MORPHLE COLORS - My Magic Pet Morphle | @Morphle’s Magic Universe - Kids Cartoon

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hi i'm mila and my magic pet marble can morph into anything i want thanks for carrying all my books moreful great i need your help swiper bugs swiped my glasses and hid them in its pet house [Music] my glasses [Applause] [Music] oh i'm sorry morphle i wish we could do everything morphle can do so he could take a break wait a minute mila that's a great idea this is glitter pug it can transform humans into magic pets for a whole day wow can you turn us into more full [Music] wow [Music] mila morph into a monkey now that we can morph ourselves you can take all the rest you need morphle [Music] i'll morph into a rocket now how do i fly do you see that stein if we steal glitter pug we could be banded morphless i can morph myself mila morph into a race car this is so cool whoa whoa but not easy [Music] how do i stop i need to go faster whoa we'll never catch the bandits like this let's morph into a robot daddy a robot oh a robot wow no more fool we've got this you were tired of doing everything alone remember must not have it if what you'll get you can't run any more bandits we don't have to glitter bug transform us too we're not more full stein no but your magic bets oh no run [Music] we saved glitter puffs sounds good it's rocket time whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] look more full like this [Music] don't worry morphle you'll get the hang of it but you'll never be as good as this little guy meet boba our newest magic pet boba loves blowing bubbles he tends to bubble over with joy from it whoa see that looks like fun [Music] um boba this is high enough i can't get out more full morph into something big ah [Music] now muffle shave mila mila [Music] what is [Music] help help me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh no there's a car falling from the sky [Music] [Music] whew there you are boba listen you can't just blow your magic bubbles everywhere it's causing lots of problems no not in my city [Music] more fool can you pop my bubble phew thanks morphle you see me i think she went that way oh no [Music] ah oh you saved me thank you morphle [Music] nice i was a bit on the bubble whether i'd see my car again boba next time you bubble over please don't take it so literally being a ninja is awesome [Music] that hurts don't worry troy only a real ninja can punch through a plank [Music] wow that's great morphle my ninja manual says a real ninja can not only punch through a plank but they can also climb really well ninja marker can climb and ninjas can jump really far and quick [Music] that's awesome also a ninja can hide himself everywhere [Music] wow where did he go i don't know there you are you are really good at hiding as well now you only need to chop fruit in the [Music] air now you're a real ninja who real ninja the bandits no today we are the ninja man ninja masters yeah how can morphe be a real ninja if he doesn't know the super secret ninja move wow what's the super secret ninja move i wanna learn more from wannabe best ninja okay then uh listen carefully you first have to go to the school but no one can see you go there [Music] then you have to find a yellow flower put it on your head and dance around with it now that morphe is learning the super secret ninja move we can kidnap mila oh no why are you doing this to lay a trap for your ninja friend of course oh to test out the super secret ninja move good idea more full health more full [Music] climb now ninja [Music] i like to make the trap yawn [Music] he's actually doing it stein oh no it's a bee right there you are the bandits did all of this for you yeah thank you bandage sure [Music] you're being very thorough police officer freeze i have to be two police commissioners will drop by to see if i'm doing a good job as a police officer everything has to be perfect well then we won't keep you good luck bye-bye thanks guys [Music] why are you not wearing your official cleaning app no cleaning hat [Music] sorry you must be the commissioners welcome your good police officer has to know all the laws yes i i believe i do sir we'll see about that [Music] oh a red light why aren't you singing singing a police officer at the red light should be singing look at me as a happy [Applause] too policeman another lie didn't know [Music] no eating while on duty [Music] do so many tickets i'm afraid we're going to have to take you to jail why would they arrest him more into a race car [Music] hey meland morphle what happened to you as it turns out i don't know half the loss i'm not fit to be a police officer that can't be right we need to get to the bottom of this morphle [Music] no hats in the park [Music] move into a bush [Music] no picnics with a blanket or near a tree or with a basket [Music] with peter freeze gone we can do anything yawn yaw stein bandits so they made up all those strange laws two can play at that game oops sorry you will be sorry once i find uh where is it let me see no not that one ah here it is when a person bumps into the police commissioners the police commissioners should keep walking uh okay come on john they have to leave their bag of loot at the door of the police station and go inside they now have to take off their fake mustaches and call out we're the bandits uh wait this doesn't make any sense it does to me you're under arrest i am a scary witch isn't halloween fun what are you going to dress up as more full [Music] now we can go trick-or-treating [Music] oh aren't you too scary [Music] here you go have fun thank you thank you [Music] hey milan morphle i'm a real dinosaur wrong [Music] ooh can you change into a bat as well yeah vampires can change into a bat like this oh marvel is a real vampire combine you and morphle you're a really scary vampire morphle [Music] ah so scary i have a treat for you too [Music] you're a real vampire oh this is an award for the realest vampire purple realist vampire [Music] and we have so much candy already give it back give it back as real pirates we'll plunder everyone's treasure tonight how much candy have they got hmm a lot and a box of apple juice give them back their candy vampire want to drink yours [Music] thank you for the vampire [Music] this is the last house trick or treat i hope you two are the last ones today i hear there's a real vampire around and i don't want it to fly in mofo vampire [Music] [Applause] [Music] vampires can't stand garlic let's see how you like this [Music] i defeated you vampire this is not a real vampire it's more full marvel now like this candy oh that makes sense [Music] yummy now get off my land [Music] shoot has four settings off lenient strict and very strict you should never turn this dial to very strict why not professor no problem let's see what robo-freeze can do you seem like good kids now let's see if he can stop crime with the bandits causing so much trouble i could use some help with my police work more full morph into a police car [Music] perfect [Music] be sure to leash your dog oh sorry officer have a good day young lady oh well thank you be careful not to kick the ball into the flowers [Music] not in my city you get a ticket what but [Music] oh no something's wrong robo-freeze must have been turned to very strict look wow you get ticket for walking on grass i wasn't even walking on the grass you were going to what we have to turn the dial down [Music] [Music] ah go after it morphle [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] oh no there it is [Music] try again morphle unacceptable this has to stop but how i have an idea we need robo-freeze to come to us more into a megaphone [Music] i'm about to step on the grass stop you're getting a ticket no more phew you did it me landmark [Music] oh no maybe two peter freezes are too much wow the medieval fair is so cool looks like the whole city is here today and wearing costumes too our night costumes are the best right more fool yeah costume first times [Music] more for nowhere costumes oh move forward the dragon costume oh silly you don't need a dragon costume when you can morph into a real dragon oh a real dragon wow so cool [Music] hey [Music] looks like that musician is hogging all the attention yawn let's steal her instrument and show everyone what real music sounds like yeah the next song goes out to all the dragons out there [Music] uh [Music] legend has it that up on that high mountain top lives a terrible monster when it's hungry it comes down to this forest looking for children so it can eat them that was a fun scary story wasn't it [Music] more full morph into a giant robot [Music] i'm not scared of the monster mortal will protect me [Music] i don't believe the monster is even real yeah it was just a story [Music] why don't we go and find out more into a helicopter [Music] okay but i'm sure we won't find anything [Music] i bet the monster lives in that cave i'm sure we're not going to find any monsters in there ah some creature is coming out [Music] you see it was just a bird no monsters here [Music] hey that's not a monster that's our friend the mountain giant [Music] it's not scary no it's a big sweetheart [Music] so kids did you find the monster yes we did yeah and he was really friendly and we played all day [Music] of course you did of course you did [Music] thanks for coming with me to the doctor morphle even though it might be a little boring that's good to hear now if you could take a seat right here [Music] is your site better or worse worse and now better and now it's the same all done what if i want to test you all right then how well can you see morphle knocker and now how about now yeah as i expected i'll print out the results for you be sure not to mix them up morphle bye-bye hey wait up morphle see you next time doctor bye now now let me see that test result of mine morphle [Music] oh wow it says here i don't need glasses anymore now let me see your test marvel oh dear it looks like you need my glasses let's get them adjusted so they will fit you [Music] are you happy with your glasses morphle yeah me too but i'm sure the doctor knows best i think our eyes just need a little time to adjust in the meantime why don't we go play at the beach [Music] [Music] [Applause] what are you doing people are not very friendly today wow it's a great day at the beach these are the best waves i've ever seen but all that surfing made me hungry let's get some ice cream [Music] refreshing um let me see if it's time to pick up mila from school i think we still have time to feed the magic pets back at the store morphle i think it's time we call your dad i can't believe they forgot about me [Music] i need to feed brother time could you hand me that magic pet food morphle what are you doing are you blind far from it we just had our eyes checked police officer freeze i'm not police officer freeze i'm zookeeper kenneth anyway morphle needs glasses now and i don't [Music] see you need glasses and morphle doesn't hey this isn't the magic pet shop oh no we must have mixed up the test results and look at the time we need to pick up mila from school morphle those guys i'm glad they have mila who can keep an eye on [Music] oh no what's wrong my bus broke down how am i gonna bring everyone to their work today but but i have to be at the police station they can't do without me [Music] oh no i have to go to the zoo who's going to feed the animals [Music] and i have to go to my ice cream truck without me there is no ice cream [Music] more so we can help them [Music] yeah let's bring them to their work oh no more full jump so we can touch the lady on the street [Music] thank you milan morphle [Applause] [Music] wow thank you and goodbye you're welcome police officer freeze now we only have to bring the ice cream man back to his ice cream truck whoa what's happening [Music] [Applause] oh no now i can never get to my ice cream truck hmm try to get out of the bean [Music] mortal more rockets onto the box [Music] everyone got to their work on time uh oh we're late for school [Music] where are you going [Music] ah so this is what you were after you smelled the other dog yes little girl this is the yearly dog agility course your pet can join too oh let's compete more full come on sammy you can win this race hey builder lawrence what's wrong my little sammy doesn't want to do this race anymore because the big dogs are being mean to her poor sammy [Music] good job barky don't be scared mortal isn't mean [Music] look [Music] hmm that's it morphle let's play with sammy so she doesn't think you are scary anymore [Music] hey guys that was our ball can we have it back is it well finders keepers if you really want to have it back then why don't you try taking it [Music] into a t-rex are all doggies ready five we are late marvel but there's still a chance sammy can win three [Music] two one [Music] go [Music] foreign [Music] good job barky oh no [Music] give them a dose of their own medicine [Music] morphle hooray you did it [Music] the award goes to this little one who beat the biggest of participants [Music] here we are i've heard that there is a very special magic pet on this island what if i want to see yeah me too more full morph back into yourself so we can go into the jungle oh i think i see it [Music] let's go find him [Music] hmm maybe you can see daddy from the trees morph into a monkey mortal [Music] now [Music] yeah but when you're with me i don't feel scared at all look full that elephant's trunk is stuck underneath that tree morphle morph into an elephant as well so you can lift up that tree [Music] scary sound it is i wonder where the sound comes from oh look over there morphle morphle morph into a bird as well [Music] now fly up high and look if you can see daddy it sounded really close by morphle yeah oh no mila more fool that's daddy's voice let's go mortal mila marvel are you there daddy now here no oh look is anyone there hello bird so you were the one making that scary sound that was great do you really think so yeah you must be the magic pet daddy told us help was that you it wasn't me real daddy we need to help him [Music] mila more fools are you there [Music] into a big dog [Music] [Applause] thank you morphle mila and you are the magic pet great [Music] wake up telefox i've got a surprise for you have a look in the backyard it's a new bed for telepox he's gonna love it i'll throw the old one away oh no surprise in the backyard [Music] oh i think he's looking for his old bed [Music] i think he went outside [Music] let's go after him morph into a race car [Music] uh-oh telefox isn't on the car anymore oh no hey tell a box i'm sure that's not your old bed [Music] oh no what happened i got scared and threw my boxer ice cream in the tree we'll help more full morph into a fire truck [Music] thank you so much now i can serve ice cream again to you ice cream thank you thank you but we don't know where telefox went more full morph into a helicopter so we can see him from the air [Music] [Music] shoot [Music] i didn't mean to do that marky i think telefox has been here too stop it i'm not anymore hmm where could he have aha daddy said he threw telefox's old bed away and where do things go when you throw them away [Music] oh it smells in here there it is [Music] now let's take you and your bed back to the magic pet store [Music] so telefox was looking for his old bed okay you can keep it after we wash the garbage smell out of [Music] it morph into a dump truck morphle what is that sound oh no oh no catch them morphle [Music] where did that thing come from oh no look out everyone [Music] mamma mia [Music] oh no monkey [Music] nah do stop following me mr ball look more he needs our help [Music] nice one more oh thank you i couldn't shake it off oh no not again [Music] but it's too late the balls have scared all my customers away hmm let's clean up this mess mortal [Music] help the monkey marble [Music] thank you so much but do you have any idea where the balls are coming from not yet but we are going to find out they're coming from that direction let's keep following them [Music] you were causing all sorts of trouble in the city with those golf balls no goals well golf isn't just about hitting the ball really hard it's not no it's also about aiming let's practice at that instead okay [Music] okay we're ready [Music] try to hit it a little softer next time next round [Music] well it's a good thing we went my car it's chilly outside today [Music] daddy what's going on are we shrinking no the car is growing i can't reach the steering wheel anymore quickly more more into a plane you have to put it to a stop into a giant car yourself [Music] hey what's happening to my car [Music] um [Music] looks like we're not done yet [Music] [Music] wow [Music] you're going to be just fine phoebe drink some tea and keep warm your cold will be over in a couple of [Music] out of days way everybody everybody out of the way look out oh no it's heading for the water oh no my truck [Music] quickly more full morph into a giant tow truck [Music] oh thank you you are more full ah you've saved my ice cream hi mila what are you all doing here and why is that car so big i'm afraid you did that phoebe every time you sneeze you used your magic oh no but no worries nothing bad happened let's go zap everything back to normal [Music] morph into a rocket [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] wait a minute i think everybody could use a treat after this adventure and i have a lot of ice cream [Music] into a giant digger [Music] you
Channel: Morphle’s Magic Universe - Kids Cartoon
Views: 2,842,854
Rating: 3.8335924 out of 5
Keywords: kids videos, morphle, my magic pet morphle, superhero, super hero video for kids, super hero, kids, vehicle, vehicles for kids, compilation, children, toddler, preschool, animation, trucks, cartoon, vehicles, english, cute, cartoons for children, kids tv, for kids, baby, kids video, learning, fun, magic, hero, animals, dinosaurs, super, ice cream, giraffe, giraffe cartoon, lion, jungle animals, Morphle Family, The Bubble Adventure
Id: RIWRqjcbJcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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