Breaking Bad 10 YEAR REUNION Comic-Con Panel | Breaking Bad

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[Music] here we are it's the Breaking Bad ten-year reunion everybody come on you kidding me arguably the greatest show that was ever been on television I begged my agent after I saw the first episode to try to get on it and just because of all the wonderful writing and all the people I got to work with I've gotten to do so many cool projects after this so this means more than the world to be get to host this thing so without further ado let's welcome this is like introducing the Beatles literally panelists everybody coming up from the show mr. Vince Gilligan everybody all right Gus still has his face on for this reunion please welcome to the stage once again Giancarlo Esposito Saul Goodman everybody Bob Odenkirk all right she played the beloved kleptomaniac Mary Schrader please welcome Betsy Brandt [Applause] okay your favorite DEA agent living next door Hank Schrader please welcome Dean Norris [Applause] alright one of the great cereal lovers of all time Walter jr. please welcome RJ Mitte and of course where would Walter White be without his better half play by Scylla playoffs Scylla white played by Anna Gunn alright let's sleep on that last two I guess I'm supposed to do at the same time yeah she played Jesse Pinkman Aaron Paul [Applause] and his co-star story and the man who brought the danger Walter White himself please welcome Bryan Cranston come on one more time everybody [Applause] all right everybody have a seat have a seat it's my wife here somewhere she's supposed to come pick up my baby where you at no look is that just for the intro that was the prop where'd you rent that baby from there you go [Laughter] that kid just made six hundred bucks this you walk out that's a SAG rule six hundred bucks are hard winning that's right six hundred the hard way had to go to hair and makeup try on like 20 those different little outfits so they got the one that fit right it was a nightmare well welcome everybody thank you so much for coming out and doing the reunion the first thing I want to ask you guys it's been 10 years since you guys all have seen each other and recently got together you did the Entertainment Weekly cover shoot what was it like to to get the whole gang back together it's great it was I'm amazing RV still ran when we shattered on the shadowed on the on the Sony lot I think we might have I may be wrong in this we shot it in a soundstage where they shot part of The Wizard of Oz because they used to be the old MGM lot and the the RV is on display if you get if you find yourself fortunate enough to tour the Sony lot that RV is on display so they drove it over they started this this damn thing started right up right they put some gas in it and it's you know it would be like you know the mr. Toad's Wild Ride jumping on one of the carts and like driving it over to the other side of the Disney lot you know shooting of you know but that was that surprise me that was cool saying you guys in that thing we're putting I'm gonna put a plug in right now we're doing a charity event on omae's dot-com slash Breaking Bad you can come to we'll fly one winner out and a friend out to Los Angeles we will cook for you in the RV in the RV yeah what do you cook we'll teach you how to make meth we'll teach you it's gonna be awesome Oh maze gomez calm it's a fundraiser for two great charities the kind can campaign and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children all the money goes to them but it please us we'd love to see it come out visitors please please and maybe we'll have some visitors on that day yeah I hope so if I remember right though this series as great as it was it took a couple seasons for it took finally for everybody to like start talking about it which is I think that's how I got on it cuz I was the first guy that bugged his agent going I'd carry a tray of meth on that thing anything just to get on it but it just amazed me that like like I don't know like just the whole way that you develop these characters from the beginning I just loved how everything came from such a believable place was that something in your writers room from day one where everything like literally how guys get choked to get people get shot the emotions of it all of it like you'd watch it it was like sometimes you know yet like look away it was like it was like watching a documentary that's something like from day one you're like we're not gonna be this isn't gonna be cartoony I was yeah that's a great that was important to us I think first day you were thinking no let's phone this in and be unbelievable no wait that might be a mistake let's go the legitimate route yeah we thought for a while now you know it you just don't want to be the Hogan's Heroes of meth shows but no you know it just felt like if or if the show is going to be about you know selling meth producing and selling meth you want to take it seriously you want to you want to show that that's not really a great career choice but but you don't have to you don't have to make it you know like some after-school special some only if there's really show the reality of why that isn't really a bad choice and you know if you're choking someone to death with a motorcycle walk you you know you want to you want to show how agonizing that would actually be how long it would actually take stuff like that it felt important to never treat the violence in the show as if it were entertainment there are some show-stopping scenes that that center around violence and breaking bad in the 62 hours of the show but you don't want you know you don't want people thinking it's it's you know it's just popcorn and and and entertain but it's there's got to be there's got to be consequences there always had to be consequences on this show and and you know failing that you're not doing really the audience justice or the show itself justice well yeah I mean that was definitely evident when you watched it because it never seemed like glamorous I think that was the first probably the first scene that stuck with me was that was that kid in the basement that you choked with them with the bike lock and watching Walter going through the emotion of all of that I remember by the way show and be ally sherry Thomas our wonderful casting folks they called us up and they said we got a guy named bill burr who is he is he would love to do the show he is so damn funny and I hate to admit it I didn't know your work at that point you're not missing anything like strip malls man I was well you and your so guy was funny we're watching your stuff and you came in and you read you did an audition for us and you killed it and Kuby let's hear it for Kuby I lucked up up cuz I look like Ron Howard I didn't know I was gonna look like I'm my whole life but yeah so I didn't get a chance to play which is what I was so I kept playing you know the guy next door so thank you for that once again I have a lot of the same questions that I have for a better call song please any of you guys chime in if questions for soul well as far as like how did you know like did you know where this is going just how this whole thing like unwinds like how do you write something and it just never veers off course it's been so there's been a lot of shows that start great and it's like a giant pizza dough and then all of a sudden just kind of it just gets ridiculous see like this doesn't even make some like name shows you just after like the third season like this show this has just gone off the rails I'm not watching this is every time I thought you couldn't go any higher emotionally you just kept doing I just never after every episode you like I just got on the internet and just started chatting with people trying to guess where it was gonna go and that was also a great thing is you had a wait a week as opposed to now where it's just you can binge-watch just like you take a great bottle of wine and you're like shotgun it rather than like all that work gets put into it people just watch it in a day and a half on math and so good what's the next 60 hours coming out so I feel it was one of the less shows you could really enjoy that was like an experience I can't even tell you amount of people that I became friends with talk are you watching every year like it just kept getting bigger and bigger I would ask the cast like what was it like to be on like a show like that that really was it kind of was like like a Beatlemania kind of thing where what like as the seasons progressed I imagine the encounters with the public got more intense slash a little weirder no offense but it kind of it took us by surprise because when we started we were just a little show in the high desert of New Mexico trying to tell a story and nobody knew who we were and I knew we started to make an impact when the signs the directional signs are starting to be stolen to me we have signs that that indicate we're crew and cash should go Park when we're on location and you see this it said Breaking Bad and an arrow okay I turn here I turn there and there's where I part well it's about our second or third season Breaking Bad's directional signs were starting to be stolen and so then when it was BR ba and then those were stolen and I kept thinking not only am I getting lost but something's happening the the dynamic was changing and you know you mentioned about the the the delayed gratification of being able to see a show once a week that is true and yet on the other side you look at the benefit that Netflix had on our show was was you know unbelievable and I don't know is that the tourney that was the turning point I think was season 3 you guys after that you got on there yeah they dropped they dropped the first three seasons and I think we started shooting the fourth season something yeah when Netflix stock was $10 well you know to me the big I honestly got that there was a lot of turning points and that could definitely be pointed out as one of them but I think when you got the Emmy nomination and then won the Emmy for a very first seven episodes yeah that was psychic to me that was a major turned up I that was that was I ain't was in the ableism and it was the closest I've ever come even counting this and this amazing haul it's all you wonderful folks that was even that wasn't the out-of-body experience that that that when when they called your name that first year 2008 right say what it was they said and the winner is and I'm thinking there's no way he's gonna win it says that's what I was thinking no but I know I meant it just because there was only seven episodes and they said bryan cranston i just all the air went out of my lungs and I jumped up I never did like that jumps terrific and I just started and I hit my hands together so hard that I had as soon as I could get home I had to put them in ice water I think actually it was it was such to me that was a turning point it was when you do those shows all the cameramen have little earpieces and they're told who's what category is next so you know your category is next when a cameraman comes up right in front of you and points a camera at you and so my wife started to get nervous and I leaned over and I said to Robin honey don't worry they're not going to mention my name so there's no reason to get nervous or excited and then they mentioned my name and all of a sudden everything went out of my brain and it's you you're walking on stage and just you take the first couple steps and all of a sudden you're in front of the microphone and you're realizing how did I get here so quickly and then all of a sudden things like what you had for lunch that day pop in your head and you're going that doesn't help me right now oh it's it's swimming it's an amazing experience but I think - I think that's when we knew something was really going on I think so but it was all of you all of you knew that that we had a show for the general public knew we had a show because you guys are into the the unique and extraordinary yep thank you thank you thank you Aaron I want to ask you as far as like what I loved about your character is he reminded me so much of the guys I went to summer school with oh yeah yeah well it was just like a creative person like a fun person and smart but just not school smart yeah and it was something that I'd really resonated with anxiety do you feel like Jesse Jesse Justin okay yeah yeah so I was wondering like to this day like I mean located I do you feel the guys like me who went to summer school like coming up to you because you kind of like our guy I don't know yeah the guy did it you did it yeah it's great it's great I love Jesse I mean I really do I love that guy so much I mean really he has such a big you know a big part of me you know I just I miss him you know you mean I do and I miss you all I miss the I miss the show you know it's just so what's that I'll bring it back well man I mean Vince am I allowed to ask is there a is there a chance that maybe a cast member who I may or not be talking to right now has a chance of being on better call Saul at some point or possibly I think there's an excellent chance of Vinny and all these folks shot I think there's definitely a chance that Bob Odenkirk isn't gonna be on better cause that's a done deal I think really I car lo yeah I say because Peter and I mentioned it on our on an interview we did earlier today because we never want to jerk you guys around and play games with you you will not see Walt or Jesse in season for a better call Saul and you know not to be a downer but just you know a jerk and folks around we don't want to so yeah it could have it and then you wait the whole season that never happens but III would suspect that it would we be sorely remiss if if these characters didn't appear on the show before before it ended so but we love all these guys would that's why we're still yes hello hi agent Schrader no Saul remember the first time they meet so that's right that's right he seems to you guys seem to have a healthy dislike for each other the very first time here on camera together yeah something bad happens let's find out what it is we have a question here for Betsy said you said in past interviews one of your most frequently asked questions you get from fans is why does Murray wear the color purple was that your idea can you talk about where that idea came from kathleen de toro our costume designer for the pilot and first five seasons yeah wonderful costume designer um she gave everybody a color so we all had these colors and I just really you know I didn't have so much material on the page so I was working with what I got and I said well I think if Marie has a color it is her color I think she is tightly wound I think that she's slightly obsessive mostly because just weighed that Vince would describe her when I met with you I also realized during the pilot cuz Vince was really tired and had a lot going on and it seemed like if I asked him when he was really you know had a lot of you know was in the middle of everything you would kind of agree I got two things I got a purple which really came to bite me in the ass by season four it was like what else could I wear that's purple or have in my home and then my job yes tell him about that yeah yeah yeah I went up to Vince and I said what do you think she does for a living and he said I don't know what do you think and I said well I think that she's an x-ray technician maybe an insurance adjuster but I think x-ray technician and that's what I got I love the specificity of it Betsy Brandt she says I think she's I don't even remember the insurance adjuster I think you were so specific I I think she's an x-ray tech I wanted it be how can you not love that I wanted her to have something in medicine but I didn't wanted to be a doctor a nurse I wanted to be able to have a chip on her shoulder and it worked out and I also thought she would dress up like she's going to the disco when she was around sick people I see a purple is a color of majesty royalty I think it's that's part of it too Archie's wearing purple our aunt I got a question as far as just these are all just literally nerd questions I've always had just as far as like as you're watching the show develop you know obviously you know your character doesn't know what your husband's nose is doing but you know it like how did you feel that did you guess the direction that that was gonna go that she was gonna kind of get on board cuz that always shocked me cuz I was thinking like you know of all the things that you could be doing behind your wife's back I mean cooking like nationwide levels of meth it's like up there on blowing up the relationship I don't know you have that little sit-down with your wife like all right I think you started off okay I'm not screwing around on you however you haven't been out of the house lately have you yeah well um when I first talked to Vince actually when I was going in to test for the for the role of Skylar I said can you just tell me a little bit more about about her and and where she might go just a general thing and he said man he said she'll be like Carmela soprano but she'll be in on the crime that's it and I went okie doke and besides the fact that it was such a brilliant amazing pilot script so that's all I knew and that was it and the the sort of drawing out Skylar's because she's a she's created as a very smart person and she knows like where is he he's disappearing his stories are odd there's stuff going on but it was done so beautifully because he always had these plausible stories and they and she's print and there's so much going on that she has to focus on but then when it's finally revealed I had no idea how it was gonna how I was gonna get into it or what that was gonna mean I think you also had to block out that information yes you went to player like she doesn't know where she's going absolutely yeah yeah you made our lives so hard because you are so smart and that is a large part of the reason why Skylar is so smart and it was the hardest it was kind of fun to keep it going as long as we could where we're Skylar doesn't know what what what her husband Walt is up to but at a certain point we looked at each other we thought we could make it go another six months or so and then we said to each other we just finally we had a come-to-jesus meeting in the writers room we just said we can't keep it a secret from Skylar anymore because it's just not believable that this woman played by this brilliant actress would would just a certain point it's just it's silly and so we it forced us to to to get to that sooner and by the way that's good advice to any writers out there don't don't don't get to in your own head about where you want your character or your story to go you gotta listen to your characters they talk to you when you're typing away and they're telling you things and and and the actors are are who embody these these these characters are there not necessarily literally talented things but you're learning a lot from them and you gotta you gotta go with the flow and yeah I thought the advice you were gonna give is if you're cooking meth tell your wife right away don't wait well along those lines as far as like you were talking about way you write what's that you remember was the hardest thing you had to let go in the room of like an idea you had you like no guys this is it this is it this is it and people just like no we're not feeling it and you actually had to just let that go man that's a no but that wasn't hard to let go off yeah what was that that was that was we were gonna kill off you guys know this story we were gonna kill off Jesse at the end of season one because he would have had a he would have had his he would have gotten Walt's not helped brought get his entree into the meth world and then having served his purpose we'd kill him off horribly which would propel us into into sorry I'm getting too close in the season two and Walt would be very upset and what would but that was that was such a no-brainer than that to not kill off this this this beautiful I'm so happy that didn't happen can I just find out did you know when you got the acting gig did you know that you were gonna get killed off and no no I thought I was gonna be on the show until we were done you know when I was hired and then towards the end of the first season Vince is like I want to tell you something he's having lunch with some of the other writers and she's had good and and he goes hey I want to let you know like we were gonna kill you at the end of this season and I still we still had like two more episodes left to shoot and my heart just started pounding and like oh my god it's it's happening you know I I'm gonna die eventually just not at the end of this season but no then he told me like no we just changed that whole I thought this guy's gonna film because I was saying no man no no it's cool this is how good you are we love you so much you're so good we would never do that if a question can I ask a question if it's a no hi that's a brand I play Marie Schrader when this is for Vince Gilligan when did you decide that you wanted to go a different way and you wanted to keep Jesse forever and ever see it's funny because it's this is like Rashomon I remember it being like on the on the and maybe it was later in the first season I remember saying this to you like to one or two episodes into the first season I remember telling even sooner and I thought I was doing you a favor yeah yeah but but did tell him what so I think it was pretty early on that because this guy he's just so wonderful it's just like there's no way my love yeah but then but then Brian Brian's got to tell you guys well my god with constantly yeah yeah I would get a hold of a script and and tell even if I didn't read it first I would walk up to Aaron and go did you read it oh man no no he's like he came up to me the first time he did it he comes up to me and just gives me a really long exaggerated hug letting me go I'm like what's what's going on he's like hey man it's it's been a fun ride what do you mean he's like I thought you you read the script right go no was I shoot Oh and then he just walks away and I run into the production office my where is the script he's like it's not available yet I'm like no please God tell me and I read it and I was alive still I must have misread it then I don't know there was a section sorry sorry if I made a mistake Wow there was another time where they did like a fitting they're good we need to measure you for the the coffin I'm like a coffin they're like oh you don't know that I said that forget you're gonna be cremated don't worry about it all right we got to go to the Queen Q&A but I I want to make sure I'm trying to get to everybody Dean I had a question for you and once again huge fan well how much fun was it - I just loved your character on it the lack of confidence in the panic attack yet he was so qualified and that to do the job and you run into so many people like that in life they could do something if they believed in it and I don't know that ever really saw a character like that on television I just want to just you know as an actor could you just say what was like play a guy like that yeah what's interesting that I guess Anna was so smart that she they couldn't write it so that she'd figured out I don't know what that says about me you know couldn't figure it out to the end [Laughter] actually I thought it was I thought what they'd really did something really well was that they they made it believable to me that he didn't figure it out I thought that was really smart writing I always bought that a smart DEA agent even in this situation wouldn't have figured that out until when he did figure it out and then just how you figure it out looks just the whole men on the cam moaning there was so many great all of that stuff I was worried he was gonna die then do you remember we were shooting at the house and everything was redacted and it's just he's on the can and I was like oh my god I said Vince please tell me Hank is not gonna die some very sad Elvis Presley death I'm so close to the end of the series thank you for all you guys we could you would you always look at the script like am I gonna die in this one depending on your storyline yeah we you never know you know it's all right well before we open it up I just want to thank you once again Vince for giving me the roles and it was credible and all you gotta forget and get to get to you man when your moment when when you like you know fu you killed Hank I will never forget that to stillness the way you play Gus I love all that you guys are geniuses one more time round of applause Dave all right now we get to open it up they give to the fans here uh first question sir what do you got uh yeah this is for Vince Gilligan you referred to Breaking Bad as a sociological experiment what were the results this that's no it's funny right I did it's been a long time since I used that expression but I this was I was really young and stupid when I said this because what I meant at the time specifically was I was I didn't I never knew the show would turn into this I never knew it turned into a tiny teeny fraction of this and I wanted to see if we could start a character who was starting with the character who's very empathetic sympathize Abul you know a guy we love a guy we rooted for and if we could shake off all of the fans of the show one by one like dog ticks you know it just just because a week in and week out have everybody say you know a week at a time oh my god I really loved Walter White but man this he went too far this week well I hung on for another season you know I don't know what I was thinking trying to shake off viewers but I will say the harder we tried it the tighter you guys hang on hung on and I mean and he's a fascinating character I mean he's just you know and and and all credit to Bryan Cranston for Minea the actor there's you know any other actor no matter how talented and and by the way what a murderer's row of talent on this on this stage with these actors the best the best ever but Bryan is so I don't know how he did it but he kept you guys hanging in there when Walter White by all rights you know theoretically on paper should have should have lost you he he he's the reason yeah yeah Susan had past tense you hang on whatever you just hung in there you stuck around so god bless you man okay yes hi first off I just wanted to say congratulations Aaron on becoming a dad and for making the greatest TV show ever and my question is what is the what was the most hardest or most frustrating scene to film in the series that's a good question I want to hear from this handsome young man in the middle what was what was the hardest saying our job talking to you RJ young RJ young would you say no I think everything was very well written we we fell into it and they really absorbed us I think for me personally was when Walt Jr finds wall and me and Brian had a conversation that night about just the emotional level of that and my grandfather had emphysema at the time and he passed and it was kind of that same that same conversation was happening in this moment just just for with cameras but it was it was tough because you have to bring those don't bring those emotions back and I have to let them go so for me personally that was kind of one they just kind of always stuck out in my mind and just kind of always reminded me of just life and death and on that and I think it's a good duality of what we had at Breaking Bad in life and death and growth and no one that was that scene so yeah good answer yeah hey next up first I want to say thank you to all of you for raising the bar for television as you know has to say that I have two questions per vent with such a diverse universe are we ever going to see life post Breaking Bad for Jimmy or a pre better call Saul for Gus and for Brian and Aaron in your amazement you mentioned a reboot but what about a reboot for malcolm in the middle' with aaron as your long-lost son start with Alan I mean I would be so down yeah not so much there's something thank you for the comments first of all we're all very proud of our show and better call Saul and I think in some ways it's best to leave it alone that you want to think back on it favorably and say I don't want to mess with it it was a perfect opportunity for all of us it changed all of our lives and this man on the end here Giancarlo Esposito was he changed many many lives on our show actually but he he changed our lives for the betterment and he is a brilliant storyteller he guided us through basically it was one big trust exercise all of us on here and on better call Saul signed up to say take us on a journey we fell back into his arms and he carried us all the way that's what he did I just wanted to ask well first I want to say that I'm a huge fan of Breaking Bad and the prequel better call Saul and my question is which actors had the most creative input and what did they bring to the table now since a who's your favorite I wanted Murray to be yellow and should play we have then you look per knowledge just they all had equal creative input and they're all because they're all brilliant brilliant actors and just it was just an absolute pleasure working with with with all of them I and they were and yours other than theirs theirs input in a couple ways there's they're saying oh you know I have a question about this line or whatnot and they always our door was always open then I want to say out of the writers and myself but there's something else that needs to be stressed every one of these wonderful actors on this stage brought themselves into these roles in ways that I'm not even sure they are fully aware of and by that I mean I'll just give you it just and I could go down the line except we don't have enough time but just just to start with the gentleman right next to me here Jesse Pinkman aside from the fact we would have killed him off in that you watched that first episode he's just the characters kind of a little I mean he's my fats and that's the way I wrote it the only the only time I ever worked in the show all by myself was when I wrote that first episode and it's in my to my mind the least good episode because I didn't have that collaborative wonderful thing with all the writers and I didn't have these guys because we hadn't cast him yet the the character after that first episode he turns into this multi-layered complex interesting troubled wonderful beautiful character what I mean is he's still a bad guy he's still a meth dealer but he has he has a soul and he has in a sense he's one of the multiple moral conscience --is of the show other than Skyler and other than Hank he's the guy in the midst of the meth trade who actually is kind of a moral voice none of that would have happened if Aaron was an errand we we took cues unbeknownst to them sometimes we took Hughes off these actors we put infused these characters writing with their with their actual personalities even if they didn't know it at the time and they made the show richer more complicated more interesting they may destroy telling deeper and better and if it weren't for them the show I don't you know if we just stuck with the with the sort of less dimensional stuff I was writing all by myself I don't think we would have been invited here to talk to you guys today so so thanks to all of them yes sir next up alright my questions for Bryan Cranston Oh since we touched on Malcolm in the middle I just was wondering if there was anything from your character and Malcolm in the middle that you brought to Walter why the underwear which I'm still wearing and it's two sizes too small now I'm a little bind deep if we're gonna be talking about other shows - when did you come up with the idea for Bojack horseman were you doing the show during the time I loved his house out the pool off the cliff at midday oh uh oh it wasn't my idea but uh sadly I know I write when I was right when I wrapped Breaking Bad the moment I wrapped Breaking Bad I I read this was a six or seven page spec and they asked if I wanted to kind of sign on to develop and produce and you know star in and and then we just you know pitched it around so found a home and Netflix but yeah you know opportunities like everyone has very lucky very lucky yeah go Todd all right next question I was wondering when you were thinking about spin-off projects did you always know that you wanted to explore Saul's character or did you think that maybe like Jesse's character deserved a little prequel you know any of these characters represented by these actors up here could could have their own spin-off I'm not saying they all will don't don't take that but you know just because we run out of you know run out of chance there's a chance anything's possible but you know and just the Saul Goodman thing started you know Bob you should talk about this it what was your Emmy to kind of started at a joke right help at all but it was somebody made a wisecrack when we did the first scene with Brian me and Brian in the Saul office that you know can I can I get a job on the sequel and everyone laughed I think it's because it was kind of an outsized character for a kind of a guest role to come in and be that big and loud and it kind of stood out a little bit and but then it really was the next year that you came to me in the office and said hey you think there's a show there I think there might be story to tell about that guy and I I really I somebody asked us in our panel too is how much we help with the story I don't help at all I don't help because these guys are so good at writing this stuff and I would not like to make it worse I'd like to make I like it being great so I saw I didn't I also didn't help with the sequel or the prequel or whatever we were doing I just stood on the sidelines and Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould who wrote the first episode that featured the character of saw in Breaking Bad an episode called better call Saul they wrote created and invented entirely the show better call Saul and I am an actor who was hired to play the part and I'm lucky to have gotten it I didn't help at all Wow all right the dark night what do you got you're right Gus definitely Batman approves no I just was wondering all you guys last year in fear The Walking Dead there was a little Easter Egg related to Heisenberg I was just wondering if you guys knew anything about The Walking Dead crossover theories and if there was anything in the word possible I love this theory you know about this Vince yeah the theory of the then Waldo you tell him you know about this right the Walter White's meth his product is actually that caused the zombie pause the zombie apocalypse but and Walt's dead now so he could be a zombie right now well Heisenberg zombie and and the idea the meth that no I have my agents are out here we should we should talk about that I watch it that was that was a kick hearing that cuz that's a great two great shows Walking Dead for The Walking Dead that was I got I would get a big kick out of hearing that that was that was awesome l of that theory yeah I don't know where it started but I love it what said oh okay right on get you a microphone next thanks for for people that are trying to learn about the process of storytelling first to Vince what is the purpose of telling the story because I'm trying to think especially when you mentioned that some of the characters directions changed as you were writing do you start out with a purpose or are you just simply trying to tell the story or a story that you're allowing to evolve and if there is a purpose I was hoping you could share that and same also with Brian and Erin how do you guys view the the purpose of the story of these characters did you know it's it's actually it's surprisingly simple it's just it takes a lot of work but all you all we ever did on our best days in the writers room is we set ourselves over and over again where's Walter White's head at right now right this minute in the story as we try to figure out how to move forward what's where's Walt's head at what does he want what obstacle is arrayed against him because that's the the this the the the heart of drama is that every character wants something and in drama there's always something arrayed against that character getting what he or she wants and we did that with all the characters Walter White Jesse Pinkman Skyler white on down the line it was it was always a question of what is arrayed against that character that's really all we did over and over again but you have to have the self-discipline to to ask this of yourself the question 10,000 times a day and then abide by the answer and not try to fudge the results it's a little bit scientific you can't you can't fudge the test results you have to be honest and your appraisal of what it is they want and then you have to abide by it you have to not try to cheat and say oh we got this great thing where we're Jesse pilots a blimp in this episode I don't know how we'll get them to into the cockpit of the blimp because you know he's scared of heights or order you know we'll make it happen you once you do that then your show is kind of you've kind of shot yourself in the foot what okay all right we got time for a couple more I have to go quickly first Brian Pitz that day you you used to work with my dad his name is Elliott Webb if you know yes I do yes I Mossad well say oh say hi to your dad yeah and also the question is a great episode do you think I'm his son do you think Breaking Bad will ever become a full-length feature film in Hollywood no I I love that question I love that question now you know I think oh my god that's a that's a great you know anything's possible anything is you know we live in a world fraught with possibilities good and bad [Music] okay yeah Wow well first off thanks for coming out here Breaking Bad is and will always be my favorite live-action drama ever so thanks for making this paw my question is for Bryan Cranston are years back I saw in the Golden Globe said you were still in character for the show you a bald head the glasses and the goatee and it made me wonder like off the set were you still in character to get ready for the next season or did you say in that choice you're trying to make it the next coup I did I stayed in character the entire time never left character I would go out and practice killing people so that when I did go to work I really knew what it felt like and I got to a point where I really enjoyed it and I'm hoping that the statue of limitations has gone by now I think actually though I've just made a huge mistake thank you for loving the show thank you all you guys feel great all right well we're not quite finished yet Vince evidently you know people one of the good one another great unsynched song things about the show Breaking Bad was incredible music in every episode I know for one that I was always forever trying to you know before Spotify trying to figure out what the hell song that was where did they find that and I understand there's some sort of wheat music project that you put the errors that not not me but our wonderful composer Dave Porter I want to want to give a quick shout out Dave Porter who is a big big part of the reason the show is celebrated as it is dave has this album out this is the music from Breaking Bad that Dave composed I know you got a you know if this is a old fat it's like the coolest is vinyl it's a it's it's awesome and and the music is just stellar as you as you know that the music that you love this is available now and Spotify has a there's a Spotify playlist that now I think is number one in entertainment and TV related playlists that was created by Thomas ghoulia are amazing music supervisor both the stuffs going on now that you can partake in it these guys both these gentlemen Thomas and Dave David Thomas are a big part of the reason the show is as good as it is and and so just wanted you guys know about that yeah just let you know the out the album is available exclusively at FYE along with other exclusive 10th anniversary merchandise over an FYI use pop up shop at the westfield Horton Plaza so go over and get it if you want it I don't know where the hell any of it I don't know what the hell that just meant and also lastly before I let these guys go we have some art if you guys have complete maniac fans for the show remember the cool art project that they did with gallery 1988 while they've done something special again with them for a limited print for the 10th anniversary this time they hired Dan Mumford dan Mumford who's like the real deal marvel cut and a marvel right to illustration Star Wars it's an awesome poster it's a depicts a scene there it is yeah well I love this thing and of course this is from the episode Ozymandias alright and that's now available up on their site whoever's site that is I don't have a website up here it's a show image of poster which just happened gallery 1988 that serve their site and one last thing go to amaze dot-com slash Breaking Bad to try to win the contest come out and cook for us it's a great charity I hope to see you out there alright one more time for the incredible care thank you guys so much for being a part of this you were incredible thanks for all your great questions [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul
Views: 3,400,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking Bad, Walter White, Bryan Cranston, New Mexico, Anna Gunn, RJ Mitte, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Jesse Pinkman, Official Trailer, Heisenberg, Vince Gilligan, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Breaking Bad full episodes, Breaking Bad season one, Breaking Bad clips, Breaking Bad funny moments, Breaking Bad bloopers, watch Breaking Bad online, Breaking Bad streaming, official channel, Official
Id: nhB6JD57Mxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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