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hey guys it's green we're back inside snow roblox and today we are playing this game called cruise it's another story game as you can see the title says cruise story and we're about to play all right we're again i guess we're gonna go inside inside this cruise i'm super duper excited oh my god yeah all right let's go inside bridge a yeah noise all right we're gonna have how many players can we have in one thing 14 to max i think all right okie dokie okey do it all right nice okay all right let's start this gonna be epic come on yes all right come on cruise story all right what are these circle things that's kind of weird yes this is kind of epic all right we're on this cruise baby yes all right we're having a dance party here where am i i'm over here look at me i'm up here i'm on these things this epic okay we're just having a dance party here it is so epic what's here jack hi there where's jack welcome to the carnival cruise my name is jack i'll be your host on this loading party we're jacka there's lots of rooms in this cruise so why don't you go and explore wow binoculars they look like they need some special coin uh then we're gonna check every corner it might be surprised by all the secrets there isn't this place okay uh what is going on also make sure to pick up room on the second floor you'll need it later uh how do i go okay now we can go [Music] okay we need money here explore the cruise and we only got like a minute a minute like 20 seconds okay gotta pick up the money on the floor definitely gotta get the money this could be used for getting food and stuff okay i not get the money i'll pick this room is it can i pick this all right come on get the money all right and maybe i'll get one room 100 it's locked okay i'll pick this room maybe uh that costs money lots of money okay i do not have lots of money uh i can't afford anything i only got like 30 seconds left i didn't get to explore the whole downstairs area here oh my god there's not much to explore i don't know this is nerve okay uh there's something here can i go here bathrooms oh special coin thing what is this what's this what's this thing can i have it everyone's sitting on the toilet i'm trying to get this yellow card thing i didn't get to get it no okay you know what it's fine oh there's money in the pool and get this money all right welcome back did you have a fun time exploring i had a great time not really but yeah it's fine it's chill that's great oh my god i died continue that was so dumb why did i do that uh okay well i revived myself okay i get to see what jack said what does jack say once you find it bring it to me find what whoever finds it gets 15 cruise bucks finds what [Music] i think is it the yellow car that they talking about bring me a fork a fork all right hint buffet all right this guy looks like he knows i got the fork where is he where's he at i got a fork you see that okay that's that's jack okay i got a fork for you bud give it to you yeah did he take my fork who won please say that one no i was so close okay what do you want now all right all right what do you want what do you want what do you want all right time to pick another item what's it gonna be for a second item bring me toilet paper hint second floor i know where the bathroom is in the second floor i'm going to get it baby come on i'm getting it i got it i got it i picked it up first so i'm gonna be the winner when i chicken dinner is anyone behind me i don't know i'm not gonna turn around and look because that's just gonna be wasting time this guy's just chilling like he got the fork and now he's just chilling i'll get the toilet paper too first yes i did it i did it all right creedomg found it first hot what you gonna do about that what you gonna do about that all right what's next item i got money how much money do i get all right we got oh we got some money we got 15 more robux no not robux cruise box what is it called i don't know you guys okay now for our last item okay what's it gonna be what's it gonna be what's it gonna be bring me a golden ticket i know what a girl think it is all right this guy's he's running after me all right golden ticket how do i pick it up i got i know what a golden ticket is it's right here but how do i pick it up how do i pick it up i don't third floor oh hint oh it's something different where is the third floor uh oh my god no i didn't get to explore this bit oh my god there's so much money here oh did it anyone bring it back i don't know where it is oh i think someone brought it back i thought that was the golden ticket uh this guy brought it back again oh my god i don't like him okay let's jump let's change the game okay what's it gonna be now this time we are playing dodgeball and okay dodgeball i don't really like dodge there'll be two teams eliminate opposite team okay all right blue team on my left side are we gonna get teleported hopefully because i don't want to walk all the way back i'm getting money okay that's what i'm doing right here all right we gotta eliminate the uh everyone up okay winners get 15 cruise bucks nice all right making teams now okay what team am i on i didn't get ready uh i don't know i don't i don't i'm on red team i think because my platform is thing is red ha i gotta eliminate someone we're doing pretty good come on come on come on this girl ain't even like holding her ball yeah i got her yeah dodge time's up all right i did it baby hey a red team is the winner i got 15 more cruise bucks all right why are we like fighting for this cruise box like can we just like cruise like you know go swimming chill out hey red team is the winner when i want a chicken dinner baby all right that was really fun it's night time already this is doggo after all that running you must be starving i'm a little hungry i guess you buy food from the buffet anytime you want uh definitely not the sandwiches um pizza i don't know cookie a giant i kind of want giant cookie but those are expensive uh make sure you take a seat for one go to buffet take a slight take a seat for a slice of pizza oh okay okay okay good to sit down for free food okay all right okay i don't have free food then buying my own food all right i kind of want a box this girl got a bloxy cola all right enjoy all right make sure you have a bed right now it's getting late i don't have a bed find a room the second floor and select the bed all right i'm getting room 100 can i get room 100 i'll get room 104 then this is that's chill all right uh i picked top bunk all right nice all right oh we got like a timer to go to bed okay well i got myself a bed all right this is my bunk mate i think this girls want to sleep in my bed but girl that's my bed go leave all right this is chill all right bye all right we got 20 seconds did you leave i'm gonna close the door why don't people close the door bro okay there we go we're going to sleep good night why do i have like a strict bedtime like it's a cruise let's go to bed we wanna bro okay all right all right come on three two and one i almost forgot tomorrow we'll be having dinner with the captain make sure to get a good rest nice okay epic noise noise all right come on come on come on good night everybody good night everybody all right it's epic all right we're having great time on the cruise all right okay close the blinds uh i think are you guys awake uh yeah i can't sleep i'm scared let's asleep noob oh so she's not she's in this room all right who is this guy wait guys he is right i have a strange feeling about this did you close the lines where i kind of want to find some clothes i don't know should i leave my opener clothes i don't know did you guys get also got a free ticket for this cruise nothing is good nothing is good it's ever actually free oh yeah did we get a free ticket from this what is this this is the window to have a room or some mirror what oh these are windows alright what is that what is what oh that is kind of weird guys look through the window oh it's like a sunken pirate ship is that a ghost ship uh i think so it's glowing green oh we can see everybody's rooms hey guys uh i can probably pay attention oh no oh it's getting way darker i'm gonna go towards the door can we leave how can we how come we can't leave our own rooms like what's going on what kind of place is it the power no power in this cruise you better go to the power room to find help uh where is the power room are we gonna go to the captain hi guys uh oh you guys are awake looks like the power room better not mess with it right now it's probably dumb power outage i'm so sorry uh yeah you better be sorry like bro jack we are scared we're so scared jack already helped us that was a scary ship in the window we think someone got inside got inside our ship wait what are you guys sure it was not just a nightmare oh if we all saw it and most likely no not a nightmare uh i wish i think you couldn't dream share but i don't think you could dream share with this many people anyway i trust you guys me we we need to oh i was trying to open an electrical door room but i lost the key card you're so dumb i know what a key card is everyone's already waiting to get it can you help me find the key card all right yeah okay okay i know how to get it give it back i got it let me out bro let me out i got the key card we all got the key here take my key card take my key card ah thank you for writing my key printing the key karina do i get money do i get a prize can you make me one more favor okay what do you want i can't go in there oh would you help finding me the power generator in there why can't you go in there okay you're a little dum-dum but okay great thank you okay oh my god there's money here okay lots of money here oh my god what's going on can i uh be careful with this high voltage in there got it i'm just getting all the money that's all i care about all right i think someone turned it on okay i'm just i just got all my money let's check it out let's check what out all right i got all the money okay uh all right what's this check what out i don't think there's anything in here oh the marking on the wall i need i thought that was a little weird but it was just here oh my god i'm stuck okay uh i think you guys you should have some rest but it's been a rough night it has been a rough night uh i guess one for the captain about what happened uh yeah he's not telling the captain about anything he just makes we're weird anyway maybe he's a demon or something i don't know remember we're having captain to dinner dinner with the captain tomorrow getting back to bed oh my god like let us like pick when we want to go to bed this is our vacation bro like you can't tell us to go to bed all right guys leave you don't go you don't sleep in this room get out bro get out this ain't your room get out oh my god she's literally sleeping in my bed bro get out my bed get out my bed oh my god get out leave uh it's my bed oh my god okay remember we're having okay yeah get it okay we got it jack good morning everybody okay the ship is gone that's good that's good all right good morning everybody today's the day of the damn the captain oh i get to pick an outfit i didn't get to i don't get to pick anymore because my i zoomed in anyway i'll just pick this pink dress and i don't like wearing dresses on roblox cause they like turn out like jumpsuits oh my god look at this look at this guy that's great okay i look kind of weird i kind of wish i picked the suit anyway we look so good now let's go to the arcade and look for jack why are we getting just now okay it's a little weird but okay all right where's okay i think arcade's this way yeah oh i didn't get any money from here oh let's go inside uh won't let me is there any money lying around over there because i want more money we can play games that's so cool staff only this place looks like fun you guys jack's not in here what's this thing money what's what is it pink thing what are the these pink things it's probably just a bit late explore the arcade this is the golden ticket ah okay i'm gonna play this game oh no nevermind i can't play this it costs roblox uh no it's probably just a bit late playing video games while we wait uh there's no video games like we can just like click these and we can uh some of them have money inside okay no some of them have the pink tickets inside what happened to the machines oh the machines are off now all right hey guys what happened to the machines i don't know can i still get money from these oh [Music] all right what happened to machines i don't know why did i get a dark all of a sudden oh there's the ah look at the door uh it's the ghost he's gonna come and kill all of us i said give it back give what back give what back we don't have it i think he wants his hat cause there's a hat kind of laying over there like on the thing on the on a hook on the wall next to room 100. i wanted to go inside room 100 but it didn't let me and i think it had something to do with the habits hung next to that room i don't know i think maybe he wants his hat back i don't got your hat bro so you're gonna have to leave bro get away from me okay i'm just trying to play my video games i'm still playing my video games you're just i'm just playing my video games here bro let me play my video games this guy's got a bat survive the ghost pirates can i just play my video games like bro chill out oh my god get out of here like let me play my video games is that so much to ask more literally stop all right can i play my video games green bird this is your last chance what do you want from us bro like tell us last chance throw the gold necklace in the water or else i'm shrinking the sink the golden necklace oh he wants the golden necklace not the hat why don't you want to do some plain old black hat anyway we don't have a golden necklace for you bud so you're gonna have to leave what is happening i don't know bro i don't i don't know bro golden necklace this looks pretty golden to me he said something about a golden necklace i could press this does it give me money if i press this it's time for dinner to captain this is a golden necklace maybe he wants that or that or that i mean this i don't know he if a pirate would want something that looks like that but i don't know it's worth a try all right time for damn the captain all right reserve for captain's dinner late later tonight okay nice i'm gonna sit right i'm gonna yeah okay epic we got turkey doors are open let's go that's the captain why does he get a table for almost over and sell that's kind of like sad like he doesn't get to sit next to anyone all right uh you do you boo all right the chicken is poisoned i'm gonna trust him the chickens pose this guy says like anything i will trust him welcome everyone you all are looking great all right the chicken's poisoned i'm assuming he's trying to say yeah i i trust anything about this man's trying to say because like look at him how can he not trust him all right i i heard you already met jack unfortunately he won't be able to join us right now he had a half night and is feeling sick okay uh why are there so many tables go ahead grab a piece of roasted chicken before it gets cold uh i ain't eating this this guy says it's poisoned and i'd rather eat something from the thing i think he kept him but we believe there's a monster on the ship oh no i actually ate it that's dumb i'm trying to okay nevermind whatever all right he's looking he says he's looking for some kind of necklace all right oh no that is terrible okay are you gonna like do anything about it captain wait a second he has the golden necklace what is what is that in the captain's neck wait why am i getting blurry i'm sorry i can't let you take it what what uh what did he do to us he locked us in here what goodbye captain oh that's sam hey no that's not sound that's jack hey you're finally awake why are you still smiling over here bro like we're getting we're literally in the cell okay jack what are you doing here what is this place uh what that's a key all right the power went out i found the golden necklace in the cat in the captain cabin okay uh epic when he had to saw me finding finding he was crazy the last thing i remember was waking up here uh yeah i guess we got kidnapped i think we saw a monster some kind of ghost pirate who's looking for the golden necklace [Music] yeah why does he want it like take a different one captain's probably poisoned the chicken and bought us here yeah he did poison the chicken and i accidentally ate it but it's okay all right all right that's terrible that is terrible why is he still smiling we need to get out of here before the boy ghost fire strikes again he might sink the string ship if we don't give the ghost what can't read we don't give the golden necklace back but how will we get out of here there's a key over there maybe you can like open the door but how would we get out here actually i might have an idea okay let's hear it all right we got nothing to lose we literally got nothing here to lose i found a random stick in my cell but i can't reach the key i'll be shaky for you bud i'm your favorite right all right lucky the keys closer to yourself take the stick i got my stick give me my stick can you just oh there you got the key great you got the key okay let's just get out of here it's locked wait wait the keys in it bro open the door i'm trying to open the door that's locked i got my stick all right find a blue key to set jack free uh blue keys in there uh wait what what oh honey want food to vent all right let's get out of here all right follow jack all right jack is so slow oh my god do we have to follow him can you follow us instead or something we should read jack before we okay yeah we're trying to go oh hi bud hi how you doing is that the monster hi what's up bro what's up girl so pretty foolish humans just can't even go away can i poke you with this i'm the gin i'm the green bear captain of the dark pearl okay that's cool can you like like go like i'm kind of in her way you stole a piece of my cursed treasure you greed is going to be your greed is gonna be your death uh why are you talking to us i had you had your chance like can you like like go like that would be nice now i'm taking what is mine we don't have it go to the captain he dum-dum oh my god what's going on oh no he's trying to stink this ship uh okay water's gonna start falling the door is locked when the pipe door gets locked when the pipes break we need to activate the four unlock buttons to open the door before we drown uh what cool oh hi buds activate the four unlock buttons there unlock that one all right doors open okay that's fast nice let's just get out of here all right it's kind of dumb security system and just press four buttons to get out okay life boats that would probably be useful all right cruise stormy time okay doors open exit run to the exit uh are we going to lifeboats or like what's happening i think we should get left we almost drowned down there uh should we get like life that's that would be like good the cruise is still stinking uh and we need to get out of here yep the water is making it up here uh let's good security cameras there's one problem we don't have the red key for the lifeboats room oh and they get the right key uh this is the camera we can see what's going on in the captain's cabin oh i pressed it oh no the captain is in there i keep on pressing it is that bad the red key is for the light bulb it's also there all right the red key for the light bulbs it's also there so we gotta get the right key but the captain's there we have to go up there and bring the red key back we have to bring the red key back yeah how we're gonna do that dum-dum captain's literally there okay i will stay down here and control the floating controlled the flooding how are you gonna do that bro all right go to the captain's cabin find the red key uh yeah and we're not gonna get caught on the way that's perfectly fine i'm gonna follow this guy this guy looks like he knows what he's doing so i'm just gonna follow him all right i don't want to get caught so like i don't know what to do like we just walk in there like hi bud i got a crowbar i'm gonna take this never wanted this to happen can we take it uh i never wanted this to happen i decided dedicate my life to the ship and i'm finding that treasure uh okay can we take the key why do we have to listen to you we are taking the red key captain why are we we can just speak behind it what are we doing like we're dumb and we could literally just take it take anything you want i'm staying with my ship and my treasure uh okay i vote for uh vote for the necklace uh this guy says about for the necklace so i'm gonna vote for the necklace like i trust anything that he says all right take the necklace from the all captain we gotta take the necklace uh we're like dying so we should do something about that captain we are taking the golden necklace she's not even here i got my crowbar why can't you just leave i will whack you i'm literally whacking you like give us a knock you're not he's not gonna put him back i'm gonna have to kill you you why you are gonna have to kill me for it okay all right this captain's pretty weak i'm just walking with my crowbar yeah bud never wanted to do this bye captain we're dying so we're gonna need your necklace the necklace consumed me okay give me it time to throw in the water someone grab the necklace i'll grab it i'll grab it i'll grab it in the water okay all right what's happening now okay this dude's gonna throw it great throw it dude just throw it throw it you want to give the neck you want to give back the necklace instead of escaping all right i hope we don't regret this throw it in we could have also grabbed the key like what were we doing we could also grab the key throw it in you need to drop it now throw it throw it this guy's literally telling him to throw it throw the necklace okay there you go finally bro all right my treasure is back okay now leave us alone bro okay can you like repair our thing oh my god okay can you repair our ship like in the meantime or something like that would be nice oh we're still sinking the cruise is not stinky anymore wait how that makes literally no sense okay that's cool you guys saved the cruise uh yes baby i kinda wanna get the red key i wanna escape like that would also be fun but anyways jack yeah just just take us home back home yeah that would be nice take us home please bud just take us home uh okay where am i did i found the water i think i did yay oh i died yeah i fell in the water but i technically lived so guys i hope this video if you did smash everybody and i'll see you guys next time good bye
Channel: GamerGirl
Views: 5,767,941
Rating: 4.7981863 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, escape cruise, ecape sinking cruise
Id: A-dznWDcuxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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