Breakfast Freezer Meals! Freezer Meals for New Moms! Fill Your Freezer! Postpartum Prep

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hello party people today I'm sharing with you a lot of breakfast freezer meals you guys know I'm prepping for this baby and freezer meals are like my number one postpartum must-have I did a like dinner freezer meal video I'll link that below but this time we're focusing on breakfast I have five meal ideas cinnamon rolls waffles breakfast casseroles quiche and a special Pope's bread I also plan on making some breakfast burritos but that hasn't happened yet so we'll see if I get around to that before I actually have the baby because I'm do like a month ago anyway I hope this gives you some freezer meal inspiration because really who has time in the morning to make breakfast not me I'm going to start out with making some cinnamon rolls I got this recipe off of the tasty website I will link any and all recipes that I found down below cinnamon rolls often intimidate me but I think they're just so satisfying to watch someone make them so I hope you enjoy this I'm showing you just the beginning ingredients i melted 2 sticks of butter because I'm doubling the recipe and I will explain the rest while I do it here we go 4 cups of warm milk and it took me two minutes to warm it up it's not supposed to be hot not cold Goldilocks style okay just right 1 cup of sugar because we're doubling it you want to dump it in yep it's a half a cup and then illenore will do [Music] we're gonna do two packets of yeast which equates to each packet has two and a half teaspoons of yeast oh thank you we're just gonna mix it all in and then let it bloom for ten minutes as you can see our yeast proofed bloomed whatever you want to call it beautifully so we're gonna add a couple ingredients and finish up the dough just realized I have to add eight cups of flour to this it's not gonna fit so I need a bigger bowl story of my life this is the biggest one I have so fingers crossed why do I keep doubling my recipes [Music] I know that I haven't been who I was I am supposed to be the one you can't I was hoping that I would be able to use my KitchenAid to meet this looks like that's not gonna be able to happen for me and this is supposed to double in size at this point should I just go buy bigger bowls but like I also feel like I'm almost done with freezer cooking but then also conflicting emotions about what if I do this again man guys I'm a mess okay it's supposed to be a really sticky wet dough so far looking good I'm just gonna cover this and let it rise in a warm place for one hour so it's been quite a bit over an hour I'd say an hour and a half I get busy with other things yeah but you can definitely see it has risen what do we do now so to the dough we're gonna add two cups of flour because I doubled it and two teaspoons of baking powder Oh what else four teaspoons of salt which equates to one tablespoon and that's just to enhance the flavor give that a little whisk okay now we're I don't I mean Who am I gonna do the dilemma continues Kim just buy bigger bowls squish this down see if I can get some more room in here all right perfect look at that and use my gigantic muscles - OH mix this all together okay that looks cool I am going to dump it and knead it for 10 minutes incorporating as little additional flour as necessary so this is gonna be fun there's just something about homemade anything right homemade cinnamon rolls I can already tell this was very sticky so I'm just gonna add a tinge more we've been having the tradition in our house of eating cinnamon rolls every Sunday and I buy the really good quality ones like the Annie's organic ones because they're just so delicious they taste amazing but they are pretty pricey so this is going to save me money and hopefully they're going to be even more delicious so since I doubled the recipe do I have to knead this for 20 minutes yeah it's very sticky still so I'm gonna add a bit more I feel so used Miska Silas's down I hope there's some way I can make it alright there's a that suit is much more and it if you give me one more chance I swear I'll try my best to always be there okay good enough they say it's done when you poke your finger in and it starts to punch back at you [Music] so now I'm just going to roll this out into a perfect rectangle a perfect one took me about seven years to find my rolling pin that's how often I use it you know what I forgot I'm making bevel it's kind of guy was like feels good take out my entire counter what did I tell you perfect rectangle now we have to put together the filling so let's do that so into this dirty bowl that we just used yes we're gonna mix 3/4 cup of brown sugar a stick and a half of butter and this is for just one part of the recipe oh my god two tablespoons of cinnamon I'm not sure I have enough but I do have pumpkin pie spice as well finish it off I'm pretty sure I have more cinnamon elsewhere all right and then you just mix that together was a whisk the best choice probably not but I'll make it work so I don't want to want anything I will make it work I will make it work my muscles hurt I realized I have to spread it out with something anyway so I'm using this spatula that I just used to make chocolate chip cookie dough or cookies with so I just think that's added flavor okay better than tasting like soap okay that all looks delicious but is it gonna be enough [Music] I just don't know [Music] I've been so selfish and made you believe all right we have it all spread out and it was enough surprising now we're just gonna roll it up it's you're not good enough for me I take you places that you never been I was gonna use a serrated knife like I normally do but I have some dentist floss and I've never done this trick before so here we go Oh it works just as nice as it does in the movies the world if you let me try again yeah just I swear oh my gosh look out movie quality where these are instagram-worthy holy crap those are the best cinnamon rolls I have made so good one two three four five six not enough I'm gonna I'm gonna put one more oh my gosh yes can we just take a moment to appreciate the so world look how wonderful those love those are the best cinnamon rolls I've ever made in my entire life so the recipe the double recipe made four and a half trays here's the half but I'm just gonna throw that in the oven for us to enjoy right now but the cooking instructions after freezing you just thaw it in the fridge overnight or take it out at room temperature for a few hours in the morning 350 or 325 if they're starting to brown a lot for 25 to 30 minutes nice little Sunday treat okay we're gonna start on waffles because who doesn't love waffles and you guys know I've been obsessed with this little - waffle maker it makes waffles like the size of an egg Oh like it's smaller than my hand it's amazing and beautiful and magical however when you're cooking them in bulk or making them for many many people obviously it takes a really long time to pump out the waffles it takes two minutes I timed it two minutes for each waffle but I thought maybe I should upgrade since we're about to be a family of six that's weird okay so I found this one on Amazon and I had good reviews it was a decent price around $40 I want to say it makes four at a time and they're square which is what I wanted I mean these are circle and you can throw them in your toaster which is fantastic and why also why I bought it but the square ones that are bigger you can fit in the toaster and the previous waffle maker that I donated a few months ago was like circle but like too big for the toe do you know what I mean let's just get started that was way too much talk about waffle makers so I'm going the lazy way and I am going to make waffles from a box mix I bought three of them and since Pam is so lovely he got me this amazing giant bowl kind of back up my camera for that one this is so like I could bathe in this someone said perfect to bathe your baby in okay I'm just gonna dump them all in and these waffle mix has just happened to be on sale this one's different this is buttermilk but who cares I've been searching at Costco for forever but they only sell the paleo pancake it's just not cool I don't want that crap I want the good stuff and while these are super simple and they're complete and it says just add water you guys know I don't follow rules here I bought some buttermilk and not just any milk but a milk it's supposed to make it better I don't know how much I'm supposed to add now that I'm looking at three boxes I probably need more than this okay so the ratio is one cup makes three-quarters cup of water I'm also gonna add some eggs because that's how I roll I just feel like the waffles are gonna be so much better if I add the extras we don't follow actual rules around here geez Louise how many waffles do you think this is gonna make I'm gonna guess 500 watch it makes like 20 ok I'm going for it I'm just adding that amount of eggs cuz that's all I had in my container right here in front of me and we're just gonna add milk until our heart tells us to stop probably the entire container I'll probably need more oh my god okay you're gonna need some muscles if you're making this much in a bowl this big I'm definitely gonna need more this is dry and crispy I definitely underestimated how much liquid I need for three boxes of pancakes or waffles whatever can I make waffles with this who cares I need more oh man somebody call the Food Network tell them I'm available [Music] after 20 minutes of stirring I think we're good it's waffles so it suppose to be a lot thicker than pancake batter and if you're keeping track at this point which I don't know why you would but I used almost a whole half gallon and then the entire container of buttermilk let's finally start this party holy crap I don't think in this instance my little cookie scoop will suffice so I'm gonna use a cup measuring and I'll probably need 2 cups this might be too thick oh that's not oh I messed up that's okay who else could just look at pancake batter and waffle batter all day long this is so delicious satisfying it's go-time first batch is done oh those look beautiful think I need two forks maybe a spatula I will say these compared to the little mini ones they're thicker so like my kids don't eat as many at once so there's a perk there okay let's see how that does [Music] there's a ton about to do [Music] I just dunno [Music] it just give me one more chance I swear I'll try my best to always be there [Music] well you met to do [Music] I just [Music] and 20 years later the batter is gone and here are the waffles how many 68 waffles 68 waffles yes they look delicious I'm gonna let them cool down and then I'll cut them into fours and then throw them in a ziploc bag great wonderful [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so here's the lineup we're going to put together breakfast casseroles a couple of them and then for quiche using basically the same ingredients so here are my quiche I it's a loose okay so spinach and ham sausage and peppers ham and we'll see maybe broccoli maybe cheese I don't know bacon onion and cheese that sounds good and then the breakfast casserole I have to cook up some sausage for but I'm just gonna prep my veggies and stuff and we'll go from there I'll explain it these should be fairly easy to throw together I'm just cooking up three pounds of what is this sausage and then I have some bacon and then I'm gonna cook up the peppers and onions so cook it once use it three times while the sausage is cooking we're also going to start a race to see which one cooks faster the bacon or the sausage I'm not even sure I need this much bacon but why not so I'm throwing the bacon into a cold pan because apparently that's what's like render the fat better I don't know you know I just watched Food Network that's where I get my knowledge from and actually I don't even have a Food Network I have Hulu while all that crap is cooking we're moving over here and a lot of you have mentioned hey why are you wasting your life cutting vegetables and shredding cheese when you have a food processor I don't know I don't know I don't have the answers so I am going to roughly just dice these into like I don't corner pieces see them and throw them into my food processor and see if it gets the job done okay washed and ready to go I'm just gonna throw them in I don't I don't really know what I'm doing here you're probably like why do you need as many peppers I'm also making breakfast burritos along the way so let's see how this works out for us [Applause] so here's how it turned out if you want your peppers really finely diced this would be a great option for you aside from this little guy that didn't make it I think next time I'll do it by hand I'm old school I don't know what else to say I don't know if I'm over filling it but I feel like half of them I'm making pepper soup and then half of them just don't even get diced ah this is supposed to save me time come on the meat is now done I got carried away with the peppers and bacon got a little burn but my dad always told me if it's burnt it's good for your complexion and I know you guys are wondering I know I've kept you on edge who won the race who do you think it was the sausage but really it was not a fair race because I put the sausage on like five minutes before the bacon moving on but there's the final product of my peppers it's not sure if I'm gonna do that again or even if I was doing it the correct way I don't know and I missed out on a pie don't know what happened this guy missed the boat I am going to throw my onions in because I need them to cook evenly though I guess I just chop it up like so and then throw it in works for me probably get another onion I like onion so much you guys ever eat onions like apples no just me no I did not wash it oh great did I put the blade in that's happened like seven times great tattoo okay I'm gonna throw the peppers and onions into my my unwashed sausage pots cuz I'm not trying to do a million dishes you know oh these onions smells so good okay I imagine these are gonna cook fairly quickly since they're basically mush already and you know I'm not sure if I even have too these before I assemble the quiche oh wait I need it cooked for breakfast burritos okay okay hey thank you but we're gonna get cracking on these eggs and you guys guessed it I'm using my mega bowl this thing makes me laugh okay I'm cracking 24 eggs for to breakfast casseroles and yeah that's great one show already I have to tell you I initially wasn't gonna do Keeney's your breakfast casseroles my go-to is like breakfast burritos cuz they're just easy and fast however if this baby decides to come over do which is looking pretty likely at this point hello but Thanksgiving and Christmas well Thanksgiving is like a few days after my 42 week mark and I'm not about to make some fancy breakfast for everyone on Thanksgiving morning so this is a great alternative even if you're not expecting you can just have this ready to go on Thanksgiving morning you know what I mean because really who wants to make breakfast Thanksgiving morning anyway since you'll be making a million other things you know I mean oh great that was great that was really great 93 I'm a mess if you haven't noticed nice to meet you my name is Kim [Applause] this bowl is amazing everyone should have one yeah except for that I think I haven't looked at their recipe are you surprised I think you need half a cup of milk for each casserole so I'm just gonna eyeball like a cup of milk in there and that looks good and then some salt and pepper to your heart's desire but not too much salt you know what I mean is it worth it give it a mix and we need some cheese and I don't know how much cheese and I normally don't follow the recipe anyway so maybe I'm adding like two cups no no I'll link the recipe that has inspired this in the description box but you don't have to follow a recipe don't do it assembly time I'm adding these amazing they're potatoes with onions and peppers already added but if you don't like onions and peppers they sell them just the potatoes so there's that but if you really like onions and peppers you can add more one bag for each casserole simple and then I'm gonna add some sausage it's supposed to be half a pound for each casserole back up three pounds so I'm thinking just like a couple cups should do us I think you're also supposed to add bacon but I don't I feel like this is enough meat pS I was wrong about those onions I thought they would cook fast but it's been like seven years and they're still cooking so this right is this all I need you guys gonna see how ridiculous it is okay now we're gonna divvy up the egg mixture this bowl is ridiculous people I don't know what how I'm gonna do this I need more than 12 eggs I don't know we'll see where that gets us I would say that looks pretty pretty good maybe I don't know hey Ben maybe spray the pans before you add the stuff I don't know I don't care it'll be fine so this is what they look like I'm gonna throw them in the oven you cook them before you freeze them and I don't know what temperature I'm gonna have to look that up here it is 375 for like 35 to 40 minutes cool okay moving on to the quiche I don't know how many eggs I need for the quiche but I'm making four so I'm just gonna do all the eggs my understanding about quiche and correct me if I'm wrong is that it's very adaptable and you can pretty much add whatever you want to it am I wrong I looked up a bunch of recipes for quiche trying to get an understanding and they were all basically the same so I figured I don't need to follow a recipe I can kind of do my own thing I think last time I made a quiche on my channel I added mayonnaise mostly because I got it off of the Kraft website so it's bias I'm not adding mayonnaise this time spoiler alert [Music] I'm not a hundred percent sure you add milk to quiche but I'm just gonna say why not also don't know how much to add if you're supposed to so I'm just going with whatever I put in like that this pepper always makes me sneeze only this brand Terra I'm gonna make a spinach quiche so I put my spinach in the freezer cuz I felt like it was about to go bad so now it has thawed out and it looks like that thank you if you're wondering whether or not I'm sneezing on a food don't worry I am everyone will get my germs and be healthier for it I'm just chopping my spinach because no one wants like a humongous piece of spinach and their quiche right okay so there's that great moving on I got four pre-made yep easy way deep dish pie pans those look super my adding sausage to one of them I don't even know well I know I'm adding spinach and ham to one so let's do that ham it's not enough ham I bought two mostly cuz they were buy-one-get-one-free but yeah yeah that's plenty of ham holy crap and then the spinach I squeezed out all of the extra juice water whatever nutrients oh and then do I had cheese is that like a staple for a quiche or can I omit that let's just add it that's like a half a cup do I need more probably we'll do a little more and then fill the rest up with egg our egg mixture about three cups of egg now so simple next sauce it wait sausage is that what I'm hung up on sausage and peppers would that be good in the quiche why not what's the O so much juice okay so what's the difference between a quiche and a breakfast casserole nothing that's not the beginning of a joke I'm seriously wondering okay and then a cup of peppers and onions great and then the eggs great well let's do ham and cheese cuz if I don't do this it's gonna go bad I'm never gonna use it all right we have the bacon back there whoops forgot about that so ham I have a little bit of spinach left I'm just gonna throw on top of this and then cheese so basically the same thing as that that good okay okay that one looks better moving on to the bacon surely you don't need a whole pound of bacon but maybe we will I don't know oh my gosh what is this like quiche Lauren team Lauren Lowell it's not Lauren team was it called who I know it's like low or something I'm such a chef guys someone called Food Network Lorraine this is all rain I have no idea I'm gonna eat the rest of this baby anyway the quiche Lorraine time of bacon in it and what else I don't know bacon definitely cheese well does it definitely have sheep did I add cheese to that I don't think so losing my mind here guys I'm losing it I may have lost it a while ago it's a matter of fact okay bacon cheese peppers sure clearly I did so much research before I started assembling these all right it just goes to show you guys it's not rocket science we're just assembling some breakfast meals that's all I may need to crack a couple more eggs through this guy okay here they are and I'm going to also throw these in the oven at 375 for 35 to 40 minutes because that's how long I have to cook the breakfast casseroles for so why not I also think did I mention last time I made bacon and broccoli should have done that I'm not sure how bacon and peppers in it's gonna be great it's gonna be great and there's that so I managed to fit everything in there are you impressed Alex was all right man this is real life I can't make this stuff up I brought the quiche out of the I was going to show you guys little scoundrel came and took a piece of the crust that's my favorite part of a quiche I'll tell you what anyway the quiche cooked for like 40 minutes and then the casseroles they need at least 20 more minutes but everything looks good we'll ignore that I did have to cover them with tinfoil about I'd say like 30 minutes in there it is six nice meals for the family breakfast meals so I wrote on them really quickly I don't even know if you guys can see with all the reflection but for the quiche I did 325 keep the foil on for about 40 minutes I'm not exactly sure but around there should work until it's heated all the way through and then the breakfast casserole keep foil on 325 for about 40 minutes I don't know I even wrote like a question mark on there we'll see casseroles are probably gonna take more time in the oven but if you thaw them overnight they'll take less time or even just pulling them out earlier in the morning and letting them thaw for a couple hours this last recipe I want to share with you is Pope's bread okay it's a weird one guys are you ready for it it's like some Italian bread they call it something else but my family we call it Pope spread I'm dumping in four cups of nuts and you guys know my measurements they're not exact and this recipe is not exact anyway so it's kind of hard to follow but I will throw up the recipe card right here and you can take a screenshot of it if you're interested raisins I think you need like four ounces I'm pretty sure that equates to half a cup I guys I've dumped it in my hand and dumped it in the bowl like that's how we measure in my family that's why I am the way that I am hashtag no regrets I also dumped in some dried mango whatever fruit I have in my pantry I throw that in here's some grape jelly yes this recipe is getting weird but I promise you it's so good oh and even more gel you're supposed to have grape jelly juice like concentrate but I could only find the white so you know you work with what you have and then a crap-ton of honey like pretty sure I added more than what I even showed here I just kept trying to get half the jar because I don't do exact measurements so it's not like two cups or whatever it's like ounces and I'm not about to buy a kitchen scale and have all that extra utensils in my kitchen anyway I digress I'm shoving everything together and yes it looks weird but it's gonna be so delicious oh did I mention chocolate chips are in this bread how can it no little scoundrel is taking a few that's how we cook but this bread full disclosure most people who eat it for the first time if they are not like used to eating it like if they didn't grow up on it they're like what the heck did I just eat I'd like to call it a fruitcake but it's not it doesn't taste like a fruitcake at all it tastes like deliciousness and I'm throwing it in this breakfast freezer meal because every time I'm postpartum it happens around the holidays every four times now yes that's just how my body operates and it just so happens that I dad always makes this bread so it reminds me of postpartum for first thing second thing it is I'm not sure it's it's probably supposed to be a dessert bread let's just be honest here but who doesn't love dessert for breakfast can I just say that and it's just quick and easy for me to slice it up and I feel like I'm eating something semi healthy because it has nuts in it don't don't tell me I'm wrong okay just let me eat my Pope's bread full of chocolate for breakfast and let me feel the way I feel about myself I added some flour so this bread is supposed to be so thick it's so hard for me to mix it by hand so I have to take individual batches of it and mix it in my KitchenAid so I'm adding two cups of flour to each batch at a time and then I'm going to form it on my pan and what I do is I wet my hands because the batter is so sticky and thick which is supposed to be that way if it's runny then the bread won't come out right and so it kinda reminds me of a tootsie roll right now as I'm looking at it but it doesn't taste like one it tastes much better than its it's a roll but I'm just forming it into like a loaf kind of situation and I'm gonna do that with the remainder of the breads probably two breads I got per batch and then I'm gonna throw them in the oven and they are going to cook to perfection at what degree I don't remember but again it will be on that recipe card that I threw up I remember the first time I shared this recipe on my channel like a couple of years ago I had to call my dad and be like hey what's the right consistency for these breads and it's like one of those family recipes that's been passed down generation to generation and it's just like a little bit of this a little bit of that situation so let me know if you try it and enjoy it or if you don't enjoy it also I don't freeze these I wrap them in tin foil and just keep them at room temperature so not really a freezer meal but it's like a meal prep and they'll keep for months delicious that was it those are all my freezer meal breakfast ideas I hope you enjoyed it thank you so much for hanging out with me and cooking with me and if you want subscribe put a little happy in your day and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 717,884
Rating: 4.8863473 out of 5
Keywords: freezer meals, baby prep, postpartum prep, fill your freezer, freezer meal prep, meal prep, large family freezer meals, large family meal prep, make ahead meals, easy freezer meals, new mom freezer meals, postpartum freezer meals, the wads, thewads, breakfast freezer meals, breakfast freezer meal prep, breakfast freezer meal ideas, freezer cooking, postpartum food prep, freezer meals recipes, freezer meals before baby
Id: WhQGq4DRhzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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