Caroline Myss - The Magician (The Power of Archetypes)

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magicians have been around since forever because human beings have always wondered how do we take this power and make it that power and how much power can I control how can I control all this power how can I dominate it how can I maneuver it is there a way to take lead and turn it into gold is there a way to cast spells [Music] hi everybody time for a new archetype this week I'm doing the magician and I thought that would be fun because um everybody likes little magic and that's where we're going to start what is the seductive power of the magician in our world and it is totally seductive what is it about magic that mesmerizes people what is that thing in US that mechanism that makes us wish want watch movies where someone can transform something from this to that in the blink of an eye just like that what is Magic what is Magic and um I'm gonna start from a very ordinary perspective but it's not it's a perspective really of Life what are we doing here really what are we doing here your life everything you do every choice you make is an act of transformation you're transferring transforming something from this to that whether you look at something in your kitchen like I'm going to take this these vegetables and turn it into a pasta sauce or whatever that's an active transformation it's an obvious one but it's not as obvious when you are working at a more elevated sophisticated level of energy and you make a choice in your in in yourself to transform the power of a negative attitude to a positive one and that kind of psycho spiritual Alchemy happens and you don't perhaps see an immediate consequence of it but in fact it's a Act of alchemy spiritual Alchemy and You Begin immediately to transform the energy with which you are breathing into breathing into the laws of the universe your relationship with cause and effect and action and reaction and and thought into form you don't realize in that moment that you've changed your Universe you've changed your Universe consider going from a thought I'm a bad person too no I'm not I'm I think I'm actually a good person a handful of words and yet a complete transformation undergoes in your Neurology in your biology and in the extended bio-spiritual Ecology of your life my point here is that from the get-go we are involved in constantly transforming energy to matter matter to energy that's all we do here that's all life is it it's we all life is is becoming aware that that's what we do here and that there are choices that have more power than others that reap a better a better Harvest than other choices that in fact our choices blend together so we're all in this together we we simply don't get the mathematics of the all in it together uh level of calculus but that's what's true just like one cell in your body is functions as they all do we're all in it together they're all in it together but if you take one cell out and say Hey listen what happens in you happens in the whole of me so let's stay healthy that's Salman look at you and see what are you kidding I've got my own little cell Universe here but they don't none of us has our own Universe except in the world behind our eye magicians have been around since forever because human beings have always wondered how do we take this power and make it that power and how much power can I control how can I control all this power how can I dominate it how can I maneuver it is there a way to take lead and turn it into gold is there a way to cast spells is there a way spell casting which is to take our tools of consciousness and hack into the consciousness of other people make them do things all of this we can't people can't stop wondering how do we use this power how do we control this power and I can only think really that Heaven Must watch us with such a Whimsical farcical viewpoint that we think we have we that there's something we can do in these little bodies of ours that can control all this power that is the universe it's so ridiculous but nevertheless the magician now classically of course we think of magicians as Wizards and they go all the way way back you know Jesus was even accused of being a magician and you know because he because of his miracles and um Razzle dazzling people um so he was even accused of being a magician but of course I think one of the most famous magicians is Merlin and how often times leaders Kings um people in power will want people who have access to occult power to be near them that's not uncommon Hitler did that it's not uncommon at all that they will somehow I mean Reagan had astrologers you know they they want access to a kind of a power that is hidden behind the ordinary eye now magic essentially is the capacity to learn the laws of the universe the mystical laws the laws of Science and then the mystical laws and combine them and then think that there are some kinds of ways to use your Consciousness to maneuver the laws of the universe to act in ways on your behalf now I'm just going to hit a pause button here and introduce something that actually might seem like a curveball in this subject but it's not what's a miracle what is a miracle you know a miracle is an experience that the best way to to describe it I think came from a nun that I knew sister Kevin who said that a miracle is when God decides to bend the laws of the universe just for you that something that ordinary Mortals considered an anomaly and I can't possibly happen makes an event happen out of the sequence of conventional time in space you heal in a second as opposed to not being able to heal at all or maybe it would take five years but in fact it took a blink of an eye that's the speed at which Jesus healed and truly truly if this was a class in the laws of the universe and the way Consciousness works with it and how if as you become more conscious your relationship with law and Consciousness and the speed at which you comprehend things the speed at which you comprehend it the speed at which the laws work because you comprehend something faster it shifts it shifts this is a whole different discussion I don't want to open that door but but what Jesus was saying is what I'm doing you can do because I'm dealing with law I'm dealing with law I'm not dealing with magic I'm dealing with law so bring it down a level magicians are people who are dealing with in in the true magic sense they're trying to maneuver laws and you know in in the uh Mythic days and the days of you know spell casting in the days of Merlin Merlin came to get Arthur as a boy so he could raise him and teach him and school him in the magic of The Druids and um interesting story Julius Caesar was fascinated with The Druids because he had to battle the um Celts in in what is now France and Gaul and he was fascinated because he saw that he he had a druid brought to him a wizard and he said what is it you tell those trees that they don't when my when my praetorian guards go into the force they get lost they get confused what do you what spells are you casting on them he also noticed that the Wizards the Druid Wizards would go into the battlefield ahead of time before battle and they would summon the power of the trees to go ahead of them and he also noticed that they had a wand and the wand was always made from Oak not from Cedar not from Walnut but from Oak fascinating observations he wanted to know what knowledge that was so a characteristic of the magician archetype is access to secret knowledge that has some kind of authority over the world of matter that is hidden from ordinary Mortals who have not earned that right to the knowledge of the mystery schools and Merlin of course was this magician Guardian to Arthur and and um and would protect him with spells in an exaggerated way you know Merlin could become an owl or do whatever you want but this is like in our fantasy world about power could we transform ourselves from one shape to another the fantasies we have about the capacity to become invisible to to become other than the way we are but at its root these fantasies are rooted in this sense that we have the conscious that something in our consciousness is powerful enough to transform matter and energy that we are somehow constantly in the laboratory of transformation now obviously when you think of magicians you know there's there's you know Harry Potter and all of the the school of magic um that was you know one of the most popular popular uh book and and movie series ever made and while so I mean JK Rowling is brilliant with her capacity to capture the imagination of a school of magic a school of magic and then there was a book that came out roughly about the same time and it didn't reach the Acclaim uh because it's not quite as childlike enchanting but it's enchanting nonetheless and it's called Jonathan strange and Mr Norrell and I don't know if how many of you have read that but I read it and the the what the interesting thing in this story is it's about a group of magicians living in London um roughly around the late 1800s and they don't practice magic because they've decided that because they are so good they no longer need to practice magic and actually they're frauds right and then they hear about this Mr Norrell who comes to town who is supposedly is this incredible magician and they want to put him in his place so they offer him a challenge thinking that he'll back down and that will just prove that he's just not a magician but he accepts it and he tells them to meet him at St Paul's Cathedral at midnight on this one day so they all gather I have no idea what's going to happen so they're sitting in the church and at midnight all of a sudden all the statuary becomes animated and all these concrete statues that have been standing next to each other for hundreds of years wake up statues of Bishops and Priests and whatever and they start screaming at each other I've never liked you blah blah blah but he he could cast his spell and the spell is always about the capacity of a human being do you have authority over the matter-based world of course dark magic black magic to cast spells over human beings um to control them and of course at its root the magician is about control the magician is about the having the capacity a secret capacity to control something that other people can't control because of a secret knowledge of the occult or mystical laws it's mystical laws it's the invisible science there's the physical science the laws of chemistry and this and that I mean there's the invisible laws the invisible science which is an absolute reflection remember as above so below so the laws are identical but they're conscious in the mystical Realm there they work within us they work through us they're in our blood our bones in our Consciousness which is why every choice you make is an act of creation now um you would think you know when you think of magicians I'm sure you think of the classic people today who like maybe do magic X or study magic but actually actually this is the way archetypes can you know they maneuver in our lives and they don't necessarily look like the you know poster child for magic like a like a Merlin or a Dumbledore isn't that his name Dumbledore Dumbledore um I had a conversation with someone in in a workshop this was quite some time ago and he was a um a pharmacologist and he was telling me about his research to find this particular type of mechanism drug mechanism that did something within our body chemically and it was fascinating I can't recall it also I'm not going to screw it up um but the point is he was he was a wizard Alchemist magician he was looking for the mechanism that would allow a change to happen in his laboratory because he knew there had to be some formula some way to facilitate the fact that something in our biochemistry our neurochemistry could be facilitated with something this is a form of of is that what you would call Classic magic but you would call it Wizardry pharmacology pharmacological Wizardry this is an aspect of it this is that search to work in a laboratory to work with the chemical and physiological ingredients in a laboratory to find formulas that transform this to that I have often referred to my dear and forever friend and partner medical partner Norm Sheely as a wizard because I deeply deeply believe that he is that and for all the many years I've known them and I've known him since 82 or 83. Norm is compelled to do research which he's still doing now in his 90s on how to take for example years ago pain and what possible possible um ways could he find Alternatives from medication to take the state of pain and take a person from one level of Consciousness to another that too was Wizardry and he was willing to try anything he was willing to try creating uh Crystal beds and and utilizing all of these other things in nature had to offer thinking if he could activate the powers in a crystal along with the power in a person and along with hypnosis and along with anything he was willing to turn a human being into a human laboratory to activate a level of Consciousness within a person organically naturally anything to avoid chemicals so you could access what you would think of as energetic medicine energetic medicine that's the wizard that's the the magician the sacred magician wizard in it taking and using the laws and utilizing them but the thing is the laws of consciousness require your Consciousness to be animated if you look at the scripture and I really do recommend you go back and read the stories of the healings with Jesus he activated in people he activated their Consciousness before healing he would say your faith has healed you if he would activate something in them so that their Consciousness was a participant within the dynamic of healing it wasn't he just didn't randomly you know like go through go through um the crowds and just say you're healed you're healed you're healed no no it was a conscious Act that included engaging the consciousness of another person because the laws are conscious so obvious when you see it it's so obvious when you see it that you get how you are a conscious participant a conscious participant you know I think there are many ways that that the magician can um the shadow magician can Engage The spellcaster can Engage The the dynamic of casting um spells upon other people because you know we're so willing or so willing to want to believe in something greater than ourselves and we don't have a real mechanism in you discernment the grace of discernment when you don't have that kind of clear what's real what's not you can be Razzle dazzled by what you see another person do and you can think that that's quite amazing and the next thing you know like and it's it's no different than advertisers who cast spells and say if you take this pill your whole body will be different it's magic you just take this pill and in 20 seconds 20 days you're gonna look 45 years younger and etc etc and you'll be happy and you'll be able to fly and all this nonsense people tell advertisers tell people I mean I'm watching these commercials on this that are constantly on when in the morning when I watch the news about this new vitamin product and you see all these people mountain climbing skiing this that and the other all because they take these little capsules I it is out that to me is spell casting Magic it's absolute nonsense but this is how it works that's the that's that part of us that thinks can I transform energy into the matter that I want faster than my own Consciousness is capable of doing it I could get to this place I could become healthier on my own Steam by eating more consciously by working out by doing things more consciously but I don't have the energy can I get it out of a bottle can I get a spell can I get a little magic here and so we look at these people that look like magicians like they've come up with a magical formula we buy it and I've been in people's homes they have shelves of these magical formulas that they took for two three five five days and then oh well the magic the spell wears off that's the thing about an authentic magic the spell wears off the spell casting well we'll get you know what maybe I'll do something on the spellcaster next because it would be a natural follow-up to the magician in the spellcaster because there is something in US that inner part of us that knows this universe is run by invisible law we know that this is not a religious teaching you're born knowing that you know that your conscience is geared to that so you know that and so that's why you hesitate to make choices to to actually set Power into motion because you know you're setting power into motion which is why someone says make it yourself I don't know gee I don't know Jesus I don't know because you know it's a profound Act of Creation people that take months to make a decision where you just make a decision well I don't want to I don't know I'll be held responsible for what happens the magician is someone who actually thinks they can maneuver these laws in a way that is different more spectacular Secret more that they can own the laws as opposed to be governed by them and if you're doing it for fun like go to Las Vegas and you see these fantastic but fantastic magicians doing stunts on stage that's fun that's fun and for a moment you're absolutely enough how did they do that I went to a place in Los Angeles called The Magic Castle it was one of the most enjoyable evenings of my life and all these professional magicians were performing in different rooms and and I was sitting right in front of one of them and he had he had a ball in his hand and he threw it it looked like it was coming right toward my face and then it vanished I still can't figure out how he did that I still can't that's fun magic that's just fun but there was no spell cast there was no I have no idea how we did that I still can't I have no idea how these people do that but that's fun that's that fun enjoyable incredible level of magic I have a dear magician friend named Mickey magic who did all kinds of sleight of hand tricks and and and that's enchanting but as I say this idea that any person can dominate the laws as soon as that becomes a a you start spilling into the world of alchemy and wizards and um thinking you can spell cast you're in trouble but the magician is also kind of present in the psychic field of those in the psychic patterning of those who pursue life in a laboratory trying to find ways to make this do that on behalf of people and and or or find ways to create and invent what hasn't been done before because this world is always talking to us and always saying there are ways to create things that you have not thought about this world is an endless creative way there are solutions to what you think of as dilemmas that you haven't even thought of because of the way you think is so limited think big think huge think out of the box go higher think on behalf of others and you'll get a solution on behalf of others that's how the universe works taking this and putting it into that and those people who are driven by that have a magician in them have this idea of having their they have an inner laboratory they have a wizard in them they have their like Norm they're they're driven to make life better for others so I I don't know how many of you have elements of the magician in you I think The Magicians show up with great chefs great chefs have magicians that can take what look like ordinary food ordinary vegetables ordinary beans and rice and suddenly turn it into a feast that's a magician trick that's like how'd you do this where'd you get this what was in your refrigerator I have a friend named Georgia she could do this she opens up my my refrigerator I see nothing she sees dinner I mean to me that's a magician that's a culinary magician so magicians show up in people and all kinds of delicious ways they can take what looks ordinary to us and transform it as if out of the clear blue into something we never saw because they think in ways that are not limited by the form something came in by the form it's not an ordinary vegetable it could be anything it could be anything I just have to transform it I just have to work a little magic so I'm going to leave you with this idea that you could work a little magic in your life in in all kinds of ways think out of the box work a little magic think what else could this be what if I didn't think conventionally what could it look like what could I do if you look at a room and think I gotta work a little magic in here I got to make this room spectacular it looks so ordinary I gotta make this situation spectacular it looks so ordinary every one of us can tap into the magician and and and that's fun that's delightful you think about arranging flowers and things instead of just sticking them up put some magic in it well maybe if I did a little this and I'll do that little greens a little that it's going to look magical everybody has enchantment in them everybody and bring that into your life bring it into your life with a little effort with a little effort transformation is everything it's everything okay everybody see you next week
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 16,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -4F1JZ4wiQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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