gus fring breaking bad all seasons I 4K logoless

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some tattooed speed Freak No what you two need is an honest to God businessman right somebody who treats your product like the simple high margin commodity that it is somebody who ships out of town Deals Only in bulk someone who's been doing this for 20 years and never been caught you know someone like that let's just say I know a guy who knows a guy who knows another guy let me make some calls see if I can get you a meeting well what's his name I have no idea these very low profiles careful like that you know from what I do here about them he sounds a little like you gentlemen is everything through satisfaction and Gustavo Fring of Los Pollos Hermanos please just Gus Hi Gus gotta tell you you guys make some killer chicken thank you very much these gentlemen are on which is a growing problem in the country unfortunately terrible yeah it is we have but anything we can do yeah is this one of your agents oh yeah no no that's it's my brother-in-law you know he's got a health issue we're we're trying to oh I'm very sorry what what sort of health issue lung cancer that's a rough one oh hey you know you don't have to do that please please I'm I'm happy to do it thank you very much enjoy is the food to your satisfaction very much it's good to see you again I have an offer that I think will be of interest to you to tell you this personally it has nothing to do with you personally I find you extraordinarily professional and I appreciate the way you do business I'm just change in my life is what it is and I I'm at some something up a Crossroads and it's brought me to a realization I am not a criminal no offense to any people who are but this is not me I'd like you to hear my offer and I've been standing it won't change my mind I'm sorry I'm sorry three million dollars for three months of your time three months than out three million may I take this as a yes the answer is still no enjoy your meal [Applause] [Music] s whatever foreign good news is for stage three cancer guys doing well physically not only the guy's a disaster he's going off the rails over this thing with his wife my opinion he's not coming back not on his own your friends were at his place again by the way they drew something on the street outside his house aside animals animals does a lawyer know should he no if you want this guy to produce again why not just tell him you're the only thing that stands between him and an ax in the head I don't believe Fear To Be an Effective motivator I want investment for now I'm simply interested in time frame he will live for the foreseeable future he is foreseeable couple years at least buying acts of God and men with axes oh from the lawyer I'm supposed to let you know the Pikmin kid is looking to sell I don't work with Junkies well that's what I thought you'd say probably for the best what I hear him Walter Splitsville really that's what Goodman says cats and dogs do the deal ploy how do you mean as if I would seriously believe you would hire an addict Jesse Pinkman recovering or not you vouched for him previously I took you actually no no no no no let me be clear trusting him with a solo venture that's that's quite another dog his product was more or less consistent with the quality I had come to except I apologize for being so transparent would you take a drive with me I'd like to show you something please [Music] what is this your new lab my God [Applause] sodium oxide for a catalyst bed look at the size of this reaction vessel oh that's good it's got to be 1200 liters how did you know how to put this all together I had excellent help as will you you would choose your own hours of course come and go as you please so long as the quota is met I have made a series of very bad decisions and I cannot make another one why did you make these decisions for the good of my family then they weren't bad decisions what does a man do Walter a man provides for his family this costs me my family when you have children you always have family they will always be your priority your responsibility and the man a man provides and he does it even when he's not appreciated or respected or even love he simply Bears up and he does it because he's a man sure is off before now I suggest that you add this to you until it beats oh thank you why you're doing nothing wrong okay I'll handle this yeah a water white Cornell Que acerlo porque Este hombre White facio no a supreme territory is Hank Schrader okay I didn't order this and my men would never do this on their own someone gave the go-ahead I'm just saying they wouldn't act on their own I ain't not in the habit of picking my own pocket I assume your man is in custody your husband isn't until proven guilty correct I'll get him the best lawyer well keep me apprised ring is offering a ten thousand dollar reward on any information about the case we can't express how sorry I am as it happens I actually met agent s ago Mr Frank was one of our sponsors I talked for a few minutes with your husband as a matter of fact that are out for you we spoke briefly about your health concerns I hope that it was clear to me how deeply it cares for you I've taken up enough of your time Mr Frank uh just wanted to thank you again it was my pleasure uh Mary may I speak with you you knew you you knew my brother-in-law was with the DEA I investigate everyone with whom I do business careful man wouldn't for being here I hide in plain sight same as you are we done this is attacking my brother-in-law I don't I don't understand it I don't know what it means please if you have some knowledge that you could share with me I fear for my family I'm sure that'll be fine I am told the Assassin that survived is Gravely injured out for him to live now thank me and shake my hand thank you thank you again you're quite welcome yes one I assume you your man died I heard it's unfortunate and meanwhile I have Federal surrounding my house you know what I think Gustavo I think you're behind all this why would I do this how would it serve me trying to figure out go off on your own Maybe would you actually think that would work call me back when you're saying things more clearly I see things clear enough one DEA gets shot all of Washington starts barking the DF suddenly has to put on a Big Show and I for a while until there was double yes I'm here and when I get proof and the others find out what you've done maybe we come back [Music] I think he'll live good I'm glad Walter you seem troubled I asked to see you in order to that's the best way to do business my brother-in-law moments before he was attacked someone called to warn him I believe that same person was protecting me those two men the assassins I believe I was their prime target but that somehow they were steered away from me to my brother-in-law because of this intervention I am alive and yet I think that this person was playing a much deeper game he made that phone call because he wanted a shootout not a silent assassination in one stroke he bloodied both sides set the American and Mexican governments against the cartel and cut off the supply of methamphetamine to the Southwest if this man had his own source of product on this side of the Border he would have the market to himself the rewards would be enormous or both adults I can't pretend I don't know that person is you I want there to be no confusion I know I owe you my life and more than that I respect the strategy in your position I would have done the same one issue which troubles me I don't know what happens when our three-month contract ends what would you like to happen you know why I do this I want security for my family then you have it three million for three months that was our agreement extended annually 12 million a year call it 15. open-ended would that be agreeable Walter you're right on time I hope you like Baila Marina it's a fancy name for fish too but uh you know how that is do you mind what would you slice the garlic very thin why did you invite me here we're working together why not break bread together now the garlic it always amazes me the way the senses work and connection to memory I mean this stew is simply an amalgam of ingredients taken separately these ingredients alone don't remind me of anything not very much at all but in this precise combination instantly it brings you back to my childhood how is that possible basically it all takes place in the hippocampus neural connections are formed the senses make the neurons Express signals that go right back to the same part of the brain as before our memory is stored something called relational memory don't quote me on that time I'm Rusty on my biology that's very interesting Walter I would like to help you if I could help me how well when I first started out I made a lot of mistakes more than I care to admit I wish I had someone to advise me because this life of ours it can overwhelm you are a wealthy man now and one must learn to be rich to be poor anyone can manage what advice do you have for me never make the same mistake twice I understand that you have a problem with two of my employees it is true that they killed one of your Associates the man was standing on the territory this will go no further you will be settled right here wait outside you have one friend in this room this man those men outside on my trusted employees what you intended to do if it wasn't for this man and the respect I have for him I would be dealing with this in a very different way you don't look at him you look at me this is what happens now my men will come back inside and you will shake their hands and you will make peace and that will be the end of this no pardon me these kids these [ __ ] of yours they got an 11 year old kid doing their killing for them you're supposed to be some kind of reasonable businessman is how you do business bring them back foreign than you you keep the peace say it yeah keep the peace has your condition worsened excuse me your medical condition has it grown worse not that I know of no is error ringing in your ears are you seeing bright lights or hearing voices I'm quite well thank you no clearly you are not no rational person would do as you have done explain yourself for him you intervene and put us all at risk some contemptible junkie who could keep the peace for eight hours that's right we couldn't he was angry because those two dealers of yours had just murdered an 11 year old boy I heard about it he should have let me take care of them Maybe then again maybe he thought it was you who gave the order are you asking me I ordered the murder of a child I would never ask you that where is Pinkman now but now he and I are done which is exactly what you wanted isn't it you've always struck me as a very pragmatic man so if I may I would like to review options with you of which it seems to me you have to option A you kill me right here and now apparently I have made that very easy for you and kill me no Witnesses and then spend the next few weeks or months tracking down Jesse Pinkman and you kill him too a pointless exercise it seems to me but that is option A what is option b I continue cooking you and I both forget about Pinkman we forget this ever happened we consider this a lone hiccup in an otherwise long and fruitful business arrangement I prefer option b you'd need a new assistant I could get right on that no this time I choose where the cross Laredo looks like they didn't exactly send their a players like you said it's cartel all right probing for weakness I didn't find any what about Pinkman I'm making inquiries he seemed to that that is very much the question he does not want to talk about it and every time I bring it up with him hmm I don't know that he's fully accepted the reality of it and cold-blooded but I am running a business here I understand a very large investment into this there's so much overhead that I can't afford to shut down not even for a week so you understand my concern and my desire for continuity I do absolutely now I'm intend to keep water on as long as he wants assuming he's physically up to it but as he cannot or will not tell me how long that might be I must prepare for the worst case scenario there's always more for me to learn but I'm thinking that if we had say one or two more Cooks one more I guess would do it I suppose I Believe In You Gail I know that when the time comes you will be ready
Channel: logoless multi
Views: 113,354
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Id: Xp0zj76dVEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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