Spice Wants Change, Moniece & Karlie's Lie Detector Test | Season 8 Recap | Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so I've been taking about this lately and I realized that when I put into a box that's just the dancehall queen that I'm a big hit but now to break out from that I'm told that I need to change my look I came to interpret what everybody's too shy to say out loud that my look is too dark maybe I'm doing this out of spite but I'm gonna make spice great again the American Way I want to make sure I understand you want me to help you to lighten your skin color professionally yeah okay what um has led you to pursue this I believe that a lot of people kind of bash marry degrade me because I color my skin so I'm kind of provoking them a bit okay so let me tell you about the risk of skin bleaching anyone who's who's bleaching their skin may be using a topical product if you bleach is dangerous and can increase your risk for skin cancer and all these celebrity that standard risks to their body so many of the big celebrities they may not want to talk about it but the truth is they have lightened their skin and they don't seem to be like at risk they look like successes here in America quite often we will recommend chemical peels for the back the arms but people do chemical peels all the time but that don't really lighten them but it is not dramatic you're right right so let's say you really want to pursue this mm-hmm you would need to get a psychological evaluation way I mean anyone who wants to have a dramatic change in their appearance position psychological if I was a plastic surgeon and someone wants to change their offensive to me right now I'm gonna excuse myself and take my bad the nerve of this dermatologist and the nerve of on sim our Milan do is make it as an artist here in America but now I've been pulled in every direction I know lightening my skin it's politically incorrect but that is the drastic measure that I have to take the car load everyone for criticizing my local I'm not telling you that you need a psychological evaluation because I think you're crazy I just have to recommend any patient who wants to make a dramatic change like this really fully explore the options why not do it I'll let you know I have a new picture I will be here for you okay to assess the risk I'm not going to be shy don't think I will be ready and is not damaged and you're going to be or not it won't be negative right link from Jamaica AB Darcy spice the other night I'll come to check up on her and she advised me so her photos and of course I'm not gonna let my girl down so I came over to support her [Applause] [Music] Carly it's me it's me what's going on here this is really what I was talking about cuz as a black girl I go through a lot and I know that other people are going through a lot and I'm being bashed by the complexion and a color of my skin not by other race by my own race I mean I know spice was frustrated with her career now but when she invited me to a photo shoot I had no idea I was gonna be looking at white spice I get what she's coming from but is there any other way we could go about this I've been dealing with that since I was a child it happens in the school it happens at home it starts on the home hello ladies [Music] Paulie was coming to see Carly and spice let me introduce you to spice you're joking no funk creating awareness of colorism spice is a gorgeous Jamaican woman and a white Jamaican dancehall queen I don't think that's gonna roll over too well with anyone so this is not for real so I'm confused right now all I can say is walking in and seeing it it looks crazy as hell and you got me done right now but you're not intending on doing this in real life I'd have to do it the right way so I can get my I know you're joking skin but you don't need to bleed shells no but let's think what I'm saying okay you may not know what I'm going to as a darker skinned black woman in my life for 30 years dark skinned and I've been preaching about melanin cells blood but the same fashion this black girl about the color of their skin I knew and I needed to stop using my way of protesting I'm willing to go through all of this and the point is if I don't do this my daughter may not be as strong as me so she may go to the same thing that I went to as a child I also have a black daughter that has to world in this world and showing my daughter that she has to turn white to deal with her issues is not the way to go it's ridiculous and it doesn't make sense oh you are willing to be that sacrificial lamb to to bleach your enemy me before this call me that's exactly what I've been said from your step in air that I'm using myself as a living billboard did you hear any other idea if you're mad at us you're going to be mad at the world are you going to be able to make your point be ready with that exactly I know a lot of people may think it's self ate but it's that self ate when you do all this augmentation like oh you got your birthstone you were born with it why didn't you just love yourself the way you work but I've nursed for three years and my breast was flat as a mother because you don't want to do something about it I don't mean I don't want to do some my finger if you love your skin why would you sit here in the same sentence and turn around and say you was leeching never been in my shoes we all go through different things oh you look like a white woman trying to be black right now that's gonna look like a me a piece man do you know what the world is going to say when they see you acting like it's an adjustment Bandini yes by snowflake argue with one of his spies wife by memories and trying to please them so I I'm gonna see what they have to say know that because of both was finna whoops Freddy Krueger's for telling her that she needed to change her look and we both agreed that she didn't need to change our white guess what a [ __ ] is in game we know Sierra's coming so we gotta get all right my fiancee ball he's such a great guy when the moment we met we were together every day which prompted a quick engagement only five months after we met [Music] finally got my ring it was all well worth it I've been calling my best friend Crowley trying to find out what's going on with her engagement party I was wondering where my friend Ben I haven't heard from you in a while open a store three years ago hey you never not one time been at my store things it's the first time for the paparazzi I just came to check on you because I just heard that you have an engagement party and I was wondering why I wasn't invited guess what instead of missing and gossiping about me just call me and say I heard you're having an engagement party what's up so that's why I come here as a grown woman trying to talk to you because I feel like we go way back and then you've been there for each other overall the irony for you and I've been there for you as well it's true pulling out were friends it's why I realized what a cloud chaser she was and I want no part of that I'm engaged now so I'm putting all the dirty hos behind and no I don't want her in my engagement party I don't want her around me to be nor my friends at this point in my life I want to be around people that are influential in my life they're not acting drunk in the clubs that we used to do I don't want to do that no more number two I feel like you only hang around me because of who I know because of who I'm with but you know who my husband is right in 1942 stop missing okay they talk about way back home for everybody Carly and you started with me you will not have to go to all these star-studded event I'm his plus one and I be around all these celebrities that you wish you was around but no you have to get next to them that's why they call you a ho around you you are so touchy-feely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm really a my feelings about this miscarriage I'm home all night and I'm dealing with it by myself cuz mo went out of town to handle business but was done he left his computer at home and his phone was connected to it so I've been seeing all the text message exchanges that he's been dealing with young women in Arkansas so he's coming back today and I can't wait to walk in this door in front that's how they get though right back out the engagement party I don't talk to you well I'm coming to you on this in spas while I was there um something I've been knowing all this wonderful it is lace I was saying Eric Brown so sweet so what happened I'll kind of find out she had a cute and the kid is yours the whole time she was praying and I know she's saying it is I don't know trying to get a deal aces and now if this is my chair I'm gonna take care of myself if it's not can you listen for once it you can have marriages working through things being part in the shoe you know we trying to give me all this part is about something you are trying to get married early so you're not trying to get me at the end of the day I don't believe you I think I already been down this road twice Jacques had two sets of twins on me life had another baby on me done slept with the girl and now the baby city life today where I'm think you're just me my mood there's a reason why I didn't come over there cuz he had my hunger pregnant I'm damn sure not going down the aisle with this mother in another baby I have zero two hot one sleeping word I ain't been talking to her I had no contact it's not all this times only been two weeks I was trying to get a blood test before I brought it to you because I know the things that you meant in your past these two weeks not telling you that's kidding me don't you think that you stress me out enough you don't do that face me I don't know oh yeah anything you have asked me to doing this myself I'm done I have respect that you I have never cheated on you and no form offense and not communication that's not cheating German attention we had two conversations well how did she get your number I've sent it to hmm she said calm us in no ticks so you can see where four were what I see again from there had been one zero conversation miscarriage yes but don't worry about it it's cool go handle your baby I'll be together Oh I know I made mistakes I was looking at situation all wrong but I didn't put myself in your shoes to realize that if you were talking to somebody if you was doing something I would feel no matter how innocent it was no matter if he's trying to get back at their person or not and I'm sorry I'm truly sorry it won't be done this son I can assure you - any communication I'll tell you a no matter what it is I'm tired of the lies I want to forgive but I want you to listen oh it's so hard for me to trust you now [Music] but I'm willing to give us a fresh start I'm just gonna let you love me that's what's gonna be different and imma love you better just as much as we're doing it anyway in Africa gonna go get did I'm gonna try to look past all this baby mama drama just like machine in our talk this morning if he does have another child with another woman it's just something we don't have to deal with fighting with everyone in fright of what Moe is just not making me happy and at this point I just want to be happy just I hate to come off [Music] you may have your fault but deep down the side you look good man what's your lucky ability I had some prior obligations in Atlanta so I couldn't catch the same flight out with everyone else but the timing was perfect because while packing I got a phone call and I ended up not having to play out alone I just want to let everybody know that I brought somebody okay no ties in Israel you guys have been friends for way too long and I just at least wanted to see if you guys could clear the air and we don't do so much together like our families it's fine it who I need you to confess that you lied that I ever slept with you and your husband or you and your husband you and your car do it up if you confess that I'm good we can move past this one ain't no priests here so you know it's confession it is what it is but you need to confess that I never ever because you know I never did whatever would make you sleep good in that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me who never did nothing so all of this this whole discussion is about alleged sexual encounters that may or may not [Music] [Applause] I wanted to think that pool was gonna do right make nice this time but no I wanted to salvage our cliques friendship but I think it's time I waved the white flag [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] basically it was a hard decision but mo and I decided to make an appointment with dr. Jeff we love each other so much but both mo and I need to address the elephant in the room we've been dealing with some issues on how to communicate with each other things have gotten heated yeah real happy home by 2:00 a.m. no matter what and I need a mediator that's gonna come between in there and say no this is wrong this is right before we get married that's terrif already so it's okay this is the space where we can get a lot of things together and this is where we need to talk about this so if you communicate before to mommy will you tell me at 2:45 you were scared to tell him why I'm afraid to talk to him what are you afraid of if you're not home by 2:00 what's what's going to happen by saying nothing you're saying everything and Moe you've got to take some responsibility moe I need for you to step in here now I did that when we get the argument stuff my tone changes and what does it be my nature it's more aggressive and they go to the screen some time because it's heated and how heat it for that I do apologize to you for is it certain things that I should never say see you ain't no formal fit and I'm sorry for that I feel like our problems are minor stuff like stuff that shouldn't even be in existence there's things that I have but like but it may be minor to you but and it's funny this was I feel this is symbolic of what the two of you all are you okay that's okay it's obvious what's going on in your relationship is tumultuous if she tells you that she's hurt if she tells you that she feels that things are a little bit too strict then you need to say to her okay I will do better you have me well you tell me that did you ever say that moment yes if you already knew mo let me say there's no no no no Zamir I just let him talk just let him talk I bought mo here cuz I really wanted to make things work but if just mentioning some of this stuff will make him walk out and take his engagement ring off I don't know how this is gonna work but I'm gonna keep my ring on until I decide what I'm gonna do well mo couldn't stand the heat at this point he has not developed the emotional skill to be able to admit some of the things that he did it's about getting up and running away that's what he always does he loves you and he's trying to hold you like this but that doesn't work in a relationship don't let the desires to have the storybook ending take you to a place where you're not working out the tough issues and that means that you don't allow disrespect to happen and be willing to walk away if you have to if you're not getting that respect I love mo so much but he has a lot of work to do on himself I don't know what tomorrow holds but I know storming out on a counselling session is not a good look on our future so Carly as we wrap up one last thing this is the ring the ring that's not just a symbol of marriage it's a symbol of commitment he gave you the ring back that you kept your ring on I recommend that you love yourself first keep your dignity because you did the hard you earned it today let me give you a hug anyone greetings all my name is Nagi and I am whose daughter I like to say that you can measure your success by how successful your children are just from my accomplishments alone me finishing college my master's getting my DDS my mom helping me through all of that I would like to thank my mother for giving me everything that I wanted at the age of 25 and I absolutely love her and I know my two other sisters would feel the same [Music] this drives me the wrong way she always wanted to talk about her sex life and no one cares but I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt tonight at this classy event I'm gonna make sure that everything's face appropriate I came to see Carly and Carly story your daughter's beautiful friend tell me your daughter's name yes I want you to give a dedication to your mother so I love miles she's very strict on me she makes sure like I'm doing everything I need to do in life she wants me on the right track and I appreciate it for that Oh Carly what is it that you want to tell your amazing daughter just a la that you guys don't really get to see my daughter's because I I shelter her it's been bothering me because my daughter had quit school because she's been teased about some things that have been going on and maybe a graduate about what these people say I just wanted to let you know and let everybody else know I talked about detector test to prove to my friends and my daughter and my family and to prove that any accusations about me have been wrong so all the teasing that you've been getting anything that people think about you it's not true I was so hot Sakana and who were able to put their differences be kind to each other and then here goes Carly who has to reveal a lie-detector test why here why now I can't believe she took a lie-detector test without us around I don't trust nothing that comes out of your mouth and no paperwork from you okay so you can take that lie detector test and stick it up yet No [Music] [Music] pinks purples rays [Music] the stuff with one car leave it from ridiculous to complete insanity both sides are not backing down and all of this mess is sucking in everybody else including me don't worry about I got a secret admirer BK had one more chance he done cut his lashes and I'm not going back we all know that I've taken BK back a million times after he's done some lame-ass [ __ ] but this time I'm done and clearly it's been a line of guys that's been waiting to replaces that so who needs him listen after the cabins you already know if we don't be so stop one day I'm thinking I'm gonna have a great time it Carly comes telling me like Oh friend I forgot to tell you about BK and poo from my [ __ ] walk you and seventy six months ago a few weeks ago I had a conversation with poo Mimi use them who was our lollygagging all up in my face hee hee ha ha and mention nothing whole BK in her situation so mosquito diet who you trying to say five more because we've been chilling but on the flip side he do one more thing he's up period I tried to get poo and Carlie together to try to talk to oh so wait so who threw this cocktail party which many out came cardi come soon as she walked through the door it was some boy who was really trying to have a conversation she really was Hardy was not caring it when I tell you to got so lucky who ended up picking up this big-ass bar stool I know poo and Carly very well I like both these girls but I'm not gonna be the one to take sides I'm gonna stay out of this and I pray these two girls work this out between themselves Oh looks okay I know you say you're not keeping the sessions you keep the session with that bass I got so fun for this session don't say man I don't mind keeping my passion my main man because we are ready to spit the money on it Chicago girl you go ahead and don't you got a little [ __ ] probably deserve it you know she gotta feel like we're all bully before edgar is fat about [Music] I tried to squash the beef with Carly but she wasn't having it and neither was i but I have a serious issue about what she was telling the other girls I'm disappointed that Ciara wasn't at my cocktail party because BK tried to talk to me and I set it down I wanted to come talk to you about cat cora's Carly beat me to the punch I met you too Carly that you come you're coming today to tell me Carly said trooper so you but never a mentality well I would call her and say now they're saying you're the new finance [ __ ] so you might as well if you're gonna do some desks on him oh you mean much conversation because I'm not doing that which other way around you are no listen who you were supposed to come here explain and apologize not cost the arrow home you are your own worst enemy what do you saying you marry with way and you really need to get your ass up out of yours that's what you need to do because you're uninvited then I'll buy the tail you bring us something of these rich and rich like you just uh me welcome [Music] [Music] alone [Music] again Bailey to Seattle lose together and since we've been going through what we going through I haven't seen my dog six listen I miss my dog but I really missed the era too so kind of checkup order to get my dog right now everything I said be packing I've been doing me and live in my best life I'm good so I don't need you like coming by what's your name you don't know no I came here to so Sierra how much you mean to me but right now the sea he'll come out of mouth like that this is wholly disrespect so with disrespect so you gonna disrespect me you said yo [Music] don't make me for you you are [Music] business that the glam shop has been growing and now that I own the building that's the line it's getting a facelift I was supposed to meet up with scrap the other night but to be honest until I figure out my truth others will be I feel like his only right that I just focus on my business and my shot renovations what you doing I really feel terrible what happened other - Ciara house I heard through the grapevine that Sierra's days some other guy but no arguments we're just gonna do a lot of making up nice thank you but don't be just coming back here like everything is good everything is going Nick Denis yeah I mean but like guys I've been texting and trying to get at you so who's this new guy and what know that I love you so much and if you want to be happy with another person I want you to but you know your happiness it I'm sorry do you forgive me please this other guy don't you nothing I know you don't mean that to you because if you mean something to you you want me let me hold your hand you know you love me and I love you you're gonna go through crazy stuff in a relationship no relationships with me personally be canonized relationship is always up and down after the fight I must admit that I was a little petty for keeping our dog and I was just hoping that BK with Amy was scrapped so he's asking you man you need to line up is know that you have a it so II I'm saying I'm sorry my heart is crying out for you I don't want to lose you like this come on here - come on and if you cook up a gear you know what I do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why do you think it's to bunnies you guys I know how to keep the secret after my crazy relationship with the money father I learned how to approach my love life like me and my new man or a very low-key bear and I want to keep it that way no strength is best for freedom the ground [Music] I just make sure they have everything having one baby is lots of work so having two it's super scary I know that I'm gonna meet lots and lots of help and much ones dad is very supportive and he's there for me and the twins hands down but I need to make sure that money's like remain steady it breaks my heart that she's coloring artists drumming with the grandma but I'm still in awe of how mature and grown my daughter is for you this is real company - coming back home - baby it's funny all these people come [Music] the money at the grown up to be such a beautiful strong young lady and it's because of her that I'm just as confident they her two sisters that on a girl to be just as beautiful and strong as she [Music] and I'm finna take the front row seat jack and deliver this baby [Music] but everything's different now hey LM wrong this should be my baby boy [Music] scarfie is gonna have so much fun with this little boy I can already hear them in a backyard playing basketball and scrap teaching breelan his little lingo [Music] let's see I love you buddy money that's my heart we popped the swarm Sam but my son he gonna come with it jack hey there's another guy out there my DNA hat and he's coming to you so you better watch out world [Music] scrapp deleon is finally free but only for a few hours it turns out that I do have a blood relative without a criminal record hey oh my god mom's hit me with some big news the other day she told me that I got a half-sister and I never knew existed that Cheyenne the timing is perfect without shining in her clean record I won't have nobody else to check me out the halfway house but this temporary freedom it still has its limitations I can only stand my mom's on my sister house but here a lot of taking this was gonna keep me going until I make parole what honey Jung Joo can't break man that man come on come on now okay this is nice see now that's the problem that thing I don't get no personal special that the people you marvel hello this isn't one thousand one three to five - you know these people call me three four five times a day to see where I'm at that's why you won't go to jail well some one time you know she rises some time I don't know the ins and outs you know the people always say you allegedly did something I'm always rooting for the not guilty verdict all of those people who was so important before you live it wasn't their baby that says you got me you got shine if it don't be for her you wouldn't be sitting right here right now so get focused be about your a future three years of definitely put some focus in a lot of time to think you definitely get a lot of time to think so when my mom told me I had assisted I was coming to get me I was happy to be getting out but then again why am I just now finding out I got a sister you know me and her got the same last name and I have a whole sister over here that you didn't tell me about I knew that you had a sibling but I didn't know the gender how long you had a sibling from the time that your dad cheated and got her mom pregnant and she was in the womb well I didn't know if the mother delivered a knife but August fear from 1988 I never seen him no more since then I never heard not one word from it just cuz the world that was in the street I thought you dead was dead so by the time we use nineteen you ask me I tell you is dead cuz he he was dead I never heard from him we needed somebody to get you out and it turns out he was alive that's how to matter so answer this for me if says or you'd have been able to pull me out of Center you wouldn't know Cheyenne today wolf so long story short is if I never went to prison mom's would have never took the time to find out if pops was still living I ain't feeling that dukes might not be coming clean now but I'm gonna get answers eventually how long was he locked up twenty three years how old are you 30 I'm thirty like get on twins yeah yeah how you been in contact with your dad since well I went to the prison has seen him a few times I always talk to him see what I always called my grandmother's house mmm that's a sweet mm-hmm but then he did have a stroke and he had an aneurysm why he was in prison and there was like a big medical issue with him so when he did come home today at the end it last a couple of years so he's coming to town soon about how you feel about you know finally Mina when you won't questions answer you gotta go to the source well I was right side you ain't been I can build such a system [Music] in the past year since I've been incarcerated when Lisa's been a good friend of mine whenever I picked up that phone to call her she always answered the crazy thing is my mom's introduced this they met at an industry event and that's when mom started playing cupid the scrap and I were introduced by KK via phone it didn't feel like a setup like I want you to be with my son and it wasn't until the relationship with my ex-girlfriend was dead that I even entertained the idea of having something more than a friendship what's interesting about me and moniece his relationship is that we can sit on the phone for hours there's some type of bond and it shows that there's some type of interest there I'm almost finished it's almost over but really not soon and one sakes I just found out the other day parole is on the table for me but it's only a hearing even the potential of freedom is excited you'll be here for a little of it yeah okay now that's the problem you get two officers that I'm working with here and the healthy marriage I don't think I want to say marriage in a healthy Union I like the way that sounds work doesn't come first no okay well I'm willing to continue to put in the effort the time to continue to come down here but you've got the kid you've got baby mamas and my comparison is actually going pretty good [Music] I also understand that the only reason you would get grief about me as if baby mamas don't love Anita just gonna drop that little guy in the bucket I am a woman okay just like you can't help it you understand one I'm not chasing out the tiara I don't care if she throwing herself at a second me and Mo don't even know how far we taking this relationship the last thing I need is more needs to be feeling insecure about my son's money I'm excited you're gonna really excited be doing [Music] by the way sir like I love this man and I've made it very clear that I want to see why relationship kick up by him disappearing at the welcome home party that I do for him I've been here way too long not to know where she got some upper sleep I don't know what it is but at this point I understand away from all trouble you see my grave [Music] it sounds like you got someone your chest already I know your hole in the Empire well I don't like how I do a party for you and then you just disappeared no - thank you see you later kiss my ass thereby they didn't know where you were so where'd you go I had a friend take me back to the center that's six o'clock you know well you can say by not coming to get a text that's like telling me where you went and I'm like the head so who took your ugly ass home poop oh oh because you can't think of a lot home who is it a young lady friend of mine you alone so you must be like sleeping with this lady friend all right I don't know you stop with new people so in our efforts of it Nina does turning over a new leaf right definitely so I can handle whatever you tell me okay what's her name what the hell you got going on Homer's money so money's all mony slaughter are you serious crap you dead that's what one day slaughter might be in the blogs talk about everybody kids bunnies say first and foremost know first and foremost these nuts she's trying to have a threesome you've been locked up shortage um I don't do this bet you six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve times I'm not trying to be involved when they near that before the reading talking about I just told you out when she came to take me back yes we've had relations [Music] [Music] I'm been a good relationship and I've been in that relationship but scrap has hurt me more than anyone else he knows I thought about him and I think he just likes to play with my emotions in at the halfway house is a very delicate situation and I can't be involved in no type of altercation that might mess up my chances being paroled so I had to remove myself completely from this situation right here I gave her the benefit of the doubt being a change this is a girl phone but take yourself at all times I got costly oh hello to you too [Music] unless I'm sitting with you in a coffee shop on a Friday night after 8 p.m. which means you're out a halfway house we didn't say a word like I feel really dude so it never crossed your mind that I might want it to surprise me you ruined it I ruined it manipulation you know my ex-girlfriend used to do that to me but I've seen you on the shade room kissing your ex Tommy there you are on the blogs holding her kissing her the way you hold me and kiss me so how am I supposed to feel and then on top of it your baby mama has an issue with me every time I see her on social media talking I don't say to her you're making you can rein her back in or I can just remove myself altogether you let me know what you prefer I'm not even going to attempt to do that that is a grown woman it doesn't feel good I swore that this feeling that I happened I would never have again unless someone was down on one knee now I started to think like is it me am I crazy I don't understand that question force is not you in this case is me I definitely feel bad about her and moniece his feelings because when I was locked away moniece was definitely the type of woman that a man in prison won so I wanted to defuse this situation in the most gentle manner as I could for a year and a half on and off you when I communicated and you were my confidante I cried tears on the phone to you you were so supportive so I know you have that ability I can't allow you to give me anything less so you think you're capable and I will walk out this door and whatever we had can be dead I'll plant a coal pin and raise my children that's what I plan a bit scribe is such a basic [ __ ] I don't deserve to be lied to used for right now I'm looking at scratch through the rearview mirrors [Music] [Music] [Music] happy anniversary you believe I didn't put it with joke ass 19 years married let's say that yeah I'm not gonna set these last 19 years of marriage been easy but I'm standing here so that's saying a lot but this should be about family and even though it's been hard I'm ready to my family can I say hello hi I call I was sort of dreading this day because you know it represents a situation that was just so devastating to my life and I definitely see some adjustments that need to be made I think I don't draw so he got a pimp wrong you don't want me to see them pull up you'll need to have on it too wearing drawers this is my first time meeting Canon and yes it is a bit of an eye-opener yeah he isn't as terrible twos but I ain't gonna lie if he was being raised in my household ain't no pull upset - how does the whole communication even though he's always with his his grandma he'll see and communicate and looking on the gram his party party party and my whole thing is always your sins like but what are you doing with the brave you at least want to be communicating and figuring out if he's getting everything he needs is everything good I'm more concerned about his well-being right now making sure if I can work something a lot of guys might be good with just paying a child support money but that's not good enough for me because my relationship we can is mom I don't really be around her like that I really just want to make sure cannons good when he's in his mom's care and the only way to do that is to talk to her mom and her grandma who really take a cat candy I don't want to worry you about that on this great day as I anniversary I don't want your mind to be on that so hard you can't resist a little cute look little cutie pie but he gonna have to get used to how she my run things around here it's okay you gonna get another one we got more no turn [Music] all the things about Kenan and how he's being raised I was gonna confront Jasmine on it but I know that's gonna be nut butter argument I figured since Kelsey is always picking up cannon from his grandmother's house I felt like I'll reach out to James's mom and just check it and see how my son is being raised myself I feel like we're in a decent place I just have a little concerns you know sometimes jazz is partying and this is my concern I got mad at her because she might hit me and say I need to go do this I'm going to a party in LA and I just need you to watch him but I just wanted to make you guys aware my mom and grandma was gonna have a conversation with him without telling me that he was coming over so I thought that it would be more productive if I just swung by and cut out the middleman so we could get to the bottom of things so we've been talking about Hannah's well-being just chopping it up about how he's taking care of her it had a little concern because he thinks she party a lot what gives you that impression well I don't like when I get a text or get a call saying from Kelsey like hey um you need to eat candy right quick I need to fly to LA cuz I'm going to a party one time once haven't been there for any birthdays you want to host family first one things I just don't like it when I feel like I'm working busting my ass and you hit me with I need to go party's been around and I for me - for you to tell me that I partied too much Kurt just recently got involved with his son and he wants to call me out on my parenting he needs to become a father before he can even think about commenting on me as a mother I just want you to have more of a relationship with him I spend a lot of money money doesn't make you a father okay so here's another issue I feel like why's he's still wearing a pull-up because these two years they're coming from me spending more time with him and him spending the night you know I get pushed even at home to make sure you're doing your job as a father so I said you don't got nobody in yet here this is like this is somebody that asked me what is he doing yes she may ask dad why is he still going pull-ups you need to get on a ship and saying to me you need to make sure you sound to me like you've taken baby steps because of rashida no that's not true if we she has these many concerns why not have a conversation with me about it especially when carcass son and his daughter Kelsey to be the middleman on how we really can e something needs to be worked out okay he needs to really visit more often I will do like this work on being in TEKT you need to have as I recommend you and her to get in contact with each other why can't be something direct work on it seriously this is almost giving me like make green like a little taste of I like this you can gonna let it we're still in full renovation mode for Frost Bistro vibe and after talking to everyone at the trampoline park the other day I decided it's time to do away with the igb and let me talk to Jasmine and explain to her how communication should be I let y'all talk I had saw the post that you had did on social media so I said well maybe we should have a conversation so I can kind of see what can be done to like calm those type of antics down okay well I mean I've heard from the grapevine that you and Kurt kinda had something to say about can is still being him pull ups at 2:00 and I felt like that was kind of a dig at you know my motherhood and my mothering skills that was just general meat talking okay and out loud okay he's still in his pull-ups we don't work on that you see how you communicate in all of this to me right now I wish that we had type of communication other than Kelsey you know this relationship is this is a very weird thing yeah you understand what I'm saying though and you have to kind of understand and respect the process right and me just being honest I think it's some goals that needed to be done on your side yeah I'm still learning young sometimes I last shot without thinking first you know I'm human I can admit that posting things on Instagram probably isn't the most girl thing to do all I've ever wanted was this kind of communication that I'm having with rashida and up until now carcas painted her out to be the bad guy and I'm not buying it but hopefully we could get it right I mean I can and say that nothing the main thing for his sake I don't know I kind of feel like Kurt kind of uses you as the villain I asked him where's all these concerns coming from like are these stemming from you or are they coming from sheeted and then you know he kind of passed it off to you like you know these are concerns that you had really well I think that this whole situation makes him feel stupid you know and at the end of the day his accountability is kind of all over the place to be honest with you I'll be the first to admit based on how to went down I was the one who said there needs to be zero communication between coke and jasmine but what the child involved is them they're impossible to co-parent without some form of communication if you feeling some kind of way yes the line of communication is Kelsey so reach out to her you're not I'm saying until we find a better form you know which that's something that Kirk and I will discuss [Music] I don't turn it over and leave my life you know what I'm saying after many failed relationships and an assortment of women bringing different mentions in my life a man I have finally come of age ladies and gentlemen I finally found me the perfect woman to do [Music] kyndra is real she is a crew and immigration attorney all my way to becoming a judge man kiss on the cheeks you don't help me level up and blow Timothy Oh probably have them on fire to deal with out there well it would have been good to get an invite I think I just be looking I be trying to protect you from everything your whole integrity as an attorney you know I'm Sam I just don't want the extra leg I met kids was about four years ago when I bet I'm gonna keep walking I was a completely Savage she's gonna saying but those days are behind me man cause for the last three years I've been totally exclusively king okay I might appear to be flirt with Carly a little bit last year Houston but I mean for every kids don't need to know about all day listen I [Music] I have the perfect exist that I think we should stumble across this is because I feel like if you love me the way that you say you do it shouldn't be a problem like you should be able to go to a party that show extra you've got an invitation let's go I'm as ready as I'm gonna get I can't get no more ready for it the time is now all I'm saying is that you know I feel like we've been together some time we are building the Empire together you know you bought a house we have businesses together so let's let the world know who we are we should be public out into the world the world thinks that you're a single man I know the kids are wants to go to college the cage we're appointed by the fact that she want to go so bad got me a little nervous I'm definitely a changed man from who I used to be man and I just think we should leave the past in the past so I really feel like we should just leave Carly and her party right away I said well I got to go to work but sweetheart I like you gonna keep up alone [Music] thank you baby okay Carly let's see what you got baby come on I got plenty gifts for everybody I have toys for everyone that's going through a situation should come out the toys for you I'm studying to be a sex coach so as a part of this couples retreat I decided to do a sexy demonstration I hope that my class is gonna break up the tension between CR MBK because we clear out here in the woods so guess what we're all stuck here for you your cables he was talking about one time on the radio Carly had a special move it was like something I want to give a trick we just really hit the cabin and now you wanna bring this with me a cartilage can I have a minute with my man for me oh we gonna excuse ourselves you might need some toys to go and I can either move in there I know how you do anyways crossing boundaries come on I have choice for everyone it's Carly that was alive I am teaching a class right now he felt like he just had to pull me away from everybody I did because I feel like we need a song on the way up here on the bus trip a lot of stuff came out my stuff came out then she was Carly last year [ __ ] I went to a cabin and rented a cabin to get over whenever you goes on a trip now I know the college is trying to spread misery I mean there's no truth to this and I'm really annoyed for the since I put this on my kids and I put this on your father so your neighbor tattooed on my two for over you know she Co she seen I wanted to go some to show my lady this was hose I tattoo Kendra on my Carl if you saw my you decide right down the side you know what I'm saying I really don't know how to apologize for something I haven't done but I apologize that you even placed in that situation me and Carly that was Oh have you been true to me Kendall I haven't sure about how this with you you know you know how you met you know you know the happy you break I know I'm just letting you know you plant loves lands I just don't want no problems with me and you we work with better together [Music] germination is one of the biggest best intranet we got everybody performances and having a good time it doesn't end till 12:00 noon this is how Trinidad really gets down [Music] karley at the market I was gonna go to jam nation but Mimi asked me to come along love this sure why not I had enough staying at the hotel by myself I said hell I might as well come out and show these [ __ ] what a bad [ __ ] look like in a soupy not if the sun's coming up oh this is when the honeybee kids I know y'all never seen nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the party is just getting started as the Sun is coming up we've got fireworks fire breathers Jack and scrappy are spraying the crowd with water cannons and everyone is getting drunk and getting there quick crazy [Music] [Applause] you've got to be kidding me I know that this is a party we're supposed to be having fun and turning up but none of that includes my man pouring a drink down fools ass he has all these women around him and I'm standing right here these are the things that I always have to tell him about not always preach to him perception perception perception it is completely disrespectful response right so you responsible drink you don't get no it's true I may not be completely sober at the moment but look here then looking kids her eyes sober me up enough to remember that she's not the only one with problems in this relationship you you want to spend your life with me but you want to tell people you know you don't want to have kids [Music] it's just that you know you know you tell somebody something that you haven't even told me I'm not saying that I necessarily wanna have kids right now but how you gonna go tell Bambi you don't want to have kids at all we talk about marriage well we've talked about we've talked about it and I feel like we're so close and then but then now you don't want to have kids and then we have an argument about me pouring drinks on women uh 'then is eva right now there's no way i'm gonna see her and continue to have a conversation with John still with him being as drunk as he is because we're not gonna get anywhere even though you can't even get out [Music] all the top seals baby mamas get along and I think that is very important and I just I come in tomorrow even though I'm not one of the mothers I still like getting together with them because they keep it super real going on with you we've been on some trips and stuff so I've been getting a little break from work but it's been drama some of his friends was there the whole like little unn sambal crew including his eggs you know allegations weren't allowed all over the place you know when the past meet the present it's not always nice and low conversation we talked about it and I laid down the law as I see it your my's and he said you could here to us though I mean we don't see [Music] looking to be mrs. Robinson you gonna have to really be able to deal with some good punches that's gonna try to come your way I actually like Kendra I just don't think that jock is worthy of everything that Kendra has to offer him but if this girl is sitting here thinking that she's gonna have a future with John I definitely feel like it's a few things I need to let her know I'm outside and I keep my ear to the street about a lot of things that are spread it's a rumor going around and that's the reason why there's so many issues at the salon is because Jack is I'm just a messenger I just felt like that you should know because that's Susy it's too many rumors going around for it all to be a lot in with all people show under are you freaking kidding me now it makes all the sense in the world why should I run the extra way she acts for her bald-headed ass she's an adulterer too obviously hey listen up this plan like let me tell you like he's really playing with me like and I just really can't play like this yeah so what you gonna do I'm gonna ready to go my ride is outside right now yes my ride so I'm gonna ready to go talk to him right and I thought all this garbage was over with these rumors of infidelity from jaws he'll keep coming up over and over again I will not be the fool that will stay here and just let this happen and what Cena told me that I'm not with it do you have a lot nah ain't know what's going on you messing with the girls in this mine having sex with him sure Rhonda pull too hard that's what Cena just told me Jackie oh this is the 15th umpteen times there you go keep mr. volunteers these two too many people coming up and telling me the same thing now here I am coming to pick Hendra for my visit with Cena Alex and the kids now right off the roof she hit me pop up my bible about me being unfaithful like come on baby without been through this you had humiliated me for the last time I'm not ready to be in this type of relationship I'm ready to be nice so do whatever but I'm done right now I feel you're a liar I don't like liars [Music] girl this is so nice people are sitting in stuff to the light hey so can't we teach it when I walk out [ __ ] girl I felt like I was just seeing a go where that you doing yeah no you was coming to the damn party for a good party contra I'm sorry to see you what's remove Kenzi look why is that going on situation could be old or she'll pay every day when you're not there with me I'm further away from my goals my dreams my desires my wants all that people don't see what's going on everybody hood is behind mass and they behind masks for a reason you know I'm saying that's exactly how I feel and that's why I gotta be in here wearing a mask so people can't say oh they're gonna say so excuse me y'all y'all may not know who this lady is I don't know who she is if everybody would just take off their masks and just give me their blessing at this moment I would really really appreciate it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all of these things are still swirling around in my head about the things I've heard but after listening to him lay it all out on the line and tell me I'm the only one who wants to be with and he's proving it by giving me a ring I'm able to understand that jasio is for me and that he's ready to be my husband he's ready to take that big leap [Music] no look I know it's been a lot of accusations a lot of bull a lot of a lot of rumors only thing I care about right now is my future Plus Kendra equally my forever happiness everybody likes yo you need to do the right thing man you love I won't you got a Google go after your [ __ ] and that's what I did that's why we're here today for you do for me play along I mean that so I want you to be Miss round so to be mrs. Grimes okay real talk I feel a lot of sincerity from jasio right now and I do believe that he has intent on building a future and forever with me and that's all I ever wanted so now I feel like I can dismiss these rumors and be with my man the man that I love I'm so proud of you right now this moment you know I'm saying like would even thought that Jack would be married right now he found the soul mate so we're gonna toast to job this beautiful bride congratulations hey y'all it's sugar Yandy if you liked that video made sure you subscribe to the new love and hip hop YouTube channel cuz it's about the beat you'll see all the O's level and new stuff we're gonna pop it up there alright period poop
Channel: VH1 Love & Hip Hop
Views: 2,662,778
Rating: 4.7980433 out of 5
Keywords: Karlie Redd, vh1, love and hip hop, lhh, lhhatl, Joseline Hernandez, Joseline LHHATL, Puerto Rican Princess, Mimi Faust, Mimi, Mimi LHHATL, Stevie J, Stevie J LHHATL, Joseline vs Mimi, LHHATL Fight, LHHATL Argument, Reality Tv Fight, Love and Hip Hop Fight, LHHATL Season 8, Spice, Spice Colorism, Spice Turns White, Karlie vs Pooh, Karlie Redd Drama, Tokyo Fight, Tokyo vs Akbar V, Akbar V Fight
Id: Uox1EdoOLfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 2sec (5042 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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