Break Ups & Make Ups | Season 6 Recap | Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta

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what Kurt is mad at me he's not mad at it [Music] [Music] No alleged father Steven Jordan probability of returning 99.9% 99.9 percent you know what I'm man now what you matter you know how much did he put me through to get this how do you feel about it it's a relief right now that I know hopefully you guys can do the right thing and really be honest with you put your differences aside I know he was a dad but now he's thinking to me that he's gonna be your life forever and I don't want him in my life so I don't know what it is a lot has been said and a lot has been done and I just wanna get with joseline and take it from there man so I'm gonna daddy I kind of wrap my head around it being true and all that but since I know now for sure it's all good the only problem is joseline hates me I've been trying to reach out to her every since been with the court but all I've gotten was a couple of crazy text messages I'll keep trying cuz I at least want to be by her side when the baby's born but joseline is a stubborn one so I know what I'm up against they said I don't want him at all embodies like he's gonna cut a check and he would not say his daughter that's gonna kill him I wanted to at some point we like to talk about custody and things like that it's about to get real hearing that Mimi wants to take her issues with joseline to the courtroom is not a good thing feel like I'm walking on a tightrope on one hand I got Mimi and Eva and on the other hand I got joseline and Bonnie and no man should be forced to make a decision like that I'm just trying to make things right with my whole family [Music] when I asked joseline to move in with Bonnie she basically laughed in my face little did I know she had the right idea as bad as I want to wake up to my new baby every day it's just not a situation that neither one of us are ready to manage looks just like me I can't you know like a mama I've been done a whole lot of thinking since TV asked me to move back in the house with Bonnie and today I am going to definitely tell him how I feel about everything but before I do that I have a couple of things that Stevie and I have to definitely sit straight the last time I was here you said to me okay I don't want you to go to Miami I want you to stay here with Ronnie and I want you to join dangerous right so I want to take the opportunity that you already offered to me I don't make better music with anybody for you I knew the Puerto Rican princess to come around joseline know she owes her career to me I was the best manager the best producer and I definitely made her richer so why wouldn't she want to get back on the dangerzone trend but now I got even more of a bigger problem since you were doing what she was doing I had to keep the brand moving so what does that mean I was looking for fresh new talent and I found some and I started working with him with him or her with her whatever she is Esther later she's got to go because it's only one latina and it ain't her Debbie knows for a fact he would never find another international superstar like me so Steven Jordan if you want this back I need you to go tell your fake-ass whack ass wannabe artist that you about to drop their hoe I have an obligation and a contract did you know I didn't she's cute yeah I forgive you but I didn't that [ __ ] ain't she a me she chant the Puerto Rican presence ayah so she will be you that's just Panamanian Ivana Rican moving forward I want to be in a place where we can raise our daughter in the same place I got a couple of surprises that you fish enough one for you and one for me the only thing it said today for the winner in a holy smokes and we'll get back to you managing me you got your work back you know we're setting a day easy a simple ester that may be the most unromantic proposal on record and I'm telling you I did not see that coming at all I know I asked Jocelyn Ambani to move into the crib but I damn sure wasn't looking to get married she went from laughing to my idea to a marriage proposal and I gotta wonder if she's feeling a little bit threatened but a panamanian got regardless I got a whole lot of people that I flip out over Jordan reconciliation Mimi will lose her mind and my daughters they might actually disown let's just take this step at a time hey some things that happened now we got a fix so still behind apologized to the kids for what things that you said from your Instagram and Twitter my girls didn't like joseline too much from the start after she crossed the line with the social media accusations they were done they want a stepmother to apologize I know that I said some things that I didn't mean to say because I was upset and I agreed to apologize because at the end of the day I'm a grown woman and I do make mistakes but I was not the only wrong person in this situation and I just wish that everybody could take responsibilities but what they've done let's fix these things if you want to move forward but I'm the only that thing at the end yourself lady now I got tons more lawyers because its contractual now then don't have to do what you have to do way and when you have to break the bad news with her I be there to support you cuz I'm young but I don't want to have to slap her silly tonight my girls are gonna sit down and talk to Jocelyn but a long time coming they had a rocky relationship since we first started dating when me and joseline went through a bad breakup she took the social media made some false accusations that she should have never made and of course my daughter's had a real big problem it's a big night tonight yeah really maybe or something I don't know it's me and Josh I'm gonna ever get together again or not but I have to take estrellita into consideration even if joseline and Bonnie move in together we're not about to get married tomorrow the first thing we got to do is get this family on the same page and that starts tonight Jocelyn's on the way and I want you to hear about she won't apologize y'all at least just be open you know we've all grown as people oh oh no it's all about love hopefully there's no tears today cuz you know I don't understand her when she's crying hopefully you don't cry you know bright never to tears I'm a G on crying you Savannah is a G but there definitely might be some tears in there somewhere why not let Savannah and shad they know about the proposed all I can do is try my best to break the news to him zip something happened the other day joseline came to the crib and she um I was like before you even think about that I need you to apologize to my daughters before we can even take any steps like they ain't like I'm about to go jump the broom anyways look at me then amaz if you ever marry that lady you're done stepmother I am on my way to go sit up with Stevie's daughters to have a conversation with them and to give them an apology for what I've done wrong no matter how sincere I am I know in the back of my mind that they are still going to give me a hard time because they never really want me to be with a dad's but last time I checked they daddy was a grown-ass man and all that biscuit is all mine what's up daddy why is it so quiet imma lay it up like this weird family these are my girls Bonnie's my girl Eve is your girl he was my girl you know joseline we're working on everything we got to do for you to be my girl in what world absolutely not she got a ring look I want to apologize for the Instagram situation I said a lot of mean things retaliating on what your dad was saying about me and Bonnie do you think that that justified what you know absolutely not but I could blame the finger on everybody I could point the finger on him you know what we've been through both of you guys know that and you know your dad put me through a lot cuz you always complain about your dad to me listen listen it's several times we had your back when you was writing he was yes yes I did I'm not saying listen nothing compared to what you dick but it'll never come for nobody's kid cuz I would never come for her the way that you came I would say that's all good I'm not trying to find a justification for what I've done I know what I've done is up I know what I've done was painful to your heart your heart it was a moment of me being immature it was a moment of me trying to get a kid he made me do that sort of guy yeah but the cameras please Hey deep breath look at me look at me I'm good I'm good okay I'm good I'm gonna show me show you good one of us gotta keep calm that Jocelyn proposes to me and wants me to marry it for real this time in the return she's supposed to apologize to my daughters but instead she turns into the victim and wants to fight sivanna what kind of policy is death a grown woman challenging the ATO to a fight I'm only 18 she's supposed to be a whole third II like talking about fighting you know we was talking about she apologized you good friend you can't beat me cuz I don't care about because it was never a sincere apology in the first it wasn't no apology she started crying laughing I'm glad my dad came out here to check on us instead of staying inside to kiss joslyn's ass you never know with him with all the crazy stuff Jocelyn put him in us through you would think he would just want to walk away but with Bonnie Bella here I know it's not that easy I love my baby sister but I have no idea when I'll ever be able to accept jostling in my life do you pray for money Bella every day that she turns out okay no one thing is this right love y'all know sending I love Bonnie not do anything to make sure that Bonnie is in the right hands you know I'm saying I'm gonna leave it like that whatever I got to do I'm gonna do that the holy thing that I thought about when I reacted that way is about you and Bonnie Bella because I know it's gonna make it harder for you that's the only thing I thought about what I want to do I didn't been in tough situations my whole life this one she's a couple crannies short of a hole Chris what about that ring Smith ring what you want a ring turn the phone off Sylar come on which is cool because we love being out with him well we get here we find out this is an event for my dad's label danger zone one thing I do know is it just Hernandez get up on that stage I'm throwing tomatoes at her head it's cool right it's really cute it is for right this is special affair tonight I'm making an announcement the danger zone is my last meeting with Johnson she disrespected my daughter with no remorse she kept my baby away from me and threatened to move to Miami and then her next breath she's asking me to come to New York so I can fire it as the leader with him something may right with all I know she's here don't tell me you got her here you know what baby mama here joseline get out one yeah stuttering he's hesitated and on top of that last night I heard that she booked an appearance on the Windy Williams show with me and her without even checking with me she wants us to introduce my baby to the world like one happy family and I'm not really feeling that right now so I had to make some decisions watch this and I have been through a lot and I changed my whole life for this woman I broke Mimi's heart I lost him the friends I messed up some business deals I haven't let the whole world think that we were married just to make a hassle ever marry no we wanted joseline Hernandez has given me a beautiful baby girl and for that I'm forever grateful and I'm definitely gonna be in my baby girl life forever but at some point the madness has got to end I want joseline to work with me a danger zone because you know the girl is a star and we made millions of dollars to go you got anyone can heart baby you're looking amazing I had a vision five years ago one day I produced four artists at an international I took joseline from nothing it's a super stardom and I'm the only one that could make that happen despite everything we've been through I think we make beautiful music together I just been grooming artists and building a month from nothing to something that's my passion killed in a month so I wanted to create dangers on that team I'd like to introduce to everybody come up here you deserve [Applause] [Music] the bottom line is nobody controls Stevie J but Stevie J Jocelyn who you're hoping I'll show up for this Wendy Williams interview but I'm hearing that letter handling business I'm not gonna fire an artist that's gonna make me money and I'm not going on the TV appearance if I don't want to and I'm not gonna let anyone take my baby away from you know we working on music right now and grind and we in this studio I'm sure there's gonna be hell to pay but just is gonna be fine on Wendy's couch without me she's always fun I'm always gonna be fine too cuz the good guys living large and I'm always in charge I'm happy to say that you are the first lady of danger zone and you deserve it I'm gonna take you to the top give it up to extra leader I did love the Latinas but this war are you she's pretty cute she probably I like her I'm glad to see anybody up on this dais except the Puerto Rican princess maybe my dad has finally seen the like [Music] I'm gonna be walking out of here you got two minutes with me you gotta help me fill me with this brat ass [ __ ] this what we tell me Danny don't play with me before I walk out your mother come on you do you get pushy and see what happens get pushy try try try try to get try the game you just got one time to disrespect and I'm gonna walk out this [ __ ] [Music] I just said what I said DJ and jocelyne are not here excuse me we promoted this as the family is coming you know I told you even the baby Bonnie was coming no they're not getting along enough to even be in the same building yeah forgot who the Cayenne I came here tonight to do my for my thing for the people that I love I'm just done with doing it I mean I can't do [ __ ] with you I have a conversation with you honey I can't have a conversation with Melissa and I he's the only people that I shoot with ain't no need for them to have me filming we're not under picture with them hoes but they don't want to do that didn't want me to get ugly they want me to they want me to waste my energy in the oh man my daughter my daughters nothing but you know what that's what they want me to go and then they tell them I love you they gonna haul my contro kill contracts like I'm gonna be filming movies think I'll give a bunch of contract kiss my mother yes kill contract I don't you call me please please don't let me film anything else to then that way I can focus on my business I'm good that's what's gonna be then that's what anyone do that tell them I make moves Love & hip-hop I am my good luck in HIPAA you know the hey I'm the Puerto Rican princess it's gonna take God to come down here and slow me down I've been sending a grimy ass jail cell for the last 24 hours thanks to Justin Hernandez I went in the top and wound up in handcuffs I had to bail myself out because outside of CTU was busy when I was released no one else cares to pick up my phone call and clued in my has been sitting in my house eating my food my mom's in town she's been helping me with the kids but sometimes I forget that her and I we just don't mix and I've been in group homes which my mother could have intercepted and stopped but she didn't now does she's sitting in my house and I answer the phone calls from jail it's just like another kick in the face what is going on there I try to cut yeah you tried to call me yeah you'd be so busy when I go to jail every time but you mad at me I'm mad at nobody I need to you know just you know move forward less coward stuck it around me and you ain't really for me like I spend my whole life nderstand what I'm saying so I'm just about to read all of it that's Jerry yo what's up what's that baby I keep Jerry on retainer he's my personal bail bondsman Jerry's became with like a member of the family it's been almost a decade I've known him it's kind of sad that I can count on him more than I can count on my own mom a lot of people have been doing me like really shady right through this whole ordeal you know you didn't answer the phone for another day you want to play like you just don't know what the hell was going on come back Jerry get up come here you serious take me take me back to jail take me back from jail this is what I've been dealing with my whole entire life like my mom has never raised me like the streets did the group homes dead juvenile I raised my damn self I learned so much through strangers and this is what I've been dealing with I want you to shut your mouth right now I can't Jeremy took a job like this is my mother Samantha aka finesse you think I'm a roller coaster this [ __ ] is a thriller [Music] so what's going on this whole thing well for us to come in bless this house with her all come together to try to do this reunification with you atomic okay Wow but here was one of the rules that was made you was not to drink me what's in the club let's start from this I know it's gonna be hard for the Buffalo and Tommy's gonna be mad cuz I swung a surprise on her but what they need to know is that we all get to support them [Music] so I walk in the door and the first person I see is my mom and I'm trying to figure out when the hell did her mom Andy become friends because she do not need those habits so then I see Tommy's mom so now I figured that KK must have followed up on her promise and connected my mom with Tommy's mom but between all these older women someone set up an intervention with Tommy and her mom and another thing time is gonna be too happy about it yo mama if you here I want you to know we had a mother's meeting as mothers we love you guys and it's very important that we display this to you at the end of the day first of all Tommy I know he's welcome to the intervention just let you know clearly this is kaykai's doing but she already tried her mediation thing and it failed now I have a meeting of the meddling moms I try to respect my elders but what part of I do not want a relationship with my mother right now don't they understand at one point in my life I was on that roller coaster you know and I couldn't get myself together and it's because of her that it bought me out of my desperate times of not even understanding what she was going through because of my own selfish reasons here's the rules you must be able to accept any and everything that she tell you openly listen with your ears not with your mouth okay okay so we're talking I'm just all ready to talk I'm so ready I don't know what else to do can we get a hug first we don't connect like that you know what I'm saying like I haven't hugged you in years and that hurts you know I'm your mother I'm trying to figure it out like what is the reason why we cannot be mother and daughter I just want mother and daughter relationship honey I don't come here and sit here in front of these people you can act like somebody has been neglecting you know let's have a daughter we're not all hugging terms that you're colder than me okay I don't know why that is and I was cold but I wasn't called to my kids why are we doing this while he wasn't there like you know you and I wasn't there you were gone okay mom I was a seventeen-year-old mom when I had you okay I know I didn't know how to be there no other kind of weight I was there I brought you everything from the bed I shopped at the mall for you I want the North tombs for you okay I stole for you I'm saying listen to my mother she looks like she boosted for her kids she's a great mom and she's serious like when you are care you want your mom at home not in jail this is some boat Sam what do we just talked about no matter what she said to you you were supposed to take it I can't you're supposed to take this not true you shut up look along oh you can do and say I'm sorry and I'm gonna do better as a mother been there I'd have been there I've done it I don't know but right here right now I not in one surge you say baby I'm sorry have you thought about some type of therapy yes like thank you guys may not need any therapy cell has some issues that she has to clarify clearly samantha is not owning up to her responsibilities in the pain that she's caused her daughter that pain ain't no joke and I felt that too many times these ladies need much more than the mothers club here they need some serious professional help so as difficult as it is for me I've agreed to meet with my mother for our first you know professional council session hi Tommy it may be a disaster I don't know but it's just like something I feel like it's time to do em dr. sherry I'm so glad you came I've had a chance to talk with your mom for a minute but also feel like there are two sides to every story why did you choose to come I just don't see no other way us working it out to be cordial you know saying so much interested in a relationship at this point every time I try it is just like put so much stress on my life and I'm just not interested in it anymore not gonna look at other people relationship with a mom like I don't see it's crap being you know in mama t I don't see a Rasheeda and my mother's intent right they so supportive did you miss out on the nurturing hugs kisses and mom is saying she really wants the relationship do you believe her when she says no because she lies and her reasons don't add up so you don't have a common understanding ice being the bad guy okay it doesn't matter like I don't care I don't understand how this gotta be like this I've been cleared up anything and I like what we've been doing swimming right see that's why I came here today right my biggest thing about the honesty and owning up it it's such stuff that you did to me as well like if you're not going to set me I want you to try something it's my way justify something out of here man it's pointless do this no more I can't this guy don't care about me listen I know it's tough healing is not easy it's painful sometimes but in order to heal you've got to feel the pain it is so hard to sit and listen to my child tell me what a terrible mom outfit we're having the same conversation we always have and I'm just tired of it I just want my baby back in my life I really would like you to come back here in this [ __ ] poser how are you feeling now I just wanted let's just apologize for tonight okay let's just do one day at a time all right come on okay mom's willing to come back in when it mom what won't you two talk to her [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I've never seen my mother on her knees and actually I don't I've never even think I've heard her apologize before I hope for God like I just hope to god this is not you know just an act I'm sorry I'm sorry I love my mother but so much has happened over the years it's gonna take a lot of energy and honesty to fix things but you know maybe this is a thought I don't want to add like nothing never happened anymore you understand that I just want us to just do a different [Music] so today I got my apology I just wanted her to acknowledge the things that she did wrong I'm willing to open my heart and forgiveness and I'm thinking maybe we could stay on this path and keep things going maybe after this therapy I may actually get to have a mother again right Yomi what why would you say something either and she said she came out of her mouth and says she my husband well she said she right in his face no [ __ ] did something bad why I can't tell if she's really just trying to [ __ ] me or not because what she's saying to me right now is not making anything my assistant and my husband no nope no way in hell you were lying if you had no idea okay like what the [ __ ] is going on like what day is there then you gonna have to confront her I didn't mean for it to come out like that I really didn't want to start no problem at Johnson's video shoot but damn this woman just keep taking me out of my character but even an evil witch like her deserves to know the truth hey um I need to go for real what's going on girl I'm sorry I want to just openly sit like this what's gonna I need to get in my phone what's going on okay my personal assistant told me that she went sleep wanted me I don't believe it I think you're on do some evil boo I like the evil what you're the lovely Mimi you did not tell me that this woman's man was sleeping with her sisters come on me you gotta bring all this mess into the positivity video go check the ball calm down I'm calm down focus in the in like on your grill and I can't focus because your teeth or like sorry I'm so I apologize okay what happened trying to be nice to help her this is supposed to be a woman empowerment and y'all bout to pull each other hair out I just felt like okay I'm sorry I know that this girl lovely Mimi hates me but throwing out false accusations about my husband now that takes it to a whole nother level I had enough with this [ __ ] lovely Mimi so right now what's going on in my head is Ciara don't beat this [ __ ] ass what you need to do is call your husband and your fake-ass assistant and get to the bottom of it right now lovely Mimi told me that you and Mariah had sex with each other please tell me that ain't true please didn't go just like that so you did so you had something right you Mariah thought Julian is way myself know you ain't got decided me you can't explain nothing I don't even know you know mo like who are you I'm like my hair look like going on with knit like that I got hard job at the ground shot put money in her pocket okay else won't you turn afraid business or clue listen I'm ready to go won't listen oh so you had sex with shooter now I understand that now when one sex monster year I was just threatening you I wasn't really gonna say nothing but you call what a idiot we before that's what you're saying come on I split by your side all these years you got kids baby mama drama that I deal with artists yeah I put up from you and you had the nerve to cheat on me with the hill I I'm to play awfully gotta go I go children is one lion lowdown pieces he's a dirty snake who came on to me I just saw the opportunity knocking and I thought why not make some money off of this but his lying lame ass mean nothing to me you know nothing right now right a toy you write you rant oh mountain now you made lovely Mimi yeah she told you total [Music] Virginia Tech in Atlanta the glam shop is the one place where you can get your nails done or your hair straightening curls but don't get it twisted you can also get a face beat but sometimes there isn't enough makeup to hide the ugly truth what's up world issue girls Ciara I'm the CEO of one of the highest lines in Atlanta the glam shot my Mariah I have 13 stylist networks beneath me but I got these new nail tech lovely Mimi she's the most rowdy of them all look what I drew CMS sugar maybe my boss's husband but he's also my size you need to give me some more bread you think this is enough hello hey Ciera how you doing you ain't got where about me jumps a line you got other stuff you got worried about what you're trying to say just put it out there right what he came on the knees we got a body of a 13 year old little boy ain't no way I know during the season you said like the glam shop is supposed to be a place that's kind of drama-free how does it always end up being the center of drama I've been in business for a long time and it was a struggle to get my business to where it said so I'm just not gonna let it get always why the ghetto because all I do is start drama they talk about each other all day let me ask you about working in the shop you were going into the shop daily knowing you were having an affair with her husband had a job that's why I went to the shop so when it was happening you didn't feel bad did you only feel bad when the show air she said she trusted you woman a woman I give you a real sincere apology being I apologize [Applause] I want to hear from Souter this is your wife your children with her all right I need to be able to see we need you to stop shooter is moon this is your wife you have children with her how do you feel about putting her in a position on national television that this woman is able to tell people what you've done sexually to her behind your wife's back I'm sorry baby I mean we only have relations that's a dead man how long did the affair last between you and run around it right at whim it's a true go take care at own costume written details here that while the money you were giving her the money and still sleeping with her a cup of tea okay ball pin I see I'm I will play baby what do you think about that do you agree no I don't you are a married woman now do you feel bad about the way that you told her yeah me my wife and missing out for months I can't talk to how does that make you feel um very hurtful I've been with him since I was nine years old you know it's a lot and it's like I'm trying to take it I'm on national TV I got styles in my shop that's looking at me like I'm crazy like [ __ ] you know any Stevie is it real is it what's going on you know I'm saying I go to work I work extra hard just so I won't feel that pain I keep myself busy just so I won't feel that pain son you know I'm saying its best when it's your best friend and I just can't up and walk out this is all I know have you forgiven shooter I'm working on it you're working I'm a firm believer in God and forgiveness is everything so I'm working on shooter is there anything else you want to say to your wife oh I just want you I just know like you read them button up your shirt [Applause] somehow someway you got pregnant to be honest with you it it Carly what does I means no I don't got gonna do that but then whose is it it's Kirk's baby I definitely don't believe that Jazmin understands the magnitude of drama that just opened up you just had a baby three months ago now it's all of a sudden Kirk's baby he just see a DNA this girl is telling me she got a baby by Kirk frost frost who I wasn't gonna tell anybody and maybe a party wasn't the right place but there's never gonna be a right time we're just gonna go ahead and shouldn't get a drink I just don't want it to be too much stronger yeah I didn't come with nobody I came with me okay me and this guy I don't know what Curtin indeed but that body language on that young lady I didn't feel like she was lying but that don't mean she was alive no you know what she did joke I didn't know none of it that's what a girl you didn't know that was the first time I ever heard that in my life on my kids is this right cuz if she's telling the truth what she does whole life is about to crash should I believe this [ __ ] because I don't want to go back to Rasheeda tell Rasheeda what's up but that's my friend ain't your place man when I was going on I forgot my wife alone as well ain't no way open and let my dog walk into this mess without a 9-1-1 what did you say I told her I said gross hit me ASAP hidden agenda 9-1-1 this is some [Music] wait wait wait come on well I don't know about yeah I came here tonight to pay my respects to joseline but I don't know what I just want you to know by seeing jack real pretty real pretty really really pretty like Ouachita pretty so I see Kurt walking into the party and I have to think quick on my feet I know he hasn't told his wife about me and the baby and I know he's gonna be upset that I let this secret out to his friends someone else will but here we are and I'm buzzed enough to deal with Kirk and his rat and it's time for him to face the truth okay I have a bit do I look like I got a baby bye do you know her a long time I ain't no king of mine called it ain't no teasing then I'm talking about partner right now all this whispering you know working for me I gotta look out for my girl machine this chick has put all my girls business out on Front Street I don't be shy now Kirk tell the truth we don't even know what's going on she said she's to see the child with you and I'm just like I want to get all the book out of respect I feel like you should know that's what it is this and I mean Carla could be as mad at me as she want to but you gotta face the fact I mean this is a cat let me sleep on this couch two years ago so you normally look out for Kirk you don't know me I might have seen you in Atlanta you don't know let's do uh if that's your response great because now I know where you stand oh you mean you never meet with me and my mother before what I'm listening look you know about Rasheeda of course so you know I'm a married man right of course what would you be doing me what would you be doing me as a married man I see you had some drinks huh Hey look this is a man that was at the hospital when our son was born he's been giving me money to help support our child but yet here he is in front of his friends acting as if he has no idea who I am I don't know whether to laugh or cry I was gonna do the masquerade thing I'm not here to be blamed for where I'm out of here Wow I just had the craziest ever happen as I go to the party I walk in and I see jock and Carly and em at the bar and Carly is just looking at me like deranged and crazy so I'm like what what's going on you've done it Nana you've really done like what are you talking about you've done it now yeah so me somebody said you got a baby with some chick what I'm thinking it's a joke so I'm looking like okay really I got a baby with chitku but then they brought come walking out the bag well who's the broad some drunk broad stumbling at the bar and like what's her name Jasmine she's just talking like yo you know yeah some I got a baby and you just something something and I'm looking like okay good and say I'm joking I'm sitting here trying to like absorb all this and keep in calm because at the end of the day you know you got to deal with facts but what I do know is I know my husband and I know that something ain't right about this story see I know don't play with me so you don't know the girl no well I said I may know the bra from a strip club though okay so you know her really don't know her but when she says she worked at a strip club that I've been in and I said oh okay well that's probably one of the girls out that strip club I'm confused all right you out here doing you ain't got no business doing and I know it might take a man a minutes it is my right to think to think should he be honest so is there anything you wanna let me know you ain't never No okay so she's just making a lot of sand yeah it would be but you know we've had our problems and the last thing you need is a problem I'm not I'm not trying to get in and under that it just sounds like the whole bunch of just like have a story type okay so not only is Kurt telling me the craziest story I've ever heard but he overhears stumbling and bumbling and flipping over worse it sounded like he didn't lost his mind and honestly I think you had but I tell you what I'm damn sure gonna get to the bottom of whatever it is he's trying to say there's a lot like some thirsty came in to try to get get on and I'm looking like what what would even make me their target basically so if you don't know how light it and you claim to be the target and it ain't known and ain't know nothing then the problem is solved ladies and gentlemen he is but if it is we kind of probably see a whole lot to say about yachting been in a relationship that you take care of her that Joe asks then had my child Carter around her and got the nerve to have a bum [ __ ] around your family that's not true so you need to tell me something to make me not want to strangle guy to you I mean I don't want to say is a lie but yeah I did like yeah I do know the girl so what's that what you're gonna go awesome just real is it a situation where I might up innocents yes did I [ __ ] around yes I wasn't in the relationship ain't been around on our family damn being around I kiss all that is all alive she live in the building did you know that yes I did did you put her in the building no I did now you didn't sit here and told this big-ass lie and then topped it off with a whole weak ass lame-ass confession you can't even keep it a thousand with a [ __ ] and on top of all that I'm so damn mad at you right now that I hadn't even focused on the fact that this [ __ ] it's claiming she got a baby by you why would you do that you wasn't thinking about me you wasn't thinking about Carter but I'm no you don't you don't okay you couldn't do in the dumps I might not be perfect but goddamn I'm gonna type of [ __ ] you wanna go a [ __ ] at the strip club that's what I get that's what I get from my friends what you gon do and get the I guess I really wouldn't expect Rasheeda to act any other way line is one of the worst things you can do to a woman but I lie because I really do love Rasheeda and I didn't want to hurt her I made a mistake you need to go before I've dragged you up out of here and I'm dead-ass serious cuz I'm two seconds away from just snatching your pay it off seriously well apparently the kids having a great idea about a spending quality time together had something to do with Kirk the entire time every time I try to get some space get a breather lo and behold here he comes popping up on me as he always does raining on my parade what are we doing they're like we need a family moment what you want to say I know everything has been crazy a knows embarrassing I know you're not happy about it I'm not neither very sure but I'm just want to figure out a way for us to kind of work around some of the things that I've done if that's even possible I don't know what the [ __ ] is gonna forgive me but I'm damn sure gonna try my hardest to get the family back together that's why I followed her to Jamaica that's why I've made the kids trick into this little getaway and that's why I law it up I did all this to protect Rasheeda on paper and I really hope she understands my intention I get you trying to fix something but in the midst of that mistake you put all this on the line it's not even just about me it's about him it's about him it's about her I feel like the only thing I could do is try to fix everything in front of me I can't go back and change time so this would be for you to this is paperwork for our situation if you want to do you know divorce I'm sorry you trying to tell me what exactly are you trying to leave me to this I don't want to drag you into my situation I'm just making sure you're free and clear if something was to happen in the future I don't want you to be tied down for something that I could do you know exactly what that is I'm gonna take the kids upstairs Kurt throwing these at me in front of the kids is completely inappropriate and what I'm trying to figure out is what the hell this means are you asking for a divorce I should be the one divorcing him it's just about the business or it's just about a possibility that this might be available I'm not trying to tell you to nothing that could mess with which you work off for I don't feel like you should work on anybody be able to dig in your pockets I totally agree today if it was a situation like that that's not cool okay so you beat me to the punch with this whole situation okay and you know I think to myself with you bringing me this that you're telling me something you told me in Jamaica about speaking to your lawyer about the stuff that you trying to work out doing what's going on I just didn't want it to be a financial burden or anything we built well what does this mean though hurry she's gonna read it she's gonna know she's a lawyer I mean that I'm taking some my lawyer I see what it is where she is a pretty smart girl she knows that I'm not looking for a divorce but these papers are here to protect her if she wants a divorce I want her to know I'm willing to give her everything I don't want this Jasmine girl to get her hands on anything that me and Rasheeda have worked so hard to build together do you understand what the most important thing is yeah family the most important thing right now is knowing if that baby is that's not my most important thing - your most important day my most important thing is my family this dirty son-in-law mine this paperwork is just another version of his slick [ __ ] trying to get out of taking a DNA test I'm not gonna let him get away with it anymore right now you in the wrong lane cherlene you in the midst of all this you running your mouth you're trying to get your 15 minutes are you getting a side check what you want Carter to not have his family you want kind not to have his father in the house with him like what are you getting out of breaking my family I can't control these two grown-ass people you don't even understand Kirk is 1/8000 he's pissed off he's yelling and screaming at everybody in his eyesight we all know mr. lien ain't nothing to play with he don't need to be yelling at her at the end of the day it turned into a situation that I was never [Music] is what I'm saying you see what this has done to my life to my family you think this is some easy to go through no it's not it's hell and people just sitting here thinking the things that we're going through is a bunch of bull no this is crazy this is as real as they get and I think we've already told y'all stop asking you to save the child put my brain I don't give a bloody hip-hop this got to stop doing this I think it's funny everybody don't is stop my family your dog gonna hunt me smile when you make me pop you don't even know what and I'm telling y'all joke I told you I stopped it I get it you're upset you're yelling at production you lost your family everything is crumbling your kids are only so many feet away from you you buggin the [ __ ] out and you know what I can't feel for you honestly because you've done this to yourself it's like when you in a marriage and a commitment and I grew up with this man and he's hurt me and it's crazy because he's also helped me grow to become the woman I am today but when you hurt somebody if you dismantle a bond that's the hardest thing to get over heartbreak is like the worst thing to get over and I don't want to cry no more I promise y'all I said I ain't gonna cry about this no more because at the end of the day this is a lesson but more than anything this is a lesson for you for you to understand what you doing you know we have children and that's the main thing that bothers me is we have children who look at you like a superhero you are a father if we you should do this you didn't think about a whole consequences of this and not only did you hurt me but you broke me did you realize the power of your relationship job is crying I didn't even know I see me me crying the air was crying I've never seen the whole cast cry about one relationship that's how powerful the bond that you guys have is I just want you guys to work for your family for your kids I know things happen nobody's perfect Kurt do I love Rasheed I love Rashida to death that is like my soul mate you know when you get yourself in a situation you just get there you know you just got to figure it out just pray two things get better it got a little heavy in here so we're gonna take a break you still haven't taken a DNA test so let me ask you this I know that you want to move forward but a part of moving forward is dealing with the situation and I'm talking about the DNA test the protection I wasn't gonna do it on national TV to get them scamming some they keep no [ __ ] what I want you to learn is don't try to set him up to get on and get money thinking that a child is gonna pave your way you're using that baby as a pawn to carry three people forward that's what she did do you wish that he would have taken the DNA test sooner how can you feel comfortable with not doing it you can't hold on to something like that you got to handle your business straight up how does it feel to know that Logan is not the father anyway he had to running so it is what it is in the case that canon is your son would you proceed with wanting to him to have a relationship with the rest of your children well I leave my son with some pimps and hoes is what you asked me what she do would you allow Canada to have a relationship with your children I think that would only be the right thing to do that child when they get older and look back and see how dumb his mommy is at the end of day nothing that baby can do about it you know and I wouldn't do that that's just not the type of woman I am sir Melissa I invited me to nayeth her day and I decided to come even though karlie was so rude to me the other day and I'm here to support the old lady and show her that I don't hold any grudges but I can be really Shady - yup latest are things nice its tuning me right all right you're with us stuff kinda reminds me of Santy Annys Thor back in downtown LA that Seattle is the fleet nothing wrong with shopping at the swap meet you know thought about how you know I would love for people to come support you know my accomplishment especially flowers on my 50s Lita this is Stevie's artist okay congratulations this is my first time bringing shine out in public and I know people were gonna be surprised [Music] so last time I was on was doubled every time right she's just so happened to have Fetty WAP sexy look ex on the home but it appears she died switch things up we've been together that long but we've been knowing each other I smile I know da Messina Sean but she doesn't seem like she was ready to take things public so I don't know was that Silvius and now does she bought him out and about I guess was she ready to take these to the next level and good for her how long y'all been together we've been knowing each other one withouten yo mama was a teacher oh this is the perfect love story going back a full round [Music] well you know we're gonna make it our complete guru this right here you don't do it you live it is my mother my thing well we're gonna do it oh my god [Music] I told the boys I got a plan and my plan was to get back in the house my wife's still mad at me I get it I messed up but the only way we gonna make things right if we live in fact under one roof as a family I miss my wife and I miss our daughter I gotta be that father figure and I got to be that husband well I was coming over what I can't see my family what family you can come in with the banks can lock like to play too much obviously waka think this is a game but what I've been through and what my girl Rashida's going through ain't nothing funny about that ki take your shoes off please I'm stayin over she just feeling right now because I've been there myself and it took a while for me to pull myself together and get back to living my life for me and here he comes rolling up this raggedy-ass suitcase it's gonna take a lot more than that he needs to come way stronger than this here's me won't buy you my house why are you you're not a part of this anymore why are you here with your bag I miss you you'll get over it you'll be okay ain't good no I wanted I love you I don't want to sleep on myself I miss you I miss Charlie I missed a dog I missed his life I mean why none of those things when you had it if I decide to let him back in my house it's gonna be on my time and I'm gonna have to see that he has completely changed I don't trust you I don't know how we can go anywhere with no type of trust I don't want to be home tossing and turning and blowing your phone up I can't do any more I'm tired of defending and holding my marriage down by myself [Music] so we go home you have a whole nother house why aren't you there no it's all for the house well you have no choice cuz you're not coming here I only have four bedrooms not enough room for you I'm gonna go on my couch and watch TV and you can go to whatever you call home now I can't see you Charlie you can see a witch you wait for it in a car IKEA pillow it's all my dog man you said it not me Jamie agreed to go on a date with her she wasn't that enthusiastic but Charlie Gardner is you know I mean I got some plan for a real special [Music] he worries in a movie theater oh I should have known nothing romantic can come from you see that very thing you want it's a lot of convincing for me to go under stable Walker so I'm thinking that he's gonna pull out all the stops so imagine my displeasure when I found out we want to the goddamn movies Michael right oh wow anything I was just playing huh okay roses candle he put a lot of thought into this and I'm touched just a little baby I know I already shot come with the bags you shot me right there now when I apologize so I want to start over and do it right well we're watching trust me baby let me show you all of this one Christ that's a strong word lo gonna start right ahead it's the beginning [Music] so besides all the boys that me and Waka had been through we've had some really great moments and now he's playing it all in this big screen and my wall is just starting to just break down such a punk what main walk-up went through last year it was extremely painful there was constant life of course there was high fidelity there was just a lot of stuff built up and it started to destroy me as a woman the problem that I had with myself was that I allowed it because I can't allow any man to break me like that again [Music] I'm confused that's nice all my passwords so I want social media I wanna I want to start off somewhere I don't want to be going through your stuff but it's not the right not like the point of going through it I just smell secret I mean that's it's the step I'm happy that you've taken it serious and you put some thought into it but we've been here before I know I I had to realize I ain't just hurt you I heard Charlie I heard our household I heard I born died without commitment I want to get so old timmy big thing is I broke the trust so I'm giving a lot of passwords everything we already going to again you know in the past man I had a couple interruptions I just need wiper you know whenever I'm not around it's free baby you got access to everything so honey you ain't got no secret loan in order for me to get past infidelities the Lions we gotta build trust so how are we supposed to get back to church then we stopped oh you lured me in the house that's a good start you can't show me without being in the house I'm not gonna lie I miss walking a lot and of course Charlie misses him tremendously and I'm not trying to give up on my marriage but letting him back into my house is a big step what is it for Saturday Lucy why not going talk to his hurler your I want you to come with me I can't go to here I got too much going on so two weeks you ever have as a well I'm not coming I was 11 I'll let you know and I'm gonna take picture this just in case tiny guys about this I'm a kiss from overseas unless you have a pet [Music] that would be [Music] that's not bad two together will rise above a year ago I was at a very low place in my life and now I'm watching my girl Rashidah go through the same thing well Walker did and what Kirk did I'm realizing it had nothing to do with me over schita they had all to do with them and their insecurities and the true test of relationship is what you decide to do through hard times and I decided personally that my marriage is worth fighting for Charlie I walk around my heartbeat and it feels so good to have their support while I do my own music I cannot wait for the world to see another side of Tammy Rivera mothers it's been a long time coming hey y'all it's sugar Yandy if you like that video make sure you subscribe to the new Love & Hip Hop YouTube channel all right
Channel: VH1 Love & Hip Hop
Views: 3,720,943
Rating: 4.773138 out of 5
Keywords: Karlie Redd, vh1, love and hip hop, lhh, lhhatl, Joseline Hernandez, Joseline LHHATL, Puerto Rican Princess, Mimi Faust, Mimi, Mimi LHHATL, Stevie J, Stevie J LHHATL, Joseline vs Mimi, Joseline and Mimi Fight, LHHATL Fight, LHHATL Argument, Reality Tv Fight, Love and Hip Hop Fight, LHHATL Season 6, Benzino, LHHATL Recap, Joseline and Stevie, Joseline and Mimi Faust, Joseline and Tommie, Joseline and Tammy
Id: rrzWUrtntbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 56sec (4316 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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