Breakfast with Bill: Ep. 02 - Reggie Smith and Bill Gaither Interview

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[Music] you guys stay at the a pretty much we did you like it out there I love the a-frame look out on the pond there so Brent we were traveling yesterday in the car with your very respected a-frame and Brett says Danny wait a minute this is the Gator poem all the videos he'd never put that together that's it yeah that's it he said why I didn't realize that was the gate they're mine he's not throwing rocks in that pond it was pretty excited about so he watched those things when he's grown all he loved him oh my goodness he loved those videos the kid videos you know right because he liked music you know he does he likes all sorts of all kinds of music now he really you know it was a great little singer matter of fact he's saying the lead on one of our latest latest records the little thank-you Lord the song that we wrote he's sitting to lead on Adam we sing the harmonies and that was right before his voice change he had that little boy voice and it was just beautiful it's just perfect great pitch he's got great style in his voice but it changed in in slower than mine as low as mine now or lower you like he says daddy came singing that song anymore I said why buddy well just change the keys hold on them you got to write another one if I'm going to sing another song you got to write a no that was a kid song daddy I need the thing a big voice one side she's a great singer but he didn't say this bill in his mother might not let me say this but you said daddy you know I know music's your mama's thing I don't know if it's my thing or not you know I so what you know what that's fine let's find your thing you know but these ships but give it time just relax your voice is changed if you want to start singing any times just go far that's great so but he's got it he's got it what said the artist because I heard somewhere that uh if you keep using your your boy voice your head tone voice it's basically if you're a tenor you can take that into manhood and in adult life and use some things but but the old theory is if you don't use it there is it it is that true I think it is absolutely think it is you know what did your both coaches in college tell you talk about that later you know I had several different vocal coaches I had one vocal coach that he said I think I can make you a baritone how to use I said let's go for it man let's do it I'd like to try you know because I always want that man voice you know that big huge voice and I would come out of that session just hurting and believing like Oh with all that weight on my boy and and then I would just start singing in my head voice and then tenor was and it if you finally figured out you know what let's don't make this happen this is natural your head voice and I in the tenor stuff it's just where it's at let's go for that and you know what I grew up singing in church my dad it was a music minister 33 years of tiny little bad miss church there in Moselle Mississippi probably never been there heavier oh what's that close to Easter butcher Easter Bunny and surrounded by Ronald's town and Ellis mill and that is burg and Laurel but that stuff like the sounds around here done the arrests or absolutely we get a hot coffee down there yet good stuff well you know we grew up singing in church mama play the piano and organ has a beautiful beautiful touch matter of fact mom and dad were at the house couple days and she got on the grand piano there and just started playing and my goodness and just reminded me start playing hymns and stuff and I sat down by her when we started singing songs and my dad sitting over there in the big chair he's half asleep all of a sudden he wakes up to start saying anything is he a singer feel great singer he had kind of a lyric Irish kind of voice and I think that's where I get a lot of my tones from your brothers who work fairly fast try it you know now did they also they all say matter of fact my oldest brother now kind of leads the song service there at the church Greg and my younger brother then if she's a pharmacist he owns a home pharmacy but a fabulous musician one of the best readers I've ever known probably top three top five singers and I think I mean incredible voice you know people make various comments about the vocal band in the group but it's interesting this comments are rather insightful about blend at about the Calgary and all this kind of he was back there study oh listen they they're straight shooters be listen if you don't want to straight don't ask for it because they just splat out there flat-footed they just give it the way there but sometimes it you don't want to hear it but it bit it straight up and you can just take it to the bank I mean they less they study I'm sorry the real call well that's nothing that's - that's you - I think - this is I have all my son stuff come from here just to make sure I'm checking everything I'm sifting your souls I check him at all times you know the interesting thing with their brothers so they all look like athletes - and we made it they were what they play my owner brother both of them played through high school didn't go in the collar their play my brother was a tied in incredible hand he was a gifted gifted receiver gimped and receiver and my younger brother he was a he played on the line so he played center will see a better receiver doer to do what he had really good hands I mean everything stucked his hand when the ball hit it just stumped it he's really good he's really good I could just run a little faster but no and you got to be able to run when you're a little bit smaller no big guys you know yeah that puppy that but he was really really really good he was a gift ever seen I think he could have played on and college for sure was that any kind of a decision for you like when you were in college I mean did you look at sports look at music to say I got it I can do one or the other they're both will take a whole lot of time right wild it absolutely started back when I was in the ninth grade I played in a band you know at elementary school and Ellicott middle school is a trumpet player and I loved a love love love that specialty concert band and I had to kind of make a decision okay am I going to March halftime or we're going to play four quarters of football and in the ninth grade when we moved up to play with the varsity I actually marched with my football pants on took my shoulder pad by halftime and ran back out now 10th grade it got serious I had to really step it up so I chose to go with the football now on into college I was a music student living in an athletic dorm you're talking about polar opposite worlds I mean this is a you know so basically ours it once and lots of hours an athlete spends a lot of time training training you know and if you're not on the field training you're in the in the film room watching and studying and learning plays and it's just evolving all the time and studying and then every week you're studying their opponent how they move what the keys you know something the key off of and watch them so away but but I was in the mundane I'm during class I was in choir and theory you know studying it I was always a little bit torn you know both sides but loved it I loved it all but I really sports was you're just what you played the hit of soft softball turn I did last week we won the state hosting Tennessee state tournament our team did play about ten games in a day and a half and what's your team what's it look like well if we're really guys go from yeah where they come from all over Nashville Hendersonville West Nashville Donaldson jolson Franklin are you good I'm okay I'm okay I'm all right yeah so it's fun to play I think it's fun to play the young guys and I am Jewish playing the young guys the old guys are tricky Oh guys because they know how to play they know what can do where to put the ball where to place it young guys just come up here and just try to hamburger and just muscle everything so it's fun to beat the 22 year olds and the 25 year olds it's a long bike we have a good time our team our team's been together for a while for a long time and we've won a lot of tournaments we've lost a lot of tournaments but we happen to be we got hot at the right time but the hangs floated it great hang there band of brothers just like what we've got we've got a band of brothers too you like that oh the bus the guys unbelievable I'm telling Billy this is a great group of guys you know I mean yeah look at time take time for energy spiritual music character you know what don't think for a second if he's not the guy who walked behind but taking care of you not for one thing just because he might be a little bit not as tall as everybody else that guy is the one I want to mention because I get out of bed in a second if anybody in a second he's hungry he is that's a servant's heart yeah he's watching everybody at all times he watches you too watches me he watches Adams he watch it when you know I remember the first time I was on the bus I'm looking around kind of looking to conference I thinking maybe I want a cup of coffee because he said you want some coffee don't you um what I'm saying I got it it was made in my hand before I knew they said you know what do you want in it he's that kind of guy just super and boy when he gets on stage his focus is unbelievable it never comes out of focus and he's on all the way through so it's really great it was beautiful about him there are times when the three of you are out there yes and Adam in you he's sitting back there wait for the television he's connected all the way is name populated and you know we can family we can we can absolutely feel that no sphere all the time of course when Adam um they're synonymous hangers but you know what I'm just proud to be there it's so much fun and I know it truly is a band of brothers when we go out there we I think everybody's got everybody's bags you guys and I don't know you know for those who are listening I don't go with them but that there's all for you guys always checking into a YMCA or dish did you order right here did you order what's that called this is Bill's breakfast what does it call guys bill skillet I'll split it with you know you know that looks you're young you need it and besides I want to work your Fanny office yeah it's up here yeah so we're going to studio thank you ma'am thank you right you know I get a lot more credit than I deserve my job is what I call quality control of this crew and well you look at the past members oh I mean you get one person that might be stronger in this area I strong on that yeah I love sports and you know many times a team will trade somebody off you think oh my Lance what are you going to do now what'd they do something different and I think we've done a good job of that as a Vocal Band they've all been good and maybe your oiss are so when you get a new group together I don't know when I've had more class with this group because with you or one in and tato the other is going to be fun half a little yo for the first time are thinking a little bit dancing going on don't say that and their rehearsals just go on one night we were just going to go through a couple tunes on the bus all the way to Lancaster Internet we started 9:30 at 12 o'clock the prayer meeting broke up you know as two hours and a half and just sing your disc for mr. Joyce on the way to the tour now that hasn't happened for a long time boy this does love is saying it's in this new project with Lord oh it's hard for me to hand over producing earnings but Gordon came along but two three years ago said bill I've played on a bunch of your records for the last ten years I'd like to play on one and have total control of how I'm out the tracks go down and the voices go down I said Gordon I've never given that up to anybody not for very long I know and I said are you sure you want to do that and we've had some of the best producers in our business Michael Sykes was a wonderful producer absolute and and and of course guy was in on a lot of those early ones I can remember Chris Christian doing some of my first one so he about made a grant absolutely had great producers but with this old man in in the studio it's always al this don't go too far there let's don't go too far here but all this one I basically said okay Gordon are those genius moves he's coming up with unbelievable I'm telling it's just undo I got a we were in the studio cut the tracks the first set of tracks and we we cut chain breaker and I turned to you and went are you sure and you said oh yeah I'm sure I'm sure all the way it's just incredibly fun that we're singing half the stuff all together own life's just like a quartet would normally do it we're singing it down and Gordon said that's very unusual these days because most people put them down to one voice and we do yeah now we'll go back in and improve some parts sure it but we're doing a lot of singing together and for those values to love obviously because yeah and the tunes on this chain breaker course it's very big hallelujah your bad is that a hoot it's incredible oh it's gone until I cannot wait to station see songs and another guy all the guys are ready to go we're ready to explode on his own and I think I found a song for you it's that it's that old Irish melody which has been around long time the Old English him said uh glory padhu lyric off unbelievable you know if the folks like I did shall live they will love this absolutely and everybody loves other than show that we're at a conference just just this past week and that was the closing song congregation's thing I didn't show there every night 5:19 that's a great statement and we can live up up to those things that we're singing oh boy doing pretty bad Craig Hanson man we were pretty late last night what'd you do if I were to get you a bed because you you can go to sleep until what if you drove into what 3:30 or 4:00 well we walked into the a-frame at 4 o'clock a.m. a.m. in the morning because yeah we don't want to stop we want to come up so we get and then we're slapping look you know once we got sleeping we slept in a little bit but that's okay no problem did we work got a few we got a good bit done considering the time we had but last night you took us by your house because I picked Brett Brett was with in Gloria he loves could go with Gloria I mean somehow he ignored her connected he loves miss Gloria and so lady love had broken a couple of nails and Gloria had called said look you got to go to this place get you nails to him so she took off to Anderson get her nails done and then Brett was sitting there and we kid number voice 15 years old he's all boy and miss Gloria is sitting there painting I don't know what they're planning all kind of wooden things and all the inert a one expert Brett is focused painting a smaller brush I'm thinking what how did you make that happen I couldn't make him paint something like that if I had it's what he's sitting quietly sitting there focused on a painting yeah I'm thinking what do I mean all these if not would paint back home was maybe some graffiti on the wall I don't know but not this it was just fabulous so I said how did you do do this she said then what we're just paying yeah dad you want to see what we're doing we're painting him I couldn't maybe he needs spend more time with score he's got something on his sheath confess it God has called her to get kids off of the internet and had the games that they're playin fish brilliant we got we got seven grandkids and her task every time they come is someone locate okay how can I do stuff person you know we got the pool so then go swimming painting or any kind of course liam is into basketball your food's gonna get cold okay don't worry but liam is in bachelor-man way liam is fast and very athletic maybe finally in the Gator family we have God I don't know what it didn't come from any might into my gene pool but maybe we got more an athlete disco do so if let's say for looking other things you for this day and chance to be together bless our work in the studio lessons food creating if you've enjoyed this video click the subscribe button to get the latest content and check out the other great clips on the Gaither music TV channel
Channel: Gaither Music TV
Views: 50,151
Rating: 4.9039998 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither, Gaither Music, Gaither TV, Breakfast with bill, breakfast with bill reggie smith, breakfast with bill gaither, bill gaither interview, reggie smith gaither, gaither music tv, gaither vocal band, reggie smith gaither vocal band, gaither vocal band lineup, gaither vocal band interview, breakfast with bill episode, gaither original series, reggie, ladye love, gaither vocal band album, gaither vocal band new, Todd suttles, reggie smith, gaither vocal band 2017, homecoming
Id: tc-YIB1G2Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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