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are you so excited about 2018 I can't hear you I mean listen y'all we can't patty-cake into 2017 we gotta shout we gotta get our praise on and begin to shout ourselves right in to 2018 maybe I'm gonna need some water cuz I got to preach up in here today my sermon I was asking God I said God I said what would you have for me to bring on the last Sunday of 2017 and he said the title all I heard was break out break out you know what I found I was listening to have y'all have y'all watch that video with TD jakes and Stephen furred week is that not the most incredible I have watched it probably eight times and it I feel that whenever you begin to put stuff like that in your spirit it begins to feel and build your spirit man and prepare you for where God's taken you see so often we are confined to where we are because we are not knowledgeable or have enough wisdom or enough faith to step out of our comfort zone we live in Sonora we live in you know we've been living in the same house forever we we do the same thing every holiday we we've been working at a dead-end job that we hate and we just are afraid to step outside and the one thing that I've been praying this year is God don't let me die with dreams still in me don't don't don't let me carry out what is lest inside of me I heard Myles Munroe say one time he said a cemetery is full unfulfilled dreams people that died and wish they would have done people that died and wish that they would have stepped out of that boat and I was watching TD jakes yesterday was Stephen furred awake and he said we as a church we pray for furniture every day we're saying father thank you for furniture furniture thank you God for my job thank you God for for finances thank you God we're praying for all these things and God's over here saying I gave you a tree we're praying for the big picture but we won't step out of the boat to get what God has put down on the inside of us we are afraid of what yes nobody my family has ever done it what if I don't know what I'm doing what if I step out of the boat and everybody laughs at me when they see me fall what if I start that company and nobody supports me what if I get on Facebook lives and give a word that the Lord has given me and that one person joins me what if I put up a status I've encouraged Menten all year long everybody has known I've been petty Crocker and then all of a sudden I have a wake-up a wake-up call and God over sudden starts doing something in my life and now I'm afraid to share what God is walking me through because what if people say who are you and what are you preaching for I just know that's how you Nene in last Saturday night and so we allow people to confine us and a lot we go and die with things that were never done because of what-ifs today we're going to talk about break out look at your neighbours say break out it's time to break out it's time to break out tell them some of y'all are you doing it you better prophesy you're like I ain't talking and nobody it was so funny I saw put a mement one time cuz I hate talking to people in touch those fridges that make you talk all sermon I'm like do you really have a sermon because I've been talking to my neighbor and I did not come to talk to my neighbor but it's good whenever you get out of your box and begin to talk to your neighbor cuz basically what's happening is you're prophesied you know what I'm saying like you're looking at them saying it's time to break out and they're look at you saying yeah it's time to break and you're like okay let's jump together let's do this thing together we're praying for furniture and God's giving us a tree you're praying for that company you want to buy your own company or own your own company or you're tired of making other people rich and you want to do this but you're afraid if we don't learn to hustle you know hustle hashtag hustle hustle is a big thing people putting hustle and they sitting on the couch and if we don't learn how to hustle and believe in us when nobody else believes in us then we're gonna forever be in church every Sunday saying I receive it I receive it but we're not doing anything money through Saturday praying for a breakthrough and ain't willing to breakthrough ain't willing to walk on water people ask me all the time I get pastors all the time calling me because you know they do these social media sayings and they tell you how to build your social media and and all this stuff and I get preachers calling me all the time saying Kimberly what did you do and I'm like dude I don't know like I had no rhyme no reason I just started talking and God trusted me because oftentimes what happens is we are praying for big platforms and we're praying to write books and we're praying for the world to get our book in their hands and and we're praying for all these things but God up and having a saying I'm waiting for your character to catch up with what you're praying for I need your character because what if I open the platforms to you dinner people start treating everybody like they're less than and your character really is it all about you do you need like five armor bears when you only got two people in your church is is your character you're praying for that spouse but are you ready to die to yourself every day a million times are you willing to say you're sorry when you don't feel you're wrong are you willing to love unconditionally when you ready to fight see so often we're praying for God to work these major things for us but our character isn't prepared for what we're praying for and I began to pray in those seasons in 2006 when I didn't have anything I literally I'm gonna tell y'all something I made a mess of my life look at your neighbor said she made a mess of her life we're gonna talk about service just cause I can and I'm watching you I made a mess of my life and the whole world was talking about me it's what it felt like cuz you know this idea is we got like a thousand people in our life that love us but it's those four they talk about as it were like you let the people that weren't even worth saying in your life control your life and I begin to pray and say father in that season when I lost everything I said well you know what God since I'm here I really can't go no further you know how you always say that I can't go no further and all you do it's like I can't take anymore but you do I can't understand how this is up it did you're over here praying and for all of these things to happen in your life and you're not keeping up 25 years ago I walked out of Dominion world Harvest Church and that's when all hell started breaking loose in my life because one ounce of obedience will do more for you than all the prayer in the world but sin will take you further than you want to go and cost you everything so you don't take you honey sin will pride all that stuff will take you and keep you stuck in a season and 25 years ago I was singing on the platform at world Harvest Church it just had great favor in my life and I went and the Sunday that I happened to go there they said we're gonna have tryouts for music the next Sunday I didn't know anybody in that church at church was like seven thousand eight thousand people and I was like uh I ain't gotta lose I've always been one of those that just say I don't care you know it'll say like what are you gonna do talk about me oh well at least I jumped in you didn't and so I just thought I'm gonna go I'm gonna go try out because that's what you gotta do you got to step out of your boat so that God can begin to build these horizon so I was like okay I'll go trial I go try and find out there's only two spots in the whole quadrivalent and all of a sudden Angola I got a little scared because I'm not real good with finding parts okay and my rhythm is white girl like my son and whenever I got in from when I finally sat down from leading praise and worship he was like thank you God because you can't hear nothing like I'm starting the song way it's all in my own head and all of my own timing and I sing it with such confidence you know I'm saying I'm one of those girls I'm one of those girls that literally will win confidently let you know oh and then I don't even know I just answered but you thought I did I couldn't make you jump on jump out of that boat because I'm so confident that you can fly and so I went and we started to sing and I was we had to sing with with with Clint Brown and we had to sing with Ren his sister and they were phenomenal singers and they've been in forever and here I was just from UPC and I'm like oh Lord I get up there and we started singing because of who you are I give you glory and I started going I was shaking like this I said God you gotta get me out of this because one thing I learned about God is a few steps he's not go records reputation on you they're gonna be what I'm saying so I'm up there and I can't hear no part I'm just wanting to do this because have y'all heard my husband saying you said I'm saying I was like and then all of a sudden I just thought you know what if I'm if I'm if I'm up sink I'm a saint fighting so I just started singing like I knew what I was doing and I'm back and not only gonna make it but I made it and his wife was pregnant and we don't maternity leave and I got to hold the mic you know how cool that is like when you hold a my oh honey don't you can't touch this man I mean it's like sitting on the front row we don't have reserved seats but it is in those churches when you finally make that front row you feel like you just made it to the print White House you're like drop the mic cuz because we have so many politics in church you don't say it's so funny that if God was here today we would have to teach him how to have Church because he don't know about reserved seat she don't lose air you know you can't sit there that's that's you got you got it you gotta have this title and this title you I'm so thankful we don't and I remember I made it and and I got up there I was singing every Sunday and I remember those big curtains would rise it was so majestic and I was from a small church I was raising my mom and dad he's charged what we have like 200 300 people may as small compared to this nine thousand seven thousand members and those curtains would start to rise and you would feel the adrenaline rushing because all of a sudden you were in front of lights and people my character was not ready for where I was because I would get up every Sunday tore up from the floor up in a marriage that was going to hell in a handbasket and I would get up every Sunday and sing because of who you are I give you glory and I kind of look around see if people watch you know it's like some of y'all put money in that item out front plate you like snap that thing you can always tell when he's giving a dollar because they wad it up and put it you know said we care what people think too much and so I was up there my character wasn't ready and and I remember in that season pastor rod was was really real like I mean every single Sunday he'd be like I'd be out there trying to sneak as I'm a social butterfly and I've been the Saints we're trying to talk to everybody and he had send people out to get me as like at the top it's lonely and I'm like well I don't want to be at the top because I wanted I'm young I'm 21 years old every single Sunday my name would be up on that board Kimberly Jonz to the executive office and I built everybody new share I go I'm in trouble again every Sunday and I couldn't understand what he was doing but I was not in a place where I was ready to receive you couldn't tell me nothing and I didn't give you a submission I am and so I found myself in that season he told me I couldn't do something I went to Israel and I was singing on the Sea of Galilee I know the P speaker I didn't know no peace speaker and on the way home from Israel he let me know you ain't gonna be dating that boy I'm watching you and I was like yes I am and in the middle of the night when I got home I packed my stuff and I'm waiting my mom and daddys and I married that boy and that was 25 years later and from that moment because I was out of I was in disobedience I watched a train affect a cycle began to follow me of everything I didn't want I couldn't I fell out of love with Jesus it was easy first not to go to church and I remember them preachers of Atlanta I was telling my boys cuz if you heard that boy were singing what what what what I prayed a long time for that boy right there but there are preachers of Atlanta he hated Church too and preachers of Atlanta and and people always I wouldn't do that show again but I'm thankful I did that show for the one reason is because he got my boy bleeding praise worship because they're not so see here's what happens when you begin to be obedient God begins to bring the cycle back around and begins to give you restitution like what you would have what I couldn't I could not have paid anybody to put me a woman but that woman Thou Art Loosed oh I know God said I want you to get to a place where you are obedient and then I will open the windows of heaven of your life and I remembered on preachers of Atlanta I got I was sitting there when the cameras were on me and I don't really have any drama so they kind of just talked about my kids and my divorce and and I was sitting there and I remember looking at my children across the table and all these cameras around my table with my mom my dad everybody mark everybody and my two sons and and I was just going I was just going to what I was gonna do was cuz you know they didn't give us no scrip they didn't give me no scrip they just like girl the cameras wrong talk what you so in my mind I'm like I'm gonna throw Mogan onto the bus I'm about to ask him if he can get the Holy Ghost cuz I need him leave my praise and worship I was gonna do it very cautiously so the cameras start rolling I said guys why aren't y'all working with us in the church we need a praise and where our praise and worship stunk and I was like guys you know I've raised you in church your whole life and my son said what are you talking about I said I raised you on a church pew your whole life and now you don't even love Jesus they said what are you talking about you never took us to church until we moved to Atlanta but see what had happened was I lied to myself and I began to believe it because I was ashamed and I felt like where I was all the stuff I put my kids through so just to make myself feel better instead of healing that portion of my life and allowing myself to forgive myself I was denying it until we get on cameras and in front of the whole world they're like what are you talking about and I said we got the coolest church out I mean people really think I'm cool they're like we don't and we don't like your church and I remember that and all of a sudden I forgot the cameras were there and I begin at that moment to get honest with my kids for the first time in my life I began to realize the Train effect that had happened when I walked out of world Harvest in disobedience because the way I walked out with the way I'd entered everything else in my life and so I was running from God not understanding that he knows every thing in my mind in my heart he knows your honey people say yo deeds but God sees your heart and my heart was ugly and I remember all of a sudden I looked at my kids and just tears started flowing down my face and I said I need you to forgive me I need you to forgive me for not being there like I should have been there I need you to forgive me and I mean all of a sudden I started apologizing for myself for the first time to my sons I had to get real with my sons and when I tell you within three hours it was like the whole world shifted and I can't tell you at that moment how I started realizing how my how my actions were still playing in my life and I began at that moment healing started taking place in Morgan said okay I'll take Oh but I need you to sit down I need you off the platform I said okay you got it I'll go sit down I never got back up here again and let praise and worship and I watched this boy lifting his hands and shouting but it would never have taken place if I would have kept lying to myself if I were to kept lying and making myself feel better with the pretty little eyes that I was telling sort of owning my mess and so I watched this year as I mean that moment was like a shift in my life it was like God said that was the one area that I was waiting on you to fix and it would have never happened if I weren't a temperatures of Atlanta because we would have never been in that place so sometimes what people are thinking is crazy see even when Noah was building the ark he look like an idiot but because of his obedience look what happened and that's what's happened in your life sometimes you got to do things when people don't understand it and in 2018 you got to jump baby you got to jump you've been in that place for long enough and I literally have watched I've not talked to rod parsley again ever and and this year he called and I'll never forget the one conference that I loved so much was Dominion camp meeting and when I couldn't wait for Dominion people would wrap around that church it was like there was like certain désolé okay and and I couldn't wait and then this year all of a sudden he calls and he says can we have pastor Kim call me pastor can we have pastor Kim come preach a Dominion I was like he's punking me this is a punk this dude is punking my tail I couldn't believe it I was the only woman with all of these legends and the gospel and there I was and God said restitution I will always go back and sometimes he has to take you full circle to get you back to a place to take care of something that you didn't take care of see I had to walk out there and I remember I remember walking I remember walking out there and I was just like this is so surreal this is there's people in this place that can just preach my behind in the ground I was walking out the same way he used to walk out and I was just like oh my god this is surreal and God said you ain't seen nothing yeah that's what he's saying in your life he's saying you ain't seen nothing yet but there's some little fox that have been spoiling your vine because you ain't taking care of some stuff and you've allowed yourself to get comfortable and you've allowed yourself to get so comfortable that you can't even fathom a way to climb out of where you're at it's like you can see out of the water but you can't get out it's like you're here saying I'm stuck and I don't know what to do all you got to do is begin to move your feet he says I'm a limp until your feet a light unto your pettiness say I'm a strobe light he said I just need you to start moving I'm gonna guide you you might make some mistakes I remember when Morgan Lincoln was going to college and he said I think I want to do this but I'm not real sure but what happens if I go and then I find out this isn't what I want to do I said you can't mess up because if that if you get there and find out that's not what you want to do then it's gonna get you to a place that you need to be anyway it's gonna be a stepping stone so you got enough fear in 2018 you're not gonna be able to fear fear anything fear you're gonna be able to fear fear you're gonna have to take the limits off of the limitless God I just flew out to Columbus Ohio I'm preaching again this year Dominion and I got to fly out there and and and and I'm done tomorrow a book comes out with me and pastor rod a book I flew out there and did the audio of it and I'm just sitting in that place I mean look at that look at that right there is Kim puffier and I literally at that moment sitting in that studio I said God how did this little girl with the special IDI that can't punctuate still if you want if you read my statuses you're like what the crap trying to say cuz there's no punctuation you're just reading reading and reading and you're like this don't make no sense how did this happen he said because of your obedience because of your there's some things that God's gonna bring back full circle in 2018 this is a year eight is a number of completion a is a number when God begins to rain down honey and you can't come to church ever Cindy saying I receive it and not getting over here getting your ghost taken care of you gotta you gotta have some holy ghost busters and say I'm about to acknowledge some things and I'm about to own some things and I'm about to get piece back in my life you know I even said oh my goodness the windows of heaven been opened over my life and I wouldn't do International because I'm very hyper and I knew they would kick me off the plane over nine hours I would be they would open the door the flap and literally kick me off the plane there was no way that I can do international and I remember about two months ago I flew to Hawaii and I got a bed jonno planes had beds well I didn't and I got a bed and I remember that moment thinking oh my gosh I just found me a hobby I'm just gonna fly to Australia jump off a plane get back on top I'm just gonna lay in this bed and let them serve me I got a new hobby and on that plane I said God I'm ready for international do you know I leave on the six for Nigeria the windows of heaven are opening over to you the minute you step out of your bunk and let me just tell you how God rolls he don't put you in the back of the plane all right when you start walking in your calling and your purpose he puts you in the front of the plane when your character can't keep up with your purpose he puts you in the front I'm going to Nigeria name you gotta get a visa because this place owns Nigeria this church is so massive I'd only gotta get a V this is how God rolls I'm gonna take you across the world and you ain't even have to wait in customs I'm gonna put you where I can trust I'm a Tom trust and you see your character can go that's what he's doing he's allowing you didn't make up some time see he says in Joel 2:25 he's gonna do more he said I'm gonna give you back everything the devil stole that's even the storms that you created it was those 17 years that I ran from God and then all of a sudden in 2006 I started allowing him to do a work and let me just tell you something it ain't easy okay we always think when Jesus comes into our heart all of a sudden well oh thank you Jesus thank you Lord and we're just like these this cheese cake Christians I think of God's gonna take care of everything and when it's time for us a war or a storm to come in our life and fall in a million pieces and we don't come back to church you'll be on platform one Sunday and on Facebook the next day cussing because your heart and character ain't where you're trying to go and now you're getting frustrated the miracle is never in what you lost but in what you have left the miracle is never in what you lost but in what you got left what are you willing to leave behind one of the greatest lessons I learned in 2017 was I'm always growing in the learning I'm always learning and I'm always gonna be in a healing process and in a growing process and what I've learned is I don't get to choose who I lose some of y'all still stuck on somebody that walked out on you and you don't get to choose who you lose because he thanked God for unanswered prayers because a lot of those unanswered prayers was your answer a lot of those losses were your prayer you were saying get for it get me free from all these people and you never dreamed in a million years this person will start acting up in four days and just ride or die you thought would be in your life forever is gone but you gave God permission and if you pull your big-girl panties up and your fruit of the looms and you begin to just suck it up buttercup and begin to realize that where God's got you is is absolutely intentional what he's doing in the season the growing pains the growing pains are not easy the growing pains the season where he's preparing you see he's not fight the enemy stop fighting you because you're weak he's fighting you because he sees something in you casing yourself and so you're over here whimpering and and laying in your bed all day and crying a river and it can I tell you people don't really want to know how you doing we really don't want to know right how are you Oh Lord my leg hurts uh Monday we don't want to hear that because we understand that Debbie downers are gonna stay right where they are we want to hear girl my I'm blessed and highly favored you ain't no more blessed and highly favored than the man in the moon you sit on the side of the road with your heart car overheat you mayn't blessed and highly favored but your prophesy knowing this is not where I'm staying so I'm blessed and they favor everytime you go after your dreams there is a law of drawl that always wants to pull you back to what you know it will keep pulling you back your common understanding of all we and everybody in this world always has that one thing that's always trying to pull us back to the Comfort scared to death so we go back we'd rather live in that toxic relationship than be alone your comfort zone is an enemy of your future a hindrance to your success a stumbling block to your destiny if you stay in your comfort zone you will never leave nor surpass your current reality here's a few tips to help you get out of your comfort zone you got to realize why you are where you are is it your attitude is that always everybody else's fault are you a victim in your own store do you live at 2:00 to 4:00 victim Lane are you critical of everything you always go find the negative you know critical a critical spirit brings forth poverty that's why you're working three and four jobs and can't pay your bills because you are like a funnel and everything that that you're speaking is your prophetic word you're living what you're speaking if you're working the same job in the same position you were ten years ago if you're still paying off the same debts it's time for self-examination on your part you're still paying on that college your college bills and you've been out of school for 50 years you gotta make a plan and get intentional some people continue to live in their comfort zone because of laziness understand this God doesn't do laziness in second Thessalonians three six and seven in the Living Bible it says now here is a common here now here is a command dear brothers given in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ by his authority stay away from any Christian who spends his days in laziness and does not follow the ideal of hard work we sat for you oh shoot some of y'all gonna have to cancel that Starbuck date you have every week with that lady that gossips all the time and guess what you ain't gotta explain nothing to her nope I'm not available mm-hmm we won't even delete people on Facebook that we don't even like they don't like you either but y'all stay friends because you're afraid oh they might think I'm petty so what little think you're Betty where you're going they can't go you outgrow people just like you outgrow clothing that's okay it doesn't make them a bad person or you a bad person it just means y'all outgrew each other if you're still stuck in silly you need to look at your five friends because your five closest friends are exact is your exact future because you can't go higher than who's connected to you you trying to climb and you're wondering why you can't climb you got baggage even whenever I'm about to fly I started I flew by myself and I'm like I'm a diamond like I'm way up there I'm Delta I get fried I won't get like a queen like god I ain't gonna stand in line or nothing but I travel five times a week preaching my tail off and I one day went and I don't know what happened but you say get free bags but on this day I didn't get the free bags I don't know what was going on all of a sudden this man said I $350 I'm like what I'm gonna go make that and product now and I remember that moment the host of you spoke to me he said I'm teaching you something just like on an airplane you got to pay for extra luggage that's what's happening in our life when we're trying to get up here and we can't go because we got people pulling on our body you're over here UK you're miserable you're fat you're overweight you're just meth you know all you got to do is take Ho Hos out of your mouth but we won't put the work in we would just rather carry the baggage of that molestation that we want to carry that baggage of that man cheated on our best with our best friend and walked out on us we want to carry the baggage of us feeling like a failure mom we want to carry the baggage of that abortion we had in high school we we want to carry the baggage you never feel invalidated and we're carrying this baggage and wondered how come we can't get nowhere excuse-excuse is by their nature imply limitations he can't stand excuses never be too lazy to read a book increasing your knowledge and value in the marketplace some people justify their residents and their comfort zone by excuses if there is one thing God dislikes more than laziness excuses because he says in Philippians 3:13 that I can do all things through Christ there is no excuses I'm a God of impossibilities excuses by nature imply limitations or an inability to break through the barriers of life God does not impose any limitations on us except that we obey his instructions sadly many of the in so sadly many of the imagined limitations are self-imposed what if did you know y'all have laid awake all night long trying to fix the world do you know it always happens at three o'clock in the morning when everybody's sleeping you can't call the dead or you can't call the creditor you can't do nothing at three o'clock in the morning but the enemy will have you laying awake trying to figure it out and it's not even when you wake up the next day you're like oh my god I laid awake all night long they weren't even that big of a deal stuff you've been still worrying about for the last three years still ain't never happened but you're just worried what if what if what if in proverbs 22 and 13 and the Living Bible says lazy and lazy man is full of excuses I can't go to work he says if I go outside I might meet a lion in the street and be killed I can't drive my car and we live in the garage because if they see it they're gonna take it I'm not gonna lay one 800 number that will creditor because they're they're gonna take my birthday from me so he never will face it because we're afraid of fear and we're making excuses Romans 3:19 says now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law so that the murmurs and excuses of every mouth may be hushed and all the world may be held accountable to God regardless of why you are where you are once you realize you are accountable to God I'd say it's time to pack your bags and leave your comfort zone whether it's a 5-star resort or not it's time to break out of your comfort zone the next one is let go of what's holding you back let go of what's holding you back if you don't face your fears they will keep growing if you don't face what you perceive to be your inadequacies they'll be magnified if you're wondering what people will think if you fail in your in new endeavor you are worried about the wrong person you need to be more concerned about what God thinks than anybody else in your hood mark seven eight ten says you have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men and he said to them you have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions there comes a point at a time when you have to realize what that what you've been doing is not working and you need to let go shake up change what you've been doing and do something else try and the next one is try something new forget the old borrowed and blue go a different way home from work quit going that same route your car can drive itself one thing is required for you to move out of your comfort zone you have to stop looking in the rearview mirror of your life you have to stop you have to stop going back and trying to right the wrongs and you gotta let the wrongs be gone and you gotta quit thinking about it one other thing is required for you to move out of your comfort zone you have to stop looking in the rearview mirror of your life luke 9:62 says jesus said anyone who begins to plow a field but keeps looking back is of no use in the kingdom of God some folks never move out of their comfort zone because of sins in their past seek I just move that same dittany it just jumped out of mayor y'all see that super power some folks never move out of their comfort zone because of the sins in their past if that's you this next scripture is going to make you shout and buy a ticket straight out of your past and I was there 43 and 25 in the Amplified Bible it says I even I am it em and he who blots out and cancels your transgressions for my own sake and I will not remember your sins the message are you so thankful here like people baby Oh aren't you thankful I like them I like the thug Bible I love watch what it reads in the message if 43 and 25 it says but I yes I am the one who takes care of your sins that's what I do boo I don't keep a list of your sins [Applause] how can I bring up your past sins how can God bring up your past as if he doesn't even remember them or keep a list of them you keep apologizing he's like for what you're still repent for those five abortions you had in high school he's like what are you talking about you're wasting your prayer how can you bring up your pastors if he didn't even remember God will not bring up to a pass but the enemy will haha he's so real but he can only get away with it if you let him that's why you have to forget the past and move forward Philippians 3:13 and 15 in Kings you in the New King James it says forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus so it's time to get rid of things that old borrowed and blue so God can move you out of your comfort zone into something new the next one is good habits will move you up and out bad habits will bring you down what is a habit it is simply something you do often that it becomes easy in other words it's a behavior that you keep repeating negative habits bring negative consequences successful habits create positive rewards I want you to ponder this question think about it before you answer maybe even write it down maybe even write down several possibilities and then rank them in importance as they relate to helping you fulfill your vision and achieve your goals here's the question what's one habit what one habit would you like to have more than anything else how you holler others are saying pray more read more are you I just pick up your Bible ready 22:26 in the amplified says you shall also decide and decree a thing and it shall be established for you and the light of God's favour shall shine upon your ways the first step to establish a new habit is make a decision be intentional purpose in your heart that you are going to start acting in a specific way 100% of the time I had a lady in this church and she said she said I got free from cigarettes and I was like you smother cuz I thought you'd ever smell it you know she's I got free from cigarettes and she said I feel so free she said because I used to have to go home by myself hang out on my porch by myself drive by myself this one bad habit was isolating me and that's what the enemy wants to do he wants to isolate you from life he wants to isolate you from light so he uses the bad habits that all you got to do is for 13 days just don't do it every time you want a nicotine pack get you some gum and chew the heck out of it and then all of a sudden you're like the habits cone you don't sit in the car that was your habit it's her friend but once you get free you don't even think about it ever again because God renews you he needs you to do your part which is be intentional see a miracle is easy to get but it's hard to keep because if he just blesses you every time you praying for something you ain't gonna thank God for it something happens when you lose everything had to crawl out by yourself something happens when all of a sudden nobody's talking to you because you've lost everything something happens when you at the rock bottom and you find out who the rock is at the bottom you begin to realize I gotta help God be laying up in this bed putting some Spanx on every day oh and I'm just dying and I'm come comfortable no you wake up one day say I'm getting in the gym I'm gonna put the cheesecake down I'm gonna get up a little bit early and begin to pray I'm gonna begin to spend time with God not only in my car but I'm about to put in the time so God can set me free that's one thing about God he's a greatest Redemption plan on the planet but he needs your participation he is a gentleman do you hear me is a gentleman we have just a few hours until tonight ten o'clock y'all gonna come back tonight it's gonna be lit you need to go home and you need to begin isolate yourself for a minute I can't have kids put some disney-owned and you get in your prayer closet today and you say father anything that I've been holding on to that I need to finally let go of I'm scared to death I'm scared I don't know what its gonna look like but god I'm gonna trust you I'm gonna either jump in it and you're either gonna catch me or you're gonna teach me how to fly I'm about to step out of this I'm about to be uncomfortable for just a second I'm about to let God reveal something I'm about to cry I'm about to I would lay in my bed and just ugly cuz it's not coming out I was letting God cleanse me and I was not gonna abort the mission because I did not want to live the rest of my life shameful and feeling unworthy and feeling like I hated life and driving to work every day I'm I just saw pray and you see black or white and I realize I got to get out of my own way and I don't know what it's gonna look like I may be single for the rest of my life but I'm gonna put a Do Not Disturb up on my heart guy and I need you to begin to heal me because when you bring me mark puffier into my life I want to be his escape and not his duty I want to be ready to be able to be selfless and love unconditionally I needed God I need and I literally was so alone I was alone I cried the joints and my fingers would ache at night just because I could feel the pain leaving my life and it would have been easy to just mask it and continue wearing that mask but I said oh no I'm about to go on a journey with you God the next one is maybe you need somebody different in your circle if you want to break free from your comfort zone you need to break free from some of the people you've been hanging around with make no mistake your attitude speech and behavior are directly affected by your friends if they are comfortable in your comfort if they if they are comfortable in their comfort zone you're not going to do anything to move when you are in the midst of a battle and someone yells incoming it's important to know who's in your circle are they praying for you I said I used to have to work at Bloomingdale's and I wouldn't go eat with nobody I was gonna sit with a whole bunch of ladies and gossip because I didn't want to set myself back I don't want to set myself back and I would go across the street to this this this restaurant thing where you could just sit in there and all these business people were down there and Linux all these business people are down there with their newspapers and I would just go sit in there and dream one day I'm gonna be in here I might be in bloomingdales today but I'm gonna sit here with some people where I want I'm gonna go with that oh you want to write a book get around some people that can help you get around some people that have written a book and did it you want a good marriage stop hanging out with single people and get around some married couples that are godly first Corinthians 15 and 33 says don't be fooled by those who say such things for bad company corrupts good character do your friends encourage discourage or ignore your dreams hopes and plans for the future in the game of life you don't need anyone holding you back as you seek to break free from your comfort zone holding is a penalty in football and it should be and living your life as well job 12 and for a new living translation says yet my friends laugh at me for I call on God and expect an answer I am a just and blameless man yet they laugh at me make no mistakes if your friends are laughing at those who want more out of life and are yes bye Felisha they are happy where they are my husband said it you can be certain they'll never do anything to help you break free of your comfort zone your friends are either empowering and encouraging you or they're not if not you need to find friends who will you got to get a sheet of paper and write down the following information about your 7 closest friends the Excel exercise will tell you who will be a value in helping you move out of your comfort zone but their name what does this person add to my life what's the greatest negative influence this person has on my life what's the last positive idea scripture or thought this person shared with me does this person motivate me to be all I can be in him if you plan to leave your comfort zone it's a fact most of your friends would rather stay where they are then move out and up it's tight but it's right when you begin I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky think about it every night and day I can't see it right now but I'm going spread my wings and fly away I believe I can soar see me running through that open door I believe I can fly even if my friends don't think I can I believe I can fly even if I exit still talking about I believe I can fly you see me you say hold they sleeping on UNH ohh job the way come up okay you got to go home you're in charge of your life you and God and as long as you got a pulse God has a plan the destiny and the purpose the reason you're uncomfortable right now is because God's trying to get you to boss up you're uncomfortable it's like trying to get back in them clothes I had a dress I'm gonna die don't say that Kim then you'll want to eat everything no I'm intentionally losing some of this fat boobs when I can't even zip my dress anymore I'm in control of that you are in control of your life what is God telling you what is your purpose have you lost your dream are you mad at God because you had expectations of your life look in one way and it turned out another and it wasn't in your plan this wasn't in my life dream and god it's your fault we create storms and get mad when it rains I don't care if you're sixty eight fifty eight forty eight seventy eight it is never too late for God to begin to restore in your life and he's not just gonna restore he gonna give you back restitution in 2018 and listen you can't walk out tonight you can't you can't walk out tonight you cannot walk out at twelve o'clock with the same negative attitude because that's the way you go enter in 2018 you got a cup of hours to begin to shake your stuff would just shake you shake yourself go home and begin to block some people control tell you oh you can't go where I'm going [Applause] [Music] get uncomfortable shake yourself who cares what they think get out of your comfort zone begin to act crazy begin to laugh when you ain't got nothing to laugh about begin to praise them on credit begin to praise them on credit cuz in a go take until December 2018 honey to give what God's got it on if it's burning if there's something right here inside of you you can't shake it that's your purpose that thing that you would do it if you got to do it for free oh if I had I traveled for three years and I would get to place they said the Lord told me not to take up an aisle for I'd be a liar I was staying the nastiest hotels and have to walk around with my hot with my slippers on God said I'm testing you in the little [Music] how's your heart how's your heart go those churches and they don't take care of you would you still do it oh yes I would because 11 people is my favorite hobby on the planet I love millions of people in a little thumbnail I would do it I don't get paid in this church I do it because I love you what's that purpose what something burning I don't have the funds I don't have the funds to do what God's coming you anybody that's successful did not not start because of funds they said I'm gonna start I'm gonna start I'm gonna start God you put that dream here and you would never put that desire here if you didn't have plans to bring it to fast Oh God I know that I've made some mistakes but just like me baby that's 40 years old it's when my life started shifting I didn't I was still at Bloomingdales until 40 years old because I didn't quit Bloomingdale's when I wanted to I pursued and prepared for what I was praying for and in five years that's what he's gonna do in your life he wouldn't put you in this church under me and Pastor Mark and my parents and pastor Stephen wouldn't you wouldn't put you here for you to look at us and say I could never be there what you connect yourself with is what's gonna come down [Applause] you pray for miracles and blessings and God usually brings a person to help you get there who are you connected to you you connected to somebody how many go where they're going how long I'm gonna go I'm just gonna stay connected I used to hijack people's faith every day cuz I didn't have any I'd go y'all they would think I was holding people on they were shouting in church but really I was hijacking their faith I was rubbing up against them hijacking their faith cuz I didn't have any until one day I woke up and I had to eat romaine noodles anymore I don't have to drive a hoopty no more because I was faithful him a little he gives you much we always want what everybody else has but we couldn't go through what they went through to get what they got [Applause] [Music] those people you look up to they spent many nights weep they spent many nights crying and alone what's it gonna cost you sometimes everything and it's the best place to be right in the middle of God's will I surrender all to you come on stand on your feet telling everything come on to you till God holding nothing it's Hardy nothing high some of y'all need to tell him you've been faithful this year you've been faithful even when you didn't think you were being faithful you know why cuz you didn't give up when you wanted to give up you gotta [Music] father anything in our hearts come on tell him if my heart is hard and father kill my heart God I surrender God you hear me I surrender come on sing I scared you can't see singing as loud as you can [Music] everything [Music] withholding nothing come out telling my dream surprise me father if you're in this place and you don't know who Jesus is I'm gonna invite you right here why do I ask you to get out of your seat because a sudden the devil no you just lost this can't touch this man and then you gotta know who Jesus is there's a heaven and there's a hell and you want to go to heaven and party with me y'all know y'all all want to be my neighbor if you don't know who Jesus is and you say kill my I don't know who he is but I want to I want you to come down and I'll just come on come on don't be ashamed don't be ashamed don't be ashamed he about to turn some things or see once you come to know Jesus Oh things are passed away and he's made things new in your life come on come on come on once you accept Jesus in your heart you got power baby you got some Dunamis power you've got power you've got power you could begin to lay hands on yourself with holding at me with Holi are you excited I am excited are y'all excited about 2018 are you excited about that book you're about to write are you excited about your des being laid off don't you lay your hands on your chest ideas come on say God I give you permission to use me I give you permission to allow me to be a game-changer I give you permission to scare me to death with all of the things you're gonna do in my life because I'm gonna walk into a pitch me season where every day I'm in front of people I'm in places and I'm handling things that I did not feel qualified for so father I say have your way in my lies come on tell him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come close to me baby girl come here baby look at me I'm so proud of you God's been moving in your life and let me just tell you something the Lord said what the devil meant for evil he's about to turn for your good I need you to do a complete turnaround do a couple you're just turning you'll turn in yourself right on out of that pain [Applause] come here baby girl he's struggled you struggle for a while and you're Indian you've even been telling God god I just wish that I could get a break every day every day yeah yeah yeah God said I heard you and because you didn't quit when the - you couldn't quit you had too much responsibility but what God's is about to do in your life right now he's about to soften your heart and he's gonna pour forgiveness down cuz you've been mad at some people you've been an angry woman honey and you know what you had all the right in the world because you have been done dirty but what you've made it through somebody's waiting on your transformation because the anointing is fixing to come off your life I'm telling you that you see that hair it's about to be this big because of the anointing that's gonna be on your life say Father forgive me come and live inside of my heart I give you permission to read my world I give you permission to live inside of me I give you permission to make me a game changer and father I'm about to make you proud tell him say it that's hard for you cuz you feel like you've led a lot of people down say it loud I'm about to make you proud it don't take much to make God proud it just it just takes you walking in a little bit of faith so father I thank you right now in the name of Jesus let her ladder shall be greater I thank you for favor I thank you for favor on her life I thank you for a do-over and this do-overs she's not gonna do over like she did before and Jesus name peace that surpasses all understanding in Jesus name Amen amen and amen [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Real Talk Kim
Views: 10,110
Rating: 4.9471364 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, preacher, realtalkkim, hope, encouragement, love, newyears, 2018, breakout
Id: w25uwRJ6OEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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