Story Time: Tommie, Scrapp & Tiarra Tough Love | Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta

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- What did you bring me here today? You said you was gon' fix this? - I just told you- - You said you was gonna stop (beep) with her, you said you was gonna stop (beep) with this bitch, right? - Was this the plan, this was to cut me off, this was to let me go? - I don't know how you cut something off, or let it go, or do any of that? - You in love with her? - Why are we talking about in love? - That's a valid question. - I'm not in love. (mellow music) (upbeat music) - My name is Karen King, but everyone calls me KK. I'm here with my sons, Sas and Scrapp, to do a tribute for my nephew Dollar. He was killed in 2009, my family thought we would never recover from it. We've had a couple of hard years, separated by having to go to jail. But I know one thing, we're back together now, and today is the day we're getting the King family back on track. (upbeat music) - My guy. - [Sas] What's up boy? - [Greeter] What's up (beep), you good? How you doing beautiful? - Hi. - Is that KK? - [Karen] Thank you. - When you talking about the King family, we talking about the notorious family, you know what I'm saying? KK is a force to be reckoned with, don't nobody mess with her family, you dig? They definitely got a reputation in Atlanta, it's like they feared and they respected, you know what I'm saying? These folk crazy. Crazy. (knocking) - Oh, I think that's Auntie. Hi. - Hello honey. KK is not only the mother of my man, she's also my friend. So when she pulled me aside at the Dollar tribute to tell me she had something to talk to me about, I knew it had to be important. - What I need to talk to you about... This Tiarra. - Tiarra is my son's baby's mother, she has been a nightmare in my life since I met her. The only good thing she's done is give birth to my grandson King. I have had to endure Tiarra for three years, running around thinking she's better than everybody. And all she does is sling drinks. Tiarra and Scrapp broke up supposedly a couple of years ago. I thought I was rid of her, I even hooked Scrapp with my friend Tommie. But recently I got a mother's intuition, that Tiara is creeping back up into my son Scrapp life. And no matter what, I'm gonna do whatever I gotta do to make sure that don't happen. You already know I don't trust Tiarra. - KK hates Tiarra, because she say she killed her dog some years back, and she's still not over that. We have never met, even though I help Scrapp take care of their son King. - I just got reason to believe that Scrapp is doing more than co-parenting with Tiarra. I'm about to rebuild the King empire, Tiarra and no bitch that look like Tiarra, is gon' interfere with that. - I've been feeling uncomfortable myself, never having met your baby mother, don't know what the (beep) this relationship really is. How it ended, if it's really over. - I just want you to pay attention, I don't know what the (beep) they're doing. He's going over there sleeping. All I'm saying, as a woman, do you understand? It's like you and King and Scrapp, y'all like a family. I introduced you, I just see the electricity. Do you understand? And it seems like I'm being messy, but I'm not. - KK usually doesn't get involved with Scrapp and I's business. So for her to lay all this on me, it's making me think something is going on. - You just got to get to the bottom of it. - I know where she work. - Well then go there, make your presence known, you know how to swag it. - I'm going to get down to the bottom of this (beep), I'm gonna go check the bitch out. I got you. (upbeat music) - I'm looking forward to great things this year, I'm still looking for a label, I am still looking for a real manager, and I might even be looking for a man. But tonight is all about the girls, Karlie invited me out tonight. And she may be messy as hell, but the girl knows how to have some fun After Dollar's tribute the other night, Tommie hit me up and asked me to meet her at some crazy ass club. I don't really know Tommie that well, but she seems cool. And I bought someone that's always ready for the turn up, Ms Jessica Dime (laughs). Hey girl. - Hey bitch. KK told me I need to keep an eye out for Scrapp's baby mama. I know where she works, so here I am. - [Karlie] This is Dime. - How you doing? - Nice to meet you. - This bitch don't even know I exist, let alone what I look like. So I'm deep undercover right now. I love this number right here girl. - This is from my store in L.A. - I was just in L.A., I was out there with Stevie, and Joseline, my girls Joseline. - Your girl Joseline? - Y'all had fun in L.A? - We did. - Joseline and I supposedly hugged it out. But when I thought about all the things she did to me last year. I realized that I just don't need people like that in my life. And we have no relationship. - I've known Joseline and Stevie for two years, total. - Aww girl, well you don't know Joseline. - I really like her genuinely, I think she's a real bitch. - And you know what? I can't (beep) with fake friends, if somebody turn on me. - Yeah, she was too funny for me. - What's your smoke with Joseline. - She act like she ain't know me, but then she turned around and said she did. - Why do you think that she would deny you like that. - She doesn't want to deal with her past, because she's maybe embarrassed by it. I see it, we not vibing. - I'm Tiarra, I'm y'all waitress. - I am Jessica. - [Karlie] I'm Karlie. Tommie. - Nice to meet you. What y'all drinking? - [Karlie] I want some Ciroc. - [Tiarra] Ciroc, straight up? - [Karlie] Yeah, we don't play no games around here. - Me, I'm a Chardonnay. - Girl, you said you wanted me to come, and hang out, and so, you celebrating something? - My little waitress is a BM to my (beep), so I figured I would come here and check in to see what's all this about. And she does not know who the (beep) I am. So I'd like everybody to remain undercover. - Whoa, wait, hold up. We here to spy? Let me pull my binoculars out, sip some tea and have some fun. So Scrapp, this is his baby mother. - Now I want to put a face to this person that I've been hearing about. I need to see who the (beep) this is. - Hey ladies. - This whole spying thing is Karlie's MO, but not mine. But I would expect nothing more from someone who calls Joseline a friend. - You gorgeous to be a waitress, you definitely somebody we'd like to hang. We like hanging out with bad bitches. I fuck with a bad bitch. He was telling me about Stevie J. - [Tiarra] Stevie J? Yeah, Stevie J. - Oh, that's my Uncle. Scrapp's my baby father, y'all know him? - No, we just heard about him. - Are you with your baby daddy? - We family, I hold him down. - Y'all live together? - Nah, we don't live together. We have a kid together, he's a good dad, so I hold him down. - That's it, it's just dad, or y'all be kicking it? - When I feel like it. - This bitch said she deals with him when she feels like it. Right about now it's taking everything in me to hold my composure and not blow up my spot. I'm here to get T. - If y'all need me, just let me know. - I'm not gonna snatch her right here right now, but beef is not with her. My beef is with Scrapp. If his relationship with Tiarra is more than he says it is, he's going to have a lot of explaining to do. Now that you've invited me out to your messy situation, there's a party that I wanna invite you guys to. Mimi's having a party. - What kind of party? - It's just some birthday party for her new boo. - Oh, she got a new... - Yeah, she got a new boo. - Okay. - You gon' come? - I'll be there. - Okay, so we going to the party. - But, excuse me? Ain't nobody better than Karlie Redd when it comes to the spy game. Ladies, sit back and watch a professional spy do the work. I wanna invite you to a party, would you come? - I will come. - [Karlie] I like her. - I will come. I'm gonna get your number, and then we're going to hang out. - Karlie Redd is not playing no games, I may be in love with this girl. I can't think of a better way to get in this girl's head. We'll hang out, we'll be friends, then I'm gonna let her know just what she's dealing with. She is a sexy mother (beep), I'm sorry, he (beep) with some bad ass bitch. - Mm-hmm. (mellow music) Scrapp was on his way over here to talk, and honestly, I'm not sure what I want to say to him. Trolling on Tiarra at the club got me kind of twisted, but I'm trying not to jump to conclusions. I just want the truth and that only can come from Scrap. My plan is to lay it on him good and sexy, and see if he's man enough to be honest with me. - [Scrapp] What is a special occasion? - You. - All this sexy time we got going on is what kind of got me sprung. But I'm not getting distracted tonight. I got some information that I ain't too happy about, I'm here to find out what my girl's been up to. You know how small the city of Atlanta is, let me tell you some (beep) I heard. I heard you was with somebody at a club discussing things that shouldn't have been discussed. - Things like what? - Me. Go, I'm listening. - I went to this place, I don't know, Karlie invited me to someplace to have a drink. - Who? - Karlie. - I already don't like the way this is going. - Somebody else came up talking about they knew Stevie J, and it was they Uncle. - Quit saying someone, Tiarra. Akeen's mother, my baby mother, Tiarra. - I got busted, I checked out your baby mother. Now, are you going to tell me the truth about what's going? Are you (beep) her Scrapp? Are you (beep) that bitch? - No. What? Do you believe everything you hear? - I believe everything I see right now. - What do you see? I'm right here with you right now. - You're so fake, oh my god. Do not try to play me like I'm just a fool out here, for real. You know what time it is, you know I got a baby mama, you know I have a son. - And it ain't never been no pressure, until somebody brought to me that you were still seeing her. What is it? What it's going to be? I'm not sticking around for no (beep). - I don't do too well to threats. - I want to understand, I don't understand. - Me and Tiarra got a good situation, we co-parent. Don't come in between that good thing I have. - What's that good thing to have, you (beep) your baby mother and you (beep) me, is that the good thing you have? - Me being able to parent and be the father to my child with no goddamn headache. - Why doesn't she know about me anyway, are you hiding me because you're still (beep) with her? - It ain't that she don't know about you, it's that I don't feel the need to tell her my business. Who I'm talking to. - I feel the need. Either, you're gonna tell her about me, or, I'm gonna tell her who the (beep) I am. Scrapp needs to grow some balls, and let Tiarra know that he has a woman, it's simple as that. All of these excuses they're sounding like nonsense. Scrapp, let's not play games here, okay? - Don't worry about it, I'll tell her. I'll tell her what you are to me. She'll hear it from the horse's mouth. I don't take too kindly the threats, she wanted me to tell the Tiarra, but I'm gonna do it when I feel like it. I'll tell her, all right? - Hey, you look nice. We came here to celebrate Mimi's man's birthday party. But we find out that Mimi's man is a woman. - Hi honey. - But I think this party is just about to get started. Tommie wants to get to know her man's baby mama, so I invited her and she actually showed up. What's going on girl? - My man Scrapp promised me that he was going to tell Tiarra about me, and the relationship that he kept secret from her for a year. But I'm looking at this girl, and she looks a little too happy to see me. If Scrapp did what he was supposed to do, and tell her about me, she wouldn't be walking in with this big ass grin on her face. Something tell me I'm gonna have to knock that smile off her face before the end of the night. And I just hope she ready. - What are you drinking? - This is Tommie (beep) Chardonnay, the same thing you served me. - Well, come on, give some of Tommie's (beep), I served her a lot that day. My social life has been non-existent since I start working my second job at the club. So when Karlie followed up with the invitation, I figured why not go? A waitress is just what I do two days a week, I work for the largest financial firm in the country. I'm a shark. - When are you a mom? - Did this chick just ask me when I'm a mom? I'm a mom all day, every day. Not that it's any of your business. - You do this all the time? You meet girls, you come and hang out with them? - I do it when I feel like it. - You do whatever you feel. - I do everything when I feel like it. - When do you feel like being a mom? This chick definitely ain't fronting like she's a boss. Meanwhile, she's slinging drinks in some club while me and Scrapp keep her kid. It's time for this chick to face some truth. - Why y'all beefing? - Ain't no beef. - Tommie is calling out Tiarra faster than Tiarra can even respond. - You asking about kids like you know my kid. - I do know your kid. - How do you know my kid? - I know your kid because I know your baby daddy, I know your baby daddy because I sit on his (beep) almost every other night. - And then, she went in for the kill. - I'm that bitch. - No, I know my baby daddy, and he would never, ever. - So what you talking? You sound crazy, bitch. Calm down. - You calm down. Don't tell me to calm down. - Let me tell you something about Tommie. - What about Tommie? - Let me tell you something about Tommie. - Chris and I are having a great time at this party. All of a sudden, I see these two women rolling around on the floor, beating each other up. And guess what? Diamond Karlie, right up in the middle of the (beep). - You was together with me when the bitch was messy, first of all. She should've at least wore some panties. I saw vagina hairs flying, and pubic hairs flying. Tommie, didn't your mama teach you to wear panties? - This was a really big night for Chris and I, and it was completely ruined by two (beep) hood rats that I didn't even invite to the party. Bitches got me (beep) up. (upbeat music) ♪ XX dripping ♪ ♪ She say all I do is dog ♪ ♪ New new dripping ♪ ♪ She say all I do is dog ♪ ♪ I can't keep a ♪ ♪ Why ♪ ♪ I just dog them out, I'm a dog ♪ - After I was attacked by that gutter rat last night, I spent all day at urgent care. And I had plenty of time to research the crazy trash that's Scrapp's been smashing. ♪ I'm a dog ♪ I didn't like what I found, including a criminal history, and a picture of her and my son on social media. This bitch got 32 mug shots. Scrapp has obviously lost his mind, but all of that (beep) is about the change. Me and Scrapp is going to have a conversation tonight, and if he can't fix his (beep), my son, I got to take him away from all of that. ♪ She said trying to work it ♪ ♪ Baby mama tripping all this (beep) ♪ ♪ Starting to stress me out ♪ ♪ I'm a dog ♪ - Can y'all give me two seconds, all right? I'm Gucci, all right? What's up, why didn't you tell me you was coming? What happened to your wrist and your finger? - You (beep) with somebody named Tommie? - It's evident Tommie was running her mouth, even after I told her I would tell Tiarra about us. And with Tiarra standing here all banged up and bruised with bandages. It's obviously done been a run in, and this time I think I might be in trouble. Why are you so upset? Tell me what's wrong? - The bitch, she said she sit on your (beep) every single night. - You know that's not true, because I be with you some nights. - How long you been (beep) with her? - Yeah, we have had dealings, we have. I could sit here and lie, and make things worse, or, I could just stand here and take the L. And hope being honest wins me some points. - How long have you been (beep) with her? - About a year. - Does she know me and you (beep) around still? Does she know I hold you down? - Yeah, she definitely know that. - Do you be having my son around her? - He's been around before. - I am King's mom, and you gonna put me in jeopardy. - How did I- What you mean, how I put you in... - I hold you down. All this time I thought Scrapp and I was focusing on getting our relationship on the right track. Meanwhile, he's smashing this piece of trash. He can do whatever he want with his penis, but what he will not do is subject my son to the trash that he's been dealing with. I take care of your kid, I held you down. And then you gon' put me in a position where a bitch can come to my (beep) job? - This type of reaction is exactly why I ain't tell Tiarra about Tommie. What she didn't know was not hurting her, nor me. - I'm good. You won't see your son again until you fix this (beep). - Listen that ain't got nothing to do with that. - You won't see him again, I'll put that on my life. - Listen, the kid is innocent. - You will not see him until you fix it. - How would you like me to fix it? - You need to stop (beep) with this bitch, and you need to let this bitch know where I stand. That's what you need to do, this is not good enough anymore. - She know we just got out of a rocky thing, and we still trying to get back to where we once were. - You think you (beep) with a whole nother bitch for a year is going to get us back to where we once were? - I'm gonna fix it, all right? - I want to be there when you do. I want to sit across from this hoe, and see the look on her face when Scrapp let her know that we are still dealing with each other. Bitch, I got his baby, I'm not going anywhere. One thing we need to make crystal clear is that Tommie will not be spending time with my son ever. I'm walking away Scrapp, until you fix this I'm done. I can't keep going through this, I'll believe it when I see it. (mellow music) - For a whole year, I've been able to keep the women in my life apart. But now everything's blowing up in my face. Tiarra think the way to fix it is for us all to sit down and hash things out. I think that's the craziest (beep) I ever heard in my life. Yes I am mad at Tommie for fighting Tiarra, but right now, honestly, I'm afraid to lose my son. So I'm here to do everything in my power so I can fix things and see my son. - Who is it? - Come find out. - I left it up to Scrapp to handle his business, and tell his baby mother about me. But he was too chicken (beep) to handle it, so now he got me in his girl fighting in the (beep) club. - I come in peace. - Oh. - I spent my money on that. - Okay. What the (beep) does he want from me? You want to get back with your baby mother, I'm not going to stop you. Team that. What do you need Scrapp? - You see me calling, why you ain't answering the phone? Because I'm not in no phone answering mood. - Now you don't wanna talk? - No, I don't want to talk. Your baby mother threw a drink at me. - I'm sure she didn't just throw a drink on you for no reason. - She threw a drink on me because you didn't handle what the (beep) you was supposed to handle. - I already spoke to her, she asked me about Tommie, I told her about Tommie. I told her who you are, and who you are to me, and we've been in a relationship. That's what I told her. - What the (beep) I look like? Booboo the (beep) fool. You got me all the way (beep) up. You think you gon' bring some (beep) flowers, some pink ass (beep) flowers, and everything gon' be o (beep) kay? Can't nobody tell me where and how to go. - I didn't come to fight. You just need some time. When you ready to talk, call me anytime, all right? Okay? - But let me walk you out, because (mumbles). Tiarra, she came to me (sobbing). - Tommie may be the craziest woman I ever met in my life, but that's what I like about her, because she loves hard. And right now, I ain't really trying to let her go. - You got me (beep) up. I don't want you to cry, you can cry about a lot of things, don't let this be one of them. All right? - Are you still (beep) Tiarra? - Yes. (tense music) Why you going to ask me a question you don't want to know the answer to? - Scrapp, just get out of here. - I know if I leave here without getting Tommie to agree to sit down with Tiarra, I know I won't be able to see my son. So all I can do is lay everything out on the line, Tommie knows how much my son means to me. So if she's not willing to sit down for me, maybe she'll do it for King. Tommie, listen, you asked me a question. I was honest. - You're a liar. You get (beep) loyalty and lying confused. - I'm supposed to have my baby, but I don't got him, because of the situation y'all went through. We need to sit down, me, and you, and Tiarra. I don't need y'all fighting. - Do you wanna deal with me without (beep) Tiarra. - Yeah, I do. - I'm not trying to give up the last year of my life over some baby mama who can't possibly give Scrapp what I give him. Do you love me Scrapp? - You just asked me that the other day. - I'm asking you today. - Even if I say that, let my actions show that. All right? Because them three words ain't (beep) with no verb put to it. (upbeat music) Tonight I'm here to do everything in my power to fix things so Tiarra'll let me see my son. I done thought long and hard of what I'm gonna say to these two women. Both of them want me to tell the other one that I'm done, and quite frankly, I don't think I'm ready to do that. I don't do ultimatums, I'm a man of the options. I got a lot on my plate right now, I might have to do some time. I just want to clean this up so we can all get along, just in case the worst happens. I don't know what to do but keep it 100, I need them to understand my situation and be there for me. Give me a hug man. - Don't do that. - Give me a hug. - Don't do that, we're not on hugging terms. Scrapp promised to fix the situation tonight, I need to make sure that Scrapp is serious about fixing his life. He's supposed to dead his situation with Tommie the thief, and I get to be here to watch. If he doesn't fix this (beep) tonight, he won't get to see his son. The only reason I came here is to see the look on Tiarra's face when Scrapp tells her there'll be no more secret smashing. - Hello Tommie. - Hello. - I'm his girl, she's his baby mama. Scrapp's finally about to tell that bitch to stay in her lane. - Tiarra, Tommie, Tommie, Tiarra. Thank y'all both for coming here. Y'all wouldn't even have a problem if it wasn't for me, but I brought y'all here because I've got other stuff going on. I have a court case that I have been fighting, I had to take a deal. Which possibly means I may be going away soon, a couple months, everything is coming to a head. I don't want to be in a position to where I got to do this, and got to pull and got to pick, and got to choose. Listen, I don't even have the liberty to do any of those types of things right now because of what I'm facing. - How? - Because where I'm going I need support. - You want some personal pen pals, that's what the (beep) you just said. - Scrapp may have to do some jail time, and I'm sorry for that. But who I'm starting to feel more sorry for is myself, because he hasn't mentioned anything about breaking (beep) off with Tiarra. And it's dawning on me that I've been a real fool out here. - You not finna get a pack of Ramen noodles from me. Scrapp got me (beep) up. If you gon' tell me about possible time you may have served. You need to serve this bitch her eviction papers, maybe seeing his son isn't as important to him as he say it is. I'm not going to go through this again. - If that's how you feel, I have to respect that. - King not finna go through this again. The last time Scrapp went away, I held him down, I sent him money. I worked two and three jobs, and did whatever I had to do to take care of my man. He wanna mess with this raggedy bitch, let her take care of you. See how far he go. Why did you bring me here today? You said you was gon' fix this. - I just told you- - You said you was gon' stop (beep) with her. You said you was gon' stop (beep) with this bitch, right? - Was this the plan, you supposed to cut me off? You supposed to let me go? - I don't know how you cut something off, or let it go, or do any of that. - You in love with her? - Why are we talking about in love? - That's a valid question. - I'm not in love. - You running game between me and her? - It ain't game. - No, it is. Because we just got into a fight because of you. You have bitches coming to my job. - (beep) Your job bitch, (mumbles) hoe. - Listen. - You was there, you was stalking. - I would never stalk you hoe, I come here to see (beep) bitch. - You should get a job there, how you show your (beep). I get the money. - You dumb bitch. Sit your punk ass down. (heated chattering) You mother (beep). Move bitch. - How about it? - Be gone with that bitch. - Don't touch me, I'm good. - Anyway. After Scrapp tries to sit me and Tiarra down to ask both of us to hold him down while he goes to prison. I was just done. sayonara and have a nice life with your baby mother. But then Jocelyn hits me with a third chick, that got the nerve to be ugly living in a house. I don't want to believe that Scrapp hit a girl under my nose for a whole year. But he did hide his relationship with Tiarra from me, so that proves that he's been living a double life, and maybe even a triple life. And I want to know right now how much a liar he is. (knocking) So no, I'm not done. I'm rolling up to see exactly who I've been dealing with for the last year of my life. - I see Tommie banging on my door, and I'm like, "What the (beep) now?" Everything that can go wrong in my life right now is, and I'm just hoping Tommie ain't here to add to the problems. - Where that bitch at? - [Scrapp] What you talking about? What the (beep) is you doing? - Get the (beep) off of me (beep). - What the (beep) wrong with you? - Where the bitch at? I came over here all sexy on purpose, you want to play me, take a look at what you won't play with anymore. - [Scrapp] What the (beep) is you wearing? Did you come to fight or (beep), which one is it man? Whatever it is you looking for, I hope you find it. Tell me what you looking for. - Where that bitch at? - You think I'm gon' hide a (beep) in the damn (beep). - Get your (beep) hands off me. (beep) You. - Tommie pops up at my house wearing her damn lingerie, not only do I not know what she talking about, but I wish she ain't looked so good when she acting crazy. You found what you looking for? - Let me tell you something Scrapp. - I'm listening. - [Tommie] Let me tell you something. - It's obvious she looking for somebody, or something that ain't here. And right now I need to calm her down and see what the hell she talking about. What the (beep) is wrong? - Joseline told me that you got some ugly bitch going on at the house that nobody (beep) knew about. - First of all, I ain't running up in nothing ugly, and second, TT, Joseline and Tommie done lost their damn minds. Did you find anything, are you happy? Because all you did done made a (beep) fool of yourself. (Tommie sobs) And now you wanna cry, and you want to be the victim. - I ain't (beep) crying, don't ever try to (beep) play me. - You know what time it is, so you already know what stress I got on me, and you still want to keep chaos going on. - Now that I'm here, I'm feeling crazy as hell. I've been in this house a million times, I've been with Scrapp for a year. It's no signs of nothing. So is Jocelyn just messing with my head, or does this man have me losing my damn mind? I'm starting to think I might be better off without any of them in my life. (beep) You, your door, your house, your mother. (beep) Your mother, goddam fake ass, blended ass family, with Stevie and Jocelyn. (beep) All of y'all (beep). Okay? You know what you really need? What you really need to be worried about, is (beep) cheque, bitch. (mellow music) - Today I have someone coming to visit after hours at the store. I got to handle my business. (knocking) I would have told Tommie, but she said she doesn't want to hear any of my news. Hi. - Hello. How you doing? - Oh, well, Tommie, I guess the fact that I'm getting ready to do a business deal with your man is something you'd rather not know. - Infamous Karlie Redd. (Karlie laughs) Karlie Redd reached out to me and said she wanted to meet up. So what do I owe to these pleasures Ms Karlie Redd? I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but I think Carly called me over here for more than just business. For a minute, I started having inappropriate thoughts, and now I'm starting to think this might be a setup, and Tommie and Tiarra about to pop out any second. - After I saw you at the Dollar tribute, I was like, "Yo, I can really do some things with them, because I have a record label." - What's the name of it? - Redd Entertainment. - I was just like, "Okay, putting two and two together, I can make some money. And we can see let's make some things happen." - Put it together? - [Karlie] Yeah. - We might need to put some together, I think that'd be a good idea. I'm working on this mix tape right now, we just shot three videos. The single is I'm A Dog. I'm A Dog, man, that's funny right there. - Are you a dog? - I'm definitely not a dog. - [Karlie] Are you sure? - I'm positive. - That's not what I heard. - In order to cheat you have to be in a committed relationship, that's number one. I'm not in a committed relationship. Speaking of things we done heard, what's your personal situation like right now? Ain't you got a little R&B boyfriend? - I am seeing Lyfe Jennings. - Okay now, seeing, or... Let's get these words together, I don't want to get nothing misunderstood. - Oh my gosh. I have not talked to Lyfe. I text him, I call him, I do everything and he has not picked up for me. I'm not really sure where Lyfe and I stand at the moment. Lyfe and I were really good, he made so many promises, and after the Playboy shoot he just disappeared on me. Oh, well. I have a radio show, and I would love for you to come down and let me interview you. - What type of radio show is it? - It's a radio show on Playboy. - I like it already. - Just talking about your bedroom business. - I'm listening. - How do you like it? - Fast, slow, standing up, outside, cars, whipped cream, anything sweet. - I'm sweet, I exude sugar. For real. - I'm sweating that (beep) will come up out my jacket. - Why don't you take it off? Let me help you. (laughs) What can I say? He's cute, he's sexy, he's talented. And obviously he did not claim that scallywag Tommie, so why not have some fun? - You got me hot with the little radio interview, good thing I'm not shy in no shape, form or fashion. - I seen it. - You like that? (Karlie laughs) (mellow music) - It's taken everything in me to walk through this door, and deal with this manipulative woman, Tiarra. I don't even know how I'm gonna get through this, but I'm going to do it for my son. - [Scrapp] How you doing? - Scrapp told me that it's a certainty that he'll be locked up at the end of the month. Which means I'll have to raise our son alone. I'm going to need all the support I can get, even if it's from the devil herself. So for now, I'm putting all of my anger to the side to do what I have to do as a parent. - Hi KK. - Hello. - [Scrapp] How you doing ma? - Good. - [Scrapp] Thank you for coming, you know why we here? - Why are we here Scrapp? - We are here to really just make arrangements for your grandson. I just need us all to please get on one accord, act civilized. If not even for me, for King. I don't want it to be no hassle between the two of you all because of you all's differences. - Do you have differences with me? - We can probably iron it out if you tell me. - You hate me. Whoever hate me I hate them. - If you hate me I'm sure you don't want me to keep your son, correct? So here it is, we don't even have to have no (beep) discussion. - No, nobody asked you to hug, nobody asked you to kiss. We simply here for our child. - Before you let all this drama snowball like this you should've thought about that. Now what's in a situation where you like, "Please make it come together." I've been waiting. - I'm not trying to make nobody come together, I don't care if y'all kumbaya. All I care about is King's arrangement. - If she hates me, I don't like her, and we can't come to a common ground. What if when it's time for me to pick up King and we fight? - Why would you fight your baby father's mother? - I wouldn't. But I know what you're capable of. - I'm glad you know. - And you know I do back. - I don't know (beep). - What is wrong with you? What's happening, can't we all just get along? I just want Tiarra and KK to come to a common ground for King King, and that's it. Can you act your (beep) age for once. - You talking to the wrong person. - No, I'm talking to the right person, you're acting like a kid. - You want to get results, you need to talk to your mother. - What you gonna get up and do? Come across the table, come on across the table. - KK. - Bring your punk ass bitch across the table. - I ain't no punk. - Get your punk ass up bitch. - KK I will drag you across this (beep). - Drag me. - You a bitch. - I will come to your door. - I'm trying to keep it civil, but KK takes me to another place with her slick mouth and her disrespect. And that's the exact reason why she will not be seeing my son while Scrapp is locked up. So let's see, in five years King will be eight, that'd be a long hard five-year stint for grandma too. Come to my door KK. You and me. - I promise. - It's over man. I'm very disappointed on how the meeting went down. I don't think they really comprehending the severity of what I'm going through. At this point I just think they both need to go their separate ways. - KK, we can do outside. - I will come outside your door whenever. - At my door, you know where I live at. - I'm at that sweetie. - TC, let me ask you a question, you (beep)? - I do, I do. - Have you gotten great reviews? - Excellent, five stars on my end. - I don't believe that, you got juicy lips, maybe you're right. So we gonna get out of here, that's another day of the life of the Ms Karlie Redd show. Playboy radio, we are doing it big. See you next time. I love having my own radio show, it's the best fit for me. I get to be messy, I get to flirt. Oh yes, I get to flirt. And I get paid for it, it doesn't get any better than that. (mellow music) I'm gonna go get something to drink, you want something? You okay? (mellow music) - I'm livid, not just with Scrapp, but with this middle-aged thot named Karlie Redd standing right in front of me. Karlie pretended to be my friend, and it turns out this bitch is the goddam enemy. So yeah Karlie, I stalked your Instagram, and I heard you got a tape in the night. I'm rolling up on this bitch. How you doing bitch? - Just chilling. - You sure been chilling a lot lately. I don't believe a word that Scrapp says about this (beep) receipt. I know it's more to the story and I'm about to find out. - What's popping? - What's popping right now is the receipt I found with your name on it in Scrapp's car. - Damn, I know I have receipts, I own a lot of receipts. - And it had your name on it, meaning that you paid for a hotel room. What the (beep) is the deal? - Tasha jail bird Jefferson rolls into my place of work, quizzing me about a hotel receipt that she found in Scrapp's car. What I really wanted to say was, "Yeah bitch, I had your man." But I thought about it and I'm like, "For what? Scrapp don't claim this broke ass ho." - Yeah, being as though you've been in my face, you've been in Tiarra's face. You've been luring around a lot. - When I was in your face I was trying to tell you what was the deal, but you said you didn't want to hear anything. - Let me know what was what deal, when? - At the coffee shop, and I was trying to give you a hint of what's going on, and you said that I was Debbie downer. So I was like, "All right, cool." - You're a 40 year old idiot. - Honey baby please, listen here, with your Dennis Rodman looking ass, okay? - You are one (beep) away from a lifetime (beep) patient at a clinic. You are one (beep) away. - He don't (beep) with you, he never (beep) with you. And he not even claiming you. - She trying to say Scrapp doesn't claim me? How the (beep) would you know what Scrapp doesn't do, unless you're riding his (beep)? You want to own up to it or nah? Bitch, be proactive and get your (beep) together, okay? Be a mother to your daughter, you're not even a (beep) example, you bum. - You don't even know what my daughter looks like. Bitch get the fuck out of my place. - Now you with Scrapp bitch? That (beep) old enough to be your (beep) daughter. It doesn't matter baby about Scrapp, about you, about any of that. I got Stevie on my (beep), and I'm going to the studio with him. You've never been in a studio with (beep) Stevie. You want to know why? Because you wack. You always been that. - I want to be like Tommie, I'm a hoe. Be like Tommie. - Karlie's out here calling me a hoe, the only hoe out here is you bitch, and I'm about to expose that ass. - I said he gonna (beep), and I'm going to (beep) make hit records with him. - But that's Scrapp's Uncle? - His name is Stevie J. - But that's Scrapp's Uncle. - It doesn't matter bitch, he's my (beep) pawn. He's my pawn. - Go (beep) his Uncles, go (beep) his Aunties, go (beep) his nephew. - All you hoes gonna understand who the (beep) Tommie is out here. - I know with that fake looking ass wallabear coat. - That fake what? That fake what bitch? Say my name bitch. - Ooh now I'm scared. - [Tommie] Get to know me bitch. I'll whoop her (beep) ass, y'all better... - See, the turn up queen has arrived. - Yes, I have. - Stevie's hosting a pool party today, and Dom said, "Everybody's invited." After my meeting with Lyfe yesterday, I'm not even in a party mood. And I keep playing that craziest stunt in my head. But I need my friends right now, so I came to see Dime. Because this story what I'm about to tell her is about to blow her mind. - I've got to tell you something. You know that (beep) you told me about Lyfe is not true. - Do you know for a fact he's not marriage, or is this something he just told you? - Men lie. But what he did is he busted me out with a ring honey. There was a time when I really thought that me and Lyfe would be perfect for each other. The truth is Lyfe played me and used me, and then he has the audacity to blame me for us not working out. He said it was a promise ring. - What's the promise? - The promise, he promised me I would never find a man like him. So after he gave me the ring he left, and we are not together right now. - Y'all broke up? - We broke up. - He let you keep the ring? - He let me keep the ring. I was like... - I can buy another heart. If the ring real. - Girl, we gon' find out. - Yeah, we need to find out. We're going to talk about that later, but I need to keep it real with you. I was there when Tommie and Tiarra got into it, when Tommie admitted she was smashing Scrapp. I hope that Tiara can be more mature when I let her know what's really going on between me and Scrapp. I have something to tell you. I told Lyfe, the person that I was talking to whatever, was Scrapp. - [Tiarra] Who, little Scrappy? - Your baby daddy? - I'm sitting here having a nice relaxing time at the pool, and Karlie Redd has the nerve to sit here and tell me that she sleeping with my baby daddy? And I can tell by the look on Dime's face that she knew the entire time. You knew about this Dime? - I don't know why Karlie would choose this moment to confess her sins? But I didn't have anything to do with this, and it's not my business to tell. You had sent me this text, right? I am not taking my son to see him, I am dating someone new. - So that was the green light for you to hop on his (beep)? Okay, yes, so what? I'm seeing (mumbles), but what that got to do with having enough respect for your friend to not to smash my leftovers. Oh, but wait, we're talking about Karlie Redd, the bitch that will (beep) anything that moves. My baby daddy make me sick too, Karlie can have him. Karlie and Tommie can fight over him. - Before he went to jail- - Karlie, you're like 50. - Let me tell you something. I was just trying to keep a 100 as a friend, I was hoping you wouldn't make a scene. But that's expecting too much from a hood rat, so come on, girl. Let's go. I am an entrepreneur, you're still working at a nine to five. - But guess what, I got more money than you Karlie? - You live in a apartment, I built a house from the ground up. - It's on the South side (mumbles). - It don't matter. - No, no. Give me my (beep) drink bitch. - I'm chilling upstairs like a queen, looking down at the raggedy bitches. And I'm like, "Bitch, is that Miss Dime Penny?" - Goddammit. And I looked at my husband, and I'm like, "This the type of ratchet bitches you invite to your pool party?" - You a (beep) whore, girl you nasty. Bitch. - [Karlie] Grab it bitch. Come on, get it. KK gon' rip your (beep) ass. - Old (beep) sucking bitch. - You could keep that purse, I'll get another (mumbles) tonight. Go. - Hi KK. I was floored when I got a call from KK, she said she had something to talk to me about. KK made it crystal clear where I stood with her last time we sat down and talked. But out of respect for Scrapp, I went and met with her. I'm shocked to hear from you. - Somebody gotta be the bigger person, I'm dealing with a lot. When we went to court and the judge said 20 years, I thought I was gon' die. And I just felt like I had just made so many mistakes. The last time we met all I can play in my mind is, "Bitch, I'ma drag you, and I'ma this, and I'ma that." And me saying, "Okay, well I know where you live." I thought I was going to puke because the hatred was deep, and I don't want my grandson to grow up thinking that his grandmother hates his mother. I don't want to have no hate in my heart, it's out. That's what it is. King's birthday is coming, he's going to be four. And I haven't had not one birthday with him, and it's important for me to spend his birthday. And it's important to Scrapp. - In all these years I've never known KK to be this sincere. This is a woman who brawls and make threats, she is not a crier. So for me to sit here and see her so emotional, I know in my heart something has changed. And maybe there is hope for us. - You know through everything I already knew this. Regardless of what I say, I know you love King, and that's the first thing he do in the morning, is ask where his dad, he asks about you. I can't lie. As much I want to be mad and say I'm gonna take King away, he asks, "Where's my grandma?" You probably hated me for a minute, but I knew you weren't going to hate me forever. I knew you wanted to kill me for a minute, for real. - Yeah, well, I don't want to kill you now. I don't want a mob on nobody, I just wanna mob on some letters to the city judge to get my son out of prison. - He gon' get out. - Yeah, that 20 years is a lot. And this party, I was thinking, if King could just think that his dad is still here at the party. But I knew that if we didn't come together, then it wasn't gonna happen. - Yeah, I don't even know how to plan parties like that, but I know his grandma planning the best parties. She gone put together a ball, a extravaganza, and I know that makes you happy. - It do. At the end of the day right now, it don't matter how I feel, I'm doing it for Scrapp. I'm doing it for his son, and just hopefully, it'll go on like this till Scrapp comes home. - This mean I can call you mom? - No, I don't want you to do that. (laughter) (mellow music) - Tiarra and I were never friends, in fact, I think she's a stuck up bitch. But now that Scrap's in jail, and KK and I are on the outs. I figured it might not be anything to fight over anymore. - Tommie, how are you? Thanks for coming. Tiarra reached out and said she wants to link up, because she has something important to say. And you know what, I'm going to listen. That's grown right there, Tommie (beep) 2.0. - It's weird meeting me considering how we left off. - I know your baby daddy because I (beep) on his face almost every other night. Bitch. - You running game between me and her, you said you gonna stop (beep) with this bitch, right? - Move bitch. - How about it? - Be about it, bitch. - I thank you for even sitting down with me, because I feel like this is serious why I need to talk to you. - You said some things I didn't like. - We both said some (beep), (mumbles). - We both said some (beep). But I think that it should never be women attacking each other. It should be, we come together. - Question. He was playing house the whole time? Like he was over there? - Scrapp is a family guy anyway, he wants a family bad because of the family he didn't have. How he grew up with his mother, not bashing nobody, but I know how close you and KK was. - Because we came from another part of life, but that (beep) is over. KK and I had a big public falling out, the last time I encountered her was on social media trying to (beep) talk me for about an hour. - Bitch you a fraud, okay? Everything about you fake. - I'm not about to go to war with a senior citizen, so I just X'd her out of my life. I think a lot of KK's emotional state at this moment is because Scrapp is due home any day now. You didn't know that? - I haven't talked to Scrapp in forever, but you would think the homie would give me a buzz, and say like, "Yo, I'm coming home." I'm sitting here trying to figure out what kind of games is Tiarra playing right now? - I don't think that ever got closure, the proper closure, you and him. - The girl that got away, I love that role. So you and Scrapp at all, don't have nothing going on? - Oh, cause y'all are back? - Talking about being back. For the sake of our son, we've been talking about getting back together, or at least living together as a family. And I need to know that Tommie and Scrapp are really over and done with. Do you think if he came back home and I got back with him, he'll be like, "Let me see what's going back on with Tommie." - That's you, that's all you girl. You could have him girl. - Okay, we will see.
Channel: VH1 Love & Hip Hop
Views: 628,021
Rating: 4.8197231 out of 5
Keywords: Tommie and scrapp, tiarra and scrape, Tommie vs Tiarra, Tommie and Tiarra Fight, Tommie Lee Fight, Tommie LHHATL Fight, Tiarra LHHATl Fight, LHHATL New Season, LHHATL Season 9, Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season 9, Rasheeda Frost, Karlie Redd, Mimi Faust, Yung Joc, Spice, Stevie J, Scrapp DeLeon, Tokyo Vanity, Kirk Frost, Scrappy, Bambi, Momma Dee, Shekinah, Akbar V, Sierra Gates, Alexis Sky, Tommie, Erica Mena, Joseline, LHHATL Fight, LHHATL Drama, Reality TV, Atlanta
Id: CV0qx5D2B8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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