Summer Staple Recipes! Cook With Me For A BBQ & Back Home For Some Organizing! Chill With Me!

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[Music] I'm gonna put this one right back here you can watch your scoot her little booty along look at you look how big you are oh my goodness so big you're gonna inch forward a little bit just rockin and rollin yeah a little workout huh oh all right now you can watch your inch army crawl mm-hmm she's the best okay hi party people welcome to today what are we doing we are actually planning on going and having a family dinner slash lunch slash barbecue it's gonna be outside we're gonna try to practice all the social distancing it's the first time we've done this in months obviously because of quarantine but we thought things are opening back up let's see how NICs goes so we always do a theme this time it's barbecue and I thought I would share with you the recipes that I'm making amazing recipes I might add the world's best baked beans so says Alex Adam are they I mean they're really good my family gobbles them up so we're gonna make a big batch also some really kicked up corn I found this recipe I don't know a month or so ago and I made it a few times since it's really good really really simple recipes but like amazing nonetheless what else are we making oh you know we have to get started on Toronto is the Strawberry Shortcake sheet pan bars I don't know what they're called I hope they're amazing it look amazing I need to get those in the oven because we literally need to leave in one hour so hopefully those are cool in time the good news is they only take like 15 minutes to bake just chilling on your back and then later today when we get home I think I'm gonna tidy up my linen closets can't be certain no promises okay we're gonna do something I'm just not sure what also I'm gonna bring well I'll I'll get there when we get there let's start on these Strawberry Shortcake bars I hope I have some strawberries left I bought a ton man I hope I have some left let's check out the fridge okay literally running around my house we have an hour before we have to leave this is real time people this is real life I got this sheet pan a few days ago from Amazon I guess I have to wash it oh man I should have lied to you and told you I already washed it but I thought it was just so fitting I said like we got it I bought this sheet pan we need another one it's huge it's like a 20 by 15 or something 21 by 15 it's the same one we have Wilton I thought it was funny because it came with whoopie pies on the cover and I was like wow they really know me it really caters to their audience okay we need to whip these up I took out all the ingredients earlier this morning expecting sweet Meredith to sleep alone during her nap but did she do that no she slept right on top of me despite my efforts to put her down babies alright Lee washing alright great wonderful like smooth things along here my printer is not working it is working but every time I use it I have to put in the password and it's just like a five minute ordeal so instead I chicken scratch wrote down the recipe but I'll link it down below for you what do I need but he's my KitchenAid no one has time to mix with their hands right now oh I said I got everything ready but I lied the flours not down the sugars not down oh there's water in here not anymore oh the oven I didn't write down what degree I needed it I'm hoping 350 will suffice do I have to butter the pan I'll do that with the excess water you guys know this hack the life hack take the peel of the butter whatever this is called the plastic sheet Mack is a cold the skin of the butter the wrapper oh my gosh is there flying here that's my face all right that's all buttered like a pro sugar bump bump bump bump oh honey honey get this going how much sugar 2 cups it's how you know it's gonna be good you know why I decided to make these I thought they would be healthier than the alternative I was going to make sheep and sugar cookie bars drooling am i right but like this still has 2 cups of sugar okay I'm gonna whip it up turbo speed all right that looks good no time for scraping we're gonna do four eggs in this mammogram uh uh - oh gosh Oh Oh need a second hand nope I've got it got the skills my skills are unmatched and no shells all right down we go I'm sure you incorporate these one at a time but we don't have time I was gonna make these last night Oh a little vanilla look okay I did scrape down the sides because I am a professional oh that looks delicious that good enough whipping I'm sure the real directions tell me how long I'm supposed to do this but I didn't write them down I just wrote down the ingredients good enough here we go with the flour five cups of flour going in and by George if I don't have five cups of flour in here that's just too bad Sally Ryder because there's no way I have time to go out in my garage Oh how many cups was that I was talking three I think I don't know if I have five cups you guys oh heck yeah I do perfect it's like they knew I needed to make this recipe uh-huh looks a little full there we don't want a flower shower nice and slow and then we whip it oh crap hold on baking soda hold up wait a minute we need 1/2 a teaspoon baking soda now we can go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I forgot the salt but we'll get over it oh my gosh this smells so good yeah that looks great that looks well I'm not I don't know how what it's supposed to look like but good enough for me okay now we're gonna spread it on this sheet pan oh wow oh really it's thick but I like it that way I'm gonna oil my hand maybe just one I don't know if that's necessary probably it you spread it across the whole sheet pan I underestimated how long this would take better be worth it okay seriously how long did that take into the oven it is less than perfect but it's what I like to call good enough moving on to the baked beans i browned up some ground beef a pound and then an onion it was pretty small oh my crock pies hot and then I'm gonna throw in some baked beans I have three cans they're like the smaller normal size cans but you can use large ones if you have that or two or one if you're not serving a bunch of people and I have a can of great northern beans you can use any bean that you like cannellini beans if you have it I was gonna do two cans of either Great Northern or cannellini or any white bean lima beans would be really good but I have black beans to use up and this recipe the first time I made it I had like leftover black beans it was basically like a leftover bean dish but it was delicious I had leftover taco meat which is what I used so when I say use what you have as I mean it it's serious all right what's nice oh don't have a recipe for this one either but I'm using bacon crumbles how much you ask I don't know that much Plus this much and hey why not go big or go home right if I had to guess the measurement on that it would be I don't know three handfuls exactly and then you add in what makes this dish delicious so brown sugar add brown sugar to anything and it's so good I know three spoonfuls guys don't don't leave your measuring cups in the okay this is not the time nor the place to have a measuring cup and I don't know why I do this well mostly because my aunt told me this is the secret to really good baked beans you can add it to anything just a little bit of mustard the mustard brown sugar and secret ingredient the ketchup just add some mustard and ketchup and brown sugar those are like this that's the trifecta to make baked beans delicious so says my Aunt Judy I don't all right give this a good mix and I think that's it I'm gonna sit here for a second and think about it who you know would be really good in this I mean you can have salt and pepper if you want but how about a can of like one of those green peppers green chilies that would be really good but we're just gonna leave it as it is where's the lid pop a top on that let it sit okay on to the corn recipe and I like to do crock pot stuff when I'm going places because it's just easier to keep it warm I have two cans of corn and since I'm feeding a crowd I'm also going to add a bag of frozen corn oh that's a lot of corn hopefully they like it hopefully the frozen corn has time to warm up super simple recipe a few tablespoons of corn again do my measure no is it delicious yes you know what I might add more butter than that I know I won't the original recipe says three cups of corn two tablespoons butter in one tablespoon of ranch seasoning it looks like that I'm gonna do two tablespoons because I feel like I've pretty much doubled the recipe kind of I don't know what's in that ranch seasoning but it sure is delicious and then for the kicker I'm gonna waste some really nice quality Parmesan cheese the recipe says half a cup shredded you can use like the dust stuff if that's what you have I think I've used that before I'm just gonna do that much oh there's only a little left should I dump it in maybe I'll garnish with this and that's it super simple side dish great for any day of the week okay I'm just making a list of all the things I need to grab before we leave the house otherwise if I don't have a list I'll forget it so let's whip up oh good it's ready no it's not but five more minutes I wish I had five more minutes I liked him on American Idol okay what are we doing oh you can refer back to my ingredient list I guess we just whip it all up I don't know oh my ball I have to wash it I don't wanna yeah I definitely should have made these last night but I thought I have to share them with you I just know I have a feeling they're gonna be fantastic how can they not be they have two cups of sugar and strawberries and whipped cream I got high hopes and cream cheese all right so what do we do she asked herself eight ounce package of cream cheese whipped topping you know what they sell like birthday cake whipped topping and audio whisk ah did you know about this they also sell dairy-free whipped topping it's like a coconut milk and you can also make it yourself with like a can of coconut cream amazing we used to do that all the time oh this is nice that's good you know smelling you can eat that all right a whole container of this oh boy wait was I supposed to whip up the cream cheese we'll just whip it all up together what could go wrong all right oh also the vanilla and one cup of powdered sugar I have a feeling I'm not supposed to put this in yet so I'm gonna hold off hold off on the cream I'm gonna whip up the cream cheese oh no powdered sugar that day I have to go to the garage if we have one cup of powdered sugar and I'm just gonna whip these together okay that seems like something I was supposed to do it's gonna fill this up but we'll do that at another time I also added some vanilla now I'm gonna add the whipped topping and fold it in look at me doing culinary things Oh oh my gosh do you see this how is this supposed to cover that whole pan though you know my suggestion is double up on the whipped topping also double up on the bottom layer because that was really hard to spread out and I'm not hard it was just dumb took a long time time consuming alright that looks good and then strawberries okay let's rinse these and cut them up Oh didn't you set my timer that burned I'm just kidding my timer goes off and I did I I thought I said a new timer you know what I'm gonna leave them in three minutes this time let me cut the strawberries I might bring these in a separate container yep can I bring him in my handy-dandy what's in here yeah bought this measuring cup it has a lid perfect you know what the other day I was watching someone's Amazon favorites and they had I'm not man might have to cut all of these and they had a contraption that was like Oh slice your strawberries and I was like I never needed that well my friends today is that day where I'm thinking man that would come in handy strawberry slicer contraption is it necessary no does it make your life easy I would argue yes I should probably get a cutting board great one and a half minutes on the timer let's see how many strawberries I can cut up you think I can do the whole thing in a minute and a half me neither oh my gosh considering I can't get this one oh we got we got we just have to get a good rhythm going there we go here we go almost shot my finger off it would have just been the tip though so I feel like it would have been okay I still would have gone to the barbecue it's all I'm saying just a good butterfly stitch things are getting out of hand all right how much time is less strawberries are the best part of the strawberry shortcake am I wrong no oh my gosh I stopped a cool that thing man I'm gonna throw it in the freezer yeah all right let me get it out ooh that strawberry looks bad you know what I could argue I did like half of the I did like one pound pretty impressed with myself Top Chef here I come think it's just like not browning do you see this I mean it's not jiggly oh yeah oh that's good [Music] we got it we got it we got it guys rolling along we've got 30 minutes before we need to leave I think it's gonna be a good day they have enough label slide should we get it oh they have a thing I don't do I want to spend $99 on that oh I think we should get it yes get it get it I see you yes scam girl little does he know there's no whipped topping on that cream cheese and powdered sugar my friend oh my god I might have more than four cups of strawberries oh I definitely do you might have to rethink yeah the transport bowls situation or just bring four cups save the rest good strawberries to me all right that's we're gonna do top it off right there lid man this is so cool kitchen gadgets are the best you know what I saw the other day a watermelon kitchen gadget where it like cuts your watermelon as you scoop it weirdest thing I didn't buy it because I kind of enjoy slicing also I feel like most of the time my kids like to hold on to the Rhine it's just a bunch of excuses basically just trying to talk myself out of a purchase just cleaning up oh my god this might be the best part of summer what was on that cream oh all right oh right oh right oh right all right I think I'm gonna change cuz I I don't yet feel comfortable enough and these bike shorts to wear them like in front of people do you not I mean it's a lot my shirt it's my shirt where to go down I would feel a little bit better but it doesn't oh man all right feel like I still have frosting on my face okay got Meredith dressed here a memorial day she has a little headband that kind of looks like a poppy but I just you know how Alex feels about headbands okay I also got my new shorts on nice to meet you I'm a human being who owns a pair of jean shorts feel like I'm moving up in the world it's like no big deal all right I hope that this fits in here yeah I'll make a bit it wasn't that big of a challenge I have something else to put in here too oh my okay if you've never had this chicken apple sausage you are missing out on life I'm showing you the back of the package I don't want it to go flying off the shelf so there's none left for me it's this kind can you see it seriously the best sausage I mean it's chicken sausage I want to get a few chicken sausages but this is number one it tastes like Thanksgiving I don't know how to explain it it's sweeter so if you're not into that you won't be interviewed I'm definitely into it it's like all the best parts of Thanksgiving to me anyway I am also throwing in normal hot dogs I don't like you know what I do like a good charred hot dog I don't have buns so we're going carb-free on this one I'm sure someone else is bringing but I can't close that memory up on his route thank you all right I got a nice this thing all right it's not cooled all the way but we don't have any more time to spare we have got to get going so I'm just gonna spread a little excuse me we're gonna spread this right on top I'm seizing I don't need your help with this one every last bit oh your fingers went in there I see that all right do you see what I mean the ratio of whipped topping to service area we need more more whipped topping did I use the wrong size sheet pan is what I'm thinking you got it we're just gonna do our best here that's what we always do it's like melting uh ah it's gonna taste good it's gonna taste good it's gonna taste good it better taste good well look at that a thin layer right on top set it once I'll say it again someone called Food Network this is as good as it's going to get huh strawberries go on top of this are you ready all right strawberry's going top Alex I put the strawberries on now might as well right now I have to wash this what I'm really thinking is I don't want to accidentally leave this I'm just gonna plop them right on top here mostly because I have one hand perfect perfection oh my gosh little whipped cream fell right there I mean petite we could definitely spread these out a little more all right there it is oh you guys stop it right now don't you just want that in your mouth pronto this looks so good Alex hmm Wentworth just said I'm bleeding I said that's okay it's strawberry gush but I want him to think that I'm strong and tough okay I wanted to show this to you oh and it's gooey glory do you see that stringy cheese I'm telling you guys oh the smell of this is just divine I'm just giving it a good mix before I throw it in my car the cheese has even stuck to the spoon that's how good it is I don't even really like cheese I'm gonna give the beans a good mix oh is this even warm oh I stinkin hope so mmm mmm very good if you want the sauce a little thicker you can add like a cornstarch slurry I think this is just good enough you know I'm just feeding my family not Michelin chefs this is the sprinkler thing I was talking about you just hook it up to your hose and it's like a splash pad it's awesome I almost forgot the most important thing sitting on my lap for safekeeping we've stopped to get back I am so attempted to ether [Music] [Music] we're getting pretty close to the water it's spitting at Meredith she's like what the heck okay marry the sir first I'm sitting in grass apparently this is a thing oh my gosh hands first that's not sitting dad face in it Oh Meredith I'm so sorry what happened oh not so bad anymore our Range Rover here oh wow Meredith you want me to get you get me to rescue you rescue me hold me in your arms you like the grass so we're at the barbecue Berbick oh really literally the happiest baby all day until I oh honey well Punk alright we're enjoying the barbecue good food good company good slip-and-slide it's a little little close there [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're out on our walk we it's been a couple days by the way I can't find my hat anywhere where's my hat so I'm hanging out under some shade before I go I normally walk her out around three and a half miles it just it's so nice to just get outside blast some music that I enjoy like for me lately it's been Lauren Diggle it just puts me in a good mood a good mindset even just getting out of the house for like 10 minutes soaking in that vitamin D catching those sun rays actually it's supposed to rain like every day this week storm clouds above me but you know what storm clouds mean it means that the Sun isn't blazing on me at 100% capacity it's more like 60 percent anyway so we're gonna go on our walk and you know what I did this morning I cleaned out our fridge and I did revamp our linen closet a little bit I told you I was gonna do that I didn't film it because well for a couple reasons but like I'll show you the after and I'll explain to you what I did I almost okay here we go short story long I almost ordered like this really cute shelf off of Target to put in my linen closet and then I thought you know why might even spend 60 dang dollars on a shelf that no one is going to see who goes my linen closet no one me and my husband that's it you know I mean unless I have someone bugs trying to get first-date out of a closet or whatever so I thought I have a shelf in my garage that is empty because I've been cleaning my closet since quarantine closet I mean garage I've been cleaning my garage since quarantine so I had an empty let's just chat with Meredith for a minute I had an empty shelf so I thought let me just throw that piece of garbage in there and make it useful you know what I mean we use what you have shop your own house first it aren't those the rules and those the rules very thick she doesn't care uh and then I also had some Dollar Tree bins that worked out really well so I'll show that to you maybe I'll show you my fridge it's pretty bare but I'm just not ready to go grocery shopping yet I did some meal planning this morning so basically it's it's been a productive day and now we're on our walk and this time I did not forget the water whoo-hoo and it's cold it's just an added bonus I normally you guys know I have like 75 water bottles why am i carrying around this one that's disposable I don't like it but it was cold so I said okay also I can't find our other water bottles it's a hassle okay so here we go on our walk I'd rather be running but like I'm not so there's that by the way do you see her little toes catching the Sun right there I feel like I should buy her a pair of shoes or something also can we talk about these bicycle shorts for a moment like seriously summer leggings summer staple might have pockets it's like how did I not know about these they're amazing they're comfortable my thighs don't shave so many positives zero negatives it's like a bikers best-kept secret I don't know how I didn't know about these sooner or you know I've known about them for a while but I haven't tried them so I'm just happy about it right now okay Meredith look at me hey baby yeah oh my goodness all right we're home and as promised I'm showing you my fridge so it doesn't look that great and I don't have organizational bins and stuff I mean this is real live I actually like when my fridge is bare and looking clean rather than when it's like fully stocked I don't know it's not just me also all the kids are in the pool right now and we have a few cousins over but I know I told you I would share with you our linen closet so here we are oh I should have tidied up a little bit in here okay so this is the shelf actually we organized this together you and me excuse me those towels need to be there and beach towels go there what is happening anyway we organized this together I want to say well over a year ago well not well over just someone else all right well over a year let's go with that anyway I wish I would have gotten that before let's just push this under because who needs that in their life am i right no my socks do not match I mean they kind of do they came in the same package but I can't find the matching colors so that's just my life right now I don't know how about you guys I was wearing those I feel like I need to say I was wearing those no-show socks uh yeah and they just whenever I don't have shoes on they just slide off my feet so anyway this has taken a turn I should have taken a before picture because you guys would not have believed what this looked like I mean there's ass garbage all over the floor not garbage but all of this crap there's like three beach bags that we have that I liked oh it's all zipped up I like to rotate through we've got a beach mat in there it's supposed to like keep the sand off I don't know if it really works that baskets been in here for a while I need to throw some toilet paper in here that's what I need to do and then we I had all the goggles in here by now I just have a low for when we get sunburned and then I have all of our sunscreen in there but this shelf was in our garage can you believe it I almost literally was looking at all the shelves on target and I was like oh that would look so decent and it was like I want to say $30 it may have been 60 I feel like that's outrageous maybe it was more like 30 anyway I was looking at it and I thought oh my gosh it looks like something I have and lo and behold it's something exactly like what I have in my garage so I'm glad I you know was able to throw it in here I need to like tidy that stuff up but that's for another day it's like good enough you know what I mean favorite part here is just my little cat mug with you know all the medicine things like why do we need this many we don't but you know we have it anyway there I was pretty proud of myself also still really sweaty from my walk I feel like I should jump in the pool with the kids but like then who's gonna make dinner you know what I mean all right anyway thank you guys so much for watching and hanging out I hope you had a good time with me if you did subscribe put a little happy in your day and I will see you next time the fact that I showed you my linen closet it's really weird and I'm like double thinking am I even gonna add that to the video because it's like I mean if it was Pinterest quality if it like look nice but I also want to inspire you like hey your house doesn't have to look look like Pinterest or maybe I'm just telling myself so I believe it a little bit because my house looks 0% like Pinterest anyway what's for dinner bye
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 111,175
Rating: 4.9609604 out of 5
Keywords: Cook with me, with me, day in the life, the wads, thewads, summer staple, bbq, bbq recipes, homemaker, stay at home mom, mom of 4, sahm, summer recipes, simple side dishes, side dish recipe, six sisters stuff, strawberry shortcake bars, best baked beans, baked beans with ground beef, sheet pan dessert, summer dessert recipe, chill with me, hang with me, day in my life quarantine, mom life, day in the life with baby
Id: wmdp07UPghw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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