Breakfast with Bill: Ep. 01 - Lynda Randle and Bill Gaither Interview

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[Music] so so we're rolling now we're rolling baby what you got big big or I would you know we were with our grandkid yeah and I mean one of them this weekend but I heard good thing Grubbs he did you like it it was fantastic all the people were so sweet so kind which is good just getting to just you know share like we do and and but there's something about sharing at that close of a level now did here that people that have seen you on the tour forever it was so good to get you up close intimate you know because it's just not like singing a song and so it was great and it was it's funny good you know I love my Gauri and love you guys in Gloria told me you guys are with Simon for the weekend which wasn't priority that's what you need to be doing and then I was like Gloria is not going to be here I can just do what I want to do what I did I can sew me up it up so it's good we'd allow the lot of the old songs couple new songs I read my Avenue kids book and so right bad that was just a left on yeah just crazy how you know with our tours who we have changed from the very beginning we started out 62 the trio when we had to Sandi patty standing with us for about ten years long term rooms with about four five years non Francisco was our three or four years I'm not going to do that yeah and then the secret buddy Green has been in and out yeah you know you know for many years you was there for about ten years so I was on that too for like 16 years a long time and because you'd been there song we haven't had you in the last few years right but I just checked with Gina and and to see how we world this Christmas noticed upcoming Christmas here and we got a place for you if you like to do it Wow could you do it I'm all there I'm all day we got buddy here we got heart I love the Christmas okay okay I'm sorry Cupid she's on the Christmas for a chime tickets are all Messiah all right all right now you know what it doesn't get old for me I thought well okay I'll be on sir do we get people ask a night and I was Linda gonna be I know but the thing is you have to do yet you did this you know and I have the cool thing is we're going to always be family forever friends and toward this there's an additional love loss and I understand the whole thing how you know people that get used to the same stuff over and over and over again when you make a change it's kind of like they're weirded out but I'm not you know the crazy thing about a wrong man is that I'll make changes you know I mean changes happens like David's been or 80 years and so this last spring you say I need to go do something else you know so so I we I'm really concerned so I asked the guys to go back to the table because when the thing is over I go back I put on my sleep it's a procedure and then you got Darth Vader but I say what did they say thing and did he ask about David and some people say yeah they did but at some time they'll say guys not with you anymore what guys been gone some of them or all those say they'll say mark Lowery's I'm working away you know mark he is it he's like wards he's an alien yeah so the people been very very kind kind of me they know it's always going to be good but he cuz they trust they trust it you you're bringing the right you really have I'm not just saying this I'm talking into everybody but you just have this ability bill to put people front and center it does it you know you're not hung up on because you even say you're I think you sing well but you don't claim to be like great thing and I don't even for that matter but guys give you the ability to bring people together and it works and you know the time you know who saves what and sometimes said I've get in your little in my real sit on stage and I've been with you so long as soon as I'm feeling okay after somebody gets up and saying I'm thinking so good a deal with slide this song in there and then you'll slide that particular song in your just the way you just flow it just okay I love it can I give you permission on anytime on the second half when you're feeling something you can so the Lord speaking to you for you to simply say hey Bill could I say something I'd love to hear you talk you might want to introduce buddy sing it something else I don't know but that's good but but the reason I'm excited about that Christmas Christmas tour it would be buddy mark and and the vocal magnet have you heard the current vocally no I'm not but I love right he already is so much yeah you know I mean obviously they return one one day with aggrieved greatest singers of all time but the people are saying you keep messing with my head I keep coming in thinking this thing is going to go down and then it comes in and it's just different you know what I mean yes he's not David may be my rent yeah it's right okay so the Vocal Band will be there and I've got no Martin oh that's great so the Martin's and Charlotte Richie and Kevin and G McDonald I think that's a great Chris that's a great quickness to it that's example I'm honored you know it just didn't get old I was on that one thing I ditched here with the people at the T bill was how I met Gloria all the many years ago and she said on stage I love you I want to take you home I'm like I'm not going to believe her because I'm sure she didn't mean that when I did the first taping we could all barely fit in the room and and I didn't know how you work to throw them at the time that they got these singers on it okay yeah that'd be great and remember sitting on the steps because there weren't any chairs I was just honored to be there and that's it kind of poised for about three days because I just didn't know not like I had to be on I know as I said then and so after was over and they would crack up when I said after was over you came in with gave me the biggest kiss month in season had to get the old timers on the record that year but the next year when I think one day Jesus and that's it the rest is history but it's this is not old to me this is still fresh and the lies and I just feel loved I'm just super blessed I mean I don't even know what else to say I just worked so hard to be here all these years yeah and and when you mention David after eighteen years it was probably bill four years ago because we're taking care of my mom at the time she was not well and I was on stage singing at one of your concerts and nothing had happened nobody did anything but something was starting to churn and I thought I don't know I just think something's shifting and I mentioned that to my husband he said as he was driving the bus got it's been hard to start a church in Kansas City and we started the box that is in our home and then I came off the road in full time they would see that's kind of a mutual thing and so this is just this is just great I'm just you know you never lose touch and that's what I love about it I love it you know we've always been about bringing people together yeah and Gloria loves TVs because she says bill there there is a type of a person that comes to those that would not come to regular concert you know and somebody said yeah they said what do you want to what you want to say about you when you're gone and they said ah they could say a lot of things I would hope somebody would say I was a bridge you know I am today and I helped I helped a little bit to try to bring these we live in a polarized world we do there asked the industry depolarized you know the last prayer that jesus prayed at John 17 Uihlein father maybe one and we can you know we can try to preach it and articulate it but the best way we can do it it just feels like my yet and you are ill you are bridge I mean your Gloria both and so many ways have just been an incredible and bringing people together and even even your concerts I mean you know you don't have any political agenda or eating like that or nothing you just come out love people and you sing the truths and these songs I put you know they may be old but they're great and they're true and I tell people all the time I'm not on the road doing this for this because this is old but it's because I believe the message of the music and you guys have been good at doing that building or a discipline to get it have you had a chance to get to know Todd a little bit we've talked a little bit but I love him and I'm you know what his heart bill just he'll sing and tears with just three he's so tender he's great I love pie to kick to see this but you know he went championships I don't know why I am so impressed with business maybe because I I never could do that I don't know yeah I know yeah so when I see myself I go okay you got to what could have been ad but no he he is a club at heart you know and it comes through in the music and and he's not there for the hike applause it's clearly that he had a relationship you know not only with you know God it means with a relationship with the people and that's what's really cool but yeah he just it's so cold just to see him that he's just took it too sweet guys we got all the great of the cruisers he must buy the other the cruise and sat down with everybody on the cruise I had coffee with them because they all come up and say boy a new guy he is so friendly and so nice and so easy to be will he will and us what you love I mean you are good at people are talented that you bring on bill but people that have heart care about people for the most part you know you go find folks in every group and crowds kind of weird that way but Todd is definitely a people person and I and I'm not saying because you said about him but that's my my kids like mom can you can you just go into the store get what you need to get hooked up to everybody but I got that from my parents too so that's really that's a good thing I submitted that's Amy we used to say that a good Christmas a vacation or our good friend we used to say a good vacation for us forget Christmas a good vacation for us is to come home and not add a new person to a Christmas card list because Amy will make friends are there by Nick in the camp that's investment that's me my life husband share with the congregation a couple of Sundays gone he said this is no disrespecting my wife right he says laughing somehow friendly and and she said she would hug a tree and I don't I don't I'm not a tree hugger but but he just got you I am I am oh you're younger know I love tree hugger that's all you know but but I do love people bill and you know at the table I just and I know you'll get sometimes people come to the table and you'll get weird and odd stores you get some of those but the things the stories that keep me coming out are this song got me through this I was going through divorce she's going through cancer this happens it happened but this song got me through those are the stories that keep me at my table every for keeps keeps me plan on yeah and the word that you hear the most is laughter that's that's the operative word through yeah and just it's amazing I mean I met I never dreamed build it all of this I just never dreamed I mean I know Doug older probably how many years ago mentioned you need to get with Bill Gates and 20 else said that and I'm like well God wants me to he'll do it and this is funny have done but that common mountain song you couldn't made the life that like it if I go anywhere and they know I'm connected with you and that many places I go that I'm not in the Gator town or gates or whatever if I don't think that song people just they don't think they've had a concert and it's it's and it's still very much alive and I love it I love it I'm glad you gave it to me and you know what on a Christmas tour we take a lot of Christmas songs but I think God on the mill is probably one of the best Christmas songs I just ask first in his book without asking that go tell on the mountain but God on the mountain because there's actually Christmas people are going through depression sadness sometimes buildings it'll have you know until that that's a perfect vessel for the song we had it we had a friend one time whose mother had committed suicide and he was a very tender sensitive person and we've said that what you're doing Christmas Eve he says nothing so we'd like we'd like to come to our we had we had a Christmas Eve together yes so he came because it you know what for some reason maybe just me because when I was six or seven and I I ever sick maybe it was 42 during the war is my first memory of the Christmas it was Christmas Eve at our family gathering more than just mom and dad and Archer but aunts and uncles in a little enlarged appendix we all met at our house and they came in and said that Glenn my cousin had been killed in World War two and I can remember you know that and the reason I people say was your favorite Christmas Carol I said my favorite Christmas line is this the hopes and fears of all the years yeah for some reason yeah on Christmas Eve the intensity of worry yet is that it's high of fear and yet the expectation of potential joy is that as high a mess yeah I mean that is an emotional rollercoaster from one side to the other the hopes and fears of all the so you're very sensitive to say it say during Christmas do people need the god of the mountain is a God of the valley so we'll sing that every night okay let's go yeah they'll be party business go tell all that you got a great race but Ellison that we can I said so that'd be good how many but you knew I say record yeah a graduate track is that feeding the elk ELP it thanks to you guys you guys are letting me borrow the homecoming named I'm get doing am homecoming favorites and song inspiration theory and volumes one two and three and the first volume bill I've done a few of your songs and honestly not to prosecute but when I was choosing I didn't know like all these songs like Billy addition to going home did you like going home I don't know remember the first time I recorded that on that old timeless the yellow if you remember you came in the studio that night he's a hot even do the salt and you started playing bass are rocking but you played a couple mills of peanuts and bill I don't know the song he said baby it's really simple many times is my child that's like you started playing so I did it again this time with what's a real Fame at the tune of an and then I did along our serve him something beautiful until then hold the gods and changing him a lot of shelters in the arms of God do you remember my house is full but my field is been beat by Laini wolf that I did that song and a lot of great songs so we're just going to do a series feel because we're getting a lot of them feedback from people that like they likes models old songs and I think I've I'm gonna hope to do them justice though yeah what a talented family I see Mike your brother oh yeah for you who don't know Michael Tate is the brother of Linda Linda is not the sister Michael yes his good brother that's and you know what he wears that was prior you know we did the taping last year over here in studio see that that that historical place where God seems to beat every time we go every time we go in there and it's not about who sing of souls I think Boyd the spirit of coming together there it was pretty amazing your brother was amazing I mean he he's obviously in another world of music you know could contemporary music with the midpoint the newsboy is doing what he does but he was engaged from the moment we said go he couldn't bill I'm not just saying this he could not wait to get there to be a part of I mean he shifted stuff around and I was like Mike are you sure you just coming up he goes he touch of my nickname's job baby I want to do this so he was just lit up and he wanted to be a part of it absolutely and it didn't matter if he sang if he didn't sing he just want to be a part of it and so that was like I was just never changed and he is we both are we're older and but we still have that kid the candy store mentality it's just like it we try to we're live and sometimes you need people I share this to the tea you know you meet people I've been a Christian for 35 years and it's really bad and it's not putting on because we have struggles like in videos but Michael was so engaging it's not Africa with us remember he had he would sue him if he was still rude nothing's proud of me not promoting me patting me on the back but he's like shove a he almost every night in concert he mentioned he thinks a little version of Gotham L at the Newsboys conscience he does something had a little cool thing one of his songs and even though the kids from that crowd a lot of their parents and grandparents know me they may not recognize it but he is so thrilled about that little country song and that he's he's engaged in what I see him in concert that's to see is that's he is yeah somebody Bing me are you are you ready for this yeah you know we do a lot of things yeah here in this little town but one of the most important things we do is we raise see I'm getting better you did and like I mean people don't think I'm telling that's one of the one of the things that we do is we raise Black Swan which are very very rare we have did you see them out on the pond wall yeah so I'm kind of getting after each other to it like all I know yep yeah but there are two that are nesting and see there are the egg can you come in see the eggs the builders that Wow I see one two three I think we got four eggs I'll be see free there but I'm sure we got four I'll sell two of them in a jealous rage yesterday I think other what do they do when they are what are they because I saw two that seemed like they were kind of huddled up together I don't know they were kissing or anything like that but they were just Huddle's in there and they were like picking it each other's backs and you're having such a great time and all of a sudden this other one comes over just and I was looking out of the window of a very well but like least looking pillow that's my husband's ring it's like four big the young not so many it is bad to the bone that's something hey Larry I'm in the middle of doing it doing the interviews let me call you right back collect because I work up in Texas this weekend and I want to talk to you okay how about my free McGary that's okay hey I'm with Larry I yeah yeah I would Linda I ran you there yeah and Linda Randall says hey and so see you this week that okay hey how do I turn this on vibrate no here no wait with it get that at least you can do it yeah I did I do voice-activated connects Linda around okay okay look text y'all pray for bill he he's doing pretty good it's who would you like to tear oh that's the deal home yeah he would be English I'm going to get a grammatically correct bill so Wyatt Wyatt why did this walnut act like one of the jealously just whatever it was a play they play he wasn't playing this one was pretty upset what there are times there are times when he goes it goes was early food involved no they seriously did they were to just will huddled up together just hanging out just having a great time and then this one just came out it sort of look like I don't know I don't I don't have to on so but it's pretty fun to watch pretty fine they seem to know I mean they negotiate their space canal and they seem that hey there's a roller take that tape there yeah okay I'm sorry Phil I'm so sorry feel your honey like that has nothing to do with like anything that's pretty fun now he said my mother would do she said like the blind oh sorry like if the blinds were pulled up in our home and they weren't like exactly the way and she just be sitting there and she thinks Linda and I said yeah they she did baby can you straighten the blood because it's a mom the blinds are just it took like that she had to heaven just even so yeah I I have come to conclusion at 81 years old you look bill you look great basically I'm what I'm a DD yeah Ritchie but you I would I would great yeah I had them laughing at the team because I told them I was kind of like a junior Bill Gaither but the female version because I'm a little scatterbrained but it all finds its Center eventually and but yeah yeah it's more fun chasing rabbits it I see a rabbit gone Louis when you spent it there's that tape there I thought yeah with something important but for you at that moment everybody feel a fella Thursday my sister she was 16 17 then and Danny passed away with cancer and she went through the chemo remember we thought we're gonna lose her years ago that was 10 11 years that she's been free feet out of it and we walked together when we were home we walk we walk in apart as she walked me down if he can walk further than I can walk we did that and we did the festival out here last year she sang with me on gamma Mountain yeah see some somebody talk to me I did it made me feel good they said Bill got a lot because she said yeah he's not a lot but he calls me every day that's really special what's it what's the age difference between YouTube talk about 10 years I think it's okay she heard that aimlessly Italy at least eight or nine yeah but that was our first trio she was just 13 or 14 I would Peck out her notes on the piano I was bossy good okay bill was bossy I can't imagine that like I'll be bossy I just think you just like things done well I don't call that ball yeah and and and then Danny was an unbelievable singer but I I'm afraid I took him and and aimed him and said this is the way we need to go and he was so kind there were times it you know that it is kind of like a married somebody said the glory of a kidney you ever have a argument I love what Jeff Easter says in moments of intense melts and that's good I think what do you think Danny would have liked if you hadn't have directed him musically what do you think he would have done was very mechanical I'm okay okay yeah he could fix Wow he could fix anything and that really helped when we got a bus yeah he was not a licensed diesel mechanic but he knew but he knew the basic stuff to do and you better have somebody on the bus who knows that yeah exactly yeah the bus is your friend if it's working I hate it if I if not minutes night do you right that's not your friend you've also got two fine girls and in this day and time it's not easy to raise kids with values like patience and your little boy like patience until yeah I just wow I'm would you just stay out of the light up you up here joy just she just did a solo the choirs in menu she doesn't in America Nazarene and there's a balm in Gilead and the president of school dr. spittle sent me a text yesterday and said I want to eaten no he said wherever you are in the world your daughter blessed the house and a mom should know that Michael and patients were there and it just and she's she's majoring in out biology chemistry she's really smart bill like really really smart good different my hubby but she does like music and everything and I'm not forcing her to sing about them so she's doing great in school she was an RA this year she's in the student chaplain she's gone until junior via P believe that built by sher majoring in biology oh yeah and she worked on a cadaver I like Tori how do you and we worked on a lung and I could never just couldn't do that but she is she's she we hired in patients of course you know thanks to you guys graduate from Anderson and she's doing fantastic she's got her own social media websites film company writing and just stuff that's great you know how much glory and I value education like the importance of everything we're with our grandson Simon the entire weekend and I said Simon helped me on a speech so that I would have develop into speech on the stewardship I said anytime you make some stewardship the first thing that comes up is money but I said what are the other things we're supposed to be good stewards of so so we start talking our health yeah you know there there it there's nothing as sad as somebody saying can you help me and you say I'd like to help you but I can't thank ya so baby physically yeah you know and when Jesus said blessed are the meek give me we right right he met a person with strength under can't under constraint but when you need the strength it is there to protect the weak and so I you know I you know I look at men who are physically strong they were made to be physically strong not to hurt the Winship I got to protect the weak okay so let's talk about stewardship of the body talk about stewardship of the mind about is giving me how sad the wasted on drugs or anything there are or any kind of information that's going this river yeah that's going to take a good mind that God is completely that so to be a good steward of your mind to be a good steward of your infant you know I mean everybody is given some influence to the point that somebody would call us hey Linda do you know anybody at mid-america University I've got a son just trying to get in there and his grades don't tell it all but now got another yeah that's good yeah you know what if you pick up the phone the president is already read you a note about your daughter and he's gonna take son for absolute what would have been terrible if you had done something mystery Angelo and lift that up yeah and if he says Linda who yeah so a good stewardship a good steward out of your influence be a good steward of that okay so we start lifting things which third of the environment if you're a good steward of the environment you're not going to roll down the window throw out a can that's so good bill you're right you're right I know I'm trying to do all these things I'm absolutely yes okay that's it it and because if you keep doing that then and we and we ruin our environment that God has given to us somebody would say can we do this here's and now we can't because we have we have not been a good steward of the environment here okay this one let's finally get to money a good steward of your of the resources that God is giving me you cannot be generous if you've not been a good student that's right yeah you can't give it away if you've not been a good story so the point and you know how I preach I know I'm free that is the artist is helplessly like God's plumbing it will bless you here and you're going to have more money than what you thought you were going to have you perspective so then we say thank you very very much now wit now with Gloria me we have said okay God is honored this and bless those who mark kids us about the kids they about being tight I said I'm not tithing or improve approval that's the word yet that my husband says to me we would have a good steward of what what God is that God has given me so that when the time comes in our case we've put not all of our money that we say that but a lot of it for higher education and not only for higher education but for minority scholarships and we have done that on purpose now here again the saddest thing that anybody can say to anybody is I'd like to help you but I've not saved my money and I owe this we all have muffins you're absolutely but I thought I tell the kids don't get your lifestyle at they'll so high up so high yeah the waters like here and then the furni around the first part that comes along your day thinking yeah you're not you're not only in trouble yes your gosh absolutely girl you're did so how did I get on that you know what that's what you know what the stewardship I think that's great we're just talking about patience and joy in school and you're beautiful Simon just saying there are other areas of stewardship besides money that's listening to the influenced thing bill was just so good because I never forget when um years ago and I was the school and my parents and you've been out in public and I go I'm not going to just kind of do like because of relation with Christ I know my parents their name it mattered to me that I would try to pay them to join and even with you and I'm not I say this even if you weren't sitting here I feel a feel indebted enough in a great way because you've taken someone you didn't really know no no me per se you know saying but you allowed me to come and sing and this is the platform that's given you and so I've tried to behave in such a way that I don't make you look bad or make Lori look like now that means not living it is supportive it's it's you know I don't want to hear that girl that sings yet she saved on the mountain let me tell you what she does it you know so that's well you know me let me give the example because we've been doing this for 40 years now and I'll never forget the time when we kept getting reports that one of the what you know you know one of the troops that that were that was traveling with this one that was a troop singular was yeah yeah keep getting the right that's good okay Cirie said who do you what to text and that at home and I said home one Daisy what do you say to him now that would be Siri she's kind of nasty but anyway where was I you were we all okay yet we have got Korea we had that word back that a person who was ahead who was responsible for one group who was was one of ten groups whose on the road what's going into the hotel and said what do you mean our rooms are not not available we're part of the Gator group oh and she said the rooms are not available either care what your name is I wish they were they are not available and and I will say he or she was kind of bid yeah and they throw that around yeah and you know it and you know who had reflected on it's like oh I when I found out about it I talked to the person yeah and I said that's not how we behave about it now that's not our spirit yeah but you know what when we go across the border to Canada to do a program and I think of all the truck drivers who are involved with this five or six all the bus drivers cemetery you know and all the different people got across the border I take oh Lord yes they they show the Spirit of Christ when we went on the tour with you and Gloria I'm two on thomas jefferson's place or whatever we yeah yeah we got that we were coming back in to the concert area and your name was on the big marquee we're in the car with Bill Gaither and Gloria and my family and the guy at the gate would let us even and I'm taking look he's paying your bill tonight this is like it is the deal was so he will do his job he was doing something that and I and I and I just said I say well I said the guy his name's up there he's here this is him and so I was trying to say that modestly but yeah good time okay you and folks eat it you didn't every time we got a paying customer will take yeah yeah yeah but you but you didn't you didn't say in the car I'm Bill Gaither look you have in this concert tonight you know you could but she was so cool so we were the ones that we just kind of like hey disguises names on the marquee this is him and you were really so I love that and that that's how we well and I appreciate those guys yeah yes there is that they are just going to yeah yeah I mean you are sweetheart and it's always the toys could be that I love your Michael your your your hubby I know I do too and that other like yeah yeah my say not mad but she's already was fun this is aa doctor thanks [Music] come on in folks thank you if you've enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out the other great clips on the Gator music TV channel
Channel: Gaither Music TV
Views: 69,006
Rating: 4.7906976 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither TV, lynda randle, god on the mountain, bill gaither, homecoming christmas, gaither tour, lynda tour, siri, gaither music tv, bill gaither interview, lynda randle interview, bill and lynda, bill gaither and lynda randle, may they be one, Gloria Gaither, Bill and Gloria, Gloria and Lynda, Gloria Gaither and Lynda Randle, Breakfast with Bill, Breakfast with Bill Gaither, Gaither Vocal Band, Gaither Homecomming, God on the mountain lynda randle
Id: nsFRpNchhPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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