Breaking Barriers | Dr. Cindy Trimm | The Anointing

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hi this is Pastor Ryan and I want to welcome you we're right at the tail end of our series entitled the anointing if you're impacted by these words by the revelation that is coming from dr. trim we want you to tweet about it we want you to comment on Facebook hey why don't you just hit that share button right now and use the hashtag the anointing so that you can join in the conversation about this topic if you're interested in starting a life group on this particular message why don't you email me at info at Cyndi trim ministries org and I can send you all the information on how you can start a life group in your city today but right now we are headed right into the message with dr. trimmed everybody welcome her to the platform now we want to continue on in this segment to talk about the types of barriers that are really you are released from hallelujah and in the scripture the scripture clearly speaks to us in the book of Isaiah 10 and 27 we introduced that to you in the last segment but we want to continue on we ended up in in in prayer we ended that last segment in prayer but we want to decree and declare over your life Isaiah 10:27 so let's pray our Father God we thank you for the time that we have to share about the anointing the anointing represents to us the the connection between your word and the manifestation of that word it represents a a coming together of heaven blended with the activities of men in the earth realm their supernatural being superimposed upon the natural we thank you for the anointing we thank you that the anointing is able to break yokes and we thank you for the anointing that will be released upon every hearer and those that will watch hallelujah this particular segment in Jesus name Amen again we are going to isaiah 10 verse 27 the Bible said it shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off of his shoulders and his yoke from off thy thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing it we were talking about the anointing removes the hindrances that will prohibit full expression of your purpose in the earth realm and there are so many people that experienced such Pro prohibitions that they've become almost helpless and hopeless and they have lost their ability to see a better way to live but the anointing is gonna open your eyes because the anointing removes gender barriers let's look at Joelle chapter 2 verse 28 to 29 there's a lot of people that can do more if it wasn't for the fact that they were either male or female and so you know I believe that we're coming to a time where we recognize in order to solve the problems of the world we need all hands on deck we need all hands on deck so the anointing is going to destroy a gender barrier the gender barrier Joel 2 - 2 - 28 - 29 jul 2 2013 9 in itself em to pass afterwards that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions and also upon the servants and upon the peoples of the earth this is this is going to be important because it says that God is going to be able to be poured out upon those that are employers those that are employees is gonna be poured out upon them made servants it's just gonna be poured out and it's not going to be based on your sexuality it's going to be based on your spirituality one of the things that Galatians received was a message from Paul where Paul settled it once and for all in Galatians chapter 3 verse 26 to 28 Galatians chapter 3 26 to 28 he settles it once and for all he says for ye are the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you as a and baptized into Christ have put on Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Jesus so that means that the barrier that existed between male and female that restricted people from fulfilling God's original plan and purpose for finding expression for the gifts and talents based on gender discrimination that yoke is broken the next yoke that is going to be broken by the anointing of God is a tidal barrier the Spirit of God removes barriers so that we may all be ministers and I love this 1st Corinthians 4 and 1 let every man so account of us as the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God God said to us as ministers go ye into all the world and preach and this was not just for people that had a title he said that to every believer with or without a title whether you had the title of a prophet or not whether you had the title of an apostle or not whether you had the title of the chief apostle or not whether you had the title of a bishop or a deacon whether you had a title of a teacher and evangelist whether you had the title of a pastor or not when God said go ye into all the world and preach the gospel he was talking to every believer with or without a title you don't need a title to serve God you don't need a title to serve humanity you don't need a title to touch the poor to heal the sick you just need the anointing so doesn't matter whether they call you brothers sister or they don't call you at all as long as you have an anointing you can go out there knowing that you also are a minister a minister is someone who serves and if you are servant of the Most High God whether or not you have credentials or a piece of paper or being ordained or even recognized you can still find a place for you to serve as the servants of the most hi God one of the things that also recognized is that God said that you are going to be call ministers and and this happens once you understand what God is doing um when it comes to us serving him and serving him with gladness all of us are going to be used by God all of us are going to serve God with gladness one of the things we understand even from Isaiah Isaiah 16 where it says rise and shine for the light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you we understand that God calls says that the sons of strangers shall build up the walls and thy King shall minister unto you now the Kings are gonna be ministering unto you because you are going to be anointed let's look at Isaiah 61 and I want to give you enough time to find Isaiah 61 and we all know it from studying it we all know it just from our daily devotions and I love this particular scripture and I want to give you enough time to find the scripture that is there but I want to read it to you Isaiah 61 and we're gonna start out with what bursts 1 and we're gonna read it until we complete an understanding so those of you that are looking for your Bible I'm going to give you just a few more seconds to find it that's Isaiah if you're looking for it in your Bible is Isaiah chapter 61 Isaiah chapter 61 Isaiah chapter 60 world Isaiah 61 and it's great if you read the entire text of Isaiah 61 again we all know it because we've either heard it preached or we've done it in our own personal devotions but Isaiah 61 if you could go there with me please Isaiah 61 annointing removes title barriers the anointing it doesn't only remove gender barriers but it removes title various Isaiah 60:1 says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captive the openings of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our Lord God to comfort all that mourn to a point unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for Ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they may be called the trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord that they may be glorified now watch this and these and they that they that are talking about are the ones that are anointed and they shall build the old waste and they shall raise up the former desolation and they shall repair the waste cities and the desolations of many generations the stranger shall stand and feed your flock the sons of aliens shall be your Plowman and buying dresses but ye shall be named the priests of the Lord men shall call you the ministers of our God you shall eat the riches of Gentile and in their glory shall you boast yourself do you see that it's as if you were anointed then you are going to be called a priest and you are going to be called a minister whether individuals recognize you or not or whether you have a title or not you are all of us a ministers of the Most High God the next one is the anointing removes racial barriers Acts chapter 1 verse 2 it says when the day of Pentecost came they all were sitting in the upper room and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance but the Bible said the anointing that was upon them drew the attention of 16 different nations and out of the 16 different nations there was a revival that he the earth and it was nationwide and it was global in its impact the Bible said these 16 nations and you can read about it straight up to check straight to the end of this particular chapter you know where they were impacted by such a significant and relevant event that all the nations that had gathered there sixteen of them that represented the nations of the world at that particular time had come together to hear the word of God they were Jews but none of them had been filled with the Holy Ghost but God touched every nation because the anointing had set upon 120 of them and so we can find 120 individuals in a city we can turn that city upside down if we can find a hurt and to any individuals that are anointed in a government that are anointed in the medical industry if we can just find a hundred and twenty that can come together and they are of one mind in one spirit there is nothing that can that can be prevented from them from doing and accomplishing because of the anointing of God now the anointing of God removes psychological barriers when we talk about psychological we're talking about insecurity we're talking about prejudices I'm looking at Jonah Jonah was anointed by God but he did not want to go into Nineveh because it was prejudiced against them but God had anointed him for service and the anointing demanded that he began to minister to individuals that didn't look like him sound like him or even worship God like him any kind of psychological barriers whether it's a prejudice whether it's insecurity God is going to deliver you from that and right with the psychological barriers let's talking about the emotional barriers because this is an important one the anointing removes emotional barriers so that means that there's no need for games there's no need for emotional manipulation there's no need for emotional controlling there's no need for fear tactics God is going to anoint hallelujah asked to remove every kind of barrier that will prohibit us from fulfilling our purpose so when you are anointed no one can emotionally manipulate you you will not come to be succumbed or you will not succumb to guilt and humiliation and and for views of self you will not succumb to embarrassment because a lot of places you go people will try to use all kinds of tactics including embarrassment technique you will not be hypersensitive God will deliver you and deliver the people around you from dysfunctions people come with their own kinds of dysfunction but God will deliver you from the dysfunctions God will deliver you from abuse and perfectionism and from blame and from phobias God is gonna deliver you from enmeshment he'll deliver you from fear he'll deliver you from manipulation he'll deliver you from from night terror he'll deliver you from a bribery and suggestions and withholding and insinuations and those things will not be able to find expression either in your life or around you and if there are people that are using these kinds of satanic strategies to hold you at bay and to manipulate you until you no longer can find expression for your your your your gifts and for your calling or expression for your purpose God will use the anointing to deliver you and if you suffer from these things God will deliver you from those things or deliver you from being a victim of those weapons no weapon formed against you will prosper no weapon formed against you psychologically no weapon formed against you emotionally are going to prosper why because of the anointing the anointing removes cultural barriers the Bible said there is neither Jew nor Greek bound nor free the anointing removes educational barriers and one the reasons why is because the anointing is the person of the Holy Spirit it is he that gives you comforted it is he that enables you to live righteously the Bible said in first John 2:27 but the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and you you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing shall teach you all things and is truth and is no lie even as it has taught you and you have abideth in him now this is very important because a lot of times we feel insecure because people show up with PhDs we have scientists we have some of the the greatest thought leaders within our generation but when God calls you to speak on a platform with them and they may have PhDs they may have masters they may have BA and you barely scraped it through high school there is no need to feel insecure around someone who has disciplined themselves educationally especially when you have disciplined yourself spiritually because the spirit realm is superior to a natural realm and so through the school of the Holy Spirit God will also remove not only educational barriers but intellectual barriers the Bible said in Luke 2:52 that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man gone is the giver of wisdom wisdom is a Greek word Sophia and Psalm 111 verse 10 says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all day that do His commandments now God wants to give you wisdom wisdom is a broad and full intelligence it's it's the ability to use your knowledge in a diverse kind of way and when God's anointing comes upon you he will also give you wisdom and when you get wisdom is so important that wisdom doesn't travel by itself wisdom has traveling come one of the things that there that that wisdom will give you and there are several benefits of wisdom proverbs four and five to thirteen says get Risdon get understanding forget it not neither decline it from the words of your mouth forsake or not and she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep you so wisdom is going to preserve you and wisdom is going to keep you the bomber said wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding exalt her and she will promote you when you were wise when you used the wisdom of God promotion is inevitable she will bring the honor honor comes with her when you embrace her she shall give to thine head an ornament of grace and grace is like the anointing that gives you the ability to perform whatever task gone has assigned you to do the Bible said a crown of glory shall she delivered to thy hand in other words then deliver to them in other words when you see glory glory is representational or is symbolic of power glory is symbolic of wealth glory is symbolic of affluence glory is symbolic of influence she said when people see you they're gonna see you as someone that's wealthy someone that is influential someone that is affluent in other words when you get wisdom wisdom becomes some hallelujah your promotional your PR specialist wisdom does only come become your PR specialist but wisdom also is your branding specialist the Bible says that you know these are the things that you need to get people will notice it that when you are anointed and you have wisdom they will notice it it will be undeniable that you have been supernaturally empowered the anointing the anointing removes economic barriers you know the Bible said in Deuteronomy 8:18 be weird that thou forget not the LORD thy God in not keeping his Commandments this is verse number 11 and his judgment and his statues will I commend you this day verse number 18 but thou shalt remember the LORD thy God for is it is he that gives you power to get wealth and that power that God gives you is the anointing the anointing will remove economic barriers and the anointing will not only remove economic barriers the anointing will remove financial barriers through the anointing of God God will give you strategies that will change your financial status I decree and declare that your financial status is being changed right now by reason of the anointing this is what happened in 2nd Kings chapter 4 verses 1 to 7 there cried a woman who had lost her husband and the Prophet didn't give her money the Prophet didn't give her a check the prophet gave her the ability to think for herself and told her you use the oil and it will break the spirit of poverty from offer your life the anointing breaks financial barriers you are no longer gonna be a beggar you are going to be a creator of wealth you are gonna own your own business I decreed the anointing of an entrepreneur comes upon you the anointing of a businessman businesswoman comes upon you and the anointing of a wealth creator comes upon you right now now the scripture talks about also that the anointing removes spiritual barrier Psalm 133 verse 1 tatooine that the anointing removes spiritual barriers behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious ointment upon the head that went down upon the beard even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of its garment now our beard represents maturity when you are maturing in the things of the Lord the anointing would run down especially if you are in leadership it will run down upon your children it will run down upon your employees it will run down upon the subordinate it will run down to anyone that is following you the anointing of God the Obama Senate ran down his beard down the skirts of his garment as the dew of Hermon and as the dude that descended upon the mount of Zion but there the LORD commanded his blessing even life forevermore someone 33 it removes spiritual barriers the anointing the anointing removes geopolitical barriers the anointing will give you access to realms to field to domains you have never thought that it was possible for you to have access to giving you access to the wisdom of God for divine strategies for success and all you do particularly as it relates to the field that God has placed you in and you can read us Isaiah 61 again verses 1 to 5 and you would say see that God will call you the planting of the Lord that he may be glorified the anointing is our technology so that we can go into all the world and preach the gospel the anointing gives you the ability to know his will the ability to do his will the anointing gives you the ability to succumb situations and circumstances because when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and anoints you God will release uncommon supernatural power upon you to do what you cannot do in the area of the natural maybe because you have prohibited prohibitions by government maybe there are economic financial prohibitions maybe there is prejudices and biases and segregation maybe there's marginalization maybe you struggle in your mind you're struggling your emotions maybe physiologically and in terms of your health you're struggling maybe people only get recognized because of a title there are all kinds of reasons that people have been stagnated and they're stagnated because they don't understand how powerful the anointing is when the anointing comes upon you yokes are broken the burdens are removed and all restrictions associated with those yokes and with those burdens they're automatically would remove giving you freedom and giving you liberty for whom the Sun sets free is free indeed because of the anointing thank you so much and God bless [Applause]
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 91,646
Rating: 4.8321538 out of 5
Keywords: the anointing, cindy trimm, dr. trimm, breakthrough anointing
Id: qcF74oebOGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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