Biden Administration has done nothing hasn't it except stand there sucking on its teeth so Senator I want to say again we provided General licenses we did not remove the sanctions the reason we did that was because we did not trust so what we can do the SS on maduro's oil are not there are they General license 44 which gives permission for the sale of oil expires on April 17th which will then put those sanctions back in place we did not remove the sanctions provided the problem you folks have is that you want to so quote Socrates in the middle of a bar fight Iran is not our friend Venezuela is not our friend president Pon keep keeps giving them money to buy weapons to try to kill us do you not understand thats on the Iranian regime we've not allowed a dollar from Qatar or from the Iraqi electricity fund to flow to Iran that's just not true Senator Menendez explained that to you the money how can you be that obtuse Senator as I've said our goal is to make sure that we take every action to prevent IR Iran's destabilizing activity in the region we're going to continue to go after Iran's sale of oil and try and limit their ability as best we can using the tools that you've given us I'm here before the Senate asking for additional tools that will allow us to continue to do that okay you Senator Kenny made your point Senator Warner from Virginia is recognized um
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Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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