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hello friends welcome back to she's in her apron I use so glad you're here because for the month of September I'm gonna help you fill up your freezer with breakfast lunch dinner snacks and dessert welcome to the four weeks to fill your freezer challenge I was inspired by Jamie from the blog no gaming off this train oh my goodness if you have not checked her out I will leave her information down below tons of meals freezer meals ideas like all of it the woman is amazing so go check her out so I've been following her for a while and I'm like that's it I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this with my friends because everyone wants more freezer meals so here we go I thought September would be good because it takes us a while to get back into the back-to-school routine and cooking can be crazy with sports and just getting back into routine so I thought we would jumpstart this in September and then I'm gonna come back to you during the holidays and we're gonna fill our freezer to get ready for all the craziness that's about to come so welcome to week one this week we're gonna focus on breakfast now you can take a whole week I ended up taking a couple of days to make these meals or you could take one whole day crank it all out or take one each day no matter how you want to do it this week we're just focusing on breakfast before I jump in and share with you the meals that I created for you I want you to share with me what you have done for the week yes I would love for you to share with me on Facebook or Instagram I'm mostly on Instagram and I want you to use the hashtag 4 weeks to fill freezer that way I could see all the work you guys are doing that is totally blessing your family alright let's jump into when I'm making this week I went crazy I am giving you ten ideas you don't have to do 10 meals you could just say I'm only doing five or seven for one day for each week whatever you want to do whatever you want to do I was going oh and I ended up doing 10 so today I'm gonna be sharing with you pancakes french toast rest lemon muffins blueberry muffins breakfast burritos omelet breakfast sandwiches smoothie packets bagel breakfast sandwich and a casserole in country breakfast holes that's a lot you don't have to do all that I'm just giving you an idea and all the recipe links will be down below for you okay I'll try to find something like it or the recipe that I actually got it from okay friends are you ready for week one okay aprons on let's go all right first thing I'm gonna start off with because it's easy and it could cook while I'm making other things are pancakes and we love the crusties light and fluffy you just add water it just makes the process easier so I'm just gonna make up a whole batch of these while I get going on another meal if you have your favorite to pancake from scratch recipe of course go ahead and use it but this is quick for me but I have some other males that could be very tedious to make so I went with the easiest thing [Music] while the pancakes are cooking away I'm going to brown up this whole big thing of Jimmy Dean sausage this is 48 ounces so three pounds of sausage and I'm just going to do it in this big pot and then I'll drain it and we're going to add it to a lot of recipes I'm going to use this nifty tool that I got from Shepherd chef hey that sausage is all cooked and drained ready to add into some recipes so let's start on some french toast I'm just gonna load up a bowl full of eggs some milk cinnamon vanilla and nutmeg I'm not measuring I like to use a good like Texas toast our really good bread for my french toast but I got some Sara Lee bread on til for super cheap and I'm just gonna do some cheap bread today and use it up it's not my favorite but I just grabbed this and we're gonna do this this time [Music] [Music] alright I'm going to write on these bags pancakes and french toast so with the French toast what you could do is you could either cut your bread and thirds and then dip them and cook them and then you have french toast dippers or you could just make them like this cut them later send the kids out to school with a paper cup fill it with some maple syrup or pancake syrup put your french toast dippers in there and they could walk down to the bus stop and eat their breakfast [Music] all right let's fill up the pancake bags [Music] might just keep this back in the refrigerator with the leftover french toast that I'm not freezing and then we've got breakfast for the week and future breakfasts in the freezer all right time to cook up some bacon oh it smells so good in here with the bacon YUM so I'm going to do two packages of this now I'm going to start on some breakfast burritos so I am going to just load this bowl up with eggs whip them up and get them into the skillet [Music] the eggs are done I did two dozen nice and fluffy to add to the breakfast burritos all right you're gonna roll up these burritos and then I'm going to wrap them in plastic wrap I am horrible at rolling up a burrito but oh well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so these are gonna go in here and this is a quick meal they could just wrap it in a paper towel and microwave it for like 30 seconds to a minute when Khali was in high school this was one of her favorite things to have in the morning especially during volleyball season all right I'm gonna put these in the freezer and then this one I am just going to keep in here and they can eat them either for breakfast for dinner tonight or tomorrow morning all right breakfast burritos are done I'm gonna share with you a muffin that I just found on Pinterest I haven't tried them yet they're called lemon raspberry muffins so we're gonna eat two bowls but in this bowl we're gonna need two eggs we're gonna need the juice and the zest of one lemon I can't find my juicer nice that squeeze is this for the life of me so I'm just going to squeeze this in by hand and do the best it can this little grater here so I'm just going to start grating but I don't want to get too much of the white of my lemon because that's where it gets bitter [Music] add a half a cup of canola oil a half a cup of milk a half a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla we're gonna whisk this all together we're gonna grab another bowl into our Bowl we're gonna add a cup of rolled oats next we're gonna add a cup and a half of flour one and a half teaspoons of baking soda okay we're going to add a dash of salt give these dry ingredients a mix we're gonna take our wet mixture and blend it with our dry mixture we're gonna mix it till it's just till it's combined okay I'm going to stop right here and we're gonna add our raspberries how gorgeous these raspberries ours are washed and dry and you're gonna need a cup which is pretty much this container which is six ounces so we're gonna add those in you can spray or line your muffin tin these are gonna bake for 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown [Music] all right let's get them in the oven [Music] next is the omelet breakfast sandwiches so add whatever you would like to this I'm adding chopped green peppers onions mushrooms and spinach while you're prepping your vegetables pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees lightly spray a jumbo muffin tin and trust me you want a jumbo one I've tried it in a regular muffin tin and it makes the eggs too big crack an egg into each well season them up with some salt and pepper and then carefully break the yolk open mix in your veggies or whatever it is that you want in it [Music] bake for 25 minutes when they're done just loosen the eggs around the edges remove them and let them cool so for this sandwich you could use bagels or English muffins I'm going to use an English muffin I'm also going to be using some Canadian bacon and some cheddar cheese use whatever you like first I'm going to add the Canadian bacon the omelet and top it with the cheese [Music] I'm gonna wrap these up in saran wrap put them in a big ziploc bag get the air out and pop them in the freezer [Music] so the next thing I'm working on our smoothie packets I was thinking of making individual ones but it's a nope so what I am doing is combining the all the frozen fruit that I have in my freezer together I'm gonna mix them all up so whenever fruit starts to go bad especially my strawberries I pop them in the freezer so I decided on this day that I was just going to mix everything up even with some frozen spinach that I have whenever our spinach is starting to wilt or our power greens kale all of that I'll throw it in the freezer because you can use it later in your smoothie so I put this all together mixed it all up and then I just threw it in some big Ziploc bags so all I have to do is when we want smoothies is spoon in the amount that we want I have done this before where I've made it with individual packets it's fine but I was losing steam on this day and I decided nope so basically it's a big bag of smoothie mix that I'm making all right let's make some country breakfast bowls now you can use russet potatoes but I'm gonna use what I have on hand which is a package of golden potatoes and red potatoes we're gonna cube those up [Music] and to a bowl I'm gonna add a tablespoon of olive oil a teaspoon of smoked paprika 1/2 a teaspoon of garlic powder but I think I'm gonna do a teaspoon it's garlic no some salt and some black pepper pepper we're gonna give this talk so pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees you're gonna put this out on a baking sheet with foil you can give a little spritz of non cooking spray add your potatoes on and then you can cook them for 45 minutes to an hour so let's scramble up some eggs for these bowls [Music] all right let's make these bowls we have the potatoes there they have cooled down I have some salsa from my favorite store that makes their own salsa YUM scrambled eggs shredded cheese and then I had got these containers that have lids from Amazon and I'll link them down below but I am just gonna start ladling them in first with the potatoes with some salsa on top the eggs and the cheese these are gonna be for Derrick I don't even know if I'll have enough to fill all sticks we'll see but I have a feeling we won't he seriously but he he runs out the door every morning and so having these freezer meals on hands are awesome but this he could take out the night before and I can help him put it in the refrigerator days before or you can bring it to work straight from the freezer and just heat it up use your favorite salsa I'm not drenching it I'm just placing some and now you can do this bowl in so many ways with your potatoes you could have roasted them up with some onions and peppers there's so many ways that you can make this do you know how much this breakfast would cost you if you went out and ate in the morning [Music] all right we're gonna add some cheese to this now you could get containers that are half this size and you could have eight servings so it all just depends on how you want to do it but this is perfect for Derek he will have four party breakfasts all right I'm gonna add the lids on you can get them in the freezer these containers are reusable and if you are or you could toss them away but Derek does a pretty good job of bringing them home and will use them again wash them up now they're microwave safe which is awesome and they are also made to go in your freezer I have been enjoying these so much alright I have some bagels some Canadian bacon I'm gonna use up some white American cheese that I already have in my refrigerator that needs to get used up and then here we have some eggs and that griddle is amazing I got it from Walmart and it look about I've never had a griddle that did a fried egg so well like I didn't have to spray it or anything I'll leave a link down to it down below just gonna open these bagels up and just start layering them and these are mini bagels which worked I think perfect for the eggs I just made sure that I cook the yolk all the way through I didn't want a very leaky egg now I'm going to add the bacon and Paige is going crazy for this in fact you know what I think I'm gonna do I'm gonna put the the Canadian bacon at the bottom all right and then add whatever cheese you like we're doing the good old white American all these are gonna be gooey cheesy yummy oh my goodness YUM okay I'm gonna assemble the other five and then we're gonna wrap them up in saran wrap [Music] use any box blueberry mix if you don't want to whip out your flour and your sugar and all your other ingredients if you would like to make some fries or muffins just go to the store add an egg some water and oil and there you go okay just let these cool and then bag them up and you're ready to go when the kids want one in the morning they just take one out let it sit out for a while doesn't really take long to thaw if you want to speed up the process you can put in the microwave for like 10 seconds this is such an easy freezer breakfast alright let's make an egg casserole we're gonna need a dozen eggs beaten up I love an egg casserole or a breakfast casserole whatever you want to call it it's one of our favorite things to have on Christmas morning so yummy and it's really good to have on Thanksgiving morning because it is filling but enough goes a long way like because you know you're gonna be having that big meal and yeah so it's also good to make you can make this the night before and leave it in your refrigerator you know all wrapped up and then in the morning pre-heat your oven and bake it up you can even bake this the night before let it cool stick it in your refrigerator people can heat it up when they want some so yeah yep I am a night before girl I'd rather do things cuz I'm a night owl I'd rather do things in the night oh ho ho oh there goes that egg as I was saying I am a night owl when I'd rather do stuff at night and have an easier morning because I'm not a morning person I just try but whatever I'm gonna whip this up so this is day 2 of making these freezer mails so I have all the leftover sausage from yesterday here and some bacon I have some peppers you could throw a red peppers in here onions whatever you want I also have some cheese all right so you're going to have your oven preheated to 350 degrees okay now I'm just going to take an aluminum pan these are your best friends I get these at the Dollar Tree and Sam's Club you can get them involved for a really good price we're gonna take some bread this is some Sara Lee bread that's cheap bread that I used for the French toast I had one more loaf left that we're gonna use up in this and I need seven slices and we're just gonna tear this up into chunks I love having breakfast casseroles on Sundays because we have church early and it's just so great to put this in the oven while you're getting ready for church and then you can eat it right before you go you get all these yummy proteins and beats the kids sing I'm hungry in church so I love this on Sundays to me this is a Sunday breakfast meal so we can pull this out the night before and you cook cook it Cole frozen just takes longer okay you could use like 1 in 1/2 like a pound and a half a sausage if you want I don't know what I'm doing I don't know if I'm gonna use all of this let's see if you want some bacon in here because we are bacon people we love both I am killing a page or sweet little puppy she is like I smell sausage I smell bacon I would put onions in this but I really want the green peppers to kind of be the star of the show here hey I'm gonna put some onion powder in here I'm gonna put some cheese in hair I think I have more cheddar I'm gonna go check my refrigerator because I want to save this to the top get it in the oven alright so again this is going to bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes uncovered and we're gonna bake it until it's golden brown and bubbly I made this breakfast casserole differently I followed a new recipe it's basically everything that I use in mine but they just wanted you to pour it on top of the egg mixture which is weird because not all the bread got coated in with the ate all gonna be delicious so this looks a little different than mine up at the bottom the eggs are fluffy looking no sticky it's gonna be delicious so okay I'm gonna let this cool we'll wrap it up and we'll stick it in the freezer alright friends I hope this motivated you in some way even if you don't freeze them just make a couple of these breakfasts put them in your refrigerator and grab them in the morning and do all that jazz but knowing that my kids could go in there grab something microwave it really quick alright friends definitely tag me on Facebook or Instagram mostly Instagram with a hashtag for weeks to fill freezer okay thank you for joining me we'll see you soon bye
Channel: She's In Her Apron
Views: 1,007,490
Rating: 4.9008403 out of 5
Keywords: kimmy, kimmy hughes, she's in her apron, freezer meals, breakfast freezer meals, fill your freezer, feed your freezer, freezer cooking, freezer meal prep, meal prep, large family freezer meals, cook with me, easy freezer meals, make ahead meals, batch cooking
Id: Rds425Rv9bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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