Harley Morenstein and Sean Evans Review Fast-Food Mashups | Sean in the Wild

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Love that big elbow to that turd burger.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JUAN_DE_FUCK_YOU 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Like when I shower

Definitely laughed at that one

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pzerou 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

I read Harvey Weinstein at first

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/nipplepoo 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Harley looks sick.. is he ok?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Riptastic 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
bring us the meal please thank you so much hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans coming at ship from burgerito in Park Slope Brooklyn where I'm joined by a familiar face harley morenstein is back in the building you know Harley is the commander in chief of Epic Meal Time the best Cooking Channel in the history of YouTube where you can catch him in the gang pushing junk food to crazy sometimes terrifying new heights and speaking of he has a new venture epic snack time pizza in a bag what is that all about did pizza in a bag it's honestly it's 90% exactly as it sounds it's a pepperoni jerky and by the way it's called super snack time the snack round I can't use Epic Meal Time because a major corporation already trademarked Oh Epic Meal Time in the food space I'm Canadian so that's my first lesson in America I'm very happy with super snack time it's available in every single Walmart it's jerky that tastes very much like pizza and that's what brings us to burgerito ground zero for mashups here in New York City because today we're playing dr. Frankenstein with some of America's most iconic fast food menu items what happens if you put KFC chicken fingers into a Taco Bell caserita what happens when you try to mix a Big Mac with a chick-fil-a sandwich does it work we'll find out today I look for me yes but yeah my bad I'm fired up about this just very excited first up we have the big filet it's a cross between the Big Mac from McDonald's and the spicy chicken sandwich from chick-fil-a we start with the hamburger bun add mac sauce lettuce cheese and a spicy chicken cutlet another slice of bread more mac sauce more lettuce more spicy chicken and finally some pickles in the bun and Harley I know on Epic Meal Time you guys once made a hundred-pound Big Mac in terms of structural integrity why is the Big Mac such a nice thing to work off of I just feel like this a well first of all the middle bread makes it classic so you could see that and that oh it's Big Macs all right does anyone else have this middle I think this middle bun just doesn't exist for any of anything else right only McDonald should have patented the middle but if they haven't done it like how accurate you went with the one slice of cheese me Dad we Donald's is like a you get the middle bread you get two patties what you want two slices of cheese relax you Pig you know I like that that's funny it's better than a Big Mac it's kind of gross but kind of not mm-hmm you know I like to ignore the gross part like when I shower what's your take on chick-fil-a do they have them in Canada I don't think we have a chick-fil-a but when I go to LA I'm big on chick-fil-a I would much prefer a chick-fil-a to an in-and-out burger as a Canadian that is you know far remove the mole scene and the hype and all that chick-fil-a is an objective voice of truth in this whole so yes exactly you know I got no skin in the game chicken skin maybe Oh a scale from one to ten what are you giving this mashup you know like the old daredevil movies mm-hmm Ben Affleck the old ones they're not good ones I like those movies I'm genuinely a very easy person to please do you like Big Macs guess what you're gonna like this this chick Mac who's a nine out of 10 experience for me damn yeah the Mac flayed to me is a six and a half out of Wow Wow what did you think the last Jedi I'm just trying to play bad cop to your home there has to be some sort of balance look at these two guys eating burgers just enjoying themselves right got some controversy looks crazy but it is better than I thought it would be and I thought I'd only take maybe one bite and I ended up you know clearing out half the sandwich but this is like a meal and a half this is a big patty shut it too big patty by the way I took her to prom in high school I miss you boo all right next up we have the crispy chicken tender quesarito brought to you by the good folks at KFC and Taco Bell basically we split open a case Cerrito and shove mac and cheese and extra crispy chicken tenders inside before rolling it back up and then before we take a bite I want you to think about that hot ones episode when you're talking about combining the KFC and the Taco Bell together and if this lives up to the vision that you had in think about this you know how there's like a Taco Bell and a KFC and they're under the same roof mm-hmm why can't you ask for a fried chicken burrito it's actually good as [ __ ] Luther nine on ten right here with a nine on ten experience arena I'm right with you and I would even crank it up to a nine point three wow I was gonna go nine point five and I thought you were gonna think I was an idiot no gives out nines and nine ups like nothing but I'm the one being generous right now you like mac and cheese don't you I do a mac and cheese burrito is brilliant I felt like I traveled like like 40 years through time and I wasn't sure if those forwards or backwards I just left this space I'm at it content without a body I felt like I was somewhere else a lot somewhere else feeling some when well this particular course has a bonus section so let's see if we can take this out-of-body experience higher and higher higher because we're here at burgerito with the namesake item which is exactly what it sounds like a burger Rita I was walking up I'm like I know what's going on here I know what's going on here this place is good and it's practical because you know a burger especially when you have the cheese the sauce the fries you know it can be very messy but this very portable very clean yeah we're worried this is like hey hey scumbag you like eating burgers in your car don't you well how about this burgerito Harley I'm talking to me by the way these are put in the same class during the nines you know some people will try it and say it's a ten Pooh some people will say that it's a 9.2 whoo and some people say it's a 9.4 but no one's going lower than nine no not a real person you know who would go lower than nine oh the Nazis right and you don't want to be that D people no no no I give this a 9.5 love it alright this time around it's Shake Shack and Taco Bell we have the double nacho fries Shack burger we start with a Martin's potato roll on the bottom then a Shake Shack burger patty some Taco Bell nacho fries another burger patty more nacho fries and then top it off with lettuce tomato and shack sauce I know that Shake Shack you can't get it in Canada but when you come to New York it's your first stop what do you love so much about Shake Shack Shake Shack itself I'm very big on listen I'm from Canada so I'm not tainted by any expectations or I have no allegiance to anyone no it's gonna be a check better than in and up time to debate for me not even close Shake Shack Five Guys burger fie they all cook a PP on in and out and I'm just saying this I'm so sorry but that's just from the bottom of my heart I have a heart attack I think I don't think that there's any reason for this to exist it was a little smoky kind of bland I can't picture a scenario in which this would be a good thing I like Taco Bell right and you lower leg shake shock I'm a big big believer that if you like this thing and you like that thing you like both they'll love this thing yeah but I mean I love cereal and I love hot sauce but hot sauce and cereals don't go well never said the two meet no this is cereal hot sauce yeah yeah I think I would make a couple adjustments I think I would remove all the taco bell entirely yeah and then I'd be very happy with it and then we just have a great burger I'm gonna give this uh I'm gonna give this to no on ten yeah no on ten um yeah I'm gonna give this a warning I don't think this is a hero I want to punch it I want to just Elmo drew automatically get you automatically get for effort for it existing is automatic one also coming hot off the burgerito which really was a good burger and like Mexican Texan combination already yeah this is just like his ugly brother we just had Alec Baldwin this is Stephen Baldwin right something went wrong yeah exactly wrong the last course we have just a bunch of fast food raw ingredients from mac and cheese to spicy chicken fillets chick-fil-a sauce to a big mac to fries and then some you have to use at least six menu items to make a Frankenstein disgusting fast food concoction I'll make something for you Harley you make something for me Harley and then we'll just see that is pretty much guys how you become best friends with someone in a short period of time bonding experiences like this boom best buds I'd take a bullet for you buddy yeah well I see what you're doing so you're going you're going like keeping the big mac going mac and cheese on it well I'm gonna go a little different I'll use the burrito as an exterior shot of my boys burgerito cash them out let's go with this bad boy over here you can't go wrong my boy Shawn likes his mac and cheese so this is Shawn's big spicy chicken mac and cheese disaster burger and I made it with love especially for you Harley thank you so much this is the Harley's big delicious disaster burrito here you go buddy that was you see did you see his drool on your camera did you get that that was crazy the beef and chicken combo is great you know today we've been mixing two spots and it's kind of hit or miss but on this last one when I bit through it I felt like I briefly visited ten different fast food spots let me go on that journey because I I was just like what young and I didn't I didn't analyze it or not but let me go on that journey I'll be back in a minute yeah yeah I'll wait for you I was amazing I almost got into an accident on my way back burgerito you guys got some competitions okay I'll watch out watch out lean you're trying to make a restaurant we just buy other people's stuff and squish it together all right Harley this was a good disgusting time I don't think that I'll be doing it again but I'm happy to have shared this experience I'll be doing it every Tuesday on Epic Meal Time that's my life and then let's bring it on home Harley making his dreams come true super snack time pizza in a bag be on the lookout Harley so proud of you my man every single Walmart in the USA it tastes like pizza pepperoni jerky it's incredible jerky mogul over here I'm Sean Evans till next time Internet Carly it was good seeing you man I missed you man listen awesome to catch up [Music] you [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,675,774
Rating: 4.9299688 out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, sean in the wild, sean evans, harley morenstein, epic meal time, burgeritos, epic snack time, super snack time, pizza jerky, burgrito, chic fil a mcdonalds sandwich, kfc x taco bell, harley morenstein hot ones, fried chicken burrito, taco bell x shake shack burger, cereal hot sauce, pizza in a bag
Id: m7CEjB-lt7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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