Caroline Myss - Why Archetypes Are So Significant

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hi everybody Welcome to the class on archetypes on conversations with archetypes and how you understand how archetypes influence your life that is a huge huge subject and so we have six weeks six classes rather to get to this subject it probably would take 60 but we'll start with six and um this is a very exciting class for me because I feel when I'm into this subject that I am teaching at the center of the universe the Center of My Universe because with the subject of archetypes I can cover so much now I've taught archetypes for many many years now and one of the things that I notice when people are picking out an archetype for example we're going to get to how how you identify an archetypal pattern but not today um that people will you know recognize you know I'm this or I'm I'm a teacher I'm a I'm a Healer I'm a I'm a you know judge or they can notice a pattern but truly the more important thing is to understand why it's so significant to excuse me to understand to recognize an archetypal pattern it's it's not your personality it's it's a much bigger part of your life in the universe and so in our first session I want to take you into the larger frame of of what's in the universe and what part archetypal patterns play Within the universe so that you have an idea of why it's so significant to truly understand your archetypal patterns and what that means and and how it is for you to to then recognize an archetypal pattern in another person and what how that changes your life to then think in terms of this person is I've I'm now engaging with a wounded child and so I have to change my language I have to change how I'm approaching this person I now unders or I'm I'm dealing with an addict or I'm dealing with a con artist and how that then changes you but even even equally significant is when you actually get that you're dealing with a pattern it positions you not to take that interaction personally and so the first the first lesson here is that life is only about power now that is a huge thing for us to Grapple with but as we enter the cosmos and archetypes are all about the nature of the cosmos we start with a subject I teach all the time which is the nature of power and that life is only about power and archetypes are patterns of power but let's start with the whole principle and this is like one of those Jewels you can put in in a pocket that you carry on the side of yourself that you remind yourself of all the time that everything you do in life everything the way you think the way you dress the way you uh the car you buy the the words you choose how you listen to the words other people use when they talk to you you convert them into a power negotiation conversations that disempower you uh um places that you feel disempowered and you know people don't go to parties because I'd have nothing to wear I'll be disempowered there this type of thing everything is about power and there's a reason for that so life is you know how how many ways can we describe the purpose of life you know endless ways but for me after all these years of working with people as a medical intuitive and with my background in Theology and religions and all of this I now deeply believe that life is the journey and perhaps numerous Journeys numerous lifetimes of learning to take charge of the power that you have that is your life the power of to put it in this language to sew within the sphere of creation that is the experience of the human life the human life is only about acts of creation and living their consequence and that may sound very um maybe mechanical uh kind of dry but actually I think that's all there's to it in terms of what we're doing here what we're doing here is we are experiencing creation Now what we've done is we've built mythologies around that we've added on religious mythology spiritual God mythologies we've done all kinds of we've added on all kinds of stories to enhance this basic core truth that everything is about creation and that's the nature of life it is a creation experience and so from the time we're born we engage with the experience of learning about power and we start with five sensory power physical power we start with the sensual level of power what we can touch what we can smell what we can what we can put into our mouths what we can taste what we can hear physical power and then we go into emotional power psychological power we go into the what we discover as we grow as baby human beings is that there are levels of power and that's an operative word here that there are levels of power there's power that we can touch and there's power that we can't touch so there's power we can see and there's power that we cannot see and the power that we cannot see we have to access with different sensory systems so we can we can what we do is we assign value to things that we can see like like imagine this was gold and we would say now that has a lot of power because it's gold and we've assigned a lot of power to gold but in when we get to Realms that we cannot see it's a different kind of power it's the kind of power we have to access through our inner sensory system through our emotional intelligence through our intellectual intelligence and now we get to the major league we go into our mystical intelligence our psychic intelligence our deeper higher intellect our I really think of it as our Cosmic intelligence now um life is evolution and so what we do in our lives is We are continuing to evolve in ways that bring us to to to realize that there are limitations to every level of thinking like in the physical world if you just use your physical senses you cannot it is impossible with your physical senses to Grapple with questions like I wonder what the purpose of my life is your physical senses can't help you out you can't see it you can't hear the purpose you can't taste it you can't touch it you can't smell it so you cannot answer that significant question at the physical level you have to say to yourself this isn't working I need I need more sophisticated senses so you have to go in or into your inner self and start relying on a different configuration of Senses to pursue questions the answer to questions that have more Cosmic value to them and you're grappling because what you're asking for is you're asking for to understand a different level of power about yourself about yourself you're saying I want to understand my Cosmic map I'm not the the physical map is you know where do I live but the cosmic map is why am I living why so archetypes have to do with the invisible map and not the physical map power is the fundamental ingredient then of The Human Experience and it's all about the management of power physical emotional psychological mental it's the energy of the life force it's the energy of nature and it's the energy of the Gods it's the energy of gods and human beings have always tried from the beginning of forever to identify the nature and potency of all this invisible power that is the substance of life that's what human beings have done and if you you go back and you you read history and you read the beginnings of of even the most fundamental tribal lives people were always trying to figure out their relationship to this world and that world to to the relationship to how power in this world organizes itself it is that very question that gave rise to the mythological stories well there must be there must be Gods up there that's it there must be Gods up there and those Gods regulate weather and they regulate catastrophes and what can we do here on Earth that can calm the gods down so that they don't send floods and they don't send catastrophes and how do we work with this and and from this you know from these these great questions of what is our place in the universe how does that power relate to our power uh and you look at the stories you go back you see that all the early stories of myths have the gods with all the power and human beings with no power which which makes sense really it makes a lot of sense because people died easily they didn't have any medicine they didn't they were helpless they only had the power of of myth and they only had the power of their belief but they didn't they didn't know science they didn't know they didn't have anything that gave them the sense that you know what I'm not sure there is a God I I can just go to a doctor I'm not sure there's anything right so they they instead looked upon the universe as this huge field of force of which they were just a small part just a small part nature was so much power more powerful they had they had very little look at how powerful the animals were you know they didn't have these weapons where they could just shoot them I mean everything had so much power compared to to the human being so you could see how they would come up with stories that position them and God's that position them but as I mean this is so fascinating to me especially if you look at the abrahamic religions as they evolved as people evolved and here's another word Evolution everything is always evolving as when we get to the present moment shortly but everything is always evolving and so as these mythologies evolved the gods went from way up there you know Mars and Jupiter in the in the in the west and and uh Hermes and all the gods that populated Greek and Roman mythology to eventually the gods began remember they they projected that they looked maybe they looked somewhat like us they did their statuary and their temples made the gods somewhat like us and eventually stories of hath God Half Men period Hercules so what they were doing was they were incarnating the power up there closer and closer into physical form they were incarnating that power they were incarnating it and they were incarnating and what what and that's very important to understand that this system of power was something that that human beings were just drawing to themselves because they wanted to understand the intelligence of power how it worked and what even at that early stage especially at that early stage was that so many of these early people understood that the Universe was regulated by law by law by law and order that it was in fact as capricious as it looked it wasn't capricious at all it was actually very orderly that and Pythagoras for example identified mathematics and the laws of math and the laws of music and the musical scale and in fact he even said the that the planets had in the galaxies had sound to it he was a traveler and so he'd come back and he said all the all the all the galaxies and the planets they have notes you can hear them The Music of the Spheres who knows who Pythagoras was but he said it's orderly it's not chaotic it's literally but in order to see that order you had to get out of the chaos of your individual life so from the ground it's very chaotic but as you rise and get to a more simple higher altitude your personal chaos takes a back seat to the necessary chaos that really brings order to the universe so I'm going to say that again because it's really important and that's that as you it's not let's put it let's put it in ground level think about that let's say you you get a job promotion and it requires that you have to bring the chaos to your family of uprooting everybody pulling the kids out of their Social Circles pulling them out of the schools they're in separating them from their friendships all the chaos at the ground level but you looking at it from a higher point of view with a longer range in mind realize that if I take this other job and I know what what's say you were moving to Maine or wherever and you know that with that additional income it would make putting them into college so much easier this would be easier that would be easier that it is a type of chaos that will bring a greater order in the long run to them and so that personal chaos is eclipsed by the greater order that will be the outcome so this is what I'm going to emphasize as we get to what is the point of accessing archetypal patterns archetypal patterns bring order to personal chaos they are a way of accessing a way of understanding patterns of power that unfold in your life even though at the personal level it the experience is you can you go through periods of chaos you go through turmoil that's life itself that's life itself there there are archetypal Journeys that everyone's going to go through and that's what we'll talk about in session two that are just naturally chaotic but they bring order at a larger level into our consciousness and so people like Pythagoras we have Pythagoras ordering mathematics saying this universe is law it is all about law and then you have the order of for example how I think of the Ten Commandments again laws that were brought in that said if you want to organize a society it has to have law because we are by Nature creatures of Law and so there are certain laws that are actually in US by Nature we that civilize us that allow us to be civil together like honoring parents not stealing now think about what the Ten Commandments do they just they honoring a marriage couple that that not lying there are certain fundamental laws that organize a civilization no matter where you are it's Universal these were they came through the Jewish tradition and what they did was they solidified the organization of the of human conscience that this is what makes our conscience work the archetype of conscience that that which we know better we know better than to steal we know better than to cheat we know better than to lie these The Ten Commandments really became the archetypal fodder that made up conscience within human beings and in a sense you don't even have to be taught those you were we are born knowing them they simply woke him up again because why we are creatures of Law and what are patterns patterns organized power because we need we need power to be organized according to why because the universe is all about law it's all about law the laws of creation the laws of science the laws of nature and that's the nature of God the nature of God is law there is no off-planet God that looks like us staring down doing it's not that's part of the mythologies that we've created as a way of personalizing the universe so one of the things we go through is we want to personalize the universe but it's not personal there's nothing personal about it and that as you move into archetypal Consciousness As you move into the impersonal world As you move into the impersonal nature of God of the Divine you realize that this is a very impersonal universe that is completely governed by law the laws of creation and that we are here to participate in the laws of creation and that archetypal patterns are built into the inherent system of creation as a way of helping us govern the power that is inherently in US that is and that they're they're like um governing forces governing computer parents during our lifetime during our lifetime now we've always you know uh I I think it's interesting one of the archetypal patterns that we have is that we've always looked for meaning and purpose it's one of the things that is part of the higher altitude you know because your senses can't bring you that your your senses can't help your five senses physically can't uh provide you with any um data on how to find you look around a room and think what's meaning and purpose how do I what you realize is in order form I am the one who gives meaning and purpose to what I do it isn't out there it's in here it you start discovering a mechanism in yourself that you think when I'm the generator of meaning and purpose I'm the one who's it's not out there it's in here that that shift is part of the Great transition from ordinary consciousness to the beginning of mystical Consciousness when you realize wait a minute here I got power all wrong power is not out there coming toward me powers in here going toward there I'm the one who assigns power I'm the one who gives things meaning and purpose doesn't have any meaning and purpose until I assign it until I give it I'm the one and that is that is a profound great transition we're going to hold on to that because when we get to understanding the Journey of life and where archetypes fit in the role of our patterns the part of the core role is to constantly get us to experience choice and consequence to expand our Consciousness so that we actually start choosing making choices from the position of how of of not being motivated by thinking power outside is coming toward me but how can I Empower this moment or how can how can I act or choose or think in a way that doesn't disempower me that's all life is about that's all life is about now Evolution Evolution implies progression toward something progression towards something and life is this constant flow of evolution constant and and you know I think that we've talked about I mean I've talked about I don't know what you talk about but I've talked about this business of becoming conscious and you know what drives me crazy is that after a while you hear yourself say that and you think I've got to have another word for this I mean I'm so tired I'm exhausted with my own vocabulary because though it it falls upon deaf ears like what does that mean what does it mean what does that mean I and how how what what is the way to explain what it means to become a more conscious person conscious of what right conscious of what of gaining a greater and greater understanding of the purpose of life and what does that mean what the heck does that mean well it's it's like realizing here's a here's a difference how many times someone will ask I wonder what the purpose of my life is now the word my is a big deal here just two little letters the word my but if you took Maya and you thought you know what life's not about me I wonder what would happen if I started to just say what's the purpose in life and how do I fit into the greater scheme of Life what if I humbled up and just said what is the purpose of life and how do I cooperate with the greater purpose of life how do I become conscious of this power and how best to use it in every situation and that is the beginning of becoming very conscious of what you're really doing here which is I you know I'm going to start using the power that I have and and then truly shining my light upon others I'm going to start using power and following laws inner laws in a way that I've never paid attention to so I'm going to hit a pause button here and I'm going to just jump into this a little bit more to make so that you could relate to this um in I spent a lot of years as a medical intuitive I'm sure many of you know that and it took me you know into stages of you know identifying illness and then into long years of working and healing and and it was the greatest education of my life I would I wouldn't be teaching this if I didn't do that it was that that eventually led me into um archetypes so it was through doing readings on you that I really began to understand excuse me for one minute you know I it's thank you um the nature of power because I went from thinking that I was just kind of trying to figure out what kind of illness or what illness someone had to eventually um trying to figure out how to help them because I I noticed I just assumed everybody wanted to be healthy to then realizing that being healthy or whole was in fact very frightening to people and that came as a bit of a shock for me it really did I I thought why wouldn't someone do everything they possibly could and that led me to to write the book why people don't heal and to identify this syndrome called woundology but that was just really the beginning the beginning of my study of power because I didn't I didn't have a knowledge of archetypes then it was just woundology and how people used wounds how people use wounds to maneuver in his street currency and you know I can't go out tonight I'm sick there's nothing wrong but I'm gonna just say I'm sick or how they use wounds to punish other people and you know just the whole the whole psychic field of it but what I learned was that it was Universal AKA archetypal that it was a stage people go through and some stay in and it was a stage people go through because becoming empowered is so terrifying but why is that why is that another way to say it is becoming conscious is terrifying why is that well another way to say that is that what conscious is all about is a relationship with your capacity to see the truth to recognize truth and the speed at which you recognize truth the speed of it the speed at which you identify what's real what Buddha would say what's an illusion and what's truth so what conscious is about is becoming conscious of what's really going on now and it and what what that means and this is such a big huge great big huge thing and now I realize I realized that I wish we were in a classroom together because I'd be jumping on stage and drawing something and what I would want to draw is an illustration of how that every time you recognize a truth every time like every time you think I wonder how I really feel and then one day you say I'll tell you how I really feel but you tell yourself first I really feel this way and you finally identify a deeper truth in yourself you finally identify something maybe let's put in an archetypal language maybe you identify that you are an addict maybe you finally identify that you're addicted to gambling or you're addicted to to a substance or you're just are you an alcoholic or you're an addict right you finally identify articulate language a truth the moment you language a truth the moment the second the instant the instant the instant all the world that you had that was built on the illusion that you weren't an addict evaporates that fast that fast you can't hold it together it evaporates that fast it's gone that's how powerful you are it's how powerful we are that's how powerful our inner world is our inner World holds everything on the outer world together and we're born knowing that we're born knowing that we absolutely are born knowing that so we spend all this time we spend most of our time most of our energy holding on to our Illusions so we can hold together a world full of illusions because that's how we expend our power we invest our power in things that aren't true and we let those non-truths go gradually gradually slowly slowly gradually because we can't the speed of Truth is the speed of light and it goes like that so it changes the situation from this to this in a sec like Buddha says in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye so what Consciousness is we grow in our capacity to deal with the speed of Truth that's what it is that's what conscious is all about the speed of truth and that's why when someone when how many times you hear when you want to say something to someone when you want to say something that's truthful to them and they don't want to hear it they get hysterical they'll they'll start screaming you don't understand you don't know what you just you just you you one of my it's not my fault why is it my fault you'll start they'll start screaming like that at you they'll do anything to block a truth from coming in because the moment it does the moment they become conscious there's a shift in that archetypal pattern and instantaneously the world that was held together by that illusion by that power is disempowered immediately and you have to deal with the world that was just revealed to you That's the Law that's how the laws work and this to me is what's so exciting about what we're studying because when you finally get to a level where you say I'm not interested in in in the physical I want to know how the laws of creation work I want to know how the mystical laws work I want to know how the archetypal my archetypal patterns work because if I can work with my patterns I can work with the core of my power instead of of like you know instead of like if you're an artist a starring artist if you have the starving artist archetype instead of actually starving and berating yourself for not trying and telling yourself that that that following your art just doesn't pay off and all the myths of the starving artist you finally realize oh my God I have these stories in my head about all these starving artists who have to suffer for success and they're not famous until they're dead and dead I I realize I've just I've just consumed all those stories and I I need to separate myself from those stories in the blink of an eye and just go for it just go for the artist in me and I'm going to starve the stories and not the artist I'm going to starve the stories I'm going to starve that voice but I'm not going to starve the artist I'm going to go for my art how you Empower yourself that's how you do it you work with the laws of the universe and the power of your archetype you work with you you work at the level of creation becoming conscious takes a person from one level of understanding of something to another but the core of what you're understanding always comes down to power and it's power in a situation power in a relationship and this is where power in an organization they're all governed by archetypes and how something works power with other people um religions the power of the of God and the power of their God our God other beliefs and opinions just remember and this is universal every single thing is a power negotiation even when you're shopping next time and when when you're what do you call that looking through a rack and you look at the dresses or you look at the shirts or blouses or whatever and you think I don't know if I like this now what you're actually saying is I don't know if I will feel empowered when I wear this use the right language use the right language see it for what it is use the right language you know even even Plato recognized by the way that the gods were archetypes even Plato he's the first one I know that use the word architect even Plato said we we've taken the power of this universe and we've given it names and and power over us because we want somehow or other to identify this incredible system of power and put it in units and so those units were Gods so we said there's obviously a power that creates anger and at the big level it's Mars and it creates War but it does the Mars in you goes to war with people I don't know anyone who hasn't gone to war with somebody Venus the power that needs love we all of these powers the nature of God is expressed as law it's felt as love and we speak of it as light and from Quantum particles to Mystical light but that is what God is God is expressed in law and we it's felt as love the what we call love is what God is our human capacity to have a tactile feel for the nature of God and I I emphasize this because love is so powerful that that's why we're so selfish about it that's why we know that love is the emotion it's not even it's bigger than an emotion but love is the force that we regulate so carefully so judiciously so we monitor it so so I don't know if that person's worthy of love I am I don't know I don't know I'll turn it off watch people shrivel when you turn off watch yourself shrivel look at the madness look at how people can't even get out of bed when love is cut off and look at how people rise from the dead when love is returned because love is life force it is the life force it is God saying this is the force of God in us it's not it is the force of life that is God and what life is all about is US directing that and what's monitored by the universe is what our motivation is for that to withhold it to share it to use it and our archetypal patterns are the containers that help us in a lifetime regulate this power organize it because there's just too much power there's just too much so we're kind of assigned these patterns under contract with these patterns they're sacred they're sacred contracts but we're we develop ourselves we go through our shadow and our light our challenges and our our darkness and our light through the patterns that we're assigned to this is a completely impersonal universe but what is personal what is personal about this universe what makes it intimate is prayer and I'm we're not going to talk about that today we'll get to that in our last class but what makes it intimate is prayer that as impersonal as it is because it is all Law and Order is and I think I find it so incredibly outrageous is that there's no secrets there's there's um every thought matters and I can't figure it out I can't figure out the mathematics of the the intimate human mathematics like how every human life is really so significant how can that be what it is it is I don't get it but it is that every which is why every human being is so filled with these the same desires to discover themselves to know themselves to want to do something to want to be seen to want to you know the more I learned about how extraordinary every human being is the more I learn about that the more I truly am in anguish when I see the deaths of people like in Ukraine or the Russian soldiers or people die meaninglessly meaninglessly or people suffering from anxiety and depression and I I think to myself if you only knew that you could get out of this if you only knew the grace that would that you could access if you only knew if you only knew anyway and I emphasize this because this moment we're living in is such an extraordinary time this is not an ordinary time really I don't think it is I think you know and it's worth talking about this for a moment because it it supports the reason I would be teaching a class like this um and teaching you about yourself and why it's so important for you to understand your power as deeply as you can especially when it comes to co-creation especially when it comes to a subject that is at its core about your empowerment your empowerment about changing you so that you do not ever again feel a moment of disempowerment um and I think you know looking back at history there are so many other times when someone could have said or the world isn't it is is in the end of times in chaos whether we look at the plague in Europe or you look at uh well World War II was no picnic but during all of those times there were other things in the world that remained incredibly stable including the environment was stable I I assure you it never occurred to anybody in the 1400s 1300s 1200s 1800s that they would ever have climate change on their mind that they would ever think oh there's a countdown to when climate change can't be be reversed um where species were dying at a rate like they are now where um we would have weapons of where they had weapons of mass destruction were human beings would actually actually consider dropping bombs to settle disputes that would leave this that would render this planet useless for a couple hundred thousand years so far as producing water and food and there you go and they would think good now we've now we've won now we finally won what kind of species is that stupid but it has brought us to a break of and here's the word evolution where I think that one of the Dynamics happening behind in The Invisible world in the holy world so to speak in my language is that our Evolution has been accelerated and we can see that acceleration taking place in the technical world we can see this acceleration taking place in any number of ways in the external world but the external world's a reflection of our internal world and there is an acceleration taking place because we are at a place where every species every form of life from aquatic to air every country every single everything is facing catastrophe if we do not get that we are the engines of creation that it's up to us to make a choice to to shift our consciousness into a species incapable of using the weapons we've created of realizing that it's up to us to go from there's not enough to the thought form that we can create plenty that we can go from being people of the fossil era to people of the solar that we can become a different species we are on the brink of entering the galactic age an age of incredibly different perhaps companionship who knows who knows but it is up to us to shift our consciousness and expand our understanding of the nature of God to understand the a god that is a bio-spiritual ecological Force that spans galaxies instead of an earth-based one that looks like us that we need to transition into people who only relate to people that we like and get to a place of cosmic intelligence where we realize we're all in this together and my Consciousness is connected to yours and therefore my Consciousness is connected to the whole of nature because that's how Cosmic law Works what is in one is in the whole what is in the whole is in one and so we have to start using and living those laws and that's what archetypal truth is about it's about getting to a place where you identify archetypal you archetypally reason not so you can say to someone I I'm a queen and I just don't take orders but you get your archetypal you think like you recognize that human beings evolve through archetypal stages recognize where you are recognize that when when here's a perfect example at a ground level I was in Spain years ago with my dear friend Norm shuey and we were staying in this small village and I Came Upon This uh dog was starving just bone bones starving and my immediate response was what the hell is wrong with these people that they walk by this starving animal they don't have any compassion nothing I was in a very poor Village and I was just yelling at Norm what's wrong with these people they're terrible people I was on my high horse about this and we as we walked into the this very uh little hotel we were staying in and I emphasized a little because that's why someone heard me so this woman comes up to me and she said you know people can't afford to love their dogs here because they may have to eat them huh bam now that story really stuck to my ribs big huge big huge because I take everything and put it in the archetypal basket and when that story told me was that we love in those stages our capacity to open our hearts goes according to our capacity to what we might have to do so we can't afford to project that our dogs have our children and dress them up and do all these cute little things with them if in fact we would have to rely upon them to survive like we did farm animals and realizing that gave me such a different compassion I felt shame for myself once again judging once again judging so it is an archetypal stage we go through and from that point on I'm telling you the truth I I hold back and think I don't I don't know what stage I'm at that way or what stage other people are at but I realize even as a nation acquires democracy for example or acquires commercial abundance having gone through not having it like for example the freedom America has had to have anything at once as long as it can get it right and then you have third world countries that have not and they are just now acquiring that abundance and now comes all of these cutbacks because of fuel and all of this stuff and then someone very sharp and perceptive said they're going to have to go through that stage a feeling of going through the entitlement stage that formed America you can't deny them that because that is the first stage and there was the archetype the archetypal stage so we'll talk about that next but this is where I mean next next session this is where understanding archetypes gives you a lens through which to understand Humanity it's really more than just about yourself it's about everybody it's about everybody an expression of the orderly nature of the universe is that everything is patterned everything is patterned I think this is one of the most extraordinary things but everything is patterned everything is archetypal pattern leaves are patterns trees are patterns fish patterns animals everything has patterns and behavior has patterns you have patterns every single thing in the universe and patterns organize power patterns in the leaves of a tree organize the veins it's everything has patterns so everything about you has patterns and and look at how we are we we cannot exist outside of our patterns we cannot it's not possible no it is not it is not possible so start there you are totally governed by your patterns and a way of interacting and recognizing that for me one of the ways of appreciating the nature of God is recognizing that the Divine has patterns and you're living in them and the Divine is Law and the reason that to me is so such a a rich mystical revelation is that by understanding that the nature of God is law you learn the laws and you rely upon the laws you rely upon laws it takes it takes Superstition out of your thinking but it also gives you like for example the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes it's a myth but it's a law it's death in rebirth it's the cycle of death and rebirth which means that with every death whether it's the death of an idea or the death of something in your heart rebirth is going to happen some form of rebirth is going to happen that it is guaranteed it is a promise it is an archetypal promise it is a guarantee because that's how the system that's the promise of the universe that's the nature of God that with every cycle of of release there's a cycle of birth and that's just how the system's set up it doesn't matter who you are and that's the reason why when you understand that it's impersonal and that's the story of The Prodigal Son it you know with the one son takes care of his father the other son goes away and then the father welcomes back the son who who with open arms who's come back and the other one says how can you love him so much he's be abandoned you and here I've been along it's not personal it's not personal it just is the Way Love Is Love just welcomes everyone back That's the Way Love Is and for you for every human being and here's archetypal again for every human being that Journey from getting out of your personal self to your impersonal is the toughest Journey you're ever going to go through to put it in the language of Jesus it is your crucifixion it is literally the toughest thing you'll ever go through is getting out of thinking that everything's about you everything's for you everything should be for you and then getting to your archetypal Paris and the reason I'm going to emphasize this is because in in identifying an archetypal pattern when you see the universe through personally which is where we all start we all start then you pick the archetypes you want instead of the ones you are instead of the ones you are um one of my workshops this was years ago um there are four archetypes everybody has we'll get to that later you know the the child and the prostitute and the victim and a saboteur but then there's eight that that really comprise you intimately as an individual so in this in my workshop in sacred contracts that's what it's about it's about picking and identifying your archetypes and really seeing their work in your life anyway this one woman comes up to me privately privately she's may I talk to you as a chair she said I I just wanted to I I I really I didn't want to do this but I I'm I I'm a kleptomaniac and you know what honest to God as soon as she said that I held my purse I mean I just I just grabbed my I said really and but anyway so I I went up to her later I wanted to see her archetypal chart I wanted to see if she picked the thief and she didn't and she didn't she didn't identify that at all and so I thought well that's very interesting because at she picked the ones she wanted not the ones that really reflect her struggles who she is what she really works at so it's fascinating to me fascinating you can't get out of your archetype but you just can't you can't escape them archetype they they it is within the archetypal patterns that you learn the laws and in fact even down to you know from laws go down a level there then there's rules then there's habits um all of these lesser categories are still reflections of the same thing and that's that we are creatures of law we can't get away from it we we have our habits we have our rules we have our regulations and you you know you don't tell people I have laws in the morning you see I have habits in the morning I have habits I have habits in the morning I need coffee and I want my newspapers I need the news I'm a news addict and one arm and I'm coffee in the other and I don't like to be disturbed I cannot stand to be disrupted when I am reading the news or watching the news and drinking my coffee and then I come alive this isn't a law but it's a habit but the Habit organizes why do we have habits why do we have rules because we want to organize our power that too is archetypal and the rules and the laws that you have as you'll see when we move down the road here completely reflect your archetypal patterns completely athletes do athletic things and they have athletic rules and regulations absolutely they do I I have the habits of of a writer I like it quiet I like it I like it I like to be alone I like I like my own space because I don't like anyone disrupting creativity it drives me crazy okay but my my pattern is completely reflect my archetypal parents as do yours as do yours as does everybody else's I mean we we live in our patterns we live in our patterns okay so patterns are the nature of the universe and patterns organized organize the lives of ants and bees and everything is parents because God is better and that's and you know if you get that if you get that you could sit in your yard and just honest to God Marvel at the nature of the universe and the nature of the Divine that is in everything the the the fact that you the fact that you can count on the tide coming in and out that we can count on the consistent orbits of everything that you can count on everything and that's and really that's the first place that you get to when I when someone says they they don't believe in anything greater and I think you don't get it you don't get it you you are so held together by order by consistency by if you only knew how to work with the laws you would you would see that you're breathing you're breathing easier you you realize you're not alone okay I'm looking at ah now I just wanted to talk about archetypes in general I think I've already been carrying on and I'm looking at this about what uh now these are things that everyone everyone goes through and that's um I said purpose of life now here's another archetypal thing that every person I've ever met goes through and it doesn't matter what language or what word you're going to put it in it is an archetypal pattern and it's um the relationship you have to the cosmos to God to the force that's out there whatever you want to call it but that itself is an archetypal Dynamic and that you will question it and you will wonder about it and you will wonder if you can bargain you will you will wonder if you can bargain and you will have a Superstition you'll have some kind of superstition you don't want to talk about this something you don't want to talk about it's not you don't want God to overhear you um I love this people in my workshops I'll ask them questions about what do you have faith then I won't answer the question they want to answer that question what do you say that I don't know and it's easier for people to tell me what they don't have faith in why and this is archetypal because if they actually answer it they think God will then hold them accountable and and that's because we are born knowing that we're being listened to were born knowing it we are born knowing that this is a very intimate universe and not only is it intimate but we're born knowing that the our role here our role is to become conscious of that and to stop being afraid of becoming empowered to stop being afraid of recognizing that there is that this is a very intimate impersonal universe that in fact we are being watched and then our choices do matter um um let me see ah now the reason uh another way to discuss why it's so important that we work toward becoming conscious is that archetypal parents and all of you are familiar with Carl Jung you know who he is um and of course he spoke about the collective unconscious this incredibly powerful force in which our Consciousness dwells the collective unconscious what we all know where we all it comes out of our Collective unconscious um I I think I think that we have this internet now that the internet was actually created as a reflection of our internet being animated because we really have we've in entering the nuclear age I really do think the rules of life shifted to the laws of life I think to the laws of creation I think about the story of um I I think about the story of who is it Krishna and Arjuna and Arjuna didn't know Krishna was a God and they he was his Chariot driver and a ride to to the edge of a huge field there's an eve of a battle and on the eve of the battle Krishna says to Arjuna everybody that I care about is on the other side of that field and if I go to war with them I'll kill him and it'll be horrible karma for me and if I don't if I run away it'll be horrible Dharma for me I don't know what to do in Arjuna that God says Embraces him and says what difference does it make you you have to do you have to follow what you're ordered to do and they'll have other lives everything is ordered everything is taken care of Krishna says I fear the fabric of the universe is about to be torn and I think in some ways this describes the moment where we're at where I think the fabric of our universe is getting torn but I think what's on the other side of that fabric is a way of understanding our power that is in in a sense incomprehensible that where we're going is a way of comprehending what human nature is really capable of if it got Beyond focusing all of its attention on itself and connecting to the community of human nature the community of others of realizing how much we could do if we cared about the whole as much as we care about ourselves I think that's the great transformation and I do really believe that as you shift into archetypals you look to understand the greater patterns of the universe the greatest application you can make in of that knowledge is how do I apply this to understanding what's happening in the world and in my world and in the world of others how do I best understand it and so you start with really recognizing that a pattern is a given body of behaviors and that so long as you are unconscious as young would describe it patterns will make choices for you until you're conscious enough to make the choice yourself and that's really what they're all about again it's about the laws of creation about choice and consequence about you experiencing the consequences of your choices you know when someone will say I don't want to make a choice I don't that is a choice and you've allowed the pattern to make the choice for you you've allowed fear to make the choice for you and therefore you'll experience what what a fearful Choice creates and you'll always be disappointed and again and again until one day you decide I'm I I you know what I I don't I'm gonna make a choice and I'll just live with the consequences and and you'll find that the more the more you make a conscious Choice the more you're able to maneuver the choice the more you're able to work with it the more you're able to make the next choice and the next choice and then you realize this is what it is to be conscious of my choices and then you realize more and more that the more conscious you become of your choices the more you start to include others in what's the consequence of this choice that I want to make upon the lives of others so you start expanding your understanding that you know what every choice I make influences the lives of others so it goes from being completely unconscious to becoming conscious that every choice you have is in fact involved has influence on the lives of others on the in the lives of others I think when you look at I mean I truly I truly am amazed when I look at this world and I look at the people that are in leadership positions I won't comment on 90 of them but they're appalling they're appalling human beings to be in positions of leadership is this the best Humanity can do is I mean Putin I mean is this the best erdogan is this the best Humanity has to offer is this the best we have to offer is this it and Kim Jong-un I mean and yet it's a reflection of collectively are not realizing that collectively if we held ourselves together instead of seeing other human beings is threatening we'd make very different choices we'd make very different choices they couldn't sustain themselves it's like when the when the Berlin Wall came down and it was it came down in a second because the world stopped believing it had to be up there it came down when when when the world empowered it was empowered in a different way when the thought of it coming down was more empowered than the thought that held it up we see examples of this all the time but somehow we we are not getting what the what it is to unite our power together we're still so afraid of our power alone but I think what this time we're in is the beginning just the beginning of our being able to understand that power we're just at the beginning of it but it is such a profound thing now I want to close this session by just saying that all archetypes are neutral you're like there's no such thing as this is a better archetype than that and this is good they're all just neutral patterns like like cookie patterns I mean you know you may like a Christmas tree pattern better than a circle better than a square but there is no they're just patterns they're all patterns and within that pattern is the whole Spectrum from Shadow to light in every one of them so whatever pattern we're dealing with like the starving artist and you hear that and you go oh no no no I mean the the light in there can starve the pad the starving part of the pattern and everything is about bringing a person into Consciousness that they can command the pattern and the pattern not them but as long as a pattern is unconscious in you you will behave according to the stories that are familiar to you about the pattern about you know think about the princess think about all the you know which is such a familiar familiar stories and all the storybook stuff on the princess and all the storybook stuff on the princess and the night and yada yada think about that and how many people the little girls you know dress up as princesses and in fact I saw that today I saw I saw yesterday at dinner this little girl she was in some kind of recital at the end of school year and there they had her dressed up in a princess and a little princess crown or whatever that is and and I'm sure her father says your daddy's little princess and the whole nine yards and feeding that archetypal pattern now whether or not she has that pattern it's another story but from the get-go the stories of the princess I put in her head and so automatically the knights put in her head and these are and so these stories we all have these stories put in our heads all kinds of stories boys read Warrior stories or Hero Stories or girls read I may be girls today they read them both but all the stories we read um that go in our heads as children because and all the stories we see around us as kids and all the things we hear it all gets mixed up into things that we start to believe and all the stuff you see on TV ideas get put into your head I mean I did um an archetype I do you know archetypes once a week just for fun and I did the magical child quite a while ago but the the magical child I mean think about how the child archetype the magical child archetype was animated in Us in these Generations but especially the generations of the 50s and the 60s and the 70s because of Television because of television or in a lot of magical children images in fairy stories there were you know kids who were lost in the woods and kids who were kidnapped and kids who were you know put in cages with witches and Hansel and Gretel they and there were orphan stories of you know but when you were but when we were kids in the 50s and the 60s Etc they reduced Walt Disney and the Magical child and Mary Poppins and and um all these stories of perfect families and on American television like like my three sons and Donna Reed and and bewitched and all these kinds of fun stories that I realized a magical childhood and that woke up an archetypal pattern along with its next of kin the wounded child and these two archetypes really became the major child archetypes that of the of of of a generation and the Magical child and the wounded child the wounded child said that should have been my childhood I should have had a magical child and that certainly has stuck with a lot of people who grew up during those those decades with those two patterns locked in right and and when you're unconscious they don't get that you were so influenced by TV growing up then or you don't get that you were influenced by books or like that then you can actually think certain things are real that in fact your life should be and this is where you think my life should have had this or I should have had a night I should have had I married this guy because I thought he was my knight in shining armor or I married this woman because I thought she was a princess and that's what it's like to be unconscious and not realize that what's motivating me is my pattern and I've got to get hold of that it's really quite something to reach a place with yourself when you recognize an archetypal pattern at work with you within you and you think I I when I when I think of when when I I have um a what well my child's archetype gets activated I actually will say I can't I can't I can't do anything serious today because I'm I'm I can't put two and two together I can feel it I'm having one of those days where I feel like I need I need um the kind of stuff that's not serious and I just don't talk to me today I need to just I need to goof off today I can feel it and if you if you put any demands on me it's not going to go well until I get that and all my all that part of me needs is just enough attention to be able to say just give me some time to do what I want for a little bit and then I'll be just fine but there was a time when I would act it out when I would act it out and I would have a temper tantrum because that's what my child did I don't do that anymore we outgrow it and now you get a place where you say you know what I just need give me a couple hours and I'll be right back with you and you do what that archetypal pattern in your requires but you don't take anyone down this is what it means to kind of become more and more conscious and you don't bite anybody because you're having a bad day you'll learn how to work with your pattern so we'll get to all that we'll get to all that finally I want to say this too you can't have a pattern that's not yours no matter what you can't you have the patterns that you have and and that's it it's like what is what's that other expression you have to play the hand you're dealt and so you know as much as I would love a goddess archetype I don't have one and so there you go there you go and um I think I have a touch of Athena but I don't you know there it is so we have to deal with the hand that we are dealt and but here's the joy in that when you realize the hand you're dealt is really a full house and it's marvelous to know thyself what is one of the greatest archetypal holy mystical truths know thyself and you know your Universe you know the universe heaven doesn't make mistakes it doesn't make mistakes that's one of its great mystical truths you there's there's a perfection in you and you see it the the higher you go the more you see it thank you everybody
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 25,092
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Id: PrXZdKSw-B8
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Length: 87min 9sec (5229 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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