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[Music] this could be interesting this espresso martini is well needed [Music] [Music] uh [Music] what's going on everyone welcome back to another little episode a bit of fun this one another little behind the scenes trip so uh this time we're heading up to fraser we've got the explore crew with us shooting a crack a couple of days let's go [Music] what's going on everyone welcome back to another little episode bit of fun this one another little behind the scenes trip so uh this time we're heading up to fraser we've got the explore crew with us we'll do a little walk around now introduce everyone but we're heading up to orca beach we've got a house a little bit flash so we got a house up there this time um which is the first time we've done it as a crew i've only kept i've only been in the house once ever on fraser so a little bit lavish do a little walk around now and i'll show you the convoy look who's feeding his face fat boy fat boy all right what's going on big dog give me some knuckle yes there we go where is big lofty big dog what do you got the nav mate you have a knife party shirt and you got the old hanes on the back ready to go that's it got em bogey's gone right oh so this is what you call extreme airing down so in the car here i've got the link system um so i've plugged one of the hoses on it's dropping down one tyre slowly let's pressure down then up front here got the ender plate from max truck and it's dropping down two ties at once so three ties going down at once how good show the boys how it's done kiane oh mr donny jeez you ate that pie quick mate i was hungry hey what are we doing we've already done that we're getting down gearing down tearing down jesus this should be a good trip don't ask me why but we got donny's boat we've got the big black marlin and now we got lofty's boat so we got about three boats for six people five people we're idiots so unfortunately jess couldn't make this trip she had to sit back and study so me mate pulled out on riding solo in the big rig should be a crack in a couple of days let's go and to round out the crew there is one late arrival there's always one in the group dean from the bush company and his beautiful family are coming along for the adventure all right well how good is this we've just pulled off the manta ray barge straight onto fraser island it doesn't matter how many times you do this you just get that feeling of uh freedom uh we got a beautiful drive now all the way up to orchid beach i might stop in for a quick little dip at our eli creek but um fraser island what a bloody magical little spot i've probably been over here i'd say 15 probably pushing 20 times now at least um and i'll be coming back here until i'm an old bastard what did you do mate well i didn't bend the chassis so we're cruising down the bench for on the two-way and then lofty was leading the charge up front next minute you see the nav fully airborne followed by the boat um how how was it mate bit of air there bus oh yeah i wasn't little taller than him which isn't saying much could have walked straight under so i had one inverted spring because the boat come down pretty hard luckily nothing's broken um lesson learnt sometimes you just got to slow down but you've got you've got a free wheel bearing check yeah yeah when you're cruising along on low tide 80k an hour which is the speed limit um you know normally you're fine but that one snuck out of nowhere it wasn't even the creek it was just a divot no it wasn't even creek just someone someone had gone down with a shovel i think and said here comes lofty [Music] all right so we just pulled up i'll tell you what they've done a good job with the photos it's a little bit a little bit rougher than we expected we're expecting a tri-level mansion yeah i think it'll still be nice just i just got a bit of [ __ ] laying around the yard hey this is sick oh wow that's pretty cool wow oh wow look at that all the kids rooms up top wow this is cool how's the view stays oh this is oh look out oh nice this is pretty cool what a bar there's going to be a few beers out here right today it looked a bit heavy going when we rocked up but it's mint inside absolutely absolutely absolutely gorgeous here we go we've rocked up at the uh massive tri-level home uh look this is just something you can rent straight off airbnb i think it costs us roughly three and a half grand for um what a year for five six nights six nine something like that split it's it sleeps something like 20 30 people absolutely massive nice little parking spot for a couple of boats down here so if you are looking for a spot uh it's pretty nice it's very nice actually inside is beautiful a little bit of grass around the outside orchid blue it's called and uh it's split so awkward blue orchid green it's like two completely separate little living areas crack a little spot this is home for the next couple of days let's get stuck in right so we have finally decided to get our asses up go for a little bit of an explore we come down onto the beach run down to uh i think it's woody point there's a little beach down here it's called secret beach and i've been coming here 10 15 years didn't even know it was here so i guess it is a secret beach now we've come down it's a nice little run down here you got to get over a couple little gerds boys are about to come up i left my car back at camp i'm on the tins today so let's see how the boys go away oh oh no the big dog can he get there he's done he's oh no look at that he's coming with too many berries why aren't you blowing into cool hose you reckon yeah showing him where it is and now i don't have to touch it i would take the piss out of him and say well this is a nissan thing but what did you do this morning it's like a day of tools mate yeah i know we are all tools actually i left mine at home and decided to opt for the uh the beer drinking right on the cans make a lot of noise there yeah and we're back in the game ladies and gentlemen boys and girls ah listen to our raw here we go can he do it yes he can now we can [Applause] so [Music] lofty blue little bad spot watch the sun go down have a couple of cold ones chew on a bit of a grub and that'll battle those rise and shine buddy boy what's the chances of us catching a fish today i reckon we're on today i've got a good feeling about it mate we've upgraded from our last previous setup last oh geez three years ago we've been done up here fishing out of a little three meter rubber ducky 13 foot rubber ducky cleaned up but mate cracker set and cracker set up so we've come back with the black marlin uh pocket full hopes of dreams and bait and uh we're out we're up this morning uh about four o'clock we've got some gear ready just running down to um woody point try and find somewhere that's safe enough to put this boat down look it's honestly the gutter that was here last time we were up here is 100 gone we're chatting to the locals and they're like i don't know the gutter's gone so they haven't put a boat in for weeks yeah so it's going to be interesting to say the least the weather is a little bit how's your father but um it's as good as it's going to get on the couple of days we're up here so we'll have a crack we'll get out there we'll probably get wet and uh we'll feel like we can bring over feed let's go what a beautiful morning let's get into it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do we got maddie i have no idea what's the car why no it's red it is red oh no what is it get it get the net get the name yes that is dinner up dude bloody beauty oh [ __ ] this could be it this could be a crack or cobia fish sponge make it sharp well we finally found the fish and then the shark decided to eat them all the tax man tax man took its tile we got a couple of tuskegees anyway and uh nice big sweet loot and uh donnie snake pretty good cod so boys we've got a good feed we've got a good feed but uh beats work right now we're going to try and make it through this bar oh the swell is just the wind's come up the wind has come up well mate we made it back just she was a little bit of an early ride coming in but they're both on the trailer we made it back a well deserved beer and uh swim at least we've got dinner yeah fish for dinner mate game on whoo all right well we just got stuck into the filling before we showed you all the fish but old lofty fish of the day look at it monster cobia absolute monster cobia um we had more me being spangled was a great um what do spangled got about three cod and um what six or seven um a couple of nice cars tuskys about ten huskies dean's in there doing the cods oh yeah we've got the parrot man oh the uh tusky down here all right let's go morning two after a uh crack a little afternoon few too many fish wraps for dinner last night hey it was good fish so we had a massive feed last night um fish tacos we had fish bites we had bloody goldfish cobia who would have thought that the meat in there is so bloody good it's on point so this morning we've got um both the boats hooked on we're going to leave lofty's boat here his trailers not quite as sturdy as the house so we're gonna take these ones we're gonna run through the inland truck over to the west coast uh it's still blowing a bit of that east south easterly so she's pretty choppy offshore try and get to platypus yeah jump over platypus hopefully we just set up there for the day kick back get everyone in the boats yeah let's see how we go let's go take it to the limit give everybody [Music] just pulled up on the beautiful west coast absolutely gorgeous over here proper white sand those blues green's absolutely incredible we're gonna drop both the boats in they'll be able to just chill there we've already seen a little bit of a tuna bust up so what a spot what a place treasure island it's hard to beat mate i'll tell ya [Music] all right so the plan is we're just grabbing some drinks out of the fridge um we're gonna load everyone into both boats which will be a little bit squishy but a couple of young kids will be [Music] the right is the amplified it's all that's required [Music] [Music] a thousand degrees [Music] [Music] is [Music] is going all exactly what i wanted oh absolutely [Music] [Music] all right so we just got the uh boat back on the trailer right now i gotta race back to camp try and get some reception i've actually got an episode going off tonight it is sunday so what a little spot have a look at this would ya for a sunday afternoon donny and alex had just got back absolutely glass let's go let's go day three over here and guess what we're back we're straight over to the west coast uh there's a couple of saw heads this morning we may have gave him a little bit of a nudge last night but we've come back over to the west coast look how bloody gorgeous that is that's going to fix a hangover what a cracking day we're going to get straight back out in the boats but just look at it gorgeous another cracking day in paradise all right so the whole crew's just come for a little wander there these uh little caves here forget the name of the rock point if you have a look on the map uh it's the first set of rocks up north of um platypus bay so pretty cool little cave [Music] there's a lot of room in this cave found a few stragglers okay very cool unfortunately you uh can't drive your car up this way but if you do have a tinny or a boat you can run up come have a look at these pretty bloody cool crack a little spot [Music] right oh so after a stellar little day on the beach we're gonna head home uh pretty soft little inland truck apparently there's a couple of people bogged up here so we're right here it's not a good sign what's going on here hey we have a couple of people stuck on the big hill the small hill the small hills not even the big hill and what's he running he's got a 79 twin lockers tiny little four meter punt ah and we're running five meters big-ass boats and uh i actually haven't even got the rear locker hooked up in this thing yet i still haven't run the airline whoops this would be interesting it's not even the big hill next one [Music] easy let's go [Music] [Music] i made it up without too much dramas even without turning traction control off apparently there's been a big bang from old donnie's car no i heard it it was pretty loud what happened mike wait look what i just found on the ground do you need that bit that's part of a like end of an axle no that's that's it's done it buddy um drive axle that's you that that goes on your drive axle that's your bearing on your on your we need we need to pull it's gonna have to be two wheel drive out of here okay but the issue is i think it's it's actually damaged the um it's come around and smacked the automatic transmission i think it's done damage to the transmission oh [ __ ] yeah tail shaft's done so we're gonna it's the rear holy that's the rear okay so let's unbolt this rear yeah okay let's unbolt this yeah then you'll still have front wheel drive alex he's in front of you he could technically still pull you if need be yeah and we can hook marco in front of the boat yeah or it doesn't matter well we've 100 done our drive shaft so on the 200s because when you chassis extend them you need to put a um another like little one into your actual setup and the little one has absolutely flogged itself off the back of the transfer case so or automatic transmission so we are now going to rip that off and i'll be two will drive out of here this could be interesting this espresso martini is well needed no comment you got somewhere to be mate i haven't forbid we ever see a diesel mechanic working this car any danger you boys getting off the truck instead of just laying on the floor and enjoying yourself oh it's going great i'll grab that hammer all right pull it up careful kevin don't let that come out that's it is this a 200 seriously so this this pin the pin that goes through yeah yeah the same as that right that's the one that snapped yeah yeah that's all there yeah so wait but essentially it's not too bad no no no [ __ ] miss piss oh 79. she just bought a 70. throws his boat toast his car i'm sure stacey will want to jump in [Music] [Music] oh yeah i heard it he's just down the bottom of this hill i hit a bank on the right i have so much momentum i was like oh snap in a second we got it let's go have some beers let's go well well well the pack up begins pack up has begun how's the heads boys rough so we didn't film too much yesterday it was a straight day we sort of just wanted to switch the cameras off and enjoy it just enjoy it it was good though cracking day so we've got a couple of little uh problems well i'm still in two-wheel drive yeah so dean's taking your boat yeah took my vote yesterday he's home safely he got through yeah and uh what have you done before range to brisbane i think so lofty's um transfer case is playing up he can't get out of low range so it might be a slow uh slow one back to the barge there mate yeah mate we'll sit on 40. 40 40 40k an hour um so donny's in two wheel drive this is in low range alex is low on oil did he get any oil yeah he got some oil he got some more so he may be you might know telling uh like a train i think yeah put yours in neutral well at least the uh new 79 is going all right so i just got to tow the boat back and we'll see how we go but pack up now we'll get out of here i tell you what i say it every time i come over here but how good is fraser island every time you come here there's a new experience or you find somewhere new to go like this time we stayed in a house um which you know i've only ever done that once before i still prefer camping on the west coast than staying in a house um because you're right there you can leave the boats in overnight those sorts of things but i tell you what with a big group of people and especially because we had some young families it's so good to come home to a house over here um especially with the boats because you bring them back every afternoon give them a hose down um you know so i think i'd definitely stay in a house again if we're towing boats if we're not towing boats i wouldn't worry about it um i'd rather just camp but the big boats if you're coming over here to hardcore fish and just get out every day um and then come back there's a nice little filleting table down the bottom there um you know it's a little bit safer for young kids as well being in a house you can lock lock the doors and instead of um having them run around on on the beach there for dingo safety but fraser island it is my all-time favorite camping destination you know the the top end's completely different to down the bottom you can do a whole trip just looking at lakes for three four days and then you can do a three day sitting on the west coast it's just got everything everything you could possibly want for an adventure is in this one spot on an island how good's living [Music] all right well there we go that's a wrap on an absolutely massive little uh trip up to fraser we had it all we had broken cars we caught fish alex got seasick and uh look lofty's car has gone back into two-wheel drive just as we pulled up to the barge ah the sand is nice and soft for donny so that's about it what a trip guys all right if you like this make sure you like subscribe we really do appreciate it if you've never been to fraser hurry up and get your ass over here until next time guys make sure you get out and enjoy the explore we're out of here [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Explore Life
Views: 84,983
Rating: 4.9256597 out of 5
Keywords: the explore life, fraser island, fishing orchid beach, orchid beach, west coast fraser, explore 4x4, explore crew, explore fraser island, brodie moss, ybs, b2b, catch and cook, 4wd action, 4wd 247, australia, beach camping
Id: ljJRpKrwlD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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